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20.33% Shikigami Dance: Naruto/BNHA Crossover / Chapter 12: First Day

Kapitel 12: First Day

(A/N) Since only twenty students can exist per class I had to drop a character. Honestly, it was hard to choose but Sato had the least character development out of the whole class, so he ended up being the choice. Haru sits where Shoji sat in the anime, while Shoji sits where Sato sat.


The acceptance rate this year was just as small as it had always been. One out of three hundred. Four got in from recommendations. Two turned down recommendations and entered through the regular way with the other thirty-four. They were split into two classes of twenty.

Haru and Katsuki entered their new classroom early.

Class 1A.

'Why is the door so fricken big?'

Without a word, they both found their seats and sat down. Katsuki, as usual, sprawled out on his desk, while Haru sat cross-legged in his seat.

Haru glanced at the doorway, watching some other students make their way in.

'I wonder if any of the others will–'

"Hey! Haru!"

Haru's face lit up in a smile at the familiar shock of blonde hair, "Kaminari!"

The electric teen grinned as he sat in his seat near Haru, "I see you got in."

Jiro appeared next to them, "Got in? He got first you idiot."

"Wait, he did?"

Haru looked up at the girl from where he sat, "Hi, Jiro!"

The dark-haired girl gave him a small smile as she sauntered over to her seat behind him, "I see you've been doing well. Congratulations on your placement."

Kaminari agreed, "Yeah! I didn't realize before, but it's so cool that you got first! You must be crazy strong."

Haru felt heat rise to his face at the compliments, his shyness surfacing, "O-oh. Thanks."

Katsuki's voice interrupted whatever was going to be said next, "Who the hell are these extras?"

Kaminari and Jiro looked over at where Katsuki was glaring at them.

Haru cleared his throat, "Oh yeah. You never met. Katsuki, this is Jiro and Kaminari. I met them during the entrance exams. We helped each other out," a thought struck him, "That must mean Monoma and Ibara are in Class 1B."

Jiro leaned back in her seat, "Probably."

"Don't ignore me!"

Haru gave Katsuki a tired look, "Why are you being needy all of the sudden? I'm right here."


Kaminari chuckled, "Obviously you."


Jiro sighed, "Great, I'm placed next to the angry kid for the year."

Katsuki's angry yells were quickly suppressed by a paper gag as Haru gave her an apologetic smile, "Sorry about that."

He instinctively dodged a kick from Katsuki and nonchalantly gave the blonde a cheeky smile.

Jiro watched the interaction between the two brothers in amusement, "Is this normal?"

Haru nodded, "Oh yeah. As I said before, this is how we show affection to each other."

Kaminari sweatdropped, "Your family dynamic is so weird."

Haru shrugged and snapped his fingers, freeing Katsuki's mouth.

"What the hell, Haru?"

A new voice interrupted what was going to be said next, "Hey, you!"

Everyone looked up to see the dark-haired student with glasses from the entrance exam striding up to them.

Haru's face lit up in recognition, "Oh, I remember you!"

The student ignored him heading straight to Katsuki, "Take your feet off that desk now."

This only caused the ash blonde to leer at him, "Huh?"

"It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy by scuffing school property, you cretin!"

Haru and his friend stifled snickers at the name.

The student turned to Haru, who was still sitting cross-legged on his seat, "And you, put your feet down. It's improper to sit like that at a school such as UA!"

Haru calmly uncrossed his legs, placing them on the floor, "Very well."

Katsuki had other plans, "You're kidding me, right? Your old school put a stick up your ass or were you born with it?"

The male student opened his mouth then closed it, composing himself, "Let's start over," he said, placing a hand on his chest, "I'm Tenya Iida from the Somei Private Academy."

'Oooo... prestige.'

Katsuki only sneered, "Somei, huh? So you must think you better than me. I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one."

Iida gasped, recoiling at the words, "You would threaten me? Your own classmate? Are you sure you're in the right place?"

Katsuki clicked his teeth just as his eyes spotted something in the doorway, making his self satisfied expression turn sour.

