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57.89% The Mechanic and the Earthbender / Chapter 22: Family Reconciliation

Kapitel 22: Family Reconciliation

It's morning in Zaofu as the metal dome opens and the gang are in the dining room with Suyin's family for breakfast.

"Hey, has anyone seen Chief Beifong?" Mako asked, looking around.

"I think she's still sulking in her room." Korra answered in a bitter tone.

"The way she acted to Opal last night, I can see why Dad left her." Kota said.

"I know she has a problem with me, but she had no right to yell at Opal last night." Suyin said, upset. She then turned to Kota and glared at him, "And you shouldn't talk about your mother like that."

"Sorry, I'm just frustrated. Dad has told me why they separated just to spare Mom, but it's just she can't let things go," Kota said, he turns to his cousin, "I'm really sorry about Mom. Are you gonna be okay?"

"Yeah. I'm fine. Thanks." Opal said.

Wei and Wing run into the room.

"All set for your disc game, guys?" Suyin asked.

"Yeah, all set to kick Wei's butt." Wing said picking an apple while Wei takes some other fruits.

"I wanna power disc your face!" Wei said smacking Wing's stomach making him choke on the apple. "Hey, you wanna play with us?" Wei offered Korra.

"I think you should play with Kota," Korra said, "besides I can't Metalbend." Korra said.

"No," Wei said, "He always beats us, it's not fun. He doesn't even have to try with us."

"Really?" Suyin looked to Kota, "You didn't offer to train her?"

"It isn't Kota's fault. I guess I never thought to bring it up because I was learning to Airbend, then there was Pro-bending, then I got tied up fighting Equalists and I was also stopping Unalaq," Korra said.

"Well, it's probably for the best. I'm sure Lin would be a horrible teacher." Suyin said chuckling and Korra joined in.

"As the Avatar, you should have mastery over all the elements. I'd be happy to teach you the basics." Suyin said.

"Really? That would be great!" Korra said.

"You should try it too, Bolin." Opal said.

"Uh, nah. I'm more of an earth guy. The dirt, rocks, y'know, maybe some light gavel. That's kinda where my heart is." Bolin said.

"You sure?" Kota asked, "This is an opportunity, you will be trained by one of my teachers."

"I'm sure," Bolin said.

"Well, let me know if you change your mind." Suyin said.

Just then Suyin's necklace begins to pull as well as cutlery that's shaking and being pulled making everyone duck and cover and the cutlery sticks to a suit and someone takes the helmet off revealing to be Varrick.

"It worked! Zhu Li, mark it down. Magnet suit test successful." Varrick said.

"You know what's also successful? You ruining breakfast!" Kota snapped.

"Sorry about that. Just testing this baby out. Power down." Varrick ordered as Zhu Li unplugs the suit making everything drop on the floor. "On to phase two: Zhu Li cleans this mess up." Varrick said, walking off making Zhu Li hang her head down.

Outside Lin leaves her room and she finds two guards leaning against a wall chatting.

"How many push-ups did you do last night?" The first guard asked.

"What do you two think you're doing?! Get back to work!" Lin commanded but she groans in pain.

"Is everything all right?" A voice asks and Lin turns to see Aiwei.

"The Avatar is in danger and these knuckleheads are just standing around chit-chatting." Lin said.

"Don't worry, Zaofu is the most secure city in the world." Aiwei said.

"I'll be the judge of that. I'm going to check every inch of this place." Lin said, walking off but Aiwei blocks her way.

"Lin, you do not have to work while you're here. You need to relax." Aiwei said.

"I'm fine!" Lin said but groans again.

"It doesn't take a truth seer to know that you're under a dangerous amount of stress. If you don't deal with your suppressed feelings, there will be severe consequences to your health and your job." Aiwei said.

"I'm interested in talking about my feelings." Lin said.

"You won't have to say a word. I know a great acupuncturist in town, who will be able to help you." Aiwei said, giving Lin a card.

"Hmm…" Lin said looking at the card.

In an operating room Lin is lying on a bed looking upward as the acupuncturist bends needles out of a tray and stops them in front of her.

"How many of those things are you going to stick in me?" Lin asked.

"I'll be placing several needles on each of your acu-points. There's nothing to be scared of." The acupuncturist said as he lowered the needles into Lin.

"I'm not afraid of needles!" Lin snapped.

"Please, close your eyes and take a deep breath." The acupuncturist said and Lin does so. "This process corrects an imbalance in your chi. Please tell me if you feel any pain or pressure." The acupuncturist said.

