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81.37% Superman in the Multiverse (MHA, DC, and Marvel) / Chapter 82: Chapter 81 - Ultimatum

Kapitel 82: Chapter 81 - Ultimatum

----A Few Days Later, Marvel Universe ???---

Meeting up with Jean for lunch, the first thing she did was bring up healing Wade and Xavier. Insisting that it would benefit both of them, I understood she was really looking out for them. Xavier could help a lot more being able to walk, and I could use this to get Wade out of the school. If things did get serious between Jean and I, last thing I wanted was for her to be panty raided again.

"I heard that Natasha joined your group, and...something about General Ross weaponizing mutants?", she questioned.

"Yes, let me get you up to speed on that.", I said.

Going over everything I had learned, and what was going on behind the scenes Jean became visibly angry. Keep her power in check with my own, Jean said we should go break into those facilities and free them.

"I appreciate the sentiment, but we need to take this to the Nick Fury.", I stated, "The only way this changes is if you put the foot down on top brass. It has to be made clear that we won't tolerate this."

"Agreed.", Jean said, "We should go after lunch."

"That works.", I stated.

Before we started on a different topic Wade showed up. Sliding into the same seat as me, he gave me a hug and called me his best friend. Telling me how much of a nice guy I was, and how smart I was all I could do was grin.

"So, I hear you can heal my cancer.", Deadpool said.

"I can...", I said, "If I did help, would you agree to leave Jean alone?"

"Absolutely!", he said nodding his head, "There are plenty of other people to harass at the mansion."

"Deal, I will pick you up this evening to start the treatment. Just so you are aware, you will unconscious for a week while the process happens. You won't feel anything, and it will restore your hair.", I said.

"Damn!! That's an easy price to pay!!", he laughed, "I thought you were going to have me kill someone for you or something."

"If I wanted that, I could do it myself...", I sighed.

"Yeah, but you don't do it in style.", he chuckled.

Rubbing my forehead I was already exhausted with this conversation. Telling him to be ready, he promised to be and quickly left.

"He means well...even though he is a jackass.", Jean laughed.

"I know...just gets old.", I sighed.

Giving me a smile Jean did her best to get my mind off of it. Putting it to the side I started to discuss how I wanted to handle this. Norman Osborn would be the person we catch, and bring to Fury. Thanks to Ross's memories I knew where Ross had hidden damning evidence that would put Osborn in the slammer for centuries.

"Agreed, I'd like to wring his neck too.", she laughed, "Seriously though, I'd love to kick his ass. A few students have gone missing...they snuck out so it's almost certain they were caught. It's going to be a nightmare to locate them."

"We will find them.", I promised.

"Thanks Clark, it's reassuring to hear you say that.", she said, "So we leave after we eat?"

"Of course.", I chuckled, "Unless you-"

"Not yet tiger.", she giggled, "I will only sleep with Mr. Right, I am not sure if that is you."

"Fair enough, but I was going to ask if you needed to stop by the mansion to change.", I stated with a smirk.

"You did that on purpose!", she playfully laughed kicking me, "You can be a jerk too I see."

"Guilty as charged.", I replied.

"Yeah, we can go to the mansion so I can change then we go to see Norman", she said.

---Norman Osborn's Residence---

Having taken the day off to relax and unwind Norman was lounging by his pool when we arrived. When his security spotted us they ran to intercept us, but Jean easily tossed them into the pool with her mind. Knowing who she was, Norman knew he would have to use bigger firepower to hurt Jean. As for me he had really only heard rumors at this point so he wasn't sure.

"Norman Osborn.", I stated.

"What's it to you?", he asked, "You realize I can sue you for trespassing."

"You realize I can bury you for what you are doing behind the scenes with mutants, right?", I retorted with an unamused look.

"I haven't the slightest idea what you-"

"Thunderbolt Project, Ross and yours brainchild.", I said tossing papers at him, "General Ross is no longer available for your use...I have been told some of your mutant captives broke out, and killed him."

"So I have heard...", Norman stated reaching for an emergency button, "What's this have to do with me?"

"Reach for that button mortal, and your life is forfeit.", Spectre said appearing in his face, "Being in your presence makes me disgusted, vile Green Goblin."

"I don't have to take this from either of you!", Norman said before Spectre grabbed him by the throat.

Staring at Spectre with disbelief, Spectre threw him into his home and followed after him.

