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22.97% A Gamers Guide to Necromancy / Chapter 17: Talks and Deals

Kapitel 17: Talks and Deals

"Hey Grayfia... Drink this." I order with a grin, I am not drinking one because it lasts a week and I'm not pulling out off everyone for an entire week because I have temporary super fertility.

"...What is it?" she asked pausing her hip movements briefly as she looked at the potion.

"You said you wanted another child, this will make it far more likely." I say passing it to her as she stared at it silently for a moment, before she frowned, opening it and downing the whole vial, before she tosses it off to the side with a smirk.

I don't do this often but I may have made a tiny mistake.

Just a little one, it doesn't really make much of a difference...

As Grayfia starts moving again I kiss her, frowning mentally. What mistake?

So the potion was supposed to be a 750% increase to fertility.

Basically, 7.5x more likely to get pregnant.

I may have made it 750x more likely instead...


….I'm not fixing it, it's your problem now.

Oh... I'm going to be a father aren't I? I almost pity my future kid, this is one weird as fuck family they'll be born into.

Honestly compared to Shiro's, your family is practically normal

That makes too much sense. Oh, right I was in the middle of something.

Standing up I pick Grayfia up and lay her on the table, never breaking our kiss as I start thrusting into her... I wanted to be on top.

With all the different sex magic I cast on her, it's no surprise that she cums first, honestly I'm half afraid of what the higher levels are going to be like if I can make Grayfia have a screaming orgasm at Level 10.

At Level 100 I'll basically be Orgasmo.

Coincidentally that was Shiro's super villain name, well one of them...

His power was making people orgasm by hip thrusting at them.

I don't think the Teen Titans could ever look each other in the eyes after the 'battle'...

...moving on.

On a whim, I cast Touch of Pleasure again, but focus it through my dick instead of my hands, the result is immediate and entertaining. Her eyes widen immediately as her mouth opens in a slight scream, I can feel her inner walls tightening down on me almost painfully. It becomes difficult to pull out of her, as she tightens like a vice around my shaft, her eyes rolling back in her head.

It occurs to me that she doesn't have the best sexual stamina.

A quick cast or two of Lubricate makes it possible to move again as I pound into her, shaking the table as I do. She out of it, there's no sign of reaction from her as I take her hard. Leaning down I wrap my lips around her nipple sucking and nipping at it as I grope her other one with my hand.

Yeah she's out of it, nothing I do gets a reaction from her.

Oh well, that doesn't make her any less enjoyable, and with how tight she's become it doesn't take long before I catch up and cum myself, releasing my seed into her incredibly fertile womb. As I pull out slowly, and with a fair amount of effort she doesn't react at all. Taking a moment to watch the cum leak from her slowly I wave my hand in front of her open eyes.

Grayfia Lucifuge has the status effect [Unconscious]

Grayfia Lucifuge has the status effect [Pregnant]

Sexual Stamina Check Passed (Req END = 50, END = 229)


Well I'm stuck here until she wakes up... she is my ride home.

I could try using a health or stamina potion to wake her... or alternatively...

- Grayfia -

Waking up she groaned slightly, before her eyes shot open as she blushed...

She had no idea what he did, but the waves of pleasure completely overwhelmed her... making her pass out... she was never going to live this down.

...why did her jaw feel sore? Why did her ass feel sore?

Never mind, she could guess.

Looking around she saw Lord Kuro sitting on a chair, playing on his phone, fully dressed.

"Finally, you're my life home." he said looking up as she got up on shaky legs looking down at the considerable amount of cum leaking from her pussy. "You're pregnant by the way, I made sure to finish in your pussy every time." he said casually making her freeze.

Pregnant? Impossible, it took her and Sirzechs hundreds of tries to get pregnant, though Ajuka's magic for same sex pregnancies wasn't exactly reliable, even still it wasn't easy to get a devil pregnant.

She ruthlessly tried to crush the budding hope in her chest.

"I highly doubt that." she replied.

"No, you are. By the way, can you make sure to tell Serafall, she's testing the fertility potions as well, so I did some testing of my own. You are very much pregnant, so congratulations?" he said getting up. "Now can you please take me home?" he asked calmly putting his phone away.

She ignored him deep in thought... Fertility potions? Serafall said he'd made a discovery that could everything... could she really be pregnant? In just one night? The spells to detect it worked as early as twelve hours after conception, so she could find out soon enough... Ajuka had at least worked out the magic for that easily enough.

"Hello? Can we go home now?" he asked waving a hand in front of her face as she sighed.

"Very well, let's get home..." she said creating the magic circle before she froze... she'd just called the castle home...

Why did that feel... right?

- Kuro -

"Thanks for the ride, I'm going to bed now, you were out of it for almost three hours after all." I say laughing as she blushes.

Waiting was boring, even if I managed to amuse myself with her body while she was out of it. I got three levels of Eromancer in that one session, I don't think I will ever need to grind Eromancer when I can level it every time I spend some time with one of my girls.

For now I am going to bed, tomorrow I have a free day after school for once, so that will be nice.

- Next Morning -

Groaning as I hear someone knocking at my door I throw my quilt off my body and sit up, I really don't want to get up in truth.

"Kuro? We have to get ready for school." Asia says through the door as I shout back that I am up, I want to go back to sleep...

With a sigh I get out of bed and have a quick shower to wake myself up, and get dressed. I like school, or to be more specific I like the people at school. I don't like getting up for school however, waking up sucks.

