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20.58% Treasure! / Chapter 7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

Kapitel 7: Dinosaurs on a Spaceship

(Jared's POV)

Egypt, 1334 B.C….

The Doctor, Amelia Watson, Gura Gawr, and I rush to the Tardis.

"See ya, Queen Nefertiti. It was awesome meeting you." I said, looking at Nefertiti.

"Sorry about the mess." Amelia said, laughing a lot.

The Doctor is restrained by an elegant woman in a sheer gown and tall blue headdress, who pushes him up against the Tardis door and strokes his hair.

"You think I'll just let the four of you leave without me, after what we've just been through?" Nerfertiti asked, and she looks remarkably like her limestone bust.

"You have the Egyptian people to rule, Queen Nefertiti." Amelia said, looking at the Queen.

"Come on. You can't come with us. They'll need some. What was that word? Reassurance? Yeah. Reassurance." Gura said.

"Especially after the weapon-bearing giant alien locust the five of us stopped amazingly." I said, smirking.

Something parps, making Nefertiti jump and the Doctor escape from her embrace. It is his mobile phone text alert.

"Okay, that's interesting." Amelia said, looking at her time traveling pocket watch. "Really interesting. Don't you think, Gura?"

"Yeah. That's right, chief." Gura said, winking at Amelia.

"Temporal News For You?" I asked, looking between the time traveling detective and the former Atlantis resident. "Ooo, I was wondering when this adventure would turn up."

"What is?" Nefertiti asked.

"Nothing. Not interesting. Not at all. Ooo, never been there. Exciting! We're off!" The Doctor said, looking at his mobile phone.

The Doctor, Nefertiti, Amelia, Gura, and I go inside the Tardis.

"Coming!" The Doctor said, entering the phone.

The Tardis zooms upwards.

Indian Space Agency 2367 A.D…

"Craft size approximately ten million square kilometres." Indira said.

"Okay, a ship the size of Canada heading straight for Earth." Amelia said.

"Are there any signs of life?" Gura asked.

"We sent up a drone craft. It took these readings." Indira said.

Nefertiti is there, too. Amelia and Gura are looking at the screen right in front of me, mostly due to the two being a foot shorter than me. The incoming spaceship is a central mass with lots of big pods extending out of it.

"Crikey, Charlie, look at that. Ooo, I know someone who'd love to have a look at that." The Doctor said.

"Don't forget the Ponds, Spaceman." I said, laughing a lot. "We can't forget about them. Isn't that right, Queen Nefertiti, Amelia Watson, and Gura Gawr? Oh right, I also haven't seen the KMR Triangle in ages. Feels like years, really."

"Jared, we're riffing. People usually stop us when we're riffing or carry on without us. That's also an option."

"Can you communicate with this craft?" Nefertiti asked.

"Is it possible?" Amelia asked.

"They're with us. Good question, Neffy, Watson." The Doctor said.

"No. No response on any channel, in any recognised language. If it comes within ten thousand kilometres of Earth, we send up missiles." Indira said.

"I liked you before you said missiles. How long till the ship gets this close?" I asked, looking at Indira.

"Six hours nineteen minutes."

"Okay, we better move them. Just leave the spaceship with us. Let's go, Doctor, Nefertiti, Watson, and Gura. We're gonna need some help." I said, running off with Amelia holding my left arm and Gura holding my right arm.

Kamihama City Arcade September 2015…

Jared is in front of the arcade where he expected Momoko Togame, Rena Minami, and Kaede Akino to be. Kaede is in front of a crane game trying to win a prize with Rena helping her.

"More prizes?" I asked, looking between Rena and Kaede.

"Where have you been? Three years." Rena said, angrily. "You said you were gonna visit us after you stopped M…"

"Rena, spoilers!" Kaede said, looking at Rena.

"How am I supposed to know where he is at?"

"Momoko, Rena, Kaede. Hi. Well, I've found something." I said, sadly.

"What is it?" Momoko asked. "Is it dangerous?"

"I find it exciting. Want to know out what it is?"

Amy and Rory's home…

An older man is up a stepladder being held by Rory and Amy, seeing to a ceiling light fitting.

"I think it's the fitting." Brian said.

"Dad, it's not the fitting. It just needs a new bulb." Rory said.

"You're wobbling the ladder."

"I'm not. I don't want another loft incident."

"How's my side, Brian?" Amy asked.

"Perfect, as ever, Amy." Brian said, happily.

"Thank you, Brian."

"I don't know what he said to you to make you marry him, but he's a lucky man."

"I don't know if doing this is a good idea." Kaede said, telepathically.

The sound of an arriving Tardis, and papers blowing.

"It's perfectly fine." I said, telepathically. "It's not like I opened the link to the Ponds."

"Not here, not now." Rory said, annoyed.

"You leave the back door open?" Brian asked.

"What are they doing?"

"I'm going to kill them." Amy said, angrily.

The Tardis materialises around them.


"Hi. Were you busy? I don't know for sure." I said, leaning against the TARDIS console. "Even if you were busy, it's not as interesting or exciting as this."

"He didn't want you to miss this." Amelia said, sitting on the TARDIS jump seat with Gura. "It's only a quick hop to the spaceship."

"Yeah." Gura said, looking at Amelia. "I wonder what's in there. I hope it's good."

The Tardis zooms to the impossibly large spaceship. Brian is still standing on the stepladder.

"Everybody grab a torch." The Doctor said.

Brian drops the light bulb.

"Um, I hope this place is safe." Kaede said, sadly.

Open area…

Dark and dusty, with cobwebs. No obvious indication of usage, the whole place is just big open-plan.

"Spiders. We don't normally get spiders in space." Gura said.

Brian is last out of the Tardis, "What the?"

"Don't move! Do you really think I'm that stupid I wouldn't notice? How did you get aboard, eh? Transmat? Who sent you?" The Doctor asked.