Iida also looked up and changed gears, "It's him."

Haru followed everyone's glances and saw Izuku standing in the doorway.

The poor teen was sweating profusely at all the attention he was getting, "U-uh, hi..."

"Izu!" Haru's turned himself into paper and fluttered across the room to reform so he was standing behind his friend. "I'm happy you passed!" he said leaning over Izuku's shoulder with a closed-eyed smile.

Everyone in the room blinked at the bright aura he gave off. 'So bright!'

"Good morning!" Iida stepped forward, marching up to Izuku, "My name is Tenya Iida from–"

Izuku interrupted, "Y-yeah, I know," he hesitated, obviously nervous, "I'm Izuku Midoriya. Nice to meet you."

Iida gave Izuku a hard stare, "Midoriya. You realized there was more to the practical exam, didn't you? You must be very perceptive, and I completely misjudged you. I admit, as a student, you are far superior to me!"

Izuku sweatdropped, knowing he hadn't figured out anything at all while Haru just decided to slide away and returned to his seat.

'I just won't say anything.'

"Hey! I recognize that messed up hair? Falling boy!" Uraraka popped up behind them.

She started going on about how happy she was that he passed and how amazing his punch was. Poor Izuku turned a beet red and tried to hide his face as he stuttered over her spontaneous praise.

"Oh hey, hi... Oh my gosh... So uh... I should probably be thanking you for going in and talking to the proctor."

She stopped in confusion, "Huh? How did you know about that?"

"Oh, I... Um... What?"

Haru sent Kaminari and Jiro a knowing smirk, "You know I could be wrong but we could be witnessing the beginnings of love here."

Several other students within hearing snickered goodnaturedly.

The class's newest ship continued their conversation, completely oblivious of what just happened.

"What do you think we are doing today besides orientation?" Uraraka asked Izuku (who was still hiding behind his arms), "I wonder what our teachers are like! I can't wait to meet everybody?"

"If you're just here to make friends, you can pack up your stuff now."

Haru leaned back in his seat and saw a strange, yellow caterpillar in the hallway, "Wait... No one told me about an infestation! I didn't bring bug spray!"

Everyone else gasped and turned to confront the 'bug'.

The human face peeping out of the top stared back at them with a deadpan expression only feasible by the most hardcore insomniacs of the world.

"Welcome to UA's hero course."

The sound of a zipper rang through the silence, followed by a loud slurp from a juice packet. As everyone in the room was wondering what the heck the thing was, it stood up to reveal itself as a hobo in a sleeping bag.

Haru deadpanned, "I didn't bring mace either."

"Isn't that illegal to carry that in Japan?" Kaminari said, leaning in to whisper to Jiro.

Jiro whispered back, "It is."

The sleeping bag was slowly unzipped and a raven-haired man stepped out of it.

"It took eight seconds before you all shut up. That's not going to work. Time is precious. Most students would understand that."

Understanding dawned on Haru and a few other members of the class as they realized this was probably one of the members of the UA staff.

'That must mean he's our...'

The man stepped into the room, his tired eyes glancing over everyone, "Hello, I'm Shota Aizawa. Your teacher."

Everyone gasped.

'Called it.'

Aizawa fumbled inside his sleeping bag and pulled out a gym uniform, "Right let's get to it. Put these on and get outside."

He tossed the uniform to Iida and disappeared down the hall.


"WHAT? A QUIRK ASSESSMENT TEST?" everyone screeched.

Uraraka stared at their teacher, "But what about orientation? We are gonna miss it!"


Haru found orientations boring.

Aizawa turned his back on the students, "If you really want to make the big leagues, you can't waste time on pointless ceremonies," everyone, minus a few exceptions, gasped, "Here at UA we're not tethered to traditions." The teacher glanced over his shoulder, "That means I get to run my class however I see fit."

A wave of worry hit everyone at the look in the man's eyes. It made them tense and nervous. Even the most nonchalant among them felt the chill.

