Rei and Tsunade in her guise of the dark-skinned Nadetsu Juusen walked the streets of Takigakure, hand in hand as they enjoyed the bustling atmosphere of the streets with various stalls where merchants tried to sell their wares.
For a ninja village, Takigakure was oddly weird, yet familiar. They clearly tried to imitate Konoha's way of doing things if the number of merchants and civilians inside the village was any indication but it was also obvious they simply failed to imitate everything.
The overall strength of their ninjas, for one, was quite pitiful.
Alas, while the couple could not just turn off their instincts and NOT notice these things, they indeed did their best to ignore it and casually enjoy their time together.
"This is quite tasty, try it." Tsunade's eyes lit up as she took a bite from Takigakure's special takoyaki before gently putting the stick in front of Rei, beckoning him to try with a wide expectant look.
'She is too cute for her own good.' Rei smiled and took a bite as Tsunade turned them around and pulled him back towards the stall with the takoyaki before buying five more sticks.
"If you are hungry, we can go to a proper restaurant." He said before patting her head, making her puff out her quickly reddening cheeks like a squirrel. "You know, somewhere where we could sit down and cuddle a bit while eating." He temptingly added.
Hearing that, Tsunade deflated and embarrassedly nodded in consent. "Just give me a moment."
Seeing a pair of kids nearby, Tsunade briefly let go of Rei's hand and approached them. She didn't really need five takoyaki sticks if they were going to a restaurant. A moment later, she returned to Rei, three takoyaki sticks lighter, and gave one of the remaining two to him as she again took a hold of his arm and snuggled into his side.
"Onwards, then!" She exclaimed with a grin before starting to munch on the meat on her stick.
Rei amusedly shook his head, finding her unbothered attitude funny. Especially since they were followed and observed almost from the second they entered the village. Tsunade's persona of Nadetsu Juusen was an internationally known woman with a lot of pull, both political and economic. It was only natural the leader of Takigakure would instantly order his men to follow her and try to find out the reason for her visit so he could attempt to gain some benefits from it.
Tsunade obviously knew about their little stalkers but since she was on a date with Rei, she didn't care. If they crossed the line, however...
Both Rei and Tsunade decided to be extremely frustrating for their observers and the current leader of Takigakure, Shibuki, who probably expected Nadetsu to pay him a visit. They slowly walked through the village, buying things like plushies, make-up, clothes... just like any ordinary couple on a vacation, giving no indication that they were present for a business deal or anything similar.
Having somebody like Nadetsu visiting and being unable to even greet her properly without coming off as pushy and potentially making her disgruntled... the village leader must have been quite aggravated and nervous.
Needless to say, Tsunade enjoyed making the boy squirm in his seat quite a lot, making sure to enjoy her time with Rei to the fullest, and being extremely affectionate. That way, she not only got the most out of her date but also got the satisfaction of watching how dismayed their observers were, not knowing how to invite her for a chat with their leader without offending her.
In the end, the duo eventually ended up in a booth of one of the high-class restaurants in the village.
Tsunade sat on Rei's lap and snuggled her back into his chest much to the dismay of the poor waitress who was selected to serve their booth. Rei had his arms around her waist and leaned his head over her shoulders to read the menu in Tsunade's hand, their cheeks affectionately nuzzled together as they enjoyed the warm and quiet atmosphere.
"We... aren't really choosing, are we?" Tsunade giggled, realizing they were staring at the menu for the last twenty minutes, not moving an inch from their position.
"I suppose not." Rei tightened his hold on her. "Even with the menu in front of me, it is kinda hard to concentrate on it with such a delicacy just an eye-flicker away." Tsunade wearing a sexy loose-ish kimono was quite the problem for Rei. One that Tsunade clearly felt and enjoyed, considering the hardening of a particular part of his body on which she currently sat.
"Pervert." Tsunade teasingly whispered and subtly wiggled her butt, making Rei almost let out a moan.
"You are one to talk." He gently chided into her ear, causing a shiver to run up her spine. Rei could see she was starting to get excited from the way she bit her lower lip. Unfortunately for him, he had to cut the mood short. He was not keen on bending Tsunade over the table in front of the waitress. "But we should already order food or the girl in the corner will faint from embarrassment."
Tsunade pouted but obediently listened. They both picked their food and relayed their orders to the waitress. As she left the booth with their orders, Tsunade turned towards Rei, "Faint from embarrassment, my ass. You do realize what kind of restaurant this is, don't you? If you demanded it, she would join." She rolled her eyes.