"Doctor. I think that's Rory's dad." Amelia said, walking up to the Doctor.

"You did show us pictures of the Ponds." Gura said.

"True, I did." I said, smiling. "I like you Detective Amelia Watson and Gura Gawr."

"What will we find here?" Momoko asked.

"Oh. Well, that's fine, then. My mistake. Hello, Brian. How are you? Nice to meet you. Welcome, welcome." The Doctor said.

"These are the gangs. The Doctor and I have gangs now. Yes. Love it. Come on, you guys." I said, walking away with Momoko, Rena, and Kaede.

"So, um, when are you in your timeline?" Kaede asked.

"Here. Dinosaurs on a spaceship. Said goodbye to Penny." I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"So, you're early then." Momoko said.

"What's wrong with being early?"

"If only we were with the future you." Rena said, crossing her arms.

"Why? What happens in the future?"

Something shakes the spaceship.

"All right, where are we? What is that noise and hello, ten months?" Amy asked.

"Well, I sense it's orbiting. More like pre-crashing. On a spaceship, don't know, and hello, Pond." The Doctor said, hugging Amy before letting go of her. "Ten months. Time flies. Never really understood that phrase. This is Neffy, this is Riddell. They're with me. And over with Jared, that's Amelia Watson and Gura Gawr. They're with him."

"Charmed." Riddell said.

"With you? Doctor, they're with you? And the detective and the humanoid shark are with Jared? Are they the new us? Is that why we haven't seen you and Jared?" Amy asked.

"No, they're just people, Amy." I said, smiling. "They're not Ponds or the KMR triangle. We thought we might need new gangs. The Doctor and I never really had gangs before. It's new, don't worry."

At the far end of this hold is a big bulkhead door.

"Ah, there's a door." Gura said, looking at the door.

Red lights come on either side of it.

"Red lights are flashing. Why are they flashing?" Amelia asked.

"It's coming down." Kaede said, staring at the door.

"What is it?" Momoko asked, looking at me.

"I don't know. Hell, I don't know if things are or will remain the same." I said, grabbing Kaede's hand.

It is a cargo lift, and it arrives with a thump. The doors open to reveal two large armoured creatures backlight by a very bright light.

"Not possible." Brian said.

"Run!" The Doctor said.

"Ame!" Gura said, angrily.

The gangs run away, except the Doctor, Amelia Watson, and I.

"No way!" Amelia said, excitedly. "Now I see why you wanted me to come!"

"Doctor! Jared!" Amy said, worried.

"I know. Dinosaurs! On a spaceship!" The Doctor said.

"I love this!" Amelia said. "I've never encountered something like this in all of my days as a detective."

Amy grabs the Doctor while Gura grabs Amelia as Kaede grabs me and pulls the three of us pulled them away from the ankylosaurs.

"More exciting than waiting for Nora Valkyrie to get better." I said, squeezing Kaede's hand. "Where can we go?"

"In here!" Momoko said.

We hide in a sort of alcove. The annoyed armoured beasts stop nearby.

Riddell gets out a knife, "I could take one of them. Short blow up into the throat."

"No. Definitely not. We found dinosaurs in space. We need to preserve them." Rena said, crossing her arms.

"Who's going to preserve us?" Riddell asked.

"Um, can, can you be quiet?" Kaede asked.

The ankylosaurs move on.

"Okay. How are there dinosaurs in space? And who owns this ship?" Amelia asked.

(Open POV)

Spaceship bridge…

A display has the two gangs on it, with the warning Intruders Detected.

"There's so much to discover on this spaceship." Jared said, on screen. "Imagine how much smarter we'll be at the end of this adventure."

Open area…

"Sorry, sorry. Are you saying dinosaurs are flying a spaceship?" Brian asked.

"Brian, that would be ridiculous. The dinosaurs are the passengers. Should I mention the missiles?" Jared asked.


"Um, he didn't want to worry you." Kaede said, sadly.

"Six hours is a long time. We're smart people, right? Hehe, let's find out what's here on this spaceship. Come on." Amelia said, removing a cobweb from a blank monitor.

Momoko examines gouges in the walls, "How many dinosaurs are on here?"

"How the hell am I supposed to know?" Rena asked, angrily.

The Doctor sonics the monitor into life, "Oh, well done, whoever you are. Looking for engines. Thank you, computer. Look at that. Different sections have engines, but these look like the primary clusters. Where are we now, computer? We need to get down to these engines."

The Doctor, Brian, Rory, Jared, Amelia, and Gura are teleported away.

"What happened?" Kaede asked.

"Oh, great." Rena said, annoyed.

Engine room…

"Yes, Amelia, Gura, can you two undress?" Jared asked, looking between Amelia and Gura.

Cleverly disguised as a beach in cold weather with a fair old wind blowing.

"Now?" Amelia asked.

Amelia and Gura are blushing a lot.

"I don't know if undressing right now is a good idea, chief." Gura said.

"Find out. Jared, don't talk about lewd, right now. What?" The Doctor asked, looking around the place.

"We're outside. We're on a beach." Brian said.

"Teleport. Oh, I hate teleports." Jared said, angrily.

"Why did a teleport happen?" Gura asked.

"Must have activated on my voice." The Doctor said, sadly.

"Ah, yes, well, thank you, Arthur C Clarke. Teleport, obviously. I mean, we're on a spaceship with dinosaurs. Why wouldn't there be a teleport? In fact, why don't we just teleport now?" Brian asked.

"Is he all right?" Gura asked.

"No, he hates travelling. Makes him really anxious. He only goes to the paper shop and golf." Rory said.

"What did you bring him for?" The Doctor asked.

"I didn't! Why can't you just phone ahead like any normal person?" Rory asked.

"We did! I think. Around May or June 2014!" Jared said, walking to Rory.

