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Kapitel 9: 0.3 counties

"Due to the recent activity within the capital, we believe you are working with the demon race to spread chaos among the human races. come with us or else." an army of at least 10 people stood in front of Sora and Ling Yu, among them a middle-aged man in copper-colored armor spoke calmly

"What actions? everything I did was always out of self-defense or simply a few words. go on, tell me a few things I did." Sora said lazily with his pinky in his ear. the man in copper-colored armor's eyes narrowed as he looked at Sora

"You beat the 4th prince. if you're not with the demons then what are you?" He yelled, causing a large crowd that had gathered to angrily look at Sora. Sora got countless notifications of rage points, with the lowest being 46 rage points and the most at 87.

"I simply beat him stupid since he wanted to still what mine. you're saying I can steal your wife and you will be ok with it?" Sora asked calmly as he hugged Ling Yu who was by his side. the middle-aged man's eye burned with rage at Sora's word

{enraged a low-grade solder captain. gain 79 rage point} the system said, followed by others from the soldiers behind the middle-aged man

"Where is your wife... there she is." Sora said as he looked at a trashcan on the street, before looking back at the solder who the system didn't have a name for.

"you two go well for each other. a match made in heaven," Sora said with a smile, the middle-aged man shook in rage. This brat dares to embarrass him and even talk bad about his wife... his real wife not the trash.

{enraged a low-grade solder captain. gain 91 rage points}

{enraged a low-grade solder captain. gain 91 rage points}

{enraged a low-grade solder captain. gain 91 rage points}

{enraged a low-grade solder captain. gain 91 rage points}...

the solder captain shot at Sora with his sword in his hands, he tried to cut Sora down on the spot. but the sword couldn't even get passed Sora's clothing defense. a thin defense appeared which fully blocked the whole attack,

"So weak," Sora said with a smile as he flicked forward, hitting the captain with his finger and sending him flying backward. after getting more rage points, Sora was about to walk off but he noticed Ling Yu had a serious look while looking at these soldiers

Sora looked over and saw the soldiers were getting into a formation. Sora's eyes were sharp and saw that the Qi between the 10 were connected to each other, that energy was not simply connected it even strengthened each other.

in a blink of an eye, these soldiers had gone from being around the peak of the iron rank to have the capability to even match a level 3 silver rank exert. this shocking boost in power almost made Sora's eyes pop out. these were all just low-level soldiers; how could they be so they have such power.

the soldiers rushed forward to attack Sora, as they were covered in an image of a half man half horse rushing at him. the half man half horse swung his sword at him, while Sora punched forward to match it with each force.

but when his fist and the sword came into contact, Sora felt like he punched a sponge. the power from his fist was divine among the solider. but the sword came at him at top force without slowing down.

but a thin barrier appeared around his fist, fully blocking the attack without any trouble. this attack couldn't break through his war god armor. the passive barrier could withstand 25% of his most powerful attack, that was World Lord Fist times 15, with the Dragon Fist which could kill even those who are 3 times stronger than him. all together that was 45 times his base form, this barrier can take 25% of that.

there was no way in hell these soldiers could even shake that barrier. Sora could stand there still until the end of time, and they will never get away where.

"You never fought those who use formations? a formation could have many effects, those used by soldiers increase their power greatly and will divide all damage among them. the strongest among them will take the most and the weakest will take the least." Ling Yu said seeing the shocked look on Sora's face

"that's why you will see powerful sects having their own armies. you don't need high talent, all of them are trash, yet just 10 of them could match this level. imagine when there are 50 people, thousand working together?" Ling Yu asked seriously, she was shocked Sora didn't know about this. was this guy causing trouble without knowing the danger?

But thinking twice, this might not change a thing. he might cause more trouble to bring forth more danger, to fight more power.

"Sigh..." Sora sighed in amazement, he will try and see if he could do something like this with his thought projection. but on second thought, it will not work since the thought projection had the same energy, so the energy couldn't work together to strengthen each other.

