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67.16% Tales of Hiroki: A Naruto Story / Chapter 45: Academy Once More

Kapitel 45: Academy Once More

Early in the next day, Hiroki arrived in front of the academy. Many parents were bringing their young children to the academy as they were still very young. Many of these people were civilians Tha had dreams of becoming a shinobi. Hiroki then saw a teacher and directed himself to him.

"Good morning. My name is Hiroki. Hokage-sama has told me to come to the academy today at eight. I thought of coming a little bit earlier to familiarize better with the place." Hiroki said.

"Ah. So you are Hiroki. Please, come with me. Your new homeroom teacher has learned of you enrolling now since you are a special case." The academy teacher said as he lead Hiroki to the academy's office. Once they were there, the teacher opened the door, went in, and came out of the room. After he did so, another teacher came out of the room. He had a scar running horizontally across his face and nose and had a spiky ponytail. Hiroki recognized him instantly.

"So you are Hiroki. It's nice meeting you. And it is good having you with us. My name is Iruka and I'll be your sensei until the time for graduation." Iruka said.

"Nice meeting you as well Iruka-sensei." Hiroki said.

Iruka thanked the other teacher and let him off.

"Please come inside with me Hiroki. You will now be introduced to the other students of the class." Iruka said as he walked inside and behind him was Hiroki. The classroom was like an auditorium. The seats went up as they got further com the front of the class.

As Hiroki walked inside the class, everyone stared at him. Specially a blonde girl that he walked past the day before. Another person also recognized him.

"Aaaaa. Hiroki. What are you doing here?" Naruto yelled. Everyone in class then looked back at the front of the class once more, only to see the boy smile and wave at Naruto.

"Ino, what is wrong with you? You've been day dreaming ever since he arrived. Could you have fallen in love like I did with Sasuke-kun?" A pink haired girl said to the blonde.

"He's the one I told you about, Sakura. The boy that walked past me yesterday." Ino said.

"Well, he is handsome, but I prefer Sasuke-kun." Sakura said as she turned towards a boy brooding at the corner of the class.

"Ahem. It seems that Hiroki here met one of you or maybe more. Anyways, he will be joining us in these last six months of academy before graduation. Hiroki, introduce yourself." Iruka said as he motioned Hiroki to the front.

"Hello everyone. My name is Hiroki Uchiha. I hope to get along with all of you." Hiroki said.

As he finished saying those words, many if not all of the students in the class gasped in surprise. Specially a boy with black hair. He was the only who stood up with surprise. His face contorted as he wanted to ask many questions.

"Alright everyone. Introduction is over. You may ask him questions at break time. Hiroki, you may choose to sit anywhere you like if the seat is unoccupied."

Hiroki walked up towards the seats and as he did so, the students kept on looking at him. Specially Ino and the other boy with black hair. The looks the two have him was nothing alike. The girl had a gentle look while the boy stared at him as if wanting to see through him.

"Hey Naruto, do you mind if I sit next to you?" Hiroki asked.

"Sure, sure. After you payed me ramen yesterday, you will be my friend." Naruto said. Hiroki only eye smiled at him.

Iruka started lecturing his class. It was about the three basic jutsus that every shinobi should be able to learn before graduating from the academy.

"Does anyone know the names of these jutsu?" Iruka asked as he looked at his students. There weren't any hands up and he decided to call out a random name. But before he could call out, he saw a hand raised.

"Yes, Hiroki. Do you know the three jutsus?"

"They are the henge no jutsu, kawarimi no jutsu and bunshin no jutsu." Hiroki said.

"That is correct. Those are the three jutsu that you all have to learn before graduation and you will be tested on those three. They might seem basic, but they can be used to save your lives when you are out on the field, so pay attention to these classes." Iruka said.

After going on about the academy three for four hours, it was break time.

"Sheesh. Finally. Iruka-sensei talks too much." Naruto said to Hiroki.

"You should pay attention to the class Naruto. These three jutsus are very important in a shinobi's career. Since you want to be Hokage one day, you have to work even harder than the others." Hiroki said, knowing that he hit a switch on Naruto.

"Osu. I'll learn these three and kick ass in no time. I'll do them better than anyone else." Naruto yelled as he stood up from his seat.

