Veronica shuddered. 'Why is the sack moving? Could it be that someone is inside? But why?'
She saw the man kick the sack mercilessly and yell, "Shut up bitch! Keep making sounds and I'll throw you to the wolves!"
The person inside the sack stopped making noises. But the sack was trembling.
'That person must be scared to death.' Veronica felt so bad for the human inside the gunny sack.
The man spat on the ground in annoyance. Then, he grabbed the sack and pulled it to the dead end.
'There is only a wall. Why is he going forward as if there is no wall in front?' Veronica pondered. 'Wait! What if he is a magician and can walk past the wall…'
She didn't finish her thought before he disappeared behind the wall.
Her jaw dropped as she gaped at the wall.
She couldn't believe her imagination came true. Even when she was assuming that he would walk through the wall, she did not expect her own assumption to come true.
Didn't have wifi connection for 12 hours. Now all is good. Sorry for the delay!