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62.79% Hollywood RE:CODED / Chapter 79: Chp 79 : But It's Over Now?

Kapitel 79: Chp 79 : But It's Over Now?

Good day mate, nothin' really happened so... this is my first update this week.

Enjoy the chapter!


His eyes fluttered open as the daylight peeked through the crack on the window blinds and hit his face.

Then a big smile painted on his face as those sweet memories flooded his thoughts. He was unable to hold back his smiles and maybe some of muscles in his face stiffened.

He still couldn't believe that he did those things with Minnie last night.

It was like his hormones were possessing his body and he became a wild animal who was born only for copulating.

He only wished Minnie was okay and not hurting too much because he forgot to control his strength

He remembered the ecstatic moan she spurted out from that beautiful mouth, it was like a melody to his ears. Suddenly, the cold December air made him realized something was off.

He was missing a warmness on his arms like he felt yesterday. He suddenly felt downhearted, and some negative thoughts appeared on his mind.

'Did she... No!' He didn't want to have a bad thought about her, besides, her ankle was sprained, and she was having a hard time walking. That night was also her first time and she must have also ached on that side.

His suspicion shattered as he heard the bathroom door being opened. Minnie got out with a pained expression on her face as she walked.

Her chin-length brunette hair was all messed up and there were bags under her eyes.

However it didn't hinder her beauty at all, everything about her in his eyes was flawless. Her porcelain cute round face, little large nose and soft round tip, and her wide lips, especially how she let out those sensual voices when she was talking to him.

She was wearing her long-sleeved shirt and only wore panties to cover her beautiful lower body.

She had those weird walking posture with her legs opened and dragging her right leg.

She must be hurt from her sprained ankle and their nightly activity. He immediately got out of bed then held her in his arms in a princess carry.

She squealed in surprise, Al looks into her mesmerizing eyes and said, "Good morning, beautiful. Didn't have enough sleep yesterday?"

"Good morning... Ed, and whose fault is that?" She asked in anger.

She should have a nice sleep due to exhaustion, but after she knew that he was THE Alphonse Brandt, she couldn't get it off of her mind.

So she spent the night wide awake thinking about how she would face him when he woke up.

Of course, she likes him, no, she fell in love with him. She didn't know how but it just happened.

But now she just felt... unworthy. Unworthy of his affection, adoration, and his love.

How many girls would envy her if they knew she was dating Alphonse "Al" Brandt. Her friends and sister would kill her to get into her position.

She was just a school theatre performer while he is the number one Hollywood child actor who had a bright future upon him.

She also dreamed of joining Hollywood, but she wanted it with her strength.

What if he told her who he was and built her way up with his connection. She didn't want food just placed on her plate, she wanted to be the one who cooked it and she wanted to be on his side on her own.

"Penny for a thought?"

"Yes!" She shrieked at his sudden question. "Uhm sorry, what did you say Ed?"

"You've been out of your mind since I carry you like this. Having some thoughts about something? Or maybe you regretted what we've done yesterday?"

"No! Of course not. Why would I regret it?" She gave a genuine smile to him. Something she hasn't done since she woke up but a moment later her expression turned sour again.

Al curiously looked at her. She never did this before, and from her expression, there must be something wrong happened and she clearly hid something from him.

Al decided not to think about it and said, "Are you hungry Minnie? I'll order room service, we need high calories after we fucked."

"Please don't use vulgar words like that." She warned him.

"Vulgar? If I remember, you are the one who said this. 'Please give it to me Ed, I want your big hard thing inside me'" He teased.

She flushed in embarrassment and his her face on his shoulder, Al then kissed her soft brunette hair.



"Stop squeezing my butt."

"Nope, you had a cute squishy white butt and nothing will ever stop me for...arrggh you bit my nipple!" He stared at her in disbelief.

"Now we're even." She murmured and still had her face on his chest.

Al shook his head and brought her back to the bed, made her lying on her back.

"You should've to wake me up if you want to go to the bathroom."

"I-I can do that alone."

"Where's the girl who said that she needs the same room in case she needs to piss or drink water."

She didn't answer him and covered her face with a blanket.

"So, today's the end of the script." She flatly said.

He suddenly felt a needle rained down to his chest, "About that, Minnie."

He took a deep breath, "I like you, Minnie," He knelt beside the bed.

"I wish we can be more than that." He said in a serious face.

Her heart skipped a beat, "What do you mean?"

"Do you want to be my girlfriend Minnie?" She was stunned, her heart exploded in warmness as the blood rushing out to her face and butterflies fluttered on her belly dancing in the blossomed flower field.

But she suddenly remembered who he was, the beautiful spring suddenly turned into neverending winter.

"I can't Ed, I don't want to have a long-distance relationship with you. It never worked and It won't." She reluctantly said.

