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45.45% Ben 10; Omnitrix Reload / Chapter 19: Chapter 16: Benita-Wolf

Kapitel 19: Chapter 16: Benita-Wolf

The boy reached out, grabbing a carrot from a stand. His thumb brushed against the smooth and uneven vegetable before placing it back.

"So, Will." A calm voice spoke beside him. His eyes land on Mr.Green, scanning the vegetables. "Tell me about yourself."

"I draw. Like owls and stuff."

"That so?"

"Yeah, It's a masterpiece."

"I would love to see it." He places the carrot back while turning to the boy. "Art expresses the folklore for many centuries. And you, like many. Others are why it's kept alive."

"Ha. ha. Thanks." Will eye caught something hanging from the stand. "So, they called this a dream catcher?"

"Excellent eye, Will." Mr.Green points out. "The center contains the nightmare haunting the dreamer while it suppresses through the feathers, from the tip, and back into the host as a good dream. Anymore, you like to ask?"

"Well, as of now...I got nothing." He shrugs as Mr.Green nods, leaving.

The boy noticed Max standing by tired eye Benita while Gwen continued reading CharmCaster's spellbook.

Max winks at Will while the boy follows. Mr.Green took the lead.

"Ben, what do you think about this tour so far?" Max questioned as the boy heard while pacing after them.

"Haaaaa.~" Benita yawned while Gwen elbowed her gut. "Hey!"

"Grandpa asked you a question. Or was it your Night owl calling?" Gwen voiced while the boy finally caught up.

They wandered through an orange path of stands, pasting every stranger. Talking with one another.

"How can you say that?" Benita rubs her gut with a wince.

"Oh, yes! Take cover, you idiots!!! What come on, I had him!!!" Will voice while he looks at Benita looking away. He felt himself smirk. "Multiplayer, got you to hook. Doesn't it?"

"Shut. Up." The boy smiled.

"Aww, you're embarrassed. Are you?"

"Keep talking. You're losing teeth." She glares. Will put her in a headlock pressing her knuckle against her brain. "AH! AH!!! Get off!!!"

"Is little Penny getting angry?"

"Ok, you two knock it off." They look at Gwen in that awkward position while a settler walks past, ignoring them. "Can you let go of her?" Will gasp.

"No, way! Is Gwen a little jelly?~" Gwen blushed.

"I'm not!"

"Don't worry, I'll give you the attention you deserve."

"UGH!" She walks away in a blushing mess while Benita escapes from his hold and punches his gut.

"You're in a good mood. What's up?" Benita questioned while They followed Gwen.

Will pats his gut with a chuckle.

"Why not?" He raised a brow.

"Just wondering."

Bango's drums echo the path. And into their ears while they approach Max and Mr.Green, watching a girl spiritually dancing to the beat.

"That is my daughter, Kai." Mr.Green chirped while he folded his arms.

"The last time I saw her. She was a cub." Max states, grabbing Mr. Green's shoulder with a smirk.

"Well, she's good. At what she does." Benita comments while Gwen stares from the book and at her.

"Was that a joke or-" Will bumps her shoulder, getting Mr. Green's attention.

"What are you thinking?!" He smiles, waving at Mr.Green.

"I...ok." She sighs while the beat stops.

Kai approaches them.

"Grandpa, who are they?" Kai cocked her head.

"Ah, Kai. This is my long-time friend, his grandchildren, and their friend." Mr.Green states while Kai looks at the three that waved, and she waved back.

"It's nice meeting you all." Dark clouds and thunder covered the sky, gaining everyone's attention.

"Are you sure this is not a rain dance?"

"Positive." Heavy rain poured on their clothes while the wind nearly made them stumble.

Lighting strikes across the sky.

A towering figure lands in front of Gwen, rising until its pink gaze meets Gwen's.

"Uh?! Will!" Gwen said in a low tone.

"Don't. Move." The boy said softly. Everyone remained quiet and still until The figure ran away. Everyone sighed before Max raised his voice.

"Get in the RV!" He ordered, taking the lead as they raced down the path, eyeing the RV.

Crashing water filled their ears while Will snapped over his shoulder to see a flood turning the corner from the clay houses.

Barreling down the path behind them and the RV.

The boy focuses his vision back on the RV, noticing Kai, Mr.Green, and Benita looking over their shoulder.

"It's the flash flood!" Mr. Green pants.

They arrived while Will and Kai fell behind. Gwen was the first to climb the ladder.

"Come on!" Benita cried before climbing after her.

Kai tripped on her footing, tasting the sand dust. Will stumbled to a halt noticing the flood growing near.

"Anthony! Kai!" Max and Mr. Green's voices cried out through the lighting clapping.

The boy stood in front of Kai, stretching out his arms toward the flood, only for it to smash into him.

Darkness takes him while the weight of the current pushes him across sandy waters. The boy push to the surface, gasping and struggling to keep a surface.

