It was two weeks since Team Seven arrived in the Land of Waves and Anko was getting more and more frustrated as her attempts at locating Gato failed one after another. The rat was hidden well. Much too well, for her tastes. If only she was able to reach him and introduce him to her snakes. The rest of this entire mission would be a piece of cake after that.
But no! At first, Anko tried the old-fashioned way and sent shadow clones as scouts all around, listening to rumors and trying to find Gato's hideout with their tracking and sensing prowess. That didn't do much. She didn't have a proper lead for tracking to work and Anko quickly understood that her meager sensing capabilities were rendered useless by the fact Land of Waves was a country. It didn't matter she could sense almost anything in several hundred meters when she really focused. In the end, that was not even a drop in the bucket compared to the size of an entire country.
Since her first attempts failed, Anko decided to go a bit smarter about it. She decided that tracking Gato was pointless for now, and as such, she focused on his subordinates. Anko tracked several thugs working for Gato. Some she interrogated and killed, others she let be and just followed them to their hideout.
Unfortunately, this was yet another miss. Anko did discover several hideouts across the country but there was no sign of Gato in any of them. No matter how much Anko searched them, she simply found out that these were hideouts for his mercenaries and the businessman clearly didn't stay in such lowly accommodations.
Anko's third attempt was fueled by her frustration. She honestly decided to stop giving a damn and straight-out infiltrated a town where Gato's shipping activities were focused. That was Gato's domain. Everybody important in the town worked for Gato. It was the only port in the Land of Waves that was allowed to trade with the 'outer' world and Gato's ships were coming and going on a constant basis.
Anko quickly found out the main reason why Gato wanted to keep the Land of Waves under his rule was the humid temperature good for growing a particular drug that was all the rage nowadays in the capital cities. Most of these 'trading' ships simply smuggled drugs and occasionally slaves.
Not that she cared. It was a horrid sight but during her career as a kunoichi, Anko saw and did worse. Unfortunately for the slaves, nobody paid her to free them. She was not a hero and helping these people would not help her in finding Gato. She did briefly ponder about causing a commotion and hoping the businessman would show up but that would take too much time. It would be a waste of effort considering Anko suspected Gato's men would definitely attempt attacking Tazuna again in a week or so.
Gato most likely already sent mission requests so his reinforcements should be arriving anytime soon. His wealth was also nowhere near the Land of Waves or its slowly bankrupting banks. Even if Anko fully destroyed the town, it wouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things. The only thing capable of making their mission easier was Gato stopping his breathing activities.
The next thing Anko did was to check on the supply lines of the town. She broke into various offices and checked what was imported and exported. Sadly, she didn't find what she was looking for and had to grudgingly admit she started to feel a bit of respect towards Gato and his methods of hiding. Wherever he stayed, he probably received supplies from somewhere else than this town. In hindsight, that was quite smart as it prevented anybody from finding out the location of his hideout by simply following the paper trail.
That was Anko's last attempt at locating Gato. She simply lacked the necessary time to find the midget.
Fortunately, the two Kiri ninjas arrived and that meant the responsibility of guarding Tazuna could be split among them and Team Seven.
Zabuza and Kakashi usually were on the babysitting duty, taking the genins of Team Seven to the bridge and attempted not being bored to death watching the process of bridge-building while Anko enjoyed some of her secret stash of Dango at Tazuna's house, lazing arou-... ahem, she meant guarding Tsunami and Inari.
Zabuza's apprentice, Haku, was quickly snatched by Anko when she found out the... trap could actually make Dango. As such, Haku was stuck with house-guarding duty with Anko where she served as the main Dango-maker for what she thought was a slightly deranged snake-loving kunoichi, too dangerous to offend. Hence, Haku made damn sure her Dango was tasty.
Needless to say, this was one of the more bizarre missions for the young trap.
It was only natural to split their forces in this way. Raiga was apparently S-rank so while Anko was also S-rank ability-wise and could theoretically face Raiga in one versus one, Kakashi and Zabuza would be outmatched if they found themselves alone facing Raiga. Putting them together on one team was to simply give them a chance to survive and withstand Raiga's attack until Anko arrived.
Inari actually tried to tell them how hopeless facing Gato was and how utterly outmatched they were by the civilian dwarf. Poor kid miscalculated his candies with that decision because Zabuza was not one for coddling kids. Nor was the extremely frustrated Anko.
The killing intent that washed over Inari the moment after he tried to be a childish prick made the boy cream his pants brown and fall on his butt, bawling his eyes out from the sheer fright.
Anko could swear it was mostly Zabuza's fault! She released only enough killing intent to scare a chunin! Who in their right mind would use their whole killing intent on a small brat?
She utterly ignored the fact Zabuza, even when using all of his killing intent, would not be able to scare an experienced chunin...
Poor Inari forgot how to speak for the next day. Good for him that Anko knew some rudimentary mind-healing otherwise he would have had nightmares until he was middle-aged.