"Then come with me to the US! You said that you wanted to become an actress right? Hollywood is the place. I knew a lot of people over there and could turn you into a star in one night!"

"I had a school, families, and a life over here Ed! And those things? I don't want it! I better use my own power to become an actress and live like a tramp than using your connections to become successful! I don't want to be a puppet and get someone to orchestrate my life!" She screamed.

"You are too naive Minnie, I thought you are not! Do you think it's easy to climb on your own foot? I know a lot of people who failed, and they failed miserably." He screamed back.

Only one day as a lover, and they already had a steep speedbump in their relationship.

This girl is so hard-headed, worse than Robin and she was smarter, but too smart to think the world would bow to her intelligence.

But that was why he likes her, a strong independent girl that pulled his arm and forcing him to live a day like a script he wrote.

The girl who would bravely asking a stranger to spend the night together. He didn't know whether she was stupidly naive or has a good sense of judging character.

He took a deep breath and said, "Sorry Minnie, we started this morning in the wrong foot. I don't know what you are thinking or what are you hiding from me, but I like you. I really want to be your boyfriend, it didn't matter if I will meet you once a week or month, or maybe a year. But at least can we try to make it work?" He said in a soft tone.

She saw a part that she had never seen before. He was so confident, funny, and brave, but now he was so vulnerable, begging at her.

She didn't like to see how he was like this. She wants to accept his proposition but her pride stopped her.

She wanted to be famous and became the greatest actress who would win an Oscar award, and stood side by side with him, but with her own power.

So she finally lied, miserably, so failure and cringed, "I have a fiancé Ed." With a failed poker face she said.

'The hell are you saying womaan! Are you thinking this is a Korean drama?' He thought, but he just said, "You lied."

"I'm not!" Though she said that, her face betrayed her mouth.

He heard the bell ringing, "It must be the room service. Let's just eat first, okay?"

A Hotel staff came with 2 trays of food filled with a regular English breakfast menu such as toast, eggs, sausages, bacon tomatoes, mushroom, and also a cup of nice strong English Tea.

He treated her like a princess by making her having a breakfast in the bed, with him sitting beside her with a table and chair.

He saw Minnie was looking at him in interest, so with a mouth full of eggs, sausages, and toast, he asked "Whaff fhong?"

"You clearly had 2 times of food servings than me. How you had that kind of body when you eat that much."

He smiled, "You see Minnie, I had a massive black hole on my belly."

"Yeah tell that to 5-year-old kid."

With the big fight they had before, they finally able to laugh like they used to, even talking some jokes and stories.

When they finished, Minnie gave him another stab on the heart.

"I want to be truthful to you Ed, I like you."

(I mean I really really really love you)

"When I read your script I thought that what if I experience it. Turns out it's not like what I expected, I did enjoy it but not like on the stage we should be boyfriend & girlfriend."

(I want to be your girlfriend Ed, so much.)

"Now the story has finished, that's it, no strings attached. It's just one of a regular day but I only lose my virginity. Just because we both lose our virginity together doesn't mean we should become lovers. I told you the truth, I lied about my fiance before so you wouldn't be hurt that much. You keep pestering me so don't blame me for being rude, it's your fault."

(Noo, I want to cut my mouth just saying this to him. I can't look at him)

For the first time in his life, he felt his heartbreak to pieces. It's like hiking a mountain only just to be pushed from the top.

He looked at her eyes, that warmness all gone, replaced by a cruel unhearted cold glow.

"It's over?" He croakedly said, his back is slumped and his body became heavier. 'Now I know why some people became a simp. You thought you find the right girl only just that girl using you.'

"Yes, let's call it a day. My parents must be waiting for me, they must be worried sick." She said flatly.

"Are you sure? We've had so much connection, Minnie." He begged again.

"Yes!" She said coldly. "It was fun Ed, but it's over. I only plan this for a day, It was nice experience to me. But I didn't expect you would fell for me. For god's sake Ed, we only meet for a day, and you'll be back to US in the future. Let's be real, love doesn't work that way. I cheerish that day, and I'll remember you for the rest of my life." She felt she wanted to wash her mouth with detergent when she said this.

He took a deep breath and release it. His nose flared up in anger and he tried to calm his nerves down. She got a point, he had his career in US, and if he really moved to London to pursue her, he would also abandon his dream.

"Fine, it's nice to see you too, Minnie. It was a great day." He said devoid of any emotion.

Minnie's felt a knife stabbed on her chest, it was really painful. She must endured it, he was all above her leauge, and she didn't want to be known as Al's girlfriend, she wanted to be known because of her achievement.

She dressed up her winter cloth from yesterday and wore her glasses. She found it a bit hard to wear her trousers and wanted to call for help.

