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63.63% Avatar: Macai's Journey / Chapter 49: Aftermath Part 1

Kapitel 49: Aftermath Part 1

The Phoenix King Ozai and his loyal servant Azula have been overthrown. Zuko has now taken the title as Firelord and leader of the Fire Nation. Macai has been reinstated as the leader of the 31st Company and as a Fire Nation commander. Macai's charges of treason have been revoked. Now the 31st are attending one of Zuko's formal celebrations at the Fire Nation palace, where he declares his new plans.

The palace celebration room has dark red walls, several fancy pictures, gold markings, several balloons, and black tables. The tables have wine cases, silver plates, silver spoons, silver forks, and small cakes. There are several Fire Nation elites at this meeting, which makes it different than many of his recent meetings. Zuko is wearing dark red robes with black and gold markings.

Zuko has also invited several Fire Nation members who have been strong advocates for change and some of the members were involved with the United Way movement. While they may not have admitted in the past, multiple leaders formally stated their involvement after the war's end. Zuko stands in the back of the room with General Mak on his right. Macai is a few feet away from him with Kanna, Dade, Sonna, and Rosh near him.

Zuko: "Greetings everyone, it is an honor having you all here. Being in this palace feels surreal. It is full of so many good and bad memories. Though honestly, more bad than good. Hopefully, we can change that. We have an opportunity for a new start. For so long, our nation has caused damage to those around us. It is time we give back and make this world a better place."

An elderly man interrupts, "This world? Your focus should primarily be on the people of OUR nation! Though the crimes of the past on other nations were egregious, it is only natural that every government prioritize its own people."

Zuko responds, "Our nation has more than enough wealth to share and we can afford to take a few steps back in our luxury. The best well-being for us is the best well-being for all. Living to dominate other territories is not sustainable, as you should know. We will live better as our allies get more wealth and we benefit through their trade. In the meantime, we might have to make some minor sacrifices."

A woman shouts, "You weak fool! We can't afford to do that. The minute we pull back, other nations will pass us up and sabotage our growth. A lot of them will never forget what we did and will try to keep us down."

An older man interrupts, "No, the Firelord is right, we should change our image." The crowd begins to argue.

Zuko raises his hands, "People, relax. I want you all to know that your opinions are valued but stick with me. You will like what I am doing and find that my decisions are great for the long-term peace of our nation. On top of that, our economy will be vibrant but we might take some setbacks as we lose the benefits that came with our oppression."

A middle-aged businessman asks, "What about the slave labor that we got from old prisoners of war?"

Zuko answers, "Those slaves have already been freed and are being sent back to their homes. We will lose some labor and productivity. Our workers will be forced to scale back, but it's going to be alright. We just need to get creative instead of using brute force to get what we want." After the discussion is over, Zuko looks at Macai.

Zuko: "Look at you, I haven't seen you face to face in over five years." Macai smiles as he looks at his old acquaintance. Macai was just thirteen when Zuko was banished and Zuko was fourteen. Now Macai is the proud Commander of the 31st and Zuko is the Firelord.

Macai responds, "No look at you. You've grown so much, no one would have ever guessed you'd be Firelord. But now look at you, Mr. Big Man! You are so much more mature than before and when I look at you I feel a sense of power. Not just physical power, but something more... I get the feeling you are a man with strong convictions and dedication beyond what I've ever seen. Well maybe except for what I saw from Samira."

Zuko smiles, "I heard a lot about her. That she was an excellent and bold warrior. It must be an honor to have her in your unit. Where is she?"

Macai sighs and Kanna looks down. Rosh: "She is gone. But she didn't go down without a fight. If it wasn't for her, we might have lost some other great soldiers that day."

Zuko looks down then looks back up, "I see. I wanted the chance to meet her but maybe we all will in the afterlife."

Macai: "She would have loved you. She would have teased you and probably messed with you a bit. But she would have admired your courage and charisma."

Zuko: "I could use someone like her for a little motivation. I heard she could even pump you up when you were down."

Macai nods, "Even I will never have as much charisma as she did. She wasn't as into giving speeches as me, but she sure knew how to get people going. She always had the right outlook on things and was always game for more."

Dade: "Well no one is perfect, but she never let a loss get her down and I mean any kind of loss. Whether that was the loss of a loved one or a setback in battle. She was the soul of the 31st."

Zuko: "Then what is the soul of it now?"

Macai answers, "Honestly, that is a question that none of us know. We need to redefine ourselves and figure out who we are. In the past, the war defined us. Our place in the old order. Then when I was betrayed it became about taking that order down. Now, we need to figure out what we want from ourselves."

Zuko extends his arms, "There is a whole world out there. I want our nation to define ourselves and I don't really know what that means either. I am going to get different leaders together in our nation but I'm also going to get opinions from outside of our nation to figure that out. I'm also taking some advice from the Avatar to see."

Kanna: "I'm sure he has a lot of great advice."

Zuko scratches his head, "He is very wise for his age, but he's still only thirteen. To be honest, he had been of modest help so far. But I always keep him in mind."

