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Kapitel 2: Mikoto (+18)

The raven haired MILF beauty with the body, curves, and tits that rivaled her best-friends, Kushina Uzumaki, stood in front of the sink washing dishes. She was not really concentrating at the moment thought. Right now her mind was recounting the memory of her best-friend and said best-friends son fucking in Kushina's office.

A fully week had passed and the mother could not get over the fact of Naruto's size going in and out of Kushina in such a brutal manner that it did. She never knew a man could fuck as hard as Naruto and if Kushina's expression was anything to go by, he was an excellent lover.

She had masturbated all this week, imagining herself in Kushina's position. Oh how she wished that young blonde stud would fuck her with such passion. 'Naruto-kun.' Mikoto thought in lust while slowly rubbing her thighs together, trying to ignore the burning lust she stored in.

"Mom." The voice of her daughter snapped her out of her daydream. Plastering a smile, she turned to look at her beautiful daughter. She was growing into a fine woman that resembled her. Satsuki had raven hair that was tied in a low ponytail, with bangs framing her heart-shaped face. The girl had a E-cup chest that was very impressive seeing as she was only seventeen. Her body had the curves of a woman in her prime and toned legs from years of physical things she has done through her life.

Seeing her daughter made her shake off the lust of Naruto. Satsuki also had a crush on Naruto since the day she meet him and she couldn't think of her daughter's crush like this. Even if he was fucking Kushina, she wouldn't discourage the growing woman and her ideas of Naruto. Mikoto could also tell her eldest daughter, Izumi, liked the little blonde as well. Even Naruto's sister, Naruko, has sent the boy hints that she liked him more than a sister. It was a common thing among their family to fuck one another so no one really cared.

"Yes Satsu-chan. What is it?" Mikoto asked, giggling a little at the mock angry face her daughter gave her when she used the pet-name Naruto had given her as a child.

"I said stop calling me that!" Satsuki yelled in embarrassment, her face gaining a healthy shade of red. Coughing into her fist, she regained her posture. "I just said Naruto is coming over in a while." She didn't take notice of her mother's stiffening. "We have a project due and just wanted to tell you." Satsuki told her mother.

Mikoto was in distress at the moment. The object of her many fantasies was coming over to see her daughter and she was unsure if she could control her building lust. "A-Alright, Satsuki-chan. I'll set a plate for him at dinner." Her stutter was not heard by her daughter.

The teenager smiled at her mother. "Thanks mom. He'll be over in an hour." With that the busty teen made her way to her room. She had to make sure she looked good for her crush.

Naruto was walking home from school with a small smile on his face. His mother was not at school so he was kind of sad that he couldn't have sex with her in the office. They had been fucking like animals since last week and he was hoping to get some during school. No place in their house went unused in their animalistic sessions. Now walking home, he couldn't wait to release this massive erection that was trying to break out of his pants.

"I'm home!" Naruto announced when he opened the door. The boy smiled a little when he passed the picture of his sister and him a few months ago, before she went to college. She stood at 5'6, just an inch above their Kaa-chan, with long blonde hair tied in twin-tails that reached her plump soft rump and bright blue eyes. Naruko was wearing a pink blouse that strained against her F-cup chest. She was holding onto him with a smile and blush, something Naruto reciprocated in the picture.

Naruto loved his sister just like he loved his mom. After he and his mother had sex, he thought that doing that with Naruko would not be taboo since fucking his mother would be seen as wrong. A blush formed on his face when he thought of his busty mother and busty sister using their tits to get him off.

He would have continued his perverted thoughts if his ears didn't pick up the distinct humming of Kushina coming from the kitchen. Curious, setting the picture down, the blonde walked in the clean kitchen to see a sight that made his arousal and blush skyrocket. The red-head was currently bent over the kitchen table with a washcloth, humming a tune to herself.

She was wearing tight yoga pants that showed off her bountiful rear end and a shirt that was a size too small, showing off her giant jugs that swayed back and forth when she moved. Her hips shook almost hypnotically. "K-Kaa-chan!" Naruto said a little louder than he would have wanted.

Kushina smiled happily to herself. This was one of her plans to get her son ready and willing for a good fucking. She made sure that she scheduled an appointment so she would not be in school today just so she could tease her loving son. If the erection he was sporting told her anything, her plan succeeded. With a lustful smile, she turned glanced to her son. "Hello Sochi." Kushina made sure her voice was as sensual and seductive as possible. "I've missed you." Turning around in a twirl, she thrusted her chest out for Naruto to follow dumbly. "I can see you missed me too." With a head nod to his boner she giggled a little.

The sound of her voice alone caused him to growl lightly. Seeing his mother in such attire got him really hot under the collar and he was just barely holding in his lust at the moment. "Why don't you give your lonely Kaa-chan some attention?" She suggested, now fully leaning on the kitchen table. Legs now spread, she showed her son that her pants were soaked with her arousal.

Not a second later, Naruto had pounced his mother with the ferocity of an animal. Pinning her to the table, he forced his tongue down her throat. "How can I say no?" Naruto whispered out before plunging back in the kiss, his naked prick now rubbing along the lips of her twitching twat.

"Fuck me now!" Kushina growled out, panting between kisses. Giving into his lover, he lined himself up before plunging all the way in with one thrust. He grunted as her tight walls instantly clamped down on his ramming member. "YES!" Kushina yelled out with a happy smile. "Your cock's inside me!" The red head was shocked in pleasure already by Naruto's moving hips.

The woman could only ride along with Naruto's dominating thrusts that continued to send shocks up and down her spine. She will never get over how good he made her feel. "Fuck me! Fuck me you dirty mother fucker! Cover this table and me in white!" Kushina's body was now flat on the table with the blonde loaming over her, his hips disappearing and reappearing in and out of her cunt walls in a rapid tempo. Her dirty talk made him want to hear even more of her sinful demands.

The two continued to fuck for hours. At one point in their endless rutting, Naruto had taken his mother up to her room and banged her so hard her face was set in a perfect 'fucked stupid' expression. Kushina could barely breathe at the moment her son finished shooting his tenth load deep into her snatch. She had lost count on how much she came after the fifth earth-shattering orgasm. Drool rolled down her lovely lips as she felt her son's body press against hers.

