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1.69% Prince of Demons / Chapter 1: (Ch 1)Faith Exodus
Prince of Demons Prince of Demons original

Prince of Demons

Autor: vVip3rzzz

© WebNovel

Kapitel 1: (Ch 1)Faith Exodus

Noah Hugh didn't have a bad life but he hadn't had a good one either. Maybe thats why when he was hit by a drunk driver he didn't even try too move out the way. Noah hadn't ever met his parents and when he grew up he never connected with anyone.

He would never let anyone into his life and they in turn wouldn't let him into theirs, thats how he lived his life alone. Noah didn't enjoy it but he never felt like he had a choice in the matter so he accepted it and moved on. In his 16 years of life he'd never met anyone that felt closer then a stanger so when that drunken idiot lost control and drove into him. He didn't move. He just stood there, sure that no one would morn his death and even more sure that he'd be better off anywhere other then here.

'What the hell'

Where he ended up he didn't know for sure. It was too dark to see and he could barely move his limbs. Noah was conscious but that was about it for what he could tell about his current state of being. Apart from the bliss he felt from time to time it really was just that.

'Well I guess this could be hell as much as it could heaven. I dont feel hungry and I'm not tired but at the same time I'm alone in this darkness with nothing and no one. It's not exactly good or bad, kinda like my life, it just is. Its just death nothing more nothing less'

He continued in this void of darkness for awhile.

Noah was wondering when this void would take his sanity. Leave him nothing more then a broken husk of a being without a clue where or what he was but it didn't. Everytime he thought that isolation type sanity would set in, he felt that bliss feeling again without fail.

'What is that'

Noah would wonder until one day while in his void as he dubbed it he heard something.

"Your Majesty Eshir its an honor too see you again"

"Spare me your words. I'm having enough trouble as is not killing anything in my sight due to this, I dont need your boot licking as another reason. Now how are the dragonkeeps faring"

"Good yo....."

Noah had no idea how or why but he could hear words being spoken. Although there was clearly something blocking him from hearing them clearly. It was also strange that the voices spoke in a language he didn't speak nor had ever heard of yet he understood every word they said.

Although Noah continued to be bathed in the void with no end in sight the voices and converstations he heard relaxed him quite a bit. It was like the backround music he would listen too while reading on the school bus.

He would often hear different voices but one voice, that of a calm yet distant woman, would always be heard louder and clearer then the others. The voice was quite domiant and commanded respect. From the converstations Noah could pick up he assumed this woman name was Eshir Exodus and she was a queen of some sort.

Some times when he assumed the woman was alone she would talk to herself and someone she called Faith. What intruiged Noah was that to all those she spoke to Eshir was cold and uncaring but when talking to this so called Faith she was always kind and gentle. To be honest Noah was pretty jealous of whoever this Faith guy was. Although he would never reply that didn't stop her words of love and compassion in the slightest if anything it made them grow.

Noah had always wanted what Eshir was giving Faith. It was love and kinship with another that Noah had always longed for in his isolation and Now he was left with nothing but his thoughts he was able to truley understand that.

'I wonder if that is what this empty world is trying to show me'

He pondered

If the whatever put him here was forcing him to be a spectator so he could witness what he was missing, what he desired. Then Noah could only agree they were right. Noah could only hope that in his next life if he got one he'd be able to be as kind and caring to others as Eshir was too Faith. Then just maybe he'd be able to make them feel like he was sure Eshir made Faith feel.


Alas Noah was floating in an empty space probably trapped for eternity in this death like void.

'Least I got Eshir'

he reminded himself

Although the coverstations Eshir would have were with many and about a wide range of topics Noah listened with intrest all the same, somehow growing closer too his void companion by the day.

"Lady Eshir, How is the baby coming?"

'Baby. Wait is Eshir pregnant, if so good for her I hope her baby's wonderful like her'

he thought genrally happy that Eshir at least had some none plutonic relasnship apart from Faith.

"Yes well its annoying as ever" - Eshir replied in her normal disgruntled tone

Although Noah guessed it probably wasn't the case he'd made a habit too assume Eshir was an extreme Tsundere. It made all of her interactions with others extremely funny in Noah's eyes, turning her from the cold heartless demon queen she was into an extremely shy girl who was just too scared to say how she really felt.

"Lady Eshir if I may ask, why did you agree too the deal with that overgrown lizard" - the manly voiced asked clearly concerned

'Overgrown lizard....wait does this dude mean Eshir fucked a dragon....HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHA!!!'

