"Can I attack them all? I'm not done avenging Dante and Helena, Dad!"
(Sudah bisakah aku menyerang mereka semua? Aku belum selesai membalas dosa Dante dan Helena, Dad!) tanya Rose lagi setelah mengabarkan keadaan mereka semua.
"Dante had gone to take the woman with him. But don't worry, Rose. Someone has represented us to end their life today!"
(Dante sudah pergi membawa wanita itu bersamanya. Tapi kau jangan khawatir, Rose. Sudah ada yang mewakilkan kita untuk mengakhiri hidup mereka hari ini!) jawab Tuan Jack.
"What do you mean, Dad?! Why did you let their go?!"
(Apa maksudmu, Dad?! Kenapa kau membiarkan mereka pergi?!) Rose juga marah pada keputusan sang daddy.
"Rose, just shut up and see what Daddy has convinced you at this point. Let's just focus on the children and our battle. This place will be filled with the blood of the enemies today. Just maybe, this will be our last battle, Rose!"