The dim light of the moon illuminated the greenery of the forest.
Trees rustled and swayed in the breeze.
The light noises they made hid the commotion in the forest's depths.
But Jason wasn't in the frame of mind to pay attention.
He panted noisily as he ran through the forest.
His head swiveled around again and again to check the number of wolves following him from behind.
It was the moment when he realized just how much he'd underestimated the leader of the wolves.
Even with barely a quarter of his health left, even seriously injured, the wolf king was a strong, fast, cunning beast.
Worse, it commanded a large army of wolf subordinates that made no end of trouble for Jason.
It got to the point where Jason felt that no matter what he did, if he could not get some distance on the wolf king, he might never win this fight.
Does bolding the names of things help or hinder the reading experience?
Should I keep doing it, or does it bother people?
Also let me know if any of y'all would like other things to be either bolded or set in italics. (Those are the only tools I have, sadly!)
If there are formatting improvements, you'd like me to make, please also let me know!
THANKS For reading!!!! xD
....also did no one get my joke still.... (psst look at Jason's suit) hehe