"And then you would kill her for it." Rei chuckled, "I like to think myself not desperate enough to visit high-end restaurants to have my wicked ways with the waitresses. That's honestly below me and I have no idea why they even provide that kind of service." He shook his head. Sometimes the medieval-like mentality of his world still surprised him. "You girls are enough for me."
"Eh~, is that why you not-so-subtly intend to make Kaguya our new sister?" Tsunade teased. She didn't really mind overly much. As long as Rei didn't neglect her, it was fine by her. It really helped that Rei put more effort into keeping his girls happy than his actual work in the village.
"Well, that's not my fault. It kinda just... happened." Rei helplessly shrugged.
"I see. The same way I, Mei, Ringo, and Pakura just happened, huh?" Tsunade amusedly giggled.
"Mhm. Can't argue about that." Rei straightforwardly stated and kissed Tsunade's cheek.
"Looking for you and Konan was the best thing that happened to me in my life." Tsunade said, shuffling in Rei's lap to turn around enough to face him. Her hands clutched at Rei's shirt as she looked straight into his eyes, "I am very glad that I 'kinda just happened'." She smiled and leaned forward, planting a quick kiss on Rei's lips. "I am sure you can make that grumpy Goddess happy again."
"You know she can hear you, right?" The corner of Rei's lips twitched.
Rei would normally cut the mental connection with Kaguya but she made sure to ask for permission from Tsunade to 'eavesdrop' on them during their date because she was extremely curious about it. He had no idea why Tsunade agreed but she did.
"I do. That's why I called her grumpy. I tried to be polite to the harlot." Tsunade cutely nodded, unable to suppress her smirk, and Rei sighed as his head was filled with the impression of pouting and disgruntlement. He decided to make Tsunade feel a bit of it so he put his forehead on hers and connected her mind to the connection with Kaguya...
"She is quite butt-hurt, isn't she?" Tsunade smugly smirked when she felt Kaguya's feelings bleeding through the connection.
"You would be too, after spending a millennium in a seal." Rei tried to play it off. He didn't need Kaguya raging, huffing, and puffing in his head for the rest of the day.
"I know. I am just a bit angry that she can spend all of her time with you thanks to the mental connection." Tsunade confessed and the couple fell silent.
Rei and Tsunade stared into each other's eyes, their foreheads connected, hugging each other. There was no need for more words. The wonder of the mental connection was that it was capable of relaying feelings and emotions. While it also sent these emotions to Kaguya, right now, neither Rei nor Tsunade cared as they flooded the other with their care and love for each other.
Poor Kaguya was rendered a blushing wistful mess without either of the two lovers even noticing.
Author Note (and rant that is as usual longer than the chapter):
Okay, I have noticed people discussing the upper power levels in this fanfic and how it works since I forgot to explain it so I decided to enlighten you, noobs!
And don't give me hate when you disagree, please.
(Yes, I said please because I got manners and shit.)
Anyway. I said there are S-ranks, SS-ranks and SSS-ranks. No, this is not linked with any kind of self-made power level you may or may not have created. And yes, I say self-made as there is no such thing as official power level scaling in Naruto canon.
Genin, Chunin, Jonin, Sannin, ANBU, Kage are not power levels. They are titles and ranks. They don't have much to do with power level. Chunin could be jonin level but also genin level, same as jonin can be S-rank ninja since there is no higher rank than jonin in the villages.
An example would be Anko who could definitely be Jonin in canon. If Kurenai could pass the tests, then Anko could ace them too. But politics...
You get my drift yet?
Writers use genin, chunin, jonin, etc, exactly because Narutoverse doesn't have power scaling. The closest thing we got is S-rank which means stronger than your usual jonin chump. These are the real special individuals one should fear but even then... Hidan is S-rank same as Pain. So... there goes using it as any sort of power scaling.
You can't use bounties either because depending on the crime committed, a genin could have been given a bounty worth of jonin.
Also, Kage level. What does it exactly mean when somebody is Kage level? Kage is a freaking title! Sure, it is 'assumed' that Kages are stronger than other ninjas in the village but just look at Rasa! Or at the fact, Gaara became a Kage before even reaching fifteen. Or look at Danzo as Kage and then compare him to Eight Gates Gai. How am I supposed to use that as power scaling with cases like this?
