Naruto was on the courtyard of the Senju Compound, waiting for his teammates and minding his own business when he suddenly felt three foreign chakra signatures nearby and a stare trying to burn a hole into his back.
His body stiffened for a moment as possibilities flashed through his mind. He felt every single chakra signature of Konoha villagers at some point so feeling three foreign ones at once, inside of the Senju Compound... it made him think these were assassins or something.
That notion quickly left him when he hazily remembered Lady Tsunade saying something about guests and whatnot. To be honest, Naruto found that conversation boring so he mostly spaced out.
Still wary, he turned around and spotted the three newcomers, only for his eyes to widen as they landed on a pink-haired woman who was scowling at him. His hand quickly shot up and his pointing finger sprang into action, pointing at her while twitching. "Y-Y-You are the flute girl!" He exclaimed in astonishment.
Tayuya's scowl momentarily faltered and she gave Naruto a weird look. She might have been a prisoner but they spent a few days living in one house and the blondie still had no idea what her name was? How did he even become a ninja?
"It's Tayuya, shithead." She snorted.
Naruto's eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his gaze turning contemplative as he stared at Tayuya for a few seconds. Before the atmosphere could turn completely awkward and just as Tayuya was about to ask him if he fell in love with her due to how he was staring, Naruto suddenly slowly nodded as if accepting a foreign concept, "Tayuya Shithead... Weird name. I am Naruto Uzumaki, dattebayo!" He boisterously exclaimed.
Tayuya's eyebrow started twitching at that, 'I am going to kill him, consequences be damned.'
Tayuya was about to open her mouth in a retort when Kimimaro suddenly grabbed her forearm and pulled her to the side as he started walking away. She gave him an annoyed look but when she noticed his unamused eyes that conveyed, 'Don't even think about it.', she just frowned but obediently followed.
Naruto watched in bewilderment as the white-haired dude interrupted his introduction and rudely walked away without even stating his name. 'Honestly... what's with rude asshats and white hair?' He pondered as his mind briefly flickered towards his own sensei.
His musings were once again interrupted as he got uncomfortably aware the intense stare was still there, still trying to burn a hole into him. Turning his head, Naruto's eyes landed on a... 'Whoa! She is pretty!'
A red-haired bespectacled girl with fair complexion, red eyes, and red lips set in a firm line was studying him with an intensity that made Naruto both confused and self-conscious, making him fidget in his spot.
The stare-off continued for a few silent moments, Naruto growing more and more confused while Karin not moving even an inch. She was quite interested in this Konohagakure's Uzumaki but upon meeting him, she has to admit she was not particularly impressed.
Blond hair, blue eyes... where was the supposed Uzumaki in him?... fortunately for him, the feel of his chakra had that Uzumaki-ishness she was used to and that meant she didn't have to beat him senseless for lying about his heritage. The volume of his chakra was far above anything she would expect from a thirteen-year-old Uzumaki but then again, Karin was informed the kid was a jinchuuriki so that made sense too.
What really intrigued Karin, though, was the impression of sincere falseness he was particularly oozing. Not many knew but her Mind's Eye could do much, much more than just pick chakra signatures. She could even discern someone's personality, heritage, chakra nature, and much more from how their chakra feels and the boy in front of her was an extremely amusing specimen from a psychological angle.
He felt like someone who regularly hides under a mask of tomfoolery and stupidity, so much so, it became a part of him. If that didn't scream totally bonkers, then Karin had no idea what did.
Karin's observations were interrupted as her eyes briefly flickered to something behind Naruto when her senses picked up three chakra signatures entering the courtyard before they dispersed and her Mind's Eye stopped registering them.
Karin knew exactly who these three were. Not because she recognized the chakra signatures from the brief contact but because there were only very few individuals who could just make their signature 'disperse into thin air' under her scrutiny.
"Karin Uzumaki. Nice to meet you." She politely nodded at Naruto whose eyes comically widened.
"UZUMAKI!?" He excitedly exclaimed. "ARE YOU MY FA-"
And before he could finish his sentence, Karin's fist implanted itself into his face, sending him flying back and rolling on the ground while a vein was pulsing on her forehead.
"STOP SCREAMIN', BRAT!" Karin screamed, wincing at her own volume that was probably heard back in Uzushio. "Haaah." She released a tired sigh while inwardly dryly chuckling, 'The blondie is Uzumaki, alright.'
Chakra signature be damned. Only Uzumaki could reach such high decibels.
Naruto who suddenly found himself sprawled on the ground blinked, still trying to comprehend what happened. He... didn't even see her move!
