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Kapitel 12: Chapter 11: Meeting Grandpa

Edit: I have created a discord server for this fic. It's basically for providing updates, providing feedbacks, chilling etc.

h t t p s : / / d i s c o r d . g g / P Z P b B 5 S f 7 2

(remove the spaces ofc)

Disclaimer : I do not own PJO or any of its characters.


Chapter 11 : Meeting Grandpa

Percy woke up with his head spinning. He thought that him being in Ancient Greece was just a dream. However, when he opened his eyes and saw his surroundings, he knew he was so wrong. There were vases around him with intricate designs embellished on them. There was no concept of doors in the place which he was in. It was entirely open with different rooms connected to the one he was in. Further, there were several shelves with different household items stacked on them. As Percy looked around, he realised this was nothing that he was accustomed to. Just then, a person walked in.

"So you are awake young one. How are you feeling?" the man asked, again in Ancient Greek.

"Fine, thanks. But, where am I?", Percy asked.

"As I said earlier, Magnesia."

"Uh, is this someplace important?"

The man looked at Percy as if he was an idiot before he finally replied, "If by important you mean Mt. Othyrs then yes, this is an important place."

Percy just looked at him and contemplated. He had surely heard this name somewhere but the question was where? He kept racking his brain until he got the answer. Of course, it was the base of the Titan's during the birth of the elder gods and during the Titan war. What was he doing here? Why had the unknown person sent him to the past? His brain filled with hundreds of questions until it could not take it any longer and decided to pass out again. The other man merely chuckled.

'This one sure is unique', he thought before he placed Percy back on the floor and covered him with a cloth. 'Sleep well young one, there's a lot that you need to see and learn'. He then walked out.


Present Time (On the train)

It was still night as the train made its way through the American States. It passed through fields and fields of crops through silently. If one looked inside a particular cabin, he/she would be greeted to the sight of three teenagers passed out on the bed, sleeping soundly with the most innocent and carefree expressions on their young faces. Little did he/she know that they had far more pressing issues to take care of than a normal teenager ever would.


Ancient Greece



You have slept in a bed! All HP and MP restored.


Percy swiped the notification away as per habit and groaned. He sat up and looked around. Sure enough, he was still in the place where he had passed out. It was night time right now and he could see torches lit just outside the place where he was sleeping. It casted an eerie glow in the darkness. Percy slowly got up and made his way to what he assumed was the balcony. He did not know how long would he be in this place or what he was supposed to do. He sighed. He looked up at the night sky and his breath hitched. There were millions of stars that blanketed the night sky while the moon glowed in all its glory, making it the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. This was something that he could not see in New York or Long Island. Millennia of pollution really screwed up the environment. He was snapped out of his musings when he heard a voice behind him.

"A beautiful sight isn't it?" asked the same man from before.

"Truly", Percy replied with a smile on his face as he kept looking up.

"Lord Krios really looks after his domain".

Percy thought for a moment. Krios was one of the Titans who ruled over the stars and constellations as far as he could remember. Since this was the Golden Age, the Titans were the rulers.

"So what are you doing here, young one?" the man asked curiously.

"I lost my way. I do not know how I ended up here", Percy replied. Technically, he wasn't lying since he did get lost and had no clue as to how or why he was here in the first place.

"It must be fate that you came here then. Nothing else can ever describe such actions", he said. For a moment, Percy really thought the Fates were playing a joke on him but dismissed the thought. Surely, they won't do something like that. Right?

"Oh, where are my manners. I am Minoclas, what's your name?"

"Perseus". Since he was in Ancient Greece, Percy decided to use his given name instead of the one he asked everyone to call him.

"Quite a name. Do you know the meaning behind it?"

"Not really, I never thought about it."

"It means – to destroy. Surely, there must be something about you that made your parents give you such a name. Who knows?", he asked no-one in particular.

Percy was shocked. Why on earth would his mom name him 'the destroyer'? He sighed and let it slide. There were lots of mysteries that he didn't want to uncover. For now, he needed to find a way to get back to his time so that he could go on and save his mother from her terrible fate. Who knows how the god of the Underworld was treating her? He just knew that she deserved the best and not be in a place such as the realm of the dead.

