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56.64% Reborn into Naruto World with Tenseigan / Chapter 486: Chapter – 480 Fleeing in Panic

Kapitel 486: Chapter – 480 Fleeing in Panic

After a while of chasing and fleeing, the two quickly arrived at the other battlefield.

Seeing that Fujin was about to cut him again, Orochimaru hurriedly ordered the two Hokage, "Hurry up, kill her!"

Hashirama and Tobirama who have just dealt with the Bone Clones and were now trying to break the Iron Sand Shell that locked Kurenai inside it cast their sluggish eyes on Fujin behind Orochimaru.

'Already defeated my Bone Clones?' Fujin sighed he gave up cutting Orochimaru and immediately used Body Flicker Jutsu.


In the blink of an eye, Fujin broke through the Speed of sound, with this fast speed he appeared behind Tobirama and slashed with his Bone Blade.

Under the sharpness of Fujin's bone blade, the Edo Tobirama was no different from butter under a hot knife…. And with just a casual swipe he was cut into two without any resistance and his body was divided into two parts the upper and lower half.

Fujin wanted to take this opportunity to temporarily paralyze Tobirama and put a seal on him that would at least restrict his movements even if it won't release the reanimation, so he started to print the hand signs but before he could finish, several vines grew out of the ground and after entangling around his ankle they yanked him away.

Being thrown into the air, Fujin's expression remained unchanged, and without even, a need to glace at the vines wrapped around his ankles Fujin transferred Chakra towards his Tarsus bones out of which; several bone blades protruded out and immediately cut off the vines entangling around him.

After dealing with the vines, the bone blade retracted backward, then a spear of bone elongated on top of which Fujin landed to stop his fall.

Now standing on top of the Bone Spear, Fujin with his left hand on his waist, a bone Sword protruding out of the palm of his right hand stared at Orochimaru underneath with an indifferent expression.

Orochimaru's face was gloomy, his eyes flickered as if he was thinking something while Hashirama and the recovered Tobirama were protecting him from the two sides.

Because a hole was opened in the Iron Sand Shell by Hashirama some time ago, therefore, Kurenai was able to look outside at Fujin and Orochimaru confronting each other… moreover, this time because of no obstruction of hair, she was also able to not his appearance.

Staring intently at Fujin standing on top of the Giant Bone Spear, Kurenai murmured in a daze, "So, this is his true appearance…" Immediately afterward, her attention was attracted by the white eyes in the Clone, "So, his eyes are really Byakugan… the first time I noticed his Byakugan, I thought I was mistaken and it was my hallucination… but now it seems that he truly has Byakugan."

Because the Anbu captain, Hyuga Kuroto is a member of the Hyuga Clan, therefore, Kurenai is no stranger to the Kekkei Genkai of the Hyuga Clan, this is why she recognized those eyes.

'And he has an uncanny resemblance to Kuroto-kun, but…' while thinking so, Kurenai looked at the forehead of Fujin and thought, 'Unlike Kuroto-kun, he doesn't have the Caged Bird Cursed Mark on his forehead, instead he has the symbols of the Kaguya Clan along with those horns…'

"Is he from the Main Branch family with some kind of connection with the Kaguya Clan?" muttered Kurenai with a confused expression.

Unlike Orochimaru, Kurenai didn't really think of Chimera Jutsu being the cause of Fujin possessing three Kekkei Genkai (She doesn't know about Typhoon Release), instead, she thought that perhaps, Fujin is from the Main Branch Family and either one of his parents was from the Kaguya Clan.

And similar to Orochimaru, Kurenai did not think that Fujin is Hyuga Kuroto, the reason is very simple, Hyuga Clan is an ancient Clan and practices internal marriages to prevent the outflow of their Kekkei Genkai, so it wouldn't be too strange if a few members of the Hyuga Clan were to have a slightly similar appearance.

While Kurenai was thinking about various things, the battlefield had come to silence, and a breeze blew by; swaying the leaves and dust.

Both Fujin and Orochimaru were in a silent confrontation, but neither of the two made his move and both of them were waiting for the other party to take the initiative.

Undoubtedly, now that the fight has reached this point, Orochimaru had to admit that he is not an opponent of Fujin.

