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75.67% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 28: Finished it... Hotel Del Luna...

Kapitel 28: Finished it... Hotel Del Luna...

After a few hours,

Death demanded more bread from him while he tried to enter the portal in a hurry but alas, he was a bit too late. It eventually led to Death getting her what she wanted while leaving Kira crestfallen when he saw the number she took from his inventory.

Although he could buy the ingredients from his system then make another one but seeing your creations meant for yourself being eaten by a gluttonous deity is something he can't easily get over with that's why it took them a few hours later before they could talk normally.

*Burp!!* "Ahhhh~ that's more like it~" Death commented as she laid lazily on the throne with an expression of bliss on her face.

Kira stoically looked at the perpetrator for his 'burrowed' creations then he silently speed-walked to the portal but again before he could even come close, Death was already holding him in place.

"HAHAHA, Thanks for the meal!!" Death exclaimed as she laughed while keeping her hold on Kira.

"Hnn" Kira merely nodded without looking back at her, fearing that she might want to 'borrow' more.

"Hehehe, you amuse me my champion! But seeing that your creations are actually really good, I'll reward you!!" Death excitedly said with a smug expression on her face.

"Oh… No thanks... good day," Kira responded quickly then shook off Death's grip on him then he ran to the portal.

Death's facial expression froze for a second when she heard Kira's answer but before she could dwell on it further she noticed he was about to get away.

The third time's the charm but this time Death actually tackled Kira down before he could step in it.

"Stop trying to run, I haven't given your reward yet! *mumble* you haven't given me another hundred more batches *mumble*" Death smiled innocently while looking down at him.

Kira didn't budge as he turned his head and looked at Death's suspicious look then he nodded while in his mind, he was ready to bolt it as soon as she got off of him.

"Alright! Well before that, I may need *cough* some more offerings… about a hundred more would do," Death shamelessly said while trying her hardest to look cute and innocent.

At that, Kira gave her his most expressionless look he could give her but before he could respond, she forcibly opened his inventory.

"Thank you~!" Death happily said as she took out another hundred of his precious creations directly from his inventory.

Again, Kira was reminded that Death was the one who gave him the system so it isn't really surprising she could bypass it at some level though she did mention she can't actually mess with his status, and level though his inventory was another story, apparently.

As soon as she took out a slice of bread, she smoothly adjusted her posture and properly sat at Kira's back as he laid down on the ground contemplating his life's choices that led him into this predicament.

"...Oi… Can you get off?" Kira commented as Death continued on her meal.

"Hmm…*Crunch* *gulp* no… it's obvious you would go for that portal as soon I get off," Death cheerfully said as she took a drink from his inventory.

"...No… I won't,"

"...You suck at lying… Well anywho, I told you I'll reward you!! But first, let me inform you that you are not the only one I gave the system to," Death commented lightheartedly.

Kira turned to her in curiosity as he took out a drink from his inventory and took a sip while he listened in.

"I gave numerous people the same system you now have… all of them got strong fast, like you but unlike you… most of them settled down in their own world and never even got past level 100,"

"Although some of them actually got to me just like you are now but at the same time, this is where they all met their ends… most of them fell in the hands of Chaos and the few that actually got past it was killed by that woman statue," Death continued as Kira calmly sipped his drink.

"That woman statue would've turned to her human form within a few minutes after you defeated Chaos,"

"Actually, if you hadn't dissected that statue within 4 days' time, she would've been the one who was going to kill you and damned your soul for eternity… Though you must be wondering why they didn't what you did earlier,"

"It's quite simple really, they all gave in to their... lust. As soon as they saw her form, they all abandoned reason and f*cked like animals but as soon as the 4th day came, she killed them all mercilessly," Death said as Kira finished his drink and looked at his inventory again.

"Funny huh… such a simple thing and yet no one but you have made it this far. All of them became too full of themselves when they defeated Chaos. Although after getting the system they all became driven by their own lust as they conquered women left and right in their world," Death continued as Kira nodded thoughtfully while taking out another drink.

"Actually, you're the last one I gave out my system to. Due to repeated failures, I decided then if you didn't overcome this trial, I would stop looking for my champion but now that you are here now, I can finally stop looking!!" Death squealed in joy and pulled on Kira's shirt in excitement though it did interrupt Kira from his drink.

"Hmm… I see," Kira muttered as he grabbed his front collar in order to prevent himself from suffocating.