"Well, if you're hungry, let me know. I caught some fresh meat today so it would be delicious", Minoclas said as he walked inside the house. Percy thanked him and remained standing outside, contemplating his next action.

Now that he was alone, his thoughts returned to him and he was scared. He did not know what he needed to do or how to get back. He was stuck in an ancient time with the Titans in power with no way back to his time. He had to go and save his mother. He needed some help. In his desperation, he did something that he had never done before – he prayed. He prayed to the Fates and whatever deity was higher than them for some help or guidance for his next step. Even if he was intelligent now, nothing could ever prepare him for the situation in which he was stuck right now.


The Void

"Grandmother, don't you think he needs a bit of help?"

"Nonsense, he will be fine."

"He is praying. For. The. First. Time. Ever", Clotho said whilst emphasising each word. She too was shocked and could only imagine what Percy was going through. A 12 year old, dumped into the past with no clue what to do? That was bound to happen.

Chaos pouted. For the creator, she was jolly and not stuck-up or pompous in any manner whatsoever (*coughs* Zeus *coughs*).

"Fine", she huffed and waved her hand. "This will help him."

"Grandmother", Lachesis said in a warning tone.

Chaos rolled her eyes, "fine, I will give him a reward as well for it. Happy?"

The three sisters nodded happily. They sometimes had to take care that their grandmother didn't go overboard when it came to things like this. Sure, she was serious and every bit regal when it came to meeting the other entities in the multi-verses but when it came to her immediate family, she always looked for opportunities to pull their leg; Percy being the point in case.


Magnesia, Golden Age



Quest Alert!

Experience the beginning of the fall of the Titan King without your identity being discovered.

Rewards –


XP : 5,000


Failure –


Accept / Decline?


Percy was ecstatic and quickly accepted the quest. Finally, he knew what he had to do before he could go back to save his mom, that's what he assumed. Since the unknown female did say that he had to experience the past. Hopefully, this would be the only one.

Now, he first had to come up with a plan and find a way to enter the stronghold of the Titans. It was surely not a cakewalk given the fact that the so called 'Golden Age' was due to the unavailability of knowledge to the masses courtesy of the Titans. They would surely want others staying away from the divine. Percy was still standing outside in the night sky, lost in contemplation. He was still thinking of ways to infiltrate the palace until he had in idea. He smacked his head at his forgetfulness and stupidity at times. He looked around to make sure that he was alone and then vanished from sight.


Alternate Dimension

Even though he was in the alternate dimension, everything was the same as per norm. He pulled out the Resurrection Stone from his inventory and put the ring on his finger. He then proceeded to put his power into it and summoned Alecto.

Alecto looked around her and sighed before turning to Percy, "what did you do now? Why are we in Magnesia?"

Percy smiled sheepishly and proceeded to inform her of the events that transpired which led him to his current predicament.

Alecto looked at him, took a deep breath and then said, "let me get this straight. You went to sleep, some unknown entity spoke to you, dumped you here – in the past – and now, wants you to infiltrate the palace of the Titans? Remind me again, why did I end up serving you?"

Percy winced. Alecto really didn't hold back when it came to things like these. On the bright side, she was now used to him and weird things happening around him so it was fine, he assumed. Hopefully.

"So now, we need to come up with a plan to get inside the palace. Thankfully for you, I have a rough idea of its layout. Don't ask how, I just know. Now, do you know how to use the Mark? Don't look so surprised, it is our power after all that you possess, if we can't detect it, who can?"

Percy nodded dumbly.

"I don't know how to use it", he said.

Alecto rolled her eyes, "of course you don't. One of the most versatile powers with myriad uses and yet you don't know how to use it. Incredible. Now, we are going to train in this so that you can disguise yourself once we get there. We do not know whether anyone will remember either of us in the off-chance we are detected. I do not want someone running after me millennia later and I am sure, you don't want that either."

She was really on a roll today.

"Come on, let's start your training. No one is bound to come here. I want to be out of this period as soon as possible. The Golden Age wasn't really my taste even though there were lots of deaths and souls to punish. The old boss wasn't as considerate as the new one; not that the new one is any better but eh, we got our share of worship."

With her tirade finally over, the duo got to work on Percy's powers.