Sora looked closely at the formation before quickly finding a weak point, he grabbed the sword and destroyed it. all the soldiers suddenly coughed up blood as the power Sora used to destroy that sword was spread to them, they almost died. lucky for them, there was a limited amount of damage the formation could spread to avoid an instant kill to all of them.

{enraged the rain emperor, you have received 34 rage points} the system said stunning Sora who was about to walk away. this is the first time he gained rage points from the emperor. there was a total of 5 empires, the capital they were in was the rain empire belonging to the rain emperor.

Sora shrugged as he walked off leaving the soldiers behind in great pain while giving more rage points to Sora.

"The sect gathering begins tomorrow. I don't even want any problem now." Sora said helplessly as he looked at the rage points, he was getting from the citizens who were looking at him in fear. but the number of rage points had dropped to around 5 to 12

"... you should stop enraging people. the more hatred you collect the lower the karma you will get." Ling Yu said as she pinched her fingers to look at Sora's karma, which had dropped by some degree. Karma can be affected in many ways, Karma was ever-changing. it could even help one breakthrough bottlenecks if they had enough.

"I know... but why do you not care about your karma?" Sora asked calmly as he looked at her

"Many people can use karma in many different ways. from curing people, tracing people, and so on. I on the other hand use it to cultivate. Karma doesn't affect me in the same way it affects others, I will never run into good luck or bad luck." She said helplessly to which Sora nodded slightly

Sora and Ling Yu went shopping before returning back. just from a simple walk, Sora collected over 9,000 rage points in just a few minutes. but more rage points were coming in every now and then, Sora went on to lay in the sun while looking at the sky.

after some thought, Sora jumped up and shot into the sky. as he got higher and higher into the sky, the more and pure the sunlight he could absorb, when he reached a level where he couldn't breathe, Sora looked down and the round world.

Sora flew high, but he suddenly slammed into an invisible barrier he frowned as he felt the barrier and tried to break it. he wanted to fly to the sun, but he couldn't. the barrier was also freezing cold to the point even he couldn't handle it.

Sora suddenly noticed storm clouds were gathering outside the barrier, Sora felt danger from these storm clouds. he felt like a child who wanted to run away from home, yet was stopped by his parent, and was about to get punished.

lightning shot toward Sora, but Sora quickly used the armor to block it. the lightning slammed against the armor, and he was sent flying back, but the lightning couldn't break through the barrier and only knock him backward.

the storm clouds seemed enraged by this, and the storm clouds grew bigger. the storm clouds slammed once more, causing cracks to appear on Sora's barrier. Sora frowned while looking at his barrier, this barrier was equal to his full power attack. yet the barrier was about to break

but the storm clouds suddenly began disappearing, making Sora sigh softly. the heavens seemed to be ranged by his action. it seems those who try to leave this world but fails will be punished by the heavens,

Sora flew back towards the city and went on to bathe in the sun. the next day, the sect gathering began and all the major sects had gathered. Sora and Ling Yu only caused trouble for the capital and the empire, so they didn't run into many other sect disciples of other sects

Everyone had gathered within the capital arena, of course, there were even more people from all over the empire watching. the sect which will win will not just win higher resources for their sects, higher karma, and even a chance to enter holy ground.

a sect that had high karma would be favored by the heavens, their sect disciples will run into good stuff while outside, they would also run into little mental demons while cultivating, and attracts higher talents to their sects.

so of course, they would go all out to gain better karma for their organization. at this moment, it was not just a battle to have the organization behind them become number one but to always gain more karma. the empire would want to keep the most karma to remain in power, but for the past hundred years, the pure water sect has been number one.

an elder within the empire walked on stage and welcomed everyone from every organization, even those dark organizations that were here. although disliked, the heavens treated everyone equally, so, they couldn't force them not to come, or else they will damage their own organization karma.

after the long speech, the younger inner sect disciple of each force was given the stage, anyone could walk onto the stage and be challenged by others. the more wins an organization gets equals the more karma. of course, the amount of karma gained by the inner sect disciples and those core disciples and elders were greatly different. but every bit of karma mattered, gaining karma was hard, and losing it was extremely easy.

