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62.16% Solo Leveling Through the Multiverse / Chapter 23: Last chance before I pick the next world

Kapitel 23: Last chance before I pick the next world

(This is almost 3 chapters long so here you go)



An explosion took everyone near the area by surprise as well the destruction followed its wake. Broken buildings and homes within the 200-meter range were reduced to rubble.

The entire place was silent for a moment as the nearby people stared at it in shock then as the situation sank in, they all immediately called for help.

"YOU FOOL!! YOU KILLED TOMURA, MY SUCCESSOR!! you… you… you ruined my long-awaited plan… you… you KILLED MY FUTURE!! I DESPISE YOU! I LOATHE YOU!! I HATE YOU and now... I WILL KILL YOU WHERE YOU STAND!!" A voice rang out in the area as they all saw a man floating in the air.

All For One looked at below him in rage.

*Rumble* *Crack* *BOOOM!*

Right below All For One, an explosion rang out again, and as the rumbles and smoke cleared out, a man was standing in the middle wearing an all-black with a skull mask on his face, Kira was looking at All For One.

"Hmm, that so?" Kira muttered then motioned his arm to provoke All For One even further.

All For One knew Kira was only provoking him but he didn't give a damn right now. All in his head right now is Kira's head, dead at his feet.

"RAAA!!! DIE!!!" All For One screamed and placed both of his hands aimed at Kira and fired a blast of Air Cannon.

Kira calmly looked at the wind pressure heading straight for him.


An even greater explosion occurred as everyone remotely near them got blasted away.

By now, heroes, police, and media personnel are already on their way in their direction, and leading everyone was All Might, flying at breakneck speed.

*Rumble* *Swoosh*

As the cloud of dust cleared out, everyone there couldn't help but doubt their eyes. A meter deep crater with an almost 100-meter diameter was there but the only strange thing there was Kira was at the center of it without a single scratch at him.

Even All For One felt slightly insecure when he felt Kira wasn't injured by that. He knew he hit him directly as he sensed it using one of his many Quirks.

"Tsk, Don't get cocky brat! TAKE THIS!!" All For One yelled in frustration as he used his Multiplier to form 4 more arms behind him then used his Hypertrophy to enlarge them all then aimed at Kira again with all six arms then used his Air Cannon again.


This time the explosion caused the earth to shake as the scattered rubbles and people around them were blown away.

By now, the area is surrounded by heroes and police alike while in the air, 5 different media helicopters are already filming everything.

A massive cloud of dust engulfed the entire area but as it dissipated, everyone drew their breaths as the entire area became flatten to the ground with no existing rubble anywhere near it.

It looked like an open field with nothing in it but as the cameraman zooms in, they all noticed a floating man with six arms was looking down. They became even more curious but as they concentrated at the spot that he was staring, they saw someone they never expected to see during the day no less, Reaper looking at the floating man.

As the cloud clears out, everyone could see the both of them in a staredown with each other.


All Might arrived at the location as the cameraman zoomed in on him much to the happiness of everyone watching as heroes and police alike are already tending to the wounded.

Kira and All For One ignored All Might much to his awkwardness but feeling the tension, he can't help but be nervous while looking at Kira's glowing red eyes and All For One's wild behavior.

Usually, All Might always see his arch-enemy keeping his cool but now, he can't help compare All For One with one of his explosive students back at U.A.

"I'll kill you!! I'll kill you!! I'll kill you!! I'll kill you!! I'LL KILL YOU!! DIEEE!!!" All For One couldn't take it anymore as he used Rivet Stab that can transform his fingers into black tendrils and use it to impale Kira with it.

All For One's six arms shootout 30 black tendrils heading straight at Kira in an instant.

All Might wanted to intervene but he was too late as the attack hit Kira head-on without making any move to defend himself.

As they saw Kira's impaled state without any ounce of blood, they all remembered one of Kira's abilities and that is to phase through any attacks.

"Tsk! I don't believe you can maintain that power forever! I'll just hit YOU UNTIL I FINALLY SEE YOU DOWN ON THE GROUND, DEAD!!" All For One yelled as he glared at Kira while repeatedly spamming his Air Cannon at him.