"Come, let's go get something to eat." Hiroki said as he stood up and started walking down. As he got half way through the class, the boy that stared at him ever since he arrived, got in front of him.

"You own me answers." The boy said.

"Hey dobe. What are you doing?" Naruto said to the boy.

"Stay out of this Naruto. This is Uchiha business."

Hiroki looked at the boy in front of him and only smirked. He then walked past him and continued walking towards the door.

"Hey. I'm talking to you." The boy said in anger as he stretched his hand to grab Hiroki's collar.

Hiroki grabbed the boy's hand and put some strength in it.

"So you must be Sasuke Uchiha. Look, I don't know what you want with me, but one thing I'm one hundred percent sure of is that I don't own you anything. This is the first time I'm meeting you and you are not giving me a nice impression." Hiroki said as he let go of Sasuke's hand and continued walking. Naruto was just behind him. Sasuke was stuck in place as he was massaging his sore hand and looking at Hiroki's back.

"So, Naruto. Where do you usually go to eat in the academy? Do you stay with your friends and eat together or eat by yourself?" Hiroki asked, knowing the answer of all these questions.

Naruto had a sad look on his face.

"I usually stay by myself. I barely have money for one meal in a day. The old man gives me money every month for living expanses, but nobody would want to sell to me. Everyone in the village look at me in a hateful way. You are actually one of the few that doesn't look at me that way."

"Don't worry Naruto. We're going to figure something out. For the time being though, here. You can eat this." Hiroki said as he gave Naruto a bento box and started eating from his own.

"I always prepare two of these for me to eat, but you need it more than I do. From now on, until we graduate, I'll prepare one for you." Hiroki said.

Naruto had a look on his face as if he wanted to cry.

"No one has been this nice to me. Thank you Hiroki." Naruto said as he tried not letting tears from his eyes fall and started eating.

After eating, Hiroki took both bento boxes and placed them on top of a scroll and sealed them. Naruto seeing this, was very surprised.

"How did you do that?" Naruto asked.

"Oh. This is a storage scroll. We can put anything inside it and it will maintain like that until it is unsealed. Every shinobi should have a few of these. They are very handy." Hiroki said.

He saw how Naruto was curious about this and handed one to him.

"Here, give it a try. Try to unseal the bento boxes. All you have to do is form a hand seal and pulse some chakra into the scroll." Hiroki explained.

Naruto took the scroll and then repeated what Hiroki did, but the boxes was not unsealed from the scroll.

"Oy, Oy. I didn't break it right?" He asked.

"No. Haha. You just used too much chakra Naruto. If you use too much or too little, you won't be able to unseal it. Try using less, a lot less than what you used now." Hiroki instructed.

Naruto repeated the process, but now he took longer to pulse his chakra through the scroll. After a "poof" sound, the two bento boxes came out.

"Yataaaaaa!" Naruto said as he punched the air in celebration.

"Hahaha. Very good Naruto. Now try sealing it back inside the scroll. It's the same process." Hiroki said.

Naruto then repeated what he last did and was successful in sealing the bento boxes back into the scroll.

"Hehe. I'm a genius." He said.

Hiroki only smiled at him.

'He really is easy going. He has the same personality as Kushina and he has Minato's look. If he was brought up by them, I wonder just how monstrous he would be.' Hiroki thought.

"Naruto. You said that you can't buy in any of the stores because they won't sell it to you, right?" Hiroki asked, changing the subject and Naruto nodded.

"Why don't you use henge then? This way, it would be easier for you to buy the things you need."

"Soka. I've never thought of it like that. Hehe, I'll use henge to fool them all." Naruto said as he grinned.

"Do you know how to make a henge?" Hiroki asked as he saw Naruto's grin disappear from his face.

"How do you make a henge?" Naruto asked sheepishly.

"Haha. Don't worry. After academy is over, we'll go to a training ground and I'll teach you. How about it?" Hiroki said.

"Alright." Naruto said as he leapt up.

Hiroki saw everyone returning to class and then signaled Naruto to return as well.


"Alright everyone. As you all know, today we have shurikenjutsu practice. Remembering that at the end of the class, we will test all of you and this will be an important step to graduation." Iruka said as he walked in front of the class.

"Let's head to the back of the academy. Bring your gears with you." Iruka said as he led everyone to the training ground behind the academy.

