It was hard for Samui to decide what she should do. The lingering loyalty to the Raikage was making her hesitate a lot. One doesn't get raised with a particular mindset and then can throw it away at a moment's notice.
Only the fact she was utterly pissed at A made her ignore some of her urges born of ingrained loyalty.
"What do you want me to do?" In the end, she coolly asked with determination shining in her eyes.
More reasons for denying it flashed through her mind than reasons for accepting. She didn't desire the power of a leadership position. In fact, Samui was pretty content in her current rank and with her current responsibilities.
But she knew that was all gonna change now that she was under Ringo's 'tutelage' anyway.
She had no idea what changes would come to Kumo but as a conquered village, Samui did not imagine a very good outcome.
The problem was... even if she disregarded her inner voice screaming at her to do her best for her village... she still had acquaintances and friends there. Her hotheaded brother was part of Kumo too. And Samui did not want the 'choice' that was forced upon her to affect him.
She was aware that if a relative deserted, the entire family would be under heavy scrutiny, suffering from passive harassment like inability to move up in ranks due to suspicion. It's how the system worked. Just one more way to prevent those with family to desert the village in the face of a suicide mission or the like.
And while Samui had no idea if this rule would persist despite A's dethroning, if she became the Raikage, she would be able to make sure her brother and friends were safe.
It was not a grand reason.
Nor was it a proper one.
But it was a reason that made her choose this path.
Rei chuckled at Samui's determination. She acted as if he was going to ask her to do some grand task or something...
"You will fight one of Tsunade's... hmm, how to call it? Experiment? Nah. One of Tsunade's current patients. Yeah, that sounds about right." Rei mused aloud, making the uninformed spectators confused.
Sarutobi, however, looked at Tsunade with shock and disgust, "I had no idea you could have fallen so low to imitate Orochimaru." He said in deep disappointment.
Naturally, that made the three Senjus in the room cringe and look at him in accusatory disbelief, their gazes reminding Sarutobi he was not in any position to judge anybody when it came to morals.
Tsunade didn't care for Sarutobi's accusations and just mentally gave her 'patient' a heads-up before she activated a teleportation seal on her...
And in the room, a silver-eyed woman with pale blonde hair dropping down her shoulders appeared. She wore light armor and on her back was a big Claymore sword.
Ringo raised her eyebrow at Tsunade, "Teresa is already fit enough to fight? It's been only a week at best since you started treating her..."
Ringo was a bit unhappy that she was not informed of this. Claymores were swordswomen like her and the prospect of fighting the 'strongest' Claymore was mouthwatering to Ringo.
"Who do you think I am?" Tsunade rolled her eyes at the redhead, "She is well enough to face off against a jonin, not a brute like you." She scoffed.
Despite her temperamental nature, Tsunade took the well-being of her patients very seriously. As if she would allow Ringo to spar with Teresa anytime soon! The only person who can abuse her patients is her!
Teresa ignored the conversation about her and the looks she was getting from the people around and her eyes sparkled when she noticed Rei.
She walked toward him, and excitedly exclaimed, "Are you going to play with me again?"
Rei chuckled and shook his head, much to Teresa's disappointment. She was like a child and during the past week, she spent most of her time with Rei since Tsunade dumped her care onto him because of how busy she was with the Chunin Exams.
Caring for a woman who remembered almost nothing was a bit similar to caring about a curious child. Fortunately for Rei, after training both Ringo and Mei..., especially Mei... he knew how to handle overly excitable and curious children.
He had used her state to create several 'games', which were basically rehabilitation training in disguise, becoming Teresa's new favorite person for playing with her.
Honestly, during the course of the week, some of her memories returned and she started settling back down into her old personality a bit, but it was still a work in progress and the woman had her bouts of childishness here and there.
"No, Teresa. I-" Rei started patting the woman's head, only to notice a few people in the room give him weird looks, causing him to stop talking and frown.
He thought about what was the problem only to notice the position he was currently in...
He was giving head pats to a seemingly impressionable beautiful woman that acted like a child.
A realization suddenly hit him and he scowled while turning toward those ingrates as he exclaimed in exasperated outrage, "It's not like that!"
"We understand." Tobirama wisely nodded, trying to assure Rei, "Your fetishes are safe with us."
"Un." Hashirama resolutely nodded too. "To each their own, grandson-in-law. As long as your wives don't mind..."
'My granddaughter is in the service of a pervert.' Onoki thought, shooting horrified looks at Rei.
"Tsunade? A little help here?" Rei turned to the most capable person to explain the situation, only to find her grinning at him. The second he saw her expression, Rei knew he fucked up.