Will noticed he grew further from the RV while seeing Gwen standing on the roof.

"Help!" Kai cried out while the boy did the same.

"BEN!!!" Gwen raised her voice to Benita, slamming on the dial daze.

"Why now?!" Gwen turns to the flood, clenching her fist.


"HELP!!!" Kai and Will wrestle through the tough pressure tossing them around.

Will eyes a barrel and settles on with a cough seeing Kai a little closer.

"K-Kai!! Grab on!!" Will shouts reaching his hand out.

The barrel he was riding; came full throttle toward her. She grabbed on and climbed aboard behind him, coughing. He felt her hand pressed against his shoulder.

"How are we getting out of this?!" Kai questioned while The boy closed his eyes, ignoring the water splashing his face. "Hey?!"

"I can't change..." Blood trickled from his nose.


"Hang in there, guys!" A familiar voice cried out. They noticed Benita and Gwen running across two separate roofs.

"How did you get here?!" The boy shouts, gazing at the two.

"Shut up, and let us help!!" Gwen roared while Her eyes and hand glowed pink.

She stretches her arms, creating a pink bowl around Will and Kai.

The bowl was lifted from the flood and towards the roof close to Benita.

"Grrrr-tsk!" The glow stops while Gwen takes a knee, dropping Will and Kai, but Benita manages to grab Will's hand while Will to Kai's.

"Ugh!" Benita cringed, pulling the boy to the roof. Will crashed facefirst, panting before grunting himself, pulling Kai along that pulling herself onto the roof. The boy rolled onto his butt, drenched head to toe. Benita falls onto her butt. "Y-you're heavy!" She pants. "How about cutting down your calorie intake?"

The boy lightly glared up at Benita cocking a smirk.

Kai was flabbergasted.


The Tennysons, Glover, and the Greens took shelter in a small museum. They stared at symbols of a werewolf being praised by Man, Behind a showcase glass.

"Yenaldooshi." Mr. Green starts. "The Navajo werewolf to walk the earth is still walking among us. Its evil would bring tragedy." He strapped his rifle around his chest. "This should tranquilize the beast, then we bag it."

"I'll come with." Max voiced, getting a nod from Mr. Green.

Benita jumps to her feet.

"Werewolf hunting, sign me in!" Kai approaches Mr.Green.

"I like to join, Grandfather."

"I'm sorry, but you were only taught tracking."

"But, father-"

"That's my wish." She looks away, clenching her fist.

His eyes gaze at Will on the bench by Gwen. "You boy. May come."

"Uh, Alright." Will hesitantly approaches.

Benita throws her hands.

"What?! He gets to go?!"

"Ben, you're staying with you're cousin. You never know: it might come back while we're out." Max voiced, getting Benita to cross her arms while staring blankly.

"Fine." Max smiles and places a hand on her shoulder.

"Thanks, Ben." The three leaves as Will lightly waved to the others before the door closed shut.

"...Gwen. Ben." Kai called, getting the attention of the cousins. "What is that kid?"

"You have a crush or something?" Benita commented, getting a light glare from Kai. Benita looks away.

"No, why did they bring him? He's normal, right? The line 'I can't change.' Why would he say that?" Gwen grin while the corner of her lip shakes.

"A little determined. Are you?"

Kai raised a brow.


The stars shine bright in the night sky where the crescent moon is.

Guarded against the clouds. In between the canyon, Mr.Green is rubbing grey fur between the tips of his fingers while Will and Max spectate.

"The Yenaldooshi is close." Mr.Green stands up. "Follow. me." They do so while Will snaps his fingers, spewing fire.

"Is something wrong?" Max voiced.

"Just early. My powers act out of place." The boy glances at Max. "It's weird, really. Even with Mar Prowess, I try to keep my fusions to a minimum."

"Hmm, How's that Queen Hydra, Necro? Judging by the number of times you space out, she seems to grab your interest." Will sighs.

"You're right, but it's complicated. Hydra never called after the help...Max. What's you're thought's about me?" Max's eyes wandered to the sky.

"Hmmm, you're a kid like Gwen and Ben, matured in some concepts, and you have a habit of spewing curses."

"Yeah, sorry about that."

"In other words, you're a good kid. Your heart can go all over the place. Trust me. I know. We're put on this earth. For a reason." Will looks back, and Max glances back. "You have to find yourself, Will. Those that are lost can't grasp the understanding when there's no one to guide them. But at the time. The guide has nothing to show. The student has to take their steps for greatness." They exit the cramped canyon noticing Mr.Green looking down a cliff.

"It's here." He whispers while Max and Will watch the wolf scavenging through metal. "Like hunters, we must slow our breath and wait for a window to open." He breathes out. "Like so..." He shoots a tranquilizer causing the wolf's ears to quiver. "I missed." Will and Max glance at Mr. Green in panic.

