Teilen Sie Ihre Gedanken mit anderen
Schreiben Sie eine RezensionI love this book so fuxing much! I’m looking forward for the new chapters and waiting for the next stories! This book worth to read, I definitely recommend this book to anyone, and I would like to spend my coins for this book! [img=update][img=recommend][img=coins]
W a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h...Worth reading 💕💕💕.
Spoiler enthüllenNice story, i love it! But the author have to upload daily, I’m looking forward for the next chapters and read the novel until the end.........
This is one of favorite story here, the female characters are so strong and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, I like it! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Interesting and fascinating at the same time, I’m looking forward for the next chapters. The book hooked me!!! Bravoooo 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
The book is get more interesting from chapter 59! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it!
This book is full of sin but I love it! May God forgive me 🤣🙏🏻 The book also gets better in each new chapters, the stories improves well. Overall great and I love it!
The title immersed me to read further. I liked how the story started off at the beginning of the chapter. Mia's character is my favorite in the story. The writing style is well written. The author showcased a very nice & unique story. Definitely recommended for reading. keep up the good work, author!
My first time to read a girls love story. Well, I love the funny scenes because I'm a fan of romcom but it also gives me a lesson in life. I recommend this book. Very interesting and beautiful. I don't want to spoil.
Beautifully written. The plot develops well throughout the chapters and the picture created is undeniably beautiful. Good use of words that complement the subject of the story as a whole . A great read
I just started reading this and I never thought I would read the chapters with so much concentration, I felt like the every single damn words just entered my heart and take me to somewhere. I wish lena was real and I could meet someone like her oneday ❤️
Strong females are a major turn on. Uff! The power in being Alpha female is just another level of high. I love the plot .its phenomenal. I do hope that Maia stays loyal and waits for Lena
This book is literally my cup of coffee, thank you for the story. It caused me can’t sleep every single night because i keep thinking about maia and lena and waiting for the next chapters to answer my questions
I love the story and it was straight forward to me. What I noticed about gay women is that they're always straight forward and truthful. No beating around the bush. This was really enjoyable and insightful. The author did a good job.
I really just didn't enjoy the novel. word count word countA-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**0tT2xGWHo3Sk1keVkwanBQWVBGeURqdz09--f0bc1a2f45931cc08c5b24959a0404e747bf6460,5708cd1c-51ba-41d7-bfff-7ffec9ecd981,order_status_page
Great story, I love it and it is very detailed... I like it's sense of humor and very very funny, I highly recommend this to everyone Great plot Nicely Done Author💗
I fall in love with this book at the first sight i saw it. I love the storyline movement and how the connection between each characters. Both of the main characters are full of mysteries and I would like to find out and wait for the next chapters to see what happens
This book is a definite page-turner. Its Hilarious, insightful, poignant and comforting. You can relate to it easily while reading it. i highly recommend this one. good job author.
Hey amazing author. You might need to catch me 'cause I'm falling in love with your book. Lol...can't wait to read more chapters 🥺..keep up the good work ❤❤❤❤❤😊😊❤❤😊❤😊❤😊❤
OMG! When the first time I read the story i fall in love with this novel! The love between lena and maia reminds me of my girlfriend! Thank you so much for the author you made the greatest story I’ve ever read
You should read this novel! You will be surprised how good it is. There are so many sensual scenarios here! I loved it! I love all the characters in this novel especially lena the author done a great job 👍🏻❤️ Bravo!!!
I love this book! The story is awesome and the chapters tittle are brilliant, the book is also easy to read even for the non-english speaker because the author uses simple words to the story. This book deserves to be on the Netflix series oneday 👍🏻❤️ Good job for the author and keep going!
I love reading this book, Maia’s character is my favorite. She’s funny and a little bit naughty. I think this book would be a right reading for everyone. One of my favorite chapter is *** and the city part lolllllll
I'm already intrigued from simply the synopsis alone. Can't wait to start reading. I can already tell that I'm going to love it and the title is just perfect.