Flipping himself into a sitting position with his legs crossed under him, he started to rub his cheek that now sported a new bruise while his wide eyes stared at Karin in awe and wonder, causing her to involuntarily shiver at the sudden feeling of danger.
On the edge of the courtyard, hidden in the treetops, one particularly jealous Hyuuga narrowed her eyes as she watched the two Uzumaki interact. She didn't like the look on her Uzumaki's face. Not at all. Her eyes narrowed even further, almost forming small slits, 'Looks like he is fit for a small retraining.'
Naruto abruptly shivered too, his gaze quickly scanning the surroundings for the source of the imminent sense of dread but even his incredible sensing abilities couldn't pinpoint it.
Karin, on the other hand, had no problem locating the... 'Is that a Hyuuga?' She blinked in bewilderment before paying more attention to the feel of the girl's chakra and her lips involuntarily widened into a grin, 'Ma~, ma~, who would have thought my cousin would have such a passionate lady already.'
Naruto noticed the creepy grin on the Uzumaki girl in front of him and was instantly reminded of Anko when she is in her mischievous and mercilessly teasing mood, causing him to gulp. He abruptly started to feel like a mouse eyed by a cat in the mood to play with her food and didn't like it.
His anti-Anko countermeasures kicked in and his expression went slack. Standing up and giving the perfect picture of calmness, Naruto brushed the dust off of his shoulder and gave Karin a small pitiful smile.
"I am sorry but I think I forgot to tidy up my bed. Gotta go."
And with that, he shunshined away in a hurry, leaving behind the utterly flabbergasted redhead who started to think her cousin was slightly mentally challenged.
Granted, that excuse might not be exactly on spot... but it always worked against Anko so Naruto saw no need to change it.
Karin was left standing by her lonesome self in the empty courtyard, a gentle breeze ruffling her hair as her blank gaze was aimed at the now empty spot where her blonde cousin stood just a few moments ago, and a firm resolve worthy of the future Uzumaki clan head filled her.
'I will have to retrain him.' She nodded to herself, feeling an inexplicable sense of camaraderie with a certain Hyuuga who also suddenly seemed more amicable to the redhead.
Poor Naruto escaped his current predicament but he had no idea what kind of storm he called on himself with his actions.
Nevertheless... this was the first step towards the unshakable Uzumaki-Hyuuga alliance that would be described by historians for generations to come.
When Naruto decided to quickly retreat, Rei, Tsunade, and Mei looked at each other in slight bewilderment but also exchanged a small shrewd smile as they now knew exactly what prompted Naruto's fight or flight instinct in the flight mode.
'Heh, I reckon the next time the brat decides to have a little pranking spree at our expense, it won't take long to sufficiently deter him.' Tsunade inwardly smirked as the trio canceled their cloaking and entered the courtyard where Karin was still in the state of deep bafflement.
"Looks like that didn't go exactly as planned, did it, Karin?" Rei teasingly asked.
Snapping out of her reverie, Karin abruptly turned towards him and gave him a small, embarrassed, and sheepish smile, "No... I guess his non-Uzumaki part is to blame. He basically flashed out of here."
"Well, at least he doesn't have a fetish for flashing others yet." Mei quipped.
"If he ever develops one, I will make him go out like a broken flashlight." Tsunade snorted and crossed her arms on her chest, showing what she thought about the idea.
Rei really pitied the boy for having this kind of family but as he was about to open his mouth to pitch in his own 'flash' joke, he was alerted that somebody just 'knocked' on the barrier around the Senju Compound.
Tsunade naturally felt that too and her expression soured. "There are only a very few people who have the access to do that. Funny how no matter which one of them it is, my day will now most certainly become shitty." She grumbled.
Rei fought the urge to smile at her disgruntlement and simply clapped her on her shoulder. "Just go. It's not like we have time to spend time together. Mei needs to tend to her team-"
"I do?" Mei asked in surprise and tilted her head.
Ignoring her, Rei just continued, "-and I promised Temari to give her a tour of Konoha. Let's see each other in the evening."
Tsunade sighed, putting her hand over Rei's which was still on her shoulder, and sourly nodded in agreement before taking off towards the Compound gate.
When she arrived near it, at least some of her sour mood was alleviated when she noticed the designated ANBU operative who was mostly acting as Hokage's errand boy standing there, waiting for someone to show up. That meant the day just might not turn out to be an utter disaster.
"Lady Daimyo." The ANBU bowed when he saw her, "Lord Hokage told me to convey that there will be an unexpected Council Meeting in..." The ANBU briefly stopped, mentally measuring how much time passed since he got his order, "about seventeen minutes."