Noah couldn't stop laughing at the thought of Eshir the tsundere confessing to a dragon under a cherry blossom tree. The thought was just too far fetched yet too funny for him too stop.

"That "Overgrown Lizard" as you called him happens to be both the wisest and most powerful being on this contient. Our mutual interest for a heir combined with our powerful and royal bloodlines I might add, led too this. So while I don't care about the dragon the same way he doesn't care about me, insulting him could lead you too be on the wrong side of my child. That is something I assure you that you don't want" - The statment was clean and cold like Eshir always was.

Noah was inwardly proud watching Eshir roast this man into dinner for insulting her baby daddy who Noah pretended to also be a tsundere. He couldn't tell you why he found it so funny it just was.

Time passed and Eshir continued being Eshir while Noah was sat back as a spectator or rather listener to her life. His hearing got clearer and clearer as the days went on too the point where at one point he could even hear a heartbeat which he assumed was Eshir's. It was very calming to hear the Heartbeat of the person who Noah could honestly say he had grown the closest too in his entire life.

While he knew he'd probably never meet Eshir he wished he could. If only to thank her for what she'd shown him, though knowing her any words of affection in the slightest would be met with a swift death on Noahs part. Still I'd be worth it.

And so he stayed back and listened until one day he heard something that sounded rather important.

"I think I'm going into labour" - Eshir said suddenly to her personal secretary

"Are you sure Lady Eshir" - she asked concerned

Eshir knew her body inside out so she was sure of what was happening, still she couldn't help but worry.

Noah was like always sitting back listening hoping the labour went well for Eshir's sake. That was until he felt a pulling force. He'd never felt anything in any direction in this space, hell he wasn't even sure if there was directions here. Yet there it was, a pulling force and with it he lost the ability to hear Eshir.

That made Noah far more sad then he thought it would. He knew he had devolped a connection towards Eshir but now he was going he didn't want too. The silence that had orginally comforted him was now drowning him and he couldn't do anything about it.

Where ever he was going he knew he couldn't fight it.

Yet he still wanted too.

Noah really, really didn't want to leave Eshir without a goodbye even if she didn't know who he was.

The pulling got stonger and stonger, eventually Noah could see a light being pushed towards him, or rather he towards it. Just as he was about too reach it a giant hand the likes of which Noah had never seen ripped him out of the void.


He thought wondering why he was so naive too believe there was one.

Still when he pulled out his eyes took a second too asjust to the light. He found himself inside a massive elegant room fit for a king with tapestry and treasures adorning every inch of it. There were even scary and powerful weapons every now and then.

"Lady Eshir, It seems like you've given birth to a healthy baby boy"

'say what' - Noah thought happy to recognized the name but also equally confused

It was only then he noticed a woman with an imposing figure lying on the bed that was far too big for one person infront of him. She was adorned even bloody from childbirth in an aura that would make kings and dragons alike cower before her. There was only one person who could match that description.

Eshir Exodus.

Noah still couldn't really comphend the situation but he could understand that the woman infront of him was the one he so desprately wanted too meet and that was enough too calm any worry in his heart.

"Lady Eshir, Is it okay if we clean him" - one of the ladys in the room asked expectantly.

'Why can I understand them. Its far more jarring too see their mouths not match their words outside the void'

Noah thought

"Yes you may, just bring him back quickly" - Eshir said with a slight unwanting in her gaze as she starred at Noah

Him none the wiser just happily starred back at her completely oblvious too the situation. In the next few moments three of the women brought him to another room chatting excitedly while washing everypart of Noah's body. He didn't really see any reason too fight it since he was dirty in gods knows what and hadn't had a bath in a long time.

"I wonder what kind of mother Lady Eshir will be like" - one asked

"Duh She'll be cold yet correct like she always is, probably ruthless too" - another answered

"Are you sure. I thought considering who the boys father is she might be a tad gentler with him. I mean when you think about it this little boy is the heir too two of the most powerful race's royal familys"- said the third

"Yeah but Eshir is still our Queen, the Queen of demons. She isn't going to change who she is because of the childs bloodline" - the cynical one added

"I think we'll just have to wait and see wont we. It probably depends on what the child is like" - said the one who had asked first looking expectantly at Noah

Noah, who was privy to this entire converstation could only shrug. Not only did he not know where this so called child was, even if he did they were the child of two royal bloodlines that were apparrently revered for their power. What could Noah do to change such a child. He didn't know and neither did he care, Noah was focused on improving himself and being kind to others now that he was alive again, he had no time to play baby sitter. Plus he still wanted to be friends with Eshir if possible but knowing her it probably wasn't going to happen.

