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95.4% In Naruto: Reborn with Talent / Chapter 456: Ch456. Situation in Kumogakure

Kapitel 456: Ch456. Situation in Kumogakure

The three Kages dealt with, Rei turned towards Mei and Ringo... and sighed as he saw them butting heads and making menacing faces at each other while exchanging childish insults as if they were kids.

He wryly smiled, noting that Kurotsuchi and the Kumo ninjas were on the edge, scared shitless that the fight between the two redheads would escalate and techniques would start flying around. Both of them were known SS-ranks so it was understandable.

Still, seeing someone like B, a man over two meters tall and composed of a massive amount of bulging steel-like muscles, trying to subtly increase the distance between himself and the two petite arguing women all the while his eyes shined with deep worry was a bit funny for Rei.

Rei knew there was no danger in letting Mei and Ringo have a go at each other. This was their usual behavior and despite everything, they never came to blows. He had no idea if they liked insulting each other but at least they had the common decency to keep their fights strictly verbal when not on the training grounds.

Surprisingly enough, the hotheaded woman and the childish woman were both quite responsible with their powers.

Shaking his head in fond exasperation, Rei turned toward Konan and asked, "What does the operation in Kumo look like?"

"Wait! What operation in Kumo!?" A instantly exclaimed in bewilderment, starting to get angry as his imagination started to run free.

The other three Kumo ninjas in the room also seemed uncomfortable at the sudden shift in the topic but they recognized their position and stayed silent.

Only Samui seemed more or less 'cool' with whatever. Poor girl... Rei noticed she was in a deep inner conflict right now.

He had no idea what it was about but he could come to a few conclusions considering Ringo introduced her as her new apprentice while walking inside the room alongside A and Mabui.

'Oh, well, not my problem.' Rei shrugged these thoughts off.

"Well, of course, we hit Iwagakure and Kumogakure both. Isn't that obvious?" Rei innocently tilted his head, looking straight at A who both paled and became redder from rage at the same time.

"You-!" A spoke through gritted teeth but he was instantly cut off.

"The Swordsmen of the Kiri are making a right mess of Kumo but they did not yet succeed in conquering it." Konan interrupted, reporting what was going on.

That... was expected. Rei liked to think he was a realist even though he occasionally had his own bouts of unrealistic insanity.

The situations in Iwa and Kumo were different.

Iwa was besieged by the force of an entire hidden village and it was a proper invasion.

Kumo was attacked by a handful of individuals and while each of them was strong, they were facing an entire village. There was no way to conquer the village in a straightforward manner for them. They had to use hit and run tactics and make it into a hide and seek chase all around Kumo. That was the only way to win for them.

Funnily enough, the resistance of his village made A visibly proud... until Konan decided to continue, instantly crushing his smugness.

"They have caused enough damage to the infrastructure and forces of the village that taking over the remnants with the incoming Kiri army should be a child's play." She uttered in a flat tone, but the mirth in her eyes was unmistakable for anyone who knew her.

Now that dashed all of A's hopes, making him horrified.

"Ah, that's good. We have their Kage and remaining jinchuuriki safely tucked in here so I guess there won't be any unexpected turn of events, right?" Rei sweetly said, looking straight at B and daring him to try something with his gaze.

The eight-tailed jinchuuriki was the only strong enough unrestrained Kumo ninja in the room but as uncomfortable and indignant as he looked, he clearly knew well how futile it would have been and just resignedly slumped his shoulders.

"Yes. How nice of them to deliver themselves to our footsteps." Tsunade giggled, making A clench his hands into fists while he quietly quivered from barely restrained anger.

It wasn't only his village that was at risk. He already exchanged Samui for Mabui's and his life so it wouldn't do to ruin her albeit unwilling but nevertheless noble sacrifice with his temper tantrum.

If Samui heard his thoughts, she would have outwardly frowned... and inwardly sneered at the audacity of the man.

"What about the casualties?" Rei continued asking about the attack on Kumo. Since Ringo was preoccupied with Mei, at least someone had to care about Kiri ninjas.

Though, Rei could see Ringo was listening to Konan's reports with one ear as she continued arguing with Mei so she probably cared more than she let on.

Being the Mizukage definitely changed her a bit and Rei was happy for her.

"The Kiri Swordsmen had suffered two casualties so far and three of them are too injured to continue fighting." Konan briefly glanced at Ringo, "One of these is Zabuza." She informed the redhead who briefly stiffened and gave a barely audible nod, not even bothering to turn toward Konan as she continued glaring at Mei.

Seeing that Ringo received the information, Konan turned towards A, "The casualties on the Kumo side are around four hundred bodies currently." She flatly said, not caring one way or the other.

A was clearly conflicted about the information but in the end, he just gave Konan a small but heavy nod of appreciation. Blaming the messenger would do him no good anyway.

