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11.62% The Professor's Secret / Chapter 5: The Ruthless Pyroar

Kapitel 5: The Ruthless Pyroar

The elevator screeched through the silent building, then it beeped, opening its doors inside Sycamore's office. I took a careful step inside, looking around in the dark – faint moonlight penetrated through the windows and served as the only source of light. The floor and every surface shone subtly under that silver spell.

"Sophie, didn't I dismiss you already?!" I heard his tired voice, followed by the sound of heavy footsteps.

Sycamore crossed his office and was suddenly in front of me. I froze, surprised by his looks: He no longer wore his coat, and his blue shirt was unbuttoned almost all the way down, revealing the soft contours of his chest and abdominal muscles.

His face looked tired – his hair slightly more unkempt than its style demanded.

"Why... Annie!" His voice dropped a few pitches, and sounded warm and solacing... it was enough to melt all my defenses against him!

"Professor Sycamore! It's Charmander... he's...." I started sobbing, my throat tensed up with all the torment I had been holding out.

"Hey... Shhh, shh... Calm down now, okay? Tell me peacefully... what is wrong with him?!" His hands reached me, encircled me and rested on my back. They'd occasionally rub my skin there in a form of incentive.

"I don't know... No one does! He's just... sad..." I explained.

"Well, why don't you let me take a look at him?!" His voice was almost a quiet whisper, meant specially to soothe my nerves.

I reached for my pokeball and watched with a childish sob. Professor Sycamore encouraged me with a warm and patient smile. I was reminded that even though the strings he touched in me would later produce pain, being in his presence was the most soothing remedy.

I released Charmander. The silence that both me and Sycamore seemed reluctant to break with more than whispers was immediately pierced by the beginning of the Pokémon's puppy cry. I saw Charmander begin to embrace himself in his saddest expression, when suddenly his eyes lit up – he looked about himself, recognizing the lab, then he darted immediately to Sycamore, jumping and grabbing hold of his leg. The latter laughed, playfully trying to be rid of the creature's grip.

"Hello there, little one! I missed you, too!"

I watched with amazement as all of Charmander's sadness washed away, instantly replaced by overwhelming joy.

"There doesn't seem to be anything wrong with him..." Sycamore reached out and lifted him, observing closely. Charmander squirmed in his hands, desperate to play. "In fact, he looks much happier than when he left..."

I felt myself sink a little – I was the problem, indeed! Charmander couldn't wait to return to Sycamore, and that was the cause of his strange behaviors.

"I swear he looked like he could die just a few minutes ago..." I couldn't help but bitterly observe, then sighed.

I was relieved that there was nothing serious going on with him, of course... But I was also consumed with frustration now, showing Sycamore how I was not that brilliant trainer he had seen in me the day before.

"You, on the other hand..." He dropped Charmander and walked closer "You look like you've taken quite the beating."

"I ran all the way from Camphrier here, scared that he might just..." The words died in a mad sigh before I could utter them.

"Shhh, don't worry... Calm down now...!" Professor Sycamore's hands held my shoulders and leaded me into his office.

"He was trembling, and crying... He did it all night!" – I pursued, justifying myself and my anger.

"I'm sure he did!" Sycamore casually giggled. "Sit down for a while, will you? I'll make you a hot tea to beat the cold wind outside."

"But he did!" – I pursued, overwhelmed by the feeling that Sycamore did not believe me.

He closed his eyes to enjoy a large smile, his voice unchanged:

"I believe you!" – Was his calm statement.

Though he declared so, I was sure he did not – His blue eyes shone gentle and mocking at the same time, unnerving me.

I sat myself at a small couch near the window. He was gone to the other side of his office for a short few minutes, and then returned with two boiling mugs.

He placed one of them at his desk, sat himself by my side crossing his long legs and stretching his arm over the couch's back, then offered me the other. By accepting it, I felt suddenly embarrassed by how close to mine his face was.

"A-as I was saying, Charmander seemed really, really sick..." I pursued, annoyed by Sycamore's disbelief.

"Poor thing, you must have been so worried..." His words sounded distant.

"And now he's alright... What could it be?!"

"Do you want me to try to answer that, Anne?" I dared looking in his direction then: his eyes followed my body in a weird, unnatural way – unnatural to him, at least! "...or are you just angry?"

He seemed... strangely distant then.

"I... I want you to answer it, of course."

"Well..." He sighed lazily, his fingers – the ones from the hand he stretched behind me – rubbed against my shoulders, then squeezed the muscles gently "If it will help you relax, I shall try: This Charmander is a little more demanding than your average Pokémon. You see, he never had a mother... so he tends to be a little... needy. I do, however, guarantee that once the two of you are sufficiently attached, he will be a precious ally!"