Hearing that, Tsunade's lips twitched, 'Of course, he would. When there is a day without trouble, why not go and make some yourself. You know... just for kicks and giggles.' She tiredly sighed. "Did he tell you why or who asked for it?"
The ANBU uncomfortably shuffled in his spot before quietly answering, "Hiruzen Sarutobi." And quickly shunshining away just in case Tsunade's legendary temper rose and her fist 'subconsciously' jerked in his direction.
Which it did.
The council chambers were clamoring with quiet, subdued chatter, mostly from the elected civilian side.
Despite Tsunade coming to power, she didn't fully disband the civilian council. Instead, she just 'tidied' it up a bit and restricted what they could and could not deal with. After all, civilians should stick their noses strictly into civilian matters.
Nobody knew why they were called into a session, especially now, when everybody was in some way busy due to the Chunin Exams.
It may seem like a reason to meet more but in fact, it was the exact opposite. If every little decision depended on the council in these times, nothing would have been done in time.
Shikaku Nara swept the gathered people with his half-squinted, tired gaze, stopping at the clearly annoyed Tsunade who was looking straight at him.
He grimaced before schooling his expression into an apologetic one but Tsunade just rolled her eyes at him, making him know that she asked for the cause of this meeting since she wasn't annoyed at him.
That only made him inwardly wince some more.
'Great... this is exactly why the Council is not supposed to meet too much during these kinds of times. An argument among ourselves when we have foreign ninjas inside the village is never good.' He thought, instantly squashing his growing desire for ignoring the situation with the help of an impromptu nap with practiced ease.
It almost made his chest swell with pride. His time as Hokage clearly taught him at least something.
That feeling lasted for no more than two seconds as he was once again reminded about the incoming clusterfuck when Hyuuga Hiashi entered the council room in all of his expressionless glory, his gaze instantly straying towards the Senju seat before he slightly frowned when he saw Tsunade sitting there instead of Anko.
Shikaku almost involuntarily smiled at the small flicker of irritation in Hiashi's eyes. The man still did not give up on pursuing Anko but... the Hyuugas were like that. Stubborn to a fault.
By now, Shikaku could with certainty say there was no snowball chance in hell Hiashi would ever get Anko's attention, much less her hand in marriage. Alas, it was not his problem to worry about so he simply enjoyed the occasional show with sadistic glee.
His eyes continued their journey, completely bypassing the civilian council, and landed on the Inuzuka matriarch who seemed restless, tired, and almost growling at her own shadow. Shikaku's gaze morphed into an understanding one, 'Her clan is tasked with the perimeter security of the village to make sure nobody is sneaking around, huh? Must be exhausting. No wonder she is mad about this meeting.' He gave her a deeper look, 'Ah, so she had a night shift and was probably woken up due to this meeting.' He inwardly pitied the woman.
On the other hand, it also made him a bit glad. From her state, he could easily deduce she would be out of commission for the duration of the meeting, hence, of no use to anybody.
It was almost enough to make him believe in the existence of happy coincidences since the Inuzuka matriarch was one of those who still somewhat... well, not trusted per se, but... those who were willing to at least listen to what Hiruzen Sarutobi had to say.
Shikaku was about to look at his friends Inoichi and Choza when the door to the chambers opened and Hiruzen Sarutobi confidently walked in, his expression grave and the air around him commanding as if he was still in charge. Shikaku not for the first time wondered how could such a decrepit old man give out such an aura.
Hiruzen was followed by an annoyed-looking Asuma...
'Ah? Wasn't today the day Shizune finally managed to get a day off from her office so she could spend it with her husband? Yukino was saying something about babysitting their kid... or something, wasn't she?' Shikaku's lips twitched at the thought. No wonder Asuma vehemently glared at his father's back as if willing him to burst in flames if it meant the end of this meeting.
'Poor lad. Cockblocked by his own father.' Shikaku inwardly snickered, knowing Asuma's mood will sour even more when the meeting turns out to be pointless.
Hiruzen stalked towards the Hokage seat like a man on a mission, intending to inform him of the grave news he heard and caution, possibly even advise the arguably smartest man in the village. He might not be on the council. He might not be one of the Hokage's chosen advisors... but he had his duty!
He fully believed it was his right to use his influence and call this meeting into a session for the greater good of Konoha.
He was so set on his objective, he didn't even look around to ascertain who was attending. That's why when he walked past the Senju seat and his mind registered a brief flicker of blonde hair, Hiruzen briefly froze before abruptly turning towards it with wide eyes.
"Y-You... what do you do here, Tsunade?"
Tsunade raised an eyebrow at him and smiled in amusement, fully intending to give him an answer that will annoy him the most.
"I rule here."
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