Sora didn't go up and calmly watched as disciples of other sects and organizations made their moves. the best of their inner sect disciples went on stage as they called their rivals up to face. but Sora was not watching the matches, he was looking at the karma which went to each organization that would have won, it's like the heavens were gifting each force rewards.

Sora's understanding of the Dao improved greatly while looking at this, he soon reached level 1 of the Grand Dao of Karma. Sora gained the capability to better see Karma, he even understood the danger of making a connection with people. karma connected everyone together, so the fewer people you come into contact with the less karma. people can make this karma against you, and could even danger a person through karma

for example, if one had a friend. a person could use the karma between the two to target the other, this could be to curse, attack, or even look into the secret of said person.

Ling Han was able to see Sora so clearly as Sora had karma with the sect, through that sect Ling Han easily saw everything about Sora. Ling Han had gained a higher understanding of the Dao, so he could easily see everything about Sora with Sora not even knowing.

if he wanted to kill, even though Ling Han was so far away. through karma, space was not a limitation. gain a high enough understanding of this Dao and time will also not limit you.

of course, having karma with others was not so simple. saying hi to a random person on the street will make karma between you two, but it will be a small stink of karma almost invisible. that sting will also slowly disappear over time if you don't talk anymore.

a powerful expert like Ling Han who still has a connection with the pure water sect is rare, this connection to this sect was still so strong after hundreds of years. his enemy could just look at the line of karma between him and the sect to find him, unless his comprehension of the Dao was high enough to use it to high their karma from others, anyone will be able to find him

Sora after reaching a bottleneck returned to watching the battle on the state. the pure water sect had won the most matches, but people like Han Yan were defeated by other sect disciples. The pure water sect was not the only sect that had people capable of skipping levels, the other powers also had the capability to raise these talents, and others had special physiques.

Although Han Yan could skip more levels than all of them, he had to use a lot of energy for those huge skipping levels of combat power. plus, the others fought to waste his energy, Han Yan won 10 levels before he lost, and everyone from the pure water sect went up and won or lost leaving Sora as the last person. but in the end, they had gained over 100 wins. there was about 100 organization here, and each had 10 people for the inner disciples.

so just 10 of them defeated over 100 people out of 1,000. that was huge, this was a huge win for their sects, that's over 1/10 of everyone who was here. it will be hard for the other forces to reach this same level

everyone's eyes landed on Sora; they knew of the trouble he has caused. So, they knew he was not normal, they have also used Divination to see into everyone, although Sora had blocked most of it, there were other ways for them to know he came in first place.

Sora went onto the stage seeing the young man on the stage was looking straight at him. Sora smiled as he waved at him to come at him, this young man was a half-step silver rank expert. the middle-aged man was displeased with Sora little regard for him before shooting at Sora,

he slapped forward sending an image of a purple lotus rushing towards Sora. Sora breathed out slightly, sending the lotus slamming back into the young man and sending him flying out of the stage

"let's make this fast, how about all the inner disciples of their said force come up. it will be rude to have me face each of you one by one." Sora said with a mocking smile. everyone was shocked at Sora's arrogance; such disdain made all the inner disciples rage.

the sect leader of the pure water sect frowned slightly, but he has seen some of Sora's capability. Sora breaking the sword from that formation yesterday with his bare hands was still clear in his head. Sora at least had power at level 4 silver rank, and since he had gotten stronger, he believed Sora should be able to match a level 5 or even level 6 expert.

the old man had underestimated Ling Han in the past a lot, so he was not going to do the same with Sora. taking in all of what Sora has shown, he might even break through during battle and turn the table around if he is losing. This is also adding the fact he never once saw Sora get tried, so he could guess Sora had high stamina to fight for a long time.

this is also not adding the fact Ling Han did the same thing not too long back, but Ling Han challenged everyone from the core disciples and even the elders.

