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42.1% My System Turns Anime Bloodlines Into Cultivation Technique / Chapter 24: the true sage eyes

Kapitel 24: the true sage eyes

with the calamity beginning, slaughter became common. Sora noticed those who killed someone would gain all their good fortune. immortals were no longer immortal, everyone was killable. even Sora noticed it was harder for him to heal.

"The Calamity is a time for people to fight for good fortune. there will always be a race considered the main character to face the calamity. It's almost like the humans that will face it, if they lose another race will raise and become the main character. they would almost all of the human's fortunes, leading to humans to enter a state where they could disappear at many moments." Ling Han said seriously

"We can enter the calamity, at which point we would fall with the humans, or raise with it. of course, we could fight for ourselves, but we are too weak. beings trillions of times stronger than use could even die." Ling Han said softly, even the heavenly court could be destroyed,

"Sigh, how long does this time last?" Sora asked with a sigh, Ling Han smiled as he shook his head.

"at least a million years. with our talent, we will be pushed into the calamity even if we don't want to. I thought this calamity would come in a few thousands of years from now, but since it came so early, for now, we should move and find a place to avoid the calamity. there are a few places where I can move this realm." Ling Han said softly,

"Bring it to the underworld, I would have some immortal's spirits to guard it." Ling Yu said making Ling Han frown slightly

"Before that, let's absorb the lower realms we have sent our people out to. it has been many years. they should have gotten a stable footing. all the lower realms might be destroyed during the calamity, so swallowing them is going to be like saving them." Ling Han said softly, and everyone nodded. but they all suddenly froze as they looked at each other with cold sweat.

"... it seems we are affected," Sora said softly, they were ready to go to war without a second thought, but they were able to snap out of it. they all looked at each other seriously this was the first time Ling Han face a calamity, at most, he read some stuff from immortals which had passed away, and facing it and reading about it were two different things.

"... we still need to absorb those worlds. we must leave as soon as possible." Sora said seriously, Ling Han nodded as he disappeared. the 4 divine beast empire went on to connect two 3 different lower realms. Sora had to handle one, Ling Yu handle one, and Ling Han handle the last.

since none of them were immortals, they could enter these lower realms. Ling Han's eyes were sharp as he flew off towards the world core, he had quickly sensed the location of all the dimensions of this world, and the next thing was to map them out to find the world core.

even without the map, Sora's supreme Sage eyes allowed him to find the world core. he appeared before the world core, which was of course different from the 4 divine beast emperors. all worlds were different, but they all connected to the immortal realm,

upon taking the core, Sora went on to find a peak level 10 void shattering realm expert. with the Charisma, the peak level 10 void shattering realm expert submitted to him and went on to refine the core. Sora used his power to help him refine it, and after which he had him feed this realm to the divine beast empire.

this caused the lower realm limit to raise by another level, making this realm peak to be level 4 earth immortal. before going on to help Ling Han and Ling Yu as they were not as amazing as him. seeing how easy it was, Sora made 100 thousand projections, and went a week this lower realm swallowed over 100 lower realms, raising its limit to the peak of level 9 earth immortal, standing equal to the demon realm

this even shocked the demon emperor who kept a close eye on their realm, the fact Sora could so easily find the core of a world was something which shocked even him. what Sora was doing was pretty much cheating. one couldn't just find the world core like it was nothing compared to Sora, Sora's senses were just too overpowered.

Ling Han went on to request a meeting with the demon king, for hundreds of years they seemed to be on the good side of each other, but they both knew they were waiting for a chance to knock and destroy one another

"... as you can sense, the calamity has begun. no lower realm has ever survived a calamity. they will be destroyed, and in the end, recreated by heaven and earth. when this is all over." Ling Han said calmly as he stood before the demon lord's throne. the demon lord calmly looked at him, without saying anything, it was like he didn't care.

"We shall be leaving until the calamity is over. but I will offer you a chance to come with us. a window at survival. you can take it, or stat for some powerful immortals to set their eyes on this world," Ling Han said calmly. the demon lord's eyes narrowed slightly.