The wolf glances up at the three and growls. It jumps on the wall, climbing hastily.

"Get back!!!" The boy shouts as his bones melt, yet his teeth grow sharp. His eyes grew while his pupils grew non-existed.

The wolf tackles Will, but grey ink catches his claws.

"Boo!" He kicks him over, causing the WereWolf to maneuver in mid-air and digs its claws into the ground, growling. "UGH!!!" Grey Symbiote took a knee, unshifting himself into small ink. "I don't good."

"Stay right there!" Max dives into the Symbiote. The grey ink took Max whole while a figure towered over the wolf. Its sharp teeth grin while a long tongue slithers.


Will(Symbiote)= Edge


"Now...That!" Edge snaps his neck and flashes his deadly teeth. "What I called a pick me up!"

The wolf was unfazed and charged. Edge punches the wolf, yet his fist crash into the ground. The wolf jumps on this back: slashes away the ink, and bites onto Edge's head.

They stumbled around while Mr.Green aimed at the two.

"Steady, child." Mr.Green ordered.

"Tell that to the hungry beast!" The tranquilizer hits the wolf's leg causing it to roar. Edge's back shifts into a springboard and separates the wolf from him while it falls to its doom: off the cliff. "Crap!" Mr.Green and Edge look over the cliff, losing sight of the target.

"By the gods. Shit." Mr.Green and Edge cursed themselves.


Benita, Kai, and Gwen are seated on a roof.

"So." Kai cocked her head to the cousins. "He's a Mutant."

"Yes. In a way." Gwen slurred.

"I don't understand."

"This thing." She flashes her watch. "Created a shockwave, hitting Will, turning him into a shapeshifter. Honestly, Will doesn't understand the finding new alien bit."

"Huh, ok, I think I understand."

"Really?" Gwen questioned.

Kai looks to Gwen and nods.

They looked to the moon hiding behind clouds, only for a big bird to fly by and disappear.

"Huh, did you two see that?" Gwen called out.

"I'm...with you." Benita scans the skies. "Kai? Is someone lucky this year?"

"No. Even if it was. That's not how it works." They snap their heads to the sound of rumbling down the path. "What is that?" She whispered.

"Don't know, but stay here." Benita drops down with Gwen and is followed by Kai. "Hey!"

"I can handle myself." Gwen and Kai voiced, getting a groan from Benita.

The three reduce the weight of their steps, wandering into a figure scavenging within a fruit stand. They hid behind a stand while their breaths overlapped each other.

"It's. Here." Kai whispered.

The wolf's ears flicker. It turns back at them and growls.

A green light flashes, revealing SpiderMonkey.

"Well, this has to do. E-ah." The wolf opened its mouth like Venus Flytrap and roared a soundwave. Spidermonkey grabs Gwen and Kai, and web snaps to a roof, dodging the wave.

The stand explodes into splitters while Gwen and Kai grunt in pain.

"Ugh! Memories!" SpiderMonkey winces while the wolf winds up another attack.


Spidermonkey dodges another wave. The spider girl uses the environment until Spidermonkey drops Kai and Gwen in an alley.

"Ben!!!" Gwen cried out.

"Stay!" She whipped from the alley.

The wolf goes to scream, but her webbing wraps around its mouth.

Spidermonkey web snaps toward the wolf. Punching it across his cheek.

The wolf flies before crashing into a house.

"HAAAA!!!" A woman sprints from the door.

"Sorry!!" Spidermonkey shouts while the Omnitrix blinks.

The watch times out.

"Really?" The alien climbs out from the wall, growling while Benita stumbles back. "Hey..can we talk about this?" It snaps its jaw and charges. "AAAAAAH!!!" It slashes Omnitrix activating some mode while a pink glass-like disc hits the against the side of its head while Benita falls on her back.

"HEY!!! LEAVE THE DOOFUS ALONE!!!" Her eyes glowed while she continued the attack. The Alien uses. Its agility to get close and slash Gwen across her chest. "HAAAAAA!!!"

A blue line slams into the attacker, causing it to fly onto its shoulder before rolling across the dusty ground.

"GWEN!!!" Grid raised his voice. "GWEN!!!" The blue speedsters locked eyes at her clawed blue cat shirt soaked in her blood.

"EK! I'm...fine." Gwen winces while Kai watches her wounds.

"WILL!!" Grid looks over his shoulder at Max and Mr. Green running down the path toward Benita, still on her chest with her shaken eyes piercing at Gwen. "IT'S GETTING AWAY!!!" Mr. Green called out.

The blue speedster clenches his teeth while his visioner blocks his expression.

"Will." Gwen grunts while a blue line escapes her vision.

The alien leaps from roof to roof. It leaps onto the ground with a thud, escaping from the settlement.

The blue line flew by, knocking the runner onto its shoulder.

The alien shakes its head and notices a puddle of grey ink flashing its sharp teeth before taking its eyes sight.