Once they arrived, there were more than twenty target board set up. Hiroki saw that there wasn't a lot of difference from when he was in the academy. To tell the truth, he can count the times he ever practiced here. He hadn't stayed long in the academy.

He grabbed a kunai from his pouch and threw it high up. As the kunai reached it's peak height, it then pointed down and rushed to the ground. Hiroki grabbed it mid air and threw it at the dead center of the target. Hiroki went to the target to grab the kunai and once he turned back to return to the throw line, everyone was staring at him with wide eyes.

'Crap. I forgot that at this point in time, the ninja academy is only a pebble of the big rock it once was. Something easy and effortless like this is capable enough to surprise them.' Hiroki thought to himself.

"Hiroki. Teach me. How did you do that?" Naruto asked him.

"Haha. It takes practice Naruto. Once you do it for long enough, you will be able to do it with closed eyes. Can you hit the center of the target?" Hiroki asked.

"I... I... I can, but only one in every ten throws. Some times I can get more, but it's..." Naruto explained.

"So you are saying that you only throw it without aiming at all?" Hiroki asked and Naruto nodded his head.

"Naruto, you have to aim before throwing. That is why you aren't able to throw at the center with consistency."

"Consisten... what?"

"Consistency. It means regularly or continuity. Take one of your kunai and throw it. Do it just like you normally would." Hiroki said.

Naruto grabbed one of his kunai's and was about to throw it, but Hiroki grabbed his had and took the kunai from him.

"Naruto, it's no wonder why you miss most of the time. It's not only your throwing form that might be wrong, but your kunai is just trash. Where did you get these?" Hiroki asked.

"I got them from Mizuki-sensei. I gave him some money and he bought them for me. He always helps me with whatever I need." Naruto said.

Hiroki shook his head sideways.

"Naruto, he has been stealing money from you. These are used kunai. They can't even be used to cut tofu properly. Here, take one of mine and throw it at the target." Hiroki said as he handed his kunai.

Naruto grabbed it and threw it as he always had. There wasn't any fancy throwing motion or anything of the like. There was only crude power behind the throw. The kunai had hit the edge of the center of the target. Naruto looked at the board and then at Hiroki with a bright smile and excitement.

"Grab it and do it again. I want you to hit the center at least five times at the test." Hiroki said. Naruto felt good and motivated and continued throwing the kunai at the target board.

After one and a half hour, Iruka walked to the center of the field.

"Alright everyone. Today's test will begin. So be ready. You will throw ten kunais and ten shurikens each. A passable grade is five or more. This grade will add up to the ones you already have or will have in the future, so do your best. I'll call in the names randomly. Once I do, your test will start. Shikamaru Nara." Iruka called.

A boy with lazy eyes and hair like a pineapple walked to the throw line.

"What a drag. But it's not bad being first. Once I'm done, I can sleep until everyone is finished." Shikamaru said as he started throwing the kunais and shuriken.

After Shikamaru and many others from the class were called, Sasuke was next. He threw all of his shuriken and kunai at the bullseye.

"Very good Sasuke. A perfect score. Up next is Hiroki. Please come forward." Iruka said.

Hiroki went up and took his shuriken and threw them. After that he did the same with his kunai. He had gotten a perfect mark.

"Good job Hiroki. You did very well. A perfect score. Now then, the last one is Naruto. Naruto, come up here and begin." Iruka said.

Hiroki had landed him his set of shuriken and kunai. Naruto was about ready to start throwing, but Hiroki stopped him with his words. "Naruto, do it just like you did in practice. Don't think too much, but don't lose your focus." Hiroki said and Naruto nodded his head.

"Well, that was quite a surprise Naruto. You have hit seven shuriken out of ten and eight kunai out of then. This is a great progress. Good job." Iruka said to the blonde, who just grinned with happiness.

"Alright class, that is it for today. Tomorrow we will have sparring class, so eat well and prepare yourselves." Iruka said, dismissing his students.

Hiroki got next to Naruto and walked with him.

"So, let's go to the training field. I'll help you out with the henge jutsu." Hiroki said as he took the front and started running towards the training fields.

After running for five minutes, they arrived to a field that was one that Hiroki knew very well. It was the third training field. He saw the big tree in the center and memories flashed in his head as he chuckled and smiled.