Huffing in exhaustion, he sat next to his naked mother with a soft smile. "That was amazing, Kaa-chan." Naruto whispered softly into Kushina's soft red sweat covered hair.

Mother and son's bodies were caked in sweat and must with their combined scent flowing in the air. After a minute of regaining her mind and ability to talk, she looked over to her son/lover with a soft smile. "I know. You fucked me so good." Giggling, the busty well-fucked woman snuggled into his broad chest. "Can we go again?" She asked innocently.

Naruto had to bite the inside of his lips to not give into the desire to take her again. "Sorry, but I can't." Kissing her softly, getting rid of her pout, he explained. "I have to go to Satsuki's house. We have a project to finish up. I think it might take all night. Sorry about this." The teen had an apologetic smile on his lips.

Pouting once more, Kushina was sad at the fact her son had to leave and not give her another ride. Sighing, knowing that school came before pleasure, she nodded reluctantly. "Alright. But I expect you to fuck me extra good tomorrow, dattebayo." She tried to sound stern but the blush and verbal tick didn't help.

Chuckling, thinking his mother was so cute, he gave her a lingering kiss. "I wouldn't have it any other way." Laying there for a few more minutes, he reluctantly got up. "See you tomorrow." Giving her a last kiss and wave, Naruto walked to his room, got dressed and an extra pair of clothes, before walking out the door.

"Hum." Kushina pouted harder as she laid in her bed. "Can't believe Miko-chan gets to have him in her home." She pouted childishly. A devious smirk then graced her lips when she remembered something very interesting.

"This could be fun, heheheh." Chuckling evilly, Kushina thought of many things to mess with her son and best-friend. Kushina was not blind, she had seen the way her best-friend eyed her son like a piece of meat. She couldn't blame her as she has done the same thing. An even more devious and erotic smirk graced her lips when she remembered the blooming woman that was Mikoto's daughter and her own love for her son.

~Satsuki's Room~

Satsuki was looking herself over in the mirror of her bedroom. She had to make sure she looked sexy enough to finally make that stupid blonde notice her. 'That blonde baka.' She thought to herself with a fond smile. Satsuki loved him from the moment she laid eyes on him. Her love grew over time and as she hit puberty, she began to have wet dreams of her getting fucked by her blonde love.

"Uha…" The busty teen shivered lightly as she remembered her dream last night. She was bent over a school table, getting fucked in her tight cunt by Naruto. Shaking the steamy thought away, she looked at herself. A smirk soon appeared.

She wore a black tank-top that hugged her large chest, giving him a view of her cleavage. The tight jeans she wore made her already juicy ass more appealing. If she knew Naruto, though, it was that he liked looking at tits. Satsuki gained a little tick-mark as she remembered him looking at her mother one time.

Shaking it off, she talked her confidence up. "No! This time I'll make the blonde idiot notice me! He'll see how much I love him." She promised herself with a blush.

Just across the hall, Mikoto was sitting in her room with a thoughtful look. She was getting hotter with every thought that Naruto was coming over. 'H-H-He's my best-friends son! My daughter loves him! I can't think of him anymore!' She yelled at herself. With a deep breath, she calmed her slightly wet pussy, before going down to the kitchen to get dinner started.

Outside the house, stood Naruto in a casual white t-shirt and jeans. A nostalgic smile graced his lips as he remembered all the times he came over to play as a child. Now thinking about it, a small blush came over his face as he remembered his childhood friend, Satsuki.

The Uchiha girl was his first crush and he never had the confidence to ask her out and his attention was now set to his mother. He was no cheater and would never betray his mother/lover like that. Still…he couldn't help but admire how beautiful she had become from that cute little girl.

If he didn't have his mother he would have asked her out. With a sigh, he knocked on the door. The teen soon heard a familiar voice say, "Coming!" Door opening, he was greeted to a sight that made him blush.

In the doorframe stood Mikoto in a light yellow apron over a dark purple blouse, showing all her curves in a tasteful manner. His arousal soon came to life but calmed it down, not to raise any attention to the slightly straining pants. "H-Hey Mikoto-sensei." Naruto greeted his teacher. "I'm sorry if this is sudden, but Satsuki said I could come over." He apologized. The teen as trying not to stare at the MILF goddess before him and not make his growing member known to her. It didn't help that he could make out her amazing globs of flesh hanging from her chest.

Mikoto gave the young boy a smile. "Hello Naruto. And yes I know, you two have a project and it is alright. Come in." Turning her body to the side, making her bosom jiggle for his delight, she let him enter. "I'll call her down." At the bottom of the stairs, she yelled up. "Satsuki! Naruto's hear!"

The girl heard it and smiled a bright smile to herself. 'Show time.' "I'll be right down mom!" She yelled back. Looking herself over one more time, making sure she looked good, she nodded her head and walked down the stairs.

Naruto was sure his jaw hit the ground when he saw his childhood friend walking down the stairs in such attire. His eyes shamelessly roamed around her top, eyeing her chest like it was the most wonderful thing in the world. Going down her body, he could see her well-toned stomach from all her years of sports. The pants she wore showed off her amazing curves and wanted, desired, to see her ass. The pants, no doubt, showed off her bountiful rear end better than before. The blush on his face turned atomic. Her angelic face was framed by black bangs and her hair was tied in her usual ponytail.

Satsuki smirked in triumph at the blonde's shocked blushing face. 'Finally got his attention!' She yelled in her head. A chibi version of her danced around. "Hey Naruto. Ready to get the project done?" The smirk still graced her gentle face as he nodded dumbly. "Well come on." She motioned her head to her room.

Following the girl like a lost puppy, he didn't see the slight jealous look Mikoto had given her daughter. She wanted to talk to Naruto a little more but her daughter had caught his attention and left her alone, again. With a slightly sad sigh, Mikoto went back to making dinner.

