'This bitch.' Onoki inwardly seethed at the carefree and casual way Pakura ordered him.
Alas, he could do nothing about it and it wasn't as if his opponent decided to not fight him if he declared his disinterest in fighting. Even if he didn't want to obey Pakura, he would be forced to act in accordance with her order simply because he couldn't do anything else in his situation.
Somehow... that made him even more incensed.
His eyes trailed over to Temari, and when he saw the determination in the girl's eyes, he snorted in contempt.
"Girl, the last time I underestimated a youngster was with the Namikaze brat and I regret it to this day. Don't think I will go easy on you just because you are at the age where you barely don't need to use diapers anymore." Onoki gruffly spoke and prepared for a fight.
But unlike what he just said, he didn't intend to fight Temari with the aim to kill her. Not even with the aim to defeat her.
No... Onoki simply wanted to wait for an opportunity to flee.
And for that, he had to go hard enough on the girl to push her back while not defeating or killing her. All in order to prolong their fight so the chances for such an opportunity to come would be increased.
"I... might have underestimated you, old midget." Temari's face scrunched as if she ate something disgusting. "But that won't happen again." She said in a barely audible voice.
Both Onoki and Temari were about to leap at each other when Pakura's voice suddenly interrupted them.
"Oh. You both can fly so either fight in the arena or go into the air." She turned towards Temari, her eyes holding a stern but warm look, "Konoha is now our ally, Temari, I don't want to see you destroying more of it than necessary." After saying that, Pakura's eyes shifted towards Onoki, her gaze turning cold. "As for you... better do what I say or it won't be my apprentice you will be facing but me."
Naturally, Pakura could completely see through Onoki's plan. She wasn't born strong. She was in his position quite a few times herself so she could imagine what he was feeling and what he hoped to accomplish.
Hearing her, Onoki grimaced but he could only give a curt nod in a defeated acceptance. At least Pakura didn't seem to try preventing his attempt at running away. If anything, she seemed amused and curious. He tried to console himself with that.
Both Onoki and Temari jumped down into the arena, neither really opting to fight in the air.
For Temari, it was because in the air, her Sand Manipulation would have been severely limited and she now knew she would have to use everything in her arsenal to fight Onoki.
For Onoki, it was because most of his defensive techniques relied on Earth Nature Manipulation, and it was infinitely easier to cast them near the ground. While he could make earth for his techniques mid-air, it was very draining, and right now, he needed to preserve his chakra as much as he could.
The two fighters soundlessly dropped onto the ground of the arena and looked at each other. The stare-off didn't last more than two seconds before the fight started.
No insults, grandstanding or boasting. They were past that stage of the fight and both now knew the other wouldn't be shaken by a simple insult.
Neither Onoki nor Temari wished to engage in close-range combat as it was not their main strength.
They abruptly stopped rushing at each other when they were just fifty feet apart, Temari sliding on the ground due to her momentum, using it to brandish her battle fan, while Onoki stopped seamlessly in his spot, allowed to do this due to his body floating slightly above the ground.
Running was for plebs anyway...
As Onoki stopped, his hands came together, charging another Dust Release ray... after all, why do something new when the old thing worked so far? He totally expected to overpower Temari with his next attack.
And if not, then he could simply deploy one of the many backup strategies that were brewing in his mind.
Unlike the previous times, when Temari was about to finish brandishing her battle fan and her Wind Jutsu was about to be shot towards Onoki, a spark suddenly came out of her mouth as she ground her teeth together. That was the only cue Onoki got before...
Temari suddenly spat a stream of fire in front of her, directly into the trajectory of her Wing Jutsu, causing a fiery inferno to roll in waves at the startled Onoki.
Knowing he had to react fast, Onoki stopped charging his attack and shot it in front of him, easily penetrating the fiery inferno and creating a massive hole in the middle of it.
Onoki's aim was impeccable and he shot it straight at his opponent. But when he saw his Dust Release ray pierce straight through Temari's fan and body... he instantly knew he was fooled even before Temari's form dissolved into sand.
He had other problems than pondering where his opponent was, though. Unlike his expectations, the inferno wasn't disrupted completely and still advanced toward him, sealing up with more raging flames as it got closer to his position.
Onoki was however too experienced and as the flaming inferno engulfed him, roasting him alive, his charred form suddenly crumbled, revealing it was just an Earth Clone.
