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Why the hell I am in this situation?" I thought in the head with me currently has installed Lancer and is facing against Batgirl and Robin.

"I curse my luck right now." I thought in my head before engaging battle with Batman's sidekicks.


Aaron is in his training place which is an abandoned factory. A commonplace for everyone who got reincarnated to train his power and abilities. He is currently training his spear arts with his Lancer power.

And Assasin will train him in hand to hand combat since he did not want to immobilise by some normal human easily. It will make the heroic spirits to scoff and feel the shame of having a weak host.

"Maybe I should patrol the city. Wouldn't hurt to patrol it." He thought in his head before stopped thrusting his spear. He now is currently "Include" Lancer Class Card which left him with Gae Bolg.

Cu Chulain, The Hound Of Ulster meanwhile is guiding him on how to use his spear properly and at at the same execute some deadly movements.

Spinning his spear before resting it on his shoulder he closes his eyes as he approaches Lancer Class Card.

"Install Lancer." He mutters as once again his body shamed as he donned the same blue attire with silver lining on his body as a red blood spear now is on his hand. His black hair now becomes blue with his blue eyes turned into crimson.

Cracking his body while revealing a ferocious grin, he starts his patrol.

Lancer now is running on a roof of a building before jumping to another building. He kept jumping to another building to another building.

He then stopped after hearing a scream from a woman.

He goes to the direction of the scream. He sees a teenage girl is cornered by 5 men. Lancer grin seeing this and grip Gae Bolg harder.

He then lands behind all those men. All of them turned their head to see Lancer who just look at them and grin.

All those men froze upon being hit by the killing intent that my spear, Gae Bolg radiated through the air of the alley.

"Now now, what do you men want to do to that scared woman?" I ask them and none of them can not say anything as they are too scared to do anything or said anything.

Then my nose smells something and I covered my nose.

"Dude. Seriously, you are a grown-up man and you still piss in your pant. Gross. "I said while covering my nose with the woman is the same.

"Better to knock you guys out now." He said to them and disappear from their view. All the men fell to the ground with Lancer appears behind them while whistling.

"That is super easy," I commented before looking at the woman who sighs in relief.

"Are you alright? They did not do anything to your right?" I ask the woman.

"No. I am fine. Thanks for saving me." She said to me.

"You are welcome," I replied.

"Can I know the name of my saviour?" She asked me who leap on a building and managed to say my name for her to hear.

"Lancer," I shouted to her before proceeding to patrol this city.

A blue blur seems to be running on many buildings before he stopped on the highest building in the city.

"What should I do right now? I did not have to worry about money since I have much money stored in the bank. The main question is should I be a hero or not? Not those kind of heroes that did not kill but a hero like in the past that kills many being to save people. I knew if I go with his method, I will be targeted by the League because of their stupid rule, No Killing. What a stupid rule if I said. Wouldn't it just better to kill Joker. I mean that guy killed almost half of the citizens of Gotham at one point and look at what he did in Injustice, he managed to make Superman killed his wife along his baby causing the Man of Steel to snap and killed him." Aaron muttered in a low breath while deciding something.

His parent died due to Joker's doing so he wants revenge. In the end, he is still a human who wants to avenge his dead parent. They are just innocent people but yet died due to that maniac clown.

"Fuck it. I will just kill Joker when I met him and if Batman wants to fight against me to defend his archnemesis, well, let's just hope that he is tough enough to walk again after I ripe out his spine and stand his heart with Gae Bolg." I thought in my head while my dues grow colder remembering the face of the Joker who now is still in jail but probably will be free from the jail die to h successfully get out by becoming a guard or whatsoever.

He then let out a breath."I decided. I am going to kill some evil villains. Screw this world heroes with their no killing rule. In order to save many innocent people life, I am going to kill the villains. If they are not satisfied with my method and wanted to arrest me, "Aaron's eyes flickered crimson with Gae Bolg shined bright for a moment" then I will fight them without mercy." He said making the Hound of Ulster smirk agreeing with him. The other Heroic Spirits also seems to be agreed with him.

Before a sound of police cut his daze and sees a very fast car is running from the police car.

2 robbers at the backseat of the car are shooting the police causing the police to avoid them.

"Let's arrest these low rate villains shall we?" He said and dived down to the car with his spear is trusted forward to the car front window.

Gas Bolg pierce the right hand of the driver causing the car to lose control.