But she just remember that she just said mean things to him, even though she didn't want to.

She looked at his weak appearance who was wearing his cloth carefully, tears fell out to her cheeks but she immediately wiped it.

"Ed." She whispered but unfortunately it was unheard of. She tried to wear her trousers alone but failed miserably.

Accidentally, she tripped herself on her foot and fell, but before she was going to hit the ground, Al was already there to catch her.

"Ed..." He shushed her.

"I don't care about what you felt, but we can still be friends, right?" He said, losing all the affectionate tone he usually has when he called her.

She just nodded, but her heart started to crack pieces by pieces.

When they reached the lobby, he was offering himself to escort her to her home. She immediately refused him.

"So this is a goodbye." He said.

"No." She wanted to say that, but only air was coming out.

"That's your cab, bye Minnie." He then turned his back on hers, but just a flash, he saw a reluctance on her eyes when he said good bye.

He started to walk away but suddenly he heard a sob behind him. He turned around and saw her back and saw her walking by dragging her hurting foot and a hand on her face like she was wiping her tears off her face.

'Damn! What am I missing!' She clearly didn't want to part her ways with him, he just knew it.

'My backpack!?' He thought. He suddenly remembered his backpack was clearly beside him when he was taking out rubber from it, but somehow ended up at the TV table in front of their bed.

'My passport!'He knew there was a passport with his real name on it, and his mind suddenly regained clarity.

Their argument started when he said he had some connection in Hollywood, but she argued that she wanted to use her own power, 'That hard-headed girl!'

She shouldn't know what kind of connection he had, but somehow she knew. The only answer was, she saw his passport and she knew who he was.

'I should have hide my belongins in the future.' He suggested himself.

He laughed on his mind, 'Minnie, if you want to play that way, let's do that.' He approached her from behind and took her on his arms in the princess carry like he did this morning.

She squalled, "Ed! What the hell are you doing, put me down!" She said. He could see tears mark on her face and he smiled.

"Nope, you clearly had a hard time reaching the cab alone."

"I don... Aaaa." She shrieked again, "Don't squeeze my ass!"

"Thee ass was too precious to beest ign'r'd upon." He rhymed. "I don't care about what you know Minnie, but one thing, I like you, no, I love you."

He arrived at the cab and put her in the backseat. He closed his distance from her face and kissed her.

She instinctively kissed him back and with her fierceness of a tiger, the hardest and the most sensual kiss they have ever done since they met. Knowing that this will be their last kiss.

"10 years, in 10 years like you want in the script, same date, the same location I wanted to meet you there at Heathrow. I won't search for you beforehand, but I'll wait for you there in 10 years.

You can go have boyfriends or have a feeling with someone else but if your feelings for me don't change in 10 years, let's repeat this again. Promise me!"

She was stunned but she nodded in reflex, "No, Ed, when we met, let's go directly to the US, I want to do what you said before. Let's go to the West on 20, in a car we can't afford, with a plan we don' have. Just you and me, our ride and our music." She said in tears.

He nodded with a smile, his eyes started to sparkle by the glint of the morning light.

"Here, for you." He gave her his Panasonic RX SA10 Walkman with 'Shallow' audiotapes inside.

"I can't Ed, I knew this was really expensive."

"I lend it to you, in 10 years, gave it back to me."

"My name is..." He immediately sealed her mouth with a kiss.

"Don't, let's use Minnie and Ed, I knew you runsacked my backpack yesterday." Her pupil widen, and she flushed in embarassment.

"I can't wait to watch your script to become a film, Al. Goodbye." She said in tears.

"Goodbye, Minnie. I love you." He watched as her cab went further. He turned his back and walked away to chase the rising sun.


"And that kids, is how I met your mother." He said to 3 little girls, the oldest is only 8 years old, the second is 5 years old and the little one is 3 years old.

The oldest had chocolate brown hair while her two sisters were brunettes. But what made them special was the 3 of them have his father's bright amber-colored eyes who said that only 5% of the world population had it.

"What!? You only told us how the first time you meet her, how about the rest?" The oldest said.

"Awe you weally wait fow 10 yish to meet mommy?" Said the little ones.

"That will be the story for another day girls. Now go back to your room and sleep, your mommy must be waiting for you." He said to his girls.

"Aww." They complained in one tune.

He turned his eyes to his eldest and said, "Especially you, your mother will choke me and she won't let you have a sleepover with us anymore if she knew I let you awake until this hour."

"NO!! Dad, I'll sleep right away!" She said in panicked voice, while her 2 sisters laughed at her.

"Come on sis, mommy will read us bedtime story." The middle child said and pulled her sister back to their room.

To Be Continued...

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Executive Producer: Oli

Produced by:






Michael S Mifsud

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