Rosh: "What about Iroh? That man has a mountain of knowledge."

Zuko: "I definitely ask Iroh a lot of questions. He is my main guide, but he keeps telling me I have to find my own way and that these are different times. He tells me to get to know the people around me and to base my solution on context."

Macai: "That sounds like good advice. I'd be stressed out if I were in your position. War is one thing, but politics is another. My job is straightforward and your's is very complex."

Zuko: "If I knew this is what being a Firelord was like, I'd honestly switch positions with you Macai. You are more strategic than me, perhaps you should look into politics."

Macai shakes his head, "I'll pass on that one. Destiny has handed you this position, you shouldn't shy away from it."

Zuko gets a serious face, "On the other hand, I will FIGHT for what is right for this world! I will also fight for MY PEOPLE in the Fire Nation! You are right Macai, this is my duty."

Rosh comments, "Relax my dude."

Zuko chuckles, "It was good seeing you all. I missed your humor, Rosh."

Rosh cheeses, "Thanks."

Zuko looks at Kanna, "And you are Kanna."

Kanna smiles, "Yes."

Zuko: "That is the same name as Katara's grandmother."

Dade: "Who's Katara?"

Macai explains, "She is the waterbender who trained Aang. I read that in a military report."

Rosh: "Oooh and there is that cool girl from the earthkingdom, Toph. I want to meet her one day."

Zuko: "Hmm, she'd probably give you a hard time Rosh."

Macai: "There is another one, a boy named Sokka. I hear he is quite the jokester, and he likes to use a boomerang in battle."

Dade: "A boomerang? What kind of battles did he fight in?"

Zuko: "Oh nothing big like the 31st. Well outside of the last one, the earlier assault on the Capital, and the Siege of the North."

Macai nods, "Those are some pretty big battles, so he has my respect."

Zuko: "He also got in a lot of fights against Azula's team and against my old team."

Rosh: "We get it, he's a good warrior."

Zuko: "He also is clever and good at coming up with schemes."

Macai: "I'm sure you could use some of that on your side. If you are anything like the Zuko I used to know, you are very brash."

Zuko: "That is still somewhat true. I have become a bit more patient now. But now I have General Mak to help me a little. Mak is a bit more reserved and he will be a good second opinion." Zuko notions for Mak to join the discussion. Mak has black hair, pale skin, a moderate height, moderate build, long nose, dark brown eyes, and thin ears.

General Mak: "Commander Macai, it is an honor. It is also great to meet you Rosh, Kanna, and..."

Dade: "Dade."

Mak: "What did you think of the discussion Dade?"

Dade: "It wasn't supposed to be a discussion, it was just supposed to be Zuko's speech. All of the interruptions changed that."

Mak shakes his head, "It will only be worse with his public meetings but the people will ignore it for now. They all know the devastation that has come with the previous war. Especially with the recent defeat and the naval losses during the Siege of the North. That will buy us some time to get the people on board."

Kanna replies, "Good luck with that."

Mak: "Thanks, we're gonna need it."

Rosh: "When the expert says that, you know you're in trouble."

Zuko: "It's going to be fine, we'll take it one step at a time. With that being said, I must be on my way. I need to get some rest, tomorrow will be a big day for me. I will be meeting with leaders from the Water Tribes and Earth Kingdom to discuss a new war restoration project. I'm going to have the Fire Nation rebuild the cities it has damaged during the war."

Macai: "That is commendable." Mai hugs Zuko from behind. She is wearing an elegant dark red dress with black markings.

Zuko smirks, "Mai."

Mai: "How's my favorite Firelord doing?"

Zuko: "Twenty times better now that you're here."

Rosh: "Get a room you two."

Zuko: "Sounds like you're jealous Rosh."

Macai, Kanna, and Dade react, "Wooooh."

Rosh laughs, "Maybe you're right. I haven't had a girl in years."

Zuko winks at Rosh, "You'll get there someday. Now, if you excuse me. I really need to be going so that I can get rest before tomorrow." Mai smiles at Zuko. Zuko and Mai leave.

Macai looks at General Mak, "Shouldn't you be getting some rest too."

General Mak: "Actually, now that you mention it, I'm going to say something to Zuko before he goes to bed. I need to make sure he remembers a briefing procedure." Mak departs.

Macai laughs, "That man had a hard life, I'm so glad to see him winning now."

Rosh: "That man is living his best dreams. I think that was us a few months ago, now we're just trying to figure things out."

Dade: "Right? I'm still so confused about what is next for us. I wake up wondering what we need to do."

Macai: "Well, Zuko is going to start rebuilding places. But that doesn't say much about what the military does during a time of peace. Mak has a more political role and he's always working with Zuko. But maybe there is another General that I will answer to who can give me an idea of what's next."

Feeling It Out

It is a sunny day and the sky is azure blue with a few thin clouds. It is warm outside and is roughly 27.2 Celsius (81 degrees) outside. Despite the heat, strong winds blow through the air. Macai marches through the Fire Nation Capital toward the military command center. Soldiers salute the Commander before he enters the building.