Walking in the girl's room he noticed it hadn't really changed since they were children. Only more mature things but still had some of the appearance of a girl. It made him smile, seeing she hadn't changed from the sweet girl she was, even though she put up a tough front. "Seems you haven't changed much, Satsu-chan." He teased her by the nickname he gave her years ago.

Satsuki blushed at the name. Hearing it coming from his lips was so much better than hearing it from others. She loved him dearly and wanted him, physically, more. "Heh. Well, I still see you can't remember to wipe the drool off your face." She shot back, taking great pride that she made him drool.

Blushing in embarrassment, Naruto wiped his mouth. "Heheh." He chuckled sheepishly. "Can't help it Satsu-chan." Deciding to tease back, Naruto talked in a husky tone he learned to use with his mother. "You're so beautiful." He rubbed her crimson cheek.

Slapping is hand away and turning around, Satsuki spoke in a slightly higher voice. "L-L-L-L-Let's get to work, idiot!" She went back to insulting, hiding her embarrassment for his teasing. It didn't work as he only chuckled.

"Alright, alright. Sorry. Let's get to work." Sitting down on the floor, he watched the girl go through her back-back on the bed. Blue eyes were hypnotized by the shaking shapely hips of the raven haired girl. Thrusting his hand to his lips, he chomped down on his hand. 'I-I can't! I have Kushi-chan!' Naruto reminded himself that he was not one of those assholes who cheated on his lover.

Taking a quick peek over her shoulder, she saw her plan of making Naruto aroused was successful by the biting of his hand. 'This is going to be fun~.' She thought with arousal shinning in her onyx eyes. "Here it is." She announced, bringing out the project. Sitting down next to him, she made sure to sit closer to him than normally.

As Satsuki began to go over what they have done so far, Naruto was distracted by the fact this busty beauty was so close. His pants started to strain a little when he smelled her scent. It was intoxicating and he wanted, so badly, to push her down. Taking a deep breath, he calmed himself before listening to Satsuki.

The girl pouted inwardly when she noticed Naruto had calmed himself and swallowed his arousal. 'Damn!' She yelled in her head. 'I got to up the ante!' With a slightly mischievous smirk, before she placed the paper down. "We got to do this with the equation then…" Her words were a mystery to the teen at the moment.

When she bent over, Naruto could see the side portion of her chest. 'S-Sh-She's not wearing a bra!' The fact that those wonderful globs of flesh was only one layer away from popping out made him swallow loudly. 'S-She's so-so sexy.' Thought the teen dreamily. Throwing caution to the wind, hoping his mother might understand and be okay, he reached out.

"Now, we have to-AH!" Satsuki let out a surprised yelp when she felt two strong hands wrapping themselves around her torso. "N-N-Na-Naru?" She looked over her shoulder to see her crush holding her.

Lightly grunting, Naruto pulled her by the torso, so her back was now pressed close to his chest. She fit into his embrace like a puzzle. It made him even more aroused. "I-I-I'm sorry, Satsu-chan. B-But I can't take it anymore." Whispered the teen. His hands now ran their way up and down her wonderful curves.

"N-Naru-chan." Satsuki moaned out, the feeling of his strong hands rubbing along her entire body sent pleasing sensations to her core. "K-K-Keep going. I-I-I wanted you to touch me." Admitted the girl, blushing hard at the fact she felt so defenseless right now. "I-I've liked you for a long time."

Blue eyes slightly widened at this fact, before lowering in happiness. "R-Really?" Getting a nod, he buried his head into her creamy neck. "I-I've like you too!" Naruto announced. The smell of her creamy skin made his boner rock hard. So hard, the erection was, that Satsuki could feel the tool resting on her lower cheeks.

"S-So hard and big." Satsuki whispered out hotly. A massive blush on her pale cheeks as Naruto's hands finally reached her sensitive teats. "Iya!" Moaned the beautiful girl.

"W-Wow." Naruto whispered in her ear. His hands gently bounced her tits in his hands. Moving each orb separately, as if weighing them, and loved the jiggling orbs in his hands. "S-Satsuki-chan." Turning her head to his, the blonde captured the girl in a steamy kiss.

'N-Naruto's kissing me!' She cheered in her head. 'After so many years of dreaming, it's finally happening!' Satsuki gave into the kiss almost instantly. Slender arms reached over his head, keeping him close, and deepening the kiss.

With her hands around his neck, Naruto was given free reign of playing with her bountiful jugs. Getting tired with the cloth of her shirt, he pulled it up by the hem. Plunging his tongue in her mouth, taking advantage of her surprised moan when he pulled her shirt up, he grabbed her flesh directly.

'S-So soft~!' Naruto thought in amazement. 'Her melons are softer than Kaa-chan's!' Satsuki's jugs were indeed softer than Kushina's, despite hers being smaller than hers and Mikoto. But if she would grow up like her mother, Naruto knew the raven beauty would be a knock-out in the tits department. He loved the fact they were so soft against his hands. The tit-flesh seemed to mold around his fingers. The moaning girl in his hands made him thank Kushina for all the help she gave him when they fucked.

'H-H-How is he so good?!' Satsuki thought to herself in a pleasant lustful fog. His hands were hitting all the right spots on her breasts only she knew. It amazed her how he knew how to please a woman but she didn't care or question it, brushing it off on instinct. All she could do was moan mindlessly into the steamy kiss that took her breath away.

Not wanting to be idle anymore, she ran her hands through his hair, loving the silky texture, and grinded her hips against the tool on her ass. A twinkle shinned in her eyes when Naruto moaned in her mouth.

"A-Ah!" Naruto left the kiss, saliva connecting them, and moaned out loudly. The feeling of her soft powerful hips rubbing on him made him blush harder. "Y-Y-Yo-You like that…Satsu-chan?" He asked huskily, continuing his ministrations of her milky teat-flesh.

"Y-Yes." The sultry girl moaned out softly. Her voice barely a whisper but Naruto heard it loud and clear. Getting a little bold, he let one hand run down her toned body. The touch made Satsuki's skin prickle. "F-Fuck, Naru." She finally moaned out a dirty word. "You-You're setting my body on fire." Black eyes shot open when she felt his fingers dip down into her most special area. "N-No! N-Not their!" The girl protested weakly. She wanted this but she wanted to make him work for it for a while.