"Yawn, on second thought. you core and elders can hope in. you all might weak me up." Sora said as if he was sleepy. the old man's eyes twitched at this, sure Sora was talented but this was a bit too much.

He remembered that year that Ling Han at level 1 iron rank had struggled against so many people, although he won in the end. even Ling Han showed that he had to ger serious, Sora was no Ling Han. there are so many levels 10 experts with each being the best in their organization, so it was even hard for Ling Han.

"Brat, you think you, Ling Han?" a middle-aged man asked angrily, remembering how he was beaten stupid by Ling Han long ago. and since Sora had challenged all of them, the heavens will count it as a loss if they don't accept. So, he sent all the inner disciples of his organization to face Sora.

He believed Sora was talented, but he didn't believe Sora could actually take them all on. but with a simple breath, they were sent flying, shocking everyone.

"I have to watch that I don't breathe too hard. sigh, none of you can understand the struggle of the strong," Sora said helplessly, but deep down he was shocked at so many rage points he was getting from the elders of each organization. this Ling Han really left a scar on these guys,

Sora looked around at all the old eyes which were aimed at him, they couldn't allow another Ling Han to raise. Ling Han was a talent rare even in billions of years, there was no way Sora could have the power to match a level 6 or higher. but to make sure and be safe, they accepted Sora's challenge and sent every inner disciple to face him.

of course, they will aim to cripple Sora. if they couldn't, they will have to go to war. although the pure water sect had powerful formation and items gifted to them by Ling Han before he left, the amount of energy needed to use them or keep them up was costly. they would have degraded over time, or something

they were going to wait 2 thousand years until they united against them, but they couldn't wait that long. they were foolish enough to give Ling Han time to cultivate, they must not do the same for this one.

"Sora, if you win, I will give you a reward." Ling Yu said cheerfully, the whole arena went quiet as they looked at her. Ling Yu had an embarrassed look seeing everyone look at her, they looked back at Sora with jealously, which quickly was turned to hatred.

'Her voice has a slight effect on their emotion...' Sora thought as with his new comprehension, his senses have improved, and he could tell that Ling Yu was using a special ability to move to affect the hearts of everyone. the effect was little, but with how they already saw Sora they were easily enraged by this. and she happily absorbed all that negative energy that had gathered within the arena

Ling Yu knew Sora was trying to enrage everyone, she didn't need to know why, but she will happily help him.

Sora was quickly surrounded by all the remaining inner sect disciples which haven't lost. 837 cultivators stood around Sora, both females and males were moved by Ling Yu's beauty. even if these 837 people gave Sora 50 points, Sora would have over 40,000 thousand rage points. yet not just them but the whole arena was giving him rage points,

Sora looked at everyone who had surrounded him, and in a blink of an eye they all rushed at Sora, they were quick, but Sora was quick. many forms of attacks shot at Sora, sword beams, poison type attacks, spears, and even cultivator hair came to life to attack him

the attacks were too many to take in, yet Sora easily took them in and had time to comprehend them. every path to run away was blocked, Sora was locked in. Sora was too lazily to play with them, so with a punch, he sent a bast of fist intent which sent a lot of people flying out of the arena, 3 more punches, and everyone has knocked out of it leaving just him

"it's hard to tell. is that the elders or something else?" Sora asked in confusion. Sora already had enough rage points for another spin, but why should he stop there. he happily bathed in the rage points while everyone looked at him in shock

the elders of each organization looked at each other before they moved. not every elder moved of course as some of the elders had self-control and were on good terms with the pure water sect, Sora another wave of rage points hit Sora before these elders moved to attack Sora with Killing intent.

these elders were all the late or peak silver rank. Sora fought this battle with almost everything he had. he of course didn't use any of his powerful abilities like the World Lord Fist, Wrathful, Sage eyes. or anything. just the 9 Dragon Might fist,

Sora's armor was not working or else these guys will not affect him in the slightest, Sora wanted a challenge, and he got that to the fullest. he was soon covered in injuries as blows and attacks were hitting him from all sides,

Sora's mind was pushed to its limit, taking in all of these abilities while pushing his body was a bit too much even for him. Should I Dodge, counter, or block. this was what he had to go over every attack heading his way.