"Hiroki, what do I need to learn this henge jutsu?" Naruto asked from behind Hiroki.

"You'll first need to pay close attention. Well, you know what? I've heard you had a jutsu that you prank people with. Show it to me." Hiroki said. He had remembered that Naruto uses his sexy jutsu, but it was nothing other than a henge, only with a sexy female.

"Hehe. You heard about my awesome jutsu. I must be getting famous." Naruto said as he rubbed under his nose with his finger.

"Focus Naruto. I'll help you, but you need to help me as well." Hiroki said seriously.

Naruto seeing the serious tone Hiroki used, nodded his head and got ready.

"Sexy jutsu."

After the smoke cleared, a sexy blonde girl could be seen in front of Hiroki. After a few seconds, Naruto dispelled the jutsu.

"Naruto, try doing the same, but instead of the sexy woman, try copying someone else and please keep the clothes haha." Hiroki said.

Naruto prepared himself and did what Hiroki asked. This time he had transformed into the third Hokage. Even the wrinkles on his face was exactly the same. After a few seconds again, Naruto dispelled the jutsu.

"I understand you want me to do this, but what will it help me with when doing the henge jutsu?" Naruto asked. Hiroki could only face palm himself and laugh.

"Naruto, you already know the henge. What you did just now was the henge. You transformed into the Hokage. If you can perform the jutsu and nobody notices it, you can go to any place and buy what you need in those stores you say people won't sell to you." Hiroki explained.

"Ooooooh. Then I can start buying things that I want. This is great." Naruto said happily.

"Alright, let's test it out. I'll give you some money and you will buy a set of kunai and shuriken at the weapon store." Hiroki said as he started running to the center of the village. Naruto was just behind him. As they arrived near an alley, Hiroki pulled Naruto in and told him to do a henge and then go to the store with the money to buy the kunai and shuriken. Naruto then transformed into one of the many shinobi from Konoha and went inside the store. After five minutes, he came out from the store with a new set of shuriken and kunai.

"Hehehe. It worked out. Hiroki, this is great. Now I can buy whatever I want without those people shooing me from their store." Naruto said.

"Hn. I'm sure you will."

"Oh. Here are the set I bought."

"Keep them. They are a present for you. You needed new ones so now you have them." Hiroki said.

Naruto looked at Hiroki with surprise. This was one of the rare times someone had given him something.

"Thank you." Naruto said to Hiroki.

"Hn. No problem. Come, let's go back to the training field. I have a few more things to show you, Naruto." Hiroki said as he then went back to the training field.


"When I taught you how to use a sealing scroll, I saw that you had some difficulty controlling your chakra. It seems you have an abnormal amount so that explains why you have some trouble with it. Here, take this leaf and stick it to your forehead with chakra and don't let it drop." Hiroki said as he gave a leaf to Naruto.

Naruto grabbed the leaf and placed it on his forehead and then used chakra to stick it in place. After only thirty seconds, the leaf fell from his head.

"This is just too difficult." Naruto said as he looked towards Hiroki. He saw that he had over ten leaves on his forehead, all stuck in place.

"It's not that it is difficult, Naruto. Most of the things won't workout at first. What differentiates a beginner from an experienced person is hard work and consistency. If you practice enough, you will also become good at what you practice. Just don't give up and everything will workout." Hiroki said as he let the leaves drop to the ground. He took out a scroll from his pouch and handed it to Naruto.

"This scroll teaches how someone can better control their chakra. If you read it, you'll only get better and better. Once you have a good chakra control, you'll be able to use more powerful jutsu with half the effort." Hiroki said the last part slowly so Naruto could hear it and thrive to read the the scroll.

Hiroki had stayed helping Naruto with his chakra control for the rest of the day. When night came, they went to Ichiraku's and then each went home. As Hiroki arrived in his apartment, he instantly saw that someone had entered it.

'The person is very good in infiltration. He left the apartment just the way it was when I left to the academy. This must have been the work of Hiruzen or Danzo. But too bad I had placed a seal in every door and window that notified me of any trespassers. I'll deal with this latter. Let's just hope this doesn't continue. Sigh. Today was a good day. Not a lot of action, but I could get used to this type of life.' Hiroki thought.

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