Sabrina can't depend on part-time jobs any longer when she will have a degree at her hand and an internship offer leading to a job opportunity.
But the only problem is... She doesn't like the job but there are debts and her travel dreams to save for. Now that her mother also doesn't work for the Harrington family, the income of the house has declined by a notch and it was upon her to take the burden on her shoulders whether she like it or not.
Putting back the money bank inside her dresser she heads into the bathroom to get refreshed.
Coming out in the living room after she was ready to start the day anew... She failed to find David on the sofa or anywhere else at that.
She searched the kitchen, looked into the living room bathroom but she failed to find traces of David.
"Looking for David honey?" She turns to the voice of her mother standing behind her with a tray of breakfast.
"Uh... Yes." She said looking around.