"Well, then, let's go and take a look at Sarutobi's fight, shall we?" Tsunade innocently smiled, not giving away how satisfied with how the situation was progressing.
Unknown to her, Hashirama knew that smile very well from her younger days. He was both very impressed at how subtly she manipulated his brother and not impressed at all that she really did do it in this kind of manner.
'Some things just never change, eh?' Hashirama inwardly chuckled, reminiscing about a similar, if a bit more innocent scene, between little Tsunade and Tobirama. She always knew how to blackmai-, ahem, justly acquire candies from her granduncle.
As for Tobirama... he didn't notice. He was far too preoccupied with his own thoughts about his protege turned Hokage.s
"Tsuna-chan, you do know we can't move our bodies, right?" Hashirama decided to point out the obvious flaw in her plan.
While they could speak and change expressions, maybe even do things like twitch fingers and such, the Edo Tensei restricted any bigger movements. After all, Tobirama usually used it on the village's zealous enemies so it had to have a feature to restrain them before the control seal could be implanted lest they attack the caster.
"Ah, that." Tsunade dismissively hummed before she flexed her chakra in a way that affected both Hashirama and Tobirama.
The two men instantly felt the restriction on them shatter, causing them to be astonished. Tobirama's mind even momentarily forgot his anger at the feat his grandniece just accomplished.
"How..." He quietly muttered under his nose in bewilderment.
Tsunade, thanks to her Senjutsu-enhanced senses, heard him and smirked, "I might or might not have studied Sharingan a lot." She threw him a bone.
Tobirama instantly froze when he heard her, his head snapping towards her and his eyes going wide.
"Oh..." Tobirama dumbly said with a dumbstruck expression on his face. "So you have realized that..." He trailed off. Nevertheless, his chest was swelling with pride at Tsunade being so knowledgeable in ninjutsu.
Tsunade saw that the conversation went over Hashirama's head and as a dutiful granddaughter, she decided to enlighten him.
Looking at him, she spoke. "There is a reason why Edo Tensei summons can not be put down normally. Tobirama used a lot of the concepts of Uchiha's Izanagi technique in his Edo Tensei."
Hearing Tsunade, Hashirama blinked and turned towards his brother, gaping at him. Didn't this dude hate the Uchihas the most? Why did he base his techniques on their bloodline!?
Tobirama just sheepishly smiled, not liking the awkward atmosphere surrounding him. This was exactly why he never confessed this fact to anybody...
While bloodlines could not be fully replicated, nobody said one could not observe how they worked and learn a lot from it. Most Tobirama-made Jutsu were on the esoteric side... yin side. The same as the Sharingan bloodline. He really believed to prevail over one's enemy, one had to study their prowess with impunity. This gave him a lot of insights into how Sharingan worked and gave him a lot of inspiration for Jutsus.
It was also because Tobirama studied Sharingan that he disliked the Uchiha clan. He simply understood their bloodline more than most Uchiha-born ninjas. And he didn't like the picture and the influence it had on the user. Not at all. That's why he always warned his brother about Uchiha's being a loose cannon!
"I gotta say, granduncle, you really are ingenious." Tsunade continued without a care in the world, "You not only managed to implement an Izanagi-like system into your technique but also bypass the only limitation of it. Since they are already dead and just chakra-constructs of a sort, there is no permanent blindness associated with reformation for the summoned." She wistfully sighed and dreamily put her hand on her cheek, "It almost reminds me of my research to evolve Mangekyo Sharingan to the next stage. Just a bit more simple."
Tobirama and Hashirama almost face-faulted when they heard her.
"Mang-!" They started at the same time, stopping when they realized it. Looking at each other, they came to a silent understanding... "Wha-!" They again started at the same time. Apparently, they both had their own understanding of who was allowed to ask first. Getting annoyed, they decided to just speak. Both raised their voices and loudly exclaimed in outrage. "Evolve Mangekyou Sharingan!? Are you mad, Tsunade Senju!?"
Surprisingly enough, it was Hashirama who was the louder one. While he didn't hold a grudge against the Uchiha clan and was quite accepting of them, he was, in the end, a Senju. He knew how dangerous that bloodline was and hearing of its final stage evolving... his world almost spun when he heard those words.
"Please tell me you failed!" Tobirama almost pleadingly asked. Even the ninjutsu nerd inside of him couldn't make him want to see such monstrosity!
"Sure," Tsunade shrugged, "I failed."
Both Tobirama and Hashirama sighed in relief at that...
"If hearing a lie can ease your mind, I'd gladly supply one." Tsunade grinned at them.
