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76.92% Why not? HP/Twilight / Chapter 10: Chapter Ten

Kapitel 10: Chapter Ten

The meeting soon drew to a close. Emily no longer looked like the victim of a bad horror movie and the tribe got their meeting scheduled, with a few extra revelations along the way. Harry even remembered to send them off with sandwiches. They were nothing special, if you forgot the home-made ingredients and thick-cut bread, that is.

Leah, of course, stayed behind. When the immortals both tried to jump his bones, she was there with them. When all three of them were properly sated, Leah having taken the least effort, since she was the most inexperienced, Harry stepped out of the room and went looking for Leah's clothing, which had come off the moment the car was no longer in sight.

When he returned with them from the library, they were clean and newly enchanted.

"Put your clothes back on." Harry said, handing her the folded garments.

Leah frowned, but did as instructed. She'd no sooner had them on, than Harry ripped her shirt off. She smiled at him, thinking this was some sort of foreplay. Her shirt, however, reassembled on the ground before her.

"Great." Harry said. "Self-repairing clothing."

"You can stop wearing something that looks like it belongs in a charity bin." Tanya smirked.

"Hey!" Leah objected. "I can't afford nice clothes, since I need to keep… Oh."

"You're welcome to bring me anything you want protected." Harry said. "You'll need to still pick it up, but in the meanwhile…" he said, as he ripped her pants off and grabbed her ass, pulling her into him, lifting her leg and running his hand up and down the length of her upper leg. Her pants had reformed on the ground. Soon her panties and bra joined it.

"That's a useful trick." Tanya noted, before the fun started all over again. Harry hadn't even mentioned the charms that would negate any scents coming from her, no matter how torn the clothes were, or became.

Before they could start getting into the heavy stuff, Harry stopped and sighed. "When will people start listening to me?" he asked, as he lay back, from where he'd been worshiping Kate's breasts.

"What's happening?" Tanya asked. She was laying back, watching Leah try to worship Harry's manhood, inexpertly.

"Leah's brother just joined the pack." Harry said. Her head shot up so quickly there was an audible pop.

"What?" she asked.

"Apparently he already decided to join and his choice transferred him to our pack." Harry said. "I'm sorry, Leah, but your duty calls."

"Two days." Leah grumbled. "I couldn't have two days of people not knowing my thoughts." She got up and started dressing.

"Your orders are mine." Harry said. "If you think about our situation and he reads it, you are allowed to inform him as such, and then place any restrictions you see fit, to protect yourself and the pack."

Leah actually paused, from a position Harry really appreciated seeing. "Any restrictions?" she asked, as she followed his gaze and wiggled her butt, enjoying his eyes not leaving her rear-end and what it encompassed, as she bent down away from him.

"I trust you not to abuse the power you've been given." Harry said, nodding. Her ass and her legs looked to him like an open invitation and he knew he couldn't spring on it now, so he just watched. "You are basically the Alpha's Alpha. Your rule applies in my stead. Your honour represents my own."

Leah straightened at that. "You will not be disappointed, my Alpha." she said seriously, before bending an extra bit, to tempt him. He really was an ass man. "Maybe a reward, when I get back?" she asked, arching her back, as she slowly pulled her panties up.

"You may find that he can get a little extreme in the kind of reward you are requesting." Tanya warned. "You may actually be ruined for all men, if you allow him to deck you in his current state."

"Nice posture, by the way." Kate added. "I'll try that later, but I don't have the legs."

"It's good to know my Alpha desires me so, and I am already ruined for all men, but him." Leah said, before finally pulling the panties up. Still, Harry's eyes were on her ass, his breathing increasing.

"The panties only make him hotter." Tanya advised. "It's something for him to tear through with his teeth."

"You should see him when you are wearing a skirt." Kate added. "He can't resist a skirt."

"Or a sundress." Tanya added, as Harry suddenly lost control and pulled her closer. "Run, now!" Tanya screamed in ecstasy.

"He's only barely controlling himself from keeping you here." Kate added, excitement colouring her words.

Leah was tempted to stay, but her Alpha trusted her to do her duty, and she would prove Jacob wrong. She would be the best choice, even if the entire pack joined the Potter Pack. She was second to none, but her Alpha.

She didn't finish putting on her clothing having realised that she needed speed. She picked it all up and ran out of the house. When she was outside she transformed. Her panties tore off her and reformed on the ground in seconds. She picked it all up in her mouth, suddenly realizing there was no smell of arousal, even though it should be thick on her at the moment, and started running.

It took her mere minutes to reach the res. She smelled the air and found the scent she was looking for. It was at her home. She quickly went there and went behind the house for privacy. She changed back and put on her clothing. Then she went in.

"Leah!" her father exclaimed. "Great news-" he started.

"I know." Leah said. "Did he get permission?" she asked. "Harry informed me minutes ago that he was not informed and Seth appeared in his pack-mind."

"So quickly?" her dad asked.

"He's in here, remember?" Leah asked pointing at her head. "He only uses the connection to speak, even though he could read my thoughts if he wants."

"He doesn't invade at all?" her father asked. That was something none of the pack could do, as far as he knew.

"I told you, he's more advanced." Leah said. "Is it true? Did he get permission from Sam?"

"He did." her father said. "Why are you upset?"

"I'm having my period and I don't like sharing that with my younger brother." Leah said spitefully. She had gone through that in the pack and it was not pleasant. "Couldn't you give me even a day?"

"I'm sorry Leah, I didn't think of that." her father apologised. Of course he should have thought of what he was putting his children through. Leah was actually using it as an excuse, to get angry and act it, while she was not really on her monthly.

"I need to speak with him." Leah said as she walked to the door that led to the rest of the house. "I've been given charge, so I'll be setting the rules."

Harry Clearwater did not envy his son in that moment. Dealing with an emotional girl was not something any man looked forward to.

Seth was sitting on his bed, when his sister burst into her room. 'I need to speak to you.' her mental voice intruded on his own thoughts.

"You can-" he started.

'Not here. Follow me.' her voice commanded. Seth couldn't deny the voice and he instantly got up, following her from the house. Their father, wise with age, just watched them go, not saying a word.

Leah led them behind the house, while wondering just how she knew she could speak to him like this. It was likely just a gift from Harry. When they were alone, her voice in his head commanded Seth to strip and change. She turned her back, since no sister wanted to see that. When he was changed, she started.

'You are now in the Potter Pack.' she said in his head, still in human form. 'You are expected to follow my word, as if I was the Alpha. Is that understood?'

Seth could feel the weight of the Alpha in her words, and he bowed his head. 'Understood.' he said.

'Harry and I are in a physical relationship. He has not forced me to do anything and I will try to save you the details.' she said then. 'I love him, Seth. Could you please not tell dad?'

