After getting the resigned confirmation from Kurotsuchi, Rei decided to stop being an asshole and gently put his hand on her hair, ruffling it a bit.
"Good girl." He kindly said and started to properly heal her. His healing Jutsu was nowhere near Tsunade's, but when living with the foremost expert in the field, one learns a thing or two.
Fortunately for Kurotsuchi's continued well-being, Konan helped too.
After the still morose girl was all patched up, she calmed down enough to appreciate in silent wonder as her broken arm and bruised body were mended in a matter of minutes.
While it was still astonishing even for the Suna ninjas, since Pakura became the Kazekage, a lot of improvements were slowly introduced to the village, one of which was better medical techniques. Rei had no idea what kind of bullshit reason Pakura gave her people for having those techniques, but he knew she didn't hold out on them. That's why the sight of advanced healing didn't shake them as much as it did Kurotsuchi.
For the girl, this was a very shocking sight. The medical field was nowhere near as advanced as Rei thought in his past life while reading Naruto. In fact, it was Tsunade and Orochimaru that were the freaks of their generation when it came to medical techniques.
Most of their techniques were self-made. Hell, most of the 'modern' healing procedures were either invented or improved by Tsunade herself. Her title of the best med-nin in the world was not just lip service.
The woman was a legend in the ninja world for a reason...
For other medics, broken bones were still very bothersome and while their mending could have been accelerated, the hospitals existed for a reason. If every injury could be shrugged off with just a few minutes of a healing technique, they would have been redundant.
And while Tsunade started researching methods how to accelerate the process tremendously, and was successful for the most part as a bit of it was already applied in the hospitals all over Rei's villages, not many 'average' medics had the necessary chakra potency and quality to pull it off the same way Tsunade could so she had to dumb it down for them. It was still a work in progress.
Now that Kurotsuchi was in a good condition, Rei freed her from the wire that bound her to the chair, all the while not letting down his guard. As much as he would love to believe the girl knew what was best for her, she was still a teenager.
Kunoichi or not, hormones affected everyone the same.
Rei could not be sure something flipped in her head, causing her to try a foolish thing like escaping a room full of experienced jonins or starting a fight. Hence, he stayed vigilant.
Thankfully, Kurotsuchi was still in too much shock to think about things like these, and Rei's visit to Iwa went without any unforeseen incident. He and Konan didn't dilly-dally in Iwa, leaving the situation there in the capable hands of Riku as they ushered the bewildered Kurotsuchi out of the room, and using a teleportation technique back to Konoha the second the door closed behind them.
They arrived in the exact same place where Rei and Konan previously disappeared from the village. In the middle of a street.
'Hiraishin!?' Kurotsuchi mentally freaked out, mistaking the technique.
It didn't last, however. When her eyes took in the surroundings, her thoughts were diverted by the sight of Iwa ninjas' bodies strewn around the street, causing her to grimace in sadness as she distractedly followed Rei.
It was obvious the invasion did not go as her grandfather planned. If it did, the friggin Konoha ninjas would not have been leisurely laughing and joking among each other, as if it was just another usual Monday at work, while they were clearing up the bodies of Kumo, Iwa, and Sound ninjas.
Two hours passed since Rei and Konan left Konoha and the battle was pretty much over by now. From what their chakra senses were telling them, there were some stubborn stragglers that still needed to be dealt with, but the overwhelming majority of the enemy troops were already either killed or had surrendered.
Eventually, Rei, Konan, and the disheartened Kurotsuchi reached the arena, and Rei led them to where he could feel Pakura still leisurely sitting, She was still in the same spot as when they left, much to Rei's amused surprise.
Well, he could feel the showdown between Temari and Onoki was still not concluded so it was only natural that Pakura would pay attention to it so no mishap happened to Temari. After all, Onoki was a highly dangerous ninja despite his old age. One good hit and Temari could be in danger.
This fight was supposed to be a training exercise for the girl and while a bit of danger was healthy for her awareness, by now every woman of Rei adopted his distaste for putting their proteges at unnecessary life-threatening risks.
It sure worked for those who survived them. Pakura was taught that way and she became a legend in Suna during the Third Ninja War. But there were a lot of those that failed at the surviving part.