The grey ink consumes the wolf that stumbles around, helpless from the Grey symbiote. Seeking into its eyes and mouth.

It coughs and drops to its knees before rolling onto its back. The body shakes and joints until it stops.

The others approach the scene slowing to a stop.

The Grey symbiote seeks out taking form. Edge pants looking down at the body, clenching its sharp claws with his back toward everyone.

"Anthony, can you hear me?" Max said softly, causing Edge to shudder. "Change back." Max slowly approaches him.

Edge clenches his head, shaking like a leaf.

"Will." Edge snaps back, flashing his teeth.

"RAAA!!" The grey symbiote's high-pitch screech stops Max on his heels.

Edge noticed Mr.Green forcing Kai behind him while Gwen and Benita were defensive yet hesitated.

The Grey symbiote felt its pressure jaw loosen. Edge looks over his shoulder at the corpse.

"What...have I done?" His voice shakes.

"This is not you're fault." Max's voice drew closer to the boy.

Edge books it with weight in his steps.

"WILL!!!" Benita and Gwen yelled from their lungs while Edge

leaped, getting distances from them.


"Ah!" Gwen winces.

"Sorry. About that." Max looked over her shoulder before continuing to wrap a bandage around her chest.

The others did their individual things around the picnic table.

"Yenaldooshi." Kai voiced, getting Gwen to look across the table at her leaning on it. "It didn't hurt you too badly?"

"It's deep. But Gwendolyn will live." Max answered. "There." He lightly smirks while Max helps Gwen throw on her shirt.

Gwen's brow twitches, holding her chest.

Mr.Green approaches Tennyson and his granddaughter while a group of people leaves their stone town.

"What's that all about?" Gwen starts up, watching a van drive past the Rv behind them.

"They're leaving, the fear of the Yanadooshi return." Mr.Green answered, getting Kai and Gwen's attention.

A door opens from the RV revealing Benita leaning on the door.

"Return!?" She raised her voice. "Will just took it out!"

"We encounter it during the hunt." Max voiced. "There's no way it can get to point A. And B in the amount of time."

Gwen sighs.

"And The hunt continues."

Benita scratched her face.

"Ugh!! Ah!" She yelped before scratching furiously.

"Dork, what's wrong?! This is not the time to monkey out!!!"

Benita's skin shifted to a blueberry while her fur and nails grew.

"Uh!" Kai's eyes nearly touched her skull.

"You've been attacked." He looks at Benita in horror.

Yellow eyes dominated her pupils while her wolf ears emerged.

"The Yenaldooshi...only...cut my watch!" Benita growls. "UGH!!! GWEN! SOMEBODY!!!"


(First Stage Wolf) = (FSW)


"No, chance!!" Gwen winced.

"Uuuuh?" A familiar voice draws them to Will from a distance with his brows arched.

"Will!!!" Benita roared before sprinting all four towards him. "SCRATCH MY BACK!!!!" Her yellow eyes slit.

"HAAAAAAA!!!!" The boy screamed before sprinting from Benita. That's on his tail. Benita jumps on his back, pressing his face onto the ground.

The boy felt her claws press on his shoulders before Benita flipped him on his back.

"I'm're back." She pants, flashing her sharp teeth as her slit eyes gaze down at Will's. "I...need your hand." Benita lightly growled.

"What's happening?!!"

"The Yenaldooshi turned Ben. And now there's another." Kai answered while the boy looked away, stopping Benita's scratches. Her ears shoot up.

"Anthony, that's not you're fault." Max voiced, getting a sigh from Will.

Benita forces the boy to scratch her neck.

"...I know...but." His gaze lands on Max, piercing his soul."R-right."

"It seems we must rush it before it's too late." Mr.Green gains their attention.

"If so. Do we need a silver bullet to stop it?" Benita questioned while closing her eyes. Her tail wagged while Will scratched behind her ears.

"The ritual is a long step, but it takes time, but..." He trails off, gaining everyone's attention.

"Uh?" Gwen dragged her voice. "Go on."

"That ink alien. Will prove useful." Kai adds, causing the boy to stagger to a stop.

"No!" Max raised his voice.

"I understand." Mr. Green starts. "But he doesn't have to kill it. We can capture it and study it before-"

"Grandpa, I think he's right." Gwen cut him off while Max and Benita stared wide-eyed at her. "It must be easy for him to be absorbed. Right, Will?" Will stands up: brushing himself off from the orange dust.

"Yeah..." He looks up. "Don't worry about me. I can handle it."

"Will?" Benita gazed at Will, squinting her eyes.

"Please." He never loses eye contact until she sighs.

"Fine...just don't lose yourself." He nods while Mr.Green heads back to his truck.

"It's gone." The boy gazed at the small puddle of blood within the trunk.

A howl filled the night.

"This gives us the motivation to go out." They nod.