"What do you want?" the demon lord asked with a deep frown, he was no fool. he was not too arrogant to the point he couldn't see just how scary Sora and Ling Han's talents were. he could move to kill them, but they could run. so all he could do was allow them to live for some time until he made his move to him them. but now this calamity just arrived, Ling Han's words were true. he knew the danger of this calamity. even immortals would be running to hide from it.

"Allow my realm to swallow yours. our oath is still up so you can rest knowing I will not use the world core to kill you. instead, I wish for you and I to become allies. we will leave soon, the longer we stay, the more we can be effect by the calamity." Ling Han said calmly, the demon lord looked deeply into Ling Han's eyes,

"How can I know you are not secretly scheming against or my people?" He asked softly

"Because I will lose out on having a peak level 10 expert such as yourself die when I could have you become a Subordinate of mine while I raise to greatness. so, what about it. will you become a follower, and stay here?" Ling Han asked with a smile, the demon lord closed his eyes, he was countless of times stronger than these brats. but he had no choice, he die or submit.

In the end, he chose to live. he was not going to expert the calamity. that was something only being on the heavenly could enter with hope of living through it. everyone else was just chess pieces, So, he had Ling Han make an oath to prove he was not lying and was going to not do anything to harm him or his people, and even help them.

When Ling Han made the oath, he summons a black orb that appeared in his palm, which was the world, and went on to have it be swallowed by the 4 divine beast empires. everyone within the 4 divine beast empire all felt the world going through a huge transformation, space became more stable, the Qi in the air got denser, and people could better sense the Dao.

Sora frowned as he felt it was harder to teleport, he now needed the space crystal to teleport, it needed a technique. this realm limit was now at half step heaven immortal, which was the level above the earth immortal.

with all of this, Ling Yu had a heaven immortal spirit move the realm to the underworld, in a dark space where the immortals would have a hard time finding them. with that, they could remain for the next millions of years, until the calamity was over.

after a few years to make everything within the 4 divine beast empire stable, Sora went on to travel the world on foot. many years later, on a small planet. Sora was sitting on a cliff looking at a whirlpool not too far away. from that whirlpool, Sora was eyeing the movement of the water, as if lost.

he stayed like that for months, until an explosion caught his attention. Song Tian who was at an early level 5 silver rank was rushing with Song Yu in his hands. behind him, the emperor of this land was angrily rushing after him. who was at level 5 void shattering realm, but had power matching even a half step level 7 void shattering realm experts

Song Tian at most could fight a peak level 6 void shattering realm expert, but he was no match for the emperor. plus he had his mother in his hands, he was forced on saving her. the emperor was enraged after finding out the woman he set his eyes on for years had a child, he was even more enraged when that child stole her away. this was a complete slap to the face,

Sora waved his finger slightly, with just water Qi being used, and his comprehension of the Dao which had reached the 6th level, the emperor suddenly froze as he felt his blood moving on its own, he was unable to control his body. he was horrified, it was painful. all his blood rushed into his head.

His eyes popped out as bloodshot from his eyes, mouth, nose, and ears, it was a jet of blood that gathered before the horrified emperor, as his body died up without any blood within his body. he could still live for some time; he could even turn his energy into the blood to recover. but he would never reach the same level he was once at.

"Who there?" the emperor asked in horror as his spiritual senses the world around him, he had lost his senses, but his spiritual sense was capable of doing everything his 5 senses could do and better.

'Trash setting their eyes upon my son and my wife. your punishment awaits.' Sora's calm voice entered the emperor's head, making his horror reach a new height. the blood in front of him began spinning, opening a portal to the underworld, Sora pushed him in and had the blood disappear.

the emperor appeared in the underworld and tried to fly, but he slammed to the ground, unable to fly. he was too weak to fly in hell, as he stood up he noticed that spirits were rushing towards him. he tried to fight back, but they were all coming after his lifeforce.

his lifeforce was sucked right out of him as the spirits happily fed on it, and his soul was pulled out of his soul. a soul which could have passed up yet found itself in the underworld, was of course awaiting a fate worse than death.

