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100% Star Wars: A New Beginning / Chapter 15: Prey

Kapitel 15: Prey

Rogue awoke to dim artificial lights skittering to life in the lounge of the Millennium Falcon. The bench he had been sleeping on for the past week had left his back stiff. It could do to be restuffed, he thought to himself as he swung a broad leg towards the floor. He sat there for a moment, shielding his eyes from the glow of the lights, trying to urge himself to wake up. He felt tired after tossing and turning practically all night trying to get comfortable. Rogue let out a long sigh. Why did he get himself into this mess? Some young woman comes to Thieves Quarters, kills his crew, kills two other innocent women, then gives him her sob story, and now he is helping her? Women, they always get me into trouble, Rogue thought to himself. The Knights of Ren were no easy target either. These men are ruthless and only in it for the blood. Now, he, a lowly spice runner of Kijimi, was going to help take them out? Rogue let out a chuckle, right.

"I trust you're ready for tonight?" Rey spoke suddenly beside him. Her footsteps had been so light that Rogue did not hear her sneak up on him. He turned his head to look at her with a wild look of shock on his face. She was no longer clad in the heavy black cloak, she gave it up when they were on board the ship. He could see that she wore simple grey linen robes and fitted pants that were tucked into tall boots. She looked more like a Jedi than the murderer she had made herself seem. Her hair was in a soft braid that sat on her shoulder. But her eyes were so sad, filled with loss, and if he looked a little closer they had a hint of redness around the edges. Had she been crying? No doubt he might have if he were in her shoes. Her expression twisted into an angry look, again he had caught himself staring too long. Rogue looked away, clearing his throat.

"Yes, I am ready. Although, what does a guy have to do to find some food around here? I'm starved." Rogue replied with a smile.

"Food portions are in that box over there." Rey pointed behind him to a sealed crate. His heart dropped. Nothing sounded less appetizing than the prepackaged artificial food. It had been ages since he had to rely on them as a source of food and for the last week, they were all he had. Wasn't the Resistance supposed to have wealthy backers and all they could stock this ship with was food portions?

Rey turned on the balls of her boots, leaving Rogue and his stomach to their own devices. The circular halls echoed her footsteps as she made her way back to her room. The door to her quarters opened with a sad, drawing whine. The room was absolutely trashed, exactly how she left it from last night's fit. The walls were littered with scorched carvings from a spewing red lightsaber. Her modest bed had been thrown apart with the pillows and blankets strewn in piles around the room. Her ancient Jedi tomes were tossed with ferocity, their tea-colored pages had been ripped from their bindings. Last night, Rey sat in her bunk, obsessively going over what she would do to the Knight of Ren that was responsible for all of this. She lingered on how poetic it would be to bury his lightsaber into the man's beating heart. The images burned into her brain, yes, she would enjoy it to avenge her friends, Leia, and Ben Solo most importantly. Her hands balled into tight fists with sharp nails biting into her palms. Thus, the trashed room. Thinking of them only reignited that dark anger within her, throwing her further into the determination of her mission tonight. Tonight would only be a reconnaissance, but she doubted that if she found one by themselves she would not take full advantage of the situation.

Rey released her fists with a deep sigh expelling from her lungs. She bent at the waist, picking up a small wooden chair that laid on its side. Standing it up on all four legs and she lowered herself into it. The chair protested her weight with a creak as her frame settled into it. Tonight is the night , she thought to herself, staring blankly at the adjacent wall with a craned neck. She had drifted so far, she barely recognized herself anymore, that is if she compared herself to her former scavenger self. Now, every fiber of that young woman was nowhere to be found. She was in survival mode now, feral, savage. She clung to it, needed it to keep her going because if she stopped for even a moment, she regressed into an empty, sad shell. A shell that picked at the thin scab that tried in earnest to stifle the horrific loss of everyone she had ever known, loved. Rey supposed that is what she was doing now, sitting deathly still, only her chest rising with breaths and her heart pumping blood through her veins as a sign of life. An empty shell running on involuntary functions. A tear swelled on the crest of her waterline, threatening to slip down her expressionless face.

"What the fuck did you do?!" Rogue's gruff voice erupted in shock behind her. Rey sniffled, wiping the tear from her eye before swiveling in her chair to face him. She dare not let him see her in a state like this. She needed him to believe that she was the same, fierce force she displayed the night they met. But Rogue could not be easily fooled. He took in the angry destruction of the room and her red, wet eyes that looked haunted by ghosts. He softened at the sight of her, maybe even more distraught than when she had left him. He gestured to the two steaming bowls of synthesized goop that he thought looked nothing like edible food.

"Here, I made you a bowl of whatever this is characterized as." Rogue offered a bowl to her as he stepped next to her. Rey silently took the bowl from his hand with a nod of thanks. She too was unhappy to be eating the unflavorful, lumpy liquid.