"So, a couple of years ago. How helpful is that?"

"Somebody tell me where we are, now." Brian said.

The Doctor tastes the air, "Well, it's not Earth. Doesn't taste right. Too metallic."

"Amelia, Gura, you two are amazing." Jared said, looking down at the detective and the humanoid shark. "Mind we play some Minecraft after this? Or some Among Us?"

"You speak our language." Amelia said, smirking.

"When are we gonna play it?"

"How about we do it after we save the dinosaurs?" Jared asked.

"Dig with what?" Rory asked.

"Ah, well." Brian said, producing a trowel and starts digging in the sand.

"Did you just have that on you?" Rory asked.

"Of course. What sort of man doesn't carry a trowel? Put it on your Christmas list."

"Dad, I'm thirty one. I don't have a Christmas list any more."

"I do!" The Doctor said, excitedly.

"Me too!" Amelia said, happily.

"Same. No Christmas list? What do you mean by that? Everyone has one." Gura said.

"Me three. I love Christmas. Ooo, I want to sing some Christmas songs with the both of you later." Jared said.

Brian reaches metal, "There's a floor under this beach."

Small spaceship…

"Doctor! Doctor!" Rory said, on the monitor.

An ailing old man is watching from his sickbed. This area is different tech from where the Doctor and his gang are.

"Do you hear that? Did you hear what he called him? Doctor. After all this time. Bring them to me." Solomon said.

"Doctor!" Rory said, on the monitor.

Open area…

Momoko and Nefertiti lead the way.

"Um, I think there's more dinosaurs here." Kaede said, holding Rena's hand.

Riddell takes a pull from his hip flask.

"Hey! No drinking! You have to be sober!" Rena said, angrily.

"It's medicinal. And I don't take orders from females." Riddell said.

"Then learn. Any man who speaks to me that way, I execute." Nefertiti said.

"You're very welcome to try." Riddell said.

"Wait, what was your name again?" Momoko asked.

"Lady of the Two Lands, wife of the great King Amenhotep, Queen Nefertiti of Egypt." Nefertiti said.

"I'll be damned." Riddell said.

"Oh, my god. Queen Nefertiti? Okay, Jared so knows how to find the historic figures with the Doctor. Charles Dickens, Queen Victoria, Madame de Pompadour, Queen Elizabeth the First, William Shakespeare, Agatha Christie, Jeanne d'Arc, Queen Elizabeth the Tenth, Winston Churchill, Vincent Van Gogh, Richard Nixon, and now Queen Nefertiti. I can't believe Jared met Charles Dickens up to Jeanne d'Arc before I met Winston Churchill with him and the Doctor. Queen Nefertiti, I learned all about you at school. You're awesome. Big fan. High five. Yeah, bit behind on that. You're really famous." Amy said, holding up her hand to Queen Nefertiti.

"Shush. Listen." Kaede said, frowning.

Something is breathing heavily nearby. Very nearby. They are standing next to a six foot long carnivore lying on its side. There are eggs nearby.

"Okay, this looks like a T Rex. It's not at full size yet." Momoko said, looking down at the dinosaur.

"I, I think we're in the middle of a dinosaur nest." Kaede said, her eyes widening.

"I propose a retreat." Riddell said, while an ominous shadow on the wall. "Perhaps forwards."

"Agreed. Just don't wake the baby." Amy said, while Riddell has to step over it. "Oh, my god. Who are you, anyway?"

"John Riddell, big game hunter on the African plains. I'm sure you've heard of me, too." Riddell said.

"No." Amy said.

"You clearly have some alarming gaps in your education."

"Or men who hunt defenceless creatures just don't impact on history. And men don't have the potential to become Magical Girls according to Jared and the Incubators. Face it, she's way cooler than you."

"And you, Amy. Are you also a Queen?" Nefertiti asked.

"Yes. Yes, I am." Amy said.

Engine room…

"What happened?" Gura asked.

The Doctor has found another computer access point in the nearby cliff face, "See? Metal floors, screens in rocks. It was just a matter of a short range teleport. We're still on the ship."

"No, we're outside on a beach." Brian said.

"It's part of the ship, Dad." Rory said.

"Don't be ridiculous."

"Well, it is quite ridiculous. Also brilliant. That's why the system teleported us here. I wanted the engines. This is the engine room! Hydrogenerators! Ha!"

"I have literally no idea what he's saying." Brian said.

"A spaceship powered by waves." Rory said.

"Ame, don't you have two big floaties?" Jared asked, looking at the detective.

"That I do. And Gura's hydrodynamic." Amelia said, smirking.

"Want to give Gura a chest too?"

"Say what?" Gura asked.

"No, Jared, not the time for that. This is fabulously impossible. Oh, think of the things we could learn from this ship if we manage to stop it being blown to pieces." The Doctor said.

"Plus not dying." Rory said.

"Watson and the shark are used to almost dying." Jared said, smirking. "Me too, by the way."

"Bad news, can't shut the wave system down in time. Takes, takes way too long." The Doctor said.

"If these are the engines, there must be a control room." Amelia said.

"So where is it?" Gura asked, looking up at the sky.

"What are we gonna do about the things that aren't kestrals?" Jared asked.

"Oh no. Are those flying dinosaurs?" Gura asked.

"They're called pterodactyls." Amelia said, grabbing Gura's hand.

"Yes. On any other occasion, I'd be thrilled. Exposed on a beach, less thrilled. We should be going." The Doctor said.

"Where?" Brian asked.

"We have to get away from them." Jared said, looking back at Amelia and Gura. "Doctor, you're a trouble magnet. And Gura, you're jeopardy friendly."

"That's the plan?" Rory asked.

"Yup, that's the plan."

"Amendments welcome. Move away from the pterodactyls." The Doctor said.

"I think they might be noticing." Amelia said, looking up at the sky.