A few hours later, Percy was panting. Alecto was a slave driver. She thoroughly enjoyed training Percy and depriving him of all his MP. Further, the moment she found out that Percy's MP was restored when he was drenched, she didn't waste a moment in upping the training regimen. To be honest, it was quite a weird one now that Percy thought about it. He was given the most awkward instructions like 'think about your nose getting pudgy' or 'ears pointed' or 'become shorter' etc etc. At one point, he had messed up things so bad that even the ever serious Alecto had burst out laughing by how ridiculous he looked. That was one can of worms that he wasn't going to open at all.



Mark of the Furies

Level 3 + 3 = 6 (24% proficiency)


Even though it was not much, given the amount of time Percy had spent, it was quite good. He was now able to shift a relative portion of his facial features and very little of his physique. If someone new met him before and after, that person would recognise him but with a bit difficulty which was fine with Percy. However, he needed a better control if he had to not be recognised at all but alas, he did not have much time. He needed to finish the quest and get out of here as soon as possible. This was still workable so he would do his best.

Soon, Percy was out of the alternate dimension. He had dismissed Alecto since he did not want to attract any attention whatsoever and headed back to the place where he was staying. He had summoned some fresh meat and other delicacies using Hestia's blessings and was taking it to Minoclas as a small thank-you gift.

The night passed blissfully with the pair talking about Greece and each other's life. Percy had to lie for the most part since he wasn't from that time and hence, had to come up with things on the fly.

The next morning, Percy thanked Minoclas for his hospitality and was on his way to Mt. Othyrs. He had taken the general directions from Alecto so he didn't have to walk around like a headless chicken. His trip was quite interesting to say the least. On his way, he came across several breath-taking places. The flora and fauna was rich with birds chirping everywhere. He was mesmerised. He even came across a waterfall surrounded by lush green gas and beautiful flowers all around. Several deer were drinking from it whilst some horses grazed on the meadow. Percy wasted no time in running and jumping into the waterfall. He was a little tired and the water worked wonders in taking it all away and injecting him with a fresh dose of energy.

He continued his journey until night came. Percy had built a campfire a bit far off from the main travel paths since he needed to speak to Alecto. He had covered quite a bit of distance during the day but nothing was in sight till now. He summoned her from the ring and beckoned her to sit nearby whilst he summoned some food for the two of them.

"Hey, how far are we from Mt. Othyrs?", Percy asked.

Alecto drummed her fingers in thought before she answered, "we should be there by late afternoon tomorrow. You can rest up and then head inside during the night. However, I have got to ask – what are we even going to do there in the first place?"

Percy shrugged.

Alecto looked at him and blinked. She then wacked him on his head before screeching, "you idiot! Why didn't I ask you this before?! The entity asked you to sneak in but what are we even supposed to do after that? Did you even ask her this? Are you stupid?"

Percy laughed nervously, "umm…"

"Knew it", Alecto deadpanned, "out of billions of people and so many deities and others, I had to get stuck with the biggest idiot of them all. Honestly, I feel I have the worst luck in the Greek world."

"Am I that bad?"

"You got ready to infiltrate the stronghold of the most powerful people in all of Greece where, I might add, the King lives as well who has divine authority over one of the strongest domains known to the supernatural. To make matters worse, you have no idea how to get inside or what to do there. Your only explanation is that you were told by some unknown, powerful deity that you need to go there. How naïve or stupid can one be?"

Percy pouted, "fine, I get your point. But we'll figure things out when we get there."

Alecto just smacked her hand on her head as she cursed her luck, or rather, lack thereof.

"Let's just train with the Mark for now. You need all the practice you can get."

The demigod agreed reluctantly and headed to the Alternate Dimension.


~Next Morning~


Mark of the Furies

Level 6 + 2 = 8 (32% proficiency)


'I swear she just wants to get rid of me as soon as she can so that she can be free', Percy thought. Alecto had exhausted his MP so many times that he lost count. He had to keep drenching himself time and time again just so that he could keep up with her training regimen. Moreover, his progress had slowed down now since he had reached a higher level so getting to the next one required more time and practice.

