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61.29% From Fairy Tail to Multiverse(dropped) / Chapter 19: Chapter 23~25

Kapitel 19: Chapter 23~25

Fifth Day, July 6, X791: Grand Magic Game

The final day of the Tournament is a battle royale with every team and their members participate in a team battle, known as the "Grand Magic Game". The battle ground is the entire city of Crocus

"now every team need to pick a only 5 member to participate in today GRAND MAGIC GAME,pick you team member now" said mato

as every team already pick their own last night

all team were directly speard out to 6 diffrent place in the entire city of Crocus

the rules of the final event, the Grand Magic Tournament, are laid out. The teams will go into the city and battle around it, gaining points for each downed member; five points if they manage to take down the leader of each team.

The teams all meet in the city and discuss strategies, with Team Fairy Tail vowing to do their best, both to save Lucy and redeem their guild.(if you remember in the canon lucy and yukino is prisoned becaose their knew the hisui (fiore princees)plan to change the future)

Soon, the game is started, and the teams make their way through the city, save Team Fairy Tail, who oddly don't move from their starting spot, much to everyone's confusion, including their own members.

but soon audiance also shocked by Emperor team that leaded by Zen,Ford,Marco,Ren drago and Perona(Upho had to secret quest as MCC) also dont even move from their place just like fairy tail but, emperor team dont just stood still, them just start sitting and talking to each other and that make them came here just to has picnic.

The game goes on with Beth and Araña also get knocked out by the Trimens. 

blue pegasus point +1

blue pegasus point +1

{ i make it just like system,hahahha}

Yuka and Toby are beaten by Kagura.

mermaid heel point +1

mermaid heel point +1

 Minerva orders her group to avoid fighting Jura,Kagura and whole emperor team, hoping someone else will deal with them.but she dont think any of other team can defeat whole emperor team.

Sabertooth rise very fast as them member are hunting other team and avoiding those stronger person or team like jura,kagura and emperor team.

much to Makarov's panic, as his team still hasn't done anything. Mavis finally tells him that this is her plan, as she had been memorizing all of the opponents during the whole tournament and has formulated a strategy to help them, thus why they haven't moved yet. She then orders "Fairy Tail Star Strategy" to commence, and Team Fairy Tail finally go on the move

when Team Fairy Tail finally go on the move with guided by Mavis. Rufus, sensing this, and he fires a lightning attack at them, but, thanks to Mavis, the team manage to avoid it. Mavis then proceeds to move the team around the city to find opponents.

Erza finds Jenny and quickly defeats her; Gajeel locates the Trimens and manages to knock out Ren and Eve

fairy tail point +1

fairy tail point +1

fairy tail point +1

 Hibiki manages to get out of his line of fire only to run into Gray, who freezes him,

fairy tail point +1

As Mavis continues her strategy, Makarov remembers that she was known as the "Fairy Tactician" during her tenure as the guild leader. 

Ichiya, upon finding that the Trimens are defeated, vows to avenge them, only to get knocked out by Jura from behind, effectively knocking Team Blue Pegasus out of the game with all their members defeated.

lamia scale point +5

Elsewhere Sherria manages to beat Risley

lamia scale point +1

Gray manages to locate Rufus in a library area. Rufus cockily claims he doesn't remember Gray and asks to refresh his memory. But Gray tells him not to bother as he's going to beat him there and now.

As Gray and Rufus stare each other down, the other Fairy Tail guild-members ask Mavis if Gray can beat him. She states she doesn't know, but beating Rufus is vital to their plans.

Gray begins his attack, seemingly being bested by Rufus' ability to mix Magic attacks he has memorized, but eventually countering this by performing his Ice Molding Magic so fast that Rufus' ability to memorize can't keep up.

Returning to simply conjuring older attacks, Rufus tries to burn Gray by creating flames, though Gray comments that he has faced much hotter and stronger flames in the past, pushing through and finishing Rufus with Ice-Make: Ice Bringer.

 Rufus goes flying before he lands, knocked out and defeated, Gray's victory wowing the crowd as he earns them a point.

fairy tail point +1

The other members of Team Sabertooth see this, but seem unfazed, while Sting recollects what happened after he defeated Jiemma and why he needs to win.(well he need to save lector as lecror were maked by minerva as hostage to control sting)

 Fairy Tail takes the lead after Gray's victory over Rufus.

As the team proceeds, Juvia is found by Sherria, just as Mavis predicted.

Elsewhere, Erza heads to another area, expecting to fight Minerva but much to her surprise, encounters Kagura instead.