"You are coming with me mortal, and your days among the living are numbered. Enjoy the few hours your miserable life has left. I will be your guide to Hell!", he growled fading away.

"What the hell!?", Norman shrieked, "Was he actually real!?"

"You were in the presence of the One Above All's enforcer.", I told him, "You have a lot of innocent blood on your hands...I wouldn't want to be you when he takes you to hell."

"I am not dying today!", he shouted reaching for one of his weapons.

Green eldritch flames burned the weapons to ashes, and sent shivers down his spine. Before he could flee I punched him through several walls rendering him unconscious. Before heading to see Nick Fury with the evidence Ross and Osborn had, we took all the information he had for use in locating the mutants.


Flying onboard the ship, Jean and I went to see Nick. Glaring at me the moment I walked in, I knew he already guessed where Natasha was. Someone probably told him about our night together, and uh...the events that happened. Saying hello when we got close he asked me what brought us here. Pulling Osborn out of a pocket dimension I threw him to Nick's feet with all the evidence he needed to lock Osborn in a cell for life.

"What's this about?", he asked.

"Don't play dumb and I both know why we are here.", I stated.

"You may be a visitor in our world, but Nick Fury is-", Maria Hill stated to say.

"The Mutant Weaponization Plan and Thunderbolt Project, right?", Nick stated.

"Yes.", Jean said, "According to the documents this plan has been going on much longer than the breaches!"

"That's true.", Nick admitted.

"You knowingly let the two of them round people up!!", Jean shouted as the Helicarrier started to shaking.

"Knowingly yes, willingly no.", Nick replied, "The orders came from my superiors, either I follow them or I get replaced and someone else implements them."

"You bastard!!", Jean seethed as I held her back.

"Apparently you haven't been paying attention. We were in between two opposing forces, the Kree and the Skrulls. Siding with one or other would have been a death sentence if they lost. The decision was made to stay neutral, and weaponize dangerous mutants for military use.", he said.

"Dangerous!?", Jean mocked, "I saw the people you were taking!! Is someone that can talk to animals dangerous!? Is someone that can see long distances dangerous!? Is someone who has super senses dangerous!?"

"The MCA doesn't answer to me, that is handled by-"

"You know that's's a branch of your organization that you are the head of.", I stopped him, "Don't tell me you don't control them, you do."

"You know that?", he asked.

"I know that you claiming it was to save your job was bull. Osborn was working to get you replaced with himself using Natasha as a scapegoat.", I said, "She left SHIELD because she could no longer trust you."

"She let her emotions drive her decision.", he stated.

"She let her humanity tell her that rounding up men, women, and children off the streets and from their homes is wrong. Most of these kids would have been contributing members of society, but you are using them like lab rats.", I told him, "I saw what the inside of one of those facilities looked like. What I saw was innocent people strapped to steel beds while you experimented on them, and I saw children crying for their parents! Don't justify saving this world by destroying it yourself!! They have just as much right to be here as a "normal" human. All of them make mistakes like everyone else, and some are bad apples...just like normal criminals. Just because they have power doesn't make a difference."

"Oh really.", he retorted.

"You are a normal human, and yet you are killing more people than most of the world's hardened criminals have.", I spat, "You weaponized the Infinity Stones as far back as WWII, and look what that got you."

"You want me to just let them all go?", he stated, "By now most of them will want to kill everyone that caught them."

"As would anyone one wants that to happen to them Nick.", I replied, "They need to be let go, and returned to their homes. I can undo what you did to them mentally and physically."

"And if I say no?", he said.

"I am not asking you for permission. I am going to whether you approve it or not. Stand in my way of freeing them, and I will show what happens when you stand against the Protector of Life and Spirit of Vengeance.", I said as the ship plummeted out of the sky.

Splashing down in the ocean, alarms started going off as the ship started sinking. Staring him down I turned to Norman who had woken up from the impact. Realizing where he was he was going to demand Nick help him when Spectre and I grabbed ahold of his head.

"Your time is at an end.", we stated.

Turning to ash as he screamed blood murder, Maria and others backed away from me in fear.

"You either stay on the right side of morality, or burn on the wrong side.", we told him, "Make your decision Nick Fury."

At that moment reports started coming in that seismic activity was occurring around the globe. Knowing that I was the cause Nick said to do as I pleased. All together everything stopped as I relented my pressure. Taking Jean and leaving, once we were gone Nick collapsed gasping for air.