"Should I tell them how you motivated her with candy?" Tsunade playfully asked, causing Rei to groan as the intensity of the accusatory looks he was receiving doubled.
Well, of course, he was motivating her with candy! She had the mentality of a child due to her memory loss! What else was he supposed to use!
Rei gave Tsunade a half-hearted glare, but the woman was not quite done yet.
"Or perhaps mention about how you slept with her at night?" Tsunade 'innocently' asked.
He also told her a story about Claymores before sleep to jump-start her memory. That one doesn't count!
"That's not what happened and you know it, Tsunade Senju. I distinctly remember you being in the bed too." Rei gruffly said, crossing his arms on his chest as he gave her a pointed look.
But Tsunade had the best answer for that already prepared.
"Oh, yeah, I do remember. That was kinky." She dreamily sighed, dragging Rei's reputation down even more as the imagination of those around ran wild.
Rei realized she was doing this on purpose, and not just to slightly tease him. He deeply sighed and rubbed the bridge of his nose.
"What did I do to deserve this?" He tiredly asked.
To which Tsunade just shrugged, "You forgot a promise."
"Ah." Rei wryly smiled, having no rebuke for that.
To be honest, Rei didn't mind this small revenge of hers. He didn't care what most of the people in the room thought about him. His wives and Temari knew Tsunade enough to realize what she was doing and if Hashirama and Tobirama took this banter seriously, he would know. With their personality, it would be impossible for them to not have an outburst.
Suddenly, Rei felt his sleeve being pulled and he turned to the right, coming face to face with Teresa who tilted her head, "So... a game?"
Rei chuckled and pointed at Samui, "She will play with you."
Of course, that only earned him a disbelieving look from the cool blonde. When she heard she would have to fight somebody, she didn't expect it to be a woman who acted as if she was a child!
Samui had no idea how she got into this kind of situation but right now, she stood in the decimated Konoha arena, standing opposite Teresa who was happily swinging her massive Claymore with one arm, causing a wry smile to appear on Samui's face as she readied herself for the fight.
"Why am I doing this again?" A grumpy voice grumbled next to Samui, making her even more upset.
Fighting Teresa was one thing. The thought that the fight will be two versus one was another. It was simply rubbing Samui the wrong way.
Kurotsuchi huffily stood with her arms crossed on her chest as she glared at Teresa. Unlike Samui who was given a choice, she had to participate because Rei ordered her.
'To not make it too easy on Teresa.' He said.
Pfft, as if some malnourished airhead could defeat her! Even in one-on-one Kurotsuchi doubted she would lose so having to double-tag the thin blonde made her feel distasteful.
When she complained about this to Rei, he only laughed out loud at her and asked her if she was a samurai or a ninja. the bastard!
Ninjas could have honor too!
But Kurotsuchi quickly realized she would not get out of this fight so she decided to show Rei it was a bad idea by beating Teresa black and blue by herself. Who cared about some Kumo bitch with tits larger than the faces of past Hokages on the Hokage monument anyway?
Just as the match was about to start, "Let's work together." Samui said, deciding not to underestimate Teresa. If her new teacher's lover said the girl could handle her and Kurotsuchi, Samui was not about to disregard that warning. It was better to keep a cold head and consider the possibilities...
"Pfft. Bullshit." Kurotsuchi hot-headedly exclaimed, glaring at Teresa while her body language showed she had no inclination of working together with Samui at all.
Unfortunately, Samui didn't get more time to persuade her. She had spent the pre-fight preparation time observing her opponent rather than trying to reason with Kurotsuchi and only now did she realize it might have been a mistake.
A gong reverberated through the arena, signaling the start of the match and Kurotsuchi instantly jumped into the air, her hands weaving seals before they quickly relocated toward her mouth as she exclaimed, "Lava Release: Volcanic Flow!"
From her mouth, she spat a large amount of lava, enough to flood the entire bottom of the arena in it. The lava impacted the ground in waves, advancing like Tsunami toward Teresa who simply turned around and ran towards a wall.
By the time the lava covered the entire surface of the arena, creating a small lake of itself, Teresa was horizontally perched in the middle of the arena's wall. While she could not use chakra because of her half-Yoma status, Rei spent a lot of time teaching her how to use rudimentary ninja techniques with her yoki.
Samui was on the wall on the other side of the arena, staring with obvious annoyance at the back of Kurotsuchi's head.
The bitch almost buried her in lava there!
Samui was right next to Kurotsuchi so she was way closer to the initial impact zone than Teresa. She almost didn't have enough time to react. It made her wonder if Kurotsuchi wanted to really get Teresa out of commission or if the attack was meant to get herself out of the way.