While Mavis begins tearing up over her failed prediction, the two Mages were chatting with each other about their past

{well simon is not dead and he join emperor guild so kagura and erza became quiet close friend}

. Suddenly, a wormhole opens between the two and Minerva materializes through it and attacks the two, wanting to join the battle. With that, the foremost female Mages in the tournament prepare for a two way battle.(kagura&erza vs minerva)

As the women face off, the members of their respective guilds are confident in the victory of their guildmates.

Analyzing their opponents, the three Mages rush into battle.

Despite their attempts, none of them are able to over power the others. (well minerva is syrong you know that?, even if erza combine with kagura they still cant defeat minerva as minerva can still escpae from their attack easyly as those two is sword user and minerva is mage}

{hope you can understand}

Catching her off guard,

Minerva attacks Kagura at point-blank range but fails to inflict significant damage as she returns to deliver a blow.

Minerva activates her Magic and summons Yagdo Rigora to attack, creating a large explosion which engulfs the area and attracts the attention of other participants.

 However, Erza and Kagura remain, injured but steady.

In response, Minerva resorts to bringing a captured Millianna to the battle as a change of strategy, angering the feline's friends.

 angered by her capture of Millianna, Kagura angrily tells Minerva to let her go.

When Minerva refuses, Kagura charges forth to attack but before she is able to, Minerva switches places with Erza, who narrowly blocks the attack. Minerva tells the two to battle one another and that she will fight the one who is left, admitting that fighting both of them was a mistake.

Erza addresses her as a coward, though Minerva counters that she merely made the move which was most beneficial for her.

As Erza tells her to let Millianna go, she is headbutted by Kagura, who agrees to fight Erza, stating that she will beat both her and Minerva.

In the tournament, Erza clashes with Kagura.

{well them still fight each other as minerva use millianna as hostage}

During battle, Erza uses her Heaven's Wheel Armor to battle while Kagura uses the various forms of her sword to counter and destroy.

Despite requipping into various armors, Erza finds them ineffective as each one is destroyed by the Mermaid Hell Mage without inflicting any damage on her.

As another armor is destroyed, Erza crashes to the ground below, much to the shock of her guildmates and everyone else, surprised that Erza is being overpowered.

While on the ground, Erza asks Kagura if her strength comes from her hatred towards Jellal, for which Kagura kicks her in the stomach.

{even if kagura is friend with erza,she also hate jella as he is the reason her brother cant meet her for 10 year(X774~X784....maybe?)}

Erza tells her she doesn't care about why she hates him, but that she shouldn't drag Millianna into it.

Kagura retorts that Millianna isn't being influenced and neither is she,

Angryly, Kagura moves in to attack. Erza defends herself, claiming that she won't lose and delivers a final strike, defeating Kagura.

However, as a conscious Kagura attempts to get up, the ceiling above begins to crumble. Erza quickly pushes her out of the way but gets her leg trapped under the rubble as a result.

When asked why, Erza states that she remembers Kagura, and that she was from Rosemary Village, just like her and Simon.

Kagura recounts how, years ago, Erza saved her from getting caught by the followers of Zeref, bringing her to tears. Erza states Simon often talked about her and that she'd always hoped she was alright.

Moved, Kagura lifts a piece of rubble off Erza's body but as she attempts to think about the battle's result, she is stabbed from behind by Minerva, who both earns points for her team and angers Erza with the gestured

sabertooth point +5

Minerva then taunts Erza, telling her she's next. Erza looks down at Kagura, who asks her to save Millianna.

Upon hearing her name, Minerva brings the cat girl to the battle.

As Erza checks up on her, she notices heavy wounds on her back, which Minerva states she inflicted in order to have fun while she waited, causing Erza to stare at her vengefully.

sabertooth point +1

injured Erza attempts to stand up despite Minerva telling her she can't. Erza retorts that she must due to her anger, resulting in Minerva attacking.

In battle, Minerva uses her Magic to pick up and throw Erza around, smashing her into a nearby pillar and saying this will be Erza's public execution.

Though she is damaged and the audience is surprised by Minerva's Magic, Erza sees through it and realease

her second origin, allowing her to Requip into a new armor.

Minerva attacks Erza with a powerful blast but it has no effect on her due to her Nakagami Armor, which uses a large amount of Magic but allows the user to bend Magic to their will. Minerva is left frightened over Erza's power as Erza strikes her with the armor's spear, defeating her.

fairy tail point +5


next chapter---->


Meanwhile, Gajeel comes across Rogue while going through the city. At the same time, Laxus finds Orga, who introduces himself as the Lightning God Slayer

Gajeel attacks Rogue, who is unable to land a blow.

Gajeel tells the Sabertooth Mage that he should give up since, he couldn't defeat Natsu. In response, Rogue tells Gajeel that he isn't as powerful as Natsu.

Elsewhere, Laxus and Orga clash.