The synopsis is extremely interesting. Captivating story from the beginning, cant wait for more uploads. Characters are relatable and I grew fond of them as the story developed. Well written and easy to read. Excellent novel, well done. [img=recommend]
Why are you still in my brain? Got me and remain in my wills brain and my peace I couldn't maintain until I just keep reading every lines.. This writer is really good.. Every things about his/her writing is awesome... This is really and interestingly intriguing read if you love reading the best of the best novel..this one will surely get you. This is a commendable job author...keep it coming! I recommend this a an excellent read... I love it and will surely keep reading it.. Congrats!
I would recommend this book to anyone with a sense of humor because so many funny events here. Some of this book is kind of sad but the sad parts are important to tell. I trully love reading this book, the characters are amazing, Lena is my favorite. I wanted to keep reading to find out what happened to the characters. I cannot wait to read the next chapter!
The story opens with the question from the synopsis: Why are you still in my brain? And one thing I wanted to do to comment is to analytically read the titles of the 18 published chapters (to this review) Undoubtedly, the answer to the question is in them and is summarily described in: "Her adventure through love, pain and fantasies..." Not the genre or subject matter of my preference, but I would like to highlight the professionalism of the author, whom I have the pleasure of knowing and know that he/she is a Literature major. We need to approach writing from the point of view of experience, co-learning and teaching freedom. Each reader will measure his or her degree of wisdom on the subject.
Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
I love this book so fuxing much! I’m looking forward for the new chapters and waiting for the next stories! This book worth to read, I definitely recommend this book to anyone, and I would like to spend my coins for this book! [img=update][img=recommend][img=coins]
W a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a a h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h h...Worth reading 💕💕💕.
Spoiler enthüllenNice story, i love it! But the author have to upload daily, I’m looking forward for the next chapters and read the novel until the end.........
This is one of favorite story here, the female characters are so strong and I would definitely recommend this book to anyone, I like it! 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Interesting and fascinating at the same time, I’m looking forward for the next chapters. The book hooked me!!! Bravoooo 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
The book is get more interesting from chapter 59! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it! I love it!
This book is full of sin but I love it! May God forgive me 🤣🙏🏻 The book also gets better in each new chapters, the stories improves well. Overall great and I love it!
The title immersed me to read further. I liked how the story started off at the beginning of the chapter. Mia's character is my favorite in the story. The writing style is well written. The author showcased a very nice & unique story. Definitely recommended for reading. keep up the good work, author!
My first time to read a girls love story. Well, I love the funny scenes because I'm a fan of romcom but it also gives me a lesson in life. I recommend this book. Very interesting and beautiful. I don't want to spoil.
Beautifully written. The plot develops well throughout the chapters and the picture created is undeniably beautiful. Good use of words that complement the subject of the story as a whole . A great read
I just started reading this and I never thought I would read the chapters with so much concentration, I felt like the every single damn words just entered my heart and take me to somewhere. I wish lena was real and I could meet someone like her oneday ❤️
Strong females are a major turn on. Uff! The power in being Alpha female is just another level of high. I love the plot .its phenomenal. I do hope that Maia stays loyal and waits for Lena
This book is literally my cup of coffee, thank you for the story. It caused me can’t sleep every single night because i keep thinking about maia and lena and waiting for the next chapters to answer my questions
I love the story and it was straight forward to me. What I noticed about gay women is that they're always straight forward and truthful. No beating around the bush. This was really enjoyable and insightful. The author did a good job.