After I finish putting my uniform back on I open my door to see Asia beaming at me happily.

"You look happy this morning... I take it you're excited for school?" I say with a yawn.

"Of course! School is wonderful, and I made plenty of friends yesterday. Why wouldn't I be excited?" she asks with a slight tilt to her head.

"...No reason, come on then." I say heading downstairs.

"Lady Kalawarner has made breakfast for you... we still have time... do you want some coffee to wake you up?" she says guiding me to the kitchen carefully.

"...That sounds great."

I let her pull me into a seat as she puts the full English breakfast in front of me, running off to get me some coffee... I could get used to this.

As I'm eating I pause... it tastes great... why does it taste at all? I quickly devour the food enjoying the taste for the first time since I started this game.

I have no idea what changed, but it's wonderful.

Downing me coffee, I get seconds while Asia slowly eats her own far less large breakfast. By the time Asia is done, I've had my seconds, and thirds...

Thanking Kalawarner I head out with Asia following behind me, she's checking her notes again, peeking over her shoulder shows she looking over all the things we went over in class yesterday, she's certainly diligent.

I leave her to her studying, no reason to distract her.

We arrive quickly enough and Sona stops me as we reach the gate.

"Good Morning Kuro, if you don't mind can you come to the council room after school today? I'd like to speak with you in private." she asks quickly, looking slightly nervous.

"Yeah, that's fine, how are all your Peerage? I didn't get to see you after the Rating Game." I ask, getting a small smile from her.

"We are all fine, the Rating Game is set up to prevent major injuries, and they recovered from the mental wounds easily enough. Plus Rias shared the potions you gave her to heal everyone." Sona explains.

"Of course she did, if they'd have asked I would have supplied some myself... I gave them those for emergencies... I think I'll make some more soon, so both you and her have some, just in case." I say, I don't want to lose anyone when Kokabiel shows up.

"I was under the impression that you had made a deal to not trade your Potions? I know my sister was angry at the Phenex's for that, I do believe she's planning on speaking to both them, and you about that." she asks with a slight frown.

"I made a deal not to sell Health Potions, and only Health Potions. And I'm not selling you anything, I'm giving them to you for free. So it's fine." I explain with a laugh at Ravel's less than airtight deal. She really isn't the best at trades.

"I see, it's a loophole then? I would certainly appreciate some Healing Items for emergencies, Phenex Tears are both Rare, and Expensive, making them hard to get even for other Pillar Clans. Honestly I don't know whether the Phenex Pride or their monopoly on healing items is more responsible for their negative reputation, even amongst other Devils." she says with a laugh.

Quest Added

[In case of Emergencies]

Objective: Supply Rias and Sona with Health Potions just in case

Optional Objective: Include Mana and Stamina Potions as well

Hidden Objective: ?

Reward: Reputation Boosts, Increased Chance of both Peerage's surviving

"When I get some time I'll see what I can do." I say giving her a quick kiss on the lips before I say goodbye and head to class.

It'd be annoying if someone died before I got True Resurrection, so I might as well keep them alive, and enjoy that easy Rep.

Classes... were exactly as boring as I expected. But something interesting did at least happen midway through.

+60 Affection with Grayfia Lucifuge [71/100] (for granting an almost forgotten dream)

Devil's are very good at finding out whether they are pregnant or not, looks like I really am going to be a father...

- Bennia -

Jumping over the wall easily she landed with a flourish, before she froze seeing the pack of Undead Hounds staring at her, before they stared growling.

Turning around to jump back over she froze seeing the shadowy archers glaring down at her.


Running from the doggies she considered her choices, she couldn't hurt her potential employers pets and followers, that would be a very bad start...

She was fast, but apparently so where the hounds, using her replication magic she sent duplicates of herself in every direction before frowning as the hounds ignored them, chasing her with unrelenting focus, as she turned the corner she immediately turned around, running towards the hounds as the Dragon breathed it's unnatural fire at the spot she was just in.

Jumping over the dogs she climbed through an open window, slamming it shut as she panicked, turning just in time to see a shield smash into her head.

As she came to she struggled, feeling her arms bound behind her back as a massive Knight glared down at her. She could see four more in the stone prison cell she was tied up in. she could break the bonds but that didn't seem like quite the right move at the moment...

"Erm... Hello? I was hoping to speak to your boss?" she said slowly as they glared at her.

"...We should kill the intruder." the one in front of her spoke in a gravelling voice.

"...We should wait for the Master to get home." another spoke.

"...Let's just kill her and be done with it."

"...She is an intruder, but she is female? The Master likes females."

"...He does. We will wait for him."

"...He really likes the females, we should wait."

So... she would get to meet him? This wasn't quite how she had pictured things going, but as long as she met the Necromancer then this was fine.

- Shisui -

"You dumb fucker! What are you doing Itachi?" Shisui Uchiha growled in annoyance as he watched Itachi do that stupid head poke thing to Sasuke before dying.

Since the Rating Game against the Chicken guy he and Kushimaru had been simply ordered to guard the mansion of his new master Kuro which they had done without much problems.

He did the night shift, and had free time during the day, while Kushimaru stayed on guard constantly, he couldn't leave the castle when he wasn't working so he ended up trying to work out the internet.

After finding a search engine he'd searched for Uchiha mostly on a whim, finding a 'anime' called Naruto in the process.