It would have been convincing if the woman's hips weren't bucking against Naruto's rubbing fingers. "Are you sure~?" Naruto asked teasingly. "Seems your body is honest while little Satsu-chan is not." His husky voice made the girl in his arms shiver and whimper.

"I-I-It's because you-you're so good, Naru! Please! Please play with my pussy! I want you inside me!" Satsuki finally let go of her mask and begged her love to please her moist pink lips. Satsuki wanted the hard thing currently riding against her moist cunt.

"My pleasure." Replied the blonde before slowly sliding the juice soaked panties away from her hole. The teen could see and smell the arousal she had. A line of female pre-cum already making a line down to her asshole. "Such a dirty cunt, Satsu-chan. Getting this wet from just playing with these giant tits." Naruto found out he loved teasing Satsuki like this. Her cute moans and heavy blush only made him want to stop his ministrations and fuck her right now.

Satsuki was in heaven right now. The man she loved more than anything was finally doing the things to her she always dreamt of. While his teasing was nice, his fingers hitting all the right spots of her dripping cunt was even more amazing. And his hands on her teats rubbed her sensitive nipples in ways she could never do on her own. But…she wanted him too. "N-Naru~!" Looking into those black lustful eyes, Naruto smirked.

"Yes?" "Let me see yours too!" With a sudden burst of power, she flipped herself over, and pushed him down. Now on top, Satsuki smashed her lips into Naruto's. Leading the kiss, she let her slender fingers dip down to his boxers. Stopping the kiss for a moment, she took off his shirt, revealing his strong body to her. Satsuki let out a silent shutter at the sight. "So hard, Naru~." Satsuki whispered out. Her seductive voice made the tool, now back in her grasp twitch.

Slowly moving her body to his prick, she felt hotter as his skin rubbed along hers. 'I-It's much bigger than when we were kids!' The horny girl thought to herself. "A-Are you…going to touch it?" Naruto's voice made her shake her head, clearing out her shock. While he was shocked at the girl's sudden forcefulness, he found it hot.

"O-Of course!" She said a little too loud. Moving her head down, the sudden scent of his member sent her head into a daze. Finally losing it, she let her tongue slid from the base all the way to the mushroom head. 'I-It's so big!' Satsuki was shocked that she could barely get the pulsing head into her small mouth.

"S-Satsu-chan!" Naruto groaned in pleasure. While she was not as skilled as Kushina, she was still pretty good. His hands ran their way through her silken raven hair. The soft texture was soothing to the touch.

Hearing her lover say her name and petting her head in acceptance, she decided to try harder. Repressing her gag-reflex, she was able to take six inches. "D-Don't r-ru-rush…take your time." Naruto said after heavy panting. He could see the tears in her eyes that were still firmly holding his own. While he was not against shoving his prick down Kushina's tight throat, she actually loved it, doing it to Satsuki seemed…wrong. This had the opposite effect.

Not wanting to be seen as weak, Satsuki pushed herself harder, taking his prick even further down her mouth. Now with ten inches down, the mushroom head was firmly planted against the back of her throat. The feeling of his tool pulsing inside her caused her pussy lips to gush and dampen her underwear. 'H-He's pulsing inside me!' She thought to herself in arousal of the cock she was meat-stick she was sucking on.

"Fuck!" Naruto moaned out when his best-friend had taken more of his meat down her tight throat. Both teen's eyes were dazed in lust. The searing hot gaze of Satsuki was the thing that ended the blonde.

With only a soft shout as a warning, Satsuki was greeted with a large blast of man juice. The juice shot through his balls and shot through his cannon, deep into the sucking girls' mouth. While she was not expecting this, her eyes wide in shock, she soon accepted the shooting load and closed her eyes.

His taste was better than she thought. 'So delicious~!' She thought horny, her fingers now digging deep within her maidenhood. Satsuki marveled at the long ejaculation and globs of white that continued to spurt out. Some dribbled their way out of her mouth. Not wanting to waist it, she took him deeper, eating him whole, and sucked on the purple head with gusto.

"S-Shit!" Naruto shouted out louder. The girl's mouth was amazing and the way she sucked cock was a body melting pleasure. Her contrasting throat muscles around his spurting towel only proved to prolong his climax. "S-Satsu-chan." He moaned tiredly, feeling her mouth slowly leaving his head.

The girl barely heard him as she looked at the semen that coated her fingers and large breasts. "S-So much." She whispered out, digging her fingers through the thick goo before eating it slowly. Naruto had watched the whole erotic thing and regained full mast. Before he could do anything about it, the heavenly voice of the raven haired mother reached their ears. "Kids. Dinners ready."

"F-Fi-Fine mom!" Satsuki squeaked out. She didn't want her mother to come in and see her in such a state of dress and covered in semen. "W-We-We'll be down in a minute!" Staying silent, they let out a relieved breath when her footsteps couldn't be herd. "That was close." The girl said.

"You said it." Naruto agreed with his own sigh of relief. Turing to each other, the two shared a little chuckle. "W-Well…we should really get going." The blonde said with a blush his partner matched.

"R-Right." Satsuki said with a small smile. Pulling down her shirt, she grabbed his arm. "Meet me back her tonight. I'm going to rock your world." Her sultry whisper and the fact she pressed her generous jugs on Naruto, almost sent the teen flying away with a nose bleed.

Giggling a little, taking great pride in the fact she had just shut down his mind, she led him to the kitchen. 'Heheh~.' Naruto mentally giggled perversely. 'Can't wait!' Shoving those thoughts away, he smiled when they entered the kitchen. The blood, again, rushed to his lower head when he too in the form of Mikoto once more. She was as ravishing as ever, and it made him wish she was doing the same thing Satsuki did not too long ago.

"So, how's the project going, kids?" The mother asked the two teens. Both blushed a little but Naruto was the one to the rescue.