It took ten whole seconds for the inferno to cease existing, devouring all the chakra funneling it and leaving behind only a massive black mark spanning through at least half of the arena.
Neither Onoki nor Temari could be seen inside the arena.
While the arena seemed completely peaceful, down below it, a vicious fight continued. Temari tried to ground as many rocks together as she could in order to make more sand for herself while Onoki was focusing on furiously solidifying the sand into rocks with his chakra. Both did this all the while trying to locate the position of the other.
Having their attention divided like this wasn't pleasant but they both knew stopping would mean giving the other the advantage and both were too stubborn to allow that.
Two minutes passed, rocks being ground to sand and then sand being solidified into rocks in an endless circle... by now the entirety of the ground under the arena went through this process and it became visible even on the surface in several places.
It looked like a disturbance on the water surface. Several places on the surface were turned to sand that was moving in waves like water, but it didn't last long and the sand was hardened, turning back to rock only for this exact phenomenon to repeat in different places in the arena. Again and again, and so it went.
No ninja had the guts to step into the arena during that time as they all knew the sign of danger.
If that wasn't enough, the sight of occasional kunai falling into the arena and impacting the ground... before it was either covered by sand that rose from the unsuspecting ground and crushed the kunai or two chakra-hardened rock plates appeared from the ground and squashed the kunai in between themselves before pulling in deep underground depending on who controlled the place where kunai landed at that moment.
Both Onoki and Temari were using their senses, rather than their sight, to fight so whoever got into the arena would be shit out of luck as they would assume them to be their opponent and go for attack no questions asked.
As this kind of fight continued, it was surprisingly Onoki who got lucky and got the first hint of Temari's location.
Temari was growing more and more disgruntled the more she searched the underground of the arena. She was extremely good at locating enemies thanks to her innate talent and loads of hard work in both earth and wind manipulations.
After all, she wasn't like Gaara or her father who had their bloodlines right off the bat. Temari had to work hard to awaken hers. And since it did not awaken on its own, forcefully awakening it would have been impossible without mastering the natures needed for her bloodline.
At this point, Temari was the best at Earth Manipulation and only second to Lady Pakura in Wind. And she was damn proud of it too.
So... why couldn't she get even a hint of her opponent!?
'As expected, he knows his stuff as a Kage should.' Temari thought, feeling disheartened.
Temari's thoughts were interrupted as she felt her chakra sense catch something extremely unexpected.
As usual, the sandy ground was turning into rock but this time, it wasn't erratic and random. No, this time it headed straight towards her!
'He found me!? How!?' Temari inwardly freaked out.
Right at the start of their fight, she understood they both used the same way of locating each other. They both tried to send a sonar-like wave of earth-natured chakra into the ground, getting a clear picture of anything the wave passed.
The problem with that was simple. Her wave and Onoki's wave canceled each other out whenever they met, and as such, no wave ever reached either of their bodies.
As Temari frantically thought about how she was found out while fighting the rock-creation Jutsu of her opponent with her sand-making Jutsu, preventing it to get closer to her position, she suddenly felt her most recent wave of earth chakra cancel out Onoki's wave... but in her focused state, she for the first time felt a very subtle and weak wave of chakra come right after the main wave, passing through her.
Temari's eyes widened, 'So that's how! The cunning bastard!' She grumbled.
Alas, experience counted for something and it was obvious Onoki had the advantage in that...
Temari realized that fighting underground was no longer in her best interest. Not when her opponent was better at locating her.
Temari quickly stopped trying to fight Onoki's Jutsu and propelled herself upward, burrowing towards the surface. After reaching it, Temari did not stay on the ground. Instead, she flew into the sky, hovering around fifteen meters above the ground while channeling her chakra downward, focusing on turning more of the ground to sand.
It might have appeared that Temari had an advantage now that she wasn't underground. After all, she could affect a bigger surface of the ground, and by now, the entire surface of the arena was a well of moving sand.
Onoki seemed to be trapped. He was underground and above him was sand... Temari's domain.
Alas, there was a reason why neither Temari nor Onoki tried to get out of the underground at the start, trying to utilize this kind of tactic.
Temari abruptly jerked her body to the right, only barely evading a thick Dust Release beam that suddenly came out of the ground. Before she could relax, she had to move back, evading another beam... and another, and another...
Temari was flying from left to right, back and forth, evading Onoki's attacks by a slight margin.
