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Kapitel 33: I, Cloud Hao, Am Willing to Call Him The Best

Translator: Henyee Translations Redakteur: Henyee Translations

Seven o'clock in the evening…

When Cloud Hao dragged his fatigued body back to the dorm room, he was surprised to discover no one inside.

But it was no wonder.

Today was the weekend. Zhu Kening had student union activities, Liang Ziyuan seemed to have joined some guitar or music club, and Zheng Xueqian probably went to the library to study as usual.

Speaking of which, I seem to have completely missed the clubs and society freshman orientation…

What club did I join in my past life?

With knitted brows, he thought about it for a long time, but it was futile. In the end, he simply shook his head and decided not to think about it for the time being. He deftly climbed up the ladder and flipped himself onto the bed. Lying flat on the bed, he entered the system space.

[Inventory Box: S-grade Treasure Box*3]

He hadn't expected it to be a treasure chest this time.

Why do these lotteries that you have to scratch one after another feel like a Russian doll?

However, the S-grade prefix somewhat comforted Cloud Hao, who was physically and mentally exhausted.

S-grade gem?

Or maybe some kind of special ability?

Hopefully, it's a karmic wishing machine without side effects…

Mumbling to himself in his heart, Cloud Hao, who was lying on the bed, reached out and clicked on the treasure chest icon.

[Congratulations to Host for obtaining the "Advanced Mathematics Textbook Filled with Professor Lu's Notes"]

Cloud Hao was bewildered.

What the hell is this?!

Before he could react, an ordinary-looking book on advanced mathematics appeared out of thin air and hit him on his forehead.

"What the f*ck…"

Tears of pain nearly spilled out of his eyes. Cloud Hao stretched out his hand to pick up the culprit that had injured him. He took a look at it and was shocked by the contents of the book.

What the hell! It's really filled?!

Cloud Hao endured the pain and flipped through the book. All he felt was that it was like reading a book from the heavens.

If he ignored the hand-written notes and just looked at the printed parts, it was pretty much the same as his current textbook. Although the layout was slightly different, the fundamental knowledge was mostly similar.

Based on this, does this mean there will still be this person's notes on linear algebra? Discrete mathematics? Probability theory?


This guy is so ostentatious!

The name felt vaguely familiar to him, but he couldn't remember where he had heard it. Cloud Hao's brows furrowed as he mulled over it. However, at this moment, a second notification window popped up before his eyes.

[Subplot: Carefully study and gain a deep understanding of the contents of the notes, and independently complete a hundred post-lesson critical-thinking questions.]

[Reward: Mathematics Attribute +4]


Adding 4 attribute points right off the bat?!

At first, he still wanted to grumble a little, but when he saw the clearly-stated rewards, Cloud Hao couldn't utter a single word of complaint.

Despite not having any particular interest in mathematics, even repelled by it due to some unknown reason from his previous life, he certainly wouldn't refuse something that could let him improve his abilities.

It was just a hundred questions.

At most, it would take some time.

Turning his gaze away from this strange advanced mathematics textbook, Cloud Hao continued to look at the remaining two treasure chests.

This time, he figured out that the items from the treasure chests were probably visible and tangible, while the immediate rewards from missions were things that only he could see.

[Do you want to continue scratch-to-win?]

The expression on Cloud Hao's face was one of hesitance.

A book was still fine; in the worst case, he could use it to prop up his pillow. If a ginormous item came out, such as "the piano of so and so", then it would not be as simple as whether it was easy to explain or not. It might actually be life-threatening…

Just then, footsteps resounded outside the dorm room.

When he heard the sound of the door lock turning, Cloud Hao flinched. He reflexively stuffed the book under his pillow and lay flat on the bed. This whole series of movements was purely instinctive, flowing smoothly in one go.

Almost at the same time, Zheng Xueqian and Liang Ziyuan, who were carrying a shoulder bag and a guitar respectively, walked in from outside.

Upon seeing Cloud Hao lying on the bed, Zheng Xueqian smiled and greeted him, "Yo, why are you back so early today?"

