Esther and Reggie reached Royal's Closet after an hour. By the time they reached it's already 11.30 A.M. In another half an hour it would be lunch hour. Esther sighed as she sat in her chair. She called Nicholas and asked for the work report for the past two days.
"Princess, I found a few famous designers but they are all demanding lots of money," Nicholas said.
"Hmm… We don't have time. There are only three months. We need a lot of staff, material, and production on time. What to do? And famous designers would demand a lot, also we can't control them." Esther sighed.
"Princess…. Why don't we take help from your brother?" Nicholas said.
"If I wanted to take their help, I wouldn't have started this business. I would have gone to the family business and started my work there." Esther said outrightly rejecting the suggestion.