"As if I need another example, but remind me to not get on your bad side," Rogue said, trying to lighten the mood that hung heavily in the room. He spooned a bit of the 'soup' with a grimace as he brought it to his hesitant mouth. He swallowed, shivering at the sensation of a squishy lump hitting the back of his throat.

"Don't get on my bad side then," Rey said cooly, taking a bite of her food. A corner of Rogue's lips curled into a half-smile at her. He placed his spoon back into his bowl, looking beside him to see her cot turned over on its face. He took the light alloy frame in one hand, trying horribly to maneuver it back right side up while holding his bowl. Eventually, after several odd positions later, he had managed to set it up and sat down on it with a satisfied look on his face. He took a victory bite of his food before the awkward silence took over the room again. Rey sat quietly, practically unmoving in her chair, spare the periodic spoonfuls of food she took. Her posture was relaxed, but not as if she was comfortable, but as if she had no strength to care. Her hands loosely held onto the spoon and bowl as she stared blankly at the wall ahead of her. Rogue shoveled food into his mouth taking in the sight, observing her, analyzing her. It panged at him to see such a beautiful young woman look so empty and whose life had been utterly ripped away from her.

"Rey," Rogue interrupted the silence with a voice laced with sympathy, "I just want to let you know that I am so sorry for your loss." Rey turned to him with that same expressionless face, her eyes telling him the whole story. He supposed she could hide her feelings from her face, but never could manage to hide them from her eyes. Her lips parted, a small, private breath hitched in her throat in surprise. He was the first one to say that. Her eyebrows furrowed, confused before she cleared her throat.

"Thank you, Rogue." She said softly, the softest her voice had been since he had met her. He gave her a sad smile and a small nod of his head. He turned back to the goop that sat in his bowl and took up the spoon again.

Rey picked up the heavy wool cloak from the floor where it had been thrown down. She opened it and draped the garment around her shoulders, fastening it securely around her. Her belt sat densely at her hips with the weight of a black lightsaber that was fixed to it. Yes, nightfall was here now, and both Rogue and Rey were making their final preparations. Satisfied, and adequately dressed for the mountainous climate, Rey walked out into the main corridor of the ship. Rogue stood there, sliding on his thick tan-colored jacket over broad shoulders. He gave the hem of the jacket and its sleeves a tug, straightening them. Rey reached into her cloak, taking the blaster out of the holster on her thigh. He looked down when her hand reappeared with the weapon.

"Here, this is for you. Take it." She gestured her hand at him to take it from her open palm. Rogue gave it a tentative look before looking back at her.

"But what about you? Won't you need it?" He said with a curious tone.

"No, I will be fine. Take it." Rey gestured again with a stern voice. Rogue took the ancient DH-17 blaster pistol and tucked it into the belted waistline of his pants. He pulled his jacket over it, concealing it from any prying eyes. Rey turned without another word to him. Her hands reached up to the hood of the black cloak, throwing it over her head. They walked silently out of the Falcon and into the frigid night air of Kijimi. The port was filled with various freighters, cargo vessels, shuttles, and even a few luxury ships as they weaved through them toward the city. Rey studied them, trying to discern if any of them belong to the Knights of Ren. But, with nothing to go off of, it was a fruitless endeavor. Rey led Rogue through the same path she had first taken the night she arrived. For countless minutes they weaved through silent, seemingly abandoned, cobbled streets. There were no sounds that came from, despite how they looked, occupied homes. She thought that the families here made it a habit not to attract any unwanted attention with the First Order goons making random patrols. Rey took a left after a long straightaway, zig-zagging back towards Thieves Quarters that was located at the heart of the city. Her mind was in linear focus, set on only one thing, Find the Knights. That sentence played over and over in her head obsessively as she walked.

The same familiar sounds of cantina music spilled out from several streets over, breaking up the quiet they had been traveling in. They cut over to the market street that was busting with the same merchant stalls, patrons, and laughing groups of drunk people huddled up and down the row. But they paid no mind to it, they were here for only one reason and it drove them deeper into Thieves Quarters. Rey checked a passerby with her shoulder with force, not willing to move for them. Rogue walked in the space left by the people who wore angry expressions aimed at the cloaked figure he followed. They made their way past the crowd of the market street and into a more sleepy part of Thieves Quarters. Here, it was dark, no lights strung up or streetlamps and large rocky hovels stood on either crammed next to each other leaving no space in between, save for small breaks in the long rows. Rey and Rogue took cover in the shadows of a cramped alleyway and watched the street with keen eyes.

