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Kapitel 36: Returning Home

Translator: Atlas Studios Redakteur: Atlas Studios

Two carriages traveled slowly on the official road as the surrounding scenery changed from foreign to familiar. When the dense forest was replaced by a field, it meant that Feng Hua County wasn't far.

"We have half a day to go at most, so don't worry," said the coachman in a strong country accent. "As long as it doesn't start raining, we can get you to your house before evening."

"Thank you." Wei Wushuang arched his hand and went back into the carriage. This was the fourth time he asked the same question: How much longer would it take to reach Feng Hua County.

"We've been gone for five or six days, so why worry about this half a day more." Xia Fan rubbed his forehead and said breathlessly, "Since you aren't carsick, why not use this effort to gather Qi and cultivate."

Although they called two carriages, when they were traveling in the morning, he basically squeezed together with his fellow countrymen. It wasn't that he didn't want to go with the fox demon, but that he was worried that Wei Wushuang would find out about the fox demon when he came to chit-chat with him when he was bored.

In this era, long-distance travel was definitely a time-consuming and labor-intensive chore. Even with a carriage ride, the experience was still not as good as it could be. The only cushion between the carriage and the potholes was the passenger's buttocks, and the carriage shook like it was going to fall apart when traveling at just a slightly faster speed. If it wasn't for his superior physical fitness as a mystic, he would have thrown up several times already.

"Sorry, Brother Xia. I'm just a little nervous." Wei Wushuang rubbed his hands together.

"Nervous about what?" Xia Fan straightened his back and changed his posture to make himself more comfortable. "You're already a properly-recorded mystic of the Privy Council and at least an eighth-grade official, your old man must be overjoyed."

"Brother Xia, you have no idea." Wei Wushuang revealed a bitter smile. "I have a group of friends… No, I should say a group of acquaintances, the kind of… peers that you often meet when doing business."

"I understand, the Feng Hua County business circle." Xia Fan instantly understood. Those who could play with Wei Wushuang were also bound to be around the same age as him. Which merchant did not have a few sons of their own?

"Business circle? Interesting. No, that's not the point." Wei Wushuang shook his head. "In the eyes of the general public, my father's grain store may be considered a big business. But for them, it's actually just ordinary."

Xia Fan nodded silently. That was probably why this man had an ordinary appearance.

"Also, I have limited talent. I can maintain my predecessors' achievements, but I can't really build on them. Compared to their achievements, I'm way worse than them. Hence, they usually make fun of me. As for me participating in the mystic examination this time, they all unanimously thought that I couldn't possibly pass…"

"But you passed," Xia Fan said, confused. "Isn't that just the thing to kill their bravado?"

"That's the problem." Wei Wushuang rubbed the back of his head in annoyance. "We only had our names recorded by the Privy Council, and there's nothing that can be taken as evidence. The official appointment order won't come down for another half month. So, if I say I've been chosen, they won't believe me. I've been thinking about how to convince them. If I don't explain well, I'll be ridiculed even more…" he said and raised his head. "Brother Xia… If they set up a banquet, can you accompany me and prove that I got appointed?"

Xia Fan mentally rolled his eyes. "So, you're nervous because you want to show off but are afraid that no one will believe you?"

"Ahem! Brother Xia, you're too blunt."

"I'm not going." He said flatly, "You're at least a member of the circle, but what about me? Why should they believe what a person of unknown origin says?"

Wei Wushuang's expression instantly became frustrated.

"And I suggest that you don't put in the effort to figure out how to explain it." Xia Fan continued, "In fact, just tell them the result and don't reply to any of their questions. Just let them guess."

"Wouldn't that make me their laughing stock…"

"A laughingstock spreads fast. Only when they want to use you as a laughing stock will they try their best to spread it. I think in just a week's time, the whole Feng Hua County will know the news, right?" Xia Fan sneered. "But they will also laugh for half a month at most. The louder the ridicule, the bigger the backlash. As long as you hold back, plus handle it properly, they will never want to raise their heads in front of you for the rest of their lives."

Wei Wushuang froze. "Are you sure?"

"Very sure." Xia Fan hugged his chest. "I have experience in this."

"Brother Xia, teach me!" Wei Wushuang hurriedly leaned over. "What do I have to do to handle this properly?"

"Simple. The appointment order will be sent to the government first, right? First of all, you secretly greet the government, ask them to not immediately send the order, but instead agree on a time to do so, and then set up a situation… "Xia Fan taught patiently. "In short, it is to make the room door suddenly open when everyone mocks you for participating in the mystic examination. The government official will appear with your appointment order and hand it to you in front of anyone. Wouldn't that kind of transformation leave a very deep impression on everyone?"

Wei Wushuang had never received such a systematic guide to pretend, and his eyes lit up as he listened.

"From that moment on, all the irony will turn to the mocker himself, while the matter itself is delightful enough that it will spread even faster and wider than before. You just have to pay attention to one thing — don't add insult to injury." Xia Fan finally concluded, "The more nonchalant you are throughout, the more you can highlight the level gap between you and the other party. Turn around and leave, leave them a way out, and it will be enough."