It was a request, not an order. Seth looked up and saw his big sister. Her eyes were pleading with him, but there was more there. She'd not looked so hopeful since Sam happened. He loved his sister, and as her only brother it was his duty to protect her. 'If he's making you do anything, even if he's the Alpha, I will kill him.' he said, a growl of warning escaping his wolfish lips.

'He is not like Sam.' Leah said. 'He's a good man and I intend to keep him. Dad wouldn't understand. Not yet. He is not a wolf. He has not imprinted. I will not order you to keep this secret, but I ask that you keep it for me.'

'Until the day he hurts you, your secret is mine.' Seth swore.

'Very well said, young wolf.' A new voice joined. Harry had joined the conversation. 'You are hereby accepted into the pack. Your protectiveness of your pack-mate is something I appreciate and expect from anyone in our pack, blood relation or no. Know that you are an example, in my eyes. This is what a pack should be. You are welcome in my home and I will share with you any secret I may give freely, as I share with your sister. Our relationship is new, but since the spirits ordained it, we, my wives and I, are willing to accept her. If she proves herself to all of us, she will be my wife.'

'If you hurt her…' Seth warned again.

'I will bare my throat to you and expect nothing but your fangs.' Harry agreed.

'Then I accept your relationship with my sister, Alpha.' Seth said.

'I will take good care of her, with your blessing, until the day I ask for your father's.' Harry said.

"Thank you, Seth." Leah said aloud.

'You are my sister. I love you.' Seth said. Then he turned and turned human. "Still, would be nice to talk to the guy in person, again." he said.

"We'll have breakfast at his place tomorrow." Leah said. "If you can get up before noon." she added.

"I'm not that bad!" Seth argued.


Seth and Leah walked into Harry's house the next day just before breakfast. Harry had made a full English again. He'd even added a little something for Seth and Leah. The wolves used a lot of energy during the day and he was still experimenting with how much protein and energy to infuse into every meal. Seth glared at Harry for a few seconds, but Harry's gaze fell on the boy with no anger as would happen with Sam. He even smiled and pointed at a seat for the young man.

Seth's glare faded and he smiled back ruefully and sat down, his mood instantly improving. "So, I hear you're dating my sister?"

"Is that what the kids are calling it these days?" Tanya mocked.

"Tanya?!" Harry objected. He turned back to Seth. "I'm sorry for the commentary, but you do raise a good point." He turned to Leah. "Would you like to come with me to Miami for the day?" he asked.

"Yes!" Leah said, with heavy excitement in her voice.

"Good, we're all going then." Harry said. His ladies smiled at that.

"Oh." Leah said, her happy mood lessening.

"He's got a house there. Our coven and the Cullens are all staying there." Kate said. "Except for Edward. He's at Bella's mom's house."

"How are we getting there?" Leah asked. A flight there shouldn't take too long, but going there and back for the day could be quite expensive.

"We were thinking of taking the stairs." Tanya said. "Harry's house is magic. It's there and here, with stairs connecting the two places, just like his many rooms are both here and not."

"Many rooms?" Seth asked.

"He's got a library, a medical consultation room, a dungeon, an advanced genetics lab, a magical runes workshop, some kind of computer room, I think, and a few others, I'm guessing." Kate said. Harry had informed her that Leah and Seth would be in on the secrets.

"The server room is off limits, because it's too advanced for the level of technology found in this world." Harry said.

"You're an alien?" Seth asked.

"I'm an extra-dimensional human being." Harry said. "I was born on Earth, but the Earth I knew growing up is not this one."

"This is something we're not telling anyone." Leah said. She'd not heard it described like that before, but it didn't shock her, knowing Harry would one-day leave this world for another.

"Am I invited?" Seth asked.

"An hour or so shouldn't hurt." Harry said. "After that, I'm going to ask that you come back. We'd like someone in charge of the area, while we're out. You've got a cell?" he asked.

Harry soon got the kid's cell number, not that he couldn't have gotten it from Leah, or simply use the pack's link. Seth wouldn't mind taking a dip in Harry's heated pool and enjoying a soda from the mini-fridge and calling it watching his property. He was told to leave the other mini-fridge alone, since, while it may taste like soda or beer, or wine, it was meant for vampires and would likely make him sick.

They all finally returned to Miami, with two new members.

"Got a third one?" Emmett exclaimed from the pool as he saw Kate, Tanya and Leah. Then the kid followed him out.

"Hi everyone. Meet the pack." Harry said. "Leah, Seth, these are my immortal friends. You know the Cullens of course, but these are Eleazar, Carmen, Irina and Laurent, from Tanya's coven. Laurent is new. His eyes haven't started changing properly, but he's working on that."

"Hi." Laurent said, uncertainly.

"He is not like the people who killed that man in Forks." Irina said, quickly.

"He was with them, but he's not strayed from the new diet, and he's not as uncontrolled." Harry agreed, wanting to quickly cut that line of conversation off. "Give him a few weeks and he'll be good. Anyway, welcome to Miami. The weather is warm, the pool is cool and the conversation may be stale at this point, so you're the new blood."

"They smell like wet dogs." Emmett said.

"Probably because they are wolves." Harry said. "From the newly formed Potter Pack, formerly from the Quileute pack."

"Potter Pack?" Carlisle asked.

"Harry started a pack." Tanya said. "Turns out he's been a shape-shifter in a previous world. Now he's a, what, Hawk-shifter?"

"Shape-shifter will do." Harry said. "I'll focus on that at some point. Anyway, I'm the Alpha for the Potter Pack and Leah and Seth are now part of that. Leah's connected to me, intimately, and I'll have no jokes Emmett!" he said quickly, looking at Emmett's open mouth. "We've been connected by the great spirits, so we're together. We're here for me to go out for a day on the beach, with my ladies."

"What about me?" Seth asked.

"You're welcome to stay here for a bit, but I'm planning on being out with the ladies most of the day, giving them a proper date, since you reminded me that I've not done that properly yet." Harry said.

Seth nodded, before he kicked off his shoes and ran to the pool to cannon-ball in.

"He looks like a nice boy." Esme said as she finally approached to give Harry a hug.

"Where's Rosalie?" Harry asked, having noted her absence.

"In the dining room, watching her baby grow." Carlisle said.

"I left that up?" Harry asked, confused. He could have sworn he'd switched the projection off.

"Lab projection of subject RE2053, in coordinates Alpha, two, three, two. Beta site." Emmett repeated instantly. "Perfect recall, remember?"

"But you shouldn't be able to… Oh, right." Harry said in understanding. "Since the kid's yours and Rosalie's, you've actually got overwrite permission on me, as a priority for the fetus."

"Baby." Rosalie said, as she walked out. "Hi Harry. I was just checking up on the baby. I don't stare at the projection all day."

"Could have fooled me." Emmett said.

"You do go check-up at least once an hour." Carlisle pointed out. "Not that I mind seeing it myself. It's wonderfully detailed."