*Boom!* x??

Each of All For One's strikes kept making the ground shake much to the nervousness of everyone watching including All Might at the sides.

Other professional heroes couldn't even come close to the area without being blown away so all of them couldn't help but only look at All Might's dependable back as he faced two monsters all on his own.

As All For One's barrage continues, All Might couldn't take it anymore as he sends one of his famous smash towards him intending to take his attention from Kira.

"TEXAS!! SMASH!!!!" All Might yelled as he jumped at All For One.

*Bam!" *Thud!*

All For One, fueled with rage, completely ignored everything but Kira so he didn't see All Might's attack which resulted in him being buried on the ground.

As All For One's attacks stopped, the whole area was covered in clouds of dust everywhere making visibility at the minimum, except for All For One that is.


All For One's air cannon fired off again but this it was headed at All Might much to his surprise.

All Might crossed his arms in front of him as he was blasted away through a few buildings by the force of it.

"STAY OUT OF THIS ALL MIGHT!!... REAPER!! GET OUT OF THERE!! I KNOW YOUR STILL ALIVE!!" All For One yelled at All Might then turned in Kira's direction and soon enough he didn't disappoint him.

As the cloud thinned out, they could clearly see Kira walking calmly without a single injury on himself.

"I knew that won't even scratch you…" All For One muttered as all of his arms bulged in a ridiculous manner then he floated back in the air.

"BUT I DON'T F*CKING CARE!! DIE FOR ME!!" All For One yelled as he aimed his arms again at Kira but before he could let out another barrage of Air Cannons, Kira disappeared in a burst of speed and appeared in front of All For One with his right leg lifted above him.

Without any wasted second, Kira brought down his leg directly at All For One's head and ax-kicked him without holding back.


Kira's attack immediately sent All For One straight to the ground, headfirst as it produced a sonic boom following it.

As they saw the aftermath of Kira's kick, they all couldn't help but fathom the force behind it as they can't even see All For One's body. All they could see was a giant crater with a large hole at the center and cracks all around it.

A moment later, the large hole was blasted apart by an angry All For One with his six arms still bulging inhumanly as possible but this time his head was bleeding over his eyeless face while Kira dropped down near him.

"That's more like it… fight back… then when you finally realized your futile efforts against me, I'll savor the expression on your face as you look into your DESPAIR!! THEN I'LL KILL YOU!!" All For One yelled in frustration as he sent out another six Air cannon in Kira's direction.

This time Kira didn't use his shadow form and just held his hand in front of him as the attack arrived at him.


All For One smiled maliciously as he felt this time, it hit him. He was going to use his Warping in order to locate where his prey now but then his senses picked up something even he would be struggling to comprehend.

By now, All Might just returned to the field at the same time All For One fired his Air Cannons at Kira. Both of his arms were slightly bleeding but otherwise fine, he was still ready for another round. He grew quite worried at the state of Kira but as the cloud of dust settled, he could make out someone standing there.

When everything was cleared out, all of them watching couldn't help but feel numb at this point including All Might himself. Even All For One finally felt something he felt about All Might when he was still in his prime, anxiousness.

They all saw marks on the ground as it traveled to Kira but when it got to him, it looked like it hit a brick wall. All around him was destroyed except for Kira's spot and the place behind him.

They all knew it hit him as his hand was smoking in front of him but that's all. Not an inch of damage was seen on him even after all those attacks.

"Grrr! You think you're above me!! I, WHO STAND ABOVE ALL OF YOU PEASANTS, I'AM ALL FOR ONE AND I DEMAND YOUR LIFE!!" All For One raged out as he even further bulks up merging all his currents Quirks available to him right now.

(Imagine this, only all of his six arms are like that)

All For One then instantly appeared in front of Kira and punched out three of his large arms directly at him but contrary to everyone and All Might's expectations, the arms suddenly stopped inches before they hit Kira's face.

They all focused on All For One and they noticed his mouth was open wide with a bit of saliva coming out from it. Then they saw Kira's right arm was buried at All For One's stomach.