"A-Ah it-it's going fine. Satsu-chan had some trouble at first but she and I were able to finish most of it." He subtly teased her and Satsuki caught it and sent him a small, playful, glare. She gave him a light punch and huffed away.

Mikoto could only giggle at the dynamics of the duo. She found it nice to see her usually stubborn and strong daughter relaxing. It only happened when Naruto was around and showed how amazing with people he really is. "Well, please sit. I'll have dinner on the table in a moment." The woman walked to the kitchen counter, unconsciously shaking her rear-end.

"Asshole." Satsuki's punch to the arm knocked him out of his staring. Looking to his left, he saw the busty girl blushing at him. "You're lucky Kaa-chan didn't know what we did." She glared at him.

Naruto only chuckled at her glare. "Oh, don't worry Satsu-chan." He raised his hands in defense. "And besides," His more dominating sexual side came over him as he slid over to the girl. "I thought you looked absolutely sexy with my cock down your throat." The blonde whispered huskily.

Her face was now deep crimson as Naruto's sexy voice sent pleasant shocks to go up and down her spine. She wished dinner was not ready. "B-Baka!" She softly said, but not pushing him away. "Don't say such things." Satsuki now hugged the teen to her, pushing her tits against his broad chest.

"I actually want more." She whispered sultry, her hot breath tickling his skin. "I expect to be full of you by tonight and tomorrow morning." Satsuki smirked when she heard him sputter a little. 'Hehe~. Payback.' She chuckled to herself. Her blush intensified when she felt his hand go lower, now groping at her rump.

Naruto's mind and body was turned on but he had to hold off this feeling until tonight. That didn't mean he couldn't tease the woman hanging off him though. His hands grabbed two handfuls of her bountiful ass. A smirk graced his lips when she jumped a little. "Oh, I promise you won't be able to walk the same from tomorrow onwards." Vowed the blonde. Seeing Mikoto still not here, he leaned down and gave her a lingering kiss that she melted into.

"I'll hold you to that." Satsuki smiled sultry at him. Wanting to give one more tease, she rubbed her delicate hand over his growing bulge. "Don't worry big boy. You'll get the ride of your life." She vowed with a seductive wink.

Softly growling, Naruto nodded, holding in his lust for the teasing girl. "Dinners served!" Mikoto's sweet voice reached both teens ears. The woman came in holding a steaming hot plate of sujiyaki. Setting the hot food down, she noticed the blushed on the teen's faces. "Well, what's with the blushes?" She asked with a teasing smirk. Giggling at the small sputters, she sat down in front of the two sitting teens.

Mikoto could only stare at the eating teen in front of her. 'Ah! Such a manly way of eating!' The mother thought in lust, watching the man before her chew. She couldn't hold it in anymore, she needed to catch his attention from her daughter. With a sneaky smile, hidden by her eating, Mikoto crawled her foot to his pants.

Naruto jumped a little in his seat when he felt something extremely soft hit his jeans. "You okay?" Satsuki's sweet voice made him focused back on her. "U-Uh, I-I'm fine, Satsu-chan. Just a little hot." He explained before blowing on the food. Buying it, Satsuki dug back into her food.

Sending his blue gaze across from him, after feeling a more forceful sensation against his hardening tool, he saw Mikoto giving him a small smirk. The realization of the woman's foot against him made his eyes widen in total shock. 'W-W-What the hell is she doing!? We-We're in front of her daughter and I have my mother and Satsu-chan!' Naruto thought to himself in shock at the woman's boldness.

Forcing himself from the smirking woman, he started a conversation with Satsuki, trying to keep her attention away from her mother's daring actions. His hand twitched every once in a while, the feeling of her foot on his sensitive member was making him want more.

The busty mother was smirking like crazy in her head at the moment. While she was embarrassed at her actions that were unlike her, she was enjoying the fact the boy was trying to distract her little girl from the under the table action. When she felt him look at her, she sent him a teasing wink and small little kiss motions. 'I can't believe I'm doing this! B-But I'm so hot!' Mikoto couldn't hold in her hronyness of the man before her to be inside her, destroying her cunt with the massive rod between her toes.

Now blushing, the MILF could feel her lower lips moisten from the contact. Subtly, she lowered her left hand to her womanhood. When she saw Naruto look at her with wide eyes, she sent him another wink and silent moan, telling him she was about to touch herself to him.

The teen had to take a bite of his chopstick to hold of the moan he let out. This seductive MILF was driving him up the wall in lust. Blue eyes widened even further when Mikoto showed him her amazing dexterity. Taking off her sock, she grabbed his zipper and slowly took the pulsing member out.

Shivers ran up and down her spine at the direct contact of the hot rod on her creamy skin. It was even better than she thought. Mikoto gained a blush of excitement when she saw the pleased look on Naruto's face. 'I'm such a bad mother!' She thought excitedly. Her fingers were now coated in her cum juice. Fingers dug in her tight walls while gently stroking off the, hopefully soon to be fucking her, prick.

"Mh." Naruto let out a soft moan, not being able to hold it in. "Hm? You say something?" Satsuki asked, eyeing Naruto. Looking to the girl, he smiled. "N-N-Nothing's wrong! Just really, really, good!" Naruto took a really big bite out of the food.

"Why thank you, Naruto-kun." Mikoto thanked the teen with a sly smirk still on her face. "I thought you and Satsuki might like the dish. I'm pleased you are enjoying it so much." While she was talking, she didn't let up on her foot-job. Her slender feet rubbing all over his prick. She moaned inwardly, trying to keep in her loud moan from climaxing on her slender fingers.

Naruto sent her a silent glare that was less that intimidating because of his red face. 'Two can play it that game.' The blonde thought to himself. "It was certainly one of the better things I've had at this table." Satsuki snickered a little, before suddenly getting up. "I'm going to wash up." She announced and walked out the room.

Mikoto gave him a little smirk when she saw her daughter now out of the room. "You can let it all out, Naru-kun." Her sexy voice and furiously pumping feet were the end for Naruto. Moaning loudly, leaning back a little, the teen released his hold all over the sexy MILF's feet. Grunting, the teen thrusted his prick against the still stimulating feet. He was sure that Mikoto's feet were covered in his jizz by now.