Needless to say he was confused as fuck. He'd spent all his free time binge watching the show, he'd had to get the blonde maid to help him find a site to watch it on, but it was sorted out easily enough.

So far he had been pissed on what happened after his death.

The Uchiha Massacre, the Oto/Suna Invasion, Sasuke's defection, Akatsuki's attacks on the Jinchuriki and now the death of Itachi at the hand of his brother. Don't even get him started on 'Tobi', he'd looked him up on the Wiki, a truly useful tool, honestly it was a Shinobi's nightmare, to have their entire life and abilities out in the open.

He had hoped to somehow keep Kuro away from his Home world but now his plans had changed considerably, he needed to go to his world, and take his 'Master' with him, he didn't want his clan to die out like this, not if he could stop it. Maybe he could just Kotoamatsukami Itachi and Sasuke to stop this whole nonsense from happening... that was his new goal in life... his new goal in afterlife, to stop the Uchiha Massacre.

Or maybe he'd just kill Sasuke, he was definitely killing Danzou, that old fuck was living on borrowed time. But Sasuke was a traitor in the making, and Shisui wasn't going to let him be all that remained of his clan.

Then he'd deal with Obito, the whiny little brat. Starting a war because your crush died? That was beyond pathetic.

Shisui let out a sigh, not that he needed to breath any more, before idly wondering if he should thank Kuro for resurrecting him. With this knowledge he could save his clan, and village...

He just needed Kuro's help, and permission...

Well, his village had plenty of hot girls, so maybe that would work?

- Kuro -

Knocking on the student council door I immediately get called in, as I enter I immediately notice that only Sona and Rias are here, even Akeno and Tsubaki are missing. And that's certainly rare...

"Thank you for coming." Sona says putting some paperwork away as she stands up from her desk, walking around and sitting on a chair next to Rias as I sit opposite them.

"No problem, so what did you need?" I ask leaning back in my seat.

"Our battle yesterday taught us both something important, both of us, and our peerages are lacking in power, we failed to even take down a single undead..." Sona starts as they both wince slightly in remembrance.

"Not actually true, Koneko managed to defeat a couple of Skeletons with Variant Destruction, and you defeated a Bayrok, but I cast Undying army at the start of the battle, so they were brought back after they fell." I say, I was surprised that she managed to kill a Bayrok with her water dragon, but Undying Army is a very powerful skill.

"Even still, we were completely outmatched. Simply put we need more power to face the stronger threats this world has, we have both been slacking entirely too much. You managed to rapidly power up one of the Fallen under your command, and we want to know what you would want to put us through the same training." Sona asks getting to the point quickly.

"Exactly how strong are you looking to get? And what are you offering for it?" I ask leaning forwards in curiosity, I'm not willing to get into a big negotiation with Sona, she's very smart. My INT is higher but it doesn't make me smarter unless there's a skill check, so I'd say she's smarter than me, and I feel like I'd lose out if I tried negotiating too much.

"Approximately as strong as Riser should suffice, despite how easily you beat him he was powerful, he simply ended up against his worst possible opponent. For me, I've cleared it with my parents to offer you an alliance with the Sitri family, with the agreement to assist you both Politically and in battle should you require it. Along with 3 more favours from me personally to be called in for whatever you desire." Sona says calmly.

As strong as Riser? He's Tier 2, Level 55 so that would be Level 110, and Sona is Level 39. That's... not hard to be honest, and having a pillar clan in my pocket could be really helpful.

"My Father has agreed to the same deal, at my mothers urging. And my mother has offered to double your weekly payment to ten, whatever that means. I'd offer you more favours, but I don't think I'll ever pay off the ones I already own you." Rias says with a small smile.

Ten corpses instead of Five? That's good.

Especially for something that frankly won't be that hard, just time consuming.

[School of Hard-Knocks]

Objective: Level Rias and Sona to 110 each, and their Peerage's to 100

Optional Objective: Level Ravel to 110, and Riser's former Peerage to 100

Optional Objective: Level Rias and Sona to 150 each, and their Peerage's to 125

Reward: Reputation Boosts, Alliance with the Gremory and Sitri Clans, More Corpses, Favours from Sona, Increased Fame, Stronger Allies and Followers

It has a point, as I max them out they'll become my followers anyway, and them being stronger only benefits me.

"Deal, I'm not sure how quickly I will be able to do this, since I am busy and there's quite a lot of you, but I can and will make you both stronger than Riser." I say getting a smile from them both.

"We do understand that you are extremely busy, we have no intention of rushing you." Rias says happily. "...Can I ask you something unrelated?" she asks hesitantly.

"Sure, go ahead." I say easily.

"Why do you have two Naruto Characters, and Naruto Powers?" she asks making me freeze. "I didn't recognise them at first, but after I realised what your Bone Skills were, I looked them up..." she says as I think hard...

Maybe I should tell them the truth? Or at least a bit of it...

"Do you know the Multi-Verse theory?" I ask hesitantly.

"The Theory that there are many different universes?" Sona asks, her eyes narrowing in thought.

"An Infinite Number of them, if there's an unlimited number of worlds then there will be ones where fiction is reality, so somewhere out there Naruto is real, and we are fiction. I found a way to access those worlds, and pull things from them. I learnt how to use Impure World Reincarnation and Dead Bone Pulse. And I got the blood of Shisui and Kushimaru to use for Impure World. Eventually I'll go there in person, it has many abilities I want, and people I want to recruit, or resurrect." I explain, I trust them both, Rias has maxed Affection and I am going to get Sona there soon.