"You've been taking standardized tests most of your lives," he held up a phone, "But you never got to use your Quirks for physical exams before. The country's still trying to pretend we're all created equal by not letting the most power excel. It's not rational. One day the ministry of education will learn."

Haru unconsciously nodded.

'Yeah, he's right. While every life is worth that same, Socialistic idealism has persistently warped the meaning of equality so we now have these kinds of problems.'


(A/N) This is a purely historical statement, not a political statement. So sue me.



Both Haru and Katuski looked up expectantly.

Aizawa sighed, "Right, there are two of you. Let's see... Haruko."

Haru stepped forward, "Here sir."

Aizawa eyed him carefully, "You managed to get the highest score on the entrance exam. What was your farthest softball throw in junior high?"

Haru thought for a moment, "58 meters, I think."

Aizawa tossed him a white ball, "Right, try doing it with your Quirk," he motioned at a large white circle marked on the training ground, "Anything goes, just stay in the circle."

"Better kill it, weakling," Katsuki said.

Haru slowly walks up to the circle, "Okay."

Izuku watched his friend plant his feet, noting the odd expression on the redhead's face, "Why does have that look on his face?"

Haru paused, "Are we going for enhancement or just seeing how far we can get the ball."

The question confused most of the class but Aizawa understood the question, "Put as much power as you can behind it. Hurry up. You are wasting our time."

Haru stretched his throwing arm, "Alright then. Full power, it is."

His face turned calm as the ball started glowing.

'I'll add a little show while I'm at it.'

A vortex of paper swirled up around him, Almost hiding him from view.


The ball shot away into the sky, sending a shock wave across the grounds. Almost everyone stood slack-jawed at the force of the throw.

Haru placed his hands into a dragon sign, "Katon!"

The vortex of paper shot after the ball, overtaking it in less than a second. With a massive roar, it manifested into a giant oriental dragon while bursting into flames.

Izuku's pupils had shrunk to mere pinpoints, "Oh whoa..."

Several people began to sweat at the realization that this was the power of the top-scoring candidate outside of the recommended students.

Katsuki had a smug look on his face.

The two recommended students, a girl who kept her black hair in a ponytail, and a boy with heterochromatic eyes kept their features emotionless.

Aizawa was the only person who was both unfazed and unimpressed by the demonstration, "All of you need to know your maximum capabilities," his phone beeped as the ball landed, "Its the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero."

He held up the phone, revealing the number score.

701.6 meters

Several gasps rose from the group at the numbers.

Kaminari raised an eyebrow in disbelief, "Whoa! Over seven hundred meters. Are you kidding me?"

Jiro gave Haru a wave, "Great throw, Haru."

Haru straightened up, giving the pair a shy smile.

A girl with pink skin and dark eyes pressed her hands together excitedly, "I wanna go! It looks like fun!"

A dark-haired boy with strange-looking elbows also picked up on her excitement, "This is what I'm talking about! Using our Quirk as much as we want!"

"So this looks fun, huh?"

All the excited chatter died down at Aizawa's monotone words.

The teacher faced the class as he continued to speak, "You have three years here to become a hero. You think it's all gonna be games and playtime?" he gave them all a creepy smile, "Idiots. Today you'll compete in eight physical tests to gauge your potential. Whoever comes in last has none... and will be expelled immediately," he also glanced at Haru from the corner of his eye, as the teen rejoined the group, "Any who do not try hard enough will be expelled with them."


Haru narrowed his eyes.

'He thinks I may try to get the last to keep people from getting expelled. Well, he's wrong. I came here for a reason and it's not to strive at my goals with half-hearted efforts.'

"Like I said, I get to decide how this class runs," Aizawa gave them all a petrifying look, "Understand? If that's a problem, you can head home right now."

Uraraka stepped up, bravely speaking out, "You can't send one of us home! I mean... we just got here. Even if it wasn't the first day, that isn't fair."