Do I mean Madara level, Hiruzen level, Raikage level, or Rasa level when I say Kage? Or do I mean Terumi Mei level from canon?
It just doesn't work...
So, I have a simple system. S-rank in my story is around S-ranks in canon as are the earlier ranks. It also means that one's specialization, experience, hidden trump cards actually matter. But S-rank firepower or capability means being placed in S-rank even if one lacks experience. This will be slightly relevant later in one chapter.
Also, most Kages are S-rank.
Don't even try to argue that point. Most of Akatsuki are just S-ranks and they can definitely match Kages. Again, there is no such thing as 'Kage level'.
SS-rank in my story is Madara/Hashirama/Pain... of course, they are not on the same level but they all fall into this category.
I get the hype around Madara and Hashirama but they are not really as strong as people are making them out to be in their fanboy-driven delusions. They are definitely the pinnacle of ninjas but... they have nothing on Hagoromo, Hamura, final form Naruto and Sasuke.
(And I don't mean Six Path Madara because that is different from his original power level)
Hence, they are SS-rank but it is not as easily quantified because they all have their tricks and specializations.
As for SSS-rank where Rei and his girls are... well, they have their own bijuus they can fully use! If you need a blunt assessment, they are around the level of final form Naruto and Sasuke.
Therefore far above Madara and Hashirama.
First of all, the Madara we are seeing in the Fourth Ninja War is NOT showing his real strength. He has Edo Tensei body and with it, infinite chakra, stamina, and indestructible body in peak condition. Of course, he would perform far above his usual paygrade with that. With all the Jutsus he used, he should have been spent thrice over by the time he was resurrected for real.
You gotta consider this angle, at the very least.
Now, Kaguya is obviously much stronger than even this SSS rank. Call it me simping but... yeah, you would probably be right but I have my reasons, alright!?
You can not scale Kaguya properly according to Naruto and definitely not according to the Boruto series.
You can't just give the girl capability to create dimensions and then make her power level as low as it was in the series. Just... use some damn common sense, please.
Creating whole dimensions is definitely a Dimensional Level of power. That's like... far above planetary, no?
I can agree she is weak but not because she doesn't have the necessary power in her. She lacks control.
But okay, let's say she is not a dimensional level but planetary level to make those skeptical satisfied.
And I am not going lower because the bullshit she showed in the final fight can't be rated lower if one uses common sense. Especially not when one considers that's her untrained and control-lacking self.
Creating dimensions, reality-bending, traveling between dimensions, instant-annihilation on hit ability, do I need to go on?
In neither fight, nor the one she had with Hagoromo and Hamura or the one she had with Naruto and Sasuke, she did not get a scratch. Yes, they landed hits on her but she was never injured and she barely moved in these fights!
In the end, they had to seal her. And the word 'seal' matters. They did not 'defeat' her. They sealed her.
Which is a form of defeat but it is not as if they had beaten her in a fight. Far from it, actually.
Kaguya's problem is that she never really explored her powers, taking what she could do instinctively for granted and thinking it was the end of it. She never trained, thinking in her arrogance she was powerful enough.
I mean, even an academy student can do Kawarimi but Jonins can do it with much less chakra required and without hand seals. Because they trained!
Look at what Kaguya can do without training and then think about her trained self.
From what little of her powers she has shown during her fight against final form Naruto and Sasuke, if one takes into account what she actually does and thinks what the techniques she uses and their effects really say about her prowess... I have a hard time believing Kaguya is not the most powerful thing in the entire Narutoverse.
I don't take into account the crap called Boruto. If the Otsutsuki clan is more powerful than Kaguya then Naruto's planet is toast. There is no need for hundreds of chapters of anime. The ending is obvious. It wouldn't matter how many power-ups Boruto can get. Not when fighting against somebody capable of busting an entire planet. Because Kaguya might not have explored her powers in their entirety but the other Otsutsuki definitely would have.
But yes, this is just my own bias. Don't take it too seriously.
Back to my petulant rant about Kaguya's OPness...
Where did I end? Oh, yeah, I remember... And that is not even mentioning the fact Hagoromo was basically just a budget version of Kaguya! What he could do with Rinnegan, Kaguya would certainly be able to do better considering Hagoromo's father was just a normal human. Hagoromo and Hamura's powers came entirely from Kaguya and they were a form of a bloodline. Which was diluted in them because of the blood of their father.
Hagoromo just explored his powers, unlike Kaguya.