Both men looked at her in horror, but she didn't really care. Finally, someone listened to her bragging about her research and gave her a proper reaction! Whenever she talked about it to her sister-wives or Rei, they did listen but they were lackluster about it.
Evolving Sharingan was no big deal for a guy who created his own dimension. Nor did it matter to a woman who had Kekkei Tota and could create the biggest spy network, spanning the entire Elemental Nations, just with her paper abilities. Nor was the carefree, sweet Mei interested in hearing about anything icky like science. Nor did Ringo care since genetics was not sword-making or swinging.
The only person who listened to Tsunade gushing about her research was Pakura and even then she rolled her eyes at her more often than not before she returned to her paperwork or other administrative duty.
Tsunade lacked somebody who would give her a good reaction to her accomplishments!
"You... succeeded?" Hashirama swayed back. "W-who did you... who is the... whose Sharingan... I mean..."
Tobirama didn't even speak, he just looked deathly pale. Like a corpse.
"Ah, knock it off." Tsunade rolled her eyes at them, feeling smug to cause these two ninja idols to almost faint in front of her. "I only allowed one of my friends to have the evolution of Sharingan."
"Friend? With Uchiha?" Tobirama muttered in disbelief while inwardly musing, 'Did I fail to educate her?'
Hashirama, however, beamed at Tsunade, his worries forgotten. 'Looks like my granddaughter is walking in my footsteps!' He was delighted.
"The girl is a bit of a clutz but at worst, she will erase a mountain or two by coincidence. No biggie." Tsunade dismissively said.
And the worries of the two men came instantly back...
"Konoha sure got a lot stronger, huh?" Tobirama muttered, still not sure how to take such a powerful Uchiha being allowed to live. But he would give this... Uchiha 'clutz'... the benefit of the doubt. For Tsunade's sake.
"Eh? Konoha?" Tsunade furrowed her eyebrows at Tobirama who tilted his head at her reaction.
"Did I say something wrong?"
"Just... The Uchiha clan is no longer residing in Konoha, you know?" Tsunade started...
"Just... The Uchiha clan is no longer residing in Konoha, you know?" Tsunade started...
Both Hashirama and Tobirama felt as if a bucket of cold water was just poured on them when they heard that. Both for different reasons.
Hashirama was bitter that this came to be. Konoha started with the Senju and the Uchiha clans and it should be continuing with them. He and his clan did so many sacrifices to keep it that way... to hear they were for naught was disheartening.
Tobirama felt elated but also conflicted.
On one hand, Uchiha-free Konoha was like a dream coming true for him. Finally, the ticking time bomb was away from his precious village! Whoever was responsible, Tobirama would love to congratulate them for being the biggest hero of Konoha!
On the other hand, he felt very conflicted because Uchihas were not all bad. He had a student, Kagami Uchiha, who was a nice lad. Tobirama did not dislike individuals. Rather, he didn't like the risks that particular clan was bringing to the table.
And in the end, the Uchiha clan was a part of Konoha's power. Losing them felt kind of sour for the Second Hokage despite his personal feelings. When he was the Hokage, he always strived to keep them 'controlled' but also to make them feel welcome in the village. He gave them the duty to police the village, after all. That was something every clan wanted and he relinquished it to Uchihas.
"What happened to them?" Tobirama asked with a grunt, not even bothering to contemplate the possibility that they could have gone extinct. No way that was the case. In his opinion, Uchiha's were like cockroaches.
Tsunade thought for a second if she should tell them the truth or not. She was not sure if she wanted them to spend more than a few hours in the land of the living or not. If they stuck around, the truth would eventually come out and if not, it wouldn't have mattered.
In the end, she just shrugged and decided to simply roll with it, "Danzo and Sarutobi drove them over the edge so the clan head and some of his most arrogant ponces wanted to stage a coup..." She purposefully trailed off, giving her flabbergasted ancestors time to think about her words.
Now even Hashirama was getting a bit angry but he kept it in, not outwardly showing it. He worked so much... did so much... sacrificed so much... even went against their clan's rules as clan head and made quite a few of his clansmen dissatisfied with him... all to bring the end to the Senju and Uchiha feud, and all of that was undone by his supposed successor? The Hokage?
What the hell!?
The knowledge that both of these men were Tobirama's students made it only worse.
"Sarutobi was his usual manipulative self and was purposefully pussy-footing around the issue, letting it grow bigger and bigger, building up the Uchiha's dissatisfaction with the village while Danzo flat out fed the flames behind the coup because he wanted some freshly harvested Sharingan and the supply was kinda low at that time." Tsunade lightheartedly continued.