Walking the starry night through a narrow path, the Tennysons, The Greens, and Glover wander the waste gazing at the rocks surrounding them.

Benita: now tall as Max and Mr.Green, is covered with dark blueberry fur with green eyes and ears like a wolf wandering by Kai gazing up at her. Benita looks down at her cocking her head.

"Uh, Yeah?" Kai shakes her head, averting her eyes.

"Sorry, it's nothing."

"Ok?" Kai gazed at Will by her side.

"Will." This gains his attention and also Gwen and Benita's. "How many aliens can you turn into?" He thinks for a bit.

"Hmmm, I have to think about it, but if I have to guess. 12."

"Is there a limit?"

Will sighs while clenching his gloved hand.

"Do you wanna know?" He gazes one eye at her while Kai nods. The boy opens his eye while pulling his leather glove revealing the dead veins across his hand. Kai looked at the two while Gwen and Benita lost eye contact. "All I can tell you. I fought and lost my cool, turning into aliens that drain me faster either with fusion or something bigger, yet it seems full fusion is the cause." Kai grasped his hand, causing the two to stop while she guided her thumb across his veins. "You seem to be taking...this well." Kai studied every inch of his hand before gazing at his taken eye.

"When something interesting grabs me. I tend to run with it." She gazed down at Mar's Prowess around his wrist.

"Hey, you two." Max raised his voice a little. They gazed at the four down the path close to the exit. "We're here." Will and Kai raced after them: exiting the narrow path.

"The last time we saw it. It was savaging for metal. This is possibly its outpost." Mr.Green voiced.

They look down the cliff at the massive pile of metal bits.

"What is that?" Kai cocked her head. "Metal in the middle of the waste doesn't add up." A rapid thud followed behind them. They snapped to it while The werewolf screamed, blowing them off the cliff.

"AAAAH!!" They all scream, covering their ears while falling through three holes within the Metal bits.

The boy slides into darkness, grunting while his ears ring. He shifts Nova, gazing down the infinite rock slide until crashing onto the ground.

"Ugh!" He gets up, rubbing his butt. "Gwen? Max?" Nova stared down the slightly lit cave and down the path taking him deeper into darkness. He takes it at the ready. "Mr.Green? Kai?" His crackling flames only spoke in the lifeless cave.

"Come on, Anthony. You got this." Nova said under his breath. He reaches the end of the cave. Nova stood on a rock bed surrounded by cool water, floating lifelessly.

He gazed to the other side of the cave, revealing an exit. He goes to enter, but he stops aiming his fist at it. "I know you there! Come out!" He shouts while the silence fills his deafening ears. He grunts while his fire builds up. "You ask for it."

"Wait!" A voice called out from the tunnel as a kid with black and white hair exited the darkness with a cane in hand.

The stranger kept his hands up.

"What are you doing down here? And why are you following me?" Nova ordered.

The stranger sighed.

"Look, I saw what happened during that attack." Nova feels himself frown. When he noticed an eagle hand attached to the end of the cane. "And I know it wasn't you're fault. Please, come with me. I have people that can help."

"I would love that, but I'll take a hard pass." The boy sighs before gazing up at him. The boy's eyes gazed over Nova's shoulder.

"Then I'm sorry about this." Nova snapped back and noticed a dodgeball shape rock heading his way.


CPX & HUX- Manifest (ft.GODMODE)- Soundcloud


Nova smoke dash to the side. The rock crashed into a cone rock along the floor bed, turning into pebbles.

Animal-like cry leaps from the darkness, revealing a Sasquatch with tan fur. Nova backflips from the crash radius and slides before standing to his feet with clenched fists.

The stranger with a cane and Sasquatch rush Nova.

The boy leaps over the human torch, and water splashes onto Nova extinguishing his flames.

The Sasquatch punches Nova across his face causing him to roll across the floor bed.

He got his grip while looking around, seeing only the two: slowly approaching him.

"We don't want this." The boy with a cane spoke. "Please, come quietly."

"And be your Lab rat?" Nova cups his hands. "No." He uncupped them, revealing a small vortex of flames.

Voices in his head. Begun to whisper while Nova spun on his feet.

'Fire!' A voice shouts from his head while Nova stares at the strangers from the corner of his eye.

He blinks. Revealing the scorched ground and the army of Vilgax drones rushing him. A cry of voices filled his ears, seeing multiple Heatblasts to men and women building up their devasting attack.

A saucer drone fired a beam toward his line of sight before feeling himself crash to the ground.

Back to the cave, Nova noticed a wire with pins wrapped around his ankles.

Water extinguishes him once more.

The Sasquatch closes the gap between it and Nova before the human torch bursts into flames, blowing it back.

"Who the hell are you?!" Nova roared, ripping off the wire.

A flame cyclone surrounds his vision before he rises to his feet as Red Riot.

He eyed his attackers before rushing them.