After his minute release, Naruto relaxed with a sigh before looking back to the mother and widen his eyes. Before him, Mikoto was showing her amazing flexibility by licking the cum off her feet, all while looking at him with those steamy eyes. Naruto let out a silent growl of arousal. Her devious smile turned motherly when Satsuki arrived.

"Thank you mother. It was very delicious." Satsuki thanked her mother, oblivious that her mother just got her love off with her feet.

"Oh, believe me, it was my pleasure." Mikoto replied easily, sending Naruto a sexy wink. The boy's member became instantly hard at this sexy woman's teasing. Smiling, Satsuki looked to Naruto. "Well, I have to take a shower. When I'm done come back to my room so we can finish the project." The girl said with a light blush.

A light blush adored his face, looking at the sexy look she was giving him. "A-Alright, Satsu-chan." Naruto nodded to the daughter. With a happy smile, the girl basically skipped to the bathroom. She didn't know it, at the moment, but Naruto wouldn't have the energy to claim the girl.

Now alone for a good while, knowing Satsuki takes long showers, Naruto turned to the mother and gave her a look. "Now, M-Mikoto. I-I-I like you…I like you a lot. But I also like your daughter." He tried to let her down, but the woman wasn't having any of it.

"Hm." Mikoto leaned her arms on the table, pushing her bust up. "Well, you're quite the player, Naru-kun. Liking your mother's best-friend, her daughter and…" Now leaning very close, she whispered into his ear. Her hot breath sent shivers up and down his spine. "Even going as far as fucking your slut of a mother in her office."

The blonde's mind instantly shut down as his face became white as a sheet at this statement. "W-W-What?" Naruto whispered out, shaking in fear of being caught doing such things with his mother.

The black haired bombshell giggled at the expression. "Oh, don't worry. I won't let your dirty little secret out." He let out a sigh of relief at that. "But, seeing you and Kushi-chan in such a daring position got me hot." Blue eyes stared into black in shock. Slowly, Mikoto let her delicate fingers run down his well-toned body. "Actually, I've had my eyes on you since you hit puberty. You've grown into such a fine young man I can't resist." Now grabbing his hardening prick, she slowly jacked him off. "And I know you have had eyes for me too. I bet you dreamed of fucking me before, haven't you?"

Gulping, Naruto could only nod dumbly. He had dreamed of fucking his sexy teacher many times in the past and even recently. Only this time, he was fucking Kushina and Mikoto. "Y-Yes." He whispered out in a slightly dazed voice. The teen could feel his zipped up pants becoming strained under his growing erection.

"Good." She whispered in a hot tone. Her delicate hand rubbed his covered erection. "Let me see this monster up close." Trailing down, he slowly lifted up his shirt and kissed at his chest, loving the strong form she was hoping to be under very soon. "S-So good." The boy absentmindedly moaned out in pleasure.

The feeling of her soft supple lips against his skin made him shiver in need for this woman. "Ug!" Naruto moaned loudly when Mikoto's hands finally reached his pants. Looking down, he saw the minx giving him a saucy smirk before tearing his pants down, boxers and all.

Upon seeing the veiny monster just a few inches from her lips, Mikoto sat shocked in lust and slight fear. 'H-H-H-He's fucking hung!' Mikoto had only seen a glimpse of the meat stick when it was pile-driving her friend and it didn't prepare her, even her foot-job, for the giant purple head.

"Well," Naruto said cockily. The boy enjoyed the shocked look on the teasing mother's face. She obviously didn't expect him to be so large and he was going to make sure she would be accustomed to it very soon. "Think you can handle me?" The blonde asked with a cheeky smirk.

"O-Oh God!" The dark haired MILF could only whisper in deep lust. "It's beautiful! I've never seen such a giant cock in my life! Can I suck it?" She looked up to his glazed blue with her crazed black. "Let me suck this beast before giving me the fucking of my life!" Mikoto said with a lustful smile.

Returning the smile with a low growl, Naruto nodded, giving her the okay. With that, she gently extended her tongue and lightly licked at the head. Mikoto immediately fell in love with the taste of his pre-jizz that was leaking from the tip. "So tasty~!" She mumbled, her voice sending vibrations along his cock. "How did you become so tasty?" Mikoto asked, not really wanting an answer though as she continued to gently lick and press her lips around his shaft.

"S-Shit! You're so hot!" Naruto groaned and moaned out in deep lust. The soft licks and light licks of Mikoto's skilled mouth were sending his loins on fire. 'Guess I can guess where Satsu-chan got her skills from.' He thought, comparing the blow-jobs of Mikoto and Satsuki. "Uga!" Spit flew from his open maw when Mikoto had finally taken more than just his head in. Her hot mouth made him feel like his prick was going to melt.

Mikoto's mind was firmly focused on earing this powerful member she was currently bobbing her skull on and off. She could feel her pussy lips moisten her panties, and she could feel the familiar heat in her loins. 'He's making me so hot!' She thought to herself as she continued to eat the delicious man-meat. Looking up, she made sure to slurp loudly while she came up, getting the prick all lubed up in her saliva, before taking it back down in one powerful thrust.

"F-Fuck!" Naruto roared out. His mind was hazy and the way the raven haired goddess was slurping on his dick made him want to explode. After a few more minutes of furiously bobbing her head on and off his hips, he couldn't keep still.

Black eyes widened when she felt two strong hands frame her face. "Hmf-!" She mumbled out as Naruto immediately stood up and skull-fucked her as hard as he could. Tears rolled down her lovely red face. She wouldn't admit it aloud, but she loved being fucked like a bitch.

"S-So fucking good! I can't believe your sucking my cock!" Naruto moaned out, absolutely loving the sensation of this MILF sucking him off. "Now I know where Satsu-chan gets her skills from! Her slutty mother is as big a slut as her!" While hearing Satsuki had given him head too shocked her, she pushed it to the back of her hear for now. Rolling her tongue around the penetrating meat-rod, Mikoto could feel her thighs becoming soaked with her female juice.