"I can't feel a thing." Lin said.

"That's unusual. Your chi must be powerfully blocked. We're going to need more needles." The acupuncturist said as he added more needles. "Acupuncture often taps into people's buried memories. These memories can sometimes be difficult to process." The acupuncturist said placing a needle on Lin's forehead.

"Buried memories. Uh-huh." Lin said as the needle touched her forehead.


A teenage Suyin is relaxing in a living room with two teenage boys and a door opens revealing a younger Lin.

"Su, what are you doing home?" Young Lin asked.

"Wow, you almost look like a real cop!" Young Suyin said.

"You're supposed to be in school." Young Lin said.

"Oh, no. Are you gonna tell Mom about me? It's not like she's gonna care." Young Suyin said.

"Where'd you get all that stuff?" Young Lin asked one of the boys who is rummaging inside of a backpack.

"Oh, it fell off the back of a truck." One of the boys said.

"What are you doing hanging out with these losers?" Young Lin asked.

"They're my friends and you have no right to call them that!" Young Suyin snapped. "C'mon, guys. Let's get outta here." Young Suyin said as they left.

"Su, stop." Young Lin said, placing her hand on her sister's shoulder.

"Get your hands off me!" Young Suyin snapped, slapping Lin's hand off her.

"You have so much potential. You're ruining your life!" Young Lin said.

"At least I HAVE a life!" Young Suyin replied as she left.

'Flashback End'

Korra and Suyin are in the courtyard that have many meteorites and Suyin picks one up.

"These meteorites are perfect for beginning Metalbenders. The metals have a unique property, making them easier to bend." Suyin said as she breaks off a piece of the meteorite and starts bending it into a star shape and then makes it into a diamond.

"That's amazing." Korra said.

"Here, try it." Suyin said, giving Korra a meteorite.

"Okay." Korra said as she starts concentrating for a while but is not doing anything but then a noise is heard making the two look for the source and it's Bolin watching them while hiding behind a large rock. "Bolin? Is that you?" Korra asked.

"No." Bolin said.

"What are you doing?" Korra asked as Bolin came out of hiding.

"Oh, hey, ladies! Just, uh… I was looking for Pabu." Bolin said.

"He's on your shoulder." Korra said half amused, pointing at Pabu on the Earthbender's shoulder.

"Oh, look! There you are!" Bolin said to Pabu. "You know, I thought something was chewing on my ear. Probably need to get a shot. Pabu has sort of a…venom. Anyways, so what're you ladies doing? You Metalbending over here or something?" Bolin asked.

"Want to give it a shot?" Suyin asked.

"Nah, it's okay. I mean, only like one Earthbender in a hundred can Metalbend." Bolin said.

"Well, don't believe everything you hear. The only thing limiting you is your attitude." Suyin said.

"Well, maybe I'll just…stay and watch." Bolin said bending a rock to sit on.

"Korra, try to focus on the fine pieces of earth within the metal." Suyin instructs and Korra does so and manages to change the shape of the meteorite.

"I can't believe it! I'm Metalbending!" Korra said excitedly.

"Wow, you picked that up really, really quick. Guess you're that on in a hundred." Bolin said downcast.

"Great job, Korra." Suyin said.

Kota and Asami were in a room together and they were laying together, "I like it here," Asami said.

"Me too," Kota said, the two started to kiss and enjoyed each other's company, "You know, this won't be a bad place to raise kids."

Asami giggled at his inquiry, she couldn't help, but agree with it. The place was amazing, it was filled with diverse cultures and with people who are living in unity.

Asami then had an idea and started to straddle his hips, Kota couldn't help but gulp nervously.

"Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Ever since our first time on the Island, I couldn't keep myself away from you," Asami said.

Asami later leaned in and took Kota's lips for a deep kiss, forcing her tongue in a hungry desire. Kota started to hug her waist as they started to go further.

Korra ran to Kota's room, she opened the door.

"Kota! You won't believe-"

Korra stopped as she saw the scene in front of her. A naked Asami was hugged by a naked Kota and the two were glaring at her.

"Get out!" Kota shouted.

Korra panically nodded and ran out the door, waiting for Kota.

Kota looked to Asami, who was already feeling him inside her.

"I'm sorry, but Korra ruined it," Kota said.

Asami sighed, "Sometimes that girl doesn't know when to knock."

"You said it," Kota said. He gave her a quick kiss and then changed into Zaofu clothing. When he came out, he glared at Korra.

"Sorry," Korra said.