"Your Necromancy does not exist in out world, because it's form another, that's your true power..." Sona says in thought, but Rias has a big frown on her face.

"...You're going to leave?" she asks sadly.

"Yes, but it's not like that, when I leave, I will return to the exact moment I left, so no time will pass. I'm not just going to disappear one day if that's what you are worried about." I say soothingly making her frown disappear.

"Have you already done this?" Sona asks after a moment.

"No, I have the ability to make the Verse Jump, but I haven't used it before, I can't control where I go, I can always return to previous worlds, but I can't choose where I end up. And after I Jump to a new world, I can't go to another new world until I've done enough in that world." I explain.

"But you can come back here whenever you want?" Rias asks almost desperately.

"I can. Maybe I'll even take you with me one day, wouldn't you like to explore your favourite Anime worlds?" I ask her with a smirk.

"A-Are you serious?" she asks with wide eyes as I nod, maybe it'll be fun and having a pocket Otaku to guide me through anime worlds could be useful. "Can you go to My Hero Academia!? Please say you can!" she half begs as Sona sighs.

Queued it up, It's Third in line now.

Don't expect me to make a habit off it.

"I can, eventually. When I do I'll bring you along." I promise. "But I'd appreciate it if you two would keep this to yourselves." I say getting a nod from them both.

"We will, you have done much, for both of us. We won't abuse your trust." Sona promises. "...on a side-note, I enjoy Sci-fi. And would be willing to make a deal to join you if you were to end up in such a world... and I think my sister would trade just about anything to actually go and play Magical Girl with other real Magical Girls..." she says with a light blush.

"I'll keep that in mind, I'm almost ready to make the first 'Jump', but I have some things to take care off before I go, and I don't know where I will end up." I say "Will that be all? my undead are sending a message telling me I'm needed at home."

"Yes, it will. Thank you for your time." Sona says, I say my goodbyes and head out.

My Death Knights are sending me a feeling that I should return as soon as possible, but they won't tell me why...

That hasn't happened before.

I don't waste time, heading home quickly. The moment I enter the living room I see the issue...

There's a Loli chained to my chair. Surrounded by Death Knights holding her at sword point.

"Ok... what?" I say as she beams at me.

"...Intruder ...Captured." the Death Knight says to me as it kneels before me.

"You can speak... wait never mind, I can think about that later. So 'Intruder'... care to tell me who you are?" I ask, before one of the Death Knights passes me... a CV?

"I am Bennia, the Cutest Grim Reaper in the Land of the Dead! I'm here to apply for the position of your Personal Grim Reaper." she says happily.

"She is one of Hades minions, she could be an assassin..." Izanami warns in my head, her voice harsh. I can already feel her anger at the mention of the other god of death.

"No I'm not, I used to work for Hades, but I quit when he sent me to kill you, I can't beat a Champion of a God. So, Hades wants you dead... and now he wants me dead as well... Soooooo... do you need a new minion?" she asks happily.

"She appears to speak the truth... and Hades is petty enough to try and kill any Necromancer's... Do it, take his minion for your own. He is stronger than me... but if he tries to kill you. I will assist." Izanami says.

"So, the enemy of your enemy?" I ask.

"Yup. Or more specifically, the Enemy of my old boss, is my new boss." she says as I order her to be unchained. "So... do I have the job? You don't even have to pay me, just give me some a room, and food." she asks cheerfully.

"What exactly do you think you'll be doing for me?" I ask her amused despite myself, she's pretty fun.

"Guarding your castle, harvesting the souls of your enemies for you to use in your dark arts... being eye candy? I'm not being your consort immediately though! I'm not that easy!" she says crossing her arms.

I have enough 'consorts' to not really care about that, as I go to tell her that she's hired she interrupts me again.

"Ok, maybe a little bit. You can look, and you can touch a little bit but not under my underwear!" she says, as I go to tell her that's not necessary she interrupts me again. "Fine, last offer. I will use my hands to umm... you know? And you can touch me wherever you want... deal?!" she shouts blushing.

"...Deal." I say deadpan.

+20 Obedience with Bennia [30/100] (for hiring her)

+10 Affection with Bennia [30/100] (for driving a hard bargain)

"Excellent, who do you want me to slay first?" she asks pulling a Scythe out from under her dress... she's going to give me a headache isn't she?

"For now, let's just pick you a room, so you get settled in." I say sighing as she makes her scythe vanishes under her dress again...

"Will do, My Lord? Master? Boss-man?" she says. "Which do you prefer?"

"...Just pick whichever. It's fine." I say leading her to the servants quarters, Azazel made all the rooms in the servant quarters over the top in extravagance, and Bennia leaps onto the bed, pushing her face into the quilt.

"I'll leave you to it then..." I say getting a thumbs up as I do.

+10 Affection with Izanami [20/100] (for stealing Hades minion)

Good to know, or it would be if I hadn't just found out that Hades is out for my blood... It's just one thing after another...

"My... Lord... More... Intruders..." a Death Knight says walking towards me as it kneels.

Of course there are more intruders... What was I saying about my free day?!

As I return to the living room I freeze, glaring at the slightly cowering idiot sat down.