After minutes of face-fucking, the busty black haired mother could feel the veiny rod between her lips twitch erratically. 'H-He's going to cum!' She thought happily. The teen could feel himself getting closer and closer to exploding with each crash of his hips. Mikoto's mouth was almost as good as his mother's amazing mouth. "F-Fuck!" Naruto roared out. "I-I-I-I'm gonna' cum! Make sure to swallow it all!" He could only get those few words out before his control ended. Spurt after spurt of his seed exploded into the awaiting mouth of the kneeling Mikoto.

"Sooo~~ good!" Mikoto mumbled between cock spurts she tried to gulp down. Holding herself close to him, the MILF made sure to keep the entire monster inside her lips. Swallowing load after load, she climaxed instantly, her mind getting a little hazy.

With a few more painful thrusts, Naruto let his hands off the silken raven hair and stumbled a few inches away from the soaked MILF. Mikoto was in her own world at the moment. The hot feeling of his seed on her skin made her hot beyond belief. "Fuck~. You came so hard sweetie." She whispered out, trailing a finger through the white goo that fell on her tits. With a smirk, she sucked on her fingers, making sure to keep his intense blue gaze, and making lewd slurping sounds.

With a feral growl, Naruto launched himself at the teasing MILF. Consequences be damned! He was going to fuck this tease into the ground! Keeping that in mind, the teen ripped away her skirt before lining his cock up to her twitching hole. Before he plunged in, he looked to Mikoto.

Shaking in lust, Mikoto watched at the wet head of his member press up against her pussy lips. Just the head touching her womanhood sent her into a mini-orgasm that lubed up his prick. "Do it." The mother nodded. "Fuck this pussy before you." And that he did.

Pumping his head in and out of her folds for a few seconds, Naruto breached the woman with a harsh grunt. Mikoto howled out as she could feel the prodigious tool into her depths. The small amount of pain to such a large member was instantly forgotten by the overwhelming pleasure it was giving. 'I-I-I've ne-never felt this full before~~~!' Mikoto squealed in her mind. Her sexy body shook under his strong form now hovering over her.

Naruto grunted in pleasure at the tight hold this cunt had over his tool. It was like the first time with Kushina; he had to keep still before really fucking the MILF. The blonde knew he was larger than most males so Mikoto needed time to get used to the new size she would be getting from now on. His blue eyes widened in happiness when Naruto felt the familiar heat of female cum wash over his pulsing prick.

With the cock-head now tightly pressed up against her cervix, Mikoto's toes curled and her eyes rolled to the back of the sockets. Powerful legs were crushing Naruto's stationed hips as she continued to shake and silently shrill over the euphoria filling male.

Looking back into the man that now ruined her for others, she let out one demand. "Fuck me! Fuck me you stud!" With that lustful cry another, louder, one escaped her juicy lips. "Ah-Mph!" Her yell would have been heard through the neighborhood if Naruto hadn't captured her lips with his. The blonde's tongue easily dominating hers while bashing his hips against the beautiful Mikoto.

'Sh-She's so hot inside!' Naruto thought as he continued to drive his rod in and out of the tight hold her pussy had over him. Wildly kissing the woman, he ran his left hand up to her left teat and squeezed. Grunting a little, he put more power into his thrusts as the new hold her pussy had didn't want him to retreat.

Mikoto's heavy teats bounced in Naruto's grasp with every punishing strike he gave her body. The woman's leg muscles were beginning to cramp from the tight hold she had while her speech had long since passed from being coherent. All she could do was try and kiss and thrust her womanly hips against his rutting member. Shakily, she wrapped her arms around his neck, making him lean over to her shoulder, and lay gentle kisses to his neck.

Naruto did the same, leaving his marks on the raven beauties skin for only him to see in such a manner. It was a dizzying thought that he was making this MILF his own just like he did with Kushina. His balls slapped loudly against the plump flesh that was Mikoto's ass. "So good~!" Turning to the left a little, he could see Mikoto's lust infused eyes looking at him. "Y-You're fucking me so good, Naru-kun! How are you this good?" She moaned out with heavy breaths. Sweat had long since coated one another's bodies, making a disturbingly pleasing sound that made the boy growl in a feral manner.

"You already know don't you." Naruto said between haggard breaths and powerful hips jabs. "You saw me fucking my slutty mother into oblivion. And you're a slut too!" His breath hitched a little as when he said that, her pussy walls clamped to him. "Getting off on watching your best-friend getting fucked by her son!"

"Y-Yes!" Mikoto moaned out, feeling hotter than before at being called a slut by her younger lover. "I'm such a slutty mother for wanting this young cock inside!" She squealed out in surprise when she found herself in a lotus position. Naruto's hands gripping her shapely hips, bouncing her on and off his prick in a rapid tempo. Thrusting herself up, she squashed her tits into his face. "F-Fuck! Suck me! Suck my tits you dirty mother fucker!" She pleaded with a lewd expression.

"So fucking hot!" Naruto groaned out between sucking and licking each wonderfully delicious breasts. Mikoto could feel all of him through her body. Screaming, she grabbed his back tighter that before as she felt her belly knot around his member. Naruto had a similar feeling in his loins. The teen could feel his prick twitch erratically with each pump. This MILF's slutty body was milking his balls for his seed.

"Oh, oh fuck!" She screeched out. "I-I-I-I'm going to cum! I'm going to cum from Naruto-kun's cock so deep inside me!" Mikoto yelled out. Her bouncing body thrashed against his own, driving him closer to his own climax.

"S-Shit!" Naruto yelled out, leaving his suckling to face the lovely red face of Mikoto. "You're gonna' make me blow! I'm going to fill this slutty MILF pussy with cum! Get ready!" With a slight grunt, he stood, making the woman hold on tighter, and bounced her harder on and off his thumping hips and prick.