"Anyway, we're off." Harry said. "Seth, the stairs will appear where we were in an hour, and you'll be able to use it from now on, but please don't let this out of the pack."

"Sure thing, Harry." Seth said from the pool, where he was currently chasing Emmett, who had pulled him under for a moment.

Harry took his ladies out for a day on the beach. He was able to buy them ice-cream and unobtrusively changed the ones for the immortals into their kind. After their walk on the beach, he took them for a movie in a mall, where the immortals decided to update Leah's wardrobe and purchased her many bags of what they thought would not shame Harry for being seen with her in them. Lastly, he took them for dinner, at an upscale restaurant.

"This isn't nearly as good as what you make." Tanya said, as she ate the food he'd converted for them.

"Changing the food after the fact will never taste as good as it could be when making it from scratch like I do." Harry said.

"But even my food doesn't taste as good." Leah said.

"Harry is not considered a good chef for no reason." Kate said.

"You have to remember that the kitchen here caters to a lot of people." Harry said. "It will never taste as good as when you prepare meals separately and give it all your attention."

"You take the time to do everything to the best of your abilities, before moving on to the next meal." Tanya agreed. She'd seen it herself. "I still think that they could have used a bit less salt, and added maybe, a little paprika in this?" she added pointing to her dish.

"You're learning quickly." Harry complimented, nodding along. "Soon Esme will have competition in the kitchen."

"She wants to make food for her family." Tanya said. "I just want to cook for us."

"You're definitely better than me." Kate agreed. She'd made a couple of sandwiches, but still felt Tanya did it better.

"Not everyone has the same sense for these things." Harry said. "If everyone was a great chef, there'd be no such thing as fine dining, since everyone could have anything they wanted."

"But you must have a tremendous talent." Kate said. "I've not been eating for a long time, but this is nowhere near your skill level."

"Can't blame these people for not having chefs at my level of experience." Harry shrugged.

There were a few nods at that.

When they returned home, Leah went directly back to Forks. She couldn't spend all her time with Harry, after all. She still had a family and her brother, no-doubt, wouldn't mind the company home.

Harry, on the other hand, went to his runes workshop, to work on something he'd thought about.

The next morning, Harry had a gift for Leah, when she walked up the stairs, from Forks.

"Hi Harry." she greeted, as she walked into the kitchen. Harry had finally figured out Esme's trick and had put up a ward, to keep his domain free from people who wanted to take his kitchen from him.

"Hi Leah." Harry said, as he finished with the last of the pancakes he was making for breakfast. "You're just in time for breakfast." he said.

"Dad wanted me to eat at home, today." Leah lamented.

"Got space for some pancakes anyway?" Harry asked. "I made some especially for the two of us."

"Well…" Leah said, as she took in the scent of the food. "There's always space for pancakes." Her dad had made certain to feed her enough, but the smell was making her hungry all over again.

"Good." Tanya said, from the separate scullery room, where she was cleaning already. "We wouldn't want his cooking to go to waste."

"Pancakes are pancakes." Harry said. "There's not a lot of room for improvement, except maybe for one or two tricks."

"So the berries you diced up and added into the mix are standard?" Esme asked, as she walked back in. She'd just dropped off the last of the Immortal food, but they were waiting for everyone to be there.

"Well, no, but-" Harry started.

"And the syrup you made yourself?" Esme asked.

"Well, no-" Harry tired again.

"Then just accept that there's something special about it and let us enjoy the fact, okay?" Esme insisted, as she took his and Leah's plates in hand, while Harry took the last of the things to be cleaned into the scullery.

"Yes, mum." Harry said, rolling his eyes, even as a small smile played on his lips. He pulled Tanya away from the last of the things and they went to the dining room.

"Good morning, Leah." Carlisle said, from his end of the table, which had become his customary place.

"Good morning, Mister Cullen." Leah greeted.

"Carlisle, please." Carlisle insisted, even as Esme showed Leah to her seat.

They all got down to the serious business of eating and before long it was all consumed.

"Harry?" Kate asked.

"Yes?" Harry asked.

"Don't you have a gift for Leah?" Kate reminded.

"Oh, right." Harry said, remembering. "Here." he pulled out a pendant for Leah. It was in the shape of a silver falcon, this time, with an insignia that looked like two capital letters 'P' superimposed over each other on its chest. Harry noted her looking at it, as she took it. "It's for Potter Pack." he said.

"It's nice." Leah said, smiling for the gift.

"It's not just a piece of jewellery." Tanya said.

"It's got a few protections and a function for your clothes when you transform." Harry said.

"Go ahead." Kate encouraged. "Transform."

Leah looked dubious, but put the pendant on and stood away from the table. As she transformed, the sound of her clothing tearing was not there. The large wolf looked around, but saw nothing. 'Where are my clothes?' she asked Harry through the link.

"Your human body is still wearing them, along with the pendant." Harry replied aloud. "I've used this particular function in the past myself. I just recently remembered what I did then for the clothes."

Leah reared back and transformed into her human form again. Her clothes were still on her. "That's awesome!" she exclaimed.

"You'll be the envy of all the wolves." Harry agreed, as he reached into a pocket and threw her another pendant. It was still a falcon, but it was smaller, and was made from copper. "That's Seth's. Tell him it will serve as evidence that he's been inducted. Also, it offers him the same protections as yours that will allow you and him to use an instant recall if you're ever in trouble. You just need to think about returning to safety, and it will take you to my house."

"You gave them teleportation magic?!" Emmett asked, incredulously. He wouldn't mind something like that!

"All your pendants have it." Harry said, matter-of-factly. "It's really just an emergency function. It won't allow you to use it whenever you please. You need to be in actual danger."

"Oh." Emmett said sadly.

"Do ours go to our house, or yours?" Carlisle asked, as he touched a hand to the pendant he always wore these days.

"My house has automatic defences and other protections." Harry said. "Yours will take you to my house too."

"Thank you, Harry." Rosalie said. "You keep on giving us things we didn't even know we might one-day need."

"You'll be giving our baby the same, right?" Emmett asked, as the thought came to him.

"If you have your baby with you, they'll be brought along." Harry said. "Just be careful to support the neck, if that ever does happen. This specific form of travel can leave humans queasy and it's basically like a flying roller-coaster ride."

"We'll be sure to keep that in mind, should it ever happen, or be necessary." Rosalie promised.

"Thank you, Harry, my Alpha." Leah said, respectfully as she held onto her pendant as if it were her most precious possession.

"Don't thank me." Harry said. "The Alpha is meant to provide for and protect his pack. This was within my power, and as such, required of me by duty and my own honour."

Leah didn't know what to say to that. Sam definitely did things differently. Harry seemed to consider the pack a duty he needed to go out of his way to provide for.