As they ready themselves again, Jura arrives, asking if he can join them. As the Wizard Saint approaches, Laxus calls him a monster.

At the same time, Juvia and Sherria continue their battle.

As they fight, Lyon and Gray arrive.

As the girls are surprised to see the two boys arrive, Lyon comments on Gray's beat-up appearance, though Gray retorts that they'll still take care of him.

Juvia misunderstands Gray's words and asks when they'll go on their honeymoon.

As Lyon stares jealously, stating that he needs to make Juvia realize, Sherria tells him he's the one who needs to realize.

a battered Rogue states he now understands why Gajeel joined Fairy Tail.

Stating that it didn't make sense at first, he believes Gajeel stayed because of friendship, a concept which doesn't exist in Sabertooth.

As Gajeel fights for his friends, Rogue states he can't win. In response, Gajeel asks Rogue whether or not Frosch is his friend, which he admits that he is, to Frosch's delight. Suddenly, Rogue hears a voice calling him weak.

Turning around, Rogue realizes his shadow is talking to him, telling him to kill Gajeel and offering him the strength to do so.

{ i think that shadow is future rouge}

Rogue hears the voice of his "shadow." As he starts screaming, Gajeel asks him to calm down.

Suddenly, Rogue attacks and makes Gajeel realize he's not fighting Rogue but someone named "Shadow."

Gajeel's attempts to fight back are fruitless as Mavis notes him to be up against an evil Magic she's never seen before.

"Shadow" tells him that he's not as strong as Natsu but adds that even he can't stand up to him now.

after few combat between that gajeel where deafeated by rouge

a near-defeated Gajeel is held choke-held.

As he is being strangled, Frosch, feeling the need to do something, heads towards the city.

"Shadow" then declares that Gajeel will disappear forever as shadows surround him.

The grounded Gajeel starts feeding on the shadows and soon tells "Shadow" to get out Rogue's body, claiming that he's not Rogue, but his former sworn brother, Ryos.

Stating that he will help "Shadow" remember to fear him, Gajeel enters Iron Shadow Dragon Mode

Having activated his Iron Shadow Dragon Mode, "Shadow" notes that Gajeel now has two elemental types.

Gajeel makes himself disappear by turning into a shadow before hitting "Shadow" from behind.

"Shadow" takes on the form of a shadow as well but is grabbed by the shadow by Gajeel and tossed into the air.

Gajeel unleashes his Iron Shadow Dragon's Roar, creating a devastating blast and defeats the Shadow Dragon Slayer.

For his victory, Gajeel earns one point for Team Fairy Tail.

fairy tail +1 point

"Shadow" leaves his Rogue's body as Frosch appears and asks Gajeel not to do anything else.

Gajeel claims won't do anything else, resulting in Frosch going to his partner's side.

Rogue wakes up and asks what happened to him, signifying that he doesn't remember being possessed.

minwhile,Lyon teams with Sherria while Gray does so with Juvia.

Juvia provides water upward for Gray use.

Sherria blocks for Lyon and demands that he attack Juvia, though he tells her to do so instead.

Gray notices that their teamwork and tells Juvia they have a chance to win.

Elsewhere, Orga tells Jura he wants to see the Wizard Saint go all out.

With Jura agreeing and Laxus watching, Orga fires his attack but is grabbed by the head and smashed into the ground, knocking him out of the battle, much to the surprise of the viewers, barring Lamia Scale.

lamia scale +1 point

Turning to Laxus, Jura states that he has wanted to fight Laxus due to him being Makarov's grandson.

However, the Fairy Tail Mage tells him that in their battle, there are no formalities as they are just two men.

Laxus goes forth to attack but before he can touch Jura, he is hit on the back of the head and sent slamming into the ground.

Jura tells Laxus that there is always someone stronger than oneself. Laxus replies that it's good to look down too, as those stronger people may be just at your feet and uppercuts Jura as he does.

Laxus' hit on Jura surprises the audience and makes Fairy Tail happy until Jura recovers and retaliates.

Laxus too engages in battle and both Mages prove powerful and repeatedly land blows, with Makarov surprised by the strength Laxus shows.

Jura admits his surprise as well, with Laxus tells him the battle is getting him fired up, to which Jura tells him they should continue.

Meanwhile, Lyon and Sherria prepare to deal the final blow to Gray and Juvia.

However, Gray is convinced that the two of them have poor teamwork and that they can still win, telling Juvia who agrees with him.

As Mavis begins reveling in the youth, Laxus deals a powerful blow to Jura, knocking the wizard saint out of the competition and causing him to admit defeat.