In Rei's opinion, doing that was just a waste of talent. Nobody was the same but everybody could be taught and trained to become strong. While some didn't have the predisposition to be great fighters, that didn't mean they could not become competent in the field if a good teaching method was implemented. The necessary approach differed from person to person. Trying to force one kind of approach on everybody just caused a lot of unnecessary casualties.
"They are still at it?" Rei asked as he entered the room where Pakura sat, announcing his presence with the question.
"Yeah. The old geezer is tenacious as hell." Pakura quipped, not even turning to look at Rei. She could sense him the second he teleported back to Konoha so she was aware of him when he entered the room too. "But I gotta say, I am proud of my girl. I was a bit worried when she underestimated him at the start but thankfully, she learned her lesson and took the fight seriously since then."
When Kurotsuchi realized who the person sitting in front of her was, her eyes went wide. Rei told her that her grandfather fought against the Kazekage's apprentice but Kurotsuchi inwardly doubted that. An apprentice would not be strong enough to fight her grandpa!
She naturally thought it was actually the Kazekage herself who battled Onoki but here she saw the woman leisurely lounging in a comfortable chair, while...
Kurotsuchi's eyes slowly moved towards the arena, discovering a sight she would have never thought possible.
In the arena, a girl not much older than her was facing her ancient grandpa on even footing, pushing him back even. Kurotsuchi's jaw dropped to the floor at that. She found it hard to believe this was possible. She fought against her grandfather a lot in her training but not once did she manage to erase his leisure smile.
Yet, Onoki right now was completely focused, his expression grave and full of tiredness. That shook Kurotsuchi's confidence like nothing else.
It was with great apprehension that Kurotsuchi realized the Kazekage really had not made a move yet.
At that moment, Kurotsuchi felt relief flood her as she realized that her decision was correct. For, there was no way her grandfather would have survived this situation without the deal she made with her new master.
Now… she had a different problem.
How the hell was she supposed to explain it to her grandpa in a way that won't send him into a fit of rage? Logic didn't work on her family!
Rei didn't instantly intervene and interrupt the match between Temari and Onoki. He wanted to see Temari's full prowess and what better time to witness it than a fight against a Kage-level opponent where she is forced to give her all?
Instead, he gestured to Konan to get comfortable and sat on a chair next to Pakura, causing Kurotsuchi to awkwardly stand in her spot and uncomprehendingly stare between them and the fight where her grandfather was having a hard time.
She opened her mouth, about to remind her new master he was supposed to stop the fight, but one look from Konan shut her up really fast, making her huff and flop into a chair a bit away from the trio as she crossed her arms under her chest and scowled.
"Mah~, don't be so childish, Kuro-chan." Rei quipped, "Don't worry, I will make sure your granddaddy will survive the fight but I want to see the fight so bear with me for a little bit, ok?
Kurotsuchi did not reply nor even turn towards him but he saw her shoulders sag a bit and that was an answer enough for him. Smiling to himself, Rei turned back towards the ongoing battle.
He could plainly see the fight evolved to a whole new level since he left two hours ago. Temari was no longer using her battle fan nor any wind Jutsus, deeming them useless against Onoki who could easily dodge any of them except ones with the widest area of effect. Instead of these, Temari was fully focused on her Magnet Release and Gravity manipulation.
Onoki, on the other hand, started to use more of his Earth Manipulation, not using his bloodline willy-nilly as he did at the start. Now when he used it, it had some serious juice and aimed to destroy a lot more than just make a small hole in whatever it hit.
Down in the arena, an intense exchange of numerous small flying objects made of Iron Sand, something Rei knew Temari was working on but her control over it wasn't quite there yet the last time he saw her practice with it, rushing at Onoki. From what Rei could tell, these objects would have never reached that kind of speed with just Magnet Release.
The biggest problem with Sand Manipulation techniques was their speed. In the higher leagues, the user had to rely on trapping their opponent because chakra could enhance the speed of whatever was manipulated only so far.
Temari, however, was also using Gravity Manipulation in tandem with it, lowering the weight of these objects to featherlight, causing their speed to become three to four times higher.
Onoki was having a hard time dodging the unceasing hail of projectiles and acted accordingly. His skin was almost black, hardened to the highest degree with Earth chakra, and he also started hovering closer to the ground in order to have quick access to Earth Walls.