This was why neither of them wanted to get out of the ground. Earth had more density, hence the sonar-like chakra location technique took time to return results. Air wasn't as dense, however, and as such, even when Onoki was underground and practically blind, he was still able to locate Temari with pinpoint precision and aim his Jutsu at her.
While she was frantically evading the vicious attacks, Temari was also slightly focused on preparing a counter-attack. She knew the only way to break out of being on the defensive was to go on the offensive, even if it was a bit risky and tricky to focus on two things at the same time.
Onoki was too focused on trying to hit Temari and that made sneaking an attack past his guard easier than it should have been.
Then again, nobody could blame him for that. His attacks were literally one-hit-kill.
Temari's sand almost reached him, and if not for his vast experience and quick reflexes... even if his back hurt from the sudden movement... he would have been squished into a paste.
Onoki barely dodged Temari's sand but he was forced to leave the safety of the ground and resurface. Knowing that staying on the ground was foolish when fighting against somebody capable of manipulating sand, he instantly floated into the air.
Temari was not happy that she didn't catch Onoki with her sneak attack. But she decided to take what she could get and be satisfied with it. Having him out of the ground and where she could see and attack him was good enough.
"That wasn't half bad. I guess you really know a bit about being a ninja." Onoki remarked in a tone that made it impossible to know if he was being sarcastic or not.
Temari looked at him, opened her mouth... and Onoki barely scrambled to the side as a Wind Slash almost bisected him, causing cold sweat to drench his hurting back.
'How careless of me.' He scolded himself. He expected the inexperienced teenager to be swept by the need to have the last word and when she opened her mouth, he got distracted for a second due to his expectations.
He really expected Temari to be bratty and too stubborn. Even adult ninjas sometimes fell for this pitfall and started having a verbal battle during a fight at the slightest verbal provocation. Too much unnecessary pride.
Onoki too was prideful and stubborn but he knew a battle was no place for these things.
"Tsk." Onoki clicked his tongue. 'The bitch actually used my experience against me!' He inwardly grumbled. 'Why can't she just drop dead? Bothersome brat.'
Temari's and Onoki's eyes met and their chakras surged up, pressure and killing intent spreading to the surroundings as the winds around Temari started to get sharper while Onoki's hands gained a slight white glow.
A silent second passed... before the two got into action, Temari sending one Wind Slash after another at Onoki while evading one Dust Release beam after another.
Onoki used his proficiency in gravity manipulation to evade Temari's Wind Slashes, frowning a bit when he noticed the large gashes these slashes left on the arena walls when they landed. There was enough power in them to split him in half if they hit.
Then again, with every evade of Temari, his beams were making holes in the opposite wall of the arena. These holes were big enough that Temari would lose a big chunk of her body if she was hit.
Onoki's expression darkened when he started to notice that Temari was a bit too fast at evading. That led him to pay more attention to her flying technique and when he did, he received the shock of his life. It was too similar to his own! He was supposed to be the only one in the world capable of doing that!
Temari was not really using the Wind Chakra to fly. She simply used the most advanced form of earth chakra manipulation, gravity manipulation, as well. Not even Hiruzen Sarutobi was capable of doing that and he was given the title of the God of Shinobi! Onoki was extremely proud of being the only man capable of such earth manipulation mastery.
And yet...
Onoki gritted his teeth in anger. 'Good! I will show you, trying to use gravity manipulation in front of me!' His attacks became even more vicious, faster, and deadlier but this time, he tried to affect Temari's flight technique with his own chakra.
Unfortunately for him, Temari just rolled her eyes when she felt it. Gravity manipulation was her trump card. It was what she was best at. As if some decrepit old geezer could control her own flight technique... She inwardly scoffed and let Onoki continue trying, if only to make him waste more of his chakra.
In this manner, the match between Temari and Onoki continued, both trying to score a hit on the other.
Despite that, there were no massive moves. No landscape devastating techniques were exchanged between them. Both were using basic but incredibly fast and deadly attacks in hopes to save chakra, both for different reasons, while trying to incapacitate their foe for good.
Alas, that was easier said than done in a fight between two long-ranged Kage-level fighters. Especially when both were reluctant to use their strongest techniques.
Their impasse would continue for a long time yet...
Author Note:
Uff... enough of Temari vs Onoki for now :D. I will finish the fight later, maybe showcase some of Temari's Gravity Techniques, but I have the urge to write more about Rei right now so that's why I ended this one so vaguely.
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