Macai knocks on General Vercek's door. Vercek has dark brown wavy hair, thin eyebrows, tan skin, and caramel brown eyes. Macai: "Hello General, it is an honor to meet you. I've read that you are my new commanding officer in a recent report."

General Vercek: "Commander Macai, it is an honor to meet you."

Macai: "That's Vercek, I was wondering what my unit's role will be with the war over."

Vercek: "Good question... Most units will have domestic roles but since your unit is famous for traveling and fighting in different territories you all will have what I like to call a global policing role."

Macai: "Global policing?"

Vercek: "Global because your unit will travel to Earth and Water territories at times. But policing because we aren't fighting a war anymore. You might be involved when it comes to protecting political VIPs, fighting terrorists, or taking down dangerous criminal groups."

Macai: "I don't have much experience with the VIP duties or even the criminals but terrorists are nothing new for me. What about fighting pirates?"

Vercek: "Perhaps a bit of that as well though I think the domestic units would do more of that."

Macai: "That works for me." Macai returns and tells the 31st about his new duties in the Prompt Adjudicator's armory. Rosh, Kanna, Dade, Sonna, Arret, Hakato, Jesha, and Cosal are in the armory.

Kanna: "That sounds great to me. We can still go on exciting missions and protect people without all the stakes that came with fighting a war. We also won't be ordered to burn down any more villages!"

Rosh: "Cheers to that."

Sonna: "Say Macai, whatever happened with Kett?"

Macai has a flashback. He sees himself outside on a beachhead after their last battle. Macai looks Kett in his eyes, "It felt good seeing and fighting with you again. We could use you, Kett. You belong here with the 31st."

Kett sighs, "That was once true Macai and the 31st will always have an impact on me. But now, I have a new role. Now I am the Vindicated Avenger and my loyalty is to my cell."

Macai: "To your cell, your side won the war."

Kett: "Our fight isn't over. Now that the war is won, we need to help people transition into a new and better society. Some of the Fire Nation elites will want to make sure their nation holds onto power. There is an inequality within all nations. You know that there is a class war. The Earth Kingdom has its elites, the Fire Nation has its elites, and the Water tribe is more equal than the others largely because it is less developed. As countries become more developed, their inequalities grow greater."

Macai: "That's interesting."

Kett: "But a lot of times that is because the people who make new systems create them in ways that benefit them and the ones who make those systems are unified with the ruling class."

Macai: "That sounds very political, I'd rather stick to fighting."

Kett: "We may still be able to use fighters like you at times, but I have a bigger role now. Thank you for everything."

Macai nods, "Of course, can I at least get a hug?" Kett hugs Macai. Macai's flashback ends.

Sonna: "Well, it's too bad we weren't good enough for him."

Rosh: "He had a greater purpose."

Cosal: "There is another thing."

Macai: "What's that?"

Cosal announces, "I'm going to retire."

Kanna: "What?"

Cosal nods, "I've seen enough in this battlefield. After Rosier died, I told myself I was going to retire once this war ended. When I realized we were on the wrong side I stood by Macai but now it's over. I've seen too many fall for too long and I've seen a brave young woman go to glory as well. I don't want to see myself outlive any other great young warriors anymore. Its time go back and get to know my grandkids better."

Macai nods, "It has been an honor Cosal." Cosal shakes Macai's hand and everyone in the room hugs him.

Cosal: "Allow me to say my final goodbyes and I'll be out in the morning." Cosal intimately talks to several people before he leaves.

Kanna looks at Rosh, "Can you believe Cosal is gone?"

Rosh sighs, "Thinks are always changing."

Macai interrupts, "We also will be getting a few new recruits."

Rosh: "Oh great."

Macai: "Come on, they'll be great."

Rosh: "Remember Ronin and Basin? We thought they were like family and they betrayed us."

Macai: "Remember Jesha? She came in and faithfully served us."

Rosh: "Ok I get it."

Macai: "We can't help the recruits we get, but we can make sure we are good leaders so that we get the best out of them. Let go of that negativity."

The next day Macai stands outside of the beachhead with the seasoned 31st members around him. Dozens of recruits stand in the middle of the beachhead as they wait for orders. The recruits stare in wonder at the stage as they wait for the presentation.

One recruit has medium-length straight dark brown hair, yellow skin, thin eyes, a pointy nose, a relatively tall yet slender build, dark brown eyes, and small round ears. His name is Yedden. Yedden notices another recruit with black curly hair, pale skin, a small nose, attached ears, peanut butter brown eyes, and thin eyebrows. Yedden: "Have you heard about Macai?"

Recruit: "What hasn't? The man's a legend."

Yedden: "Kanna and Rosh are pretty famous too. I even heard about Dade."

Recruit: "Dade is just there. He's a good fighter I'm sure, but he's dwarfed by the others."

Yedden: "Kett isn't even in the unit anymore. I wish we had him too."

Recruit: "Three legends should be enough, especially during peacetime."

Yedden: "I hear Sonna is a crazy good archer. Like the best in the Fire Nation if not the best in the world."

