Race to the
Chapter 303: attack in the night (3)
As Lu Zemin was struggling to get out of the assassins around him, he suddenly noticed something.
He noticed that not only the assassins around him, but all other assassins, never attacked him. They all only used their sword to defend themselves from the attack of Lu Zemin but they never tried to attack him no matter what, why?
At this new realization, Lu Zemin looked at the assassins, and with a glare, he asked them "Who are You?!"
"We are here to kill you" The assassin said to Lu Zemin
Lu Zemin can clearly tell that they are lying, he puts his sword back to its sheath and looked at the side of his carriage and in a loud tone, he orders "I, The Prince of Dongping Kingdom orders you to stop your ATTACK!"
The assassins that were going at the carriage and at his attendant Su Bao, all of them stopped their weapons at once and looked at Lu Zemin.
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