As a result, Laxus ends up earning Fairy Tail 5 points for the victory, much to their happiness.

fairy tail +5 point

Soon after, Gray and Juvia combine their Magic to defeat Lyon and Sherria, the latter of whom simply stares in awe and does not listen to her teammate as Juvia and Gray cast their spells, defeating the two of them.

With their victory, Juvia and Gray smile and hold hands, which Juvia refuses to stop doing.

fairy tail +1 point

fairy tail +1 point

Sting sends out a signal to Fairy Tail and the battered members make their way to him. Sting demands they attack him all at once and Erza agrees to his challenge.

Sting prepares to attack but as he's about to do so, he sees Fairy Tail show no hesitation in facing him.

Freezing up, Sting is ultimately unable to go through with his attack and concedes.

fairy tail +1 point

just after tge fairy tail team feek realive them heard sound of someone clapping his hand

when them turn their head ,fairy tail team meet with whole team of Emperor

"now it time to start the last battle"

said zen as he has a smile on his face


ranking for now

emperor 76

fairy tail 58

lamia scale 37

mermaid heel 25

sabertooth 16

blue pegasus 15


fairy can still win because i make a lottle change in the rule if them defeat emperor team member them will had extra point

zen 10

ford 2

marco 3

Ren drago 5

perona 4

so if fairy defeat all of emperor team they will get 24 point


but if zen defeat all fairy tail team


now that just a little diffrent

so even if fairy tail dont win this GMG

they still can get fairy tail reputation back...

but it basicly impossible to defeat emperor team


this is nerfed character

Laxus SS+

Erza SS

Gajeel S++

Gray S+

Juvia S-

Zen X+++

Marco SSS

Perona SSS-


Ford SS+

Acnologia XX+


well i lowered acnologia power a when natsu fight him...them dont has large diffrent of streanght


next chapter--->


nonono i will not finish the novel here it still long way befire this novel over.


in the last chapter...

just after the fairy tail team feel glad as sting admit defeat, them suddenly heard sound of someone clapping his hand

when them turn their head ,fairy tail team meet with whole team of Emperor

"now it time to start the last battle"

said zen as he has a smile on his face

back to present time...

looking at tense fairy tail team infront him, zen cant help and said

"relax we will not fight with your team when you all are in worst state"

but when marco heard that, his face turned into cunfused look as he ask



said zen as he glare at marco 'now maybe it time for me to cook this big chicken' thought zen

maybe marco can feel what zen thinking so he just close his mouth

"huh,even if we rest now,it will take a long time before we entered our pak state back" sai gajeel

"yeah, you are just plying with us coward" said gray as he continue, but suddenly he feel dread and kneels on the ground as he breath hardly

"kid sometime there is someone that you should not angered,so keep your word or i kill you" said ren

"oi,you are dragon slayer right?,dont try to fight someone like him,let fight we me" said laxus as he realese his lightning magic arround his body

{yeah laxus has became moving L.E.D lamp}

"now now,stop it" said erza as she dont really want to fight with zen team as she already saw how strong is Perona,Ford and for zen and ren drago...those two maybe even stronger

"relax, as gor you all injuries..." said zen as he muttured


then it was when all fairy tail team surrounded by light green magic

after the light vanished, all fairy tail member has return to their peak state

"thank you,but we will still defeat you" said juvia

"yeah,just wait there and we will kick you ass fucker" sai gray

"now i was angry" said Zen

and then he continue

"Perona you play around with that water girl"

"marco you bully that shirtless boy"

"Ford you can try excirses some of you muscle with that iron guy"

"Ren maybe you want to has a little fight with that moving lamp as he also a dragon slayer"

" and i will fight with fairy tail titania"

as for the viewer,their cant even laugh at how zen introduce fairy tail team to fight his team

"okay" said perona

"can he even make me sweet?" asked marco

"gajeel,i always want to fight him"

"lightning dragon slayer? ,phathetic "muttured ren drago

even if emperor team said in low voice...the fairy tail team heard it loud enough

"damn you, ice make..."

even before gray can use his magic

zen directly teleport everyone from emperor and fairy tail team, just leave he and erza alone

"now erza, as this place already peacefull enough, maybe we can has a little fight?" asked zen with a smile


perona vs juvia

(ghost vs water)

marco vs gray

(fire vs ice)

ford vs gajeel

(spatial&creation vs steel)

ren drago vs laxus

(blue flame vs lightning)

zen vs erza

(unknown vs ex equip-armor)


"let the battle begin" shouted mato

as he saw zen teleport all other people in pair to random place in crocus city.

Next chapter---->

perona vs juvia

marco vs gray

[okay this maybe last chapter for TODAY, and for tomorrow morning i maybe will not post chapter as i stated before i need to go visit my father hone town tomorrow, but atleast at night i will post one chapter]

thank for reading guys

☆☆☆☆☆ for all of us

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