"Who says life is fair? I'm sorry to say it, but he is perfectly capable of expelling us," everyone looked over at the sound of Haru's soft voice, "Come to think of it. I recognize the name. Shota Aizawa, otherwise known as the underground hero, Eraser Head. He's expelled an entire class on the first-day before. If he did it once he can do it again. That's how things work here."

Several gasps and cries of fear sprang up from most of the class as Aizawa spoke seriously.

"Bakugo's right. UA prepares you for the reality of hero work. Before you start complaining ask yourself this? Are natural disasters fair? Power-hungry villains? Catastrophic accidents that wipe out whole cities? No. The world is full of unfairness. It's a hero's job to combat that unfairness. If you want to be a pro, you're going to have to push yourself to the brink. For the next three years, UA will throw one terrible hardship after another at you. So go beyond, plus ultra style," he beckoned to them with his finger, "Show me that it's no mistake that you're here."

The words knocked all the play out of everyone as they fully realized how serious things were going to be. At the same time, they felt fired by their teacher's words.

Aizawa turned away, "Now then. We're just wasting time by just talking. Let the game begin."


(Fifty-meter dash...)

[Runners on your marks!] the tripod robot called out as it waited to measure their speed.

Iida got down in a running position while Haru just raised his right hand in a simple hand seal. As the sound of the starting gunshot split the air, Iida took off, using the engines in his lege to shoot at a high speed towards the finish line.

Haru was close on his heels using his chakra to enhance his body's running speed.

[3.24 seconds...]

[3.41 seconds...]

Haru straightened up giving Iida a nod of acknowledgment. Neither boy said anything until they returned to the main group.

"You have quite impressive speed."

Haru looked away from the next two runners he had been watching and tried to look Iida in the eye. Keyword tried as his shyness overtook him. Unless he was running heavily on adrenaline (which a short run was hardly going to supply), praise caused him to feel extremely self-conscious among people he had just met, especially when he felt several pairs of eyes looking at him.

"T-thanks, but you were faster than me."

Iida made a chopping motion with his arm, "Nonsense! You did exceptionally well. Let me introduce myself. My name's Tenya Iida."

Haru caught himself before bowing, not wanting to be too formal, and gave Iida a small nod instead. "Haruko Bakugo. Just call me Haru," he said, introducing himself as well.

A girl with vibrant pink skin and hair that contrasted drastically with her black eyes skipped up them leaning so she was almost in Haru's face, "Hey, my name's Mina Ashido! Want to be friends? Can I call you Haru? You've got a cool Quirk! Is it really paper? You seem to be able to do lots of cool things with it."

Haru stepped back in surprise at the energetic girl's closeness before someone tugged her back. To his surprise, it wasn't Katsuki who did it but Jiro.

The dark-haired female gave the pink hair girl a slightly annoyed look, "Ease up, girl, learn some personal space."

Ashido's lip stuck out in a pout, "Aww! I just want to get to know him."

A teen with spiky red hair appeared right by Haru's side and flashed him a blinding smile, "Sorry about that. Ashido can be a handful sometimes. By the way, my name's, Eijiro Kirishima."

Haru's scrambled mind slowly started to function again, "Nice to meet you both."

[Get set!]

Everyone's attention was drawn back to see Uraraka and a blonde-haired student with a tail Quirk named Ojiro lined up for their run. Urakaka was just finishing using her zero-gravity Quirk to remove the weight of her clothes and shoes and Ojiro was doing the last preparatory stretches.

Uraraka dashed forward with her eyes closed while Ojiro used his tail to push himself forward in huge leaps and bounds.

[5.49 seconds...]

[7.15 seconds...]

Uraraka smiled as she pressed her fingers together, releasing her Quirk.

Aizawa glanced at his phone before calling out the next pair, "Next up. Ashido. Aoyama."

The girl stepped forward and pulled off her shoes before stepping into place. The blonde male (I guess blondes are common in Japan in two hundred years?) wearing a fancy belt stepped to his place but faced backward.