Song Yu and Song Tian were shocked to see this. Song Tian quickly looked around to see who saved him, and for a second, he saw Sora who was smiling slightly while looking at him. but when he looked twice, Sora had disappeared

'Why did you remove your tail? regain it and reach the 3rd transformation.' a soft voice entered Song Tian's mind like it was an illusion. Song Tian as strong as he was having only gained super Saiyan 1, yet had reached the 4th level of the supreme sage eyes, he had only forced on everything but this monkey king bloodline,

Sora calmly walked through the forest, he took out a token and had someone from the golden ape palace come to get Song Yu. he wanted Song Tian to do all the work, he was a mortal and left all the work to Song Tian, of course, if Song Tian didn't have the capability to do it in the end or something went too far. Sora would have stepped in.

Sora didn't have to step in now as he foresaw Song Tian getting out of it and gaining a breakthrough. but his state of comprehending the Doa of water was broken, so someone had to pay. and since he stepped in, he will take Song Yu off Song Tian's hands, allowing Song Tian to cultivate with nothing holding him back

After doing all that, Sora went back to the palace when Song Yu returned. as the woman who gave birth to his first child, he spoiled her slightly, which made Ling Yu slightly jealous.

after spending some years in the palace, Sora returned to the life of a homeless man, he stood in the eye of storms, walk through the hottest deserts, and so many more. he saw everything through the eyes of an immortal, and the eyes of a mortal. he lived the life of an emperor and the life of a beggar.

Sora was not the only one doing this, Ling Han was also out exploring the world, and the same for Ling Yu. the 9-tail fox made a clone to eye Ling Kang while he went off to also explore the Dao. they had a million years to comprehend all the Dao.

they were safe within the underworld, with Ling Yu as queen they had nothing to worry about. and if something bad were to happen, they could hide deeper and deeper into the most dangerous parts of the underworld

600 years went by in a blink of an eye, it was on this day that Sora who was walking in a forest suddenly stopped walking as he looked at the sky.

far away, Ling Kang was cornered by the son of heaven, Yun Hailan and level 1 earth immortal who was helping the son of heaven after seeing his talent. he took the son of heaven in as his personal disciple, but when Ling Kang almost killed the Son Of heaven, he had to step in to save him. but seeing Ling Kang was even more talented, he wanted to calm the two sides down. but Ling Kang would not back down unless the Son Of heaven dead and Yun Hailan died

without another choice, Ling Kang called for help from Sora. although he was not sure if Sora was strong enough to fight an immortal, he had no choice. Yun Hailan hearing Ling Kang calling for his uncle snorted, she said it before. if Ling Kang had an immortal, she will get an immortal to back her

the planet suddenly began shaking as if the coming of a storm, the level 1 earth immortal who was awaiting this so-called back from this brat suddenly froze as he looked at the clouds which were slowly transforming into a face, everyone watched in shock as this face seemed to be made out of flesh, not clouds. everyone could have but be lost in Sora's eyes, deep eyes that seemed to be all-seeing and all know. the level 1 earth immortal couldn't compare at all

"Uncle." Ling Kang said happily seeing Sora, it had been more than 800 years since he saw Sora, he could see the huge transformation Sora seem to have gone there.

"My I know lords name?" the level 1 earth immortal asked respectfully, he knew he was no match for Sora

"You try to kill my nephew and now asking my name? if cut off an aim and leave, or just live behind your life." Sora said calmly, the level 1 earth immortal frowned at Sora's arrogance, they were both earth immortal, so they stood on equal footing. earth immortals which were humans were extremely rare. sure, more were popped up ever since they become one with the demon realm, but they were only level 1 earth immortal, not one peak level 1 earth immortal had popped up yet

"you displeased?" Sora asked with narrowed eyes, a pulse of energy suddenly entered the level 1 earth immortal, forcing his cultivation to drop to the peak of the void-shattering realm. the expert face paled as he felt himself getting a hundred times weaker, he stumbled and almost fell from this feeling of weakness

"Are you displeased?" Sora asked with cold eyes, the expert's face was pale, he didn't even see how Sora attacked. he quickly cut off his arm and left with the son of heaven and Yun Hailan, but Sora stopped them.