"You know at first, I really thought you would've preferred to stay at MHA world but color me surprised when you did something I originally intended for you to do!!... Well enough about that! Time for your reward!" Death enthusiastically said while Kira merely nodded along with her.

"If I recall from having to search your memories back then, my system looked a lot like the one from Solo-leveling you read about right, well with that in mind," *Snap* Death said as she smiled then snapped her fingers.


[User has gained skill: Shadow Extraction and Shadow Exchange from Creator]

"Oh… thanks *sip*" Kira commented as he looked at his new skills calmly.

"Ugh!! Try it!! I wanna see what they look like!!" Death complained as she started pounding on his back.

"Alright, alright… *Sigh* Awaken," Kira said though as soon as he muttered those words the entire area became engulfed in his shadow.

A moment later, areas that have a demon corpse, a giant hand made up of black and red rose up then they all climbed up to their feet. Every one of them stood up with a height of reaching up to 5 meters and armed with either axes or sabers.

They then simultaneously looked in Kira's direction and they all got on one knee and bowed to him like he was their king.

*Rumble* *Crash*

Before Kira could comment on it, the walls vibrated slightly then something went through it and made a hole. As the dust settles, a bunch of winged demons colored in black and red flew in then like the giants, they all bowed in Kira's direction as well.

Meanwhile inside the dungeon.

The spot where Kira created his portal, adventurers are surrounding it cautiously as the entire area of it was covered in pitch-black mists.

"Move!! No one is allowed to go in there until we know what is in there!! We already called the Loki Familia in investigating this so move along!!" An adventurer standing guard yelled out to the others.

"C'mon man! This is the dungeon, you can't tell me that even inside the dungeon we are still supposed to follow you guys from the guild," Some random adventurer asked out loud.





Before it could even escalate even further, the mist suddenly trembled like something was coming then a moment later, the mist engulfed the entire area including the adventurers there.

They were all about to panic when the mist around started clearing up but before they all could sigh in relief, they all felt a heavy pressure weighing down on them then they heard a sound of footsteps coming their way.

They all forced their heads to face the one walking towards them but when they saw what it was, they all instantly regretted it. The very sight of it became etched in their minds as something they could only see in a nightmare.

Kira just came out of the portal when he saw a bunch of people covering their faces but as he saw their number, he decided to put on his Reaper outfit for less hassle.

What he didn't notice was when he put on his mask, the shadow beneath him expanded then the silhouette of his summons started to materialize behind him.

In front of them, a lone figure with red glowing eyes was calmly walking but as they noticed what was behind him. They all couldn't help but take in a mouthful of air as they saw hundreds of silhouettes of flying demons and demon giants following behind the figure.

When Kira was closing in on them, they all momentarily saw three giant figures towering over the others. On his left, 6 pairs of red eyes, on his right, 3 pairs of eyes while directly behind him was a pair of red eyes but it was the most intimidating one.

They all froze in their place at the sight of this, all of them thought they were in front of the demon king himself as they all couldn't help their knees giving in.

They all thought they were about to die but as Kira got closer, they all immediately recognized him.

Some of them wanted to call out to him as they thought of the guild's reward if they brought him in but before they could even open their mouths, they all felt the eyes of every monster following behind Kira on them, daring them to say anything.

Before Kira arrived in front of them, he suddenly merged with his shadow and instantly the whole area started clearing up and the pressure weighing down on them disappeared as well.

At this, every one of them sighed in relief.

"T-t-that was him right, the Guild's most wanted individual on Orario," One of them muttered but as the silence prevailed all around them, they all managed to hear him.

"...The infamous mass murderer…and someone that could beat 'sword princess' on one on one…"



They all unconsciously gulped when they all remembered the pressure when he appeared.

If before they all thought that Kira was just some cowardly assassin that could expertly elude the guild, now though, it was anything but that. Needless to say, all of their opinions on him drastically changed from then on.

The next day.

Kira was back in his usual job, baking some new bread but this time there was something getting on his nerves.

Every time he checks his inventory, more and more of his foods are being taken away by a certain someone. Of course, he knew who it was but that doesn't mean he won't do anything about it.

He finished baking the ones he would sell today but he didn't leave his station much to the curiosity of the staff there. He made another batch of bread but this time he couldn't help himself grin menacingly as he discreetly placed his 'special' creations on his inventory.


While a certain deity was bragging about the taste of his bread to all of her other selves in different universes.

Death noticed a new batch of bread separated from the rest. She grew curious at it and carelessly took one then bite down believing it was another magnificent bread.