Noah was shortly brought back into the room where to his suprise he was put right next to Eshir on the bed that was far too big for one person, then again this was Eshir.

"Leave us, I'd like to be alone with my child" - Eshir stated too which all the others left.

After they were gone Eshir sat there looking at the door for a long time. Noah himself wasn't exactly in a rush to go anywhere and since Eshir's child wasn't in his field of view he probably still had time. Eshir then got up to check the door before surrounding the entire space in what Noah assumed was a magic barrier.

'Well that was neat'

Noah thought while still starring at Eshir in awe.

It was only then he became aware of the fact that he was very small and very naked. Noah was very embarrased to not have realised he was naked until now and horrified at how small he was compared to everything else. But as those thoughts settled he realised it was likley he was just a baby again

'Maybe I can get Eshir too pity adopt me. Yes I very much like that idea' - he thought cracking a grin across his face

Eshir turned around and for the first time in her life, faced a problem she didn't know how to solve. However all Eshir knew was she was tired and needed rest all other problems could follow her lator. With that conclusion Eshir stripped herself of all her cloths and waltz over too the bed her child sat on.

Noah on the other hand was horrified beyond belief and now wanted out of the room as much as the attendants. Eshir was easily the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. She had snow white hair that dripped down to the her waist with eyes of purple too match. Her body for lack of a better word was the perfect hour glass figure, only thanks too her height of 6.2, was much more impressive and beautiful. She was built like a goddess but she was also equally chilling too the point that Noah didn't want too think about how many people she'd killed nor how many would have killed to see the sight Noah was witnessing.

'Well I want to feel guilty except I dont. Maybe its because I'd never seen her but seriously this woman is a real demon queen and also fucken beautiful' - Noah thought as he watched her walk towards him

Eshir walled slowly until she reached the bed at which point lifted the covers and then simply sat next to Noah. She was so much bigger then him yet the height difference didn't matter to him at all since he could see she was struggling too decide on something.

Noah had long since tried too talk and failed but he felt looking at Eshir that he needed to offer her a helping hand so summoning all the strength he had, he pushed himself onto her thigh. Eshir was ripped out of her contemplating by her Faith landing himself on her thigh. She looked down too see her Faith looking up at her with happy and calm eyes before giggling to himself.

Eshir had long since had this delema but with being actually able to see and feel Faith it had increased a thousand fold. When she had orginally gotten pregnant there was no love between her and Faith's father and there still wasn't. Eshir had just wanted to create the most powerful heir possible for her thrown. Yet the more time she had spent Pregnant the closer she had grown to Faith, before without even realising it she would talk too him whenever she was alone.

It was a problem because she knew she was developing motherly love for her child. Eshir had been born cold and calculating too a father and mother who didn't care for her. She never loved nor cared for anyone and yet because of that her feelings for Faith had almost become an acculation of all the lack of care for something she had in her life.

Even though it was a hard thing for Eshir too come to terms with, she loved Faith more then anything else. No she didn't care at all for anything but Faith. He was a shining sun in Eshir's world she never knew was dark to begin with. Her worries were blown away when she had talked to him at night while she slept. She grew more tender and caring of Faith before she even knew it everyday till eventually she couldn't help but say she couldn't bare too give him away.

Lucky for her Faith's father didn't really care about Faith at all. He had just wanted a powerful offspring, at least thats how Eshir saw it. As long as Faith simply existed he would be content, maybe visiting once in a while too teach and train Faith as he was both a dragon and a demon, and royal ones at that.

Though Eshir had tried to keep the facade up around her attendants now she was alone with Faith she could be honest with herself and him. In her desire to Adore Faith in everyway possible and too make him feel as safe and happy as she could.

Noah was suprised when he saw Eshir's cold expression break into one of pure motherly love. It was the most tender smile Noah had ever seen filled with adoration for him and him alone. Using both of her hands Eshir had picked him up cradling him like he was the most important thing in the world

"You dont need to look scared my little Faith, mommys not going to hurt you or let anyone else for that matter" - she said affectionatly caressing his pure white hair he had recieved from her

'Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait .....oh I think I get it ....... Errors have been made' - was the only thing he could even muster too think

vVip3rzzz vVip3rzzz

Just saying I mass posted the first 11 chapters, you'll get my actually AN when you get past 12 chapters.

Sorry lol

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