Leonard had experienced a few things in his short eighteen years on earth, tasting various foods, feeling the full range of possible emotions, suffering pain, anguish, and despair. Falling in love but it ending unrequited.
But, the current situation had considerably baffled and confused him... His body felt weird, not like he was used to, he couldn't breathe but felt no urge to anyway. In all honesty, it felt like he was currently within a warm water balloon, occasionally he'd feel pressure from random directions, but it was nothing more than an annoyance.
Leonard stretched his limbs out but felt them reaching the barrier of whatever was holding him... He remembers that he'd just passed out after his three-day marathon playing Fallout 3, but had no idea how he'd ended up "Here".
He combed over the possibilities, and all of them were unsatisfactory, he'd been abducted by aliens, his government or a terrorist organisation? Probably not, but it was an option.
He had a mental breakdown and this is within his own mind, the experiences just echoes of what he true body was feeling? That didn't sound right.
He'd died, and this was Heaven, Hell, or Limbo... Leonard refused to believe that God existed, so this one was out, even if it were true.
He was paralyzed and this was simply what you felt when all senses were lost? Likely?
The last thing on his mental list was that he'd somehow been stuffed inside a womb? He assumed this is what being inside one would feel like, feeling around with his weak and for some reason small hand allowed him to feel what could only be a placenta. He left it alone for the time being, if it was what he thought it was, he'd definitely die if he damaged it.
Giving another kick in irritation he could hear a female yelp, it wasn't loud and was difficult to hear due to him being submerged, but it lead credence to him being inside a womb.
That only brought more questions to the table though... How. How was he here, and was he even "Leonard" anymore? He speculated that he may have been reincarnated and if so his original name would likely be replaced by whatever his new parents called him. More importantly though, why was he here? Did he anger a God somewhere and as punishment they'd forced him to live through life again? Some wouldn't consider that all that bad, but Leonard thought differently...
Life was boring enough as it is, and having to redo school and college again made him want to just pull the placenta out and end his new life before it even began.
Of course, there were other options. Maybe this would be beneficial to him? The start of Fallout 3 had you being born, perhaps it was something similar to that... If that was the case, wouldn't that make him the Protagonist?
It may just be wishful thinking, but if that were possible he'd jump at the opportunity. His experience playing Fallout 3 was still fresh in his mind, and to be honest, he wouldn't mind playing it again.
He'll just have to wait and see where he'd end up... For all he knew he could be being born in Warhammer 40k, and if that were so, even if he killed himself he was fucked.
A month went by and Leonard continued floating in the womb, trying to find things to think about to alleviate his boredom. He'd gone through a phase of kicking his "mother" whenever he wanted, the yelps of pain and surprise amusing him for a time before it quickly got old.
He'd then started reliving his old memories, though, most were so boring he just dreamt of playing Fallout, sad yes, but it was the clearest and most interesting thing he could remember.
Eventually, he felt the fluid surrounding him drain, and loud voices from outside his "prison" could be heard... Either, he was about to die or was getting birthed, Leonard was looking forward to both options.
Soon enough he felt a pressure on him, and he twisted himself to go headfirst towards whever it was pulling him... He knew that a babies best chance for survival was going headfirst, he was able to think and move himself so it was easy to get into the correct position...
What Leonard hadn't expected was the ungodly pain he'd experience as he was getting pushed out. His head was literally being crushed and squeezed as cold plastic covered hands tried to assist his mother in birthing him. He head got through but not without consequences, his thoughts were fuzzy and he was almost running on instinct...
His chest come next and some hands wrapped around him to pull, his body was fragile and he thought he'd be torn in half... He coughed and sucked in a breath as the pain continued to climb, only now realising that he was able to breath.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!" he unconsciously started wailing, his unused pain receptors suddenly all flaring as a nurse cleans him off and wraps him into a blanket, a few minute later the pain slowly fading into a dull ache.
Leonard struggled to open his eyes but was eventually able to and started looking around, noticing that he was inside some sort of rundown building... It looked like the wallpaper was almost entirely gone, with the walls themselves slowly rotting away.
His mind was still muddled after having his brain squished, but he managed to look over at the pale woman holding him as well as the large man lovingly holding her.
"What should we call him?" the man asks, his scraggly brown hair and stubble making him look like a homeless person.
The woman smiles down at him, "Afton... Afton Parker." she says, giving the man a kiss before pecking her new child on the forehead.
Leonard, or now Afton Parker couldn't bear it any longer and passed out, wondering if he'd been born to some homeless people.
Hope you guys enjoyed the chaps, I'll say it again in-case you missed it. The schedule will be two a day, this is to try and stop my bad habit of writing filler to fill the gaps :P
If I missed anything please let me know, and if you want to read ahead please go to https://www.p.atreon.com/Nagross, I'd appreciate it.