"So you're like the head of a family?" Carlisle asked, seeing how much Harry's words were affecting the young wolf.

"That's how it worked back in the day." Harry said. "The Alpha was meant to lead, but also provide. In battle, a good Alpha leads from the front, by example, but also, he'd be the last to eat, ensuring the pack got everything they needed, before he thought of himself. It's very unlike the wolf in nature, where the Alpha eats first, but we're also people. If a wolf has complete control over themselves, they could choose to work against whatever comes instinctively. When you see an Alpha giving before taking, as is his instinctual right, you have more respect for him. The tribes always looked to such leaders for their examples.

"I once saw an Alpha, on the brink of starvation, give the rest of his pack everything they had left to eat, while he only drank what water was allotted to him. That tribe was a nomadic one. I had no right to interfere, but the spirits soon provided, to show him favour for his sacrifice. That was one of the better examples I'd ever seen." Harry finished.

"And a wonderful story for an example of the burdens of leadership, over the rights such a position provides." Carlisle said, nodding along.

"There is a reason why the people always tell the stories." Harry nodded. "The full story of that man was a long and difficult one, where his father, the previous Alpha, had angered the spirits for not following the traditions and the man himself had learned to take the role of leadership with the correct frame of mind, learning from his father's mistakes and also following the traditions of their ancestors."

"So the reason they want to meet with you alone, is because you know stories of your own." Esme said. "They want to tell you theirs and maybe learn your stories?"

"Not necessarily." Harry said. "The spirits I knew then and the ones here are almost certainly not the same ones. I suspect that there is more to this. The spirits themselves could be pushing them to this action. I know of the spirit magics that those people used. Those spirit warriors weren't all shape-shifters either. Perhaps there's more going on and they simply want to share something that has nothing to do with vampires. They did exist with traditions of their own, before you showed up, after all."

"And you'll not tell us what you find out?" Eleazar asked.

"You are not of the people." Harry said, shrugging. "My own pack will learn things from me that I can't or shouldn't share with you, too. In those cases these stories would become part of our tradition, outside the traditions of the Quileute tribe."

"And that is why Harry didn't tell us about whatever the Volturi are." Leah agreed, finally coming out of her stupor. "That's your story, your tradition. Our people will only respect him more for upholding his traditions, even if it conflicts with our own."

Leah soon left, to go give her brother his pendant. Harry was considering calling them tokens, or totem symbols. It would keep well with their traditions and mean something to these people.

"What other cool magics can you let other people use?" Emmett asked. They had stayed around the lounge area, where Harry had gone to sit and contemplate the recent happenings.

Leah joining them quickly after Tanya and Kate bonded with him, in a very short amount of time as well, was starting to form a pattern he'd seen before.

"There are many applications of magic." Harry said. "In my original world, people rode on magic brooms and carpets. There were also things that they could use to sort of 'dial' into other locations for instant communication and travel. Then there's item based transportation, like the pendants. They were expensive and usually dropped you in places that did much the same thing as customs do at airports, to ensure people weren't smuggling or running from the law.

"That's only transportation based magic, though." Harry continued. "There's everything from stealth, emotional manipulation, security, entertainment, household magic, dimensional manipulation, scrying, fortune telling, construction, mind magics, potion brewing and much more. If you could imagine it, there was likely some magical who'd worked out a way to do it."

"Magical animals existed too." Kate pointed out, remembering about the Dragon, Rex.

"And magic for sex." Tanya added.

"Oh, yes." Harry agreed. "Sex and magic has a long history. Either getting you what you want or simply enhancing things. Bigger or smaller parts and additional functions are all part of it."

"Additional functions?" Emmett asked.

"Everything from adding vibrations, or tingling feelings to electrical shock and numbness for enhanced endurance." Harry supplied. "If you had a problem, it could be overcome by magic."

"So your… tool's… specific modification?" Kate asked.

"One size fits all." Harry chuckled. "No, that one was done by the half-succubus. She apparently did it as a gift to me, for giving her something she'd never had before."

"I'd think a succubus could have all the sex she wanted?" Emmett asked.

"She could." Harry agreed. "But part of the package for a succubus is that they can't resist draining your life from you, before climax. She'd never experienced one… At least, not with someone nearby."

"Either way, Harry's sexual tricks are not on the table." Tanya said firmly. "I've claimed them for house Potter."

"House Potter?" Harry asked.

"It's a thing in your library." Tanya said. "You had family magics, right? As your wife, I can claim something as family magic and forbid the use for others."

"If you were the head of the house, maybe." Harry said. "You may be the leader of the Denali coven, but I am head of the House. It's nothing personal, you understand. You have to be a magical to head up a magical house and claim secrets for it."

"We could persuade you." Kate said, smiling devilishly at him.

"Hold on." Harry said, turning to Tanya, as something caught up to him. "Those books are in the magical section. How were you able to handle them without damaging them?"

Tanya shrugged. "I ask for the library to protect them and they glowed for a second, like they do with you, and then I take it out."

"I didn't know the library could do that." Harry said, dumbstruck for a moment.

"Did you learn the magic needed in the library?" Tanya asked.

Harry's head cocked to the side, as he considered it. "Well, I suppose there would be a book on how to do that in there…"

"Then the library has access and can do it." Tanya shrugged. "That, or with you doing that spell every time you go in there, the library's probably just learned it from you."

"But… It's a library!" Harry said.

"A magical library, with magical capabilities geared towards protecting its books." Kate said, nodding in agreement with Tanya.

Harry's eyes widened at that. "It's been helping me find things!" he exclaimed then. "Since you went there, I've been able to find things more easily!"

"Told you your house liked us." Kate said, smugly.

"Does this mean you'll take me there?" Carlisle asked, hopefully, a few of the others nodding along.

"Ask me what you want to know." Tanya interjected. "I'll go find it and get back to you. I'd rather not let new people in and risk you making some sort of mistake that has a backlash."

"But-" Carlisle started.

"I am the one the library trusts." Tanya said. "While it trusts me, I will be equal to that trust. Don't push this Carlisle."

Harry smiled at Tanya for that. "I see why the library trusts you, too." he said. "And it's a good idea anyway. I'd rather not have the library turn on you. Right now, it's more cooperative than it's ever been and there's a few things I'll be working on soon that will need a lot of research."


That night, Harry and his ladies went to bed after spending a long time in the library. Harry's next few weeks were probably going to be busy. Besides working on new projects, he needed to discuss the Volturi with Eleazar and he wanted to start instructing his ladies in the mind arts, so that they could start talking to him like the wolves could.

They'd expressed their displeasure at having Leah in there, but not them, so Harry would need to teach them. He'd tried to explain that it was a pack thing, but they didn't care. After they'd learned enough and could keep the concepts to themselves, he'd be teaching them the mental steps required to slip into the border between dimensions, as well.