Around midday, his destination finally came into view. He could just see long towers if he squinted hard, otherwise, nothing else was visible. Alecto was so wrong when she told him that he'd reach by late afternoon.

*huff* 'Never should have doubted her', Percy thought as he fell unceremoniously near a tree. He had been walking and walking and walking but the tower was still there and the base was still nowhere in sight. It was late afternoon now and it still looked like it was miles away from him. Did this damned thing keep moving? He decided to summon Alecto to ask for further instructions since he was out of ideas on what to do next.

"Ah so we are here, you made it in good time Percy", Alecto said with a ghost of a smile on her face. She ruined it with her next sentence, "looks like you really had a death wish."

"Are you really looking out for me?"

"Well, I did bring you here out of consideration and tell you the location of the Underworld in the modern age."

"But the stupid building is so far off", Percy pointed in the distance.

Alecto chuckled and said, "a common mistake. Why do you think this place is so empty for miles out?"

Now that Percy looked around, he realised that it was completely silent. There were no birds chirping or animals in sight. It was as though he was in the other dimension.

"We have reached. You just need to know the location, that's the secret. Everything else is merely an illusion of the Mist. It is highly concentrated due to the beings present here and thus acts like a veil to deter people and animals from coming anywhere close to this place. The Titans aren't exactly fond of others in general, well most of them. The tower lies just beyond this point. You have stopped just at the edge. Let's rest for now before going in. You will need all the strength you have as well as refill your water in case things go south and you need the extra help. Though the chances for you surviving at the moment are in the lower single digits."

"Thanks for the support", Percy said. He summoned a meal for the two of them as they rested and waited for Selene to start her journey across the skies.

Soon, just as it was about to get dark, Alecto ushered him to get a move on. They slowly made their way through the trees the Fury had pointed out and suddenly, the scenery changed all around Percy. He looked ahead of him and his jaw dropped. Alecto too was not faring any better.

The place was huge and terrifying. The palace itself, reminded Percy of a very oversized mausoleum, was made completely from black marble, which, according to Percy, made it both terrible and beautiful, made of fear and shadow. The palace's glimmering black towers reached the clouds, like greedy fingers, reaching out for the stars. This was Mt. Othyrs in all its glory.

"Ahh no matter how many times I look at this, the affect will never get old", Alecto said.

Percy didn't have any words. None were needed. This 'palace' screamed power and wealth all over.

"Come on, let's go", Alecto said. She had already started walking towards the castle and it seemed as though she would leave him alone if he did not hurry up. He quickly followed her. They walked to one of the sides of the castle after which, Alecto turned towards him.

"Change your appearance as we had discussed earlier", she commanded. Alecto too had changed her appearance and looked almost like Ms. Dodds albeit with a few differences here and there. Percy too focused on his appearance and one by one changed his body into whatever random thing he could think of. The end result elicited another bark of laughter from Alecto who did her best to quieten.

"Sometimes, I feel insulted that you have this power whilst the other times, I am glad since I get to have such an entertainment", she idly said. She then released her wings.

"Thanks, I guess?", Percy replied.

"Come on, grab on to me. We will fly over these gates. There is a blind spot which I used to use when I had to travel and since its night, I will be able to blend in well without alerting any of the deities. They are already used to me visiting every now and then since Iapetus too lives here."

"If you're sure", Percy said and raised his hands to be carried inside. Alecto got the message as she flapped her wings, got hold of him and flew inside. True to her word, Alecto had stuck close to the shadows and whizzed past the sentries that were patrolling the place. There weren't many since no one would be stupid enough to try and break into the house of the strongest beings on the planet except for him of course.

After a few minutes of flying and navigating through endless towers, the duo finally reached what seemed like the main building. They gently landed nearby and hid behind some pillars. They quietly made their way inside and again, Percy's breath hitched. The main pavilion was ringed with Greek columns, the floor was polished black marble, and a cold wind blew down the hallway. Green Fire burnt in braziers along the walls, which glowed against the marble floor. In-between the braziers were black marble statues of different Titans, Percy assumed.