"I'll deal with you in a moment Arthur, You're brave to come back here Georg... I swore I'd end you for dumping a Dragon God on my lawn and running away." I say before I turn to the door, watching as Ophis walks in sitting down opposite them watching them both with empty eyes.

I watch in amusement as the two start sweating in panic. After a moment Georg spoke up in panic as he quickly went on his knees, kneeling in front of me.

"I apologize Lord Kuro. I know that dropping off Lady Ophis must have come as a shock but I needed to leave quickly to draw Rizevim and his followers away from this place along with retrieving my gift to you. If you let me summon it you will see that it is a great gift My Lord..." he says desperately as I sit down next to Ophis, stroking her hair as she pushed her head into my hand, not breaking her glare.

I raise an eyebrow in interest, I do like gifts... after a moment I nod giving Georg permission. A quick use of Dimension Lost later and I had to suppress a laugh... Cao Cao...

Quickly trying out Sacred Gear Extraction gets me what I wanted.

True Longinus Sacred Gear Gem

This was a great gift...

"...He helped me. Can you not kill him." Ophis asked looking up at me after a moment.

"Very well, Congratulations Georg you get to live, what are you going to do now? I doubt Yasaka has forgotten you after all, she was rather upset about your group killing her daughter after all, even if I brought her back. If you don't have support then I doubt you'll live long." I say as I pat Ophis's head with her leaning against me, on one hand she likes head-pats, on the other it's a power move, these two are watching me treat Ophis like a pet.

"I... the Hero Faction is all but finished, the few survivors have scattered to the wind... the Khaos Brigade are... not happy with us running... I don't know what I should do..." he says defeatedly.

"Want me to get you a job? Azazel would take you in if I asked, and I can ask Yasaka to not hunt you." I say casually. I want to kill him for his Sacred Gear, but I'm not pissing Ophis off for it. Nothing is worth risking her anger.

"I... would appreciate that, do you really think Lady Yasaka would forgive me?" he asks worriedly, I can't say I'm surprised, I'd be worried if Yasaka was after me as well.

"Not a chance, she won't forgive or forget, but I think I can get her off your back... I wouldn't go to Kyoto anytime soon." I say taking out my phone and texting Azazel.

'Come to my place if you want a free Longinus user'

That should get his attention.

"Give me a minute." I say calling Yasaka, she answers in two rings.

"Kuro-kun! And I though you had forgotten me!" she says happily as I put her on speaker.

Who could forget you? I'm going to pay a visit to Kyoto soon, it's just a matter of finding the time. Anyway, I wanted to ask if you'd consider not hunting the Mage and the Swordsman from the Hero Faction, I'll use that favour from you if necessary." I say as the line goes quiet for a moment.

"Are you dealing with them?" she asks sounding less happy.

"Sort of, I'm making a deal. And Ophis doesn't want me to kill them." I say.

"You can kill the blonde one, I don't care." she says calmly making Arthur wince.

"...Very well, keep the favour. Kunou is alive and happy, and it's not worth angering Lady Ophis for. Make sure they never step foot in Kyoto, or I will end them." she says with a sigh.

"Will do, I'll see you soon enough, I have unfinished business with you, you tease." I say getting a laugh.

"Aww... did you not like the photos?" she asks with a giggle.

"I did, a lot. That's the problem. I've got a lot of built up stress to work off when I get there..." I say with a laugh.

"Promises, Promises... see you soon..." she says ending the call.

+4 Affection with Yasaka [44/100] (she likes flirting)

"There we go. Stay out of Kyoto and you won't be killed, I've messaged Azazel, so he should be..." I say before the door bursts open.

"I Am Here!" Azazel shouts as he kicks the door open.

"The feathered one is being loud again, shall I kill him?" Ophis asks me making him freeze.

"No, just ignore him and I'll make you some more cookies." I say getting a tiny smile from her. "Azazel. Meet Georg, of the now defunct Hero Faction, wielder of Dimension Lost, he's looking for a job that gets him away from the Khaos Brigade." I say calmly.

"A pleasure to meet you Georg, don't worry, I can keep them away from you easily enough. Now... why don't we go somewhere away from the Dragon God?" he says nervously as Ophis stares at him with a small frown.

Georg unsurprisingly agrees, also eager to not be near a irritated Ophis.

"Georg, before you leave..." Arthur speaks for the first time. Georg opens up Dimension Lost knowing what Arthur wants, placing a new corpse on my table. Hello Le Fay, that explains what Arthur wants from me.

+20 Reputation with Georg [30/100] (for saving him from Yasaka, and the Khaos Brigade)

+20 Reputation with Azazel [100/100] (for giving the best gifts)

Race Unlocked [Fallen Angel] for reaching 100 Reputation with a Fallen Angel

Racial Class Unlocked [Fallen Angel]

Skill Added [Resist Light (Adept)] for reaching 100 Reputation with Azazel

That is... interesting...

I don't want to change race like that, not in this world anyway. I'll test it in another world where I can do so without having to explain how I became a Fallen.

And a pure 40% reduction to Light Damage will will help in Season Two. That's a major boost against both Fallen and Heaven, I don't expect to get into a fight with Heaven, but it could happen.

They leave quickly, Azazel giving me a thumbs up as he leaves, mouthing the word thanks while he runs as quietly as he can.

I turn to Arthur who looks back, I can practically taste his desperation.

"Let me take a wild guess, you want me to bring back the girl. And why would I do that?" I ask casually, why else would he be here?