"Oh you better be," Kota said, "Now, what was it that you so desperately needed to interrupt me for?"

"I can Metalbend!"

Kota just gave her a dry look and nodded, "Metalbend, right…"

Korra gulped at the angry look Kota was showing, it reminded her of Tenzin's glare but his was scarier than the Airbending Master's.

Meanwhile Lin is still experiencing acupuncture and another flash occurs.


Young Lin is driving a police carriage.

"Calling all units. Property reported on the corner of 5th and Harbor. Suspect's vehicle headed south on Hallow Boulevard. Units responding identify." A police's voice said on the radio.

"Unit three responding." Young Lin said.

The criminal carriage drives by her and she quickly turns and fires a cable at one of the wheels and rips it off making the carriage swerve to the stop at the site of the road and two people come out from the back and try to escape but Lin traps them with her cables.

"Leave them alone!" A voice yelled and Young Lin sees Young Suyin stepping out.

"Su?" Young Lin asked shocked.

'Flashback End'

Lin opens her eyes gasping and sitting up making the needles fly out of her and across the room and Lin breathes deeply and is drenched in sweat and starts to leave.

"Wait! Leaving in the middle of a session could make you sick!" The acupuncturist warned.

"I'm done here." Lin said walking out.

Lin is in her room but then a door opens and she sees Young Suyin and one of the boys.

"Are you gonna stay in your room feeling sorry for yourself all day?" Young Suyin asked but Lin closes her eyes and opens them revealing to be Korra and Kota is with her.

"Mom, you still owe Opal an apology," Kota said.

"Are you okay? You don't look so good." Korra said.

"I'm fine." Lin said walking out of the room.

Lin returns to the acupuncturist's office and finds him placing the needles.

"What did you do to me?" Lin asked.

"I tried to warn you. Come with me. Let's go finish the session." The acupuncturist said helping Lin back on the bed and places the needle back on her forehead. "Just relax and breathe." The acupuncturist said.


"So you're robbing stores with the Terra Triad now?" Young Lin asked.

"I didn't steal anything! I just drove the car. I owed my friends a favor. It's not a big deal." Young Suyin said.

"I'm not letting you get away with this." Young Lin said.

"Oh, what are YOU going to do, Officer? Arrest me?" Young Suyin asked mockingly and walks off.

"Don't even think about taking one more step!" Young Lin said making Young Suyin stop but keeps walking making Young Lin latch one of her cables on her sister but Suyin breaks it off with her knife sending the broken cable back at Lin and slashes her cheek making her scream in pain.

'Flashback End'

Bolin sneaks behind a pedestal whistling and takes a meteorite and tries to bend it.

"Hey, Bolin." A voice said behind the Earthbender and it's Opal.

"Opal! Oh, wow. You really know how to sneak up on someone." Bolin said.

"What are you doing?" Opal asked.

"Oh, nothing. You know, just…thinking about my body and mustaches that I might have in the future." Bolin said.

"You're acting weird again." Opal said.

"Sorry. I wasn't really thinking about mustaches. I'm just frustrated. I've been trying to Metalbend and I can't figure it out. Don't tell anyone, okay?" Bolin said.

"Why not?" Opal asked.

"Because it's embarrassing. This isn't the first time I've tried and I've been wanting to Metalbend ever since I heard about Toph. Your grandmother is my biggest hero." Bolin said.

"My mom grew up learning from Toph. Just go and train with her. Stop being scared." Opal said.

"You know what, maybe I am scared, but what about you? I know that you want to go to the Northern Air Temple to train with Tenzin, but you haven't done it because you're afraid too." Bolin said.

"You know what, you're right. I don't want to leave my family and disappoint my mom." Opal said.

"Look at us! Talking about our feelings, supporting each other." Bolin said.

"It's nice." Opal said as they hugged.

Back at the acupuncture office Lin is still going through memories.


Young Lin and Young Suyin are in a police office glaring at each other while a middle-aged woman wearing the Metal Officer uniform and is blind is pacing back and forth and it's Toph Beifong.

"What were you thinking?" Toph asked Suyin. "And what were YOU thinking? You two have put me in an impossible position." Toph said.

"You're mad at me? She's the one, who was running around with criminals." Young Lin said.

"This is your fault!" Young Suyin yelled.

"I was doing my job!" Young Lin yelled back.

"Enough! Here's what we're going to do. Su, you need to leave the city as soon as possible." Toph said.

"What? Where am I supposed to go?" Young Suyin asked.

"You'll go stay with your grandparents. Lin, give me the arrest report." Toph orders and Lin does so and Toph rips it up.