"Amendment one, run!" The Doctor said, worried.

"Why don't we just teleport or something?" Gura asked. "That seems like an easier way to escape this."

"No! Local teleport burnt out on arrival. There's something in the cliffs over there."

"Come on!" Rory said, looking back at Brian.

"I'm trying!" Brian said.

The pterodactyls start snapping at the men and the two HoloLive idols as they reach a cave entrance in the cliffs.


Amelia has been hurt in the right shoulder.

"Ame, are you okay?" Gura asked.

"I'm fine. You know me. What do we do now? There's no way back outside." Amelia said, with Gura standing next to her.

"We go through the cave. Come on, you guys!" Jared said, while there are noises ahead. "I didn't really think things through."

"We're trapped." Brian said.

"Yes, thanks for telling us that." Gura said, annoyed.

"Doctor, Jared, whatever's down there is coming this way." Rory said.

"Spelling it out is hereditary. Wonderful." The Doctor said, sarcastically.

"That sound's getting nearer." Brian said.

Something big, heavy and slow. Two of them, and they are mechanical.

"We're very cross with you." Robot 1 said.


"This place is a bit gross." Rena said, crossing her arms.

Based on the glassware and various stuff underneath the ivy and cobwebs.

"You're not wrong there, Rena. Bit of weed killer wouldn't go amiss in here." Amy said.

"So, um, why are the dinosaurs here?" Kaede asked.

"Maybe the dinosaurs are important." Momoko said. "They are supposed to be extinct."

"What about the inhabitants?"

"The people working here? I don't know."

"Whoa, Chuckle Brothers. Lighten up, would you?" Amy asked, trying a computer keyboard.

"Wow, a computer." Rena said, scoffing. "Of course there would be one here."

The lights come on.

"How'd you know how to do that?" Nefertiti asked, looking at Amy.

"Well, I've spent enough time with the Doctor and Jared to know whenever you enter somewhere new, press buttons." Amy said.

"What else have you learned from them?"

"Don't stop at button pressing." Amy said, inserting a disc into the computer.

"One hundred and seventeen years." Bleytal said, over the speaker.

"Data records." Kaede said, looking at the screen.

"The ship's owners?" Riddell asked.

"Maybe. Come on. Load!" Rena said, angrily.

"Mainly cryogenic." Bleytal said, over the speaker.

Riddell sees a Tyrannosaurus Rex shadow on the corridor wall behind them, then it leaves.

"I will continue to work…" Bleytal said, over the speaker.

"How about a picture, huh? Come on, for me." Amy said.

"Far beyond our…"

"Look. Oh, it's beautiful." Nefertiti said.

"I can't tell how far we have come. Far enough to avoid the destructive impact forecast for our planet. Far enough for me to feel a profound sense of loss." Bleytal said, on screen.

"What is that?" Riddell asked.

"Silurian." Amy said.


"You're going straight on the naughty step." Robot 1 said.

"What's the escape plan?" Brian asked.

"Why do we want to escape?" Gura asked. "This is nice. We don't have to run from. Oh, where are we going?"

"They have us hostage."

"They're taking us somewhere. We might learn from it." Rory said, annoyed.

The Doctor tweaks Rory's cheek, "Oh, you see? He's so clever. I've missed you, Rory."

"Don't do that."

"What if they kill us?" Brian asked.

"They wouldn't do that. You're not going to kill us, are you, Rusty?" Gura asked.

"Who are you calling Rusty?" Robot 1 asked.

"Have you seen yourselves lately?"

"You try being on this ship for two millennia. See how your paintwork does."

"Don't listen to her. She's just being mean because we captured her." Robot 2 said.

"Oh, my goodness." Brian said.

"Whoa!" Rory said.

"Ooo!" Amelia said, looking at the three horned herbivore approaching them. "It's a herbivore. A triceratops."

"And it's beautiful." Jared said, taking out his phone. "Amelia, Gura, want a picture with it?"

"Sure." Amelia said, walking in front of the triceratops.

"Why not?" Gura asked, standing on the other side of the dinosaur.

"Say apex."

"Apex." Amelia and Gura said, at the same time when Jared took a photo of them with the triceratops.

"Let out a mighty roar." Jared said, walking up to the triceratops. "Hello, you baby triceratops. Good boy. Stay still. Who's a lovely Tricy then? Yes, you are. Yes, you are. Watson, he's just like Zwei and Bubba!"

Amelia pets the Triceratops before it sniffs Brian's delicate parts.

"What're you doing? What're you doing?" Brian asked.

"You don't have any vegetable matter in your trousers, do you, Brian?" The Doctor asked, looking at Brian.

"Only my balls."

"Wait. What?" Gura asked. "What balls?"

"Golf balls. Grassy residue." Brian said, taking out a golf ball.

"What are you carrying those around for?" Rory asked.

The Triceratops licks Brian's face.

"Urgh." Brian said.

"Oh, that's awesome." Amelia said, laughing a lot.

"Get it away from me."

"Throw one."

"Really? Is this what you want? Is it?" Brian asked.

Brian throws a golf ball, and the Triceratops goes after it.

"That's one problem dealt with. Okay, take us to your leader!" Jared said, excitedly.

"Really? Why'd you say that?" Gura asked.

"Too good to resist."


"Of the fifty species loaded, only one has had any difficulty surviving. All the others are thriving, and we expect them to be able to repopulate." Bleytal said, on screen.

"We're on an Ark. A Silurian Ark." Amy said.

"Silurians. Those were, um, they were the lizard people? Where one of them killed Homura." Kaede said, sadly.

"Yeah. I don't know why they have a spaceship filled with dinosaurs." Rena said, crossing her arms.

"This isn't right." Momoko said, sadly. "Why would the Silurians do this?"

"Oh lord." Amy said, annoyed.

"Try, and I'll snap your neck in a heartbeat." Nefertiti said.