"The requirement to leave was an arm. that goes for you brats." Sora said calmly, making the son of heaven's face dark, along with Yun Hailan. he was the son of heaven, and Sora dare to have him cut off his own arm. he will kill him, but he was weak right, so he cut off an arm and left after giving Ling Kang a cold look.

Yun Hailan also gritted her teeth as she cut off an arm, her eyes were burning with killing intent as she looked at Ling Kang. she will simply get someone stronger to back her,

"Uncle... why didn't you kill them?" Ling Kang asked, which words made cold sweat cover the 3 who were leaving.

"Your problem is yours to deal with, I never changed your diapers, don't expect me to start now," Sora said calmly as he disappeared, leaving a speechless Ling Kang who looked at the 3. Ling Kang didn't try to stop them as he knew that the level 10 void shattering realm expert had special treasure, but once he breakthrough he will make his way back to the sect and slaughter everyone who gets in his way.

meanwhile, Sora went on to return to the life of a nobody. he went on to live more life, the first was the life of a swordsman. he went on to split a piece of his soul to enter a pure woman who ended up giving birth to him. with the sword as the only thing in his heart, he walked the path of cultivation, cutting anyone who dared to enrage him. upon reaching the void-shattering realm, Sora absorbed that peace of soul back into him. as for the woman who gave birth to that piece of soul, Sora blessed her with good karma before moving on.

Sora had mastered the Dao of karma, he could take and give people karma like it was nothing, he only needed a technique. but he was slowly creating his own.

the next was the Dao of the bow, then spear, staff, fist, and every other Dao. he spent 100,000 years doing this, each split soul had no memories and started as a new person, until returning to him. Sora was able to comprehend all the Technical Dao this way, mastering them all

he of course also broke through his cultivation realms, reaching the mid of level 6 gold rank. with 30 million Continent his basic form, as his power grew. so did a feeling that there was a form above the true monkey form. a much more powerful form, a form which he is yet to reach.

it was on this day Sora who was looking at a split soul of his suddenly felt a burning feeling, his eyes began burning. it was painful, causing Sora to rub his eyes not knowing what was happening.

{congratulations on awakening the true eyes of the sage of six paths. these eyes are powerful eyes that give one many powerful abilities and boost the host's comprehension ability even more. the boost these eyes give is 10 times before. current boost 500 times.

the list ability these eyes give are.

The Deva Path- which is able to manipulate attractive and repulsive forces.

The Asura Path- which allows the user to augment their body with mechanized limbs, weaponry, and armor. (Boost power up to 2 times)

The Human Path- which affords the ability to read a person's mind while also removing their soul.

The Animal Path- which allows the user to summon a wide variety of creatures. (Have to first make a contact with an animal or take control of time)

The Preta Path- which is capable of absorbing all forms of energies, including most a target technique (goes perfectly with the dragon God cultivation art)

The Naraka Path- through which the user can call upon the King of Hell.

The Outer Path- with which the user is able to preside over life and death.

Black Receivers creation- allows one to create black rods that function as demodulators for high-frequency energy signals. Users are able to create and transmit their chakra into these receivers for a variety of purposes.

these are only the basic ability these eyes give, there is 2 other powerful ability these eyes give, that you would need a required level of skill to use

Switch- you can forcefully switch yourself or something else with another thing. even those stronger than you can't resist, the effect is instant

Limbo- you project a shadow of yourself into Limbo. an invisible world that coexists with the physical world but that is ordinarily impossible to detect or perceive. Each shadow has the same abilities as the real main body with the added advantage of being untrackable. they can affect this world, but this world can't affect their own.}

Sora smiled slightly, with 7.5 septillion Dao power. he could match a peak level 8 earth immortal, but that's just his own combat power, Sora looked at his new eyes, and they looked mightier, they were like bright stars. looking into them was looking getting lost in Sora's deep comprehension of the Dao. Sora's sight was sharper, 10 times better, his comprehension capability really did improve, he felt as he if could master the fir elements in a few more hundreds of years.

but he couldn't return these eyes back to normal, but this was not a huge problem for Sora. he returned to looking at his split soul,

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