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22.37% Monkey in the Multiverse / Chapter 83: Friend Shelf

Kapitel 83: Friend Shelf

Time seriously passed by... seriously

Hiro taught and trained the Familia as well as himself. He had a superb idea of leaving clones to teach Isabella, train the Familia in the Time room and spar with them outside, while he went into the Dungeon.

He was also able to shadow exchange into the Time room and train for a bit everyday before going back to the Dungeon's lower levels. He smashed through the floors, killing everything in his path before settling down at the 69th floor.

The Monsters were much stronger there and also Draconic. He found Weine, the dragon loli! Needless to say, she got an Impurity Cleanse and abducted into the Familia. She was added to the training routine as everyone's stats were rising like rockets in no time at all!

Really it had been years inside the Time room but nobody needed to know that.

Hestia was dazed at the Levels she kept upgrading almost every month. Hiro and Zerotwo in particular seemed to be hurrying up for some reason and perfect leveled all the way to level 8 in a year and a half!

The rest of the Familia was at least level 6 with Ryu and Asterius being level 7s. Asterius was having a hard time because he overheard Hiro and Zerotwo's perfect leveling and wanted to try it for himself. He was close but still not there yet.

The little monster group was coming along extremely nicely.

Hiro's shadow army was massive now, but he had another idea. He took all the monsters and normal soldiers and merged them together, forming about 300 Demi-Human shadow soldiers that were stronger than before and had magic!

His unique shadows were given the straggling shadows to devour and got much stronger as well, though Deliora and Lullaby were falling behind pretty quickly, he decided to fix that and merged Lullaby with Midnight before separating Deliora into the rest of the Unique Shadows, giving them a massive power boost.

They were all almost as strong as he was now!

Hiro was happy at their progress and patted Blossom's head, getting the ever sweet pout in return. He checked and he had half a year left before Isabella's 8th birthday. He needed to hurry up and get to Max Level before clearing the Dungeon.

The reason he was hurrying along was Isabella was starting to look sad, she was 7 years old and knew the world now. She wanted to see the outside, not stay in the Dungeon anymore. Hiro complied and told her it wouldn't be long as he taught her everything he knew with his clone, training her in her magic along with Mittens.

He wanted her to have an exciting life, not one in a dungeon filled with boring study days. Speaking of teachers, Hiro and Zerotwo were probably the best of the best. Hiro pretty much knew everything, having only never gone to college in his previous life, but he remembered every textbook he skimmed through when he was going to school.

Everything else was self-taught or studied about and general knowledge of how things worked in anime. He was somewhat of a scientist himself!


Zerotwo was also hurrying along because she also didn't want to fall behind, especially when she saw Hiro working so hard. If she wasn't stronger than him, wouldn't he just lock her up out of trouble??

How boring would that be?!

That won't do.

So they secretly started competing.

Another thing to note, Bell forgot who Ais was. Surprisingly, Hiro actually didn't erase his memories. He just straight up fell for Hiro and Hestia's plots and finally confessed his feelings for Hestia, who fainted at the news.

Hiro woke her up and she kissed Bell.

[Congratulations! You've completed Matchmaker Extraordinaire! Rewards: Ultimate Mystery Chest!]

He also cleared the Checkpoint! (Part 6.) and got a 30 yr Experience Token as a reward, as well as a bunch of other junk from the Ultra Mystery Chests, they were good junk but all in the Miscellaneous tab, his lucky hadn't been too good in that regard for the past year or so.

His inner farm got a lot of seeds however.

Not only that but his God Slayer Goods was thriving at the 50th level!

One day

Hiro was grinding on the 69th floor when a light screen went off in front of him. He smiled happily and exchanged back into the house to see Hestia upgrading everyone to level 7 and 8. Hiro clapped and said "We're the Strongest Familia!"

The group smiled happily and Hiro doused them with a bucket of cold water as he said "Until you all get to level 9 don't even think about stopping training." the group started crying bitter tears.

[Congratulations! You've completed FOR THE BIG BOOBED LOLI! Rewards: Next World Token, Divinity Cancelling Bracelets, Big Boobed Loli statue.]

Hiro gawked at the strange rewards, it really was for the big boobed loli! The quest wasn't lying! What the fuck! He handed Hestia the bracelets and said "Happy birthday." she was omega confused and said "It's not my birthday." Hiro chuckled "It will be when you figure out what those do."

Hestia took the bracelets and felt her entire body tighten up, Hiro whispered in her ear and her face went from white to red and she looked frazzled. Hiro chuckled and pinched her cute little cheeks, damn he liked this loli, she was the best.

Hiro gave Bell the Perfected Magma Energy Injection, making him 'Immortal' while keeping his reproductive organs. He didn't know what Hiro did, but Hiro had never hurt him so... Hiro told him he was immortal now and then he added basically at the end.

Bell felt that the basically was a catch but he didn't think to much about it. Now he could live with Hestia forever! This was good news! Hiro offered the Injection to the rest and laid out 7 more Injections telling them the effects, there was literally no downside except if you though living longer was a downside.

They all took it, not seeing any reason not to and then they threw a little 'We just became immortal basically party' they had to changed the name because Hiro kept adding basically every time he said Immortal. Ryu asked him why and Hiro said "Because you're not Immortal, you can be killed by other people and in like 1000 years you'll die. I don't know how long, but you won't live forever. I, obviously, haven't tested the theory but I'm 99% sure you won't live forever."

Asterius devoured a tomahawk of beef as he said "What's the difference?" Hiro was puzzled, wasn't that cannibalism? Is a bull eating cow cannibalism? Maybe he was just thinking too much.


He answered "Well between 1000 years and forever is a big difference, basically 10,000 or a million years. Whenever the Sun explodes and devours the planet." as he ate his food. Welf waved saying "That won't happen for another Billion years! We're fine!"

Hiro had taught them science.

A while later

Hiro was looking at the Golden Statue in his hand. It was a small statue of Hestia giving him a thumbs up with a cheeky grin. He wasn't quite sure how to feel about this. He put it up in his Study on one of the shelves.

As soon as he placed it down, the self cleared itself and expanded. Hiro was stunned at the prompts.

[Congratulations! You've unlocked the Friend Shelf! Reward: Roger Statue!]

[Congratulations! You've completed Hidden Quest! You're a loser, get more friends wtf! Get 5 true friends. Rewards: Friend Statues.]

Hiro felt his entire being shiver in anger as Roger, Rayleigh, Erza, and Gildarts' statues placed themselves on the shelf. They were all in the same pose, giving him a thumbs up. He said angrily "They're not even different!"

Zerotwo walked into the study in confusion and looked at the screen in front of Hiro and then the Friend Shelf before bursting out in laughter. Hiro jumped on her and said "You think that's funny, eh? How's this!" as he squeezed her sides and tickled her, she yelped and Hiro grinned evilly, not letting go.

The statues behind him changed poses, Roger was giving a signature grin, Rayleigh was sighing, Erza was smiling cutely, Gildarts was laughing, and Hestia was shaking her fist with an angry expression.

A few months of hard grinding later

Hiro and Zerotwo leveled to level 9 and the rest were at 8 all together. Hestia was over the moon in joy. Hiro was frowning though.

He wasn't close to Max yet. He just started and he needed to get to Max before leaving. Isabella's birthday was in 2 months, he wanted to be prepared to leave around that time.

He dived into the Dungeon and set foot on the 70th floor.

He walked around, not seeing any monsters until a giant eye opened up and looked at him. He looked at the eye and grinned as a black dragon revealed himself. He spun Sun out into the Blades of Chaos and swung the blades out, lunging at the One Eyed Black Dragon.

After a massive fight of epic proportions

Hiro stood there, blood dripping from his blades and a dead One Eyed Dragon in front of him. He grinned and pulled out the shadow. A giant Dragon rose from the corpse and Hiro quickly took the corpse for himself, stuffing it in the System space and sending the giant dragon shadow into his own as the Tower of Babel trembled.

[Congratulations! You've completed Clear the Dungeon! Rewards: Next World, Falna Maxed, Random Divine Weapon, Ultimate Mystery Chest, Endless Dungeon Key, Random Pokemon Shadow.]

Hiro's eyes bulged out of their sockets, so many fucking rewards!

His Falna stats went straight to Level 9 SSS-999.

[Congratulations! You've received Leviathan!]

[Stormbreaker and Leviathan Detected!]

[Merging. . .]

[Frozen Thunder Axes acquired!]

He looked in from of him and a Shadow Charmander was looking back at him. It was pitch black with grey underbelly and blue flames. It opened it's mouth and said "Charmander!" Hiro spun Sun into the Frozen Thunder Axes, it was Stormbreaker in his left hand and Leviathan, from God of War, in his right hand.

Leviathan was cold and Stormbreaker crackled with lightning.

Hiro reverted it back to the Staff and placed it in his ear before patting Charmander on the head saying "You're cute." Charmander bit her hand saying "CHAR!" Hiro said "Uh... Fierce?" Charmander nodded and his tail swayed happily.

Hiro chuckled and he sent Charmander into his shadow, it wasn't his favorite pokemon but it was up there at a solid number 3. So he was happy.