Recruit: "Yeah, I heard something like that."

Yedden: "Say what's your name?"

Recruit: "Hirru."

Yedden: "Nice to meet you Hirru, my name's Yedden."

Hirru: "Are you a bender?"

Yedden: "Nope, I'm a duelist. I use a curved sword, that throws my enemies off."

Hirru: "No way, I hear it takes skill to use weapons like that."

Yedden: "It does and it's a bit more difficult to deflect things like knives with them."

Hirru: "Well as you probably guessed, I am a firebender. I've got pretty good stats too, but I didn't think they'd be good enough to land me in this unit."

Yedden brags, "My dueling stats are off the charts. But I hear Macai wants to give people a chance and is allowing members with different stats."

Hirru: "But in a real fight, you know I'd destroy you right? Because I'm a bender."

Another male recruit: "Quiet the Commander is about to speak."

Female recruit: "Wow, he's so cute."

Macai: "Welcome to the 31st Company. You might know of us as a legendary unit that is known for getting through many tough battles. Many people ask me what my secret is to being so successful. The truth is, there is no big secret. The answer is hard work, respect, and unity. Hard work because you will beat whoever you outwork. Respect because there is no strong unit without respect among the members at all levels, a divided unit will not last. The respect part and unity are deeply intertwined."

Macai continues, "Unity is a result of respect. It's a hot day today, but the breeze makes it cooler, so you have that as relief. I'm going to push and hound all of you probably more than any of you have ever experienced. An elite unit requires elite training. We are going to be the arbiters of peace and justice throughout the world. People will trust in your and call on your name across the globe, so you had better be ready to fight for them and your families back home!"

Macai continues, "Let me hear you scream!!" The crowd faintly cheers, and some remain silent. Macai flexes his muscles, "That was weak, scream again but this time, sound like an elite unit!" The crowd exclaims. Macai: "That's more like it. Let's go to work." Throughout the day the recruits undergo several difficult drills.

During one drill recruits sprint across the beachhead. Macai shouts on a blowhorn and the recruit dive on the ground. Then Macai shouts a second time and the recruits rise back on their feet and sprint forward. During another drill, recruits crawl, climb, and jump through an obstacle course.

During another drill, recruits spar each other. Macai leads during the grappling and wrestling sessions which are not taught by virtually any other Fire Nation units. During the sessions, Macai specifically teaches soldiers who to grapple against benders and armed opponents. Macai comments, "Although I am proficient in this area, Kett is better than me at this. I wish he could help with these instructions."

A specific class of marines is chosen to be scouts. Scouts are known for their speed and agility. Kanna leads the scout sessions and gives them realistic advice. Kanna: "As a scout, you need to know when to fight and when to retreat. Your binoculars will be your best friend as you look to notice enemy positions. Paying attention to details is crucial as a scout to avoid being killed or captured by enemies. Always remember the path you used to leave your unit so that you can get back to safety and alert them. I also hope you like animals because scouts will often use them to find enemy positions and safely return."

Jesha teaches stealth drills for covert operations. Dade leads the dueling sessions for new recruits. Sonna and Arret lead the archery drills. As the archers practice their shots Macai stands beside Sonna, "Make you yo the trumpet players distract them."

Sonna smiles, "Don't worry, I'll never forget that drill."

Macai watches the spearwarrior sparring sessions which use staffs instead of spears because they are nonlethal. He sees a female duelist with long light brown hair, hazel eyes, a thin nose, pointy ears, olive skin, and thin yet long lips. The woman rotates her staff as a strong man stands on the other side of the dueling ring. The man is in his mid thirties, is blad, has tan skin, brown eyes, and is moderately short (for a male). Man: "Careful girl, I saw you demolish your last two opponents but I have more experience than most people here because I transferred in from an army unit."

Young woman: "I noticed you beat two opponents before me as well." The young woman noticed that the seasoned duelist looked at the movements of his enemies to predict their attacks and counter them. However, she probably won't beat a more experienced foe by trying to win a technical match. Instead she looks to use her physical attributes against him.

A 31st Corporal stands between the marines, "Ready? Fight!"

The woman sprints toward her opponent and the man holds his staff horizontally in a battle stance. The girl dives at him with a spinning vertical attack. The man shifts to the right and rotates his weapon to block the attack. The man shifts his weapon up, knocking the woman's staff back and leaving her exposed. Then the man leaps forward and diagonally swings at his open opponent.

The woman swiftly rotates her body as she barely blocks the incoming strike. The man pushes her back with his greater strength. The female duelist clinches her teeth as she slides backward. In an instant, she leaps backward and rotates her staff. The man swings at her vertically and the woman twirls her weapon horizontally as she blocks the attack.

Man: "You are outmatched."

Woman: "You can never be too sure." The woman hops forward and kicks him in his stomach. The man backpedals and the woman charges at him. Recruits cheer as they react to the commotion. The man gathers himself and diagonally swings at the female recruit. The woman pivots right then springs ahead as she vertically swings at her opponent.