From there, Alecto moved him through the place under the cover of darkness; making sure not to alert anyone. They soon reached the main hall if the twelve thrones gave any indication. Percy scanned the place but it was empty save for an individual sitting on a throne and another person who was standing in front of him. They seemed to be engaged in a conversation. Percy squinted his eyes and looked at the throne. The throne looked as though it was cut out of a gigantic piece of pure black obsidian, and encrusted with gold and diamonds. It was magnificent to say the least.




Level 4 + 2 = 6

15% chance of not getting caught

15% chance of critical strike


Percy dismissed the notification and looked ahead and decided to use Observe.


Kronos – titan of time

HP - ?

MP : ?

Atlas – titan of endurance, general of Kronos

HP - ?

MP - ?


Percy gaped. He thought he had seen it all but apparently he hadn't. As he looked closely at Kronos, he could describe the titan lord as evil in all aspects. He had brutal golden eyes, black curly hair and a long, pointy beard. Beside him lay a six foot long scythe. Just by looking at it made Percy's blood turn to ice. He guessed it was the very weapon forged by Gaea, used to cut Ouranos and later Kronos. He shivered subconsciously. He did not want to fight the Titan Lord or his general. He was sure he'd die. Percy strained to hear what they were talking about, luckily for him their voices started rising. Now lay the next problem, he could not understand what they were talking about.

He turned to Alecto and said, "Do you understand what they're saying?"

"A little bit, they hardly spoke to me in that language. It was mostly Greek for me. This was reserved just for the Titan Council and their most important children like Atlas."

Percy was in a bind. How would he be able to eavesdrop if he didn't know the language only?


The Void

"Grandmother", Atropos said in a warning tone, "how could you forget the most important thing?!" Chaos was forgetful sometimes when it came to family since she messed around quite a bit. It was surprising that the universe managed to survive till now.

"He he he", Chaos laughed nervously. She then waved a hand and chirped, "Done!"

Atropos just sighed. The three sisters had been almost babysitting their grandmother to ensure everything went smoothly with Percy because knowing Chaos, she would endanger him for her own amusement. Atropos wasn't ready to take any risks even though Chaos herself had selected Percy for what was to come in the future.


Mt. Othyrs



New skill unlocked!

Tongue of the Old Times (tap for more information)


Percy was surprised. He quickly tapped it and sure enough, what he needed was there.


Tongue of the Old Times (Level – Max)

The ancient language that Gaea spoke to the Titans, Elder Cyclops, and Hekatonkheires before the birth of the Olympian gods.


He quickly sent a thank you prayer to the Fates since he needed this desperately to finish his quest. He then turned his attention to the conversation.

"….. time approaches", Kronos was saying. His voice was unspeakably old, cold, and powerful, like knives scraping against stone.

"What do you desire my lord?" Atlas replied. His voice was very intimidating as well: though it was not as creepy as Kronos', it was deeper, lower, and stronger, like the earth itself was talking.

"The prophecy issued by father and mother. We need to avert it. None of my kin can be born."

"But isn't Lady Rhea already with your child?"

"Sadly but there is nothing that I can do. It will be immortal like us but it is prophesised that one of them would topple me. I cannot have that happen. Even marrying Rhea was not a part of the plans but alas, aunt really has a way around things it seems."

"So what do you suggest my lord?"

"The only option left is to devour them…. Who's there?" Kronos suddenly asked as he looked at the direction Alecto and Percy were hiding. Atlas immediately turned and Percy gulped when he saw him. Atlas looked like a living statue, with dark slicked-back hair, grey eyes like stone, light brown skin, and a very muscular build. He was very tall and extremely muscular with a brutal face, and huge shoulders. Atlas had a regal expression, a cold proud look in his eyes which looked evil.

"I think it's time we took off", Alecto said to Percy.

Percy nodded immediately as the duo started running towards the exit. Alecto could not open her wings right now since it was unique to the Furies and it would put them in danger. The Mist was out of the option since the Titans had far greater control over it than she did.

"Hurry up, what's taking you so long?" she yelled. Both of them were running at their top speed but it didn't seem to be of much use since Atlas had almost caught up with them in a few bounds.

"Now now, it is rude to visit the king, not greet him and instead spy on him. I feel some divine energy from you boy while the other feels like a monster. Such puny people. I do not want my king to waste his energy on such frivolous things. Further, I will enjoy extracting the information from you", he said in Ancient Greek. It seemed that he was being considerate by speaking to the duo in a language that they would understand according to him but the truth was that the old tongue was extremely limited to a select few individuals and no one else possessed its knowledge.