Orochimaru no longer has any interest in continuing this fight, after all, he has no personal conflict with Amatsukami, nor does he want to do anything with Amatsukami, and he is not stupid enough to provoke Amatsukami while he is already being relentlessly pursued by the Akatsuki organization.

But the opponent's speed is too fast, and all the moves are sharp and concise, whether it is Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, or Kenjutsu… there are no flaws for Orochimaru to exploit at all. When coupled with Byakugan, fooling him is also a very difficult task as everything can be seen through so even a bit of negligence could lead to death. So even if Orochimaru wants to retreat, he needs to think deeply and plan out how to escape safely, otherwise even retreat might become impossible and only death would be the end of this fight.

While thinking of many ideas, Orochimaru's vertical slit eye inadvertently glanced at Kurenai inside the Iron Sand Shell, then he glanced at Tobirama standing near him and suddenly had an idea in his heart, 'Maybe I can use that.'

As soon as the plan was formed, Orochimaru smirked and licked his lips, then slowly lifted his hands and pressed them on the backs of Edo Hashirama and Edo Tobirama.

Immediately after that, both Hashirama and Tobirama simultaneously weaved hand signs and launched their Ninjutsu.

'Wood Release: Hobi Technique!'

'Water Release: Water Colliding Wave!'

Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk

Amidst the sound of Wood piles closing a protective Wooden dome with the dragon's face was formed around Orochimaru and protecting him inside.

At the same time, under Tobirama's control, a turbulent wave appeared out of the ground and instantly flooded the entire tree and bone forest.

With the battlefield submerged in water, Hashirama instantly dived into the water and quickly swam towards the Irons Sand Shell protecting Kurenai, of course, the Iron Sand shell was also filled with water.

And Hashirama when underwater just like a fish, he traveled close to the Iron Cage in less than a second.

Since Fujin was standing on top of the Bone Spear so he was obviously unaffected by Tobirama's Jutsu, but seeing Hashirama rushing towards Kurenai, so obviously he couldn't sit back and watch him kill Kurenai.

Therefore, Fujin merged into the Bone spear he was standing on currently then appeared out of the Bone spear near the Iron Sand Shell, and immediately reached out his hand to grab Kurenai.

The surface of Iron Sand Shell was touched by and under Fujin's control, the hole that has opened in the Iron Cage previously expanded to the size that allowed one person to pass through.

Because of being totally submerged inside the water, the Iron Sand Shell was totally filled with water, so Kurenai who was still not in a state to be able to do anything despite all the struggle and was already suffocating and it seems that it was very difficult for her to hold on her breath any longer.

Therefore, as soon as she felt a hand on her shoulder, Kurenai seemed to have caught a life-saving straw and immediately hugged Fujin with all the strength she could muster...

But suddenly vines grew out f the ground and after wrapping around Kurenai's ankle they continuously tried to pull her downward in order to drown her.

Fujin raised his Bone Blade to cut the vines, but before he could, Hashirama also rushed out of the water and used Wood Cutting to kill Fujin.

While trying to bring Kurenai out of the water as she was continuously being pulled downward by the vines, Fujin parried Hashirama's attacks with his other hand.

And to be honest, Fujin was a little overwhelmed here, one side Kurenai was being drowned, and on the other side, Hashirama was trying to kill him… annoyed, Fujin kicked Hashirama away with all his strength and then immediately elongated the bone Sword to chop off all the vines trying to drown Kurenai and pulled her out of the water.

Just as Kurenai was pulled out of the water by Fujin, Hashirama again rushed towards Fujin and while entangling him in combat Hashirama used a small-time window to throw a dozen Kunai towards Kurenai.

Whiish Whiish whiish Whiish

Fujin of course waved his Bone Sword to cut those Kunai, but because Hashirama was also continuously entangling him, therefore, he missed 3 Kunai that soon reached close to Kurenai. However, he wasn't much worried because based on their trajectories they wouldn't hurt Kurenai.

But before Fujin could breathe a sigh of relief, with a white flash, Tobirama appeared in front of Kurenai and held one of the three Kunai that was traveling towards Kurenai and without wasting even an instant he immediately slashed the Kunai across Kurenai's right shoulder to the chest causing blood to splash.