Rey stood with her shoulder on the cold surface of a building's wall, resting her weight on it. Rogue stood behind her as he towered her. It had been what seemed like an hour watching the dead street. Their heads swiveled at each gust of wind that blew, throwing metal windchimes or the rustle of garbage skittering on the cobbled pathway. Loud voices sounded from down the street, a group of men talking and laughing as they walked closer towards Rey and Rogue who waited in the shadows. Quickly, they pressed themselves flat against in an effort to conceal themselves from the men approaching them.

"I'm telling you, Cardo, there is no feasible future in which you beat Al'Pek in a duel– even with your cannon." An anonymous man said with a mocking tone.

"I don't think you are giving me enough credit, Trudgen. I mean, Kuruk can vouch for me. Remember that guy in the Outer Rim? I blew his head off before he could even say please." Cardo defended his case.

"And I also remember the time where I had to save your ass when some Jedi threw you up against a wall because you got distracted by some girl's ass." Kuruk protested his point and the group of men exploded in a robust symphony of laughter that filled the street. Rey had no doubt, given their conversation, that these bodiless voices belong to the Knights of Ren. Rogue drew in a quiet breath, holding it in his lungs, as he tried to further melt into the wall as the group of men passed. They passed in two loose rows, two in the front and three in the back. Each covered head to toe in black clothing and ornate masks. Each carried a unique weapon. Some carried melee weapons and two toted modified blasters.

None of them turned their heads to check their surroundings. They passed completely unaware of Rey and Rogue's presence. They sat there for a moment in the safety of the shadows for several minutes to allow the Knights to put enough distance between them. They needed them close enough to tail and far enough to be unseen. Rey peered around the corner, checking both ways to make sure no stragglers were left on the path. Rey motioned Rogue to follow her with a hand without turning back to look at him when she found the coast was clear. Her boots hit the stoney road with quiet steps as she followed in pursuit of the group of men.

Her skin was on fire, her stomach a deep pit of fury. The hunt had begun and her prey was too prideful to think they were anything less than the hunters. She let the anger drive her as she zig-zagged in and out of alleyways to stay hidden from the Knights. They walked several feet ahead of her and Rogue, only looking like nondescript silhouettes against the dark roads. Sounds of music and faint light came back to the road as they were led back to the market street. The crowds gave a wide berth when the Knights of Ren black-booted feet stepped into the busy thoroughfare. The locals feared them, knew that if they even put a toe out of line that their lives would certainly end. The Knights of Ren had plagued the grounds of Thieves Quarters, making it their personal sporting grounds. Rey allowed the crowd of patrons to file in after the five men had passed, not daring to risk alerting anyone that they followed the Knights. Rey motioned again at Rogue with her hand.

The Knights rounded a corner, undoubtedly heading to the club just off the main street. Rey smirked to herself under the hood of the cloak. They were in for a surprise as soon as they made their way into the brothel. Rogue appeared silently next to Rey when they stopped at the crest of the corner, watching the Knights wait impatiently at the door of the unmarked club. They talked amongst themselves for a moment when the patched together door opened to a large, sickly green Besalisk. Even from this distance, Rey could see his large bulbous eyes widened with a strike of fear in them. He stepped hastily aside to allow the men to form a line and walk one by one into the blue-lit club.

"Okay, this is it, Rogue. Are you ready?" Rey turned to look up at him. He was staring straight ahead at the entrance into the bar. His broad and handsomely chiseled features were stiff with focus. He looked down at Rey, who was considerably shorter than him. Her face was blank, save for a fierce hatred burning in her eyes that bore through the shadow that the hood cast over them.

"Yes, I am. Are you?" He asked, genuinely curious knowing how much she had been longing for this. She gave up no reply to him. Rey walked out from the corner into the next street, dead set towards the heavy metal door. Rogue broke out into a light jog behind her, trying to keep up with her. Rey got to the door before him, banging on it with a hard fist. The Besalisk opened it moments later still shaken by the arrival of the Knights of Ren. His eyes looked down at Rey, her arrival a week earlier came rushing back to him.

"Ah," his deep voice bellowed out of the noisy club, "Hannah, Rogue! Nice to see friendly faces." He smiled at them, large eyes darting between the two of them. She was surprised the beast had remembered Rogue's cover story.

"Gronhar, buddy! Good to see you!" Rogue stepped out from behind Rey with laughter in his voice, beaming his signature debonair and toothy smile. He gave the towering Besalisk a hard, friendly pat on an arm.

"Come in, come in." Gronhar waved them in with his two right arms that seemed to be made up entirely of two enormous hands. Rey walked in first with her companion in line behind her. The same, nonsensical electronic music played overhead and it was densely packed with people of all races. The booths that lined the wall, all taken, seemed to be coveted here. The crowd barely noticed the two of them weaving themselves past as they made their way toward the back room brothel. But before they had reached it, muted screams erupted from behind the velvety red curtain. Rey threw up a hand, telling Rogue to stop. He looked confusingly down at the back of her cloak. The curtain fell suddenly from the threshold of the backroom, a woman tumbled with it. Ravina, the woman who sat at the reception desk a week ago, screamed again when a masked, black-robed figure stepped over her. She rested her weight on an elbow, the other reaching out as if to plead for her life. No doubt they had learned that Mevromina was murdered. How does it feel to lose your plaything, Knights of Ren, Rey asked herself smugly.

