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60% In MHA with a Pokemon quirk / Chapter 9: 7. RESPECT AND RESULTS [1/2]

Kapitel 9: 7. RESPECT AND RESULTS [1/2]

Deep inside a forest the silence surrounding the trees makes it seem like the whole world has come to a stop...the only noice that can be heard is the slight rustling of leaves at short intervals... and if you listen might hear the faint vibrations of water rumbling against the air.

*swish* a white blur is followed by a smaller one.

================Red pov:

*pant* *pant* " YES!, I'M FINALLY DONE! " i said while trying to catch my breath from all the sprinting around that i've been doing with Grim. ' after all this time i finally finished maxing out my stats for [Beartic]! ' it took less time than i anticipated but still, one whole year of constant training is a lot. ' Thank Morgan i had [Rest] to exploit and make this happen, otherwise it would have probably taken way more than 1 year '

Red: " well, let's see how my stats are looking for now " i say as i think [Stats]



Name: Red Curtis

Age : 5

Spins: 1

HP = 98 -> 300

Attack = 111 -> 202

Defence = 80 -> 148

Sp. Attack = 75 -> 130

Sp. Defence = 80 -> 148

Speed = 55 -> 94

Pokemon = - Beartic - Empty - xxxx - xxxx - xxxx - xxxx

Type = Normal - Ice

Attacks = [Growl 10/20] - [Endure 12/20] - [Slash 15/20] - [Hail 15/20] - [Swagger 10/20] - [Superpower 8/10] - [Yawn 10/20] - [Snore MAX] - [Rest MAX] - [Ice Beam 12/20] - [Icicle Spear 15/20] - [Ice Punch 15/20] - [Mega Punch 20/30] - [Mega Kick 20/30] - [Aqua Jet 15/20] -

A/N~: i decided to add more levels to the moves so after reaching level 10 then the next 10 levels are unlocked and so on. The more levels the stronger,faster,easier and less energy usage.


I whistled as i looked at my stats, i guess training with Grim really did help me improve faster, dealing with his annoying attitude paid off in the end. Well even if he is annoying, i've grown quite fond of the little guy over the 1 year he has been here with us, and speak of the devil... *swish* he appears beside me panting a bit after using [Aqua Jet] to move around in fast bursts of speed that almost seem like a blur to the naked eye, it's almost like [Body Flicker] from Naruto but a bit slower at the level that we are using.

Grim: *pant* *pant* ' i still...can't get used to the unusual way that you utilise this technique '

Red: " hoh? Are you finally giving up then? " i say with a mocking grin

Grim: ' of course not, a higher being such as me can't give up this easily, this is a mere warm up. Even if master has seemingly endless stamina, i will find a way to keep up'

After a whole year of training together he started to warm up to me, and he even seemed less annoying after a while, but he only started calling me master instead of weakling or weak master after i beat him in a battle. Kuku i still remember how good it felt to bring that smugness down a few levels...

=================Red pov: the day of the battle

*sigh* it's only been a few months and this little sh#t has only brought more problems than benefits....but i was really surprised that he asked to have a serious battle, hell he even said that if i beat him he wont call me weakling ever again! ' kuku i can't wait to wipe the floor with this cute and fluffy bear ' i think as an evil grin forms on my face.

=======Grim pov: facing Red

Grim on the other hand was thinking of proving if his theories about his master were right, that he was a genius in both capability and adaptability. Slowly but surely Grim started to notice just how much of a monster his master was, he was a very unusual person, that was one of the ways that he could describe his master.... unusual... everything he did was unusual and out of expectations, the way he learnt, trained, progressed and basically everything else was like nothing Grim had ever seen before.

So today was the day, he put his pride on the line to find out if his suspicions were right.

=======3rd person pov:

Both Grim and Red were facing each other on a wide open field that was filled with holes and craters of various sizes with the occasional cluster of ice shards scattered about.

Only the wind could be heard as both individuals faced each other waiting for the other to make a move to signal the start of the fight...and soon enough *swish* Red made the first move by closing the gap quickly with a fast [Aqua Jet] aimed slightly above Grim, as Red appeared in front of him, Grim wasn't idle as he quickly charged up an [Ice Punch] behind his back.

As they both grew closer and closer within their range, a fast exchange of [Ice Punches] were exchanged causing Grim to go on the defensive as he has a smaller reach compared to Red in his Beartic form, as Red pressured Grim back more and more, Grim decided to try and surprise Red with a close up [Ice Beam] that was aimed straight at his head. Sensing the Ice energy accumulating Red decided to back off, and just like he expected, the second he jumped back a big pillar of energy was going right through where his head was supposed to be.