"They certainly bred firecrackers in your time." Riddell said.

"Oh, no, no, please don't start flirting. I will not have flirting companions. At least Rena and Kaede aren't the flirting companions of Momoko." Amy said, angrily.

"If the Doctor and Jared trust Amy, so do I. Stop doubting her." Nefertiti said.

"If this ship was built by…" Kaede said.

"Silurians, yeah." Amy said.

"Where are they?" Rena asked.

"That's a surprisingly good question. Display life signs for Homo Reptilia." Amy said.

No Life Signs Detected.

"Where did they go?" Momoko asked.

"Perhaps they found another world, left the ship." Nefertiti said.

"Why are the dinosaurs still on board, and why is the ship coming back to Earth? It doesn't make sense. What's changed between then and now?" Rena asked. "Man, this is annoying. Does anyone have ideas as to how to fix this?"

"Wait. Computer, show me the ship at launch with all life signals. Now show me the ship today with all life signals. Thousands less. But why? Show me both images, then and now, side by side." Amy said.

"Um, what are you looking for?" Kaede asked.

"Okay, two images. Spot the difference. What changed? What happened to the Silurians?"

"The centre." Momoko said, her eyes widening.

"Computer, zoom in to the centre. Hold on." Amy said.

"What is it?" Riddell asked.

"Another spacecraft. This ship's been boarded before."

Small spaceship…

Piano music by Franz Schubert is playing nearby.

"Love what you've done to the place down here." The Doctor said.

"Let him in. Open the gate." Solomon said, nearby.

Only the Doctor is let through.

"It's fine. It's fine." The Doctor said.

"I wonder what will happen next at Remnant." Jared said, sadly.

"How's Nora?" Amelia asked. "Is she okay?"

"She was badly hurt. It was a bit shocking."

"Shocking? How?" Gura asked.

"She overloaded herself with electricity."

Solomon is apparently on life-support.

"Fantasia in F minor for four hands." The Doctor said.

"You know it." Solomon said.

"Know it? Say hello to hands three and four. Schubert kept tickling me to try to put me off. Franz the hands. Oh, that takes me back. Well, this is cosy."

"It's fate you came."

"Is it? I'm the Doctor."

"Yes, I know. I'm Solomon."

A laser does a quick scan.

"What's going on at Remnant?" Amelia asked.

"Ruby is recording a message to tell the world." Jared said, happily.

"A message? What message?" Gura asked.

"Warning the world about Salem."

"Do you think it'll work?" Amelia asked.

"It has to."

"What if it fails?" Gura asked.

"Then no one will know about Salem's plan." Jared said, letting out a sigh. "The message has to go out. It needs to."

"What will you do afterwards?"

"I don't know, you adorable shark. Maybe see where the pieces lie."

"What if you lie in the wrong place?" Amelia asked.

"Then I'm screwed."

"On a scale from one to ten, chief?" Gura asked.

A robot shoots Brian in the left shoulder.

"Dad! Dad! It's all right, Dad. It's okay." Rory said.

"I don't respond well to violent, Solomon." The Doctor said.

"And I don't like questions, Doctor. You boarded without my permission. Now, fix me, or the next bolt will be fatal." Solomon said.

"I will take you apart cog by cog and melt you down when all this is over." Rory said.

"Oh, I'm so scared. Actually, I might be. A little bit of oil just came out." Robot 1 said.

"Now, stay still. It's just a burn, it's nothing serious." Rory said, mending Brian.

"What's that?" Brian asked.

"You carry a trowel, I carry a med-pack. It's all about the pockets in our family. This is an ice patch. It cools the skin."

"Never seen one of those."

"I pick up cool stuff wherever we go. For some people it's cars and hardware, for me it is nursing supplies. Now, painkiller. This won't hurt."

"Ow." Brian said, getting stabbed by the needle.

"I lied. It won't hurt from now on, though. All right, you're done." Rory said.


"It's all right. You get to see my awesome nursing skills in action for once."

Rory's phone rings.

"What's that?" Robot 1 asked.

"Your phone's ringing. In space." Brian said.

"You get used to it. I have to take this. The wife. Hello, missus." Rory said.


"Where are you?" Amy asked.

Small spaceship…

"Still on board. Met some pterodactyls and some rusty robots I'm going to melt down." Rory said, angrily.


"Rory, this is a Silurian ship. Jared already knows." Amy said. "Momoko had a hunch and Rena and Kaede figured it out."

Small spaceship…

The Doctor is working on Solomon's legs.

"What are we waiting for?" Gura asked.

"Something." Jared said, smirking.

"Which is?"

"Wait for it…" Amelia said, happily. "I've already figured it out."

"Really?" Jared asked.


"Wow. You must be an amazing time traveling detective."

"Ah, the purple light. That's what it was. An IV system, identifying value. The database of everything across space and time allocated a market value. Argos for the universe. You were trying to find out how much I'm worth." The Doctor said.

"Would you like to know?" Solomon asked.

No Identification Found.

"You don't exist. It's never done that." Solomon said.

"That's me. And that's Jared and his friends. Worthless. Unlike these creatures you have on board. Very valuable, given they're extinct. Done. Sit up, very slowly." The Doctor said.

"Doctor? Amy." Rory said.

"I need to take this." The Doctor said, taking Rory's phone. "Amy."


"This is an Ark built by the Silurians. They were looking for another planet." Amy said.

Small spaceship…

"Where are they now?" The Doctor asked.


"None on board. I mean, thousands of stasis pods, all empty." Amy said.

(Jared's POV)

Small spaceship…

"I'll see you soon." The Doctor said, returning the phone to Rory. "Be ready."

"Ame, Gura, how good are you two at aiming?" I asked, looking between the detective and the shark.

"Are we gonna shoot stuff?" Amelia asked.

"For real?" Gura asked.