Cloud Hao responded feebly, "I'm tired. I came back to lie down for a while."


Zheng Xueqian's heart suddenly constricted.

He probably studied the whole day…

Above all, when he first came in, he had faintly heard the sound of the pages flipping.

Is this guy studying even while lying in bed?

The more he thought about it, the more he found it plausible. After playing 2048 in the library for a few hours before, he instantly became more worried.

Liang Ziyuan glanced at the upper bunk. When he noticed that this guy didn't seem to be kidding, he put down the guitar that had just been resting on his knees.

Although he considered himself to be someone more self-centered and didn't like to be nosy about other people's matters, it didn't mean that he was completely inconsiderate about others' feelings.

He was still able to distinguish the difference between his roommates jokingly saying that they couldn't take it anymore and when they physically couldn't take it anymore.

Rest well if you're tired.

Without a word, he hummed a strange tune, took out a yellowing rough notebook, and began to draw and write some incomprehensible notes and elusive sentences on it.

On the other hand, Zheng Xueqian hesitated for a long time about whether to disturb Cloud Hao's sleep or not. Eventually, he couldn't help but ask, "Brother Cloud?"

It was rare for Brother Ziyuan not to play the guitar, so the highly pleased Cloud Hao languidly responded, "Your master is here. Spit it out."

"F*ck! Do you f*cking believe I'll throw Brother Zhu's socks onto your bed?"

When he heard this, Cloud Hao immediately felt gleeful.

"What? You want to help Brother Zhu keep his socks?"

Probably disgusted from imagining the horrifying scene, the retching sounds came from under the bed. After a long while, Zheng Xueqian, who had regained his strength, continued in a serious tone, "Enough, enough. I don't want to banter with you. Let's talk about serious matters."

"Go on."

"Have you done the critical-thinking problem sums that were assigned in the previous advanced math class?"

Critical-thinking questions?

There's something like that?

Cloud Hao's brows furrowed.

"…Advanced math critical-thinking questions?"

"Yes, it was Old Li's class. Didn't he leave a critical-thinking question on the blackboard at the end?" Zheng Xueqian said in agony, "I spent the whole afternoon in the library but still couldn't get it done."

"Oh. Oh, you mean that."

Cloud Hao indeed had a vague impression.

At that time, Zhu Kening had gone to the toilet to pass him the toilet paper. Afterward, he had been absent-minded during that class and didn't listen carefully. However, he still had copied the question later on a rough paper.

It was just that, according to his memories, it seemed quite simple…

There were only two or three alphabets in total.

Caught between laughter and tears, Zheng Xueqian said, "Don't just "oh" me. Have you solved it?"

Cloud Hao answered honestly, "Nope."

Zheng Xueqian was speechless.

"What's the hurry?" Liang Ziyuan glanced at Zheng Xueqian and said calmly, "The next class is on Tuesday. There's still time even if you do it tomorrow."

Zheng Xueqian laughed wryly and said, "You don't know how difficult that question is."

Liang Ziyuan said, "Don't care."

Zheng Xueqian asked, "Which step have you written till?"

Liang Ziyuan replied to him, "Solution."

Zheng Xueqian was speechless.

Not wanting to engage in useless jokes with this troublesome guy, Liang Ziyuan impatiently turned his gaze away. He looked towards the upper bunk and changed the topic.

"Brother Cloud, are you going to sleep or not? If you're not sleeping, then I'll practice for a while?"

"I'm sleeping. Good night, thank you!"

The bed curtain was closed in a flash. However, Cloud Hao didn't go to sleep immediately. Instead, he turned on the night light in the bed curtain and fumbled for the "Advanced Mathematics Textbook Filled with Professor Lu's Notes".

With a hint of curiosity, he opened the cover page of the book.

He then saw that the part where the name had been written was erased. Only a line of motto written by the author himself was left:

[Science changes the world, mathematics changes science.]

Cloud Hao was speechless.


Regardless of whether mathematics has changed the world or not, I, Cloud Hao, am willing to proclaim him the best in terms of being pretentious!

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