Since they both put some distance between each other they decided to use long range attacks to wear each other down. As the two big orbs of energy started to create the tension thickened, and with air distorting speed, the now released beams of energy collided in the middle of the battle field. Now that they were locked in the exchange they realised that both beams were evenly matched in power, knowing this they both reached similar conclusions.

Red: ' i have to put more power into it! '

Grim: ' my pride is on the line! I can't back down! '

Both beams started creating a beautiful display of strength and mastery as they pushed and pulled against each other,but, as the seconds ticked by they realised that no clear winner was coming out on top. So they added more power...and more...and more as the dazzling display of pure ice energy went on the field started to slowly freeze over.

But the winner of this exchange could be seen, as Red kept on increasing the power and slowly but surely pushing Grim back once again.

Grim: ' this can't be! A higher being such as myself can't loose to a peasant! No matter how talented! I MUST WIN!!'

Red noticed that Grim started pushing back harder and stronger than before... and that was exactly what he was waiting for, the exact moment Grim decided to throw all of his energy into the beam.

Suddenly Red retracted all of his energy and used another [Aqua Jet] to appear beside the shocked Grim that had no time to react, and with a powerful [Mega Punch] Grim was sent barreling in the air towards a tree.

Red: ' damn that felt good! ' he grinned at himself but that distraction gave enough time for Grim to load up a [Mega Kick] and charge towards Red ready to make him pay for injuring him.

Still Red managed to react by also using [Mega Kick] at the same time as Grim, and just like that *BOOM* a big sonic boom blew dust around shrouding the battlefield in a small veil of smoke.

Red was silent and focused on using his other senses if his vision was blocked, while a bloody and dirty Grim was desperately trying to find where Red had disappeared to... A deep [Growl] came from all directions making Grim waver a bit and with a small *whoosh* a wave of [Icicle Spears] rained down on Grim from all directions, even if he was an Ice type it would still hurt to take that many hits, so as he began trying to doge them his stamina got lower and lower along with his HP.

And just when Grim was about to doge an Icicle he heard the sound of air being cut just behind his back. It was Red aiming a [Slash] at the back of his neck to knock him out...Grim stood no chance and a loud *boom* echoed in the forest.

As the dust settled Red was screaming victory in his mind when suddenly he felt something was wrong, he opened his eyes to see a small white fist just a few inches from his head and with a *boom* his head was nocked back.

Red: ' this little! ' and just when red was formulating a plan to keep fighting he heard a small *thud* as Grim dropped to the ground and slept.

Red: ' he must have used [Endure] to tank the hit and then just moved on instinct ' hmm maybe he's not so bad after all

Red: ' but still i didn't have a reason to take off even 1 of my bracelets -.- '

======================End Of Flashback

Red: " ahh that was satisfying " i was thinking with a big smile on my face

Grim: ' you dammed training maniac! What's so good about all this huh? '

A small *crack* followed by a small whimper was heard as Red chopped Grim's head while saying " shut up you grumbling telepathic teddybear "

After a bit more grumbling they sat down to rest and that's when Red decided to finally use his spin token.

Red: ' hmm i was waiting until i reached the max stats that i can right now with Beartic before i unlocked a new pokemon, but since that's done i don't see the point in waiting any longer '

He opened his [Stats] window and selected the wheel. And just like that it started to spin...and spin...and spin... until...




The bat pokemon

- It emits ultrasonic waves from its mouth to check its surroundings. Even in tight caves, Zubat flies around with skill.

[ poison ] [ flying ]

Height = 0.79 meters | Weight = 7.5 kg

Abilities = Inner Focus | prevents the pokemon from flinching

[hidden] Infiltrator | passes through the enemies barriers

Moves = [Supersonic 10/20] - [Mean Look 5/10] - [Poison Fang 0/10] - [Air Cutter 0/10] - [Fly 0/10] - [Agility 2/10] - [Acrobatics 0/10] - [Sludge Bomb 0/10] - [Shadow Ball 0/10] -

Stats =

Hp - 40

Attack - 45

Defence - 35

Sp. Attack - 30

Sp. Defence - 40

Speed - 55


Red: ' hmm...interesting, i mean i always wondered what it would feel like to fly. This will definitely come in handy in difficult situations where i need to move fast or run away '

Red: " well i might as well transform now and see what it feels like "

Grim: ' ahh this means i can finally change my form into a proper one!, this small vessel was constricting my progress'

Red: " *chop* how many times have i told you to stop talking like a young master? talk normally baaaka "

Grim: ' just transform already you monster! '

Red: " *sigh* all right all right, stop being so anxious " i took a deep breath and focused on transforming.... i felt my height slowly decrease as the noice around me got louder and louder. suddenly everything turned black, but i could see.