"I can't tell you that." The kid states as Riot football kicks him, only for the boy to roll out of the way.

Cutting the red teen's leg, causing him to stagger to a knee.

The kid punches Red Riot across his jaw, which he tanks it.

"Ah! Ah!" The boy shakes his hand, only for Red Riot to grab his shirt, and hurls him across the rock bed. "Aaah!" The Sasquatch catches him.

Red Riot stood to his feet before catching an ice shard inches from his shoulder. He crushes the cold object into shards while two figures rush from the shadows.

The first slashes at Red Riot. Which dodges its stabs and slashes while another leap and strikes him.

Riot steps back as the figure throw punches. Suddenly crouched, allowing another to step up on its back.

Kicking Red Riot's arm. Riot throws the attacker away, watching the figure land on her feet.

A woman with white hair rise before pointing her handle blade of ice at his vision.

"Hon, you're outnumbered." She states while a Man with a blind eye stands by her side.

The Red teen felt his eyes burning in the back of his head while he wipes the corner of his lip. "Let us help you." She gave a caring gaze while Red Riot grunted.

His handshakes while Mar Prowess glows, getting the attention of everyone.

"Sorry." Red Riot starts while his skin shifts dark apple-red, Rogue green, and black tights flex from Riot's toned body. His eyes shimmer yellow, and his red goggles hide them. "I don't trust strangers!" He punches his hands, causing a little shockwave to flutter their hair and clothing. "Come on!"


Red Riot + Rogue = Rogue Riot


Everyone grunts and charges all at once.

Rogue Riot spun on his feet to the Sasquatch, throwing hooks and punches.

Rogue Riot dodges his attack until tilting his head past the Sasquatch punch before delivering an uppercut across its jaw.

The Sasquatch staggered back before Rogue Riot grabbed its arm and hurled it over his shoulder at the attackers behind him.

The Blind eye man slides underneath while the white-haired woman dives over it, rolling to her feet.

The fusion spun on his feet to the boy with a cane spinning on his.

Rogue Riot deflects his cane to the side before dodging his slashes until grabbing the weapon.

The boy backflips getting distance.

Rogue Riot turns back and swings the cane at the woman that slid under, cutting his hamstring. Causing the fusion to stagger: leaving him open for the blind eye man to punch him.

Rogue Riot staggered back while the man and woman rushed him.

The two hammered him down, putting him on a knee while exchanging blows that guided her blade against his throat.

"Don't make me do this." The woman said indifferently.

The fusion grunts while his heart pumps from his chest.

"Leave me alone. I'm looking for my friends." The three surrounded him while he hurled the cane at the kid that caught it.

"Then we can arrange that. All I'm asking is for you to come with us." He clenches his teeth while his vision becomes bloody red.

"No." He said in a deep pitch tone while staring at the ground. "I once was fooled...but no more." Will's face shares Edge's flashing, his deadly teeth.

Grey ink rumbles from his body.

"RAAH!" The boy screamed.

Ink separates in a jumble hitting his pursuers that crash against a rock or into the pool of water.

Will body shifts Edge as a shape of a man.


Edge noticed the boy with a cane glued against the cone rock.

The boy notices his gaze and struggles harder. Edge slowly approaches.

"You know. I find this ironic." His right-hand shifts into a blade of grey ink. "A friend once used me. To get to my friends for 'research purposes and nearly killed me, yet I saved her and her people." The kid grunts while Edge grows closer, giving a calm gaze. "You hiding something." He stood face to face while Kid ignored him, continuing his struggle. "Secrets, eh?" The boy stops gazing at the grey symbiote that pulls his ink blade back. "Carrying it to your grave?" He gave a light chuckle while his long tongue slithers. "I'll make it quick.~" He coons.

The boy's eyes glow orange.

"Will?" Gwen's voice pierced his ears. The ink blade stops while he gazes back to the darkness of the path where his goal originates.

"Is that him?!" Kai's shout echoes while their steps grow closer.

"He's probably found it."

Edge gazes at his attacker, shifting his arm back while the boy loses his glow.

"Follow me. You'll die." Edge shoots ink from his hands, driving to the ceiling. He swings, backflipping from the platform and onto the other side, shifting into Will and racing into the darkness.


"Will?!" Gwen cried out, hearing her steps and Kai's.

The darkness welcomes them as she felt her hair rising.

"How long is this?" Kai voiced before panting.

"Why are you asking me?" Fire lit their path, causing them to stop. It was Nova staring blankly at them. "Ben?"

"Nah, it's me, Will." The boy approaches them.

"What was that about down there." Gwen felt herself squint her eyes.

"Had a scarp. It escaped." Gwen grunts while Kai keeps her gaze locked on his.

"And I thought it wouldn't get worst." Gwen rubbed the bridge of her nose. "Lead the way. Hot head." Nova walks past them taking their previous paths they came.

"Will?" Kai voiced, getting Nova's attention. "Any luck?"