"Sir!", his staff said, "Are you-"

"Tell MCA that they are to stand down...", Nick said, "They are not to fight him, and if they do they aren't getting backup. Get me the UN on the line as well...he about crushed our planet like a flea."

"Are you sure?", Maria asked.

"Yes, as it stands now there isn't anything we can do to stop him anyways. The footage we recovered showed that even Hulk armaments are useless on him...I understand now how he managed to kill Thanos so easily. It felt like I was standing before God when the two stared me my entire soul was laid to bare to tehm. That was the most uncomfortable feeling I have ever had.", Nick gulped.

"We can't just let him get away with threatening us.", Maria stated.

"Director Fury is right", Agent Coulson told her, "If he went public with this, there would be an uprising with him at the helm. It would be over in less than a day, and we would all be dead."

"Just do as I ordered...", Nick said, "I am going to get a drink."

---New York City---

While Jean and I went around the globe striking bases, Thor and his group were trying to understand what they were missing. Having gone around talking to people about what had occurred, they did understand things better to a degree. They had learned about the loss of life that had occurred during Loki's attack and seen first hand those that had gone unnoticed by the masses.

Having been forced to sleep on the streets, they had settled into a homeless group as they sought redemption. Many of the people in the camp were displaced by the invasion, and had been left stranded while they waited for assistance.

"This is truly awful...", Volstagg sighed, "The food here is atrocious, why has no one come to aid them!"

"I think it is clear that they are unwanted here...", Lady Sif stated, "We have moved locations several times already...they see the group as an eye sore."

"I hadn't imagined it was this bad...", Thor said looking around him, "My first time without my powers I had Jane and company to aid me...I see now that I had it easy. This lesson is much more difficult..."

"It's okay.", Fandral stated, "We have come back from far worse."

"We have...these people won't.", Hogun replied.

A young child came around as per the usual looking for any scraps she could find for her sick family. As the hospitals were overwhelmed at the moment and there was no where to take themselves, her family was forced to wait it out. Handing her their leftovers, the five warriors felt disappointed with themselves. Having been brought this low, they were beginning to understand what they had truly done.

While some of their achievements were truly Heroic, most of what they had done was simply finishing what those hundreds of years before hadn't finished. When they had gone to finish it there was peace, but their arrogance drove them to cause situations like this. Before they simply kept on walking by encampments like this, even going as far as to laugh at them, but now they were on this side...they understood how wrong they were.

"Well lets look at the bright side...", Lady Sif said, "At least Volstagg is losing weight rapidly."

"I take insult to that!", Volstagg stated, "This my armor!!"

"More like your keg!!", Fandral laughed.

"No, much more like a barrel!", Hogun added with a cheer, "Also...take a bloody bath would you man!!"

"Yes!", the other three agreed.

"I don't smell that bad!", Volstagg replied.

"You have the smell of a Frost Giant's breath!", Thor chuckled.

"That is easy for all of you to say!! Where would I bathe!?", Volstagg stated.

"The river.", Fandral said, "We did that as children. If you need someone to watch your back...Hogun is more than-"

"I refuse.", Hogun sighed, "Right now our goal should be settling this task."

"Enough...", Thor sighed, "Hogun is right, we need to find what they are trying to teach us. We met with the victims and have seen what they have gone through, what else is there?"

"Honestly, I think we are approaching this half heartedly.", Lady Sif stated, "I felt there was a lot more we could have asked to understand the situation."

"Such as?", Hogun asked.

"Well for one thing do you remember their names?", Sif asked.

"", the men said scratching their heads.

"I think we need to more serious with how we-", she started to say.

"If you think you know better, do so.", Volstagg stated, "I am starving, we haven't bathed in days, and our sleep arrangement is horrendous. We need to start looking for work, or better living conditions."

"We are warriors, we can handle this.", Fandral chuckled.

"Are you not sick of this!?", Volstagg shouted.

"Believe me, I miss my bed and equipment.", Fandral sighed.

"We all.", Thor said calming them down, "Let us not become bitter, we have a task to do so we must do it."

"I still think we should find work.", Volstagg said, "If this keeps up, I will not have clothing to wear."

"Yeah...I don't want to see you baggy skin...", Hogun shivered.

"Why did you have to say it!!", Fandral complained wanting to hurl, "We shall look for work, Lady Sif should already know where she can make money."