"Nice attempts, mon ami, but you are not showing enough panache," he gave a wink, causing the air to miraculously sparkle around him. He placed his hands behind his head and jumped up at the start signal. "Let your power shine~!" he cried as he shot a glittering laser out of his stomach.

The show was cut short when the blue light faded halfway across the track, sending him tumbling to the ground. Ashido passed him quickly using her acid Quirk to skate across the ground. Everyone was so preoccupied with watching him get up and shoot again they all missed Ashido's time.

[5.52 seconds...]


Aoyama glanced at everyone over his shoulder, placing his hand in his hips dramatically, "Shooting my beautiful beam for more than a second hurts my tummy."

Everyone sweatdropped.

'Did he say tummy? What is he, five? Or is he just trying too hard to be 'refined'?'

Next up were Izuku and Katsuki. Haru watched, a little uneasy. Katsuki may have held off from bothering Izuku in the last month in junior high, but things were much different now. It was an all-out competition now. An unacknowledged rivalry. It would be especially difficult considerignIzuku didn't have a quirk.

[Runners on your marks!] both boys got into position, Izuku had a determined look, and Katsuki with a blank one, *Ready?*

The gunshot pealed out.

Katsuki held his hands out behind him, "Burst Speed!"

He propelled himself forward with a series of small explosions, easily taking the lead against a wide-eyed Izuku.

[5.13 seconds...]

[7.02 seconds...]

Katsuki ignored the panting Izuku as he stared at his hands with the same blank expression, "My power has more uses than anyone else in this school."

"Umm... true, but I think my Quirk has more uses than yours. That kinda put me on the top of the 'most uses' list," Haru commented just loud enough for the ash blonde to hear.

Katsuki sent a glare at his younger brother, who sent him a deadpan expression in turn.

Kaminari's eyebrow shot up, "Is it just me or did Haru just belittle everyone?"

Jiro sighed as she twirled one of her earphone jacks on her finger, "Just roll with it."

"I'm pretty sure that it was mainly unintentional," Kirishima added.

Several people nodded as they heard Haru whine as Katsuki grabbed him in a headlock and proceeded to give him an explosive noogie.


(Grip strength...)

Haru held the small device in his hand. With a slow breath, he closed his eyes.

'Okay, focus my chakra into my arm. Keep the flow steady and strong. Charge up to maximum capacity and...'

A beep made him look down.

78.0 kg

Not as good as he'd hoped, but Haru knew there were certain limitations on his power. For now...

He glanced over at Izuku and glanced at the friend's score.

56.0 kg

"That's above average for most adults, Izu, he said reassuringly, patting Izuku's shoulder, "You did good."

A loud exclamation from a dark-haired student with strange elbows, who Haru now knew as Sero, made them look up.

"Wow! You hit five hundred and forty kilograms? You're such a beast!"

"Yeah like a muscly octopus," a short student with strange purple ball-shaped hair added.

Izuku glanced at his number and sighed.


(Long jump...)

When Haru's turn came, he just created a pair of origami wings and flew across.



To tell the truth, not many people could use their Quirks in this test. Haru did decently by using his chakra to increase his speed and keep himself from sliding. The one who did the best was the purple ball haired kid, named Mineta. He just stuck his sticky balls down and bounce off them.


(Ball throw...)

Katsuki stepped forward and was handed a ball.

"Same as before. Anything goes as long as you stay in the circle," Aizawa told him.

Katsuki loosened his arm, his expression neutral, "All right, man. You asked for it."

He held the ball over his head and swung his arm back.


An explosion blasted the ball from his hands, sending it flying into the air.

705.2 Meters

Like with Haru, most of the class exclaimed in surprise.

Kaminari sweatdropped, "Geez, the Bakugos are way overpowered."

The student behind him named Koda nodded frantically.

Sero looked from Katuski to Haru in disbelief, "Even with strong Quirks, that's crazy. What their secret?"

Haru gave Sero a deadpan peace sign, "One thing. Guts and hard work."

Ashido clapped her hands together, "That's two things but okay!"

Uraraka was up next.