The man crosses his staff horizontally as he blocks the strike then rotates his weapon and lunges at her. The woman leaps left then pounces ahead with another vertical attack. The man shifts his staff diagonally as he blocks the blow. Man: "Not bad, but now I will end this." The man rotates right then steps forward and lunges at the woman's stomach.

The woman shifts her staff diagonally and swats the butt of the staff away from her. Then the woman dives at the man with a spinning diagonal lunge and knocks him down. The recruits cheer. Macai steps into the ring. The woman turns, "Sir?"

Macai: "What is your name?"

Woman: "Irina."

Macai: "That's a lovely name. You remind me of a Samira, the way you duel."

Irina: "Thank you, sir."

Macai: "But you are a bit more soft-spoken and I don't think you have her confidence. You can duel, but I think you are a step behind where she was. On the other hand, you are very adaptive and I can see your raw talent. Are you a new recruit?"

Irina: "Yes sir."

Macai: "Well, that explains it. Samira was already fighting for a couple of years before we got her. How old are you?"

Irina: "Sixteen."

Macai: "You have a lot of potential. I look forward to working with you in the future."

Irina: "Thanks."

Macai helps the male duelist up, "What's your name?"

Man: "Hagenko."

Macai: "I can tell you are an experienced warrior. That can help with more than duels. I'll need someone like you to guide my recruits in battle."

Hagenko: "I am a Corporal sir, I have authority for limited leadership roles and I hope to earn more rank in the future. I've fought many years and was overdue a sergeant rank in the past but didn't get one for political reasons."

Macai: "Well that rank doesn't exist for marines, but maybe you can become a lieutenant."

Hagenko: "That works for me sir."

Macai: "You'll have to earn that title first."

Hagenko: "I look forward to working with you."

Macai replies, "Of course."

Plea For Mercy

The next day Macai calls his team into his armory for briefing. Rosh, Kanna, Dade, Sonna, Arret, Jesha, Yedden, Hirru, Irina, Hagenko, and other marines are in the briefing room.

Macai: "We have a new mission, we are being assigned to the city Hetestko which is located in the Western Earth Kingdom. The city was occupied by the Fire Nation for five years and now many people in the city have moved out after the Earth Kingdom has won the war. However, many Fire Nation members have chosen to stay despite the Earth Kingdom recently annexing the land. About seventy percent of the population is of Earth Kingdom origins and around a fourth of the population are of Fire Nation origins."

Irina asks, "What about the other five percent?"

Macai shrugs, "Water Tribe refugees maybe. Regardless, the Fire Nation minority has been oppressed. An Earth Kingdom hate group called the Restored Dystany has emerged. They have attacked leaders and elites of Fire Nation origin. They also attack anyone who speaks out against their actions whether of Fire or Earth origins. Attacks vary from beatings to whippings to executions. They have also robbed visitors from other Fire Nation territories, travelers from our nation are recommended to not visit the territory."

Jesha: "Do we even have authorization from the Earth Kingdom to get involved?"

Macai responds, "Because of Firelord Zuko's diplomacy, we do. Zuko wanted a group of people he trusted to handle this mission, so it's all up to us."

Hirru: "I know this is an elite unit, but are we even trained for this kind of work?"

Macai: "No, we aren't but we will adapt. Our first objective will be to get used to the city and identify our allies and enemies. Once we do that, we can decide where to move from there." The 31st regiment sails to the shore closest to the city. After docking from the Prompt Adjudicator to a nearby beachhead, they arrive a seven-day walk from the city. From there they march for a week until they are just thirty meters away from the city. The sky is sapphire blue, but the ground is light brown with little vegetation. The few plants that grow are yellow-green in color.

Kanna: "I really enjoyed the picnic we had last camp."

Hakato: "Yeah, great suggestion Kanna."

Rosh: "Those insects just wouldn't leave my food alone."

Kanna: "I also really enjoyed the sleepover and the bonfires. The bonfire songs are also very special."

Hakato: "You have the voice of an angel Kanna."

Kanna smiles, "Why thank you.."

Rosh: "I hate those cheesy songs."

Macai: "Cut the chatter marines. Take a good look at the city." The buildings are three stories tall on average and of moderate width. The buildings have a beige color and are made of stone. The city is relatively crowded and is a bit larger than average. As the 31st nears the city entrance, they notice three elderly men in brown robes approach them.

Elderly Man 1: "Gooo, you don't belong here Fire people. Your ways are not ours and your unit is not welcome here."

Macai: "We have authorization to be here and we aren't going anywhere."

Elderly Man 2: "He is just a boy. Headstrong, but foolish."

Macai: "I am NOT a boy. I'm a man, I earned my stripes long ago."

Elderly Man 3: "It is a difficult road ahead, one wrong move and the people of this city will forever hate you and your nation."

Macai responds, "I don't worry so much about the outcome anymore. I just make sure I do my job and as long as I do what I'm supposed to, there is nothing more that can really be asked for." The 31st follows him as they walk pass the elders.

Rosh looks at Macai, "Maybe we should detain them. They might know about the cult we're looking for."