Leah, of course, would not be left out of that, so she'd started receiving training with Harry's immortal ladies.

When the holiday was over, everyone returned to Forks. Some except for Harry and Kate, and Emmett and Rosalie, were planning on going back to school. Harry's system had added records of him already studying the required materials and he'd already matriculated. He'd had the same system doctor Rosalie and Emmett's current records and they'd also matriculated.

Alice and Jasper would continue going to school with Edward and Bella. It would be a while before they could have any children of their own, and Jasper was actually glad for it. He still didn't trust himself around humans all that much, even with the pendant now dulling smells for him.

Rosalie and Emmett were still shopping for a house, somewhere in Miami. They'd decided they liked the place so much, that there really was no other choice for them. They were hoping to convince one of Harry's neighbours to move, even if they had to bribe them. If they had a house next to Harry's they could spend more time with him while they raised the young one. The fact that Florida was so sunny, and thus not ideal for vampires, may have also been part of their reasoning. More protection from any Volturi who may decide to come looking for them.

Somewhere in the world, a hunter was reporting to his superiors that he'd seen two known vampires out in the sun, eating an ice-cream with a female that smelled like a dog an a young man without a scent. The same man that had been noted having appeared in Forks, as a student at their school. The same man that had reportedly been getting close to the Cullens.

"Very interesting." Aro said. "Maybe it's time we spoke to our old friend Carlisle."


It was only a week later, that Carlisle received a mail from his 'old friends' at the Volturi.

"So they are summoning you?" Harry asked.

"They asked that I come visit." Carlisle corrected.

"Is there even a chance that you could decline?" Harry asked.

"No." Carlisle admitted.

"Okay then." Harry said. "Change of plans. Who wants to go visit Italy?"

"Harry, I don't think it's a good idea for you to go there." Tanya tried. "Even if you can resist all their powers and escape with your life, they will never stop hunting you for what you can do." Eleazar and Harry had spent quite a bit of time discussing the various powers of the Volturi he knew about.

"If Carlisle is going, that will still happen." Harry said. "I'm going to have to insist." He said it in a way that brooked no argument. Harry never spoke to them like that, so they knew his mind would not be changed.

"I will go with you." Eleazar said.

"Oh?" Harry asked.

"They know me. I can be useful to you there." Eleazar agreed.

"Your mates will go with you, as well." Kate said. Harry made to object, but she said, "I'm going to have to insist." She'd copied his tone pretty well and she didn't show an ounce of fear, but there wasn't the usual hint of humour, or impish playfulness in her tone either. Harry wouldn't like it, but he would let them make their own choices. He wasn't their boss either.

"Fine." Harry finally agreed. "Anyone who wants to be there, can, but I'm afraid my pack will need to stay behind." He was glad they weren't there just then. "If you have powers that they would want to steal, they'll get that information from Carlisle anyway." Aro had the ability to read a person's entire life, in a very short amount of time, apparently. He needed physical contact, though.

"Why do you assume he'll let Aro read him?" Carmen asked.

"Do you think he could refuse Aro?" Esme asked.

"I could block the information, but it would leave blank spots for both Carlisle and Aro." Harry said. "I suspect Aro would be able to detect that, too, if his power works like I think it might."

"You could block information?" Carlisle asked. "Wouldn't that require that you can read immortal memories?"

"He can do that now." Tanya said, smugly. "He's been teaching us the mental arts. For that, he needed to enter our minds, to help us."

"Only took him a few tries." Kate said proudly. "He still passed out in the beginning, though."

"You risked his mind?!" Esme asked, incredulously. She was not happy at this revelation.

"We took things slowly." Harry said. "Seriously, people. I'm a true immortal. I can handle more than even you. Even if it takes me longer to recover, I'll recover every time."

"How can you be certain?" Eleazar asked.

"I once jumped into a volcano." Harry admitted. There were a few gasps. "I was sad from losing my family and just wanted to die and wait for them on the other side, but I don't have a choice, okay?" He'd actually apparated into the planet's core, thinking it would be a quicker death than burning to death in a volcano. His magic simply took him back, after he lost consciousness. When he woke up, he was in pain and missing a few parts, but he was alive, and everything regenerated over time.

"True immortality sounds like a burden." Laurent said, after a pregnant silence, where everyone contemplated the last statement. "I am sorry for your losses, even if I'm pleased that you are here now." His eyes had started changing during the holiday. These days his eyes were as golden as the other immortals, when his pendant wasn't active, which turned them brown. Harry had been able to work in everything they'd discussed and the runes cycled the power, so it only had a blood-cost when first activated, with very low upkeep.

"I appreciate the sentiment, Laurent." Harry said. "That being said, who here would like to be there for the show?"

"Show?" Edward asked, trying to help Harry change the subject. The idea of Harry trying to kill himself had affected even him.

"I need to make an entrance, and for that, I'll need a headcount." Harry said with a smirk. "I'm thinking Italian, since we're visiting Italy."


It had been a week since Carlisle received the message, when word reached Aro that Carlisle had shown up, with his family, the Denali coven and a human guest.

"A human?" Aro, the de-facto leader of the three top Volturi, asked the man.

"That's what they said, but I don't know for certain." the man said apologetically. "He has a heart-beat, but no scent."

"Gather the guards." Caius, the youngest-seeming of the Volturi leaders, said. "They will not be allowed in our presence without numbers on our side. This could be an assassination attempt."

"Carlisle would not betray us." Aro said calmly. He did not say the guard shouldn't come, though. Marcus, the last of the three, didn't respond one way or another. He would welcome death. Since his mate died, so many years ago, he merely existed, with no real purpose to his existence. The Volturi guard were soon all gathered and ranged around the hall, where the guests would gather.

When the guests were seen in, it was Carlisle who led them.

"Carlisle, my old friend." Aro greeted magnanimously from his throne. "How good of you to visit. I am pleased to see you are well."

"Aro." Carlisle said, nodding at the man. "It's good to see you again."

"And your whole family joins us today." Aro said, looking between the people. "I've not met most of these and they all follow your diet, I see."

"All except for the human." Caius said. "He knows?"

"Harry Potter is a friend to immortals." Carlisle said. "He knew of us, before we knew of him."

"He wishes to join us." Aro said, understandingly. "There is the question about how he knew, though."

"May I speak?" Harry asked. Aro seemed to consider it, before nodding. "I knew about immortals, because I am an immortal. I'm not a vampire, though. My immortality is… unique."

"Unique?" Aro asked.

"I don't know everything myself." Harry admitted. "I think that Death is my benefactor, or one of many other entities of existence."

"Death?!" Caius asked, his face showing shock. "You are an assassin!" he accused. The guard were instantly ready, crouching, arms extended, some going for weapons.

"I haven't been an assassin in many, many years." Harry refuted. "No, these days, I'm more of a cook, than an assassin."