"Yup." I said, happily.

"When?" Amelia asked.


"How soon is soon?" Gura asked.

"As long as things go with how I remember it. I can't remember everything. I'm a time traveler like Ame."

"That is true. What now?"

"Want some snacks?" I asked, taking out some snacks out of my pocket. "Jelly baby?"

"Jelly babies? Are babies jelly? Of me?" Gura asked.

"You are adorable, Gura." Amelia said.

"Super adorable."

"What's the full proof plan?" Amelia asked.

"I can give you two rifles." I said, smirking.

"Don't ever judge me by your standards." The Doctor said, and the gate opens to let him out. "Well, don't just stand there, Rory, Jared, Gura, and Watson." He looks at the robots. "Hey, he wants to see you."

"Dad, up!" Rory said.


The Triceratops is a little way away.

"What are we doing?" Brian asked.

"Just do exactly as I do." The Doctor said.

"Doctor, no!" Rory said, angrily.


The Doctor leaps onto the Triceratops' back.

I took out my pendant and did the chant, "Aqours, set up."

The artificial intelligence knew what I wanted and it didn't give me my suit of armor, but a motorcycle with two sidecars, with the sidecars having laser beams set to stun.

"All yours, you gremlins." I said, smirking.

Amelia Watson hopped onto the left sidecar, Gura Gawr hopped onto the right sidecar, and I hopped onto the motorcycle.

"Thank you." Amelia said, turning her body around and noticed the trigger. The blonde then has her hands on the triggers.

"Nice." Gura said, turning her body around and placing her hand on the trigger. The humanoid shark noticed that there are different gun options. "Stun settings set to default. Oh! There are loads of different gun options."


With all three men on the dinosaur's back and the fanboy with his idols on the motorcycle.

"Go, Tricy. Run like the wind!" The Doctor said.

The triceratops doesn't move, even when laser bolts whiz past.

"After them." Robot 1 said, nearby.

"Quick, how do you start a Triceratops?" The Doctor asked.

"There they are." Robot 1 said.

"I know, I saw them before you." Robot 2 said.

"Tricy, fetch." Brian said, bouncing his other golf ball off its nose, and the creature lumbers away.

"Go, Tricy." The Doctor said.

I revved off on my motorcycle going after the triceratops while Amelia and Gura shot stun beams at the two robots.

"We're slowing them down!" Amelia said, excitedly.

"This is a piece of cake!" Gura said, smiling.

"Come on, Tricy, faster, baby!" The Doctor said.

"Watson, Gura, keep it up!" I said, looking between the detective and the humanoid shark. "We can relax afterwards."

"How long can we do this for?" Gura asked.

"As long as we want. This is running off of Dust."

"Dust?" Amelia asked.

"Stole them from the Schnee Dust Company a while back."

"I'm riding a dinosaur on a spaceship." Brian said.

"I know!" The Doctor said, happily.

"I only came round to fix your light."

"Come on, Tricy. Where are the brakes?"

The Triceratops skids to a halt and they fall off. It picks up the golf ball and returns it to its owner, then lumbers off for a rest in the corner. I hit the brakes on the motorcycle and the bike turned back into the suit with Amelia and Gura falling down onto the floor.

"Okay, that worked." Amelia said, looking back at me. "Where are we?"

"Ooo, incoming message from Earth. How are things?" I asked, looking at the holographic screen.

"Doctor, Jared, the ship's coming through the atmosphere. I have to start the missile programme." Indira said, on screen.

"No, don't do that! Please don't! Everything is under control. We're turning the ship around any second now. Just need a bit of wiggle room for the timing." I said, grabbing Amelia's hand.

"I can't do that."

"You can. Of course you can. Tiny bit more time, Indira, please. This ship contains the most precious cargo." The Doctor said.

"My only responsibility is the Earth's safety. I'm launching the missiles. Goodbye, Doctor, Jared." Indira said, on screen.

"No, Indira. Hey! Come back! Please!"

Indian Space Agency…

"Target identified. Navigation systems locking on to target. Missile launch procedure initiated. Estimated impact, thirty minutes." The computer said.

(Open POV)


"Now, these are what we need. Dinosaur protection." Riddell said.

Rifles in a cupboard.

"No weapons." Amy said, while Riddell hands her a box. "Anaesthetic? These are stun guns. You're almost clever."

"Enough to make a dinosaur take a nap. Even the Doctor and Jared couldn't object to that." Riddell said.

"Um, what now?" Kaede asked.

"Momoko, Rena, Kaede?" Jared asked, telepathically. "How are you three?"

"Jared? Where are you?" Rena asked, telepathically.

"I'm with the Doctor, Watson, Gura, Rory, and Brian."

"Still can't believe you picked up a time traveling detective and a humanoid shark from Atlantis." Momoko said, telepathically.

"Those two are adorable, yet dangerous gremlins."

"Why did you get into HoloLive again?" Rena asked, telepathically. "What happened to Sayuki?"

"That's very bad indeed. Completely unhelpful." The Doctor said, on screen.

"Doesn't the ship have any defence systems installed?" Rory asked, on screen.

Open area…

"Good thinking, Rory." The Doctor said, kissing Rory full on the mouth. "Computer, show us weapons and defence systems."

No Systems Available.

"That was a waste of time." Gura said, annoyed. "Getting my hopes up like that."

"What ship doesn't have weapons?" Rory asked.

"Ah, they're ancient species, Rory. Still full of hope." The Doctor said.

"What about the control deck? You said we should go to the control deck next." Brian said.

"It's too late, Brian. Not like it'll make a difference." Jared said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Oh. We can try." Gura said, sending Jared a wink.

"Says the one who doesn't have a chest and a booty."

"I beg your pardon?"

"Is now the time to bring that up?" Amelia asked.

"Are we giving up?" Gura asked.

"I don't know. I really don't." Jared said, sadly.