The brunette held the ball she had been given with an absent-minded smile before giving it a soft throw.

The device beeped and Aizawa held up his phone for them to see.


Kaminari looked like he was going to blow a fuse, "That's insane. How's that possible?"

Jiro sighed, "Stop being so dramatic. So what she has a Quirk that can make her throw go to infinity."

"I think you're missing the fact that infinity means infinite!"

Haru snickered.

It was now Izuku's turn.

Haru felt his stress levels shoot from zero to a hundred. Izuku had not been doing too well on any of the tests so far. True he was above average in many things at this point, but that wouldn't be enough to excel in the test. As sad as it was, being a hero without a Quirk was already a major hurdle. A test where anyone can be expelled made it even worse.

"If Midoriya doesn't shape up soon he's the one going home."

Katsuki looked at the bespectacled student in annoyance, "Of course, he is! He's a Quirkless loser!"

Haru punched his brother's shoulder very hard, "Shut up, Katsuki! He's trying really hard and he deserves to be here!"

Iida looked surprised and answered as if they were stupid, "He has a Quirk. Did you not hear about what he did at the entrance exam?"


Now Haru and Katuski were looking at Iida as if he were crazy.

"Deku's been Quirkless all his life, four eyes."

Haru didn't want to put his friend down, but there was the reality of it, "I've known him since we were kindergarteners. The doctor said he had two pinky joints."

Uraraka looked at them in confusion, "But he jumped up and demolished the zero-pointer that was going to step on me."

Haru's eyes widened, "He what?" he turned to stare at Izuku as the green-haired teenager prepared for his throw, "Impossible..."

He watched Izuku brace himself and pull his arm back for a throw. To his shock, he saw several glowing veins of purple electricity appear under the Quirkless boy's skin.


Izuku flung the ball just as the veins blinked out.

46 Meters

Haru's furrowed his eyebrows.

'Hang on. I saw him powering up. What happened?'

Izuku looked on the verge of panic, staring at his hand, "What gives. I was trying to use it just now."

"I erased your Quirk."

Everyone looked up to see Aizawa had turned from scary to just plain terrifying. His glowing eyes were a bright red and his dark hair was standing up on end. His scarf seemed to have come alive.

The pro hero gave Izuku a hard glare, "The judges for the exam were not rational enough. Someone like you should never be allowed to enroll in this school."

Haru felt a wave of anger and agitation at the words as his Quirk subconsciously began to manifest. Paper began peeling off his skin and the surrounding area rustling across the ground like leaves.

Aizawa instantly glanced at Haru, his red eyes locking with Haru's amber ones.

Nothing happened.

Haru's Quirk refused to be erased.

Jiro places a hand on Haru's shoulder, silently telling him to stop. As if he had woken from a dream, Haru snapped out of his mood as the paper dispersed to nothing. Aizawa gave the redhead a calculated look and turned back to Izuku.

"You're not ready. You don't have any control over your power. Were you planning to break your bones again?" Haru felt sick to his stomach, realizing that he never questioned how Izuku had been so injured before, "Were you counting on someone else to save your useless body?"

Izuku protested, "No! That's not what I was trying to do!"

Aizawa's scarf shot out and wrapped itself around the young teenager's body, dragging him forward.

The teacher lowered his head a little as he chewed him out, "No matter what your intentions are, you'd be nothing more than a liability in battle. You have the same reckless passion as another overzealous hero I know. One who saved a thousand people by himself and became a legend."

Izuku mentally panicked, 'He's talking about All Might!'

Aizawa continued, "But even with that drive, you're worthless if you can only throw one punch before breaking down," he placed his hands in his pockets, "Sorry MIdoriya, but there's no way you can become a hero."

Haru felt pain shooting from his hand and quickly opened his fingers, feeling blood flowing from where his nails had dug into his palm.

The pro hero let Izuku go and closed his eyes, his dark hair falling as he deactivated his Quirk.

"I've returned your impractical Quirk. Take your final throw. Hurry and get it over with."