"Mom, what are you doing?! You can't cover this up! There were witnesses!" Young Lin said.

"I'm the Chief of Police! I can't have a daughter in jail!" Toph said.

"So, once again, Suyin gets to do whatever she wants and there are no consequences." Young Lin said.

"This is the only option." Toph said, sitting down and putting her hands on her face.

'Flashback End'

The acupuncturist removes the needles.

"You're going to feel a bit fragile so it's best for you to take it easy." The acupuncturist said.

"I don't need to rest. I need to do something I should've done a long time ago." Lin said leaving.

Korra and Suyin are still Metalbending while Kota is watching. "Congratulations, you're the first Metalbending Avatar." Suyin said.

"But she can't platinumbend," Kota said, smirking.

"No need to gloat," Suyin reprimanded her nephew.

Just then Bolin comes to them.

"So, um, I've been thinking and I'd like to try to learn Metalbending. I mean, I'm sure you have a waiting list or something of a couple years so…" Bolin stops talking.

"Let's get started." Suyin said smiling.

Just then the ground cracks beneath them and they see an angry Lin.

"I think Lin's mad about something." Bolin said to Korra and Kota.

"Uh, yeah, ya think?" Kota said.

"Su, it's time to talk." Lin said.

"After thirty years, you're finally ready to talk?" Suyin asked.

"When we were in Mom's office that day, you could have taken responsibility for what you did, but instead, you stayed quiet and let Mom throw her whole career away." Lin said.

"Mom didn't throw her career away. She retired the next year. She was a hero." Suyin said.

"You think she WANTED to retire? She was so guilt-ridden about what she did to protect you that she didn't feel worthy of her badge." Lin said.

"Look, I admit that I was not a perfect kid and I've made some mistakes in the past, but…" Suyin was cut off by Lin's scoff.

"You made SOME mistakes?" Lin asked.

"Lin, Mom and I already talked about this years ago and worked things out. If you had gotten together with us like we'd ask, you would know that I'm a different person now. I've been a different person for a long time." Suyin said.

"You think that just because you live in a big fancy house and have a chef, who cooks you fancy food, that you're a different person? Maybe you could fool everyone else, but you can't fool me. I see right through you." Lin said.

"You know what, Lin, YOU'RE the one, who hasn't changed. You're still a bitter loner, who let things go. No wonder Tenzin ended things with you years ago." Suyin said.

Lin bends a rock and throws it at Suyin who easily deflects it.

"Okay, I guess this is how it's going to be." Suyin said as she uses a fissure to trip Lin making her fall with a meteorite.

Lin gets back up and Earthbends a staircase while Suyin Metalbends a metal panel at Lin who dodges it with a backflip and then Earthbends many fragments of small rocks at Suyin who evades them by weaving through.

"Should we stop them?" Korra asked.

"Mom can be scary," Kota said, "So no."

"Fighting is all part of the healing process." Bolin said.

Lin Earthbends at Suyin who dodges with a cartwheel while Suyin's family come to watch the fight.

"Go, Mom!" Wei cheered.

The two sisters keep fighting with Lin Metalbending Huan's Harmonic Convergence sculpture and smashes it at the wall.

"No! My sculpture!" Huan said running at his work. "Actually, it looks kinda better." Huan said.

Suyin Metalbends three metal panels toward Lin who deflects them and Earthbends rocks from under Suyin and bends a giant boulder at her but Suyin curls a part of the metal wall to shield herself before rolling out of the way and rolling her boulder at Lin into the pavilion and lands roughly on the stairs.

"You've got it out of your system yet?" Suyin asked.

"Not yet!" Lin said Earthbending a part of the staircase at Suyin who Earthbends a boulder from the ground and begin to charge.

"Alright that's it. I've seen enough." Kota said as he gets between them and Opal also comes between them and Airbends the objects aside.

"This fight is over!" Kota berated, putting them in platinum restraints.

"I agree. What are you two doing! You're sisters! Why would you want to hurt each other?" Opal asked.

As Kota let them go, Lin and Suyin were breathing heavily and then Lin faints and falls to the ground but Kota catches her.

"It's fine. She just passed out." Kota said.

"Looks like she's gonna need rest." Korra said.

"Clearly. I'll take her to her room." Kota said, taking his Mom.

The next day Kota, Korra, Mako, and Bolin are standing outside of Lin's room.

"So, who's gonna knock?" Korra asked pushing Bolin to the door.

"No, no, no, no, no, no! Not me! You're the Avatar. Why can't you do it?" Bolin asked.