Macai: "Not yet, let's wait for some real suspects. As odd as that was, practices like this may be common in this city. We shouldn't arrest people if we don't understand the cultural context of this land. Isn't that something one of Iroh's old books would have said or something?"

Rosh shrugs, "Maybe, I could also see my dad saying that."

Macai: "Where is your compassion, Rosh?"

Rosh: "I'm honestly just tired from all the walking it took to get here."

Macai: "Fair enough." The marines march toward the military building. The building has two Earth Kingdom banners on it. Macai gestures for Rosh, Dade, and two other marines to follow him inside. Macai: "Everyone else, stay outside and guard the perimeter."

As the others wait, a civilian confronts Irina and Hakato. Civilian: "Hey, you're a Fire Nation soldier."

Hakato: "Yeah, that's right."

Civilian: "It is an honor, I'm of Fire Nation origin. We need people like you to fight for our rights."

Hakato: "What's wrong?"

Civilian: "Several of our people are being targeted by the Restored Dynasty members. They are abusing people in the streets."

Irina: "Why don't the local police handle them?"

Civilian: "They're always too slow to respond. You would think they'd at least raid some of their hideouts, but they can't even seem to pull that off without them escaping every time. I think some of them are dirty."

Hakato extends his hand, "We will get to the bottom of this, you have my word." The civilian shakes Hakato's hand then leaves.

Kanna points at them, "Never shake a random civilian's hand. I know you guys want to be polite, but you have to be careful. We don't know these people or their real intentions. What if he had a knife? You have been attacked or stabbed with your guard down like that."

Hakato: "Sorry, Kanna."

Kanna: "It's ok Hakato, just be cautious."

Jesha and another marine notice three civilians approach them. Jesha: "Yes?"

Civilian 1: "You Fire Nation scum!"

Marine: "How rude."

Civilian 2: "Shut up ash maker! This is our territory, you can't tell us what to do here. If you harm us without probable cause, our nations will go to war."

Jesha: "Do you really think we're afraid of that?"

Civilian 3: "Well, you did just lose the last one. But if you want a second beatdown then bring it on."

Marine: "That's because a twelve-year-old rescued your pathetic civilization. Your kingdom took a one-sided beatdown for nearly a century."

Civilian 2: "If it was such a beatdown, it wouldn't take a century to end the war. You have obviously read too much Fire Nation propaganda which you guys are famous for."

Marine: "Everyone has propaganda."

Civilian 2: "Well you lost, that goes beyond all the smoke and mirrors."

Marine: "Because an Avatar saved your nation."

Civilian 3: "You all should just leave."

Marine: "We are here because you threaten the Fire citizens here."

Civilian 1: "They can go back home anytime."

Jesha: "This is their home."

Civilian 2: "Says who? They have only been here five years, they can leave. Our people have been here for decades."

Jesha: "You can't just force people out."

Civilian 2: "Then they better put up with the beatings that come with staying."

Marine: "Keep up the empty threats and we'll take you all in for questioning." The civilians leave.

Jesha: "That was an empty threat. I'm not sure if we're allowed to do much of anything here outside of investigation and self-defense."

Marine: "But they bought it and how can we investigate without taking people in?"

Jesha: "I'm pretty sure Macai said we're only supposed to investigate the people the Earth Kingdom security puts on their list. We can break the rules with minor discretion, but only if we have probable cause."

Meanwhile, Macai walks with Dade, Rosh, and others in front of the information room. The walls are light brown, the ceiling is dark green, and the floor is beige. Macai's team stands in front of the front doors which are steeler with bronze highlights. The doors are opened by two Earth Kingdom troopers and one Earth Kingdom leader is on the other side of the room.

The leader is sitting in a seat on the backend of a long caramel brown table. There are several seats around the table. The man's name is Captain Peraisus, another man in a casual outfit sits on the right side of the table. Peraisus: "Well, you must be Macai. This is Rangulo Takenrye, he's the ambassador of the Fire Nation embassy in this territory."

Rosh: "Have you had any trouble at the embassy ambassador?"

Rangulo: "We have run into a few protestors asking us to leave. There have also been some rocks thrown through our windows. The city won't cover the damages even though they are due to discrimination, so the Fire Nation has been covering it. But that is something the city should pay for since it is not our fault."

Captain Peraisus: "Don't look at me, I'm not the mayor."

Macai: "And where is the mayor?"

Captain Peraisus: "He's busy and has had a full plate ahead of him. Right now he's talking with the governor of this region on how to deal with these recent issues politically."

Dade: "It takes more than military force to stop these kinds of problems you need a social solution."

Rangulo: "Our social solution to show evidence not all Fire Nation members are bad. We have several people who are of Earth Kingdom origin who want to talk about why they want their friends to stay in the town. We want you guys to protect us."

Macai: "It might be better if you allow local forces to defend them and 31st marines will be on standby to react to any drama."

Dade: "We could also disguise ourselves as Earth Kingdom troopers."

Macai: "That's a good idea, Dade. Would you allow us to do that?"