Silence took over. I didn't move a muscle in my position – not even to taste the tea he had given me – but I could feel his eyes weighing a ton on me. They killed me with embarrassment.

"It was very nice of you to come all the way here so he could see me again..." His voice brushed against my ear. It sounded different – both softer and more intense than it used to be, in a perfect match with the poorly-lit room. "I'm sure he'll grow to love you for that..."

I did it again – I dared gazing in his direction again, and...

"Oh..." It was all I could mutter, caught up in the surprise of how close and how piercing his eyes were. I couldn't look away now, and I saw the instant that a malicious smile stretched across his lips, aware of it.

"...But you risked yourself a great deal to get here, didn't you? That makes you both quite brave, and quite... Reckless."

"I... It wasn't for that. It wasn't for a caprice..." I began to justify, still angry, but this time my voice failed to express it.

I could swear Sycamore moved a few inches closer.

"...I... I thought it might be a..."

Dammit, work brain! Work! – I scolded myself, and would have punched my own head if my arms didn't feel strangely numb.

As if caught up in the perfect trap, my eyes trailed their way to his lips. They stretched farther still and a small, charming laugh crossed them.

"...fever..." – I completed with a defeated sigh.

"Fever!" Sycamore's voice repeated, throbbing into my ears in his mocking tone "...such a strong word to describe a single feeling."

"A feeling?" I asked, confused into my hypnotic state.

"Why, yes..." His voice was quick, as if answering a very obvious question "Those strange feelings that bring us to do silly things, Annie..."

"I think you're misunderstanding" – I began.

His two fingers encircled my chin, he showed his teeth through a presumptuous smile and, before I could react to the sudden touch of his hot skin, his lips quickly and softly pressed against mine – I could not tell for how long they'd been like that, when it began or how... I could only gasp!

My mind reacted by firing a load of loud alarms! My body, however, refused to answer with such urgency: it ached, burned, lingered closer and closer to the flame of Sycamore's chest approaching mine.

When his free hand held my waist though, I gathered the courage! I pulled my burning face from his and moaned a weak plea:


"Shhhh. don't fight it, Annie..." His arms wrapped around me, pulling me against his chest. I shrugged, shrunk, squirmed against his perfumed shirt, fighting for freedom. "You're like a scared kitty..." His lips caught me off guard, caressing my ears and letting out a playful laugh.

"Sycamore, let me go!" I yelped, jumping from his hands.

"Don't be so rough, child... You might hurt yourself!" He played on, grabbing my torso within his large hands, holding me so that, in my frenzied yank, I would end up landing on his lap.

He quickly pushed me down against the sofa, placed his knees on both my sides and caressed my face with the brush of a long finger that ran down to the base of my neck. All the while he flashed me a confident smile, his cheeks picking up a bright color as his eyes fell deeper into mine:

"Why, you little girls really are something else!" He chuckled to himself.

"I... I don't know what you're talking about! Please... let me go..." – I insisted.

"Do you want that, now?" His face drew closer, so close that I could feel the heat of his breath "I found all your excuses lovely – they quite amused me, I daresay! But don't worry, it's just the two of us here... You can collect your prize: It was a long way here, after all..."

That being said, he sighed as if in surrender and bowed down placing, again, his burning lips against mine. I closed my eyes tightly – hoping that would keep the heat from invading me – but I could see the picture of his gorgeous face in my closed lids, too. It was too much to resist...

Soon, his tongue caressed mine, moving freely inside my mouth. I opened my eyes and gasped, feeling a weird, supreme sting take over my insides. It was scary, and pleasant, and bitter and oh... oh so sweet!!

I closed my eyes again, but this time they weren't tight...

Our lips separated just so he could sigh victoriously through his grin:

"See? Isn't this a better understanding?"

And though such sentence stung against my pride, I couldn't do anything about it – Professor Sycamore had his body on top of mine, burning hot against me... His tongue intruding, caressing, tasting, moving like in a kiss... And it was a kiss! – Enlightenment struck me.

It was my first kiss! – surprise struck me.

It was my first kiss, with Professor Sycamore! – It turned into the most pleasurable form of joy!

...But then it started growing. It evolved, burned brighter... scorched, seared!

Sycamore's large hand freely ran down my chest, caressed its way to my knees – separated them, slowly and delicately placing his torso between them, then his fingers started sliding down my thighs and under my skirt. Only then, where I could hardly recognize him as my meek tutor, I remembered his assistant's words... the documentary, the ruthless Pyroar sinking its teeth into the trembling Deerling's neck, fatally!

It was scary now – invasive, unasked for! I pushed his shoulders off me.

"Anne?!" He inquired, surprised by my violent jerk.

"Professor Sycamore! I... I don't know what you think I've come here to do... but... Charmander, he was sick and... And then you..." My eyes grew wider as I began to process those facts "And you... you kissed me?!"