"I can, but…" Korra stops talking.

"I'll do it." Kota said, walking to the door and knocking on it. "Hey Mom, are you okay?"

Just then the door opens and they see Lin in a Zaofu attire.

"Good morning." Lin said walking past the gang.

"Okay…?" Kota said.

Lin is now in the dining room and the chef gives her a drink.

"What's this?" Lin asked.

"I call it the kalenutsco. It's a mixture of kale, coconut water, and walnuts." The chef said.

Lin takes a sip and then drinks the whole thing.

"Not bad." Lin said and she sees Opal and Kota standing outside and starts to leave. "Opal, don't go. Please sit down. I want to talk to you." Lin said.

Opal looks back at Kota who nods and Opal enters the dining room and sits with Lin.

"Look, I'm just not really comfortable talking about these kinds of things and…well, I wanted to say I'm sorry about the other night." Lin said.

"It's okay." Opal said.

"Your mother and I have a complicated relationship and…" Lin was cut off.

"It's probably difficult for you to be here." Opal said.

"You're a smart young woman. And an excellent Airbender. I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to train with the other Airbenders at the Northern Air Temple." Lin said, "Tenzin is an amazing teacher and he would be ecstatic to see you after all these years."

"There's a part of me that wants to go, but…I don't want to upset my mom." Opal said.

"When I was younger, all I wanted to do was please my mother. I became a police chief because I thought it would make her happy, but it didn't. My son wanted to please his father. He would nonstop try to learn about Airbending only to find out he's an Earthbender. And due to his status as the Grandson of Avatar Aang, Katara, Toph, he joined the United Forces to please the both of us. He later left three years later after learning a valuable lesson from his insane Uncle. You need to make your decisions based on what you want. Don't make the same mistakes we did." Lin said.

Opal smiles and hugs Lin who hugs back.

In Suyin's office Suyin and Baatar are having tea and then Opal enters.

"Mom, Dad, can I talk to you?" Opal asked.

Outside Lin looks at a statue of Toph and then Suyin joins her sister.

"Opal has decided to go to the Northern Air Temple. I guess you had something to do with her decision." Suyin said.

"Well, I was just…" Lin was cut off.

"It's okay. I'm glad she was honest with me. I want her to do what makes her happy. Mom gave us too much freedom, but I feel like I made the mistake of giving Opal too little. I think it's about time I let her choose her own way. Did you have that problem with Kota as well?" Suyin asked.

"Not really," Lin said, "He was mostly at home before night and has never left the house without telling Tenzin or I when he was leaving."

"I see. I'm sorry I gave you such a hard time when we were younger. I can't imagine what my life would've been like if Mom hadn't sent me away, if I stayed in the city." Suyin said.

"You would probably be in prison." Lin said.

"You're probably right. Mako told me you're an excellent police chief. Republic City is lucky to have you. I know Mom would be proud." Lin later looked to the statue of Toph and sighed.

"Can we move on? I'd love for you to be part of my life again. There's plenty of space in the house and the kids would love having their aunt around, they've seen too much of their cousin and his father who is an airbender. I also need a new co-director for my new dance performance." Suyin said.

"Whoa, slow it down. How about for now, I just promise not to show up at your house and attack you again?" Lin asked.

"Deal." Suyin said as they shook hands.

The two later looked to see Kota who was smiling at them, "Well, well, well, looks like you two patched things up."

He started to walked towards them.

"You know," Suyin said to Lin while looking at Kota, "As he gets older, I start to notice how much he looks like Tenzin."

"He does," Lin said, agreeing with her sister.

"I get that a lot," Kota said, "Though I may look like him, I got both my parents' traits, both good and bad."

The three laughed as Kota looked at the statue of Toph and took out a photo of Grandpa Aang who was holding a baby Kota. "Do you think they would be proud of me?"

"Of course," Lin said. Suyin later joined, putting a hand on her nephew's shoulder.

"Sometimes when I feel lost, I look at the statues of Grandma Toph and Grandpa Aang," Kota said. Lin and Suyin stayed silent as Kota continued to talk. "It's reassuring in a way," Kota said, "To see that one grandparent is looking from afar from a metaphorical standpoint and another from a literal standpoint."

The three stood in silence until Suyin broke the silence, "So I heard that I may be a great-aunt soon."

Kota looked to his aunt who smiled at him, "Your father and I occasionally talk whenever we want to check in on each other."

Kota later slumped down and sighed, 'Not you too Aunt Su.'