Atlas was upon them and swung his fist at the ground, hoping to crush Alecto and Percy in a single blow. They quickly dived to the side to avoid it.

"You have some good reflexes but I wonder, would that be enough?" Atlas taunted Percy.

The demigod knew that he didn't stand a chance against a Titan of Atlas' calibre. Suddenly, he had an epiphany. The Helm of Darkness of course! He could blend with the shadows and pass through quickly without being detected. Why had he not thought about this before? He really was an idiot. He had two top tier weapons with him and yet it didn't strike him earlier. Percy quickly reached into his inventory and pulled out the key-chain. It glowed an eerie black. He did not know how to expand it but Alecto would know surely. At the same time, the person in question spared a glance at Percy. Her eyes widened in astonishment as she immediately realised what he was holding. It was the very bane of her trouble. She decided against questioning him about it for now since there were more pressing matters to attend to.

"Alecto, how do you use this?", Percy yelled as he dodged another blow that cracked the marble beneath him.

"Pour your energy into it. It will expand. Put it on your head and jump into the shadow", she replied urgently.

Percy did as she asked and immediately, the keychain expanded and grew until it was the size of a bike helmet. He put it on and it reduced in size to accommodate his head. It fit him perfectly. However, the moment it was on him, Percy froze up momentarily in terror. The Helm was attacking the darkest parts of his mind and he wanted to throw it away but he had to bear it. Percy ran towards Alecto, grabbed a hold of her hand and jumped into a shadow. They were consumed by it and he started running towards the exit. It seemed that the Helm was working since Atlas was now looking around, trying to find both of them while Kronos watched with interest. Soon, they were out of the main building and Percy dismissed the helm back to his inventory. Alecto released her wings, grabbed Percy and flew off into the night, putting as much distance as she could between them and Mt. Othyrs. As soon as they cleared the walls, Percy's surroundings were replaced with the similar void where he first met the unknown person.

"You have done well, demigod", the voice said from all around him once again. Alecto was there too this time and she looked alarmed.

"Don't fear me Alecto. I am with Perseus. I simply wish for him to be stronger and wiser for what is to come. This was but merely a glance at the past. He will need more experience and lessons like this moving forward. You feel it, don't you? The inevitable change, the war and the prophecy. You were there after all. It is beginning. Train the demigod, be with him and offer him counsel. He will need it. Do not disappoint me", the voice said until it disappeared as quickly as it first appeared.

Again, Percy felt himself falling until he woke up with a start in the train where he had last gone to sleep. Alecto was nowhere to be seen. He assumed she was back in the ring and it was all a dream. However the notification that popped up removed all traces of doubt from his mind.


Quest Complete!

Experience the beginning of the fall of the Titan King without your identity being discovered.

$ : 7,200 + 20,000 = 27,200

XP : 2,551 + 5,000 = 1,375 / 4,218


Level Up!

Level 14

HP : 600 + 150 = 750 / 750

MP : 700 + 150 = 850 / 850

Ability Points : 12 + 4 = 16


New skill unlocked!

Battle Instincts (Tap for more information)


Intrigued, Percy tapped it.


Your ADHD is replaced with Battle Instincts. You will now have enhanced senses, increased prowess in battle and strategy. You will also be able to make more effective plans.

New skill unlocked!

Battle Strategy

Effectively make and change plans during one-on-one combat or while leading your troops.

Level 4 – 12% chance of success


Woah! Percy was truly impressed. Seems like this outing yielded quite favourable results for him. He was happy and satisfied. Not to mention the $20,000 reward but then again, he was up against the strongest Titans with minimal chances of survival so it was fair. He dismissed the screen and looked at the time. It was still 3am which meant that there was time dilation involved since he had spent close to two days in Magnesia. Percy then got up and vanished into the Alternate Dimension. He knew he needed to have a chat with the Fury about the recent events.

"Perseus Jackson, how the Hades did you have the Helm of Darkness?! I had trusted you when you said you didn't have it. What's next? Do you have Zeus' Master Bolt also?", Alecto screeched the moment she appeared from the ring.