I jump away from the car. The car hit the traffic pole causing the car to be stopped forcefully.

I rested my spear on my shoulder waiting for the robbers to get out. I did not have to wait long as the robbers got out of their car and shot at me.

The bullets hit my body but none of them hurt me much less kill me. One of the Perks of being a servant is modern weapons will not injure yiu. So guns and rockets are useless against a servant and Pseudo Servant like me.

I waited for them to empty their magazines. Their shots stopped and a feral smirk appeared on my face.

I spin my spear around my body and pointed my spear at them."Be ready to live in jails scums." I said and they tried to run.

But I already appeared in front of them and swing my spear sending a shockwave that sends them flying hitting their car.

A grunt of pain can be heard from the robbers and I walked to them. One robber points his gun and shot at my face. My face felt tickles after being hit by those bullets.

"Who are you?" The robber asked me in a scared tone."Lancer." I said before knocking him out with punching his face.

The others also got knocked out by my punches before I jumped on a building letting the police to arrest them.

I then go back to my apartment ready for myself for school tomorrow.


I am in my classroom doing exercise for the subject, Mathematics. I can see several students are having a hard time answering these questions.

But for me, it is easy considering I am pretty good at Mathematics in my past life. I wrote the last answer before handing them to my Mathematics's teacher.

I then lay my head waiting for their students to finish doing their exercise.

"Hmmm. Wonder what villain I will face today?" I thought in my head while peeking at Raven who just read her book attentively.

"That girl. She smells like a demon" Cu Chulain said to me through my mind.

"That is right, after all, her father is Trigon, a demon who is so strong and can be considered as a demon god," I replied.

Then I glance at Zatanna who is doing the same. "They must be reading magic books considering the mana I felt from the books. " I thought in my head.

"This girl is good at manipulating her mana." Cu Chulain mutters.

"Her magic is cheating. Since Logomancy made her invincible. If she said any words in backwards, for example, edolpxe, an explosion will occur. But if we disrupt her or made her mute, she will be useless as a normal human." I told him.

"Geez. With your knowledge of these heroes and villains, adding with the Class Cards, you are practically invincible." Cu chulain said to me.

"No. There are still some villains that possibly can defeat me. For example Darkseid. That guy is freakishly strong. He even defeated the entire Justice League alone. Besides his armies are no joke."

"Luckily for you, you have us." Cu Chulain said to me.

Then the ring bells causing me to sit up straight while packing my books into my bag. My teacher then goes out with me doing the same.

I go to the cafeteria to get some foods before my eyes catch a scene that I hated the most.

2 big boys are cornering a nerd boy. I can see one of them push him to a locker while the other is about to take the nerd money.

I walked to them and my mouth opened to say something to them."Seriously, guys, you ask money from that need? Your wallet must be empty considering you asked money from the nerd." I said to them making them turn their head to see me.

"Get lost loser." One jock said to me."This is none of your business." Another jock said to me.

"It becomes my business when you bastards bully that nerd," I said to them. Many students now are seeing this.

"And what? Did you want to become a hero by saving this nerd?" The jock said to me."Yeah. I mean you looked kinda like the villains from the old cartoon shows." I said and the other immediately throw a punch to my stomach but I block the punch with my palm.

"Now now, if you wanted to fist bump with me, just say it to me," I said to him while striking before he uses his other hand to punch me.

I lower my body for a little bit making his punch pass through my body. His body got near me and I uses that to use my other hand to grab his shoulder and throw him over my shoulder to the floor.

I then step aside avoided myself from being tackles by the other jock and I swept his right feet off causing him to slip and fell to the floor beside his friend.

"Ooops. Sorry about that dude. I react on reflex." I answered sheepishly.

I turn my head and hold my hand out to the nerd."You okay buddy?" I asked him and he takes my hand.

I pulled him causing him to stand properly."Yeah. Thanks to you. Thanks for saving me from these bullies." He said to me.

"You are welcome," I replied before turning my head to see the 2 jocks already stand and glared at me.

"You will pay for this." He said before walking away with his friend."Prideful bastard." I commented making the nerd smile.

"Say, wanna go grab a bite with me?" I asked him."Sure." The nerd replied.


Now I am walking back from my school and buy some Chinese foods along the way. I arrived at my apartment and put the Chinese foods on the dining table.