"This brat is a freak." the elders were all in shock as they attacked Sora, Sora could take suck huge damage and still battle. even heal as he fought, that's also not ignoring the fact Sora was getting much better as he fought, he now only needed a simple look to know if he should dodge, counter, or block.

Sora was learning as he fought, which made them all rush to end this quickly. his combat talent was just too shocking and scared them, so they began working together and stopped attacking their own.

Sora frowned at this, he felt like he was close to reaching a calm state of mind while moving. putting his mind through such pressure made Sora's mind improve, Sora dodged an attack before punching forward.

a bright golden dragon suddenly rushed from his fist which hit the elder in front of him, the dragon roared as moved slamming into every elder around Sora, and even blocking all the attacks for Sora. this attack could have killed every elder if he wanted, but Sora went easy on them,

in a blink of an eye, everyone was crying in pain on the ground, while a huge dragon flew in the sky in a circle around the arena. everyone was in shock as they looked at this dragon which looked as real as real could be, but it slowly began disappearing.

Sora calmly looked at the sky with his sage eye and saw all the karma gathering at the pure water sect. Sora nodded seeing how the heavens thought he won and went back to where his sect was at while in deep looking at the wheel, he could not spin.

everyone's shocks slowly disappeared as they looked at Sora who was sitting down as if nothing happened. one punch, even Ling Han couldn't do that.

the elder over watching the match quickly announced that the pure water sect one and gave them their reward. as for the chance to enter the holy ground, the pure water sect now had all the 93 out of the 100 positions to enter the holy ground, only 7 positions were remaining but that was from the face the pure water sect disciples lost those few matches

this was not the first time something like this happened. the last time war almost broke out as many forces wanted to destroy the pure water sect, so the sect leader went on to gift position to the other forces. the empire to say who takes these positions the heavens did. whatever powerful exert that left behind that holy ground made it so only those who won through this could enter the holy ground.

of course, if they destroy the force which women, they can absorb the karma from that force allowing them to take that sect's chances to enter the sect. everything was somehow how related to the Dao of Karma.

the sect gathers like that and everyone got up and left. while walking away, Sora looked at the 230,431 rage points he had before spinning the wheel with a thought. the wheel spun for a long time, which never went this long

Divine Combat Angel cultivation art. this cultivation art builds the body and mind to become perfect for combat. cultivating this cultivation art will give one unmatched talent, and make one always have a clear mind, one will not be able to hesitate during combat and will make the best move without wasting any time. when this cultivation art is mastered, one will be unkillable and can only be killed if they are completely erased

cultivation ranking: Transcendent (above godly)

Sora smiled at this before he went on to spin the wheel once more, but this time it was even longer than before.

Magical Beans. these Beans are magical items that are capable of healing any and all injuries almost instantly, anything but illness could be healed. even one full energy will be restored upon eating this bean. if planted, this bean will grow into a magical tree that will gather the highest quality of energy from the heavens and could grow 1 bean every 100 years.

item grade: Godly

Sora's eyes brightened as 2 beans appeared in his hands, these beans looked normal, but Ling Yu who was walking next to Sora seemed to be capable of sensing these beams were not normal. Sora seeing this smiled as he stored the beans away, he had to find a time to plant these beans

{the host has spun the wheel 10 times... the system is upgrading... time needed until system upgrades is completed 78 years.} the system suddenly spoke, surprising Sora for a second, that was a bit too long. it was like the system was lining up to the moment he will turn 100

"Sora, come with me. there is something I wish to speak to you wish." the sect leader said calmly. his eyes were bright as he looked at Sora. Sora nodded slightly as he followed the old man as he went to the old man personal room given to him by the empire