The crowd around them hardly noticed the events taking place over the music. They all kept dancing around in their places with their drinks in hand. Rey broke out in a sprint, pushing the drunk patrons out of her way. Some staggered and some fell to the floor, shouting profanities at her, but she had no time to care. She needed to get to the Knight who held his arm cannon pointed down at Ravinia. Rey reached behind her back, taking a firm hold on the black cross lightsaber, ripping it from her belt. She threw her hand out from her cloak, igniting the fracturing red lightsaber. Rogue looked down at her sudden movement as they ran. His eyes went wide, he was astounded at the sight of the most infamous lightsaber in the galaxy. It all made sense now, but also beckoned more questions. Her dead boyfriend was Kylo Ren, former leader of the Knights and Supreme Leader of the First Order. How did that even make sense? Why did she care for him so much, he is, was , a monster and on opposite sides of the war? And, why did his own crew kill him?

The arm cannon clad Knight, to what she could piece together, was named Cardo. He looked up from Ravina on the floor to the glowing red lightsaber and then the cloaked figure running at him in a dead run. He took a defensive position, cannon at the ready. Rey's face furrowed, she was determined as she ran, as she jumped into the air above the heads of the crowd that was all too careless to acknowledge a woman jumping over them. Rey brought her borrowed lightsaber down as she drew closer to Cardo. His cannon followed her in her descent. The cannon fired dead center on her chest, Rey spun the hilt of the lightsaber, deflecting the blast away. The bolt ricocheted off her lightsaber and bore towards the wall. Now the patrons screamed and shrieked in fear at the loud blast that erupted from within the club. Rey landed on her feet with a grunt with bent knees as the people around her pushed and shoved trying to get away as fast as possible. Her head shot up at the Knight, he was already looking right at her. His mask roughly resembled a medieval helm that was thick, black metal with two slits to see through. The faceless man did not disarm her, instead, she saw a man that stood in between her and her goal. She would kill him and it would be a good death.

Rey stood up, eyeing the masked Knight, and raised her lightsaber up into an offensive position. Rogue was shoving his way through the crowd that scrambled out of the way. The patrons were scared but wanted to see the Knights of Ren pay for the horrors they unleashed on their community. Rogue finally pushed his way out of the crowd that had all huddled on the far side of the room. He took his place beside Rey, blaster at the ready. Cardo looked at her companion but showed no sign of uneasiness. He was up for a good fight. The music blasted, pumping in rhythm with Rey's racing heart. Ravina looked from Cardo and Rey before taking the opportunity to run away. She skittered to her feet, breaking out in a run, but the Knight shifted his attention from Rey to the woman. He fired a single round at her that landed in her back, Ravina screamed as her body dropped to the floor.

"Bastard!" Rey screamed, closing the distance between her and her target. Rey brought her spewing lightsaber above her head, ready to strike down on Cardo. He shot at her again, but Rey jumped, diving into a roll. Her weapon flashed off when she tucked into herself, coming back to life when she landed back on her feet. The Knight stepped out from the backroom, heaving the heavy arm cannon with him. Rey waited for him to make his move as her chest heaved with hard breaths. Her emotions ran as wild as the fractured Kyber crystal that laid in the hilt of her weapon. But the Knight, Cardo, stood waiting for his nameless aggressor to make this first move. Rey sat for a moment debating her best move.

She could jump again, but her movements would be too easy to track. No that would not do. She pawed at the idea of a head-on approach and just weave past the plasma bolts. Yes, maybe that could work, but before she could put her haphazard plan into action the rest of the Knights of Ren stepped out from the brothel. Rey stood unwavered by the new circumstances. In all honesty, she never really cared if she made it out alive. She had nothing else to lose.

"Look, she thinks she can fight us all by herself." A faceless and nameless Knight said gesturing at her with his Kinetite powered club. Rey gave no reply as the Knights seemed to wordlessly agree unanimously to take her on. It would be a fun fight, if not short-lived. Underneath the cover of her hood, Rey's face turned into a sickly smile that twisted her whole face. Finally, she thought to herself. Rogue readied his blaster, fixing it at the encroaching enemies. The men surrounded her in a loose circle. Rey used all the power that her legs could muster and jumped above the five men's heads. Like a graceful wild animal, Rey threw her hand back with the lightsaber clutched in it, grazing black robes of a Knight all in midair. A hiss sounded, muffled through his mask. He fell, taking a knee as he hunched over on it.