At the Northern Air Temple and at a grassy plain there are colorful spirits mingling and flying around and at the temple itself Tenzin is telling his story to the new Airbenders.

"His pupils pleaded with their master to eat something, but he refused, just like he had each day during the summer. Instead, he meditated and got his nourishment from the universe." Tenzin said and many Airbenders besides another Airbender listen with disinterest. "So, when Tang Xu completed the ninety-seventh day of his historic fast on which island?" Tenzin asked.

"Ooooh! Oooh!" The interested Airbender said, raising his hand.

"Anyone besides Otaku, who already studied this in his acolyte training?" Tenzin asked.

"Oooh! Oooh!" Otaku said.

"And is answering every question." Tenzin said, slightly annoyed.

"Oooh!" Otaku said and Tenzin sighs and prompts him to answer. "Whaletail Island." Otaku said.

"That is correct, again… Now, on day ninety-eight…" Tenzin was cut off by Airbenders laughing and Tenzin sees Bumi capering around with his tunic over his head while Bum-Ju peeks from the collar.

"Greetings, air people. I come to seek boring stories to take back to the Spirit World." Bumi said in a falsetto voice and Bum-Ju flies out from his tunic making Bumi fall down and everyone laughs including Jinora but Tenzin glares at his daughter making her get back into discipline position and clears her throat.

Tenzin and Oogi are flying in the sky and showing the Airbenders how to fly a sky bison.

"That is incredible! When do we get to fly around on our sky bison like that?" Kai asked.

"Only after many years of practice and intense training." Tenzin said, making the other Airbenders moan. "Besides, we don't have enough bison here for all of you." Tenzin said.

"What about those? There's a whole herd of bisons." Kai said pointing at the balcony and they saw a herd of sky bison.

"Actually, the plural of bison is bison." Tenzin said.

"Whoa, cool! Look at that!" One of the Airbenders said.

"Can we ride those?" Kai asked.

"No, that's a wild herd. It would take many years to tame them. Now, let's get back to our lessons." Tenzin said.

Just the two sky bison are carrying new Airbenders, Kya, Pema, Rohan, Meelo, and Ikki.

"Dad!" Meelo cheered while Ikki waves. "We brought you more Airbenders!" Meelo said.

The two bison land on the ground.

"Okay, everyone is dismissed. We'll pick this up…" Tenzin stops talking as the other Airbenders are gone. "…tomorrow." Tenzin is dismayed and then goes for Kya and Pema. "How are things in the city?" Tenzin asked.

"Well, we had a little scare, but everything is okay. Zaheer infiltrated the temple." Pema said, shocking her husband.

"What?! Is everyone alright?" Tenzin asked.

"Everyone's fine. I fought with him, but he got away." Kya said.

"Zaheer also stole an old necklace that had something to do with Guru…Lak…shmir." Kya said.

"Guru Laghima?" Tenzin asked.

"Right! You know, I can never keep all those gurus straight. There were like a million of them. Remember that long, boring story about that guy who never ate?" Kya asked.

"Yes…I remember." Tenzin said unamused.

Just then an Air Acolyte arrives.

"Avatar Korra and your son, Kota are calling on the temple's radio." The Air Acolyte informed.

Tenzin is inside the temple's radio and picks up the microphone.

"Korra are you alright? Where are you?" Tenzin asked.

"With Lin's sister in Zaofu. We're totally safe." Korra said.

"Did Kota take you to his aunt?" Tenzin asked.

"Not exactly." Korra said.

"We got a call about an Airbender and it turned out to be Opal. She will be coming your way soon." Kota said.

"That's wonderful news." Tenzin said, "It has been years since I last saw her."

"She IS wonderful! And pretty and smart and smells like flowers…" Bolin said, making Tenzin annoyed.

Kota sighed and pushed Bolin out of the way, "Anyway, how's training going?" Korra asked.

"Not so well. I'm afraid. No one seems to be interested in the hard work of becoming part of the Air Nation." Tenzin said.

"You need to give yourself a break. Let Jinora and kids help you out and what about Bumi? He was a naval commander, maybe he has some ideas about how you get people motivated." Korra said.

"Bumi?! He's the worst student." Tenzin said.

"Yeah, but he loves to organize people. If you ask him for help, you can trick him into taking responsibility by making him think the whole thing is his idea." Korra said.

"That actually sounds like a good plan. You're turning into a pretty wise Avatar after all." Tenzin said.

"Conflict resolution. That's what I do." Korra said hanging up.

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Stone -- Power-Stein
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