"Our mate is being humble." Tanya said. "He does not dabble in death, but the cultivation and nourishment of life."

"Our mate is both powerful and old." Kate agreed. "He holds many secrets. He even intends to share some with you today."

"Such as your miraculous ability to enter direct sunlight, without revealing yourselves?" Aro asked, with a knowing smile. "Yes, our hunter, Demetri, reported seeing this from a hidden location as he tracked you in Florida. So you are the one that achieved this feat?"

"I am." Harry said.

"What a marvel this new technology must be." Aro said, holding up a hand, indicating for the guard to go back to position.

"It's not technology." Harry denied, smirking back.

"Carlisle, if he's to be a part of your household, you should teach him to show respect to his betters." Caius said, a scowl on his face.

"I could say the same to you." Harry said, flippantly. "But, we're not here to fight. Let's get this party started." He lifted a hand to start the presentation, when there was a sudden flash of movement. Edward had grabbed a man who had rushed at Harry, for his abrupt movement. His magically enhanced temporary strength was winning out and the man was quickly in a hold that would spell his end with just a bit of force on his neck. The rest of the guard were suddenly ready to attack again, some stepping forward. Harry had decided to give Edward the boost, since he was the fastest.

That's when Carlisle's head felt like it was splitting open and he fell to the floor, screaming.

"Keep your pet muzzled, or I'll have to punish him." a younger voice said. Jane had decided to show her displeasure. The attack did not last, though, as the next second Jane was the one on the floor screaming in purest agony. Harry kept her like that for only a few seconds, before he lifted his power from her.

"Attack my friend again, Jane, and you will know the experience of your every moment being a torturous one." Harry's voice said. It was deep and dark. It had a reverberating quality that everyone noticed this time. His eyes were glowing like none of his friends had seen before. Instead of the glow in the green of his eyes, this was a dark green fire that encompassed the entirety of his eyes.

"What are you?" Caius asked, fear tinging his voice for the first time in many, many years.

"That is not the point of this gathering." Harry said, as his eyes slowly returned to normal. "You wished to speak with Carlisle. I wanted to meet you. The rules of this meeting are that none are to be harmed, or harm will befall the offender."

He nodded to Edward, who finally let the man he'd been holding captive, go. The man quickly retreated, his fear clearly displayed on his face. He'd never felt such power before. He felt like a human, in the grasp of an immortal.

Harry turned away again and lifted a hand. This time nobody attacked him as he conjured a long decorative table in the centre of the hall. Everyone just looked on in shock as he used a power none had seen before. "Well?" Harry asked of Aro. "Talk to the man, already. He's here at your request, after all."

Aro swallowed his suddenly parched throat. "Yes… Yes, of course." he said. He sent a look at one of the guard, Chelsea. He'd have this man and his power swayed in his favour. Then he'd have all that power to himself. "I'd wanted to ask why you were gathering such a group of immortals, sharing unknown effects, which would be very useful to our kind, without telling us, your old friends." he said, as he lifted a hand summoning Carlisle, to read his memories as he usually did.

Carlisle, having expected this, calmed himself, knowing to follow the plan. "Of course." he said as he slowly approached, making sure his hands were visible the entire time.

He had almost made it to Aro, when Aro got up and walked the last few steps, to grasp Carlisle's offered hand. He closed his eyes for a few seconds, before they shot open. "Magic." he whispered, in awe. "You've brought us magic." His mind was bubbling with ideas for how this man could be used. His powers were vast and without measure. If Chelsea could sway his ties from the Cullens, to himself, it would be the single greatest power he'd collected over the years.

"He didn't bring me." Harry said. "I invited myself along." He was producing the food he'd prepared for the occasion, all in covered dishes and placing them on the table. "Could you tell your empath to stop trying to fiddle with my mind? It's annoying." he added, without looking up.

Aro, flinched at that, but sent a quick look to Chelsea, who shook her head minutely. She wasn't able to sway him. "A mere precaution, to ensure our safety." Aro said, making a placating gesture. "So you have brought us one of your meals? I must say that this concept of immortal food does intrigue me." He'd read that from Carlisle as well. Hell, he'd read his last few years from him in a few seconds. That's just how quickly his power worked.

He also knew the plan, but he also knew that they had contingencies to escape, using magical means, should things not go to their liking. He also knew to fear this man, and he intended not to make an enemy of him. If he couldn't own his loyalty, he knew he'd be in deep trouble, should he offend him.

"Aro!" Caius exclaimed. "This human-"

"Silence, Caius!" Aro said quickly, turning to him, his eyes showing just a hint of something Caius had never seen there. Fear. "Harry Potter is a friend to immortals. He is here to discuss security and to help us enter a new age of freedom, should we not offend him."

Caius did not know how to respond to that. He held his tongue though, for the fear he'd seen in Aro's eyes.

"I'm here to see if you can be reasonable." Harry said. "If you all act like that little bitch," he said, pointing at Jane, who was being held back by her brother, Alec, "I don't think things will work out."

"We wouldn't want that." Aro agreed.

"Why are you humouring him?" Marcus asked, his bored tone having turned into something akin to amusement.

"Because Harry Potter could offer you the world, or your deaths." Tanya said. "Either would be a simple matter for him."

"You're already trapped here." Kate added. "Thanks for bringing all of your guard. That will make things easier, should he decide to simply replace the lot of you."

Jane, on the other hand, had decided that the biggest threat in the room was Harry. She was not the sort to step away from a challenge and this man had done to her what she had done to Carlisle, making her experience excruciating pain. She focussed on him and Harry's head twitched as her assault hit his barriers.

Instantly Harry turned around and walked directly to her. The guard, not knowing what to do, tried to intercept him, but found themselves flung across the room and unable to move from where they landed. Alec, stood before his sister, protectively, unleashing his own power to deprive the man of all his senses, but all that did was piss him off more.

"You assault me at your own peril." Harry said to the both of them. "For your transgression, I now claim you both as vassals to my house. You will serve me for the duration of one hundred years. So mote it be." His voice was one Laurent remembered from not too long ago, as Harry bound the most feared of Aro's guards with his words and his power.

Jane instantly took a knee, with her brother following suit. "Yes, master." they both said, looking down at the floor.

"Protect my friends with your lives." Harry ordered, before he turned around and went back to his preparations. Jane and Alec quickly went to stand with Harry's friends, looking around the room for any sign of aggression. "Aro, you will find that my patience has reached its end. One more attack on my person or my friends, will see me enact the second plan."

"You will all stand down!" Aro said immediately. He'd also found himself unable to move or speak, as Harry had gone to claim his most useful peons. "Attack this man or any of his party and I will kill you myself."

"Thank you." Harry said, as he finished his preparations. "You may now be seated, Aro, Caius, Marcus." he said, indicating their seats, as they appeared at his gesture. "Come, my friends." he said then, inviting his friends to join him at the table. This had all been expected and it was mostly just a choreographed play, so Harry's friends continued following the plan.