Her feet hit the floor with a hard thud that reverberated through her whole body. She turned, four men had turned her way, now breaking out in a run. Rey took her back leg, dragging it back to give her stance balance. Her red lightsaber burned like a wildfire, dimly illuminating her face. A disguised man wielded his large vibrocleaver at her as he stepped forward from his lax formation. He came out in a run at his hooded target. He did not know who she was, but he knew that lightsaber and it excited him to go up against it. His former master's lightsaber glowed red with the blood it had spilled. Rey's eyebrows pushed together as her attacker bounded at her with speed. She was ready. He heaved his enormous vibrocleaver above his head and brought it crashing down like a trained executioner.

Rey shot her lightsaber, catching the edge of the cleaver. It reverberated through her weapon and into her arms. His weapon vibrated in an effort to ply more power into his strike. But her plasma blade was the superior match to his weapon. Her lightsaber etched into the blade, cutting through the resistant steel. The man's Death trooper-like mask never left her face when he withdrew his vibrocleaver from the blade of Rey's lightsaber. Not skipping a beat, he swung at her side with a driving force. Rey threw herself back from his attack, jumping back into the air over the man. She hovered inches over his head and took the opportunity to throw her lightsaber at his heavily armored skull. It plunged into the hard shell of the helmet as Rey landed on the man's chest. Her weight knocked him and fell limp with the lightsaber buried into his brain. Rey let out a primal, animal-like growl as she withdrew her burning red weapon from his listless body. Rogue and the rest of the patrons sat stunned at the sight. Rogue thought to himself that Rey did not even need his help as he watched her cut down a member of the Knights of Ren.

"Trudgen," Cardo screamed at his fallen friend before he turned to Rey, "You bitch!" Cardo's cannon rose again at her without warning. Rey deflected the bolt of plasma back at its origin with a blurry spin of her lightsaber. The flash of crimson light bounced off the blade of her weapon and drilled at the modified arm cannon still raised at her. The thing about his weapon is that he added many features to it making it a lethal opponent. But to his demise, a flamethrower had been attached to it. The bolt of plasma bore into the small fuel tank. The tank exploded, spewing fiery liquid over the weapon and onto Cardos robes. He shouted and cried trying to swipe the fire off of his body, but the flames spread, growing with ferocity. The rest of the Knights panicked, turning their attention to their comrade who was being engulfed more by the second by flames. They ate away at black robes and leather armor that fell in molten strips to the floor. Cardo began to run with blood-curdling wails with each painful step he took. Two down , Rey thought to herself turning her attention from the faltering man on fire and back to the rest of the Knights. They were distracted. Rey took the opportunity as she charged at the group of three men. She was met with a double-barreled rifle from a man in a helmet that had a long slit for sight and blinders on either side of it.

He tucked the stock of the rifle hard into the crook of her shoulder, one gloved hand wrapped around the trigger, the other aiming the barrel for Rey. She brought up her burning sword in an effort to shield her from the weapon's blast. The heavy rounds shot at her, unable to block them. Two plasma rounds dug through the meaty flesh of her shoulder. Rey was knocked off her feet as she skidded across the floor. She let out a cry from the searing pain that erupted from her arm. Her lightsaber tumbled out of her hand and rolled across the floor. Her hood fell off revealing her face that was twisted in agony. The rifle-toting Knight stepped into view above her as she laid there holding her injury. Rey could feel her hand becoming wet with warm blood as she held her hand clutched to her shoulder.

"You are going to pay for that, you little cunt. See this rifle here? I have been aching to use it and I think I found the perfect way to. Don't you think?" His voice was thick with enjoyment, but it did not strike panic or fear in our heroine. She didn't care, at least she would be released from her personal hell and misery of loss. She would die with her head held high knowing two of the sick fucks were dead.

Rogue was frozen in place at the sight of Rey on the floor, looking death in its face fearlessly. Up until this point, he was confident she would not need his help. Come on, Rey. Get up. Get up. Come on, Rogue thought frantically waiting for her to pull a crazy Jedi move out of her ass, but she just sat there looking at the man above her whose rifle was pointed at her head. As if it was instinct Rogue aimed his DH-17 even with the man who was several feet ahead of him. His breath was ragged and his hands shook. He had never shot at anyone with intent to kill, but right here, right now, he had no choice. Rogue squeezed the trigger of the blaster pistol. The gun kicked in his hand when it exploded as a bolt of light shot out of the barrel, driving at its target.

The Knight turned at the sound only to be hit in the shoulder. He grunted and hissed at the injury, taking his attention away from the woman in front of him. Rey took the opportunity, withdrawing her hand from her shoulder and reached for her lightsaber that had tumbled some feet away. The lightsaber spun slowly on the floor at her straining to use the Force to call it to her. The lightsaber began to drag slowly on the floor, creeping towards her outstretched hand. Rey summoned her strength willing the plasma sword to her hand, trying to get to it before the Knight turned his attention back to her. The black alloy hilt shot across the floor and landed in the palm of her hand. She rolled her onto her back igniting the spewing red sword. The blad erupted from the hilt, burying itself through the Knight's leather armor and seared into the meaty flesh of his abdomen.