"What's that supposed to mean?!", she hissed.

"You have caught the eye of many men in Asgard, surely the men here will also like you. We will get jobs too, but you will likely make the most money.", Volstagg stated.

Slapping him, she told him she would never sell her body no matter how bad things got. Telling him only a few men would be allowed to sleep with her, he snickered. Saying that she had no problems when she was drunk, Sif backhanded him and told him to eat shit.

"You disgust me Volstagg!! That was a vile jab, that happened only once, and that was because you spiked our wine with drugs the locals gave you!!", she seethed, "I still hate you for that, and now I don't want to even be near you!"

Storming off, the other three men looked at him. Saying that was crossing the line, they told him that she was a warrior and had most certainly proven herself to be one during their countless adventures. Saying that all he wanted was food, a real bed, and a hot bath Volstagg wouldn't apologize for asking her to contribute for that. Going after her, Thor wanted to try and patch things up. They were comrades in arms so he hoped she would forgive the comment if they fought it out.

"Sif, I apologize for his behavior it was unbecoming of a warrior of Asgard.", Thor said.

"Why didn't you say something to him!? The three of you sat there when he said that without so much as a word!", she snapped.

"It caught us off guard that he would say such a thing.", Thor stated, "We lectured him about it immediately after you left."

Staring at him for a moment, Sif seemed to understand something.

"You want me to patch things up with him after he said such things to me...", she said in a cold tone.

"We are a team of five, we-"

"No, not anymore.", she stated pushing him away, "I refuse to share a tent with someone that would see me in such a disgraced manner. It was his fault that I ended up pleasuring those dwarves..."

"He didn't mean for that to happen!", Thor replied.

"You are always on their side Thor. I have given you everything I had because I loved you, and I would have followed you to Hell and back...", Sif said tearing up, "If this is the sentiment I have earn for everything I have done for you...I don't want to see you again Thor."

"Sif, please-"

"I don't want to hear it!! You did nothing then, and nothing now!! I stopped myself from killing him because you stayed my hand!!", Sif shouted, "Next time I see him I am taking his head!!"

Storming off, Sif was angry she had trusted and loved a fool like him. Watching her go, Thor realized that he had messed up. The Warrior's Three had been beside him for as long as he could remember, and they were like brothers to him. He had been too lax with them regarding Lady Sif, now that she had abandoned him he could only blame himself for this.

---Conqueror Universe ???---

Sitting in the ruins of New York City, several powerful villains sat around a table. Surrounding them were the captured Heroes they had once seen as threats. Each having completely distorted their own universes with their desires, the group was now debating what to do next.

"Clown, who was that Superman we encountered?", Brainiac/Darkside asked.

"You expect me to know that!?", Emperor Joker laughed, "I haven't the slightest idea, but he is far stronger than any Superman we have seen."

"How strong are we talking?", Carnage/Doomsday inquired.

"I tried using my power on him, but it didn't phase him.", Emperor Joker chuckled, "It was quite funny actually!"

"Enough!", Thanos stated as his golden armor glowed brightly, "We have bigger concerns at the forces have been encountering people that look like that man behind you. Unlike him they have powers, and have decimated my legions. I want to know who he is!"

"I have been looking into it.", Hela said twirling Stormbreaker in her palm, "What I have found is they are from a place that is full death and decay. It is so bad that even I get sick going anywhere near one of their universes. The few universes I have seen, they have completely altered the populace into mindless, laughing slaves. They have the same disgusting look you have."

"Hahaha!! Thanks for the compliment!", Emperor Joker replied, "If they have this gorgeous face...they have been infected with my Joker Toxin. That said...none of the Jokers I have met have had anywhere near that deadly of a toxin. All of my victims were left laughing till they died, they didn't become mindless slaves."

"We should prepare then...", the Maestro Hulk said.

"I think we should bolster our forces then.", Perpetua stated with a smile.

"Agreed, we should ready ourselves since they seem to be insistent on fighting us.", Dark Phoenix agreed.

"Where is our last member?", Thanos asked.

"It had to go take of something, I don't know what.", Emperor Joker laughed, "Now then...what world do we have next to conqueror? It is getting boring just beating Batman to death on a daily basis."