Bright flash. The Robots and Solomon have teleported in.

Solomon is leaning heavily on a pair of metal crutches, "You were telling the truth, Doctor. Earth has launched missiles. This vessel is too clumsy to outrun them, but I have my own ship."

"You won't get your precious cargo on board, though. Just be you and your metal tantrum machines." The Doctor said.

"We do not have tantrums!" Robot 1 said.

"Shut up. You're right, Doctor. I can't keep the dinosaurs and live myself. But I had the IV system scan the entire ship, and it found something even more valuable. Utterly unique. I don't know where you found it, or how you got it here, but I want it." Solomon said.

"I don't know what you're talking about." The Doctor said.

"Earth Queen Nefertiti of Egypt."


"A face stamped across history." Solomon said, his voice over the speaker.

Open area…

"Give her to me, and I'll let the rest of you live." Solomon said.

"Nope." Jared said, looking at Solomon. "Not gonna happen."

"You think I won't punish those who get in my way, whatever they're worth?"

The robots shoot the Triceratops.

The Doctor strokes it as it dies, then applauds, "You must be very proud."

"Bring her to me, or the robots will make their way through your corpses. Bring her now." Solomon said.

"No." Jared said.

Flash! Amy, Riddell, Nefertiti, Momoko, Rena; and Kaede are beamed in.

"Momoko, Rena, Kaede, why didn't you stop her?" Jared asked, looking at the KMR triangle.

"We tried." Momoko said.

"She wouldn't listen." Rena said, frowning. "She was so insistent on coming."

"Um, we couldn't stop her." Kaede said, sadly.

"It's okay." Jared said, smiling.

"You and Jared saved my people. I am in your debt." Nefertiti said.

"No. No debts. You don't owe us anything." The Doctor said, looking at Nefertiti.

"Then I do it on my own."

"No, Neffy, Neffy."

"No! Take her and I shoot you." Riddell said, aiming his gun at Solomon.

"Put your weapon down. Let me make my choice." Nefertiti said.

"Do it, boy." Solomon said, when Riddell lowers his rifle. "My bounty increases. And what an extraordinary bounty you are."

"Never touch me."

"I like my possessions to have spirit. It means I can have fun breaking them. And I will break you in with immense pleasure. Thank you, Doctor, Jared. Computer, take us back to my ship."

Flash and away go Solomon, Nefertiti and the robots.

"Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress. Hostile targeting in progress." The computer said.

"Finally." Jared said, happily.

"What is it? Jared." Amelia said, looking at Jared.

Control deck…

The Doctor, Jared and their remaining gang teleport in.

"Okay, control deck." Jared said, smirking.

"So, what's the plan?" Momoko asked.

"Come on, the missiles are locked onto us. We could never outrun them. Even with Ame's luck and Gura's charisma. We have to save the dinosaurs and get Nefertiti back from Solomon."

"Um, isn't that difficult?" Kaede asked.

"Well, not really. We have seventeen minutes until the missiles hit the ship. The best solution; we turn said ship around."

"You said it was too late. That there wasn't any time." Gura said.

"I didn't have this plan back then. And neither did the Doctor. Riddell? Watson? Apex predator. Keep an eye out for the dinosaurs." Jared said, smiling.

Jared looked down at his super suit and he wished for it to be condensed by a lot. Only for there to be two rifles in his hands. The fanboy tossed a rifle to Amelia Watson and the other to Gura Gawr.

"Yay!" Gura said, looking down at her rifle. "Let's do this Ame."

"Yeah." Amelia said.

"I was rather hoping you'd say that." Riddell said.

"Don't kill any dinosaurs." Jared said, looking between Amelia and Gura. "Rory, Brian, Momoko, Rena, and Kaede. Get rid of those cobwebs."

Small spaceship…

The engines are running.

"Come on, come on, we're not moving. They've magnetised us. We can't move away." Solomon said.

Outside the control deck…

A velociraptor appears.

"Come on, boy. I'll get you." Amelia said, looking at the dinosaur.

"This is easy!" Gura said, holding her rifle. "The three of us got this!"

And calls to the rest of its pack.

"Hell's teeth, that's really not fair." Riddell said. "Watson, Gura, pull out!"

Indian Space Agency…

"Missile target will be reached in eleven minutes." The computer said.

Control deck…

"Damn it. When I thought Salem was annoying. This is more annoying." Jared said, angrily.

"What's wrong?" Kaede asked.

"Parallel pilot compartments, both configured. Needs two operators of the same gene-chain. And that's why Solomon couldn't change the ship's course and neither can we." The Doctor said.

Brian raises his hand.

"What?" Momoko asked.

"We can. Me and Rory. We must be the same gene-thingy you said." Brian said, looking at the Doctor.

"Brian Pond, you are delicious." The Doctor said.

"I'm not a Pond."

"Course you are. Sit down, both of you, licketty split. The ship does all the engineering. The controls are straight forward. Even a monkey use them. Oh look, they're going to. Guys, come on. Comedy gold. Where's a Silurian audience when you need one. Anyway, two eye line screens. Velocity and trajectories. Steer away from the Earth. Try not to bump into the moon otherwise the races who live there will be livid." The Doctor said, putting Rory and Brian into the seats.

"What?" Brian asked.

"Primary controls in the arms of the chairs. Principle's the same as any vehicle. Eight minutes forty five seconds." The Doctor said, sonicing the pilot chairs into life. "Get us as far away as you can. Right, phase two sorted. Now for phase one."

"So, Momoko, Rena, Kaede, you said something about the future." Jared said, looking at the KMR triangle. "What's so bad about it?"

"Nothing!" Kaede said, raising her hands.

"It's nothing for you to be worried about." Rena said, blushing a lot. "You're such an idiot. Like Kaede."

"What's so bad about the future?" Jared asked.