He lurched at the burning pain in his side. His head tilted down, staring at his former master's lightsaber before he looked back to its new wielder, awestricken. Rey let the corner of her lips curl into a satisfied smile before she pushed the sword harder, deeper into him. She could feel organs popping, flesh sizzling, and muscles cut as she slipped the lightsaber through his back. Rey switched off the burning plasma sword, retracting it back into its resting place. The man staggered backward, trying to keep upright, not accepting defeat. His knees wobbled under the weight that was becoming more cumbersome. The nameless Knight fell to his knees before his face slammed into the hard floor. Rey lifted her good arm, using it to support her weight as her legs pushed her onto her feet. Rogue ran to her taking his place by her side, ready for the last two Knights. It confused her that they did not come at her all at once, surely it would be easier for all five of them to cut her down if they worked together. She supposed that they could only take her on one by one and obey their own rules, even though she would not play by them. She will fight dirty, unhonorable.

Rey looked to Rogue whose eyes never left the two men only a few feet in front of them. He studied them, watched their every move. Now it was a fair fight in the Knight's eyes and they moved with a fast pace before breaking into a run. Rogue brought up his DH-17 pistol at the charging black figures as Rey reignited her lightsaber that was ready for the attack. Rogue shot two quick bursts from his gun at a man who carried an annealed phrik scythe. The Knight quickly threw the left side of his body back, dodging the rounds. He brought his scythe up as he charged Rogue. Rey readied her sword even with the war club heading her way with violent intent. It hit her fiery blade with force, but the weapon did not give way to it. The club stood its ground against her weapon. Rey used her whole body to back up her lightsaber, pushing her weapon harder against her opponent's club. The two weapons ground into each other as sparks flew off her glowing blade. Rey looked from her weapon to the masked Knight with an angry, focused expression that took up her whole face. His head was pointed at her, his face hidden. Rey jumped back from him, shooting a quick glance at her partner who was evading and shooting at the man with the scythe.

The club clad man came at her again and swung low at her legs. Rey raised her leg that he aimed at, and gave it power as she drove it hard at his weapon. Her boot met his thick club, knocking it from his gloved hand. The war club clattered on the floor and rolled. Rey looked back up at her attacker with a sick smiled spread across her, it twisted into a dark enjoyment. She had him defenseless. He looked at his weapon with a quick glance and back at the woman. He dove for it, sliding front down on the floor. Rey ran for him as he reached for his weapon. She towered over him waiting for him to notice her. He turned over onto his back with his war club in hand. If she could see his face underneath that mask she would see panic riddling his eyes. Rey smiled again at him as she placed a heavy boot on his lightly armored chest. She did not think of her injured arm or the reason that brought her here. She only thought of the kill.

���Tell me, are you the one that is responsible for the attack on the Resistance? Are you the one that killed my people? Tell me now, you bastard!" Rey screamed the last of her words at him as she took her fiery blade even with his corroded artery of his neck.

"No," a mechanical voice sounded through his mask, "I am not responsible. I only followed orders from Al'pek."

"And who is Al'Pek? Is that him over there?" Rey pointed at the man who Rogue fought and crushed his chest harder with her boot. The man wheezed at the pressure restricting his lungs from fully taking in air. He shook his head.

"No, he did not come with us." His voice was gruff as he spoke. The information surprised Rey, how could she have been so blinded to not notice one was missing from the group?

"Where is he then?" Rey spat out furiously.

"He's back on the ship." That was enough for her. She rose her sword above her head and brought it down at the Knight. The burning plasma cut like butter through the helmet as it burrowed into his skull.

"Rogue," Rey shouted across the room at her partner in hopes it was loud enough over the music, "Hurry up. I got the information I came for."

"Well, if this maniac would just fucking die already, we could leave," Rogue shouted back at her with a frustrated tone in his voice. Rey did not have time for him to play games with the Knight. She gave him two minutes before she charged the last Knight of Ren. Rogue shot at him and the man kept effortlessly dodging his untrained marksmanship. As Rey got closer, she raised her burning sword above her head and swiped hard at the neck of the last Knight. The man's headless body stood for a moment with his weapon still in hand while his head, tucked inside his helmet, rolled across the floor. Rogue sat for a moment stunned at the sight before the man's body fell like a pound of bricks into a crumpled mess of black robes. Rey cut off the flow of her lightsaber and turned her eyes from the corpse to Rogue.