"Sadly, no. I'm guessing you two didn't see the others." He raised a non-existing brow.

"Got separated. Hopefully, we'll get lucky." Nova nodded while they walked in silence. "Did you lose yourself?" Gwen stared up at Nova, staring at the enteral darkness.

"I'm...getting there." He slowly spoke while Kai and Gwen glanced at each other. They made it out, gazing at the lava from a terrifying height.

"Hey! There they are." Kai called out while Mr.Green, Max, and the feminine werewolf towering over them wandered from their tunnel.

The three approached a rock platform. Stretch to another tunnel.

Nova noticed Gwen cupping her mouth.

"Grandpa!" She shouts as they watch the trio walk the platform. "They don't hear me!" Nova shifts Impulse while jacking his neck.

"Give me a try." He coughs, sounding like a radio. "Hey, you Guys!" Impulse shouts, gaining the trio's attention. Max opens his mouth, moving it. "What?" He does so again. "Max, we can't hear you. We're coming down." The wolf stood in front of Max and the others without their notice. The three were horrified. "It's here!"

They turn to the wolf that howls a soundwave into the ceiling, causing the cave to shake. Rocks of all-shaped and sizes break raining down. Bathing in lava or crashing into the rock platform.

A giant cone rock breaks the middle of a rock platform, creating a gap in-between Mr.Green, Max, and Benita-wolf.

"Go! We're coming!" Impulse cried out.

Impulse shifts into Zero, scooping Kai and Gwen close to his chest.

Necrofriggan took flight, cloaking taking any deadly rocks head-on that fazed through. They land on the other side of the tunnel.

"Awoo!" Benita-wolf uses her sonic howl to take Max and Mr.Geen over to the other side toward the three, but her watch time out. "Ah!" Zero dives toward the Edge before grasping her hand at the last minute, gazing down the deadly drop. He pulls her up. "Thanks!"

"We must leave!" Mr.Green shouts while Kai and Gwen help the two to their feet.

They raced through the tunnel while the children followed but Zero.

In the corner of his eye, He sees the Pursuers looking down at him, but there are two more. A dino-bird(Ornithocherius) and a lizard.

Zero escapes into darkness once more.

Zero flew after them until turning Will, running by Gwen's side.

"We're almost out!" Max voiced as They gazed at the light at the end of the tunnel.

Benita gazed over her shoulder, and so did the boy.

A swarm of dust rushed their tail.

"Pump! faster!" Benita cried.

They did and dived from the cave leading to the Starry Night.

Dust rush passes, leaving a pebble of debris blocking their way back. They gazed back. "I'm thinking of a movie reference, anyone?" Benita commented, wiping the sweat from her face.

"I'm was aliens all along." Gwen takes a breath. "Good."

"But." Kai starts gazing at Benita. 'She looked like a Yenaldooshi."

"Look." The boy voiced, getting Everyone's attention. Will stood tall. "I think some group is after-" Growling broke through the quiet night while they gazed at the wolf flashing its fangs and claws. "Ben."

"Clocked out." Benita voiced while Will slowly stepped up. Grey ink rumbles from his body, turning Edge.

"Take it alive." Mr.Green commanded.


RIELL X Raven Link- Monster


"That's fine." An edge sharpened, nails pulled out a little longer while he took a stance.

The wolf charges, and so does Edge.

Edge screeched while the wolf used a sound bark that Edge dodged, but his body. Statics. "AAAAH!!!" The wolf tackles Edge against the ground.

The grey symbiote was still in shock while the wolf opened its jaws to finish him off.

"Back off!!" Max roared before slamming a thick stick against the wolf's head.

The wolf claws at Max, who'd backstepped. Edge uses this opportunity to possess the wolf while its eyes dilate.

A tunnel of color schemes guides him before he blinks.

The wolf claws tap buttons and pull switches while the alarm blares in its ears. It gazed at the other werewolf doing the same while staring through the windshield at earth. Coming full-force.


It was throwing metal bits around until finding the other werewolf. They press heads against each other.


They stood on the Mountain gazing at the settlement, hearing drums and cheers.


On its knees, gazing at the made grave, Wolf howls.


Edge shoots out and slides on his back.

"What-what happened?!" Max shouts while Edge's mouth shakes.

The wolf coughs up a storm while staring at Edge and the others. His hair stood, and saliva poured from his clenched fangs.

His pink eyes slit.

The wolf used a sonic howl twice its size taking Edge while the others dodged.

The grey symbiote crashed against the wall, dropping to his knees. His body rumbled. Twice as bad.

"HAAAAAA!!!" He screeches while everyone grows dazed from the soundwave.

Wolf sprints on all fours looking to seek its teeth into Edge for a Sasquatch to punch it onto its shoulder.

"Zak!" The woman with the sword charged into the fray with the Blind-eye man.