"The holy ground is an inheritance ground left behind by a gold rank expert. that holy ground is the world created, unlike silver rank expert. gold rank experts create a world within, that world forms a kind of holy ground upon the death of a gold rank expert." The sect master of the pure water sect said with a smile

"Ling Han that day gained the complete inheritance left behind within that holy ground, he could have even absorbed that holy ground into himself but choose to leave it behind for the next generation. there might be nothing left within the inheritance but the holy ground itself, I will not force you if you want to take it. I will only ask that you could leave behind some of the items within the holy ground, we have been equal with the demon race for a long time. if this holy ground disappeared then we humans will be in danger." the old man said seriously, the demon race also had their own holy ground.

the human clan, the demonic beast's clan all had joined to face the demon race. but the demon race is from another lower realm which was of a higher quality than their own, even with all the forces working together they could only be equal to the demon race. it's only getting worse as cultivators turn to the demonic path and join the demon race.

"From what I know from Ling Han, he was strong enough to suppress the demon race, why didn't he?" Sora asked calmly

"If Ling Han did that then the demon race will send someone to suppress Ling Han. in the end, this Continent will be destroyed in a huge battle among gold rank experts. so, Ling Han strengthen us to the best he could before heading off deeper into this world." the old man said to which Sora nodded

"So, you're saying if I head to the otherworldly battlefield I might run into a gold rank expert because of how strong I am?" Sora asked with a smile. the old man was helpless as he shook his head

"that could take months or even years. the more you show your capability, you will resist the chances for the demon race to send a peak gold rank expert." The old man said calmly, Sora nodded as he went on to ask about the gold rank,

the gold rank was split into 10 levels. each level was shockingly hard to skip. they even have a system to measure a person's strength within the upper region. at level 1, a person will have a power of 0.2 Country,

at mid-level 1 gold rank, a person will have 0.3 countries.

at late level 1 gold rank, a person will have 0.4 countries.

and at its peak, a person has 0.5 countries of strength, meaning they could destroy half a country or have the skills or means to be considered equal to someone who could do so.

at early level 2, a person will have 1 country of strength.

at mid-level 2, a person will have 1.5 countries,

at late level 2 a person will have 2 countries,

and at peak level 2 a person will have 2.5

at early level 3, a person will have 5 counties' levels of strength.

at mid-level 3, a person will have 6.5 countries,

at late level 3 a person will have 8 countries,

and at peak level 3 a person will have 9.5

a half step level 4 will have the power of 15 countries.

The gold man told Sora all this to humble Sora slightly, but it only made Sora's blood boil for combat, the system state was still there, and he could see this state has changed to show his current strength.

{Name: Sora

Lifespan: 22/100,000

Bloodline: Monkey King, Solar race, Sage Of Six Paths

Cultivation: Mid Iron rank

Peak Combat power: 0.3 counties

Cultivation technique: [Solar Energy Cultivation Art], [Monkey King Cultivation Art], [Sage Of Six Paths cultivation Art], [Wrathful Mind Cultivation Art], {Divine Combat Angel cultivation art]

Martial Arts: [The great fire Ball techniques], [the Lightning Cutter], [Water Dragon], [Weighted Boulder], [Rasenshuriken]. [thought projection], [Dragon Fist]

Items: [Monkey King Staff], [divine beast egg], [War God Armor], [Magical Beams]}

With the World Lord Fist which he could now use up to times 17, the sage eyes, his items, and weapons, he could fight a late level 1 gold rank expert. he was of course proud. this I not even taking in the fact he hasn't taken the time to truly sit down and comprehend the Dao. this strength should be at least every 0.4 counties when he was done.

But Sora knew he couldn't keep up combat power of 0.3 counties for long. the World Lord Fist put a heavy strain on the body and used up a lot of his energy, the Sage eyes also used up energy, the dragon Fist also used up a lot of energy,

but thanks to his armor, it supported him and even enhanced his energy. so Sora could fight for a few minutes before he is dry. but the thought of someone forcing him to such a level made his blood boil.

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