"Brother Xia…" Wei Wushuang took a deep breath. "You really know everything!"

"Hey, this is only the most basic."

"There are more powerful ones? Then, what should I do?"

"You call this one the Don't Lie to Children version, and that one is the Retired War God version… not quite right for you. But I can tell you about it."

"Brother Xia, please tell me!" Wei Wushuang nodded repeatedly.

"The Qi Country has a war god. After years, he returned home to find great changes at home. He commanded 100,000 soldiers to rush home…" Since he was idle anyway, Xia Fan decided to scourge his fellow countryman.

As he taught Wei Wushuang how to pretend in a strict yet lively manner, the carriage slowly entered Feng Hua County.

"Brother Xia… are you really not going to stay at my place?" By the street entrance, Wei Wushuang reluctantly tried to detain him. "My house has quite a lot of empty rooms."

Xia Fan returned to his carriage and arched his hand towards the other party. "I'm used to wandering and don't like to be confined. Besides, you will probably be stuck with controversy during this period of time. I won't give you any trouble." If he could eat and live for free that would naturally be good, but unfortunately, there was a fox demon in the carriage that needed to be settled, so he could only bear the pain and refuse.

"Since Brother Xia is dashing by nature, then I won't force you. When the storm subsides a bit, I will definitely treat you to dinner," Wei Wushuang solemnly said.

"Okay, okay, I'll go first."

"See you later!"

After bidding farewell to his fellow villagers, Xia Fan let the coachman drive him directly to the "Pine Welcoming Inn". It was moderately priced and not in the heart of the county, so it was perfect for hiding someone quietly.

With the reimbursement from the Privy Council, he booked a large house with a separate courtyard, with three rooms inside and a bamboo forest outside. So, even if the fox demon was discovered, she could easily escape through the wall.

"Before taking office, this is our temporary accommodation." After sending the shopkeeper away, Xia Fan found an opening to bring Li inside. "You can choose any of the three rooms, and anything else you need, just tell me directly."

Li took off the cotton cloth wrapped around her head and stretched out with a light hum. This long journey was obviously not very pleasant for her, either. Not only did she have to stay as still as possible while lying in the carriage in case the carriage driver noticed something amiss with his "luggage". The cloth on her head also couldn't be removed, lest there was no room for explanation in case of an accident. In this way, you could imagine what it was like to be in a small, hot, and bumpy space.

But the fox demon's recovery ability was also surprising. Her wounds weren't yet healed, but she could already walk, and her prognosis was very good, without any inflammation or infection. Put in his time, it would absolutely be a medical miracle.

Li surveyed the house and said, "I usually feed on wind and drink dew. Having a place to hide from the rain is good enough, so there's nothing for me to be picky about."

But… at least you have to have a new set of clothes, Xia Fan couldn't help but think.

Previously, the other party had been lying down and covered in blood, but he didn't care too much. It was only now that he noticed the fox demon's body was really amazing. Not only was she tall and slender when she stood up, the arms, shoulders, and back she revealed weren't as soft and boneless as an ordinary woman's. They had a natural muscle contour. They were proportionate with a touch of tough beauty.

And her bare feet had clearly defined toes. Her foot arch had coordinated and smooth curves. Just looking at them pleased both the eye and the mind.

The women of this era covered their feet more tightly than their bodies. They were wrapped in rough cloth socks at all times. Only a handful of them didn't mind baring their feet like the fox demon.

If she always wandered around the room in this raggedy outfit, he was afraid that he would have an iron deficiency in a few days.

"What are you looking at?" Li suddenly asked.

"Ahem! Nothing…" Xia Fan hurriedly averted his eyes. "I was thinking about what to eat at night."

"Hm, not much like the truth."

Could he speak the truth? He was about to digress, but Li spoke first, "Okay, don't worry about me, go about your business first. I remember you once said one of the reasons for taking the mystic examination was to redeem your master?"

Xia Fan nodded.

"You have completed the first step, now you probably can't wait to get him out, right? Compared to that, dinner can be discussed later."

Indeed… going to Qing Shan Town alone to take the exams took almost a month. Master must have suffered a lot of hardship. Although he was a cheap master picked up by the roadside, he at least brought Xia Fan into a whole new field. Based on this alone, they could be considered to have a real master-disciple relationship, and Xia Fan couldn't leave his master alone. It was better to liberate him from the hands of the black forces sooner rather than later.

Hopefully, after this incident, his master wouldn't be as addicted to gambling as before.

"I know. Then, you wait here for me to come back."

Li gave a "hmm".

When he reached the door, Xia Fan stopped again, turned back with some hesitation, and said, "About what I said before about going to the capital…"

"Isn't that normal? With your ability, I didn't expect much." Li shrugged. "Don't worry, as long as you're still a mystic, there's always a chance to inquire about the information I want."

Sure enough, it was the familiar feeling… Since she was in the mood to mock him, she really did not seem to care too much about the matter.

Xia Fan also relaxed, grabbed his money bag, and left the house.

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