Before they all could dwell on it, Kira retracted his arm then took hold of All For One's head and bashed his knee on it repeatedly.

Every strike could be heard by the cameraman and All Might but Kira continued and gripped All For One's face this time and mercilessly slammed it to the ground, producing a mini-crater to form from it as All For One's upper body was buried to the ground.

All Might open his mouth in shock as his strongest villain that even killed his master was just like a plaything compared to Kira. He easily manhandled All For One with ease but then everyone woke up from their shocks when they saw him taking out a big-ass red scythe out of nowhere.

Kira easily twirled his scythe then swung it to the side and instantly that side was hit by an invisible force as the wind pressure traveled to that side. (Imagine Hollow Ichigo when he called back his sword against Ulquiorra)

Everyone couldn't help but gulp in nervousness as they saw Kira's famous scythe and the force behind that casual swing.

Kira walked calmly at All For One as his red glowing eyes made everyone watching felt the chill but before Kira could go further, someone got in his way.

"...I can't… it's my duty as a hero… for him to see justice, so please… stand down,"

All Might muttered as he stood in front of Kira while he forced himself to look him in the eye.

Kira stopped and looked up at All Might calmly as he propped his red scythe in his shoulders.

"...Stay out of this All Might… All For One needs to die," Kira muttered as his eyes gleam with a coldness which brought chills on All Might.

All Might was about to continue in convincing Kira to let it go but before he could utter a reply, a burst of deranged crazy laughter filled the area.




The spot All For One was in suddenly burst apart as a small explosion rang out in the area.

As the rumbles and smoke cleared out, they saw All For One standing there laughing his heart out with all of his arms returned to the normal size of a regular human.

"*Phew!* that was a good laugh… to think some nobody like you… claims that YOU! CAN KILL ME, THE SYMBOL OF EVIL JUST LIKE THAT!!" All For One shouted then he threw away his mask aside then his body started to change.

His clothes burst apart as his body turned black and grew 10 meters tall. All of his fingers turned into red claws and his legs became hind legs that of an animal. His face became distorted as bone-like structures protruded from various places on his body.

(Image here, just googled this pic)

"ENOUGH GAMES!! REAPER! YOUR LIFE IS MINE! JUST DIE ALREADY!!!" All For One shouted as he instantly appeared in front of them with all of his arms drawn above him and brought it down with all of his might.

Kira stared stoically at All For One's new form as he immediately kicked All Might flying away from them while holding his scythe above him, horizontally.


That single attack shook the ground again as a crater and cracks formed around Kira.

"HAHAHAHAHA!!! THAT'S RIGHT!! FIGHT WITH EVERYTHING YOU GOT!!" All For One laughed and grinned maliciously while looking down at Kira.

All For One quickly jumped in the air as he sent continuous barrages of Air cannon left and right without any stop.

*Boom!* x??

Everyone gasped in fear at the sight of All For One as they all watched Kira take everything he threw at him but then they noticed something happening at each Air cannon hitting Kira.

They all saw each one getting cut in the middle by something before even coming close to Kira himself then they noticed it was Kira's scythe.

After a few more moments, something changed. The number of those slices being sent out by Kira was getting more frequent than the last until a wind blade materialized and cut down the Air cannons on its way even almost reaching All For One before it dissipated.

All For One grew nervous for a second there when he saw his Air cannons being cut down by a single wind blade but luckily it didn't hit him but as he looked at Kira, he momentarily saw him smirked at him which caused him to feel an ominous chill in his spine. Then in an instant, numerous wind blades came to life and headed straight for All For One.

All For One barely brought out his arms in front of him when those wind blades arrived at him.

*Whoosh!* *Booom!* x??

All For One was blasted away just like that.

By now, everyone watching realized an important and scary fact based on what they are seeing right now. If what they are seeing is Kira being serious then, back two years ago, he beat up all those heroes there and tied up with All Might while holding back his strength.

As this revelation dawned on them, they all couldn't help but gulp in nervousness at the power this person possesses. Fortunately, he only concentrates on villains and corrupt individuals but as they thought he would've been a typical villain like they all first thought of, chaos would plague their times already.