The scene that was laid bare for me to witness was astonishing... the beauty was breathtaking...i could "see" everything around me, the movements of the grass, the ants that are carrying some leaves, but the most beautiful thing was the very air that danced around everything like a thin veil that was both weak and strong. I could see it coming out of my pores, even the now tall Grim was covered in faint noises that my precise hearing could pick up.

Red: ' hm if i practise enough i could hear inside someone's body and find out if they are telling the truth, hell if i get the most out of it then i might be able to tell what movements they are going to make by the sound that their muscles produce ' before seeing this i thought Zubat was only going to be useful for speed and flight, but i see now that i forgot many aspects that can also be exploited.

Red: " for the main part" i start to slowly move around my small body trying to get used to the feeling of not having arms or hands, but after a bit of moving it was as if i had wings all my life. ' this pokemon logic is truly broken ' .

Slowly but surely i started to flap my small wings frantically, and just like that as if my body was weightless i started to lift from the ground. I can't really describe how it felt, but i guess the best word to describe it is Free.

At first i was trying to fly by using strength and speed, but i realised that i could save energy by listening to the air currents and gliding along them with my wings spread open. And soon enough i figured out how to stay in one spot and even some acrobatic gliding that made me pick up speed quickly, ' it seems that being small and light makes it easier to maneuver in the air, plus using the wind currents to my advantage, my speed gets a major boost '

After 1 hour of gliding and flying i landed to experiment with some other things that i thought about while having fun.

Red: ' first i need to see what my partial transformation looks like ' i changed back to my human form that was now standing at a solid 120 cm thanks to my training and diet.

I focused ,just like the first time i tried to transform with Beartic, and after a bit i felt as if i got an additional 2 limbs on my back. Let's just say i was pleasantly surprised when i saw 2 bat wings just like Zubat wings on my back, and controlling them was as easy as using one of my arms, they are even quite sturdy from what i noticed so i might be able to use them as a shield.

But the changes didn't stop there, i also got longer fangs and my ears got a bit pointy, that meant that my hearing got a big boost so i could hear things i wouln't be able to hear even in my Beartic form.

Red: " okay! now it's time to test out a different theory " this time i wanted to see if i could use two partial transformations at the same time.

If this theory is right then not only will i get a big boost in versatility but it may also mean that i will fight more in my partial transformation instead of my full ones, because it's much easier to control the power output in this form to be nonlethal, on the other hand full transformations will become my trump cards to get the edge over certain situations.

Red: ' okay enough blabbering, let's get started ' i slowly focus on transforming both of my arms into Beartic's while in my partial Zubat form...and suddenly just like happens. ' ahhh this pokemon logic is truly broken '

Red: " well now it means that i get to move on to the best part!...Training! " let's see my stats first.



Name: Red Curtis

Age : 5

Spins: 0

HP = 300 -> 340

Attack = 202 -> 247

Defence = 148 -> 183

Sp. Attack = 130 -> 160

Sp. Defence = 148 -> 224

Speed = 94 -> 149

Pokemon = - Beartic - Zubat - xxxx - xxxx - xxxx - xxxx

Type = Normal - Ice - Flying - Poison

Attacks = [Growl 10/20] - [Endure 12/20] - [Slash 15/20] - [Hail 15/20] - [Swagger 10/20] - [Superpower 8/10] - [Yawn 10/20] - [Snore MAX] - [Rest MAX] - [Ice Beam 12/20] - [Icicle Spear 15/20] - [Ice Punch 15/20] - [Mega Punch 20/30] - [Mega Kick 20/30] - [Aqua Jet 15/20] - [Supersonic 10/20] - [Mean Look 5/10] - [Poison Fang 0/10] - [Air Cutter 0/10] - [Fly 3/10] - [Agility 3/10] - [Acrobatics 1/10] - [Sludge Bomb 0/10] - [Shadow Ball 0/10] -


*whistle* getting a new pokemon was a massive boost to everything thanks to the fact that my stats combine.

====== author message:

Hello~ i just wanted to say that this was my first ever " fight scene " so i want to hear what you guys think. ALSO i'm getting really close to 15k words (we are at around 13 k with this one) so my novel will be able to get in the rankings soon!

that's all guys, watch out for part 2 maybe tomorrow or in a couple of days depending on how it goes.

Ivan_The_Terrible Ivan_The_Terrible

hello~ hope you enjoy :P

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