Well, that's my rant and yeah, I feel better now after getting it out of my system.
Have a good day!
Rei and Tsunade finished their luxurious lunch, feeding each other in a silent, comfortable, and warm atmosphere, concluding their date for the day.
They didn't come all the way to Takigakure to eat lunch together. That would be silly considering they had entire villages under their command. Naturally, they had their own agenda in coming to Takigakure and now that they had their fun, it was time for business.
"Do be a dear and tell your leader we are ready for the meeting." Tsunade turned towards the waitress and calmly spoke, startling the girl who just realized her cover was busted.
"I... okay." The waitress nodded with a small grimace before turning towards the door and hastily walking out. Since she was found out, there was no need to deny it.
Seeing the woman leave the booth, Tsunade, still sitting on Rei's lap, expectantly looked at him, "Do we leave him waiting for us some more?" She asked with a sultry smile, leaning closer to him. "After all, these booths are so spacious for a reason."
Rei just smirked and various seals suddenly burst from underneath him, covering the entire room and preventing anyone from looking or entering inside.
"Well, I am sure an hour of waiting won't kill him." Rei said, his hands around Tsunade's waist pulling her body closer to him before Tsunade's lips landed on his in a passionate struggle.
Needless to say, he was glad that he brought the device for the automatic deployment of his advanced silencing and barrier seals with him. They were definitely going to see some use right about now.
The young Shibuki, the new leader of Takigakure, looked at the two people in front of him with a twitching eyebrow, biting into his inner cheek to stop himself from being... cheeky.
It was two hours ago when Taki kunoichi informed him that Nadetsu Juusen is finally ready to meet with him. So... he made sure to order some snacks to be prepared and waited. And waited. And waited some more...
His frustration was building up by the second and when an entire hour passed, he decided to send someone to check on the blasted woman. Contrary to his expectations, that did not help at all as they apparently could not enter the booth. HIS own ninjas were unable to enter a room in HIS village.
The security concerns this caused... Shibuki really didn't want to think about it.
Unfortunately, now that he had the woman in front of him... entire two hours after she informed him she was ready for the visit... Shibuki knew he could not be impolite to her. She was the president of one of the largest international trading companies in the world. Even the Kages of the major five hidden villages and Daimyos would mind their manners in front of her!
That didn't make the situation any less annoying for Shibuki though. Nor did the fact that Shibuki could plainly see what exactly was the reason for her two hours delay. The amused man to whom she was clinging to as she sat on his lap while almost glowing was a clear indication!
Shibuki was jeal... ahem, he was angry at being made to wait for such a reason!
Unknown to Shibuki, Tsunade made sure she was presentable but also that her clothes gave small hints any ninja worth his salt could pick that revealed what she was doing with Rei while he waited. After all, unnerving and frustrating her opponent always worked in her favor no matter the method.
This usually could not be used against civilians who were not observant enough but Shibuki was a ninja. And Tsunade knew from experience that it is those small 'hidden' details that can be the most maddening as there is no way for him to complain about it even if he wanted to.
After all, how should he bring up the topic of her being late due to having sex? In 'polite company' such topics were taboo. Any reservation Shibuki could have had, any complaint at all, had to be begrudgingly put to the side the second he realized the reason for her delay.
If he did not ignore it, he would come off as crude and uncultured, plus it could sour future relations. It was one of those damned if do and damned if don't kinds of situations and from the stiff expression on Shibuki's face, the young man clearly realized he simply had to suck it up and pretend he was not just made a fool.
"Welcome to Takigakure, Miss Juusen, and..." Shibuki greeted them with stiff politeness, pausing his gaze at Rei in a questioning manner.
"Yotsuba Rei." Rei introduced himself, not worrying about being recognized through his name. Takigakure didn't possess a good enough information gathering department to get his name from Kirigakure's records.
Shibuki nodded in acknowledgment before returning his eyes back at Tsunade, "What do I owe such a..." His lips twitched in annoyance. Yes, Nadetsu Juusen could possibly bring a lot of benefits to his village but damn if the woman was not infuriating! "pleasant visit?"
Tsunade's lips stretched into a wide but polite smile at that, "Don't worry, Lord Takikage. I am not here to bother you with company business. This visit is more of a personal matter, you see." She cheerfully said, almost eye-smiling at Shibuki whose grip on his armrest tightened.