That was when Samui decided to worriedly step toward Konan and uneasily asked with a measure of desperation, "What about my brother?"

"And your brother is?" Konan dryly asked and raised her eyebrow at the girl, her gaze loitering a bit lower… and a small frown appearing on her lips.

Did the busty blonde think she is some kind of omniscient entity? How was she supposed to know about the brother of some unimportant two-bit Kumo jonin with tits that even a cow would be embarrassed about?

"A-Atsui. He... he is my only family." Samui lost her usual cool for a moment and stuttered a bit. It was obvious the woman was disturbed a lot by the possibility that her brother...

She clutched her hands, unable to even think about it. They might bicker a lot among themselves but Samui loved her brother.

"Mhm." Konan noncommittally hummed, not looking in Samui's direction and staying silent for a few seconds, making Samui more and more nervous.

Samui had no idea if Konan was ignoring her or searching for the information because the woman was just standing in her place, her mind seemingly elsewhere. Fortunately, Konan blinked before Samui's fragile patience could run out.

"Your brother is fine. His left arm, right collar bone, and both legs are broken and he is bedridden in a medical tent but he is alive." Konan informed, making Samui sag in relief.

"Konan, send the Swordsmen an order from their Mizukage to not attack the medical tents." Rei piped in, knowing well such tactics were entirely possible to happen.

Both Onoki and A watched in disbelief that Ringo didn't even twitch when Rei ordered her ninjas for her. Their eyes drifted from the man to the woman who was too busy butting heads with Mei, and back... unable to comprehend the dynamics in this group.

'Who the heck is this guy?' They thought, realizing that despite being in his presence for quite a bit of time already, they had no clear idea about his identity.

Onoki knew him as the Rei of Yozora and A recognized him as Rei of Downpour but neither of those should give him such ironclad authority over Ringo.

The Mizukage seemed to act as if she was his subordinate and that both spooked and baffled the two Kages.

A could understand it a bit as Ringo was Rei's former apprentice but still! Her deference to him was too much.

"Thank you." Samui said to Rei in relief, showing him a small grateful smile.

"Don't mention it." Rei nonchalantly quipped, glancing at Ringo, "It's the least your mentor could do for you."

At that moment, an uncomfortable thought sneaked into Samui's mind, and refused to leave.

Maybe... just maybe becoming Ringo's apprentice was not all that bad. Maybe, with how things progressed, she actually got the better deal?

Kapitel 457: Ch457. Promise?

"Rei, what about my request?" Tsunade suddenly asked, causing every conversation in the room to stop and look at Rei... making him feel quite uncomfortable.

Now, how was he supposed to tell her he had forgotten about it?

An awkward silence spread throughout the room and several people raised their eyebrows after a moment, but Rei was too preoccupied trying to figure out a way out...

Suddenly, Rei visibly brightened up, opening his mouth and many people in the room, even the losers who lost their villages, were extremely curious about what he would say, only to deadpan when he self-righteously and cheerfully exclaimed, "I had forgotten!"

Tobirama instantly looked at Hashirama who sheepishly chuckled, knowing that when dealing with an Uzumaki woman you should never be so cheerful about these things! They both were expecting the poor guy to get the beatdown of the century but...

Rei approached Tsunade who had a sullen look and gently caressed her cheek while gently asking as he put his forehead on hers, "Will you forgive me?"

Tsunade meekly nodded, smiling shyly at Rei. "That's a dirty trick and you know it." She whispered, embarrassedly pouting a bit as she felt the pulse of soothing chakra enter her system through Rei's hand on her cheek.

Rei cheekily grinned, "But you love every second of it." He pecked her lips, making her quietly hum in appreciation as their hands joined and they stared into each other's eyes with a lovey-dovey atmosphere spreading around them.

Needless to say, both Tobirama and Hashirama's jaws dropped to the floor in disbelief.

"Tobirama... are you seeing the same thing as me?" Hashirama asked, rubbing his eyes.

Maybe something in the Edo Tensei technique made him hallucinate?

"Possibly." Tobirama shortly nodded but didn't confirm anything.

Who knew if Orochimaru didn't mess something up and made them hallucinate?

"Should we ask for tutelage?" Hashirama unsurely glanced at Tobirama.

"Definitely." Tobirama once again nodded.

Umu... in hindsight, who cared if this was a hallucination? He wanted to learn that!

"But we are already dead." Hashirama sheepishly reminded Tobirama.

Would they even need such a skill in the afterlife? He wouldn't know. He couldn't remember anything after his death, after all.

Tobirama turned towards Hashirama with a serious expression adorning his face, "If there is even a minuscule chance of meeting Mito in the afterlife, I'd rather know this technique when explaining how our clan perished." He glanced at Sarutobi.