I quickly stood from the sofa and walked the room, sinking into the surprise of that feeling, touching my lips to recreate it.

A confident smile played about his lips again, and he followed after me. His fingers held my shoulders and spun me around.

"And with your excuse, I shall do it again..." He softly touched his forehead to mine and held my chin. I saw it when his wet lips slowly opened, his eyes closed and a pink, fresh tongue moved against his teeth, ready to kiss me.

Before he could approach, panic took over again - my body ignited in an uncomfortable way.

"No... No, I can't..." I slapped his hands away and paced back...

Of course, I couldn't run too far when his arms enveloped me as they did, holding me almost in the air and placing me back in front of him.

His eyes pierced deep into mine and he flashed me a crooked smile, walking against me and forcing me to walk back in the same speed.

His arm stretched, rested on the wall that had just imprisoned me between itself and his body, and I gulped down my coward heart that tried to climb my throat.

"Whatever is the matter?" He sounded almost drunk as his fingers tediously played with my blouse's tie.

"I... I don't know what this is, I don't know what's going on here..."

"Let me teach you with more than words, then..."

There came his lips again! I closed my eyes and looked sideways, shuddering.

I heard the sound of his lips parting and his breath coming out, ragged and warm, but before I could feel it against my inflamed nerves, another sound, the sound of my buzzing Holo Caster filled the air.

I reached out to grab it and pulled it out of my purse, it was immediately seized by Sycamore.

I tried to fight him for it, he held it above my head. When I looked down, I noticed he now looked at me in a strange, inquiring way.

"Forgive me, Anne..." he sounded composed, respectful, meek again... Like the man I had met yesterday "But I am beginning to think you're not very comfortable..."

"That's what I've been trying to tell you!!" I yelled with my scorched nerves.

His eyebrows furrowed and he seemed to fall deep into musing, as if what I presented him with was a universal mystery.

"Well, what is it, then? Should I take it slowly? " – His voice transformed into a moist whisper.

I looked sideways, looking for a way out.

"Take... what slowly, exactly?!"

He smiled his malicious smile again, as if I had said something specially to tease him... But then his eyes saw something inside mine: His smile came undone... They investigated me, curiously... then became darker... Then sank in awe!

"Oh! Oh my! Are you..." He looked me over, suddenly as surprised by how close we were as I was "Are you..." He eventually gave up on that question, assuming a new one "You didn't come here because you wanted to see me, did you?"

"Well... no..." I tried to be as careful as I could.

"Oh, by the gods!" He gasped, running his fingers through his hair "And... Charmander... he was indeed sick, wasn't he?!" – He now seemed to think it aloud to himself, needless of an answer.

I gave him one anyway:


"Anne, dear! Then why did you let me..." He pleaded almost tragically now!

"I... I..." I began to try and justify myself – but he was still too close to me, I was still stuck between him and a wall, and now his frustrated eyes rested on mine... His face assumed a brightly red tone and his lips shone even pinker. I'm sure if they were to touch mine there, they would feel even hotter... I swallowed again, and then remembered to look back into his eyes.

"And why... why do you look at me like that?!" His face lurked closer "For a second, I could swear you were begging me to..."

"Professor Sycamore! I'm sorry, I..."

"And that kiss..." His finger lifted my coward chin so that I could see the confusion on his eyes again "How could I be wrong, when you rendered me so aroused?!"

Aroused!!! My body froze, and then trembled – my stomach did so many pirouettes I thought I would be sick.

"A-Aroused??!" I couldn't help but repeat in awe.

"My! What am I saying?! N-never mind it, will you, miss Anne? Oh, to think you were that innocent, and I..." – My handsome Professor began to fall apart, losing his confident composure in a shower of embarrassment and confusion.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."

"Shhh! You do not get to say you're sorry this time, miss Anne...!" His finger quickly sealed my lips "Mea-culpa... Totalement ma faute. I don't often get late night visits that aren't... oh well! What is done is done, I'm afraid I can't undo this embarrassment, much as I'd love to. You have my deepest regret and apology, yet I must ask you this: If you wouldn't mind, I would like this to be a secret between the two of us. What do you say?!"

He flashed me a smile again, as if now his escape-from-major-law-suit strategy was to try and convince me through the seduction of his beautiful face.

...It's not like I would ever say no, considering that it was, after all, a big misunderstanding... But I was still being pressed against the wall quite literally – my answer refused to come out because it felt too much like coercion.

I supposed we were too distracted into each other's drama – the one we had just created after that huge mess! – to hear the beeping elevator. A knock sounded on the wall, near the doorway.

"Sophie... didn't I tell you I was expect-" Sycamore began to snarl in a fit of impatience. Silly him – I had already looked over to see Calem standing there, frozen with surprise by what he saw of us.

"Oh!! It is you... Mr. Calem!"