Leonard, or rather, Afton, had just woken up. His mind felt refreshed and a lot clearer, he'd not expected that having your head and brain reshaped as a baby would be so painful and literally mind-numbing. Regardless, he was alive and now able to take a proper look at the environment around him...
He's currently tightly wrapped in a blanket and placed within some kind of crappy cot? It looks as if it was made from leftover materials you'd find in a skip. Atleast with no one else around he could do some things most would consider highly unusual.
Straining his body, and neck muscles, he turned to the side and looks through the dirty and almost splintered wooden bars of the cot, looking at the wall of the building he was within. Again, as he'd previously thought before he'd ended up passing out, the wall was decomposing before his very eyes... He was honestly worried about the whole place collapsing on top of him, he'd not even been born a day and was already judging his negligent parents at leaving him in this deathtrap.
On the subject of parents... His name was now Afton. Not something he'd personally pick but you can't really pick your name, can you? He continued to wiggle his body to get a good look of the room around him, noting that there were some primitive-looking computers, damaged desks and other similar kinds of furniture... Strangely enough, there was also a pistol that seemed to have been dismantled on the nearby table.
Before he's able to consider the implications of having homeless parents well versed in weaponry, a pain in his stomach caused him to unconsciously tear up... Shit, is this was babies feel when they're hungry?
He tries to resist the urge to cry as his dignity simply wouldn't allow it, however, dignity wasn't a factor to his body's instincts.
"WAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!" he wails, his throat feeling strained and painful from the intensive use of his vocal cords.
Fortunately, it doesn't take long for someone to open the door and enter the doom, they walk up to the cot and smile down at him, its his homeless mother... Though, she was wearing a clean looking medical gown which would indicate they weren't as poor as he initially thought.
Her long black hair was tied into a bun, her face was clean, lacking in wrinkles, her hazel eyes matching well with the rest of her features... She was, by Afton's standards, beautiful. Her face was lightly tanned, as if she'd spent a few weeks sunbathing on the beech, but he could see how pale her arms were when she went to pick him up.
"My boy... Mama's here, and you hungry?" she asks sweetly, enraptured in her sons almost inquisitive gaze.
Afton stomach pains haven't faded, but the sudden shock had, he decided to reach his little arms up at her instead of crying and losing more self-respect.
She takes this as an affirmative and shifts the gown before bring him up to her breast... Now, if you were to ask Afton to suck on someone's breast before he was reincarnated, he'd do it and then afterwards ask who you were... But, with this not being a sexual act and instead, one of necessity, he wasn't enjoying it as much as you'd think.
Add to the fact that he completely lacked any hormones to influence his body or mind, and you have a grown man being force-fed breast milk while having to act like he's happy about it.
"Oh! Delores was right... This does feel weird, not like how Zach does it..." she mutters thoughtfully.
Afton tries to ignore his mother's comments, only picking out the information he needed. This Delores person she mentioned was probably the one responsible for birthing him, her taking her advice into consideration was the obvious clue, though, it could just be another mother with more experience.
"Are you done?" she asks as Afton reaches the limit of how much he can drink, his stomach roils and he ends up spitting some up... It feels like he's going to drown in his own vomit as he burps against his well, luckily though his mother seemed to know what she was doing, lifting him over her shoulder in a good position so he can comfortable spit it up.
She wipes it off and looks down at him afterwards, "Are you done? Ohh, everyone is looking forwards to meeting you, let's go see them shall we?" she says, already walking towards the room's exit.
Afton was definitely not a social person, but he was willing to bear it to gather more information about his situation. The hallways his mother carries him through are all in similar states to his room, sometimes he got glimpses of sunlight breaking through small cracks as well... Whatever was holding this building up must be magically enhanced or something...
They eventually enter a room containing many people who immediately lock their gazes on him, it seems he was wrong about them being homeless though... The weird red robes some wore indicated that he was probably in some kind of cult...
One of the robe-wearing men that had brown hair and brown eyes got up from the ragged sofa he was sitting on and walked up to them... "Congratulations Verna." he says, looking down at Afton, "Seems he inherited your good looks, he's rather handsome isn't he?"
Verna, his mother smiles at his compliment, "I'd call you a flatterer if I didn't happen to agree Nolan." she jokes.
An old-looking woman with greying blonde hair also wearing red robes walks up and examines him, "Did you have trouble with his first feeding?" she asks, tentatively turning his head to check for something.
Verna shakes her head, "He spit some up but he was good. Why? Should I watch for something?"
"No, just wanted to know, the first feeding is usually the most difficult for both you and the child, I'm glad to see you didn't have problems..." she says with a restrained smile before sighing, "As much as I'd like to stay, I have other duties to attend to, if you ever need help just come and ask."
The Newvegas enthusiasts will know immediately what's up, hope you guys like the chap, if I missed anything please let me know.
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