"A lot. Actually." Momoko said, her hand on her hip. "You're gonna be up against gods."

"Against gods? Like what?"

"We, um, we can't say." Kaede said.

"Are these spoilers?" Jared asked.

"Yeah. They are." Rena said, frowning. "You can't know any more than this."

"Why not? No harm done."

"We're from your future. Your own personal future."


"So, it's everything. And it's spoilers. We can't tell you, you dummy."

"No, come on, Pond. You and Team RWBY will be there till the end of me and Jared." The Doctor said.

"Or vice versa." Amy said.

"Don't." The Doctor said.

"Doctor? Jared? This is a two man job. And the detective and the shark are too short." Riddell said, while Amy gets the other stun gun. "What are you doing?"

"I'm easily worth two men. Riddell, Watson, Gura, you can help too, if you like." Amy said, and Jared extracts a beeping gubbins from inside the machine. "Doctor, Jared, what are you going to do…"

The Doctor and Jared are teleported away.

Outside the control deck…

"Quickens the blood, doesn't it?" Rideell asked.

"The sooner this lot go back to being extinct, the better." Amy said.

"You know what I want more than anything?" Riddell asked.

"Lessons in gender politics?"

"A dinosaur tooth to take home. Dinosaurs ahead, ladies at my side, about to be blown up. I'm sure I've never been happier."

"Shut up and shoot." Amy said.

"A." Gura said, looking back at Amelia.

"Time to ground pound some dinosaurs." Amelia said, smirking.

The four shot some dinosaurs.

"Duck!" Riddell said.

Control deck…

"I'm flying a spaceship. Rory!" Brian said, happily.

"Hmm?" Rory asked.

"We're flying a spaceship."

"I know."

Indian Space Agency…

"Ship's trajectory is changing." An Isa worker said.

"It makes no difference. The missiles have locked on. How long till target?" Indira asked.

"Seven minutes."

Control deck…

"Here we go! That's it, that's it. That's it, that's it. Me, me, me. Yes, yes. It's better than golf." Brian said.

(Jared's POV)

Small spaceship…

"Hi, are you having trouble leaving, Solomon the Trader?" I asked.

I short out the robots with spare power cables.

"Daisy, Daisy, give me your answer, do." The robots said.

And stop working.

"Your ship is still magnetized to the Silurian ship. We couldn't hear to lose you." I said, smirking.

"Release my ship, Doctor, Jared, or I kill this precious little object." Solomon said.

Nefertiti kicks his crutch and Solomon falls over. She grabs the crutch and puts the point at his throat.

"I am not your possession now, nor will I ever be. Now, stay there." Nefertiti said, angrily.

"Don't mess with Egyptian Queens, Solomon. I hope you learned that now. Or queens in general. Because they're pretty badass." I said, grabbing the Doctor's hand.

"What are you doing?" Solomon asked.

"I'm disabling this ship's signal and replacing it with the one from the Silurian ship." I said, typing away on my phone. "I'm sending this ship off into space, with it emitting the signal the Indian Space Agency's missiles are looking for."

"Hopefully, Siliurian ship safe, dinosaurs safe, everybody safe. Bit tight for time, though. Shouldn't really be chatting. Neffy, Jared, let's go. How remiss of me. Almost forgot. The thing about missiles, very literal. This is what they latch on to." The Doctor said, looking at the gubbins from the machine. "Now, one press of this and the ship's demagnetised."

"Doctor, Jared, whatever you want, I can get it for you. Whatever object you desire." Solomon said.

"Yeah, right. And we were tempted by the Skasis Paradigm so long ago." I said, squeezing the Doctor's hand. "Did the Silurians beg you to stop, Solomon? Just look at the missile. Do you see them shine like the sun? Just look at them. They're all yours."

"You wouldn't leave me, Doctor, Jared."

The Doctor closes the gate to the main compartment with me next to him, "Enjoy your bounty."

"You're not a mercenary or a Huntsman." I said, sadly. "Really, enjoy your bounty, Solomon."

The Doctor and I leave.

"Doctor! Jared!" Solomon said, while the little ship whooshes off into space. The missiles corner quickly and follow. "Doctor! Jared!"

The small ship explodes because Solomon didn't even try to jettison the beacon. Outside the Control deck, Amy, Riddell, Gura, and Amelia are surrounded by snoring velociraptors.

Open area…

"So, dinosaur drop off time." The Doctor said.

"Actually, we think home for us." Rory said.

"Oh. Fine. Of course." The Doctor said.

"Not for ever, just a couple of months." Amy said.

"Right. Yes. I'm pretty busy anyway. I mean, I've got to drop everyone back."

"About that. Can I ask a favour? There's something I want to see." Brian said.

The Tardis hangs in space above the beautiful blue dot we call home. Brian sits in the open doorway with a mug of tea and a sandwich.

"Planet Earth. Can't believe we defended it for this long." I said, smiling. "It is beautiful. After all of this time."

Back in Kamihama City, Momoko, Rena, and Kaede are playing games at the arcade. And back in Africa, Nefertiti comes out of Riddell's tent with rifle, and loads it.

Amy and Rory's home…

Rory Williams is trying to fit a long life light bulb into the ceiling socket, I am eating cake and drinking tea with Amelia Watson and Gura Gawr when Amy Pond comes in with the post.

"The dinosaurs were pretty amazing." Amelia said, looking at me. "What's next?"

"I don't know." I said, frowning. "Maybe go back to Remnant."

"What are you gonna do there?" Gura asked.

"Getting the message out. After bringing both of you back home to 2020."

"More postcards from your dad." Amy said, looking at Rory.

"Do you know what? I think it is the fitting." Rory said.

Amy pins the latest I Am Here postcard up. Rio de Janeiro, Pisa, Taj Mahal, Machu Picchu, New York, and now - Siluria! with dinosaurs next to the Tardis.

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