"Lord Kuro, I don't have much of value but if you resurrect my sister then everything I have shall belong to you." he says kneeling in front of me, with Caliburn at his side... not much of value he says holding the OP sword.

"In exchange for my sister being returned to life I, Arthur Pendragon hereby swear eternal Loyalty to you, Lord Kuro." he says resolutely, do I want another OP minion? Why yes, yes I do.

"A fair trade, a life for a life." I say getting up and walking towards the table, getting a disappointed looks from Ophis as I stop stroking her hair.

The body is in decent condition, but I use Restore Corpse anyway, fixing the wounds and small imperfections as I pull out my last Ambrosia and open her mouth, pouring it in.

It doesn't take long for her to start moving slightly.

"She'll be a bit out of it for a while, will she be living here as well?" I ask him getting a nod before he rushes to his sister as she starts to wake up.

"That Death Knight will lead you to a pair of rooms for you, get settled in for now." I say before I walk back to Ophis. "Thanks for waiting, I'll make you your Cookies now." I say giving her a head pat before I head into the kitchen.

+30 Affection with Le Fay Pendragon [30/100] (for bringing her back from the dead, obviously...)

+30 Reputation with Arthur Pendragon [30/100] (for bringing his sister back from the dead, obviously...)

+50 Obedience with Arthur Pendragon [50/100) (for bringing his sister back from the dead, obviously...)

- Ophis -

Patience was rewarded, that was easy to remember.

...Not killing Azazel was also rewarded, easy to remember.

"Blonde. You will obey him or I will destroy you." she said to the boy before she walked off not listening to his response.

She didn't want Kuro to get betrayed as well, so she'd just tell them all to not disobey if they wanted to live. That was fine right? As long as they listened to him she wouldn't kill them, so that should be fine.

Following Kuro she sat at her normal seat watching him get everything out with a frown, this didn't feel right...

Moving to his side she grabbed his hand, placing it on her head. That was better.

"Erm.. Ophis? I can't make cookies and stroke your head at the same time..." he said making her frown.

She didn't want him to stop... but she wanted cookies... in her many years she hadn't had to face such a hard decision before...

Using all her resolve she moved away, only hesitating three times before she sat back down, her lower lip trembling no matter how she tried to stop it.

"Don't worry, it won't be long." he said giving her a smile.

She was immortal, she could wait for something to finish cooking...

..Why weren't they done yet? Was it one of the Gods of Time? Was it Cronus? If she killed them all would it be faster? As she tried to remember where she could find the Time Gods a plate was put in front of her bringing her out of her thoughts as she grabbed a cookie, she didn't eat them quickly, she'd learnt that if she ate them slower then they lasted longer.

Cronus could live for now.

As she bit into the cookie she felt her body grow more powerful, she didn't know how it worked, and it never lasted long, but they always gave her a boost.

When it was time to kill the Great Red, she would eat many before the fight. Then he would die a swift and painful death.

...Then she could go back to the Dimension Gap, never being bothered again...

Glancing over at the baking mage she frowned...

She had her silence downstairs... and there was more good things here...

With a nod she went back to her cookies, she'd still kill Great Red, but just to stop him from ruining her new home, she didn't trust him not to show up and blow everything up like the idiot he was.

This was her home, and these were her cookies. And she'd tear Great Red to pieces before she let him take it from her.

- Grayfia -

She was absolutely 100% pregnant, she'd cast the spell a dozen times, and each time it had come up with the same result. Then she went to see Mistress Serafall and had her cast the spell also getting the same result.

They'd both been incredibly excited, for different reasons. She was going to have another child, after she gave up that dream years ago... and Serafall had proof that the potion worked, she was still doing her own experiments, with 6 chosen couples testing the potion.

She'd got all 6 couples to swear themselves to secrecy and test the potion in a facility for a week, the experiment was simple. 4 couples had been given one dose, for the woman to drink. 2 couples had been given 2 doses for them both to drink, then they had been put in what essentially amounts to a love hotel and told to fuck as often as possible for the whole week, with the spell being cast daily to check them for pregnancy.

But she was already living proof that the potion did exactly what he said it did.

Kuro, who she was planning on killing only a week ago... was the father of her future daughter and she couldn't be happier in truth.

She wasn't his wife, she was his maid. And that was perfect...

But she also knew that her new life was not secure enough, not with... her around, and she couldn't kill her even if she was willing to.

It'd cause to many waves for the Satan Lucifer to die, and Sirzechs would be very hard to kill anyway. But that was fine, she was good at creative problem solving, if she wasn't she wouldn't have ended up with Kuro in the first place.

"Grayfia? We're here, what did you want to talk about?" Rias asked as she and Lady Venelana walked into the room.

- Kuro -

+10 Affection with Ophis [55/100] (for giving her the super power cookies and the Head pats)

+5 Obedience with Ophis [10/100] (for bribery)

[Dragon-kin] – Ophis [50]

Affection, Reputation and Obedience grows faster with Dragons

Half-way with Ophis... that's baffling when I actually think about it.

I ended up spending the rest of the night making Cookies, I want to level Baker anyway, and keeping her happy is incredibly easy. I got 4 levels out of it, hitting 21 and getting my next skill upgrade.

[Baking Proficiency (Adept)] (Passive)

Gained the knowledge on how to bake all kinds of treats

Baked goods give a large stat boost.