"YES!" This bitch roared out in ecstasy. Her face set in the sexiest look her never thought Mikoto could make. "Don't waist a single drop! Pour it all inside me!" Making sure he didn't pull out, when he thrusted back in, she used her long legs to hold him there and squeeze her pussy around his tool.

This new hold and her dirty voice was all she wrote for Naruto. With a loud roar, which was stopped from filling the home by Mikoto's supple lips, the teen spilled all his spunk inside the sexy hanging mother. Shaking heavily, Naruto brought Mikoto down as he continued his climax that reached her cervix.

Mikoto's mind was filled with white, her vison blurred, as her eyes flew to the back of her skull. Her climax coated both lover's lower bodies combined cum. Trembling, Mikoto kissed Naruto with wild passion and lust that made both lose track of time of how long they came.

"F-Fuck!" Naruto's seed blasted out his twitching rod. Piercing through her womb, his cock-head reached the back of her and exploded all its content. Mikoto swore she could see God the moment his seed hit the back of her womb. A silent shrill escaped her lips as she had the greatest orgasm of her life. Her late husband paled in comparison to this young man.

Cumming for so long, their combined fluids rushed out of Mikoto's well-fucked whore-hole. Shuttering, the woman leaned her entire body on Naruto, making them fall to the ground in a hot mess. The blonde instinctively wrapped his arms around her smaller frame while his rod kept pumping all the baby batter.

"S-Shit!" Mikoto whispered out in a dry and tired voice. She couldn't believe the young boy she had known for eighteen years could be this good a fuck. "You fucked me so good stud. I can't believe how amazing you are." She complemented her new lover.

"Huff…thanks. That was amazing, Miko-chan." He said with a smile, squeezing her body a little tighter. "I can't believe we did this." Naruto let out a little chuckle. "Does this mean…we're together? I-I-I have Kaa-chan, and I don't know what she'll think-!" He was cut off as Mikoto kissed him once more. Unlike the kisses when they were rutting like animals, this one showed her love for him.

Leaving the kiss, she sent him a warm smile. "Just leave that to Kushina and I. I know her better than you do, after all." She reminded him with a wink. A little hesitant, the blonde gave into the logic behind her words. "Alright." Satsuki's voice then reached their ears.

"Naruto! Are you coming up?!" Blue eyes widened a little, now remembering Satsuki and what she wanted to do tonight. 'Shit! What am I going to do?!' He thought to himself.

Seeing her new lover in thought, Mikoto decided to answer Satsuki. "He'll be up there in a few minutes, sweetie." The mother answered. "Alright!" They heard the door close and Naruto let out a relieved sigh.

"Thanks, Miko-chan." The blonde thanked his second lover. "I guess…I got to go." He said with a sheepish grin. He didn't really want to leave a woman he just made love to alone.

With a sweet smile, Mikoto gave him a chaste kiss. "Don't worry. I get it. I'll see you in the morning." Saying that, Mikoto disengaged from Naruto, moaning in disappointment at the empty feeling, before walking away. Well…more like limping away as her legs felt like jelly.

Watching the sexy woman walk away, he felt himself becoming hard. Biting his knuckle, he swallowed his lust to throw that sexy minx against the wall and fuck her entire body until it was white. Slowly standing, Naruto got dressed before walking up the stairs to Satsuki's room.

Slowly opening the door, his erection came back to life as he gazed upon the figure sensually laying on the bed. The busty teen was wearing a bathrobe open, showing her lean and toned body, along with her amazing jugs. Satsuki was giving him a steamy look that made his heart beat a little faster. "Hello, Na-ru-to-kun~." She spelled out his name sensually. "Why don't we get started?" Opening her robes, her smirk widened as the blue eyes instantly locked onto her chest.

Jumping on her, she let out a happy giggle before her mouth was claimed by Naruto's. Now on top, the teen's hands went to her jugs and gently massaged them in a slow manner. Satsuki moaned in appreciation at the attention. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she tried to deepen the kiss before Naruto let go. "H-Hey!" She shouted out. Her face was flush in arousal and need.

Gently smiling, he pushed a strand of hair from her lovely face. Caressing her face, Naruto gave the girl a little kiss. "Not yet, Satsu-chan. The time we do this…it will be much more special and meaningful." Looking deep in her eyes, he basically begged. "Please. Just wait a little longer."

Looking at him for a moment, his hot breath sending goosebumps down her skin, she huffed and turned her head. "Fine!" Letting out a relieved sigh, he smirked at the demand that came from her lips. "But you have to cuddle with me as payment." Satsuki demanded with a healthy red on her face.

"Heheh." Naruto chuckled, bringing her into a hug. "Of course, Satsuki-sama." He teased out, before pulling her in his embrace and fall to the bed.

Both blushed nicely as they felt one another's bodies against the other. But, with a sweet smile, Satsuki looked into the eyes of the love of her life. "I love you." The words she only used for her family escaped her lips.

Eyes a little wide at the confession, Naruto looked back with shimmering eyes. "I love you too." Giving her forehead a kiss, the two soon found themselves in a deep sleep.

~Next Day~

Kushina and Mikoto were sitting in Kushina's office with smiles. "Well…I can't believe you actually did it, Miko-chan. He's amazing isn't he?!" Kushina gushed with a blush. Mikoto had wanted to talk to her best friend about what she had done and was expecting this type of reaction.

Giggling a little, she nodded. "Indeed he was. Naruto was like an animal in the sack." She smiled before looking at Kushina with a serious look. "What does this mean for us?" She asked, though already having an idea of what Kushina was about to say.

"We're going to share him, obviously!" The red-headed bombshell said like it was obvious. "Besides, we have fucked before so it won't be too much of a shock." She reminded her friend of their past lesbian actions.

With a smirk, she nodded. "Well…why not call Naruto here?" Seeing the familiar twinkle in Mikoto's eyes, Kushina returned the smirk and twinkle.

Pressing the intercom, Kushina's voice could be heard through the entire school. "Can Naruto Uzumaki please report to the principal's office? Naruto Uzumaki, please report to the principal's office." Leaning back, the two waited for the plan they had in mind.

SopitaCx SopitaCx

¡Enjoy! ^^

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