Sycamore's arms left my side and he walked away – his culpability only clearer if he held a bloody knife in his hand and stood over a fresh corpse.

"Calem! What are you doing here?!" I inquired, though relieved.

"You were taking too long... I couldn't believe you'd run all the way here, but apparently you did!" He explained, then his eyes hovered, investigating the two of us with suspicion. "Wh... what were you guys doing?!"

"We were...." I paused to think.

"Battle strategy!" Sycamore smiled largely, placing his hands on his hips and walking around "Strategy, indeed! A victory might be determined by the brain, my lad!"

Calem was too smart for him:

"Then... how come I don't see any Pokémon?"

Sycamore's eyes sought mine in a plea. He sighed:

"Ever heard of... Body language?!"

I held a laugh!

"Body language?!!" His eyebrows lifted and his shoulders stiffened, caught up in disgust.

"Why, yes! A trainer's confidence, specially under pressure, proves vital for a win! I was just teaching Miss Anne here the basics of posture."

"Well, I'm certainly not jealous she's the only one who gets to have such classes..." He murmured to himself.

"I shall organize a little tutorship for the five of you in no time, you have my word!" Sycamore smiled charmingly.

"Well, whatever – I mean, thanks Professor! Are you guys done? How's Charmander?!"

We looked over – The Pokémon in question sat on the carpet near Sycamore's desk, playing with some papers.

"Fine, apparently!" I grumbled resentfully.

"Fine, fine, indeed! It was just a case of... utter..." - he cleared his throat – "misinterpretation?"

"Y-yes... precisely that..."

Sycamore flashed me a relieved, disconcerted smile.

"Come on, boy... Let's go!" I pulled out my pokeball and ushered Charmander in.

Calem walked to my side – he passed an arm around my shoulders:

"I told you it would be alright! Now let's go, neighbor! I'm here to make sure you'll hire a taxi this time... I'll even pay for it, if you want!" He led me back to the elevator.

"Oh! Children! Are... are you really going?!" Sycamore inquired, stretching his hand.

Calem looked annoyed, but he was too polite to let it slip to his voice:

"Yes, it's super late outside... Right, Annie?"

I looked back planning a word or two of goodbye to Sycamore, but couldn't do anything but blush as soon as our eyes met.

"Have a good night then, Miss Anne... I won't hold you any longer. I do, however, hope that you will provide me with a few minutes of your time to continue our conversation in the near future..."

"O-of course!"

"Be safe, the two of you...!" He wished at last, and just as we disappeared behind the wall, I could see a heavy sigh part from his lungs as he moved his head from one side to the other.

The elevator's door closed.


Back in his office, now alone, Sycamore dropped himself on the sofa and pulled on his shirt's collar with stress, relieving his neck.

A large figure with stiff shoulders walked out of the dense shadows on the other side of the room. At first, the approach alarmed Sycamore, but then his eyes got accustomed to its view. He sighed, tired: "It's just you..."

"Augustine... What are you doing?" A coarse voice sounded.

"A minor slip in my part... Nothing I can't handle. This changes nothing!" The Professor answered impatiently.


"I forgot my Pokedéx! It must have slipped from my pocket when..." I recalled Sycamore pulling me under himself on the sofa.

"When?!" Calem asked as I halted the answer. His hand touched my cheeks and lingered there for a second or two, a reprobation look weighing on me the entire time "Geesh, you're burning up! Don't tell me you've gone and gotten yourself a cold!"

Lumiose streets were empty, dark again. Calem hailed for a cab:

"Alright, I'll get it for you... Wait inside the car, okay?" He ran back inside the building.

I did as he said, assuming my seat in the heated vehicle. I couldn't help but sigh and immediately relax under its comfort, forgetting how tense all of my body muscles had been just a while ago.

It took Calem a few minutes to return – no surprises there, for elevators were known to be slow. When he returned though, as soon as I saw him cross the doorframe I noticed a grave change in his countenance. He didn't look at me, but rather faced the floor, suddenly thoughtful.

I waited anxiously – when he finally got into the cab with me, I immediately asked:

"What's wrong? Didn't you find it?!"

"No, I found it... It's right here..." He handed it over to me, his voice incapable of meeting my enthusiasm.

"Then what's the matter?!" I inquired, growing worried.

"It's just that... I didn't notice Lysandre was in the lab with us."

"What, Lysandre?!!"

"The Holo Caster guy..." – He explained, as if I didn't already know. "He was there with Sycamore. The two were talking in the dark... and Lysandre seemed really, really unnerved to see me there!"

He checked his watch.

"It's 11pm... What in the world could they be talking about?!"

I looked ahead – the taxi driver waited for instructions with an impatient glare.

"I have no idea..." I vaguely answered, immediately sinking into thought. What was he doing there? Most importantly... How long had he been there?

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