Hiruzen noticed it, and worse yet, he heard the last bits of their talk and he drastically paled, going from angry purple-black to Orochimaru-approved skin complexion in seconds.

Suddenly, even he started to rapidly gain interest in this technique.

It took a few moments of poking and weakly shoving each other as they exchanged meaningful looks but Hashirama eventually lost in their brotherly exchange and stepped forward, sheepishly walking towards the lovey-dovey couple.

"Uhm." He weakly tried but instantly stopped as he saw Tsunade glaring at him from the corner of her eyes.

"One more word grandfather and I will make sure you will need a second funeral." She slightly turned her head towards him and half-growled.

'But I didn't say anything yet?' Hashirama sweatdropped but... "Yes, dear." He answered on instinct, trained from decades of marriage with Mito.

Turning back, Hashirama walked back to Tobirama and mournfully said, "Apparently, there is no trick. Just pure love." He apologetically smiled.

"..." Tobirama silently deadpanned at him before flatly saying. "I heard her."

"Mhm." Hashirama firmly nodded, no shame visible on his face as if he wasn't just caught in a white lie. "Your turn, then."

"She is your granddaughter!" Tobirama urged, trying to wordlessly persuade Hashirama that she will listen to him the most.

"She is your grandniece!" Hashirama disagreed and stubbornly stared back at his brother.

"And she can hear you!" Tsunade exclaimed, making them stiffly straighten their backs at her tone while inwardly cursing that she inherited Mito's trademark annoyed voice.

Rei was extremely amused by the shenanigans of his in-laws and Tsunade but as a man, he decided to earn himself a few brownie points from his already deceased extended family and cupped Tsunade's cheek, gently turning her face back towards him.

Her seething look slowly and reluctantly turned into a slightly embarrassed pout as Rei in silence admired her beautiful eyes for a moment.

Only when he saw she was in a good enough mood to listen, he spoke again, "Since I forgot about the promise, how about I make it right?" He coaxingly asked.

To be honest, the promise was nothing hard. He could have fulfilled it on the spot right now. Hell, he could have volunteered himself and it would have been just a slight inconvenience.

But it was a matter of principle. He forgot a promise and that would usually make every woman angry.

"What do you have in mind?" Tsunade mumbled.

Pakura, Ringo, Mei, and Konan almost rolled their eyes at their byplay. This was an old scene for them. Only Rei could instantly tame Tsunade's erupting temper. The blonde woman loved him too much to stay angry and he definitely took advantage of that at times to calm her down.

Still... They loved him because of how fair and caring he tried to be to all of them.

For the other people in the room, this was totally new.

Temari had a hard time believing how jealous she was feeling, trying not to glare at Tsunade's back. She stopped only when Pakura put her hand on her shoulder and shook her head in exasperation, knowing the girl will eventually get used to this the more of these sweet moments she will have with Rei.

Onoki and A averted their gazes, disturbed by the sight of the old woman flirting with someone as 'young' as Rei.

Sarutobi, however, gaped. He taught Tsunade throughout her entire youth and he had always tried to help her find a respectable young man from Konoha that would understand the Will of Fire. Tsunade had never reacted. Not once did she show interest in anyone so seeing her so lovey-dovey with this foreigner... Sarutobi almost had a heart attack.

Unlike his brother A, Killer Bee was grinning from ear to ear as he watched the happenings from behind his notebook that was covering half of his face while he was scribbling into it alongside mumbling and occasionally giggling to himself. He was on the verge of making a new hit. He could feel it!

Kurotsuchi, Mabui, and Samui all blushed but couldn't help throwing glances at the couple. While Mabui was open about her interest, Kurotsuchi and Samui kept their cool and stubbornly refused to show open interest, unlike Mabui who was quietly ah'ing and oh'ing to herself.

It was then that Rei gestured with his head towards Samui, "Why not try out the prowess of Ringo's new apprentice and do your little experiment at the same time?" He nonchalantly said.

Samui's mind froze when she heard him, making her eyes snap completely towards them as unease filled them.


Nope, nope, nope. Not cool! Not interested!

Not when it is something for these bat-shit crazy people!


"If she does good, we might even give Kumogakure to her to govern." Rei said to Tsunade as if Samui was not there, and grinned in satisfaction when from the corner of his eyes, he noticed that Samui suddenly seemed much less reluctant after his last admission.

Oh, she still seemed unwilling but her cold eyes gained a pondering gleam.

Rei turned towards the second busty blonde in the room and asked, "What do you say?"

Samui was at loss about what to say. Her usually cool expression wavered as she glanced at A, before looking down at her own hands and tightly clutching them.

What did she really desire? She had never asked this herself. She mostly wanted to survive but now that she was offered more... Did she dare to go for it?

She raised her eyes back towards Rei, "I..."

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