Captain Peraisus: "Normally, I would need authorization for such an action but let's go with it. As long as nothing goes wrong and you take it off right after this; I think things will be fine."

Macai: "Alright, but if we want a lasting solution we need someone who is willing to compromise and work with both sides."

Rangulo: "We have someone like that, who is of Fire Nation origin and as lived in this city since five years ago. He is on his way." A man with moderately long curly brown hair, light yellow skin, curvy eyebrows, a sharp nose, medium lips, hazel eyes, and medium ears steps into the room. He appears to be in his early twenties.

Man: "My name is Evon and I'm going to present at the event. I'm part of the Unified Way movement which is a local movement in Hetestko to secure the rights of both sides. I am more than aware that some power-hungry Fire Nation elites want to hold on to their power and their hoping people like Macai will do that for them. I want a solution that looks into the well-being of all here including the average Fire Nation citizens and the elites that came here."

Bold Tactics

The next day, several civilians stand outside as two Earth Kingdom troopers stand on a wide stage. One speaker pair steps up at a time, with one member being of Fire Nation origin and the other of Earth Kingdom origin. Both individuals will speak of the humanity and good that is present in both sides.

While the citizens watch the show, Sonna waits on a rooftop on the right side of the event with a marine swordsman and Hakato beside her. Arret waits on a rooftop on the left side of the event with a marine swordsman and Dade near her. Most of the 31st marines are wearing Earth Kingdom army uniforms. Two children step on the stage. One boy of Fire Nation origin and one girl of Earth Kingdom background.

The little boy has tan skin, brown eyes, and black hair. The little girl has brown skin, light green eyes, and black hair. Fire Nation boy: "I don't want to leave because I love it here. All of my friends are here and this is where all of my family memories are. My best friend Yoleena has looked after me here. Why should our friendship end because of adult problems?"

Yoleena: "And my friend Gavenko is awesome, he has always supported me. Whenever I made drawings, he encouraged me to enter writing contests then I won third place last year. I plan on competing this time around but I don't want to compete if Gavenko can't watch me. He always had my back even when people from my nation doubted me." Yoleena gets teary-eyed and Gavenko hugs her.

Several members in the crowd react, "Awwwww." The two children walk downstairs and the crowd is silent. Macai watches disguised in a traveler hoodie as he stands in the crowd. Macai is wearing sky blue robes with light orange markings.

Macai thinks, "Well, that's a good start. I hope it stays that way but the children are probably the easiest start." Two teens step up next. One male from the Earth Kingdom and one female from the Fire Nation. The young man has curly brown hair, light skin, thick lips, a large nose, yellow-green eyes, and a thin mustache. The young lady has long dark brown curly hair, gold eyes, small ears, small lips, and a medium-length nose.

Earth Kingdom male: "It has been an honor knowing Kanelli, she is one of the most honorable people I've ever known. When gangs were terrorizing people in my community, she helped our side of town fight them off."

Kanelli: "And my friend Ratentun has done more than he'd like to admit. He has helped my father in his local business and has been one of his best employees ever. Ratentun is one of the hardest working people I've ever known and that's why he was promoted as assistant manager over Fire Nation relatives who worked on the job."

An Earth Kingdom crowd member interrupts, "She only defended her block because it was in her interest and a lot of the Fire Nation members live on the same side of town. They protect each other!" Another pair emerges, two middle-aged males step forward. One has medium-length wavy light brown hair, light skin, thin eyebrows, a large forehead, and light brown eyes. His name is Ursultan. Ursultan is of the Fire Nation ethnicity.

Another has short black straight hair, dark brown skin, a long strong nose, medium width yet long lips, and thick eyebrows. His name is Yevangelin and he is of Earth Kingdom origin. Yevangelin: "My friend Ursultan has helped me time and time again with my local business. He has been the best and most loyal business partner in all my years of business."

Earth Kingdom male crowd member: "You sellout!! All you care about are your personal profits!!"

Earth Kingdom female crowd member: "Beat him with the ashmakers!!"

An Earth Kingdom trooper interrupts, "Woh there, no violence will be condoned!" Next, a married couple steps up. The man is from the Earth Kingdom and the woman is from the Fire Nation. Both are in their late thirties. The man has golden-brown skin, large muscles, wavy black hair, light parakeet green eyes, and a potent smile. Beside him is his wife who has medium-length light brown hair, light skin, caramel brown eyes, pearly white teeth, and a medium nose.

Man speaks, "I don't know what I would do without my wife. I met her when the Fire Nation first took over and I despised her just like all people of Fire Nation origin. She came as a government accountant, then one day we worked together as I was trying to help with local business development in the area. A lot of people told me not to invest in the welfare of this city and that it was doomed with the Fire Nation taking over. But I wanted to help protect the Earth Kingdom businesses and leaders in our city in the best way possible."

The married man continues, "I knew existing laws would be a problem and that discrimination would occur. I knew favoritism would happen. But I fought it as best I could, and we took some victories. Sometimes I found ways to use the system against them, even though it had loopholes. I always wanted to do more but sometimes you have to count your victories in life. Eventually, I learned that my wife was capable of helping me with my ambitions and we feel in love. After that, we got married."