Aro indicated for Marcus and Caius to join him and they followed, but Caius seemed worried, while Marcus seemed to be thoroughly entertained. They had similar thoughts running through their heads, however. They were wondering if today was their last day.

When everyone was seated, Harry lifted his glass. "To a successful discussion." he toasted.

Everyone toasted, but the Volturi leaders did not drink immediately, until they saw the others drink.

"What is this?" Caius asked, as he saw them drink what smelled like wine to his senses. Strangely, though, it smelled quite appetizing.

"Harry Potter has a means by which he changes blood into human food." Aro informed him. "It is his intent to allow immortals to supply themselves using these means, so that they no longer have to feed on humans directly."

"Preposterous." Caius said, even as Marcus took a sip of his drink.

"Wonderful." Marcus drawled. "It tastes like something long lost to me. Something I have longed for. Tell me, magician, does this drink also affect the mind? Could an immortal drown their sorrows in this?"

"If you drank enough, sure." Harry said. He could live with being called a magician, for now. They had no other way to refer to him, besides his name. For all he knew, Marcus was trying to compliment him. "You may keep the bottle." he said, indicating the bottle next to Marcus. "It won't be quite as filling as the rest of the food, as the drink was meant to be appreciated, but not to substitute food."

The covens that had come with Harry, were already digging in, knowing Harry had placed more protections around the table, or should have by now. Aro, who had finally tasted the wine, finding it quite delicious, stuck his fork in a piece of pasta with sauce on it and brought it to his lips. He involuntarily closed his eyes at the taste. It was exquisite! Even the memories from Carlisle didn't do it justice. He didn't taste all the ingredients as their kind did with normal human food. This was a subtle blend of elements he couldn't identify separately. The sauce and the pasta having a delicate harmony and the combination of that and the feel of the food wet his appetite like nothing he'd had in many years.

Harry had opted for a Lamb Ragù. It was essentially lamb meatballs on pasta. He'd decided to keep things relatively simple. The sauce was a bit more complicated than the standard recipe called for, but he'd added his own spin, as he tended to do, by using base ingredients and making his own pasta.

"Meraviglioso." Aro finally said.

"Prego." Harry replied.

"Harry, could you please speak English?" Emmett asked. "I don't know about the rest, but I don't speak Italian."

"Aro was expressing his appreciation." Carlisle translated. "Harry said that he's welcome."

Caius, curious, more than anything, had also tasted the food and had a much more subtle reaction. He did nod at Harry, before he also started eating in earnest. Marcus was appreciating every single bite slowly, a small smile on his face, while the guard watched, entranced by the impossibility of the scene before them.

"If this was a possibility for us, I could see things changing, just for a chance to eat something this delicious regularly." Aro said.

"You'd have to hire cooks." Esme said. "Harry has had many years to perfect this art. I don't think I'll ever catch up to him, even using the methods he's given me to make this kind of food."

"I am disappointed." Aro said. "Though, I don't think it would be too difficult to find someone who could perform this task and make them an immortal. Prodigies are born quite often, in the grand scheme of things." He looked back at Harry. "Is this made from animal blood?" he asked.

"I considered using human blood for today, but have since decided against it." Harry said. "If you could feed on this and enjoy it, while getting the nutrition you need, I could see my way to setting up a facility for you where you can stock blood from animals, or humans of the kind you saw from Carlisle, which would use a system similar to the one Esme uses."

"This is animal?" Marcus asked interestedly, not seeming upset by the revelation at all.

"Polar bear." Harry said. "From a zoo."

"You do not harm the creatures, as I understand it." Aro said.

"Indeed." Harry said. "I often find that creating sustainable systems works better in the long run."

"So you think we'll willingly participate in this?" Caius asked.

"You'll soon find that you don't have a choice in the matter." Laurent said.

"Laurent is correct." Harry said. "Once you summoned Carlisle here, you forced my hand. Everyone in this room will be quite unable to eat from humans from this point forward, outside of a dedicated system. Attempting to do so will kill you."

"You have cursed us!" Caius exclaimed in anger.

"Well… yes." Harry said. "This use of the magic would be considered a curse, unless it is willingly taken."

"But you can still eat, or drink, your fill." Carlisle pointed out. "Harry has assured me that he will not leave you to starve."

"You did this to us!" Caius said, turning his anger on Carlisle. He wanted to kill the man.

"Blame whatever entity sent me here." Harry said. "I'm just doing what I always do."

"Harry actually wants to handle things peacefully here." Carlisle added. "He knows of how you protect us and humanity with the laws and your enforcement of them. I was not lying when I called him a friend."

"Carlisle isn't lying." Aro said. He'd gleaned this much from his memories. "I am willing to give it a try, willingly, on the condition that we may fall back on the option to sustain ourselves primarily on human blood."

"If that is your wish, you must procure the blood in one of the ways you saw from Carlisle's memories." Harry said. "Besides for the purpose of turning a human into an immortal, you are not to harm another human. You still have the right to rule the vampire world as you see fit besides that."

"But the Olympic and Denali covens are not under our jurisdiction any longer." Aro said, nodding.

"Any attempt to harm any of my friends and family will result in my direct intervention, so yes." Harry said.

"And the ability to interact with humans in the sun?" Aro asked.

"You will need to supply the system for that." Harry said. "I will allow the creation of the items, and you will have to keep track of use. It will give you more power and respect among your subjects. Any abuse that I find out about, will fall on your heads."

"What are you talking about?" Caius asked.

"He intends to let us control the effects he's allowed his family." Marcus said, still savouring the food and drink. He'd refilled his glass already, as well.

"I like you." Harry said, smiling at Marcus.

"I am starting to like you, the more I drink." Marcus drawled, with a bit of humour showing on his face.

"And we have no choice in this?" Aro asked.

"Not really." Harry said.

"He can do as he likes, because he has been entrusted with the life on this planet." Tanya said.

"He even values the life of immortals." Kate added. "We are part of the natural order in this world."

"So, criminals of a certain degree, people you would consider evil, are free for us to dispose of, in any way we see fit, even turning them into cattle for our food?" Aro asked, deciding to address what he had learned.

"That or donations, or willing humans, as long as they are not killed." Harry agreed. "I'll set up a facility for such things, but I reserve the right to release someone if I find them to be innocent, or reformed."

"You would not simply let them free, because they are human?" Aro asked.

"Evil is evil." Harry said. "I can detect such things. For example, I detect true potential for evil from you, Aro. Caius is ambitious, but not completely evil. Marcus was practically the worst of the lot of you, but his desire to die has somehow cleansed his soul a bit. He's felt real loss and love and it has clung to his soul." He turned to Marcus. "If you want, I may be able to bring forth the soul of your departed, so that you may speak to them for a few minutes, if it will bring you closure."

