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41.17% HP: A Magical Journey [Complete] / Chapter 181: Brief, Morning, and "Duel."

Kapitel 181: Brief, Morning, and "Duel."

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The link is also in the synopsis.




The AID office, while a calm environment, was a usually happening place. Especially this year, with the room being the central hub for the quidditch tournament — teams, stadium tickets, merchandise sales, betting, and so many other things were being coordinated through the AID office.

"I'm just the host," said Quinn to the four people in front of him, "I'm not in charge of the management of organizing the Tri-wizard tournament. . . . I've repeated this so many times throughout the year."

The four Tri-wizard champions — Fleur Delacour, Harry Potter, Cedric Diggory, and Victor Krum, looked at each other before looking back at Quinn, who was flipping through a very thick ledger.

"So why do they time and time again delegate other tasks to me," he continued, "the final game is the next week, and I'm neck-deep in work," he looked up at them, "Cedric and Mr. Krum, congratulations on getting to the finals."

Trolling Boogeys and Treacherous Barons had beat out the rest of the teams and came out on top to compete in the finals. From the opening game between these very same team to the finals — it was a complete circle.

The numbers from the credit and debit sides matched up in Quinn's mind, and with a signature as a seal of authentication, Quinn closed the accounts book — the Weasley twins might be great at the betting operations, but they didn't have the level of accounting and math skills to make sure all the money was accounted for.

"Good, let's get started," he said and finally gave the four champions his complete attention, "now, with the third task being less than a month from now on, it's time for you guys to know about the details."

The four champions perked up and intently listened as this was going to be the last task.

"The last task is going to be a maze crawl where you'll have to face many different magical beasts and get to the other end where the first one will find the Tri-wizard cup waiting for them. . . . the first to grab it, that is."

Quinn's eyes skirted towards Harry and Cedric for a split second before he was back at looking at all four.

"What kind of magical beasts?" asked Fleur.

"That will not be revealed; you'll only find that out when you actually encounter them," answered Quinn.

"Where will it be?" said Harry.

"The quidditch stadium is going to be replaced with the maze."

Cedric and Harry jerked back at the answer. "They are going to uproot the stadium?" asked Cedric.

"Yes," affirmed Quinn, "that's why I made you guys play that one game during the snowfall. . . . I have to conclude the quidditch tournament the coming week as it takes time to dismantle the stadium and then. . . . build the maze." He had to take a pause as he almost gave out the maze was made from plants.

"Moving on, in the first two tasks, all of you were given points," he continued, "those points came in play right now. The earned points will be summed up and used to decide the order in which you four go inside the maze; of course, there will be intervals between each entry."

The four champions glanced at each other — all four knew their own point total and knew what the other three got, and from that, they were able to calculate the order.

"Harry Potter goes first as his sum total comfortably puts him at the top. The second entry is for Victor Krum," said Quinn and gazed at Fleur, "your performance in the second task really hurt your sum total; as such, you get the third place. Finally, Cedric Diggory goes last in the line."

"But don't feel disheartened," continued Quinn, "it's a maze with beasts randomly placed across it. You never know what might one encounter — Harry might encounter one beast after another while Diggory might have smooth sailing to the end. While this task grants advantages and disadvantages, with a little luck, it can be the equalizer that might level the field."

Krum leaned back into his chair and opened his mouth for the first time, "Is. . . . fighting allowed between champions?"

Quinn smiled in response, "Yes, it's allowed. As long as the spells aren't lethal, you all will be allowed to engage each other in combat. Stunning your competition will be the best outcome you can ask for."

"They made us face dragons, but now they keep our spells non-lethal?" scoffed Fleur.

"What can I say," shrugged Quinn, "champion killing champion isn't good for the radio program and next-day articles. That's why please make sure all of you have a level of kiddy gloves on. Other than that, you can get as creative and colorful as you can and want to be."

" " " "Is flying allowed?" " " "

At once, the four champions asked the same question.