But despite spamming numerous Earth Walls to stop the projectiles, their sheer number usually punched through the walls. It did slow them down, however, and gave Onoki the necessary time to dodge the hell out of their way.
Yet, Rei could see a few gashes on Onoki already, telling him that not everything was cleanly dodged.
Temari wasn't stupid. The second she saw her approach was not working, she slightly adjusted her strategy, trying to get past Onoki's defenses, but Onoki was experienced enough to understand this and counter it.
That's why the fight turned into a tactical tug of war, both combatants waiting until the other made a mistake.
It came sooner than Rei would have thought. Just five minutes into his watching, Onoki managed to sneak in a small localized earthquake under Temari's feet. It wasn't anything grand, just a small shake, but it was enough to briefly disrupt her focus, slowing down her projectiles and giving Onoki the much-needed few seconds for a counterattack.
Temari barely managed to regain her balance, only for her eyes to widen as she noticed a massive white beam heading directly towards her. She didn't have enough time to dodge it and felt deja-vu about what happened earlier.
This was why she didn't let up on her offensive. Onoki's bloodline was far too destructive and far too fast! She didn't allow him to use it without being prepared to evade it. Yet, this momentary lapse in focus cost her dearly.
Temari knew there was only one thing she could do to save herself from being disintegrated. Only one Jutsu of hers had the necessary properties to block such a powerful Dust Release point-blank. But she was reluctant. The attack was not yet controllable enough...
'Ah, to hell with it!' Temari inwardly snarled, knowing she didn't have a choice anyway. Between possibly being ripped to shreds by her own attack and being definitely disintegrated, the choice with even a slight chance of survival seemed better to her.
Focusing in front of herself, Temari molded her earth chakra in a very complicated manner. It took barely a split of a second for a small, barely visible dot to appear, seemingly sucking in the air around itself as it started to quickly grow, reaching the size of a ping-pong ball...
It didn't manage to grow more as Onoki's Dust Release beam smashed directly into it.
Temari nor Onoki didn't manage to even register what happened before a shockwave hit them, sending them flying back like a ragdoll in the opposite directions before they both hit the wall of the arena behind them, punching right through it with their bodies.
Rei, Konan, and Pakura only watched with astonishment the shockwave impacted the ground and the walls all around, horribly cracking them. The only reason the spectator spots were not affected was that the barrier that safeguarded them during the matches still worked. The force behind the shockwave was comparable to a high-level A-ranked Jutsu and considering it came to be just by a clash of two techniques, it was incredible enough.
"Grandpa!" Kurotsuchi abruptly stood up and screamed in worry.
With a sigh, Rei stood up, recognizing that this was the moment where all fun ended and the fight should not be allowed to go on anymore lest the combatants get too desperate for their own continued well-being.
As the dust started to settle in, both Onoki and Temari started to slowly crawl out of the rubble, wobbly standing up, trying to stop the ringing in their ears and catch their breath again. Their bones were creaking and their muscles hurt, their bodies moved by their sheer will, running on fumes as they powered through the pain.
Temari's teal eyes met with Onoki's gaze, making her snarl and take a threatening step forward before she swayed on her feet, causing the old midget to dryly chuckle... before he winced from the sting the action caused him.
He didn't try to recklessly move. Instead, he stayed on all four on the ground, enjoying the few seconds of reprieve and using them to regather his strength since his opponent was also out of it and it would take time for her to get back on her feet, so to speak.
But as they both started to feel better and resolved themselves for the continuation, Rei landed in the middle of the cracked ground of the arena, blasting both Temari and Onoki with the pressure of his chakra, making them sway and barely keep standing on their feet.
"I think that's enough for the both of you." Rei casually stated.
He didn't put all that much effort into that pressure since he didn't want to hurt them but it was so sudden that the still mostly disoriented fighters were greatly affected.
Their bodies locked up, tensing from the threat... and that was the mistake. At that moment, the two lost control of their bodies, even if only for a brief split of a second. Since they were already using mostly willpower to force themselves to move, losing their focus was enough for the exhaustion of their bodies to hit them like a proverbial truck, causing them to collapse.
As both Onoki and Temari flopped down onto the ground, unable to move, they knew there was no getting up from this one.
"Dammit, my back hurts." Onoki grumbled with a grimace, "And here I thought I would outlive the old monkey bastard."
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