I really just didn't enjoy the novel. word count word countA-b2pSb0JBRUxmTUVIbFRsR2tEEQVNQM1d0dXhDVEuFZS3NGcXpNQlI2cmFhT1R5Y3tBEbXRSSi9tUVggkNMRHJjgWjhLV2l2UHBsUVhUdTV0K2JjNmlLQWE5NElCN1I1bExvUHUvQTRySXNuMVRlOEhDdmhudm1kRXVyVmNneUpHWVY1SWg0K1hQWkxRVTk5RENTTDBxS0JocW1ONGZUaU1URmVpRDE3UWFncDE5Q0RHTTdhb0xVWDhlZFpaZ1RjN2NDNFpMa0FGQ0tYSmM4Nno3OWJueWNuUWpWRlJvcHZvZEduWmVLUW0rYTNjZG5JRjBmVXRJa0ZoZC9xR1VkbEZZU2hxdEZmYjlmckxVVGlVdy9rVk12Rkx2eG1GVkdVUGlDaVhEYWJQUllvSDk4TS9heTR6TXhFQnYzTmd3TkR2clZ4YWs1c2dBWDVuRkdlWlVTYzd2RlpWOGdJTTVKdTVoVm1nYkY0enp3b1ZWblJjUnVhV2twNWpTUERUb0VSYmFEdWUyWmd1MjRBdnRaLyt5UGg2QklPNENKT2VYS0pidXZjTWF0N0ZJNEpkbjV3b1MrdnltMzk3ZC9HQjJQSXRqbWZTMlFYTGc3QVNqUk1JeXVtOEdZc3dXVlE9**0tT2xGWHo3Sk1keVkwanBQWVBGeURqdz09--f0bc1a2f45931cc08c5b24959a0404e747bf6460,5708cd1c-51ba-41d7-bfff-7ffec9ecd981,order_status_page
Great story, I love it and it is very detailed... I like it's sense of humor and very very funny, I highly recommend this to everyone Great plot Nicely Done Author💗
I fall in love with this book at the first sight i saw it. I love the storyline movement and how the connection between each characters. Both of the main characters are full of mysteries and I would like to find out and wait for the next chapters to see what happens
This book is a definite page-turner. Its Hilarious, insightful, poignant and comforting. You can relate to it easily while reading it. i highly recommend this one. good job author.
Hey amazing author. You might need to catch me 'cause I'm falling in love with your book. Lol...can't wait to read more chapters 🥺..keep up the good work ❤❤❤❤❤😊😊❤❤😊❤😊❤😊❤
OMG! When the first time I read the story i fall in love with this novel! The love between lena and maia reminds me of my girlfriend! Thank you so much for the author you made the greatest story I’ve ever read
You should read this novel! You will be surprised how good it is. There are so many sensual scenarios here! I loved it! I love all the characters in this novel especially lena the author done a great job 👍🏻❤️ Bravo!!!
I love this book! The story is awesome and the chapters tittle are brilliant, the book is also easy to read even for the non-english speaker because the author uses simple words to the story. This book deserves to be on the Netflix series oneday 👍🏻❤️ Good job for the author and keep going!
I love reading this book, Maia’s character is my favorite. She’s funny and a little bit naughty. I think this book would be a right reading for everyone. One of my favorite chapter is *** and the city part lolllllll
I'm already intrigued from simply the synopsis alone. Can't wait to start reading. I can already tell that I'm going to love it and the title is just perfect.
The synopsis is extremely interesting. Captivating story from the beginning, cant wait for more uploads. Characters are relatable and I grew fond of them as the story developed. Well written and easy to read. Excellent novel, well done. [img=recommend]
Why are you still in my brain? Got me and remain in my wills brain and my peace I couldn't maintain until I just keep reading every lines.. This writer is really good.. Every things about his/her writing is awesome... This is really and interestingly intriguing read if you love reading the best of the best novel..this one will surely get you. This is a commendable job author...keep it coming! I recommend this a an excellent read... I love it and will surely keep reading it.. Congrats!
I would recommend this book to anyone with a sense of humor because so many funny events here. Some of this book is kind of sad but the sad parts are important to tell. I trully love reading this book, the characters are amazing, Lena is my favorite. I wanted to keep reading to find out what happened to the characters. I cannot wait to read the next chapter!
The story opens with the question from the synopsis: Why are you still in my brain? And one thing I wanted to do to comment is to analytically read the titles of the 18 published chapters (to this review) Undoubtedly, the answer to the question is in them and is summarily described in: "Her adventure through love, pain and fantasies..." Not the genre or subject matter of my preference, but I would like to highlight the professionalism of the author, whom I have the pleasure of knowing and know that he/she is a Literature major. We need to approach writing from the point of view of experience, co-learning and teaching freedom. Each reader will measure his or her degree of wisdom on the subject.
Update pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee