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60% Knife to Go ! : MHA fan-fic / Chapter 6: Dramatic World

Kapitel 6: Dramatic World

"Chara ! Wake up !"

I felt a nudge on my side. With only the voice, I was able to tell who it was, even more so that she was the only person that could get into the apartment after my enchantment spree.

I turned on the side, eyeing her with my black eyes.

"What is it ?"

I asked, with something of a cute yawn at the end.

My mother stood there, and judging from her clothes, I am able to tell that she just got back from her work.

"We are going to the doctor, someone needs to check on you. What if it will cause something bad to your body ?"

I continued to lay there. As much as I agreed that it would be the case, for me, it isn't. I know about core abilities more than anyone, and they do not cause harm if I just discharge myself from time to time. As such, going to doctor and getting my 'quirk' tested would be just stupid.

Giving anyone a free information about yourself is just a pure stupidity.

Like, if organization that leads heroes gets to know that I have this kind of ability, they will annoy my ass. Especially this anti-justice aura of mine, it will just make them mad on getting me killed, framed or whatever shit they could think of.

Still ...

My mom would be the one worried. Even if I don't care too much, she is still a mother caring for a child ... *Sigh*

"... Okay, okay. I am going."

I stood up and stretched my arms a little, hearing a something of a crack.

I decided to go see this doctor. I don't even need to showcase any effect of my 'quirk', as long as I just do a little blast, barely enough to kill pest class. It should be enough to fool people if someone will be looking into my ability at all. Only thing left to do is hope that the doctor won't be affected by my aura ... wait, wouldn't that be worse then ? My aura works on people leaded by Justice, but justice isn't always about being a 'good' person, right ?

Continuing to think, I went ahead and started changing myself while my mom rested herself on the chair.

Going into the bathroom, I decided to at least set up my hair a little, nothing special, just so they wouldn't chaotically fly around. In my reflection, there was nothing different from yesterday ... I guess that it is still me, even if in a different body.

Back when I was a kid, I also used to look into the mirror a lot, just to see how much I change from day to day. Even if it wasn't the happiest one, I still had quite good people to take care of me, they are what makes a person after all. If not for them, I would be dead even before I would become a head hunter. Be it because of Sister Lily, Claudy, Lucy ...

Doesn't matter anymore. They are dead anyway, as much as it hurt to admit.

But it has me wondering. I also died, but I am here now. Maybe they also get reborn ..? It would be quite ... nice, to see them again. Even if they were total idiots.

Shaking my head, I cleared the images of the past from my mind. Now is not the time for such reminiscing, maybe some time later.

I came out of the bathroom and started dressing up, wearing a simple black T-shirt and pants. Walking up to my mother, I signaled to her that I am ready.

"Ahh, sorry, I got little caught up thinking. Let's go. Could you tell mom what your quirk is about in the meantime, okay ?"

She asked, snapping out of her thinking state. She was smiling in my direction, disregarding a poor situation we are in. Visit do doctor would probably cost money, so would means of transport ... just because she is worried. She is just a worried mother put in horrible situation, but she is still managing. Brings back quite a memories.

We walked out of apartment, mom trying to be as quiet as possible, seemingly scared of something. Or someone.

She wouldn't know, but I would annihilate anyone that tries to bully her. If I did say that, that would probably get her scared or giggling, so I decided to keep it for myself.

Who would believe that a kid of my height can just kill someone ? Talking about height, I seriously feel like a dwarf. I already miss my old body. How does this biology thing work ? I want to grow up already.

Let's maybe not touch this topic or I will become too depressed. Let's continue on.

Going out of the apartment, we made it towards the bus station where we sat and waited for a bus to arrive. Even if not all that great of an idea, I wouldn't complain. "It could always be worse", those are the words I remember when I feel like something bad happens to me. Always something worse can happen, I did not dare to challenge fate that it can't make things worse, it always can.

Bus finally arrived, doors opening before us, letting us in.

My mother went ahead to buy the tickets, I followed closely behind. Cashier seemed nice enough, not causing any trouble and just selling these to us.

Getting our seats, we drove towards the hospital. I just closed my eyes and leaned on my mother. As much as I wouldn't like to admit, it was quite comfortable. Driver really liked these holes on the road I presume, he probably wanted to drive into all of them judging from the vibrations inside the bus.

I stared out of the window, looking at the parts of quite huge city, most of them scarred because of the poverty. From what I remember, in the news there was a mention of few particularly powerful villains ... but what is cause of such a thing ?

There is no person that can just one they wake up and say 'Fuck it, Imma do villain today'. That is not how it works, or at least worked in my world. My memories do not tell me anything certain, limiting themselves to advertisements about heroes, TV show showing off how cool heroes are and whatnot.

Bus stopping and mom tapping me on the shoulder were signals that allowed me to guess that we have arrived at our destination.

Exiting the bus, both of us started walking while doing small conversations. While I was asking for normal everyday things, my mother was asking for more adequate description of my quirk. And while I wanted to tell her everything, I could not. She would be only putting me and herself in danger if I did.

Finally arriving at one of the hospitals, mom went ahead to take care of the meeting with a doctor. I mean, I could do it by myself, but who would just head to what a child says.

Sitting down on a seat, I was able to catch a glimpse of other people around us. There were mostly adults, be it because they were employees or because of some problem with their bodies.

Then, there were a few children around. Some with more visible quirks than the others. For example, one kid, instead of having a normal head, has a shark one. Or the other one, instead of fingers, he has wires.

I don't know how this thing can even work, like, how is it biologically possible. Of course, I am by no means a specialist on science subjects, even more, I didn't end a school whatsoever ... and yeah, there was some pretty awesome shit back in my world also. But, out of context, should I really call my former world 'my' world ? I mean, it was my world, problem being 'was'. I am quite far from being over there, being here instead. So I guess this one and former one are both 'my' world ? Confusing.

Anyways, soon enough my mom came back and dragged me towards the room of the doctor we were assigned to. His office was at second floor, and so we were forced to go by the stairs up onto the already mentioned, second floor.

Going down the corridor, we finally made it before the door. Aside of us, few other people were also standing before the entrance, awaiting their turn to enter. They were the same as us, a parents worried about their children.

Waiting for our turn, numerous other pairs of people passed by, either exiting with their face beaming from happiness at the news of a powerful quirk, or others with regretful expressions at the news that their child does not possess a powerful one.

But, what can you even call 'useful' or 'powerful' quirk ? Is it by comparing it to quirks of top heroes ? Is it by a normal common sense ? Or is it judged on what effect it has on a life forms ? I am not the one judging, so I guess that everyone has their own individual thought process.

By the time I stopped thinking about things, my name was called out and so, we made our way inside.

There wasn't anything spectacular, it was normal, boring even. Walls as grey as these outside, only a clock and a calendar gracing it with its weight. A desk under which stood a computer, with monitor on the top of it. Although it didn't look like doctor's office, I am quite sure we entered the hospital, so I guess that it is just a personal preference.

"Welcome. What can I help you with ?"

Resounded the voice from behind earlier mentioned desk. It belonged, presumably, to the doctor.

He then emerged from behind it. His posture not small, however not too broad either. His hair being short, mix of a brown and blonde, something in-between these two. His eyes were closed, however still looking at us.

"Hello doctor. My daughter here surprisingly manifested her quirk today after being judged quirkless, I would like for you to check for what her quirk may cause to her ... in a negative sense of course."

Replied my mother, with something of a commanding note in her voice.

Now, question is how I resolve this. He will probably need me to demonstrate my ability to him as to check for any irregularity in my body, which there won't be ... aside of energy emitted by the core. If guy gets to know that what gives me the ability is the core, he will probably register this information, giving other people a method to neutralize me. Which is no go.

There is a few ways to fool that however. First one is spreading a significant amount of energy across my whole silhouette, as to disguise the core as if it is just a normal part of body. Problem being, this body may not be able to take it. I still need to begin my training as to increase what this body is capable off. I mean, imagine.

It is like becoming a thing called DPS in these old multiplayer games that were popular back in the days. You have tremendous attack, but are fragile. This is a current me, only that this body is super fragile. If I were to forcibly try and strengthen it, it may break down.

Becoming a Tank-class DPS would be way better, right ?

Now, to the other method, the one which I support the most. It is, frankly said, gathering the energy on hand and using only this energy to materialize some object.

Doing this will reduce the core's activity drastically, making it very unlikely to be noticed. As such, I vote for the second one, and with this one I will probably go. Gathering a minimal amount of energy in my hands, I readied myself for the test.

"Not to worry, ma'am. What is child's name ?"


"Ok then. Can you come closer, Chara ?"

Responding with a simple nod, I approached the men. Him being twice my size kind of ticked me off though.

"I would like to see what your ability does, can you demonstrate ?"

Doctor asked in a calm manner. I responded with another nod, materializing the knife out of thin air and shooting it into the ground. It cut in halfway through, probably piercing the floor beneath us.

Both my mom and the doctor stood frozen in place, it being decorated by a silence in the room.

The one to break it first was the doctor.

"W-Well, that does seem like a good quirk ...

Chara, are you able to make something ... less dangerous ?"

Asked the doctor, seemingly sweating.

Thinking for a second, I noded once more.

This time thinking about what to make, I stopped. What would be a good thing to make ... maybe a normal Triangle shaped block ? Yes, let's go with that. Closing my palms, I shut my eyes close.

Acting to struggle for few seconds, I opened them once more, only to reveal a black triangle object laying on my hand.

I raised it towards the doctor, seemingly showing it off.

Seemingly stunned for few seconds, he replied.

"O-Oh well, she does seem to be very talented in usage of her quirk and it doesn't seem to affect her body in itself. I think that she is very much safe. I would be rather worried about anyone that would anger her.

Would you like for me to register her quirk right here ?"

Doctor directed a question towards my mother, who also stood still with her mouth slightly agape.

"Ahh, y-yes please."

My mom replied rather awkwardly. She stared at me, her eyes varying between the emotion of amazement and worry.

"So, what would you like your quirk to be called ?"

Asked doctor to me after a break of something about 2 minutes. It seems that is all the time necessary to begin someone's medical record.

Now, for the name itself. As I suck at naming things, I think I will stick to a name of Dark Core, simply because it is both easy to remember and is easy to spell out. And it is as not-cringe as you can probably get.

Deciding as such, I told my choice towards the doctor. He only looked towards me with indescribable emotion in his eyes.

"H-Haha ... oh well, you can change it later on. I will take care of description and the rest, you are free to go."

Replied the doctor, looking towards my mom.

"Ok then, we will be going out ... I apologize for the inconvenience."

Said my mom, glancing towards the place where knife was lodged earlier.

"Please, don't worry about it. Things like that happen all the time."

With that said, both of us left the office. Going down the stairs, we continued towards the exit after saying formal goodbyes towards the receptionist that happened to be my mom's friend.

As the bus we came with here earlier was scheduled to arrive two hours from now on, my mom decided that it would be a great idea to treat me to a hot dog for my 'bravery'.

I tried to politely decline my way out of this, but realized that I would only be saddening her by this and therefore, agreed to her proposition. As such both of us made our way towards a close by grocery store in which, they were selling hot dogs.

And yes, these also did exist back in the old world of mine. Although they were of way better quality because of my status. Normal person or lower-ranked person would be served with normal one, while above gold-rank every person would get an exclusive version of it. I don't really know how it works as I didn't each much of these as a whole, but they did taste good.

Entering the store, we were greeted by a mildly loud ding, this one probably signifying our entrance. Going towards the cashier, my mom ordered one small and one big hot dog. Small one being the one for me, if I am to assume correctly.

Paying for it, both of us went aside to wait for it to get ready.

Only problem being, that both of us didn't have anything to talk about, which cause the atmosphere to become kind of awkward. As much as I was able to ignore the stale air around us, my mom seems to be struggling to do so.

"It is a great weather outside, isn't it ?"

She asked me while looking at me with her eyes being half-closed.

I looked towards the window behind her and replied.

"It is evening already, huh ?"

I said, my mouth staying slightly agape. Even though such small amount of things happened, sun was already breaching its dawn. Is day in here as long as it was back there ? I don't know, but I will have to investigate.