Everyone watched as their teacher stepped away, returning to his spot near the class. Apart from a select few with better hearing, they were completely in the dark about what Aizawa said.

Iida placed a hand to his chin as he studied the situation, "I wonder if our teacher gave him good advice."

Katsuki scoffed, "Probably told him to start packing."

Aoyama placed a hand on a nervous Uraraka's should, "Don't worry, Cherie."

The girl blinked as she looked a the blonde, "Wait, who are you again?"

Izuku's eyes were overshadowed as he remained frozen, every line of his figure shouting defeat.

'Maybe he's right. I may have power now, but I can't control it. I'm just fooling myself.'

A soft flutter in his ear made him look up. A small, white paper butterfly hovered next to him, out of sight from everyone else.

A wave of newfound determination filled the boy's soul.

'That's right. I got people who believe in me. Even if I can't control my power, I can't just give up either. I have to try something! No matter the consequences!'

Once again he tried his arm back for a throw.

'Mr. Aizawa was right about what he said. If I can't control my Quirk, there's no way I'll ever become a hero! I have to work way harder than everyone else here if I want to succeed. Even if I have a lot to learn, I'll focus on what I can do right now!'


Haru raised his arm to protect his face from the blast of air that shook the training grounds. A slow smile reaching his lips. 'Amazing!'

This time, everyone in the class, including Katsuki, was dumbfounded at the show of power.

Aizawa glanced at his phone and his eyebrows shot up.

705.3 Meters

"Mr. Aizawa."

The dark-haired man looked up at Izuku who was biting his lip to keep himself from screaming in pain from the damage his finger had sustained from the throw.

"You see. I'm still standing."

Aizawa's face became distorted into a maniac grin, "This kid..."

Kaminari gaped, "He threw it over seven hundred meters!"

Uraraka threw her arms up in jubilation, "Nice! He's finally showing us his true power!"

Iida adjusted his glasses as he watched Izuku silently bearing the pain he felt, "But his finger appears to be broken now."

Haru shook his head, "His finger didn't break."

Everyone looked at him expectantly.

"Uh uh. It shattered."

Everyone sweatdropped.

Haru suddenly became serious, "Still. How come he has a Quirk now? He should have gotten one when we were kids. Late bloomers are only found at the age of seven at the very oldest. Izuku is twice that age."

A warning crackle alerted everyone before Katsuki dashed forward, his hands lighting up aggressively.

"Hey! Deku you bastard! Tell me how you did that or you're dead!"

Izuku screamed in terror as the angry ash-blonde bore down on him.

An eruption of paper shot from the ground to in a protective pillar in front of the injured boy as Aizawa's scarf shot out a looped itself around Katsuki's body.

Katsuki strained against his restraints to no avail as the pillar scattered to revealed Haru, the boy's golden eyes blazing in defiance.

"Get out of my way, Haru," Katsuki growled, turning his head to glare at Aizawa, "Damn! Why the hell is your damn scarf so strong."

"Because it's a special capture weapon made out of carbon fiber and a special metal alloy," Aizawa explained his expression hardening, "Stand down."

Haru absorbed the paper around him in obedience to his teacher's order.

"It'd be wise to avoid making me use my Quirk so much. It gives me serious dry eye."

'Too bad! That power's amazing!'

Izuku stared at Haru's back, "Wait. Didn't he use it on you earlier? Why didn't it work?"

Haru tensed a little.

Aizawa smoothly cut the confrontation short as he deactivated his Quirk and released Katsuki.

"You're wasting my time now. Whoever's next can step up."

Haru ushered Izuku around his angry brother and escorted him back to the group.

Uraraka glanced at the green-haired teen's injury, "Ouch! Is your finger okay?"

Izuku put on a brave smile, "Sure."

Haru gently grabbed the injured hand. "Yeah, yeah, tough guy. Give it here," he examined the fracture carefully and gingerly placed his other hand over the broken finger, "This will only help the pain a little, don't injure yourself any more than you already have."