"We don't have much time. Let's go." Rey turned, clipping her lightsaber securely on her belt, walking towards the crowd of patrons that had huddled up together on the far side of the club. They all looked at her with the same expression. Equal parts amazed and terrified by her. They parted, compressing into each other, as she made her way to the door. The Besalisk opened the exit as she approached him. His beady eyes were wide and his large mouth gaped open.

The port was silent, not a soul around as they wove their way through parked ships. There was no telling which was the Knight's vessel. Rey stopped suddenly in her tracks with an idea as Rogue tried to come to a stop without slamming into her. Searching every ship could take days and even then who was to say the Knight would not go out looking for his comrades or get spooked and leave? Rogue stared at Rey with an inquisitive look on his face as he watched her. She rose a hand and took a deep, steadying breath. What was she doing? It felt like several moments before Rey turned to him with a determined look that took over her whole face. Her eyebrows were pushed together, causing a crease of skin to form. Her eyes glinted with fire, a hungry fire that made her look like a frightful sight to behold. She was ready to end this, ready for the last drop of blood to be spilled in memoriam of the entirety of the Resistance, her friends, and the man with who she had the most complicated relationship. She would not let their deaths be in vain.

"I found him, but I need you to go back to the Falcon. I will meet you there when this is over. If I don't come back within two hours. You take the Falcon and never come back. Do you understand me, Rogue? You run like hell." Rey raised an eyebrow at him. Rogue's broad, sharp features turned serious.

"Rey," he said quietly, but not to be mistaken as soft or gentle.

"No, Rogue. If I don't come back, that means I'm dead. It will not take him long to find out who you are and he will hunt you down. Don't you get it?" Rey cut him off.

Rogue gave a sharp, single nod at her as she gave him one last look at the man that, for some reason, could not bear to have her go alone. His stomach knotted with uneasiness, like something bad was going to happen. Rey turned, leaving Rogue where he stood. She began weaving in between large shuttles and light freighters that sat patiently waiting for their pilots to return. The frigid mountainous air blew past her as Rey took hastefull steps, practically running toward the Knight's energy signature. A signature she was keenly tuned into since the day she stepped into the mirror on Ahch-To. It felt like a constant, jagged, pulsing sensation that grabbed at her chest, pulling her closer to him. Did he sense her too? Would he know she was coming for him? Her boots hit the rocky ground with hard thuds as she felt the Knight's signature pulsed harder at her, growing stronger. Rey almost slid into a stop when she came across a ship that was on the farthest reach of the airfield. It was large, angular, and practically the most obvious ship here. The TIE Echelon transport shuttle stood in front of her. The moonlight casting it in shadows and the lights from inside only coming to the surface.

"Come out, you bastard!" Rey shouted at the ship with her fists curled into tight balls. There was no reply, only the soft night breeze drifting between her and the ship. She shouted again, trying to get the attention of the man who lurked inside. She would have this fight. She would have his blood seeping into the rocky ground. She would have her revenge.

A hydraulic hiss whined, breaking up the quiet, from under the ship that stood high off the ground. The ramp crept at the ground. The heavy ramp hit the rock with a hollow, metallic thud, that reverberated through the ground. Big black boots sounded off the open ramp as they appeared. They were followed by heavy black robes that swung with his gait. Then gloved hands that carried a Mandalorian executioner ax that was followed by a masked head. He turned, looking straight at her, jumping off from the middle of the ramp. His mask resembled a menacing, crude skull that would strike fear in his victims. But for Rey, it only further fired her determination to end this. To end the Knights of Ren. Rey's breathing turned hard as her adrenaline pumped and coursed through her body. Yes, finally, she was in front of the man who she saw cut down the Resistance and was responsible for the deaths of everyone she loved. What got to her most was the sick twisted satisfaction the Knight got from watching blood spill onto the blade of his weapon. Rey was a hypocrite with that statement. She too had been lost in the hunt, lost in her mission for retribution, that she found herself enjoying the deaths of the whore and the other five Knights. She relished in them even.

"So, the girl has come to find me. Where are the others?" A deep and mechanical voice sounded through the augmented mask.

"They're dead, I killed them. Each and every one of them." Rey shouted bitterly at him. She felt that deep, angry fire ignite again. It wove itself throughout her nervous system, taking over her muscles, bringing her further into the selfish clutches of the Dark.

"I suppose that's only expected. So, what was your big plan? Come to kill me for slaughtering the rest of the Resistance have you?" His tone was nonchalant with the statement, further angering Rey. These were her people he slaughtered.

"Yes," Rey replied shortly as her hand drifted behind her back and hovered above the hilt of the lightsaber.

"I have been in the need of a good death." The Knight said as if he got off on the thought. He brought up his ax with its tall hilt, whirling it in an effort to warm up his muscles. Rey grabbed the black alloy hilt of her sword, ripping it off her belt. She ignited it as her hand swung free off her cloak. Her injured shoulder stung as she moved the arm to the lightsaber, taking it in both hands. The Knight began to chuckle at the sight of his former master's fracturing red sword that burned in Rey's hands.