He returned to the House and said "I cleared the Dungeon." everybody said "Oh cool!" before going to do their own thing. Hiro felt his mouth twitch, that's it? Just an 'Oh, cool'?!?!?!?! Zerotwo smiled and said "They got over it already."

Hiro looked at her and she winked saying "I got my Falna maxed too, plus the entire Dungeon shook." she smiled at him saying "Mmm, my man is a hero~" Hiro hooked her waist saying "Yeah? Have you fallen? Smitten? Enamored?" she purred and kissed him saying "All of the above?" Hiro picked her up saying "I think this calls for a... 'personal' celebration~"

She pursed her lips and said "Take me, my knight~" Hiro grinned and flashed to the bedroom.

The group celebrated and Hiro started teaching them all personally, fighting against them in the Time room for an entire year, working on his fighting skills with different weapons while the rest were grinding super hard trying to reach the peak.

Hiro figured out that the Dungeon respawned the One Eyed Black Dragon once every month, so he went down to kill it 2 more times, shredding it and spreading it among his Unique shadows once and the normal shadows once.

That was a massive power boost for them.

He also figured out that the first shadow was the strongest as it was from the Original Dragon. The rest weren't but it was still strong. Just Hiro killed the real one so the others were replicas. Maybe if someone killed the dragon enough times it would turn into a Xenos again.

Basically the Dungeon was an eternal thing.

Hiro even explored under the Dungeon to find nothing. There was a rock there. He took the rock and then there was nothing. He didn't even know what the rock was. It was just the only thing under the Dungeon.

He threw it into the System space and forgot about it

Then on Isabella's 8th birthday.

Everyone was close to level 9 and celebrated the loli's birthday, Hiro smiled with the rest, watching everything unfold. He pulled Hestia to the side after the party and held her shoulders saying "I'm leaving."

Hestia was stunned and teared up saying nervously "Where are you going?!" Hiro said "Away. I don't know for how long, but I will come back one day." he looked at her tears and added with a sad expression "Please don't cry, sis. I really can't handle it."

She cried saying "But you're leaving! Who knows if I'll ever see you again!" Hiro just hugged her and let her cry on his shirt. She grabbed his clothes and cried for a while as Hiro rubbed her back.

A while later

Hestia looked up and said "Promise you'll come back?" Hiro smiled and patted her head as he said "I promise." she smiled slightly and Hiro rubbed her face with his Healing hands, returning her to normal, she scrunched her nose and Hiro chuckled saying "When I come back, maybe I'll be an uncle?"

Hestia blushed and said "Baka... We're not that far..." Hiro laughed and threw her on his shoulder, joining the party again.

Hiro built a second Hearth Mansion in the Dungeon City, finally naming it 'Flame of the Hearth city' He laid the Teleportation pad in the same secret room as the first Mansion on the surface and gave all his prepared stock of potions, weapons, armor, and goods to Hestia as well as all the Monster drops and crystals.

He had already taught Weine how to brew the potions, Haruhime how to cook, and Welf how to forge like him, during the training sessions.

He made Lili a giant minigun for her to use as he had taught her wind magic so her load wasn't so heavy. Mainly because he thought a loli with a minigun was menacing and funny at the same time, but she really liked it.

He made Ryu twin swords made of Adam and Eve wood for her to use and taught her his healing magic.

He made a giant Axe and the only set of 'God Slayer' armor in the world for Asterius, the Minotaur Shota.

And finally, Bell got and Impurity Cleanse and boots with wings on them that Hiro named 'God Speed' They were made with the actual skin from the One Eyed Dragon as well as the feathers he got from Hermes in exchange for a Divinity Cancelling Bracelet so he could bang his assistant finally.

They were basically a Divine Item.

Hestia gawked at the boots and Hiro gave her an Impurity Cleanse, an extra one for her child, a Golden Bell, and finally a Doll of himself. The doll was actually the best thing as Hiro made it able to teach and move around magically.

Hestia teared up as she knew what the gifts meant. He was leaving.

Hiro packed up his house and store after making a new store named 'Gifts of the Hearth' it was basically the same shop but for the Hestia Familia as more adventurers were making it to the 50th floor everyday.

They had a stock that should last for 10 years at the least.

Hiro really went all out. The last thing he did was gift a new Forging Hammer to Hephaestus along with a letter. He stood with Zerotwo, Isabella, and Mittens and said "Ready?" the girls nodded with smiles and Hiro activated the Next world reward as the 4 disappeared.

Hephaestus went to her forge to see a Hammer along with a letter. She opened the letter and teared up before throwing it and shouting "I WASN'T FLIRTING!"

Monkey_Godking Monkey_Godking


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