I then proceed to take a bath and wear a nice cloth. I then eat Chinese foods. After cleaning up the table, I turn on the television that is showing the news of Superman and Flash saving the day once more.

I change the channel before a channel catches my interest.

"Yesterday at Queens, the hero that is called " Lancer" just help the police to arrest the robbers. The hero "Lancer" is also the one who saves Superman and defeated Metalo."

I did not hear what the rest of the reporter said as I feel glee about my appearance making into the news. But that does turn into a frown as I know a certain Dark Knight will investigate about me.

Urghh, just thinking about that paranoia Batman who did not trust anyone easily making my head felt the ache.

The Batman obviously will question my powers. And if he ever knows about Gae Bolg, he will surely take my Noble Phantasm away because of how dangerous the weapon is.

Not to mention, if I ever rebel against the Caped Crusader, I will gain the attention from Justice League and I will be in their wanted list.

I am sure that I can handle the Justice League if I can unlock all the Class Cards with their current me, I can handle several members of the Justice League.

Besides, I already know many ways how to piss Batman. Speaking of him, it seems now he has his 2 sidekicks, Robin and Batgirl.

I then turn off my television before grabbing a black jet and wearing a blue jean.

I get out of my apartment and proceeded to venture through my city.

This city is so much like the Queens from Spiderman: Homecoming movie with the exception no Peter Parker and his aunt lives here.

Plus the heroes in this world did not wear their pants out. Batman is like from the Arkham Game while the others are like in the New 52.

But one thing that I know is that there is no Teen Titans here because I already searched Jump City and no sight of Titans Tower in that city.

I then enter an alley and muttered."Install Lancer." My body shine and I am back becoming the Hound Of Ulster.

I leap on a building before proceeding to patrol this city.

I continue leaping around the city when I stop leaping. Now I am looking at a black van. For some reason, I felt something weird about the van. Following my instinct, I decided to follow the black van.

I followed the black van until it arrived at the abandoned factory outside the city.

There, I see many armed men guarding the abandoned factory. I narrowed my eyes seeing this.

I sneakily entered the domed factory bad climbed in the roof of the abdomen factory. My eyes can see clearly in the dark and sees a black skin man is opening a box filled with drugs.

I can see the man who us wearing glasses take out a briefcase and opened it. In the briefcase is money, a lot of money.

A feral smirk appeared on my face seeing this. I then whistle and my whistle can be heard through the abandoned factory causing all the armed men to point their guns at everywhere.

"Whoa. You got a lot of money there. Why don't you give me some of the money?" My voice is heard through the whole abandoned factory causing the armed men to grip their weapons harder.

"Show yourself,s bastard." The black man shouted.

"Why should I show myself?" I ask before I appeared behind the black man."When I am already behind you." I said to him causing him to turn his head behind him only to be greeted by a punch from me.

I then disappeared once again."One down. Many to go. Now, who is next?" I ask and I can see they are shaken hearing this.

"How about you guys?" I ask before appeared near a group of armed men and swinging my spear hitting them and make them crash to the wall.

"Kill him." A man shouted and many bullets are heading to me but I reflected all of them with Gae Bolg.

I then jump over them before dived down to 7 armed men and I leap to them. I slash towards them and all of their weapons got destroyed and their body fell to the ground.

I then throw my spear to the man who wears glasses and my spear pierces through his knee. I jumped towards him and smash his face to the ground before pulling out my spear.

I then put it on m shoulder and looked at the remaining armed men.

A vicious smirk appeared on my face."Now it's your guys turn to be beaten." I said and the sound of screaming in pain can be heard in the abandoned warehouse.

A few minutes later, many unconscious bodies see laying on the ground and I can be standing near the briefcase.

"This money surely will return back to its original owner. Damn it. I should have asked that man he worked for who?" Aaron said before an idea formed in his head.

"How about I donate this money? I mean if I let the money here, it will be taken back to the crime boss but if I take it and donate the money the crime boss will feel angry as he will not get his money back. Hahaha. I am really a genius." Aaron praised himself while holding the briefcase.

Then Aaron swung his spear behind him reflecting something from hitting his body.

"A Batarang? Huh? Is the Batman here?" Aaron thought to himself before he sees 2 figure landed himself.

No, it is not Batman and Robin rather Robin and Batgirl. I can see this Robin is Dick Grayson while the Batgirl is Barbara Gordon. And their suit is the same as in the Young Justice.