"Don't." Edward said, quickly. He'd been reading everyone. Aro had killed his own sister, Marcus's mate, for the purpose of controlling him. "If she is resting peacefully, it might be torturous for her to be here." Edward's eyes were pleading with Harry, so he connected to his mind, to hear what he was thinking. 'ARO KILLED HER HIMSELF!' was being repeated over and over.

"It's not always successful." Harry said, apologetically, after that moment of shock. "The dead may decide to not appear, as Edward suggested." 'I got the message.' Harry sent to Edward's mind.

Marcus, on the other hand had straightened up. "I might speak to Didyme?" he asked, urgently.

"It may be possible." Harry said. "We'll look into that at a future date." 'You've been a bad boy, Aro.' Harry sent to Aro's mind, listening for a response.

'You cannot let this happen!' Aro's mind all but screamed. 'It would break the unity of the Volturi and the power we hold over the immortal world.'

'I'll keep that in mind.' Harry sent back. "Sorry for getting your hopes up, if it turns out to be a failure." he said to Marcus.

"That you would try, is something that gives me purpose to live, once more. To see justice done." Marcus said.

"This is all pointless." Caius said. "There are no souls."

"I don't really care if you believe me or not." Harry said.

"He's proven it to us." Kate said. "We've seen our souls. He's shown them to us."

"It was a wonderful thing." Tanya agreed. "I'd always feared us soulless monsters, but my soul is just as pure as the humans that were there."

"You've shown yourself to humans?" Caius asked.

"I am not a vampire." Harry said. "I am allowed to choose who knows about me."

"I suspect that Tanya and Kate, the mates of Harry Potter, and his wives, were in their human guises at the time." Aro said. He'd gleaned a bit more, of course, from Carlisle's memories. A pack of giant shape-shifting wolves were very friendly with Harry. They respected him and would protect him, should something happen. He decided to keep that to himself, though. For now.

"I do not reveal people's secrets to others." Harry said.

"But Edward has revealed himself to a mortal." Aro persisted.

"What?!" Caius asked.

"She wants to be turned." Aro said calmly. "Harry has decided that she will be allowed only once she is of the age of adult consent." He nodded then. "She does seem like the sort to keep the secret and her own power seems worthy for our kind. She will be a powerful immortal."

"I have not decided to turn her." Edward said.

"You don't have a choice." Caius said. "You will turn her, or you will kill her. It is the law."

"Not kill." Harry said. "I can remove her memories of immortals, or simply make her unable to speak of it, should Edward fail in his duty and she decides to stay human."

"You would enforce our laws?" Aro asked, not mentioning the fact that Edward would also be killed for failing.

"You protect everyone with your laws." Harry said. "That's my job as well."

"Your 'calling'." Aro agreed. "Very well. We will give her time, until she is of age." He turned to Edward then. "Be warned, Edward Cullen. Should you fail in your duty, we will be forced to either separate her from you, or to turn her ourselves. It is in our world's best interest."

"You will not." Edward argued, looking to Harry for support.

"Bella is my friend, but she chose to be with you." Harry said. "You knew there would be consequences. I'll not force her to turn, but I will enforce the law that protects your family, even if that means she forgets all about you."

Edward looked shocked at that. "You wouldn't!?"

"I would." Harry said. "Carlisle, Esme, Rosalie, Emmett, Alice and Jasper are my friends, too. You did this to them without their consent. You will carry the responsibility of your actions."

"Harry is right, Edward." Carlisle said. "And it's pointless to argue. You know Harry can and will do what he feels is necessary. He's only looking out for the family."

"She wants to be with you forever." Alice said. "She will join us."

"I'll do it myself, if you feel it is something you aren't capable of, Edward." Carlisle said.

"That's enough personal family drama." Harry said. Everyone had finished the main course. "Who's up for dessert?"

The conversation from there wasn't any better really, but the Volturi had no choice. With Jane and Alec seemingly on their side, they all knew they stood no chance, not even to mention the other entity in their presence, who could seemingly control people at a whim. Aro had seen more, but wouldn't risk asking for a demonstration of the fire he'd seen in Carlisle's memories.

By the end of the meeting, Harry revealed some items he'd created for the Volturi.

First, three onyx rings, with large rubies in their centre. These were gifts for the leaders of the Volturi. The Rubies could be turned and would flash when activated, turning them from creepy looking old vampires, into warm, soft-skinned, slightly tanned versions of themselves. Even their hair would appear shorter, to fit in with humans more easily. All their eyes were a soft brown then, too.

The other function of the rings, was to notify Harry that they had need of him, who could come to them should there be issues. Since they were being forced to not kill humans, they'd need his services, should someone find out about them. Having their strongest deterrents, Jane and Alec, taken away, meant that they would likely call on him soon, to prove they were still as effective as ever.

Then there was a box, like a cupboard, which could be used to send them meals, until they could arrange everything they'd need to start supplying for themselves. Esme would be helping Harry supply meals this way. She was actually looking forward to it.

Aro and his fellow leaders were already considering expanding the dungeons and sending Demetri to hunt down men, who would serve as their main form of sustenance. Aro knew what sort of people to look out for. All else fails, some prisons may just lose some of their inmates, who were bound for death-row, anyway.

Lastly, there were ten pendants, also in onyx, which performed the same function as the rings. These however, could not be taken off once donned, unless in the presence of the all three Volturi leaders. The last function of the pendants, were the ability to recall them from Volterra, the home of the Volturi. If any should be lost, due to someone killing the wearer and taking them, they could easily be regained. It was even explained that it could be a useful way of bringing people in, should they be in contact with the pendant, when it was recalled.

With the gifts delivered, Harry had his friends, family and his two new servants all hold hands with him, and they disappeared off to Forks again. It was also done as a show of power. Harry could call on and transport anyone he wanted to, whenever, and wherever he wanted to.

"So we're just his dogs now?" Caius asked.

"You do not know what I saw in Carlisle's mind." Aro said. "That man is like a god to us. He could give us our heart's desires, or destroy us with very little effort. His other plan was to simply destroy us and have Carlisle's coven take over as the ruling coven."

"But-" Caius started.

"There will be no arguing!" Aro said angrily. "He who attracts Harry Potter's ire, will regret it for the rest of his very short existence."

"I like him." Marcus said, with a bemused smile on his face. He'd snagged Caius's bottle and was halfway through it. He was thoroughly enjoying the effect. "He's not even taking us from power and offering us the ability to leave our stale existence, cooped up in these halls, skulking in the shadows."

"I wouldn't mind seeing what it feels like to walk in the sun again." Aro agreed.

Caius, on the other hand, had started making a plan.

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  • Welthintergrund

Die Gesamtpunktzahl 0.0

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Stone -- Power-Stein
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