After that, Kira noticed that his creations in his inventory stopped decreasing. He couldn't help but grin happily but what he didn't notice is that he was being currently watched by numerous female predators including the waitresses.

In his mind, he simply smiled at his revenge for his stolen goods but in the eyes of every female there except Mia and Ryuu, his smile looked like cupid just shot them as in their mind, his smile was directed at them.

For a moment, Kira felt a chill going through his spine that he quickly checked his status for any anomalies but there wasn't so he shrugged it off as maybe he was just hungry.

The day ended without anything happening except for some adventurers spreading the word that Grim wasn't human instead he was a monster in human form and that he had an army ready to invade Orario but most of the people didn't believe them.

At night, before they were about to close, Loki Familia came in with their usual group expressing their frustration that they were all called in about something that wasn't even there when they arrived. It was mostly from a certain werewolf complaining about his time being wasted by weaklings.

After they left, they closed up but as midnight came, Kira went for his nightly 'walk'.

Though this time, he wasn't alone as he summoned his flying demons(Gargoyles) and made them fly in the air then he will use his shadow exchange with them if they find anything. He looked at Death's gifts with curiosity, he noticed they were like Sung Jin-Woo but at the same time it wasn't.

[Shadow Extraction (190/560): Level 50]

[A shadow soldier is created from a body without life by taking out its mana. The user could also absorb the created shadow soldiers whenever and wherever they will it.]

[Shadow Exchange: Level MAX]

[Could switch positions with any previously summoned shadow with no distance limit. No cooldown.]

The fast leveling of his [Shadow Extraction] despite he only used it once and his [Shadow Exchange] which already had its level maxed out already even before he could use it.

He contemplated about a few more seconds but in the end, he didn't dwell on it. If Death decides to give him some cool skills, he would pretty dumb not to take it.

In the end, he was very grateful for that deity and now, he was feeling a tiny bit of guilt when he placed his 'special' creations in his inventory but before he could continue his current thoughts, he heard a notification from his system.


[Emergency Mission(Permanent)]

[Daily Offering to the Goddess of Death]

[The majestic and beautiful creator has requested(ordered) the user to send out his most delicious batch of bread regularly to Lady Death through the system.]

[Failure to do so will result in the user being punished.]


When Kira saw the unreasonable mission, he took back his guilt and contemplated if he should've also stuffed that Dragon's Breath chile, the world's spiciest pepper, inside it as well.

Though he did wonder, how would he send her the bread but like she could read his mind, his system notified him again.


[Private Messenger unlocked]

[The creator has blessed the user a way to send things to her directly by using this function]


When he saw it, he finally understood then… he should've really added those peppers.

Kira was shaken from his thoughts when he felt one of his Gargoyles requesting an exchange. At that, he took out his black scythe and looked back to the unreasonable mission in his face as he decided to vent some of his frustration(no homo) on some of these scums.

"Exchange," Kira muttered then he disappeared then his Gargoyle appeared in his spot.

By the time it was morning, everyone was shaken again by the infamous mass murderer, Grim.

All over Orario, there was chaos everywhere as various streets and alleyways were filled with blood. Most of the victims are alive albeit barely while some unfortunate souls were castrated on the spot. All of the victims have in common was that they were all scums though most of them are adventurers.

When questioned, all they said was that they saw a flying demon eerily watching them then like a nightmare coming to life, Grim suddenly appeared in front of them with his red glowing eyes staring right at them then the next thing they knew, they were all in the ground soaking in their blood.

When the Guild came to know of this, they would've normally filed this on Kira's usual nightly 'walk' but the only glaring difference was this happened in a single night and it was all over Orario.

As the high members of the Guild summarize all of this, they all hypothesized that it was either they have a dangerous group of people running around wearing Grim's outfit or the scarier thought, that Grim himself learned how to teleport. They all rationalize with themselves it was highly likely the former rather than the latter to be close to the truth.

So in their efforts to catch this assumed group of masked Grims, before the night dawns on them, they organized an emergency search party including high-leveled adventurers in the mix for increasing the chances of catching even one member.

The Guild was in high hopes that night that they would manage to catch one and end this series of attacks. They were all sorely mistaken as soon as most of the search party returned bruised and beaten up, they learned one scary truth about Grim that gave all on the Guild a chill in their spines.

There was never a group, it was just one single guy and now, they were notified that Grim also has the ability to summon a group of Gargoyles from his shadow if that wasn't concerning enough.

