Ainsley was chatting and talking with her friends when a group of children around five to ten suddenly approached her group.
There were six children, and four of them were boys, with only two girls that looked the youngest in that group.
Ainsley's friend group noticed the six children's movement and Arlin, the 'big sister' of the group, couldn't help but frown.
"Who are those six people? They're heading in our direction. Any of you guys know them?"
Ainsley and her friends were sitting on the sofa, circling the round glass coffee table in the middle.
They were also a group of six but with three girls and three boys.
The girls sat on one long couch while the boys had their own single-seat sofa, all of the seats surrounding the coffee table full of sweets and drinks.
It was clear that the group wanted to have their own little time and didn't want to entertain the other children at the party.
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