The boost has gone from 5% of a stat for an hour, to 25% of a stat for 3 hours. So that was a considerable boost, Ophis having a 25% boost to all her stats is scary to think about.

I want to max out Baker so I can try Teacher, I want to see if I can actually pass on my skills. I'm going to bed soon enough, Ophis has taken her cookies back to her room after a considerable amount of Head pats. And I've gone back to my room, I'm sitting on my bed looking over my classes, I want to pick another Production class since Alchemist has been so useful.

After a while I pick Scribe. I do want to do Artificer and Wardcrafter but I'm curious about Scribe,and if it's not useful I can just power level it until I can choose again.

[Create Map] (Active)

200 MP to use

Create a perfect map of any area you have been to.

[Copy Document] (Active)

200 MP to use

Creates a flawless copy of any non-magical document

Not particularly useful, but I wasn't really expecting much from the lower levels. I'll have to level it and see what else I can get from it.

"Ma-aster?" a voice says making me look up in confusion... I'm alone in my home...

It takes me a moment to realise that it's coming from my wardrobe, more specifically the one I shoved the Zombie inside...

I really should deal with that.

Opening up the wardrobe the zombie stares at me in confusion.

"...Was that you?" I ask after a moment.

"Ma-aster?" she asks dragging the word out.

"Erm.. yes. That's me." I say frowning as I pull her out the wardrobe and close it.

I've put this off too long, I think she's starting to rot but a quick Restore Corpse fixes that.

"Ma-aster!" she says happily as I stare at her...

All my undead are getting more... alive? If that's the right word.

"Yes, I am master." I confirm as she stares at me.

"Or-ders... Ma-aster?" she asks... erm I don't know? I only killed her I a panic since she saw me abducting her son for sacrifice.

Well, I always need more maids.

Getting one of Raynare's maid outfits that she left behind I get the zombie to get dressed, which she does with... some issue, she's a bit slow. And clumsy.

But she gets there eventually, Azazel provided all the fallen with a load of maid outfits, Raynare won't miss one.

"Right... clean. You can do that right?" I ask her after she manages to get dressed.

"Y-es Ma-aster!" she says walking off...

I guess that worked? Maybe? I have no idea where she's going. But it's also not my problem any more.

Fuck it, I'm going to bed.

- Next Day -

I woke up surprisingly early, so I take a moment to get ready and call for two people to my room, there's something I want to take care off anyway.

"You called for us Lord Kuro?" Ravel asks as she and her mother stand in front of my bed.

"Yeah, I just need something confirmed, Ravel, are you a High-Class Devil like Sona and Rias?" I ask sitting on my bed as I look at them.

"...I am My Lord. May I ask why you wished to know that?" she asks frowning slightly in confusion.

"So you can have a Peerage?" I ask, just to be sure.

"I can, My Lord." she answers immediately.

"Great, do you want Riser's Peerage? They'll still be mine in truth, but I have too many people to micromanage so putting you in charge of them works for me." I offer making her eyes widen.

"I-I would be honoured to manage them for you My Lord." she says kneeling, after a moment she glares at her mother, making Rayna kneel with a sigh.

"Wonderful, Rayna I assume you can either do it, or arrange for it to be done?" I say.

"...I can, Lord Kuro." she says slowly.

"Great, go gather them all them, I have something else to talk to Ravel about." I order as she gets up and leaves, she still doesn't like me at all, but whatever, she won't sabotage this since it'd only hurt Ravel.

+20 Affection With Ravel Phenex [55/100] (for giving her a Peerage)

+20 Obedience with Ravel Phenex [70/100] (for giving her a Peerage)

+10 Affection with Rayna Phenex [-60/100] (for making her daughter happy)

+10 Obedience with Rayna Phenex [65/100] (for making her daughter happy)

+10 Affection and Obedience with all members of Ravel's Peerage

"Ravel, lay next to me." I order as I lay back on the bed, she quickly obeys, snuggling into my side slightly.

"I-I don't think you're planning on bedding me, My Lord... so what do you desire from me?" she asks.

"I want to start selling my potions soon, not my healing potions but my other types so don't worry, I'm not breaking my word, and I was hoping you'd be able to run that side of things. I don't have time to run a business after all.." I say wrapping an arm around her and pulling her against me.

"I would be honoured... I did study economics so I could help with my family business... I think you are going to have to sell healing potions as well soon, the Satan Leviathan made it very clear that she was not happy with the Phenex clan preventing you from selling healing potions... once your business is started up properly can we... renegotiate? Don't worry though, I have no intentions of going anywhere..." she says snuggling against my chest.

Why am I not surprised that Serafall got angry at the Phenex's?

"That's fine, we'll work something out... but now I have school, so as nice as this is I have to go." I say getting up and smoothing my uniform as Ravel jumps up.

"And I should go and see Ris... My Peerage." she says giving me a kiss on the cheek, very close to my lips before she runs off.

I want to visit Yasaka very soon, but how to get to Kyoto? Kuoh is somewhat north west of Tokyo, so it's quite a trip to Kyoto..

I wish I had that skill from Log Horizon where the summoner could swap places with his summons, them I could send a spirit to travel there, and then switch with it.

...Fine. Since it's a skill that fits in Necromancer I'll add it.

[Translocation (Undead)] (Active)

1000 MP to use

Swaps your location with any undead summon

Huh, you've been... helpful lately.