Now... both Tobirama and Hashirama were battle-hardened veterans with kill count in hundreds, if not thousands, but their stomachs could not help but turn at how easily Tsunade was talking about harvesting parts of humans for their bloodline.
For a clan ninjas, such a thing was disgusting.
Tsunade was not disappointed and when she saw the twitches in her ancestors' expressions, she chuckled, "In the end, Danzo went behind Sarutobi's back and tricked one immensely talented but very naive Uchiha kid genius into killing off his own clan. Elderly, children, babies... it didn't matter. They were all supposed to die."
As talented and smart for his age as Itachi was... he was still a thirteen years old kid. Nobody could expect him to win in the manipulation department against old foxes like Sarutobi and Danzo. Still... Tsunade thought the notion that Konoha had to rely on one thirteen years old boy to deal with the Uchiha clan was ridiculous and she didn't understand why Itachi actually believed that.
He had options. He could have gone to another clan for help. Maybe that would have made him indebted to that clan but... clans like Nara, Yamanaka, or Akimichi, would definitely help him without asking an exorbitant price for it.
They simply were not dicks like Hyuugas.
At the very least, this way would have saved more Uchihas than just Itachi's brother.
But like a kid without much knowledge about how these things worked and what options he had to resolve such a bad situation, Itachi chose to be a good boy and do what Danzo was telling him.
It just shows that power is not really everything. Knowledge about your options is also a very important thing.
Tsunade was about to continue but, "So the Senju clan is the last remaining founding clan in Konoha, huh? That's kind of sad." Hashirama dejectedly said, his shoulders sagging in depression.
Since her grandfather interrupted her like this and brought up a quite important point, Tsunade decided to omit how the Uchiha clan survived and relocated to the village of her husband. It would need a lot of explanations and she was not in the mood for that.
She had no idea how accepting her ancestors would be of her decision to 'abandon' Konoha for Rei. Or about her usurping most of Hokage's privileges and becoming the Daimyo of Konoha. Or...
Well, there was a lot that could not be to their liking. She'd rather direct them straight at Sarutobi's ass rather than deal with all of that right now.
"Senju clan is extinct. I am the last one." Tsunade bluntly told them.
The things they were told up to now were shocking. But this was something that made them regret coming back to life. Something that hit them with enough force that if they had a working heart, they would get a heart attack.
Both of them were ninjas from the Warring States Era where the clan was above all. To hear said clan is extinct... Both Tobirama and Hashirama felt sick.
"B-But Nawaki! A-And the others? We intermarried a lot so..." Hashirama spluttered, trying to deny what Tsunade was telling him while Tobirama just stared at her, silently observing her expression and when he didn't find any form of mischief or falseness, bitter acceptance and anger started to rise in him.
"Nawaki died in the Second Ninja War, grandfather. Konoha sent him on a mission close to enemy lines despite him being the last male Senju." Tsunade bitterly spoke, still feeling resentment for that. "In hindsight, it should have been obvious to me. I only discovered what really happened decades later."
While Hashirama was having a small mental breakdown at the knowledge his line was all but culled out, Tobirama decided to retain his cold head and get some more information. "And the others? As my idiot brother already said, we intermarried a lot."
Despite mentioning that, he didn't have much hope. He didn't think Tsunade would disregard that fact.
"Checked blood tests," Tsunade shook her head, "Danzo was thorough enough to have every single person with Senju blood meet some unfortunate accident."
Tobirama's heart froze. "Danzo? You want to tell me my student is responsible for the demise of my clan?" He asked in an icy tone.
It has to be said, he did not just teach his students how to survive in the turbulent ninja world. He basically raised them as his own. He gave them access to resources they would never be privy to. Even Hiruzen, who was a member of the Sarutobi clan, would never get enough teaching material to learn all five chakra natures without access to the Senju library.
They were supposed to be far more than just 'students'. They were practically family. An honorary Senju. To hear this...
Tsunade sighed and nodded. As devious of her as this scene seemed, she was not really trying to manipulate them. This was something they had a right to know. As men who spent a massive part of their lives on bettering Konoha and serving their clan, they should be aware that their clan is considered extinct.
Keeping it secret would not be mercy. That would have been cruelty.
"Don't worry about it, I have already made him suffer a very cruel fate for someone like him." Tsunade snorted.
Both Hashirama and Tobirama wanted to protest but... they were dead. They guessed the future belonged to Tsunade now so they did not really have a justification to argue that point.
The atmosphere turned a bit gloomy because of the topic and Tsunade had one massive bomb to drop on them yet. With a sigh, she decided to rip it off like a band-aid. That was the best approach when dealing with ninjas.
"But you can have your way with the other culprit of our clan's demise. Sarutobi is still alive."
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