After that, Tsunami was quite cross with both Anko and Zabuza, and they suddenly found themselves without breakfast privileges. What a bummer...
On a less depressing note, Kakashi was also glad for the addition of Zabuza and Haku once the two tsunderes became comfortable around each other and stopped secretly palming their weapons every second of the day. Nowadays Zabuza only glared at the giggling Kakashi whenever the perv read his books in front of Haku who became red as tomato every time.
This led to little Sasuke developing a small crush on Haku. Oh, the mighty Uchiha tried to hide it and act indifferently but Anko saw right through his facade and noticed the 'subtle' glances in Haku's direction with his Sharingan activated, etching the sight into his memory.
Anko wasn't about to tell the poor boy that he fell for a trap. She could almost taste the sweet, sweet opportunity for some high-end teasing that would present themselves when the Uchiha finally realizes he etched Haku's image forever into his mind, linking it with the feelings of attraction and that Haku is actually not as female as Sasuke first thought.
Anko wondered if this would cause some problems with the boy's sexual orientation later on. Sharingan was a powerful tool but it could be utterly devastating to the user if used during emotional moments since anything seen with it can't be unseen.
She ALMOST pitied Sasuke.
So far, this first mission was proving to be an incredible success as far as getting new experiences went and provided a lot of entertainment for Anko.
'Alas, all good fun has to come to an end,' Anko sighed, sipping on her tea as her senses picked up two hostile people approaching Tazuna's house. She stood up and rolled her shoulders, 'Time to earn my keep, I guess...'
"We will have uninvited guests soon." Anko informed Haku who briefly stiffened before resuming her Dango-making activities, only acknowledging the information with a small hum. Tsunami, who was making lunchboxes for the bridge-builders, threw Anko a nervous glance but the kunoichi didn't deem it important to assuage the woman's worries. She simply created a shadow clone, sending it to guard Inari in his room while the original Anko leisurely walked to the porch and sat on the stairs there, waiting for the two attackers while chewing on Dango.
Despite her being a picture of perfect calmness outwardly, Anko was very worried about her team on the bridge. She felt only two hostile signatures with chakra around genin-level approaching Tazuna's home. That either meant the bulk of Gato's forces would focus on the bridge or that these two were just an obvious distraction and there was somebody else hidden in the shadows.
Anko wanted nothing more than to send Haku to the bridge or even go there herself while only leaving Shadow Clones for Tsunami and Inari's protection. For the two approaching thugs, that would have been more than enough. Unfortunately, there was still that second option and the possibility these two were just a cheap diversion. It was at times like these Anko cursed that she was not a natural sensor. The sensing technique Lady Tsunade taught her was good and Anko's sensing abilities were great but that was still far from 'incredible'.
'Guess I will just have to believe in Kakashi and the brats..' She mentally frowned.
Her Shadow Clones scattered around the country didn't report anything unusual and the clone she sent to tail Tazuna and her team still existed. The clone would pop the second it deemed the brats were in danger, so its continuous existence was reassuring for Anko.
It took ten more minutes until Anko saw two thugs exit the forested area near the house, confidently grinning as if they already finished their tasks. Anko instantly recognized them from her time of infiltrating Gato's town. These two were not the 'good sort' even among the slavers working there.
Karizu and Mamoto were quite infamous for their raping tendencies and while they would not disobey orders, they were also known to be overly brutal fulfilling them. Unless it was stated their target was to be brought back unharmed, these two would take great pleasure indulging their sadistic urges. Sage forbid if their target was actually some hapless woman.
'Gato must have definitely hand-picked them for this.' The only indication of Anko's displeasure was a slight twitch in her cheek.
It was obvious what the midget wanted to happen to Inari and Tsunami. Not for a second did Anko doubt that if she wasn't here to protect them, Inari would have been given a slow and painful death in front of Tsunami as the two would have raped her while forcing her to watch her dying son, probably taunting her with some cheap lines like, 'Don't worry, we will give you another son soon!', or something similarly disgusting.
The life of kunoichi made Anko desensitized to many things but that didn't mean she didn't find some of them extremely displeasing. The two thugs in front of her? There was no way Anko would give them an easy death.
"Heh, you must be one of the ninjas boss mentioned." Mamoto's grin widened as he spotted Anko, his eyes caressing her curves.
Anko did wear somewhat revealing clothes. It was nothing like what she was used to wearing before meeting Lady Tsunade but her clothes still clearly showed her curves and a bit of cleavage. It was a perfect distraction, considering the majority of ninjas were males.
"Looks like we hit the jackpot!" Karizu exclaimed, also ogling Anko who just lazily watched them from her spot on the porch. "Not only can we play with Tazuna's daughter but there is also another bitch for free!" He snickered.