"Relax! Let me explain what happened. I didn't exactly have the time to speak to you about things", Percy said as he tried to placate the Kindly One.

Alecto nodded as Percy launched into his tale about the recent events that led up to him travelling back in time. Alecto kept quiet for the most part except when she had a question or needed some clarification. Soon, he was done and looked at Alecto, waiting for her to say something.

"You really have some rotten luck", she finally said.

Just then, Percy recalled the last bit of the conversation they had with the unknown entity.

"What was she saying about prophecy, war etc?", he asked.

Alecto closed her mouth and looked everywhere but at him. She was lost in thought before she answered, "it is not my place to tell you this. You should ask Chiron or your father."

"But why?" Percy insisted.

"It just isn't."

"Fine. By the way, how was I able to use the Helm despite being a son of Poseidon?"

Alecto smiled, "Now, that's a good question. I was waiting for you to ask it. You see, the elder Olympians were born from Kronos and Rhea and weren't Titans though they should have been. They had a unique composition. The weapons of the big three were built in-tune with that and could be used by those with the same signature. Since they were siblings, their signature was identical in some aspects. You being their child, also carried the signature but less of it since you're half-god. Therefore, you were able to wield the helm though it was not as effective as it would be if used by a son of Hades."

Percy 'oohed' at that. He hadn't ever read about this or knew about this. Any new knowledge was always welcome though.

"So now, what do we do with the Helm?", Percy asked the million-dollar question.

"I propose we go to the Underworld where you try and bargain with Hades. I am sure he kidnapped your mother as a bargaining chip. You might just be able to negotiate her release."

Percy nodded. It was viable. The faster they went, the better it was anyways. They were still a few hours out of Los Angeles. Percy then dismissed Alecto and returned to his dimension. First things first, he needed a break.


Percy's Stats

Perseus Jackson

Species : Demigod

(gives +2 STR and +2 DEX)

Title : Son of Poseidon

Perseus is the son of Poseidon and Sally Jackson. Blessed by Elpis, the spirit of hope, he has a natural affinity with water due to his heritage which grants him control over water, horses, storms and earthquakes. He is also Hestia's champion which grants him control over fire and lets him summon meals.


Level - 14

Exp – 1,375 / 4,218


HP : 750 / 750 (+ 2000)

MP : 850 / 850 (+ 2000)


STR : 23 (+ 2 + 20) (Bonus : Weapon damage - Damage + STR | Unarmed damage - STR * 2)

VIT : 18 (+ 20) (Bonus : 50 HP per 10 levels)

DEX : 18 (+2 + 20) (Bonus : +10% HP regenerated / min)

INT : 22 (Bonus : 50 MP per 10 levels)

WIS : 18 (Bonus : +10% MP regenerated / min)

LUC : 14 (Bonus : +14% chance of better loot)

Points : 16

Money : $27,200 / D30


Status : Demigod




Combat :

Sword Fighting (Level 15)


Inherited :

Ancient Greek (Max)

Tongue of the Old Times (Max)

Modern English (Level 25)

Swimming (Level 7 - 9 km/hr)

Breathe Underwater (Max)

Running (Level 7 - 34 km / hr)

Storms (Level 3)


General :

Observe (Level 4)

Sneaking (Level 6)

Critical Strike (Level 4)

Taunt (Level 1)

Mark of the Furies (Level 8)

Mage Armor (Level 5)

Summon Meals (Max)

Makarios tis Elpis (Level 1)

Battle Strategy (Level 4)


Chores :

Cleaning Dishes (Max)


Passive :

Gamer's Mind (Max)

Son of the Sea God (Gives +20 STR, VIT & DEX as well as +2000 HP and +2000 MP when in water)

Battle Instincts (Max)


Abilities :

Water Control (Level 17)

Water Spikes (Level 4)

Blood Control (Level 1)

Water Spear (Level 3)

Dimension Create (Max)

Ice Control (Level 4)

Steam Control (Level 3)

Fire Control (Level 8)

thechaos thechaos

A relatively short chapter but I didn't want to put too many things into it at once. We'll be back to canon in the next update!


Do let me know your thoughts for this chapter!


Until next time!

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