Fujin's heart sank, "Of course! Flying Raijin… how could I have forgotten! Damn it!"

Because the Kunai was thrown by Hashirama and not Tobirama, therefore, Fujin was a bit unprepared for the Flying Raijin Jutsu… and the opponent used this opportunity.

Just as Fujin cut Tobirama, Tobirama's body turned into countless Exploding Tags.

"Oh no… even Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags!" this time even Fujin was really panicked.

As soon as the sneak attack on Kurenai succeeded, Tobirama did not wait and immediately used Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags.

Even Fujin does not guarantee that he can remain unharmed in the face of this Jutsu if he were to face this Jutsu, although Fujin is not worried about himself, because he can just merge inside a Bone Spear and emerge a long distance away from the area of the explosion, however, this option is not possible for Kurenai, so Fujin had to find a way to protect Kurenai, else she even her bones will not be left, and all this fight would have been for nothing.

So he immediately gave up all the entanglement with Hashirama, then immediately hugged the nearly unconscious Kurenai and protruded diamond-hard bones from his body to form a protective dome over him and Kurenai.

But he didn't stop there and immediately controlled all the Iron Sand in the surroundings to form an incredibly thick layer of Iron Sand as a protection over the dome Made of Bone, and this was still not the end… as a towering Tornado was summoned by Fujin in order to lessen the impact of the Explosions.

Before he was finished doing all this, the explosions have already started.

Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom Boom

For the next 5 minutes, the explosion caused by Tobirama's Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags continued which shook the whole forest.

When the explosions stopped, and the dust cleared away… a deep pit was revealed and at the center of the deep pit, a white sphere with hundreds of cracks on the surface came to view.

Seconds after, the White sphere that was filled with hundreds of cracks also turned into dust and fell apart to reveal the figures of two people.

Fujin looked at his surroundings to find that except for himself Kurenai who is somehow clinging to life, everything else in the surrounding forest has completely disappeared.

'Thank goodness I was far away from the Shrine, otherwise who knew what would have happened there.' Sighed Fujin then searched for the presence of Orochimaru and the two Hokage.

With his Byakugan, it didn't take long for Fujin to capture the figure of Orochimaru running away in panic but even if he did find Orochimaru, Fujin did not choose to pursue him, because he has already noticed that when Tobirama sneak attacked Kurenai… he also made sure to leave a Flying Raijin Marking on Kurenai's chest.

If Fujin were to pursue Orochimaru at this time, then Tobirama who has also recovered back because of being an Edo Tensei can simply use the Flying Raijin Jutsu to teleport near Kurenai and kill her instantly, therefore, unless the Flying Raijin Marking is removed from Kurenai's chest, or Fujin doesn't care about Kurenai's life and death… Fujin can not go after Orochimaru.

On the other side, Orochimaru who was fleeing in panic looked back at the battlefield several times, and after repeatedly confirming that Fujin did not choose to pursue, Orochimaru finally heaved a long sigh of relief.

"This time I was unlucky to encounter a monster like him… being alive is already very good, I just need to get out of here. As for the Sword of Totsuka, I will think about it later…" muttered Orochimaru and further increased his speed to get out of here as fast as he can, without care about dignity or pride. After all, Orochimaru values his life more than his dignity or pride, as long as he is alive all truths can be uncovered and everything can be researched, so life is much more important than anything.

This is also the reason why, earlier as soon as Orochimaru noticed that even under such a deadly attack as infinite explosions caused by Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags Fujin was not dead, so he had already started to flee in panic.

Are you kidding? Even the explosions caused by Nidaime Hokage's Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags can not kill him, Orochimaru can hardly imagine what Jutsu will be capable of killing Fujin.

It must not be forgotten that in terms of danger level, the infinite explosions caused by the Mutually Multiplying Explosive Tags somewhat match the danger level of Tsuchikage's Dust Release, and Nidaime Mizukage's Steam and Danger Tyranny and yet it couldn't kill Fujin! So, what can kill Fujin? Although Orochimaru is curious to find out, however, he is not an idiot and has restrained his curiosity… because curiosity often kills the cat and he is not a cat, he is a snake… and snakes are more cautious than anyone, therefore, Orochimaru cares more about his life, then finding out what can kill Fujin, for now at least.



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