---Marvel World ???, Xavier Mansion---

Having taken out all the locations they were keeping innocent civilians, we opted to let MCA handle the actual criminals, Jean's sympathy only extended to the innocent...not the guilty. As far as she was concerned all of them could die and she wouldn't shed a tear for them. Getting most of them back to their homes, I ensured their assets were unfrozen and that they received compensation for what happened to them. While they were bitter at the government, they accepted the monetary payment and trusted I would ensure this wouldn't happen again.

"That was such a stress reliever!", Jean laughed as she stretched her arms out, "Crushing those Sentinels was very therapeutic."

"I am sure it was.", I said with a smirk.

Our date was pretty much over at this point, and it was already starting to get late. Walking her to the door of the mansion she turned to look at me. Promising to tell Wade to come out she looked into my eyes with a serious look.

"Clark, I will be honest with you...I do have feels for you. Your the first person I don't have to walk on eggshells around, and moreover I can tell you really have a heart for good. I'd like to go on a few more dates before I make my decision, but I think we-"

"Ahem...did I hear my name?", Deadpool asked popping his head out the door.

Stopping what she was saying, Jean looked back at him with anger. She was trying to have a heart to heart with me, and she was interrupted by him. Slamming his head in the door several times, she gave me a hug then went to her room leaving a gruesome looking Wade in the door way. Fixing the damage to his head I helped him. Telling him to be more careful, he just laughed with delight.

"It's fine, I had that one coming...", he said trying not to laugh.

"Don't make that sexual...", I sighed.

"Oh come on, you'd tap that in a second.", he jabbed, "Or rather the author would make you."

(Author: Shut it Wade!! I will make you the awful mouthless Deadpool from the movies!!)

"You don't have the balls!", he jabbed.

(Author: You want to bet that?)

Suddenly his mouth disappeared for some reason, and I stopped moving. Looking around for someone to thank for shutting him up, I couldn't see anyone around.

(Author: You have been warned Deadpool, don't push me!!)

Restoring his mouth, Deadpool sighed with relief as he had assumed the change would be permanent. Deciding not to push his luck Deadpool left it at that, and suggest we leave. Saying I wanted to get bagels for my family he was more than happy to go since he also liked the donuts there too.

---New York City---

Descending on the bakery Deadpool ran inside to see what they had. I was about to follow him when someone started calling out to me. Looking to my right I saw Lady Sif running towards me. Asking her what was wrong, she told me that she had abandoned the men due to a dispute. Deciding not to push for more information, I asked what she needed from me. Stating that she had done as I asked, she wanted help further understand what my goal was for them.

Telling her that it wasn't about understanding anything, emotions were something to be felt not understood. Saying that I wanted them to experience the emotions that humans felt, I said that they had over thought my plans for them. My hope was that seeing the people caught in the wake of their fighting would spur them to try, and make peace verbally before resorting to violence. Obviously they tried to understand what they lost rather than experiencing the raw emotions the people went through. When she realized what I want them to learn, she nodded her head.

"I would like to follow you, and see what you see.", she stated, "You are an immensely powerful being yet you are concerned more with the emotions of others than yourself...that is unusual."

"Odin is similar, but his love for his son's blinds him.", I said, "If you want to see, I can show you. Since it's clear leaving it to all of you to understand this will take centuries...this is the best option."

Bowing her head she thanked me. Buying the bagels for the women, and extras for the pregnant women I returned home with both of them for the evening.

---Fortress of Solitude---

Getting Deadpool settled in the medical equipment, I put him under and left the machine to do it's work. Having Lady Sif share a room with Enchantress, I hoped the two might be able to make peace after a while without inference from Thor and Loki. Leaving them to talk and interact, I went to see my family who were being told the news of the pregnancies. As expected they were over the moon with the news, and wanted to clothes shop for the children.

Stating that they didn't know the gender of the children yet, they wanted to wait till they knew. Coming up with names while I cooked dinner all I could do was shake my head at some of the names they were coming up Wrecker, Billy, and Bob. Content to see that they were happy with this, I was also thankful that none of the school aged girls had added to the mix yet.

" did your date with Jean go?", Mina and Nejire asked.

"I was hoping you'd ask.", I chuckled, "This will be quite the story, haha!"


Author Note: I am sorry for the delay on this chapter, I have been pulling long hours at work to complete a project while also covering for a coworker. It has been a long fucking week, but I am glad to have the weekend to relax. Hopefully all of you have a good weekend and a good week next week!

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