'Translation, I am not here to make a deal that would benefit your village. I wasted your whole day for the kicks and giggles. Tehe~.' Shibuki thought as his left eye started to twitch more.
"Is that so?" Shibuki hummed, discreetly taking a deep breath to center himself. "Since you are visiting me, I assume this 'personal matter' has to do something to do with either the village or me. Am I correct?"
"Yes." Tsunade simply nodded, keeping her polite smile on her face.
'Yes what!?' Shibuki mentally grumbled. 'Would it kill her to simply tell me what she friggin wants with me!? How am I supposed to inquire about her business here if she doesn't throw me a verbal bone!?' He inwardly raged while outwardly his expression was the perfect picture of politeness, only the twitching of his fingers betraying his mental state.
'Heh, young people. So easily provoked.' Tsunade thought. She only wanted to test Shibuki since he was not the same person who led Takigakure a decade ago when she was here the last time. She wanted to get some measure on how he would react to the reason for her visit before she brought the issue up. 'Well, at least he tries to hide his own impulsiveness. Let's see the extent of his self-restraint. Will it survive his ego?'
"If you don't mind me asking... aren't you a tad bit too young to lead an entire village?" Tsunade 'curiously' asked as if she had a vested interest in the answer while intently observing Shibuki's reaction.
Hearing the question, Shibuki blinked and opened his mouth to answer only to close it a second later, utterly speechless. How was he supposed to answer that?
Rei, who observed from the sidelines, almost felt pity for the young man who was being verbally roasted by his wife. There was a reason why Tsunade was chosen as Konan's replacement in the Biri-Biri company. She was simply too vicious when she wanted to be.
In the end, Shibuki decided to just mentally shrug and humbly say, "I was chosen after my father's demise. Young or not, I can only do my best, Miss Juusen."
Rei slightly smiled at that, 'That was a good answer and an even better reaction. Neither overbearing and offended nor submissive and bootlicking. He is playing his disinterest in the benefits Tsunade could bring to Takigakure quite nicely.'
Tsunade's eyes slightly widened, 'Ho~, a humble young man, isn't he?' She noted, pleased. 'Good. That will probably make it much easier for me. I would loathe having to slaughter the entire village just because their new leader is a young arrogant moron with a massive ego. I can work with this.'
Nodding, Tsunade chuckled, "That's admirable. Forgive my straightforwardness but I just had to make sure you are worth my time." She calmly said and Rei almost did a spit-take when he heard that sentence.
THAT was something one should never say in these kinds of negotiations.
Did Tsunade care though? Not at all. Just because Shibuki was an 'admirable' young man didn't mean she would stop irritating him and probing the limits of his patience through her words. Especially since it was so much fun!
Shibuki tried to reply with a reassuring smile but it came out somewhat wry and stiff. He really didn't trust himself to give a verbal reply. He was the leader of Takigakure and what Tsunade said could be taken as, 'I had to make sure Takigakure is worth my time with someone as young as you in the lead.'
'Troublesome woman.' Shibuki inwardly groaned. The words were polite but the meaning could possibly start wars. Just imagine if she told this to Raikage or Tsuchikage with a bit different wording. They would fly instantly off their rocket.
"Anyway..." Tsunade continued, completely ignoring Shibuki's sudden awkwardness, "I am here on behalf of my dear friend. I believe Takigakure and her made a deal decade ago and I am here to finalize it." She reached into her purse and took out a card while Shibuki was furrowing his brows, trying to remember if something like that really happened.
He was drawing blanks. As the leader of Takigakure, he had to get familiar with all the long and short-term deals the village had but he had no idea what Tsunade was talking about.
Tsunade simply reached forward and put the card onto Shibuki's table, waiting for him to take it.
Seeing that, Shibuki decided to humor her. He didn't think she was here to scam Takigakure. For that, the woman in front of him had too good of a reputation. At best, this could be some misunderstanding and at worst there really will be some kind of deal.
Taking the card, Shibuki pulled it to himself and flipped it upside down to read its contents before his horrified gaze snapped back towards Tsunade with breathless urgency, only to see her softly smiling at him and looking at him in the same way a cat looks at mice in her trap.
Shibuki's pupils dilated and his hand shook as he gulped down his discomfort and looked back at the card sporting three simple words, still having a hard time believing this was really happening.
These three words... even now they brought a fearful shudder to every ninja who experienced the biggest crisis of Takigakure in recent history.
The card stated... 'Yozora was here.'
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