You are... less annoying than Shiro.

Don't get used to it.

...fair enough.

Heard you were talking Shit.

What were you saying Game? That I'm 'annoying'?

Oh no...

Yes, that's exactly what I am saying.

You're an immature man child.

And you're a boring asshole, what's your point?

At least I know how to have fun

Can we not do this around the new Gamer?

Get back in my head then.

After that it stops... it's better that I stay out of that, there is literally no good end to that argument for me. Both could swat me like a fly, and I don't want to piss either off them off.

Sending a scheming spirit to fly to Kyoto as fast as possible I head downstairs. I'm just going to go to school, and either today if the spirit is fast enough, or tomorrow I'll pay Yasaka a visit...

She's teased me enough, and now it's time to pay...

- Kokabiel -

Hmm... wasn't that interesting?

It looked like he was changing his plans, ever so slightly, the overall plan would remain the same, but the target would have to be changed.

The Devil's newest celebrity... Leviathan's boy toy... and the Alchemist that could pull Devil Kind from their low numbers. He'd make the perfect powder keg to light up, so Kokabiel could watch the fireworks caused by his death.

He'd still kill those Devil Girls, but that wasn't the target any more, just a little diversion.

...Still it might even be slightly problematic to kill him with his ever-growing power. Maybe it was time to call in some... allies? No that's not the right word, associates will suffice he supposed.

Th Necromancer had tipped the scales slightly in their favour, but it was time to break the scales completely...

- Bonus Scene – Father, give us strength... -

"Are we sure that this information is correct? Could it not be false information to throw us off?" Raphael asked with a frown.

"It was delivered by one of our most trusted spies in the Underworld, at the cost of his cover, he was killed by Satan Leviathan herself almost immediately afterwards." Michael said with a sad sigh, he mourned the agent, but he could see why they saw this as worth risking their life. "The Necromancer we discussed at our last meeting has created a potion that can fix the Devils birthrate, all the test couples were pregnant within a day of testing." he said looking over the files.

"Does anyone else know how to make it? Could we eliminate the Heretic?" Uriel asked making Michael and Gabriel frown.

"Only this... Kuro knows how to make it as far as we know, but we cannot kill him. He is on very good terms with Azazel, Yasaka and Satan Leviathan, I know we do not like to speak of it, but we are the weakest of the Three Great Factions. We cannot afford, and cannot survive another war." Michael said with a deep sigh.

"...If it was done in secret then..." Uriel started before trailing off.

"If it was discovered, and it would almost certainly be with three different factions investigating the crime, then we would be destroyed." Gabriel said warningly.

"But if we do nothing we may be destroyed anyway, Azazel will make a deal to get a supply so he can increase the Fallen numbers, how long will it be until both the Devils and the Fallen outnumber us by so much that they can simply overwhelm us?" Raphael said worriedly.

"What do we know of the Necromancer?" Uriel asked.

"He is human, the devils could not turn him. I mean that quite literally, the Evil Pieces failed. He's the Third King of Kuoh, sharing the position and the city with the Gremory and Sitri Heiress's. He is an Alchemical genius, creating potions with a variety of effects, the ones we know of include a weaker version of the Phenex Tears, which he can make many off far easier, and a potion that can restore the drinkers magic, we must assume that he has more he has not shared. He can truly bring back the dead, returning people to true life, not a undead life, as he did with Yasaka's daughter. He has made many alliances with different factions, as he seems to prefer deals and trades to battle, which is admirable. And he is... lustful, I would say it's his biggest sin as he keeps a considerable Harem in his castle in Kuoh, Japan. We can't spy on him at home any more without considerable risk due to the large amount of undead guards, including a Dragon so I pulled back our spies for now." Michael explained.

"...could we make a deal with him to get the potions ourselves? We have the same issues with pregnancy after all, as long as we do the purification ritual we need not worry about falling, but it is still... difficult for Angels to get pregnant, or get human woman pregnant. Could we not also benefit from this potion?" Gabriel asked.

"Possibly, unlike the other factions we have no connection with him. And truly... what do we have that he would desire?" Michael asked. "With his creation wealth will be of little interest to him, soon he'll have more than he'll ever need."

"If lust is his sin, then can we not use that?" Raphael asked reluctantly.

"I will not order any of our female followers into such a life, I cannot deny that a way to ensure new angels will be born would be useful, but I will not condemn any of the nuns or exorcists into a life of forced debauchery for it." Michael said sternly. "Besides, he has a small army of lovers already, including Asia Argento as far as our spies could tell before I pulled them back."

"I will go to Kuoh myself, I know we discussed sending Xenovia and Irina after the stolen swords, and while I do not believe the Necromancer to be responsible, we've already discussed who is to blame after all, but I don't think we should send just two exorcists, junior ones at that, to Kuoh. I will go with them, and take some additional forces with me. I can speak to Serafall to get permission first, she is not an unreasonable woman, even if she can be a bit odd. While I am there I will speak to the Necromancer, and find out what he would require for a trade to be made." Gabriel says calmly.

"...Very well. Kuoh is becoming a hotbed of activity, and it all seems to be centred around the Necromancer. Speak to the Satan Leviathan and make sure that we do have permission, we don't want to start a war by accident. I'll leave this to you, Gabriel. May Father watch over you." Michael said with a sigh, looking down at the picture of the Necromancer laughing at the Bone Dragon in front of him.

What a strange child.

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