"Huh? And here I thought Batman is the one who threw the Batarang to me." Aaron said to them while taking a relaxed posture as he put his spear on his shoulder.

"Nice to meet you Robin and you Batgirl." Arron greeted them while winking at Batgirl.

"You are Lancer right?" Robin asked me."Obviously yes doofus. I mean which hero carry this spear around." I replied making Batgirl giggle hearing my response.

I mean, who other than me use a blood-red spear.

Robin just grits his teeth hearing this while Batgirl surveyed the abandoned factory. Seeing this Robin got easily pissed, I know that he is still not that calm and mature Nightwing yet.

"You did all these?" Batgirl asked me."Yup." I replied.

"Impressive." Batgirl commented."Well, I can show you some movements to you alone if you want to." I said to Batgirl who blushes hearing that.

Robin meanwhile frowns hearing this before noticed the briefcase on my hand."What are you going to do with that briefcase?" He asked me.

"For my own purpose Boy Wonder," I replied and sees Robin is taking a battle stance.

"Robin?" Batgirl asked."Batgirl. Ready to knock this guy out. He is trying to take the money away for his satisfaction." Robin said to her.

Batgirl looked at me and sees I smiled. That caused her to take her fighting stance.

While I am feeling excited about battling them. Robin and Batgirl are individuals that got trained by Batman, a normal human who had practice and mastered many martial arts.

Surely by me fighting against these 2, I can gouge my strength against them.

I put down the briefcase before I point my spear to them.

"Entertain me Robin, Batgirl," I said and Robin throws smoke pellet to the ground making the surrounding covered in smoke. What a cliche ninja movement.

I just stand still in my direction before tilt my head avoiding a hit from a bo staff which I quickly pull it towards me.

Robin delivered a kick to my faces but I use my spear to block his kick before delivering a palm thrust to his stomach sending him backwards.

I then move aside from being kick by Batgirl who then come to deliver many punches to me which I block it with my right arm with a bored face which made her piss seeing my bored expression on my face.

"Fight seriously," Batgirl shout in anger to me, "If I fight seriously again you guys, it will become boring as it will only take seconds for me to beat you two," I answered ins a cocky tone making both Batman's sidekicks feel angry hearing this.

I then thrust my spear to Batgirl who managed to avoid it barely but she can not block an incoming kick to her stomach.

She got push backwards because of my kick. I then swing my spear around me strongly causing an air force that causes the smoke to disappear and block a hit from Robin who is using his Staff.

"Let's see how well are you using that Bo stuff shall we?" I said to him before pushing him backwards and thrust at him.

He blocks my thrust but his bo staff get broken upon getting hit by Gae Bolg.

He then takes out 2 sticks and engages me. He tried to hit my head but I swing my spear to block it and use my right arm to block a kick that is directed to my stomach.

"Nice skills you got there brat," I said to him and headbutt him making him stagger backwards. I thrust my spear to him sending him to hit the wall very hard and he fell to the ground unconscious.

"Robin!" Yelled Batgirl. She then proceeded to throw many Batarang to me but I slice them to half and she delivered a kick to my face which I managed to duck.

I then use my spear to block her slash. Hoh. Seems she is holding Batarang on her hand and uses them as a short blade.

I parry all her attempted slashes to me before I swing my spear to her Batarang who shattered after being hit by my attack and quickly grabbed her other hand.

I added pressure on her hand causing her to let go of the Batarang. She then tries to headbutt me but I moved backwards.

I then quickly swung my spear to her neck but stopped inches away from her that sending her cape to move backwards.

"You girl has some skills. I recommend you to use something else as your weapon, rather using these Batarang. Maybe a gauntlet with hidden knives will do." I said to her.

"Why are you holding back against us?" Batgirl asked me.

"Simple. I hate one-sided fight. But I had to admit that you both put up quite a fight against me but still, your skills are not enough to beat me." I said to her.

I then retract back my spear and walked away from her."Also. Do not try to track me Batgirl." I said her while showing a tracker on my hand. I already knew she placed it when I am close with her. She seems surprised seeing me reveal a tracker that is the size of an ant on my hand.

"I hate people who tried to track me to my lair. Tell this to the Dark Knight." I said to her and destroyed the tracker. I disappear along with the Briefcase leaving a stunned Batgirl and unconscious Robin.

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