After talking with Sam her unit chief left the room as a nurse entered to check on her. "Please don't mention to my coworkers about that man that just visited." Alex said.
The nurse looked puzzled and scanned the room. "Honey, are you sure you are feeling alright?" The nurse asked while checking Alex's pulse and temperature.
"Well as much as can be expected." Alex smiled. "I just don't want my coworkers to know someone else visited me, can you please keep it a secret."
"Dear," The nurse said while looking around the room again, "no one has been in here. I am the first person to come in since you came out of surgery. What man are you talking about?"
"Did I hallucinate it then?" Alex asked. "I swear I saw a friend of mine; we had a conversation. He was here!"
"It's probably just the pain medicine dear." The nurse laughed. "It makes people see all sorts of things, powerful stuff."
"I guess you're right." Alex said. "So how long do I have to stay in his bed?"
"That will be for the doctor to tell you." The nurse said while continuing her work of changing the fluid bags hanging around Alex. "I'm just here to change your medicine. The doctor will come see you in the morning. Until then you should rest, you just went through a very traumatic experience."
"You're right." Alex said as she closed her eyes and dosed off to sleep.
The next morning Drew and the others came to visit Alex in her hospital room. "Hey Alex!" Drew said. "So how does it feel to be so holey?"
"Drew!" Sam yelled while smacking him. "Don't make bad jokes like that, the poor girl has been through enough without hearing that nonsense."
"Hey guys." Alex said. "You just missed the doctor. Looks like I am sidelined for the next case, I have to spend at least two weeks in bed while my wound heals."
"Well actually, we are about to head done to the studio and take a well-deserved vacation." Drew said with a smile. "So, you won't miss anything! We should be back by the time you are ready to go!"
"Are you a government agent?" Terry blurted out.
"Terry!" Drew shouted.
Alex's face was in shock by the sudden accusation. "Of course, not Terry, why would you think that?" Alex said. "If I was a government agent, why would I be hunting ghosts on a TV show?"
"See Terry!" Drew said. "Now just drop it, I told you she wasn't a secret government agent sent to kill us."
"Sent to kill you?!" Alex asked. "Why would the government be sending agents to kill you?!"
"Ah, well that's a story for another day." Drew smiled. "The important thing now is that you get better. We will see you when we get back from vacation."
"Before you go can you hand me my phone please?" Alex asked.
"Sure thing." Sam said as she picked up her phone and handed it to her. "It would kill me to be stuck in bed without my phone handy, I am a total sucker for those idle gacha games."
"Ha!" Alex laughed. "Ouch!" She said as she grabbed her wound. "Note to self don't laugh! What I was going to say was I love those games too, so we have something in common."
"Oh, we are totally going to have to find out if we play the same ones." Sam said. "If we do you have to add me as a friend."
"Right, let's do it after you come back though." Alex said. "Don't want to spend all my time on the phone and not sleep and recover."
"Sounds good!" Sam said. With that the trio left the room and shut the door behind them.
Alex quickly began texting on her phone to her unit chief. [Terry has suspicion, please advise.] She wrote. She waited for a response, but her text never received one. "I guess he must be busy. I am sure he will read it later." She said as she put her phone down and tried to get more rest.
Drew and the others took the long drive back to the studio and made it in before their producer had left for the day. The secretary let them up and they walked into his office. His feet were on the desk as always and he cheered as they entered the room.
"Drew baby!" Bob shouted. "We ran that footage you got with some test groups, best responses ever! I think this new direction is going to make me, I mean us, a lot of money."
"I am happy to hear that Bob." Drew said.
"So, what can old Bob do for his three favorite television stars?" He asked. "Wait where's that new girl, what was her name? She had a dude's name I think maybe Greg?"
"Wow, that's not even close Bob, her name is Alex." Drew said.
"Ah, and where is Miss Alex?" Bob asked.
"She got injured during the shoot so she is in the hospital." Sam said.
"That's horrible!" Bob said. "But she signed the waiver preventing any lawsuits so it���s fine, we have fabulous insurance."
"Back to why we are here." Drew said. "We were thinking, since these past two cases have been so rough, we need some time off."
"Ha!" Bob laughed.
"Is that a no?" Sam asked.
"No, it's fine you three have fun." Bob said. "In fact, the reason I am laughing is three tickets for a week's stay at a tropical island just showed up today. Here you three take them, I am a strong believer in destiny, and this just feels like it."
"Thanks Bob!" Drew said.
"That and they were addressed to you three." Bob laughed.
"Wait who sent them?" Terry asked.
"Does it matter?!" Drew asked. "It's a free vacation Terry! It was probably just some fan of the show, we will go, and probably have a random encounter there with them and make their year. I can put up with one fan for a free vacation."
"I hope you are right Drew." Terry said.
"Well, it's settled then." Drew said. "Let's go home, pack, get some sleep, and head to the airport in the morning. Luckily the tickets are for a flight tomorrow. That's some crazy timing!"
"Some fishy as hell timing." Terry said.
"Stop being such a worry wart!" Drew said. "Everything is going to be okay!"
I am with Terry on this one. Something very fishy going on...
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