Anko... felt a bit disappointed at their reaction. Clearly, these two belonged to the majority of civilians that never saw a ninja nor had any idea what it meant to be a ninja. It was a curious thing, considering their profession.
'They are probably just locals who were thugs and became mercenaries for Gato when the midget showed up. Experienced mercenaries would run the heck away the second they got to know ninjas were involved.' Anko thought.
Despite the existence of ninjas, there were still some nutjobs who would risk being a bandit or a mercenary. Then again, that might have been due to the fact the prowess of ninjas was not widely known among the masses.
Anko's lips widened into a sadistic smirk, "Oh, boys. Yes... you are right. You hit the jackpot and can now play with Anko-nee." She whispered to herself, licking her lips in anticipation as she slowly stood up.
Karizu and Mamoto heard her words and while the content slightly aroused them, the looks the woman was giving them unsettled them and killed any boner they could have had.
Mamoto opened his mouth to say something but Anko didn't care for idle banter. These two were weak and had no information she was interested in. Before either of the two thugs even comprehended what was happening, they found themselves enwrapped in a bone-crushing embrace of two massive serpents that threateningly hissed into their ears. Only then did they realize their feet were no longer on the ground as they powerlessly dangled through the air, making the two thugs struggle for air. With every jerk, however, their prison only tightened.
"Gotta love constrictors, neh?" Anko chuckled, slowly approaching the two in a purposeful gait, her body language screaming 'danger' while she twirled a kunai in her hand.
Karizu wanted to retort. He really did. But he was barely able to gasp for air. Letting out a sound was impossible in his current situation. Instead of an angry retort, only an empty wheeze left his lips. Mamoto, on the other hand, watched Anko with wide frightened eyes. He was afraid of snakes, even the small ones, so the massive one currently crushing his bones had a profound effect on his bowels. He already realized what was coming and that this was the end for him.
Just for their respective reactions, Anko chose to plunge her kunai in the gap in-between the coils of her snake summon who was giving Kurizu a hug, nailing it handle-deep in the unfortunate man's thigh, causing him to scream. Anko didn't like his defiant look. She decided to correct his attitude before asking her questions.
"I dislike rapists." Anko cheerfully said as she jerked the kunai out of Karizu's body in a fluid, quick, and very painful motion. "That kind of threat always hangs above the head of every kunoichi. Quite a lot of us actually do find ourselves on the receiving side at least once during our careers." The snake coiling around Karizu shifted, revealing his groin area, only giving him a second to realize what is to come. Anko also decided to slowly approach the man's bits with her kunai, savoring the growing horror in his eyes.
"Some of us," Anko abruptly slashed... and enjoyed the man's pain-filled shrieks instead. "learn to accept it as a part of the job." Continuing to inflict pain on Karizu would be pointless for now. He was almost drowning in it. Anko decided to turn towards Mamoto who was shaking like a leaf in a hurricane. Anko gave him a cheerful smile and continued talking, "Others... mostly those who already experienced it once... try to get used to it. You wouldn't believe how many kunoichi like rough play in the bed as a result." Anko's bloody kunai gently dug into Mamoto's cheek, creating a small gash almost from the side of his mouth to his ear. "I heard it is much easier to cope with it when you can find at least a minuscule enjoyment in that shitty situation." Anko hissed in Mamoto's ear while her words dripped with venom as her kunai carved into his flesh, hitting all the most painful and tender spots, causing him to scream.
Two minutes later, Anko suddenly stepped back, her kunai just shy of Mamoto's eye as she realized that she might have gone a bit too far.
'I got carried away.' She wryly smiled in self-mockery and rubbed her forehead. Her face contorted into a grimace, 'Damn... that was so much fun! I wonder if I would have ended in Torture and Interrogation department if Lady Tsunade didn't take an interest in me. I gotta say...' She appraisingly looked towards two gasping and whimpering men. 'I do have a talent for this!'
Her story about kunoichi and rape? That was just to rile herself up and unnerve the two poor sods. A passionate torturer with a personal vendetta is much more frightening than a stone-faced one who is doing it just because it is his job. In a way, it was a form of mental torture.
Not that it didn't happen. It's just that only an enemy ninja had a chance to rape a kunoichi and most would sooner kill than rape. Anko's opinion on that particular part of kunoichi life was simple. If you are weak enough to get raped, then you clearly deserved it.
Anko's view was cold and unsympathizing. As expected from a woman who didn't have all that many friends and was hard to get along with.
'Now then... let's continue!' Anko excitedly thought, giving the two bloodied men a starry-eyed look. She already decided to ask the lazy-ass Hokage to assign her some interrogation missions after this. Tort... ahem, training her brats couldn't compare to tending to someone she knew deserved her worst. It filled her with quite a bit of satisfaction, seeing these rapists' faces contort in pain.
Unfortunately for Anko, it was then she froze as memory feedback from her clone entered her mind, causing her head to alarmingly whip into the direction of the bridge with worry in her eyes.
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