Either way, they all felt numb at this point as no matter what they do, they can't seem to hinder Grim in any way so the head of Guild finally consulted the god of the Guild, Ouranos.

When Ouranos heard this, he was still indifferent about it all much to the shock of the head of the Guild. Though he emphasized that even though he could interfere with Kira, he couldn't. He can't leave the Room of Prayer just like that as he was the reason that monsters are only in the dungeon.

But when he saw the details of Kira's victims, he became even more reluctant to interfere with him. In his mind, Kira's victims weren't random, they were chosen and he also felt something ominous about him but he doesn't know where to point it out.

In the end, the head of the Guild, Royman Mardeel was dumbfounded but as he reasoned with himself about what their God, Ouranos just pointed out, it does make a valid point. Though he still can't fathom the thought that a mere criminal dared to kill a god.

At the end of the day, it all came down to the Guild unofficially giving up in catching Kira but they still didn't take down the wanted posters for his arrest.

They were all hoping some high-leveled adventurer like Ottar from Freya Familia could do it for them and knowing he even beat a First-Class Adventurer like Ais Wallenstein is not encouraging people to go after him.

Though high-leveled adventurers would never admit it mostly due to their pride and arrogance, the thought of Grim knocking on the door of their respective Familia is pretty nerve-wracking for most of them. They all felt they should keep a low profile for a while.

Just like that, another 6 months went by.

Within these months, almost all of Orario are more or less used to Kira's nightly 'walks'. Nothing new happened during these days… except for the total destruction of one of the big Familia in Orario.

It just happened in one night but within that whole night, the whole Familia and its God were decimated. Most of the members are alive but traumatized though a good chunk of them was either burned, headless, or castrated.

The few lucky survivors told everything they saw and what they learned was enough for them to turn their back and walk away from there without looking back then and there. It was as though Grim was never alone, he somehow controlled a number of undying Gargoyles and giants to do his every whim.

It was because of this that not one of them could've escaped back then, his minions surrounded the whole area even their god, Apollo.

Somehow, someway, Grim moved before they could even react. The last thing they remembered was a pair of red glowing eyes staring back at them from the dark.

Though out of all of them, the ones that got the worse was the captain, Hyakinthos Clio, and their God, Apollo. The other gods all felt Apollo trying to use his Arcanum that night but it quickly disappeared so they thought it was nothing but they all grew pale when they saw the state of Apollo's human form the next day.

To put it mildly, both of them were tortured to their deaths. It didn't even help that when the other gods in heaven questioned Apollo about the incident, all they got was a trembling and scared pale white god. Though they managed to get out of him that he vowed to stay in heaven indefinitely from now on.

After that incident, a Denatus was held by the gods in Orario to discuss the ongoing attacks of Kira.

Though they didn't have much to go on they all unanimously suspected that Kira's strength is definitely something from a god-given Falna. So with that in mind, the search of the god that gave him his Falna was underway but they also theorize that maybe he was from a disbanded Familia.

It was alarming, to say the least to everyone when they got wind of this. Panic and hysteria roamed the streets then but the strange thing was even though they were in that state, not one of them dared to do one criminal act.

It even got to the point that parents would make up stories of Kira to scare their kids when they do something bad.

Either way, the gods there grew serious about the cases regarding Kira though not all of them were concerned about him, namely one Goddess, Ishtar.

To her, Kira was just someone who hasn't succumbed to her beauty. Naturally, all the other gods there looked at her like she lost her mind but they didn't voice them out.

Meanwhile, the culprit in all of these talks was currently walking through the market while casually eating one of his perfect creations.

During these months, due to his Endless Dungeon Key, his level didn't slow down at all and continued to rise up. With the help of his shadow army, leveling became extremely easy though he always takes on the Boss so he doesn't become sloppy.

The only thing that got on his nerves was the punishment that Death warned him about if he didn't comply with that unreasonable mission. One day he grew curious about her punishment so tested it out but right away, he wished he hadn't as like the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' but it was slightly different.

As for his punishment, Death adjusted his pheromones level to the max that any woman within a 100-meters away from him would instantly try and claim his booty. Fortunately, Death only set for one hour but if he didn't comply immediately, it would've been for a day.

Through sheer will, Mia and Ryuu resisted the charm but everyone else including his female coworkers didn't even put on a fight and just ran straight at him like starving predators. He did notice, the first one that chased him was the last one to give up which was the scary Syr.