The kid from before glowed orange like the cane he's carrying traps Wolf in the electric cage only to sonic bark escaping from entrapment.

He kicks up and flashes its deadly nails. Wolf sonic barks. Zak dives from it, covering his ears with a wince.

Edge gazed at the battle weakened.

The white-haired woman shoots ice shards from her sword while Wolf closes the gap. He slashes left and right while she dodges backing up before back springing from a slash-uppercut.

The blind-eye man blind-sighted Wolf and punched him across the face causing him to stumble.

The Sasquatch came behind Wolf, german suplexing him onto his back.

Wolf shakes getting up, but the Sasquatch ends it with one last punch: putting him unconscious.

"Is everyone alright?" The white-haired woman questioned Max and the others getting up.

Zak approached Edge gazing at him.

Zak smirks, reaching his hand out.

"Now, we're even." Edge sharp teeth separate from one another.


"Are you gonna sit there? My arm. Getting tired. You know?" Edge accepts it: towering over him while the same bird lands by Zak.

"Ok, what's going on?" Max cleaned his ears while the blind eye man gazed at him.

"I like to know." Gwen voiced.

They noticed a big ship appear like it was already there.

"Cool!" Benita chirps before gasping with stars in her eyes. "An invisible jet!"

The white-haired woman smirks, shoving her sword into her back sheath.

" Fisk. Can you?" The Sasquatch nods carrying the unconscious Were-alien on its shoulder, walking to the ship with the lizard.

"Where are you taking it?" Edge questioned with Zak and the bird by his side.

"Research purposes." Edge clenches his jaws. "Take it down. We'll take good care of it." The White-haired woman reassured.

"We've saved many." Zak supports.

"But it's an alien." Benita voiced.

"How can you know that?" The blind eye man questioned.

Edge and everyone gazed at each other until the grey symbiote stepped up.

"I try bonding with it. And it's true. The wolves crash-landed. The site is not far from here." He shifts to Will, surprising the others. "And...if so, please give it time to grief." He gazed at them, pouring regret from his eyes.

The Blind eye man never took his eye off him.

That's fine. And sorry about earlier." The white-haired woman states.

"Earlier?" Max cuts in.

Will gazed away while the others: gazed at him.

"Yeah, you can say we scarp." He said while Kai laughed.

"I knew it wasn't adding up." Gwen glares. "Uh, sorry about that."

"Don't get mad at her. I tried telling you guys, but you know." Gwen sighs, rubbing her nose.

"Fine. I'll let this slide." Gwen states.

The Ornithocherius rubbed its head against Will's left leg while the Blind eye man head to the ship.

"Hey! She likes you." Zak smirked while Will patted her head.

He sighs while Benita pats her and looks back at Zak.

"You guys are awesome! Invisible airship, killer fight moves, and trusted sidekicks! What else do you have?!" Her eyes sparkled while the woman giggled.

"Well, that's a secret. Come on, kid." Will get one last pat while Zak and Zon follow.

"Wait!" Mr.Green called out while They gazed back at them. "Who are you?" Zak gave a pleasing look while the woman sighed.

She waved him off while Zak smirked at the others.

"We're the Secret Saturday. Keep that a secret." They walked to the ship while Zak gave a last wave. Will and Benita did the same while the ship turned invisible.

"Huh. That was eventful." Max replied, puzzled.

"Agreed." Mr. Green voiced.

The children followed along with the adults.

Max looks back at the children.

"Actually, Anthony." Max voiced, getting the boy's attention. "I would like to talk to you."

"Uh, ok." The boy frowns his brows.

"We'll catch up." They nodded, leaving Will and Max. "Sit down."


"Oh. Ok."

Max followed after staring at the plains and stars before them.

"You know this has been some summer." They gazed at the stars. "Fighting aliens, Spellcasters, Monsters, and ghosts. At times we could've lost, but we won." Max looked at Will. "Don't let this bring you down."

The boy remained quiet.

"Back in my Plumber days, I was climbing the ranks. Working hard and making my name known. Until one night, I made a mistake." Will gazed at Max's serious face. "A life..was lost." He said slowly. "I need you to understand." Max looks at the boy. "I made mistakes climbing the ranks, and by those mistakes, I grow to not make them again." Max grasped Will's shoulder. "You can't change the past, but you can shape your future."

"Thanks. For this." Will said before standing to his feet.

"Don't worry about me. I'll catch up." Max pulls the keys from his pocket before placing them in the boy's hand.

"I'm gonna go catch up with the others." Max nods, watching Will go.

Max sighs, staring at the ground while rapidly tapping his fingers against it. He bites his lip.

"God. Please, help me." His voice cracked.


Will approached the RV seeing the Greens and the cousins.

He noticed Benita and Gwen talking with Kai at the picnic table.

"Is no one gonna mention how hot he is in Ink form?" Benita and Gwen's squinted their eyes.

"The hell?!"

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