"First of all, don't give your potential strategy away," said Quinn shaking his head, "now, to answer your question, no, flying isn't allowed — the maze becomes redundant otherwise."

The four seemed disappointed, and as much as three quidditch players on brooms and a Veela in her avian form sounded fun, it wasn't going to happen.

"Very well, if you haven't got any questions, please leave. . . . I have a lot of work to do," said Quinn, waving them away — there was another ledger open on his table.

The champions stood up; they didn't want to intrude as Quinn did really look busy — all champions except one.

"Yes, Mr. Krum?"

"Could I have a word?"

"Of course, what is it?"

"Alone. . . . I don't want to be overheard."

Quinn looked at the three standing champions who were curious, but under Quinn's gaze, they shuffled out, leaving Quinn and Krum alone.

"Now then, do say."

"I want to know," said Krum, glowering, "what is there between you and Daphne."

Quinn, who from Krum's secretive manner had expected something much more serious than this, stared up at Krum in amazement.

"Nothing," he replied. But Krum was still glowering. "We're friends — close friends. I have known Daphne for a while. . . . what makes you think there's something going on between Daphne and me?"

"Daphne talks about you very often."

"Yeah, as I said, we're friends."

"You have never . . . you have not . . ."

"It's none of your business," said Quinn firmly, "if you want to know more, then go ask Daphne instead of coming to me."

Krum didn't look satisfied with the answer and got up, giving Quinn a lingering stare before leaving without saying another word. Quinn stared at the door through which Krum exited for a while and sighed before getting back to work.

"Yeah, right, he isn't good enough for her."


- (Scene Break) -


Hermione looked at her best friend with healthy energy in her body as the clock struck six and a half in the morning. "Don't be like that. It's good to wake up early in the morning once in a while."

Ivy turned her half-lidded eyes with a sleepy-irritated gaze towards Hermoine. "There's nothing good about this. . . . not a single thing. There is still time, you know? We're still relatively near the common room — how about we go back and return to sleep. . . . Second sleeps are supposed to be very good."

"Studies say that waking up early in the morning is good for your health," said Hermione, stating a fact, "even magic is affected by waking up in the morning. If one wakes up early in the morning, the rate of magic regeneration increases; though it takes a couple months to get that benefit. . . . so how about it; should we make this a daily thing."

"Over my sleeping body, we will." The redhead wasn't a morning person.

The girls exited the castle and arrived in the green meadows of Hogwarts. A cool morning breeze caressed their faces, paired with the not so bright sun overhead and the lush greens below. . . .

"Hmm, it's not half bad," said Ivy.

"So, every day?"

"Still a no on that front."

The girls had no specific plans, so they started to walk in the green, chatting about the upcoming day and the trivial things that came to their minds.

". . . . so I had to charm Ron's things with a stinging spell so that if he got up before doing his homework to play, he would be stung if he touched any of his belongings." Hermione narrated the latest entry in the list of methods to make Ron do his homework when she noticed Ivy had stopped walking.

"What happened?" she asked.

When Ivy didn't reply, Hermione followed Ivy's line of sight.

"Is that Quinn?" asked Hermione, seeing the familiar figure, "what is he doing?"

The fifth-year Ravenclaw boy was dressed in a simple white t-shirt and black shorts with running shoes on his feet. And instead of exercising as his attire portrayed, Quinn was standing still.

"He is," Hermione followed Quinn's line of sight and saw, "staring at a crow?"

The girls watched as Quinn continued to stare unblinkingly at the crow, which was resting on the ground, looking for food in the trimmed grass. He didn't even notice them as they walked towards him.

"Quinn?" called out Ivy.

Quinn jolted out his staring trance, almost jumped out of his shoes when he heard his name being called so close to him.

"Ivy, Hermione," he started, seeing the two Gryffindors, "what are you two doing here," he put a hand in his pocket and took out a pocket watch as he continued, "what's the time? Hmm? It's only fifteen to seven. Thank god, I thought I was late."