"You brought his lightsaber, how poetic of you." He said with a false tone.

"You killed them all and I have come to collect that debt I am owed." He laughed again at her words as if he knew something she did not.

"Then what is stopping you, little girl?" The man mocked, egging her on.

Rey broke out in a run with her saber chopping in her hand. The Knight brought up the Mandalorian ax, readying it in a defensive position. Rey swung at him as he blocked it with the long handle of the ax. The constant plasma beam fought to cut through the staff of the ax as red-orange sparks flew off it. The Knight of Ren used his might to knock her of balance when he pushed back with his weapon. He quickly recovered from knocking Rey away from him as he readied his long weapon. She slid away, her boots bit into the rocky surface as her feet tried to skid her to a halt. The man swung the ax at her as if it were made of nothing. It cut through the air, swishing as Rey jumped back with each strike he aimed at her. She brought her lightsaber down, blocking the heavy weapon from a deadly blow at her legs. It hit with an impact that shot through her saber and into her muscles. He was close enough to her now that she could hear his pants through the mechanical helmet. They paused here, looking at each other for the smallest fraction.

Rey's brow furrowed fiercely and she growled through bared teeth. She took a hand off her weapon and willed her energy at the man. He was heavy and she felt his weight straining her brain as she rose his dense body high above the ground. Rey felt her adrenaline turn to a sick ecstasy as she felt his heart pump wildly in her hand. It coursed through her like a drug that fed her hungry fire. Rey looked up at the Knight of Ren who stared down at her, frozen some feet above her in midair. She felt him fighting her hold on him, a jabbing sensation shooting at her through the Force that he directed at her. It caused her to lose her focus, her hold on him easing. He fell, landing in a crouched position, one leg slightly extended behind him and an arm in front in an effort to brace the fall. His weight landed hard on the ground with dust kicking up around him. He looked up at her, his ax never left his grip. The Knight broke out of his runners pose into a sprint at her, heaving his long ax at her, and swung at her. He grunted with exertion as his weapon came down, colliding hard with her spewing lightsaber.

Her weapon slid against the force of his weight he forced on her. Rey gritted her teeth as she pushed back on him. Rey lifted as finely muscled leg as their weapons locked into each other. Her black boot pushed hard off his abdomen, kicking him away from her. He grunted as the air punched out of him when her boot met his diaphragm. Rey took the small fraction of time that she could, taking advantage of his distracted state. She brought up her saber high above her head and slashed at him. The Knight snapped his head up and brought out a gloved hand, all his fingers extended at her. Rey felt as if she had hit a wall that was invisible to her eyes. Rey backed up from the blockade in front of her and opened her mouth.

"Scared?" She asked mockingly with a smirk on her face.

"Never." He shouted as he snapped his hand back down to his hilt and instantly brought it up, swinging hard at her middle. Rey dodged his attack with skirted to the left, her robes caught the tip of his blade, snagging it. How could she get one up on a man that was a worthy opponent? He was smart, cunning, and skilled with his weapon. Rey new enough to get by, running off pure instinct. She slashed hard at his hands that grasped the hilt of the ax, the stream of spewing plasma met the man's gloved thumb as she swept it at him. The sword cut through the flesh, cauterizing, and slicing as it went. The appendage flew across the ground as the man exclaimed in pain, his weapon falling from his grip. The hollow hilt and sturdy blade clattered to the ground and echoed in the silent airfield.

He grabbed his hand as if to stifle the pain. Rey whirled her sword in her hand, only a blurry perfect circle as she went. She took it in one hand and the other in the butt of the hilt as she drove it at the man's chest. It cut through thick armor and robes, quickly finding its way to warm flesh. The burning red lightsaber burrowed through bone that popped with searing heat, it sizzled around blood filled muscles as it found its way to his beating heart. The man stumbled backward, looking down at his former master's saber that was buried deep into his chest before looking back at Rey.

"Now, that was a good death," Rey said coldly at the man before her. She ripped her sword out of his chest, eyeing up the sizable hole she left there. His breathing turned hard, distorted by the augmented mask. He fell to his knees, now grasping at his chest. Rey stepped out from his path, allowing death to take hold of the last Knight of Ren.

Evangel10n Evangel10n


Author's Note:

Hey, y'all! So crazy long chapter that is jammed packed with revenge and, what I thought, cool fight scenes! Rey has had her deadly revenge, now what? I hoped you liked the long-awaited update. I am both filled with happiness and sadness when I say that the story is coming to an end soon, but don't worry, we will get that happy ending this whole fandom was created for!

Don't forget to share your thoughts and kudos if you have made it this far! <3


With love,

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