A man interrupts in the crowd, "There are so many beautiful women in the Earth Kingdom, why did you have to get with her? Why couldn't you just be friends? How can we trust you? You are speaking with emotions rather than reason."

A woman interrupts, "Let the man speak!" Members of the crowd start arguing with each other.

Dade watches from a rooftop above in an Earth Kingdom uniform, "Wow, they're really going at it. At least we have some people on our side of Earth Kingdom origin, this event seems to have brought some of them out from hiding."

Sonna replies, "They probably also heard about our arrival, maybe it'll make people bolder."

The Fire Nation speaker Evon steps up, "I am Evon of the Fire Nation and I have lived here for the last five years. I would like to start by apologizing for the crimes my nation has caused to the Earth Kingdom and the rest of the world. However, we cannot beat hate with hate. If you do that, you risk becoming the very thing you despised. Why complain about the Fire Nation if you will only give birth to an Earth Kingdom Empire that's just as bad for the next one hundred years? If we really want this vicious cycle to stop and people to stop suffering; we need to stand against these heinous acts. We need to hold everyone accountable, everyone needs to make sacrifices, and to put our pride aside."

A crowd member interrupts, "Your nation deserves to take the biggest losses."

Evon: "But not too great otherwise you'll bring forth a new Fire Nation villainous faction. There must be a balance to your approach. Our people also won't agree to an approach that treats them so harshly. The easiest way to reach a peaceful solution is to compromise."

A female crowd member interrupts, "Who said we want peace? Maybe we just want revenge."

Macai interrupts (pretending to be a crowd member). "No one wins with revenge, everyone just keeps fighting on both sides and everyone takes losses."

Evon: "The Earth Kingdom has already lost a lot. Even if the Fire Nation will lose more in an immediate fight, the Earth Kingdom will lose even more by fighting. Aren't you all sick of that?"

Male crowd member, "We can take more than the Fire Nation because we've been down so many times before. We have the heart to keep fighting."

A retired earth kingdom veteran interrupts, "At some point everyone gets tired of fighting."

An Earth Kingdom male emerges in the distance. He has a dark green cape, forest green armor, bronze stripes, dark brown boots, and a dark brown belt. The man also has a bald head, thick brown beard, yellow skin, deep green eyes, and a moderately strong build. His name is Bishu-Tae, he is the leader of the Restored Dynasty. Right of him is a man with long black wavy hair, pale skin, a thin yet muscular frame, a long nose, and thin lips.

His name is Morris. Morris has shamrock green armor with moss green markings throughout his armor, a black belt with a silver buckle, black shoes, and a silver collar. Morris has a long silver sword strapped on his back. Left of Bishu-Tae is a man with bronze skin, a jacked body, black straight hair, and a plump nose. The very tan man's name is Kaveedo.

Kaveedo has seaweed green armor with basil green stripes throughout his armor. Kaveedo has a massive bronze battle hammer strapped to his back. Another twelve men walk around the trio with dark green robes and hoods. Some of them have hidden short swords or knives while others are earthbenders. Bishu-Tae shouts, "Evon, I've not had the pleasure to meet you in the past."

Evon: "Well, don't flatter yourself. I think I'll be leaving."

Bishu-Tae responds, "Going so soon?" Five men in dark green hoods leap behind the stage. The cult leader continues, "I will give the innocents and children a little time to evacuate but let me give a reminder. I never wanted to kill the Fire Nation innocents without giving them a chance to leave, any who stay will be made second-class citizens. Those who refuse will be detained or executed."

Bishu-Tae elaborates, "All Fire Nation elites owe us a third of their profits in reparations for their wrongs and must report to all their business dealings to the government to ensure they are not plotting against the nation or hiding wealth from it. We are simply here to restore the glory of the ancient Earth Kingdoms and we will continue to step up until the government lives up to its purpose. No children will be executed, they will simply be reeducated then sent back to the Fire Nation. But their parents may pay the price if they are too foolish to leave."

Macai lowers his hood and steps forward, "You can't honestly expect this to go well for you. The entire Fire Nation will band together to take your head if you remotely succeed."

Bishu-Tae: "No, they won't. The Fire Nation isn't willing to risk another war nor the wrath of the Avatar. If we succeed here our word will ultimately prevail. Eventually, someone may stop us but by then our message will have its impact. You may think the Earth Kingdom will stop us but it is divided on the issue and the leaders at the top have a lot of other priorities at the moment. They know it would be a tough fight so they would table the matter."

Macai shakes his head, "It doesn't matter, because you won't make it past here."

Bishu-Tae laughs, "Ha, you wanna bet?" Macai enters his battle stance and several Earth Kingdom guards around the stage widen their eyes as the Restored Dynasty members prepare for battle. Sonna, Dade, and the marine crouch down to avoid being seen by their enemies. Arret's team does the same. Bishu smiles and throws off his cape then enters his battle stance.

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