"What were you doing staring at that crow?" asked Ivy.

Quinn glanced at the bird for a second before returning, "It's not a crow. It's a raven. As for the reason — she's really black."

". . . .What?"

"The raven," he repeated, "it's really black, and I guess I kind of got lost staring at her."

"Her?" asked Hermione.

"Yeah," said Quinn tilting his head, "can't you tell? That bird is clearly a girl."

Ivy and Hermione studied the black raven, and they couldn't tell that the bird was a female from any angle.

"Anyway, forget about the raven," said Quinn with his hands on his waist, "what brings you two hear this early in the morning?"

"Oh, we decided to enjoy early mornings today, take a walk, and start the day earlier than usual," said Hermione.

"Did you know that waking up early in the morning does wonder to the rate of magic regeneration?" said Quinn sharing one of the reasons he got up early every day.

Hermione turned to Ivy and gave her best friend a smug look. Ivy's face twitched once before she decided to pretend to ignore the topic.

"What about you," asked Ivy, "why are you here so early in the morning?"

"This is a part of my daily routine. I wake up at six every day and start my day with some exercise. It helps me shed the sleepiness and gets me ready for the day."

Hermione nodded, "I see —"

Hermione watched as a figure came running out of the corner, sprinting at full speed with long strides and arm swinging wildly at his sides. He came blitzing towards them as he passed by; the three heard, "$#*@^%! —QUINN! $#*@^%!"

"That was Eddie Carmichael. What's he doing?"

Quinn chuckled and peered at the sprinting Eddie, "You missed it, huh. Wait about a minute, he will come back, and you will see."

"Missed what?" asked Ivy.

As Quinn said, after a minute, Eddie came back, but this time was lightly jogging instead of running like a madman. Strangely, he didn't stop and started to jog circles around them.

"The good Potter and Granger," he said calmly as if he hadn't run past them hurling profanities, "what are you two doing here?"

Ivy nodded appreciatively at being called the good Potter even though she knew it was because Eddie didn't get along with her brother.

"What are YOU doing?" asked Hermione as Eddie continued jogging around them, but then she saw a golden glint following behind him. "Is that a snitch?"

"Yeah, it's the shitty snitch," spat Eddie, sending a glare towards Quinn.

"What?" said Quinn, "you were the one who asked to help you gain the edge against Krum. I'm just helping you."

Eddie clicked his tongue but didn't retort — he did ask for this.

"Why is the snitch following him?" asked Ivy.

"Ah, that's actually part of his new training," answered Quinn, feeling like a new-age coach, "that's a standard snitch which I've modified to follow instead of running away. As you can see, I've also cut most of its speed, so Eddie can actually run away from it — you don't want to get caught by that snitch."

"What happens if you get caught?"

"You get a very creepy zap which carries throughout your body," said Eddie interjecting, "it doesn't hurt, but it's really unpleasant. . . . believe me, it feels really irksome." His body shivered, feeling the phantom feeling.

"As he said," continued Quinn, "it's just a basic carrot and stick policy—"

"There's no carrot!" yelled Eddie.

"— It gives him the motivation to keep running," said Quinn, "of course, as he can't keep running, it slows down at specific intervals."

"I can do it without this behind my back!"

"Don't kid yourself. You don't like to run; this is the only way to get your lazy arse running. Sometimes I'm worried if you'll be able to keep up without me pushing you."

"Don't act like—" started Eddie, but then he heard a beeping sound and immediately sprinted off to the distance with the snitch picking up speed.

Quinn turned to them and smiled as he offered, "Do you want to exercise with me? I can guarantee it will be a productive experience."

Ivy and Hermione shared glances.

"No, thank you."

The raven behind them spread her wings and silently took flight, rising above the blue sky and joining two other ravens in their flight as the three flew in circles in the sky around the boy below on the ground.