He said that Syr was the last one to give up because even after the hour this happened, her look didn't revert back and continued to chase him all over Orario for a good 2 more hours.

After that day, Kira has been acting cautiously around Syr but the day she finally met Bell, her desire for him thankfully lessened.

Currently, he is watching a blood-soaked Bell Cranel running straight at the guild while everyone on his way made way for him.

At that, he knew the canon of this world just started but he didn't dwell much on it because he was only a few months away before he went to another world. Don't get him wrong, he could easily be the strongest in this world but the only irked him was that… he can't freely ride his motorcycle in here.

Though he said that, he still intends to kill the strongest monster in that dungeon before he goes. He might've gotten stronger but he knew that monster was no joke so he will bide his time grinding his level.

With that in mind, he went back to the pub while finishing his meal on the way.

That night while he was relaxing after finishing his daily quota for the day, the protagonist himself finally came in while being dragged by a cunning Syr but he did notice that she has been having these constipated looks from time to time like she is thinking something very hard.

Though having thought about it, he was still cautious about Syr. Something about her is very wrong but Kira himself doesn't know what.

He contemplated for a bit but in the end, he blamed his limited canon knowledge about this world.

As he was engrossed with his thoughts, he didn't notice that the Loki Familia just came in as well with their usual group and took their seat on a vacant table.

Though he was brought out of his musings when he heard an obnoxious laugh coming from their table.

He curiously looked at the laughing drunk Werewolf in their group.


"Keep it down, Bete,"


At that remark, Bell suddenly stood up earning the attention of Ais then he hurriedly ran out of the place.

Ais curiously looked at Bell's departing back while her group noticed her attention was on Bell.

"Wait… was that the guy? PFFFT, HAHAHA!!" Bete laughed out again but this time he accidentally knocked away one of the bread to the ground.

Due to his laugh, it attracted everyone's frowns but before Riveria, the vice-captain could scold Bete, someone beat her to it.

"Oi beat it, you're not welcome here," a clear voice rang out in the entire pub that stopped everyone in there.

At that, Bete turned towards the owner of the voice, and he was surprised as well as everyone else that it was the only male staff in the pub.

In the eyes of most of the ladies there, he was the epitome of the perfect gentleman and lover but with the guys, he was their sworn enemy that many of them tried to make trouble for him but he was always protected by the females here.

It was the first time the guy himself came forward and confronted someone making trouble.

"Oh… well, isn't this a surprise," Bete smugly said as he stood up and faced Kira.

"You want me out?... hehe guess what asshole, I don't wanna... what are you gonna do about it huh!?" Bete yelled out loud as he stood in front of Kira and took hold of Kira's collar of his shirt.

Silence prevailed the entire pub.

Most of the females there were all prepared to beat Bete half to death while Kira's coworkers are all ready to move in case Kira got hurt.

Kira stoically looked at him then he casually extended his left fingers at Bete's stomach.

This drew their attention as they were all curious about what Kira would do but before Bete could start yelling again, they all heard something like someone just got punched.

They looked all over for someone fighting other than these two but couldn't find any so they looked back at those two but they all noticed Bete's unusual silence.

After a moment, Bete suddenly hunched over and started coughing saliva as his eyes and mouth were widened while his arms were nursing his stomach.

Everyone on Loki Familia grew alarmed due to this as far as they knew, it would take a whole lot more than to take out Bete but now they see the same adventurer hunched over in pain.

Kira calmly walked forward and picked up the bread that Bete knocked away then he walked back to his station without caring about the shocked stares he was receiving.

Loki, who was drunk the same as Bete, became sober instantly when she and her group just understood what Kira just did. She suddenly felt curious about Kira, she contemplated that if Kira is this strong, why would he settle down as a baker.

Then out of nowhere, she suddenly remembered the information about Grim. She estimated that his body coupled with his red eyes and the unbelievable strength he just displayed was akin to the infamous mass murderer himself.

She also remembered that Grim's attacks only started ever since Kira got here. At that line of thought, it was too much of a coincidence for her liking.

Loki narrowed her eyes at him as she may not be 100 percent sure yet but she would keep a close eye on Kira from now on.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11

Good Eve Gentlemen!!

I just finished Hotel Del Luna...

Let's just say, the ending sucks but some tears were shed...

Long story short...

I cried like a b*tch


Oh yeah, I don't really know much about Danmachi so this is just a heads up... The next chapter to this may be the last... of Danmachi


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