All Might groggily stand back up and stared at Kira in awe and nervousness.

Kira never took off his eyes on All For One as he knew it'll take a few more swings just to finish him off.

*Whooosh* x30

From the spot of All For One, 30 black tendrils with red cracks all over them made their way at Kira but again he just used his scythe to cut everything but then a portal suddenly materialized at his back.

Kira's senses picked up on this as he quickly side-stepped to his right just as a huge Air cannon passed by him inches away.

He then turned back to the portal but then 5 more portals came from all different angles and instantly bombarded him with continuous Air cannon.

As the onslaught continued, they suddenly saw Kira walking out of it then sprinted to All For One's position.

All For One immediately stopped his pointless barrage as he noticed Kira already on his way towards him.

Kira narrowed his red glowing eyes in irritation as he took hold of his scythe with both his hands and positioned it in his sides like was wielding a samurai sword as he fastened his pace towards All For One.

All of them watching including All Might and All For One right now felt ominous at Kira's stance like something terrible and amazing is about to happen.

All Might and veteran heroes watching this immediately came to a realization as All Might went for one of the cameramen at one of the helicopters. He gave all of them a shock but then they saw All Might's panic expression.

He took hold of the camera and yelled in front of it much to the shock of everyone watching.

"EVERYBODY!! GET DOWN NOW OR HOLD ON TO SOMETHING!! You! tell those helicopters to fly down now! DO IT NOW!!" All Might yelled at everyone as he quickly looked below and saw All For One bringing his arms together in front of him as bone-like structures shielded all of his arms.

Seeing that he might be too late, he forcefully dragged the helicopter into an emergency crash as he caught it with ease. He quickly did this to nearby helicopters as the rest followed All Might and went down immediately.

Kira engulfed his scythe in a red fire then instantly arrived in front of All For One with red fire trailing behind him. Without any moment later he swung it with all his strength directed at the upper body of All For One, horizontally.

*Slick* *BOOOOM!!*

All For One's body was engulfed by the light as a deafening sonic boom was heard by everyone followed by a series of strong raging winds covering almost the entire city. Everyone who was caught in this couldn't help but think there was a typhoon that just hit them.

After a moment, the wind settled down as everything came back to normal but when they looked at the sky, all of them without exception widened their eyes and opened their mouths at the sight laid before them.

The once cloudy sky became clear but that wasn't the thing they were surprised about no, it was the formation of the clouds surrounding the clear sky. It looked like it was sliced open by something as it covered the whole city.

All of them quickly looked back at their screens as the video feed became static but after few more seconds, it slowly came back as the first thing they saw was their number one hero's back but they weren't in the air anymore.

All Might stood in front of the cameramen as their shield. He checked everyone behind him first and drew a sigh of relief when he saw none of them were injured. He then looked back at the aftermath of that strike.

Everything near them was all blasted away leaving an open area in its wake as the clear sky came to all their views. They could clearly see the sun about to set for the day as at the center of it all was Kira holding his red scythe while on his feet was the upper half of a man.

Kira stoically looked at the remaining body of All For One. His body returned to normal as all of his arms were all cut off as well as the lower part of his body leaving his head and torso intact.

"You… I won't ask you... why you target me… but answer me this… what is... your Quirk?" All For muttered weakly as he remembered earlier that he tried to take Kira's Quirk countless times but nothing ever came out from it.

All Might and the viewers heard this as they carefully made their way towards the both of them with All Might was at the front.

"...None…" Kira replied as he calmly placed his hand on his hood.

Everyone watching including the heroes, the police, and even the villains grew anticipated with this as they could finally see what was the identity of the infamous villain named Reaper. Even students, kids up to the elderly at their homes, watched with bated breaths at this development.

"...I'm technically deemed as Quirkless…" Kira commented much to the shock of everyone hearing him right now. Not once did it occurred to anyone that he would be someone without a Quirk.