- (Scene Break) -


Quinn removed his outer Hogwarts robes, folding it before setting it to the side on a barstool. "Are you sure you want to do this?" he asked, "to be honest, it's not a fair competition."

"Yes, I'm sure," answered Cedric, stretching his body, "about it being a fair competition, we will see about that."

Quinn laughed and took out his fake wand, holding it in hand with a lazy grip.

Given that the third task was so close, Cedric had booked a thirty-minute slot in Quinn's schedule to have a mock duel with him to practice for the third task.

"Alright then," smiled Quinn at the confidence, "tell me when you're ready."

"I'm ready," replied Cedric, folding his sleeves with his wand in hand.

Both duelers took their stance, with Cedric holding his wand in front of him with a severe expression while Quinn sported a relaxed expression with his wand hanging by his side.

Quinn raised his left hand and showed a silver sickle pinched between his finger. "I will toss this sickle, and the moment we hear the sound of it hitting the ground will be the signal to start."

Cedric nodded, and the coin was tossed up. While it was in the air, the two matched eyes, and Cedric saw a smile in Quinn's eyes. His peripheral vision caught the silver glint of the sickle, and his eyes subconsciously followed the coin. Clink, clink, clink. . . . the coin hit the ground, and Cedric immediately charged magic while his eyes moved towards Quinn.

"Huh?" uttered Cedric. He saw a glowing wand tip pointed at him — in the moment he had removed his eyes from Quinn, he(Quinn) had raised his wand to him(Cedric.)

A spell zapped towards Cedric, and he had just enough time to pull up a shield, "Shit!" The attack hit the protection and fizzled away. But Cedric's worries weren't alone, as Quinn was already on the verge of casting his second spell.

"You need to be quick," Quinn's voice hit Cedric's ears as he saw another red zapping towards him, which slammed hard against his shield, thoroughly damaging it, breaking its structural integrity.

Cedric pushed more magic into the shield, trying to make it stronger, but then two spells once again assaulted the shield.

"You can't hide behind a shield," Cedric heard Quinn, "you have to go on attack sometime; train to strike first."

Cedric step-shifted to his left and immediately shot a spell towards Quinn, who swatted the spell away with a smile.

"Most of the time, it's a game of speed," said Quinn and started to walk while continuing to swat and block Cedric's spell. "striking first always helps. Hit them before they get a chance to hit you."

Cedric, who had been offense and was in the midst of casting for a knockback hex on Quinn, abruptly had to cancel the spell when he saw a knockback hex jolting towards him.

"Oof!" despite his best efforts, Cedric wasn't completely able to deflect the spell and had to take a partial knockback hex to the arm, making it numb immediately.

Just when Cedric thought that the current volley was over, he saw another knockback hex appear, and this time, he felt a huge lung emptying grunt as he felt a chain of glint in his eye.

"One spell isn't enough. To make sure your target is hit, cast two spells and get ready for anything required for the solutions."

Cedric laid fat on the ground and saw Quinn walk into the edge of his vision.

"How are you," asked Quinn.

"I got a bad start," said Cedric, "next time, I won't lose."

Quinn pulled Cedric up and laughed, "We will see about that."

And they did see. Till the end of the allotted time, Quinn disarmed, knocked, stunned in twenty duels. And not once did Quinn come into contact with any spell from Cedric.

As Quinn had said, the exchange wasn't fair.




Quinn West - MC - I'm busy!

Victor Krum - Champion - Or maybe he hasn't given up.

Eddie Carmichael - Ravenclaw Chaser - Being put through unorthodox training.

Ivy Potter - Potter Twin - Not a morning person.

Hermione Granger - Knows facts about anything she does - She knows her stuff.

Cedric Diggory - Champion - Got his ass-whooped. . . a lot.

FictionOnlyReader - Author - Sleepy, yawn.




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FictionOnlyReader FictionOnlyReader

Just like always,

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