But Kurotsuchi was not done yet.
Spinning in mid-air, she made her back face the ground while her front was turned towards the sky as she slowly started to fall down. Her hands once again started to weave hand signs, making both Teresa and Samui widen their eyes as they realized what the crazy bitch wanted to do...
"Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique!"
Kurotsuchi spat a huge amount of quicklime into the air above the arena... and gravity did the rest as the quicklime started falling down, making a shadow befall its whole premises.
There was enough quicklime to cover the whole arena so both Samui and Teresa were sandwiched between the ground covered in liquid lava and the falling quicklime from the sky, giving them no safe spot inside of the arena.
Kurotsuchi used the terrain to her utmost advantage and with a mocking laugh, she used the Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole Technique to burrow herself inside her lava just as she landed on the ground. This way, she will evade the quicklime and be prepared to spring forth and continue her offensive the second her attack impacts her opponents...er, opponent.
Samui's eyes grew dull and her expression darkened as she watched the incoming heavy and thick quicklime that was gaining falling momentum the closer it got to the ground.
Who would have thought the Iwa bitch would possess brains sufficient to make a strategy like this?
Frowning, Samui unsheathed her sword and fed it lightning chakra as she prepared to slash her way through the quicklime. She... refused to go down so easily.
On the other side of the arena, Teresa happily smiled, squeezing the hilt of her Claymore, causing the blade to be covered by crimson yoki full of malevolence as her silver eyes shined and curiously roamed over the falling substance above her head. Suddenly, her gaze stopped on a particular place and her head tilted a bit, her smile turning serene.
"So that's the weak spot." She slightly nodded to herself and crouched down.
With one mighty leap, Teresa closed the distance between her and the falling quicklime... her sword blurring in insanely swift movements as the quicklime in the weak spot was obliterated to fine powder by hundreds of slashes just enough for a petite person like her to pass through, and Teresa's leap continued unimpeded.
The quicklime landed on the lava, mixing with it and creating a hissing sound as the two together started to harden, quickly creating new ground just before Teresa's body reached it and landed in a crouch before nonchalantly standing up as if she just didn't evade an attack that would have been certain death to most chunins.
By now, Teresa's expression lost all traces of childishness and only serenity with a calm smile was left as her battle instincts finally kicked in. This was almost instinctual to her even though she barely recollected her past. She did not try to do this. It just felt right.
With interest barely shining through her silvery eyes, Teresa watched as Samui also landed opposite her, the blade in her hands crackling with lightning and her clothes covered in a bit of quicklime... which obviously made the Kumo woman very annoyed if the way her eye was twitching was anything to go by.
Samui suddenly spun on her heel and raised her sword... and for anybody facing her in a fight that would have been a cue to tense and raise their guard, but Teresa just leaned back and leisurely watched, sensing that there was no danger directed at her.
Samui disappeared from her spot in a lightning shunshin, instantly appearing in a different place in the arena as she stuck her blade into it up to its hilt, channeling a lot of electricity through it so the blade went through the hardened quicklime and lava as if they were butter.
Her actions made sense only when a moment later, Kurotsuchi jumped out of the ground just a few inches away from the spot where Samui buried her sword, snarling and glaring at the expressionless Kumo woman.
Kurotsuchi didn't get cut. She only got a few hundred volts through her body because of that cow's lightning release and it hurt like a bitch.
"What are you doing, you Kumo cow!? I am not your opponent!" Kurotsuchi exclaimed as she slid on the ground, getting a bit of distance between herself and Samui.
"Then why the fuck did you try to kill me, you Iwa dumbass? Did all that lava melt your brain?" Samui coldly sneered, her tone remaining flat but her words were quite spicy.
"Oh, you are on." Kurotsuchi growled and took out two kunais before rushing at Samui.
The two women started fighting with their weapons, throwing small Jutsus at each other with the aim to disable and outright cripple the other... all the while Teresa just dumbly stood in her spot, blinking in confusion as she watched the two women having fun.
Without her.
'Weren't they supposed to play with me? Why are they ignoring me now?' Teresa inwardly pouted, the only sign on her serene expression of her worsening mood was her silvery eyes gaining a golden hue as they narrowed and malevolent intent started leaking all around, freezing both Samui and Kurotsuchi in their places as they shakily turned toward Teresa who was still donning her serene smile. But now it seemed a bit too sweet to be real.
'They are bad girls and bad girls gotta be punished.' Teresa nodded to herself with a small blush, remembering as Rei spanked her when she didn't behave herself...
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