"...You see… today, anyone deemed Quirkless is the trash and punching bag of society. Whether they are heroes or villains, they are all just like the two sides of a coin, and between them are what you people identified as the worthless, insignificant, inferior, wretched, and the good-for-nothing, also known as the Quirkless." Kira continued as he brought down his hood as his crimson-black hair came to view.

Everyone watching was silent after hearing this as some heroes were about to comment but Kira continued regardless of what excuses they all come up with themselves.

"Tell me, if this is this peace of our society today, answer me this… have you ever saw a Quirkless reach elderly?" Kira commented as he unhooked one side of his mask.

At that question, whether they were heroes, teachers, firemen, police or even a random store vendor momentarily paused. In one simple question, everyone couldn't help but try to remember someone Quirkless but none come to mind, not a single one. Grandfathers and grandmothers who heard this brought down all of their heads in sadness.

"Ever since the emergence of Quirks, individuals who were blessed with this power took this as a sign that they are worth more than the average human. Most of them used this to follow their own greed while some of them deemed themselves as heroes that should be adored by the masses."

"In all your eyes, Quirkless are weak and pathetic individuals that should just stay out of society. Isn't that right All Might? Or should I call you Toshinori Yagi, one who was once deemed as a Quirkless before" Kira continued as he dropped a bomb on all those who are watching.

All Might stood frozen at this declaration, his most guarded secret has just been revealed in front of live television no less.

All of them that didn't know this widened their eyes at this revelation. Their number one hero was a Quirkless individual.

"As someone who was deemed Quirkless, you should know all about what I'm talking about. In our society filled with heroes of the future! Anyone who was identified as someone with a 'villainous' power or even without it completely are all without exception, dead to all of your eyes," Kira said as he took off his Reaper mask and looked at the camera.

Another scary revelation was again presented to them all, the most feared villain today was only a teenager. All couldn't believe this especially those who actually know Kira, the humble bakery shop owner was actually the most notorious villain today.

"Most of you will never admit it but you know I'm right… Heroes, Villains, they're all the same, just some delusional fools that thought they are something greater than others," Kira said as he approached All For One who hasn't said a word since.

"...My name is Kira and I am… Reaper," Kira said slowly then he swung his scythe, taking All For One's head with it.


All For One's head landed exactly in front of All Might as none of them couldn't say anything due to the shocks they have witnessed and heard today. When All Might suddenly kneel in front of All For One's head as tears started to gather in his eyes.

"It's over… it's over… he's gone… All For One… is finally gone," All Might muttered while trembling as he remembered his late predecessor and master.

Kira then approached the kneeling All Might much to the cautiousness of everyone watching except for All Might.

"...Thank you…" All Might mutter to Kira gratefully as his tears started to fall down.

Kira stoically looked at All Might with his scythe at his side as All Might closed his eyes expecting Kira to kill him as well. After finally avenging his master and finally vanquishing the purpose of this passed down Quirk, he thought he could finally rest from all the fighting.

"...Toshinori Yagi no, All Might… they still need you… you are someone who knows what it's like to be Quirkless, show them… a better society today…" Kira commented as he turned around and swung his scythe as portal came to view in front of everyone as All Might opened his eyes in surprise as looked over at Kira.

"...All Might, 'Neither the life of an individual nor the history of a society can be understood without understanding both. (C. Wright Mills)' .... see you around," Kira said without looking back as he walked up to the portal while he placed back his scythe on his inventory.

Before anyone could say anything else, he calmly walked into the portal with his hands in his pocket just as the sun finally sets.

The portal disappeared as soon as Kira went through it as the entire area was filled with this strange state of peace despite its destruction.

All of them saw Kira disappeared after he went through the portal but they all had this distinct feeling that may be the last time they would ever see him again.

NoirZero11 NoirZero11


So he can freaking torture Shinji or maybe b*tch slap Gilgamesh.


I just stopped at ch. 310.


movie versions of it so no comic stuff, not really a fan of it.


maybe it but no go into the whole space thing.

-7 Deadly Sins

Only watched the first season


Same as 7 Deadly sins and haven't read the LN


not yet

-Rising of the shield hero

that place will be filled by blood.


I hate Boruto

-Akame ga Kill

It would look like shield hero

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