"Well, you will be going back to school in just a month. How are you feeling about that ? When you were still, well, quirkless, you were deathly afraid to go there. But ... you have changed as a whole since then, haven't you ?"

Said my mom towards me, something of a nervousness present in her voice.

"... Yes, I think that it did change few things within me. It just makes you think ... better ? Faster ? Everything is just way cleaner than it was before. And no, I am not feeling afraid by any means."

I replied, giving my best to spit out as much bullshit as possible. Ability making me think better, faster ? It would have to be related directly to brain, quirks like brain enhancement and such. The only thing that will increase after this conversation is my cringe measurement.

As my mom was about to ask some few more questions, she got interrupted by the same cashier, asking for sauces that we wanted.

After getting that out of the way, both of us received our desired hot dogs, only that-

I was the one to get the bigger one. I was surprised at first, but my mom added "You are the one we are celebrating today, you will be getting the bigger one."

With this, I shut up and started eating. It was quite solid, I would rate it as 69/81. Quite good food for what it was sold for.

However, joyful situation are joyful while they last.

"Hands up in the air, you sons of bitches !"

Following my previous imaginary statement, two men entered the store. Both with guns aimed at two potential threats, cashier and my mom. Quite ironical though, there is no 'son'.

Immediately following the threat, cashier raised her hands and my mom wrapped her hands around me in something of a protective manner ... and as much as I appreciate the gesture, she is the one requiring protection more than I do.

Both of them then went ahead towards the cashier, still aiming their guns at both of grown ups in here.

And as much as I enjoyed some drama on TV during some evening, I didn't appreciate it happening in real life.

Creating a thin plate beneath a leg of the approaching person, I hastily moved it around, making poor guy lose his balance and fall on his back with loud thud. Following this, he started coughing violently, attracting the attention of other thug.

"J-James !"

Shouted a bandit that was still standing. He crouched near the guy and started shaking him.

"What is happening James ! Come on, you can't die because of slipping ! What is happening to you ?!"

He turned the other guy on the side and clapped his back few times, trying to make him cough up anything that was blocking his breathing.

I decided to look for myself what was blocking his throat.

As such, I approached them, somehow wriggling out of the grasp of my mother.

Seeing me kneel in front of his fallen friend apparently named James, the other person pointed his gun at me.

"G-Go back to where you were ! Now !"

"... Calm down. Only want to help-"

As I finished speaking, another violent cough escaped James's mouth. With this, he put his gun down and allowed me to do my thing.

Sending a tiny bit of my energy into his mouth, I quickly figured that it indeed was an object that was blocking his breathing. As such, I put some of my energy below the object and forced it out of his throat. With this, he cough up-

A fricking candy bar.

With this, he was left breathing heavily on the floor.

"James ! I thought that I lost you right there !"

Spoke earlier mentioned thug, all while hugging the guy and being all emotional.

After few seconds, he looked up at me.

"Thank you kid, you helped me right there. You can leave, you are a good person. Now-

I want to see those hands Ms.Cashier ! Put all the money you have into this bag !"

He said, rushing towards the counter and put the bag onto it, all while pointing a gun at now, once again, afraid cashier.

With this said, I decided to leave. There was no point in interrupting them, they wouldn't harm a fly.

I approached my stunned mum.

"Mom, are you going ?"

I said towards her, a slight concern hear able in my voice.

"Y-Yes, but do give me some rest."

She replied, in a normal voice-

Only to fall unconscious.

Me, being tired of drama for today, decided to just take her on a piggyback ride instead of waiting for her to wake up. Yes, I do realize that it must have been looking comically. Do I care ? No shot.

You know what ? I hate drama.

[As such, I will end on this note.

I know my updates are painfully slow, and I do thank you for bearing with it.

With the beginning of another educational year for me, my time that I could sacrifice for writing dramatically decreased.

Please, be understanding that what I do is only from my own will. I don't get payed, I do it only to have people judge my work and for self-improvement.

With this, I wish you a beautiful Day, Night, Afternoon, Evening, Morning.

Do forgive for some inconsistency that you may or may not encounter.


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