A faint green glow appeared off of Haru's hand. Coating Izuku's finger in its light.

Kirishima's eyes widened, "Wait, you have a healing Quirk too?"

Haru shook his head no, "My Quirk, Origami, is both an emitter and transformation type. It allows me to create and manipulate paper and its properties and to even turn my body into origami. The energy or chakra I use to control my paper can be diverted into other uses. My healing powers are strongly limited, but I hope UA will help me work on that."

A student with a bird-like head named Tokoyami spoke for the first time, "I see. That's what you meant earlier about having the most versatile Quirk in the class. You weren't exaggerating."

Haru stepped away from Izuku and scratched the back of his head, "Yeah sorry about that. I sometimes say things like that without thinking."

Izuku stared at his finger in wonder, "I barely feel any pain!"

Haru sent him a warning glare, "It's still injured, idiot. If you put too much strain on it, you'll start the pain all over again."


(A little while later...)

All the tests were finished. Haru had performed them as he had the others. Poor Izuku had to fight against the pain, despite Haru's healing chakra. Now they were all waiting nervously for the final scores of their tests.

"Alright, time to give you the results I've ranked you all from best to worst. You should probably have a good idea of your standing already. I just pull up the whole list. It's not worth going over each individual score."

The hero pressed a button on his phone and a hologram appeared for them all to see.

1. Momo Yaoyorozu

2. Shoto Todoroki

3. Katsuki Bakugo

4. Haruko Bakugo

5. Teyna Iida

6. Fumikage Tokoyami

7. Mezo Shoji

8. Mashiao Ojiro

9. Eijiro Kirshima

10. Mina Ashido

11. Ochaco Uraraka

12. Koji Koda

13. Tsuyu Asui

14. Yuga Aoyama

15. Hanta Sero

16. Denki Kaminari

17. Kyoka Jiro

18. Toru Hagakure

19. Minoru Minteta

20. Izuku Midoriya

"And I was lying. No one's going home."


Aizawa gave them all a sadistic smile, "That, was just a rational deception to make sure you gave it your all in the test."



Yaoyorozu, one of the recommended students gave them all an apologetic look, "I'm surprised the rest of you didn't figure that out. I'm sorry I guess I should have said something."

Most of the class gave her a tired look.

'Yeah... You should have.'

Sero looked at Kirishima with a relieved grin, "That was pretty nerve-wracking, huh?"

Kirishima grinned back, "Nah. I'm always ready for a challenge."

Haru gave everyone a confused look, "Wait, he wasn't lying. He just changed his mi–mmmff!"

Aizawa suddenly had Haru bundled up in his capture weapon, making sure to gag him well.

"That's it we're done for the day. Pick up a syllabus in the classroom. Read it over by tomorrow morning."

The pro hero slowly walked away. Haru's eyes were hooded and blank while his heels dragged along the ground as his teacher kidnapped him.

Izuku sighed in relief that the ordeal was over.

"Midoriya," the teen jumped as Aizawa turned to face him, "Take this slip and have the old lady fix you up."

Aizawa glanced at Haru expectantly. Haru glared at the man and grumbled under his gag before sighing. The slip of paper floated from Aizawa's fingers and straight to Izuku's hands.

Without further delay, Aizawa left the training grounds, still dragging Haru along with him, "Things are going to be tougher tomorrow when your actual training begins. Make sure you're prepared."

Everyone breathed a loud sigh as their teacher rounded the corner of the main building.

Everyone was suddenly completely silent as they wondered why they thought they had forgotten something.

A sudden gasp came from the invisible girl, Hagakure, "Mr. Aizawa kidnapped Bakugo!"

Katsuki's bristled as he realized the same thing, "What the hell? I'm gonna kill that bastard!"


(A/N) For those unfamiliar.

Katon = Fire Release/Fire Style

Futon = Wind Release/Wind Style

Raiton = Lightning Release/Lightning Style

Doton = Earth Release/Earth Style

Suiton = Water Release/Water Style

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