Raijin no Ken became famous during the First Ninja War when Tobirama used his incredible Water ninjutsu to soak an entire battalion of ninjas before he discharged electricity from the Raijin no Ken, frying them alive. Tobirama took a shine to the device and used it a lot before his death, making it famous.
Frankly, Tobirama, while good at kenjutsu, didn't use swords much. He was mostly a ninjutsu expert. Raijin no Ken had indeed the reputation of being able to cut through anything but that was mostly because Tobirama was good at lightning shape manipulation and the seals that made up the internal structure of the device so the lighting edge he created through the 'training tool' that later became known as Raijin no Ken was simply strong enough to rival the strength of Raikage's Lightning Armor.
In the hands of Second Hokage, this training tool became an unstoppable slaughter machine. In Aoi's hand though...
Anko inwardly sighed as she parried with her kunai yet another strike from Aoi who was wildly swinging the Raijin no Ken at her. It was all about vibration frequency when it came to the Lightning Chakra and she simply made the lightning coating on her kunai vibrate in frequencies that repelled the pre-set frequency of the Raijin no Ken.
She didn't get the upper hand because she was a better lightning nature user. On the contrary, Anko's main affinity was the fire. She didn't train lightning much, only learning some useful tidbits about the element like the lightning coating. But she didn't need to be a good lightning user when she simply knew how to perfectly counter the sword through its biggest weakness.
Aoi was growing more reckless by the second. The more his strikes were parried, blocked, or redirected, the more his stomach sunk into despair that was slowly gnawing at him. He was one of those people who chose their battles well and didn't engage if they thought they would lose. That was the whole reason why he made Jonin despite there being many chunin stronger than him.
Even his defection was a well-calculated plan. The benefits and prestige he received as a Jonin in Rain Village, a smaller village with fewer jonins, were much better than what he received in Konoha where jonins, while rare, were not all that hard to find. Aoi did his research well before defecting and was proud of his ability to snatch the Raijin no Ken.
With the sword in hand, he cut through most of his enemies or those pricks who opposed him in the Rain village. Before the might of this mythical sword, nobody stood a chance. Then...
'Why?' Aoi tried a downward slash, only for Anko to catch it with the edge of her kunai and gently lead it to the side, redirecting the strike away from her body.
'Why!' Aoi desperately swung the sword in an arc from right to the left, aiming at Anko's hip but the woman just swiftly and fiercely swung her kunai at his sword. The weapons met for a second before they were pushed away and Aoi barely managed to refrain from screaming as his arm was almost yanked from his shoulder due to the sheer force of that parry.
Unknown to Aoi, even Anko felt her shoulder aching from that one. The Raijin no Ken was still a danger to her if she let it land a hit on her body and a kunai was not exactly the best weapon for blocking a sword. She mostly used the repulsive vibrating of their respective lightning element and that, unfortunately, meant that if she hit the two weapons on each other at just the right angle, it would fling them back with a force comparable to Gai's fully serious punch with three gates opened.
It was definitely NOT a pleasant feeling.
Why!?' Aoi mentally cried again as his shoulder screamed in pain. He didn't let himself stop attacking Anko though. He swung and swung and swung... He knew he finally met his match and there was no running away from this one.
He tried to strike at her left hip, only to redirect the trajectory of his sword into a stab mid-flight, trying to use the fact his opponent was using a smaller weapon. Anko had to admit that this tactic would have worked against most chunins too. Sadly for Aoi, Anko was definitely far above chunin-level. She used her considerable reflexes to spot the feint in time and then her arm blurred. The next thing Aoi knew was that his sword stopped. Only then his brain registered that the tip of the Raijin no Ken was trying to futilely push through the side of the kunai Anko leisurely held in her hand. Seeing that, Aoi's expression turned ugly.
"Why isn't Raijin no Ken cutting through your kunai!?" Unable to hold it in, Aoi shouted at Anko with bloodshot eyes, trying to put more power behind his thrust but he felt as if there was an impassable wall between the kunai and the tip of his sword no matter how much strength he exerted.
Anko's brown eyes brightened with amusement. The lightning chakra on the side of her kunai vibrated at a frequency that created a strong repulsive field. Instead of one massively strong push, it was more of a constant effect not strong enough to fling the Raijin no Ken back but there was no way the lightning edge was going through it. The two blades didn't even really touch. The reclusive forces behind them were simply far too much for either Aoi or Anko to surpass them with their physical strength.
'Who would have known I would use science during my fights.' Anko mentally chuckled. She remembered how vehemently she resisted learning about these things when she was under Orochimaru, always saying she didn't need to learn this useless crap. Orochimaru let her be as long as she got better with her poisons, Jutsu, and kept up her physical training to a degree she could still be called a prodigy. Tsunade though...
Anko shuddered. There was no negotiating with that woman and Anko had to relent and learn all this scientific mumbo-jumbo.
'And what a difference did it make...' Her perpetual grin turned a bit sheepish as Aoi jumped back, finally giving up on penetrating the kunai.
"Is that all? My genins put up more of a fight than you." Anko taunted, inwardly feeling pity for the man because she didn't even need to lie in order to get a good taunt. She was basically toying with Aoi, using even less effort than what Sasuke, Naruto, and Hinata made her exert. It was just... sad.
"Shut up!" Aoi he bellowed, his free hand reaching for the umbrella on his back before he threw it into the air. "Senbon Rain!"
Anko stared at the literal rain of Senbon that was approaching her and tiredly sighed. There was no chakra in the senbons, no augmentation, no extraordinary power behind them... "Just normal senbons? Are you kidding me?" Anko wryly muttered, lifting her right foot a bit and letting chakra course through it.
Aoi watched in growing hope as his attack was about to reach the Konoha kunoichi while she stood rooted in her place. He finally got her!
His hopes were dashed a second later when Anko stomped her right foot onto the ground, sending a booming sound through the clearing alongside a shockwave that repelled all the senbons and flung Aoi back, straight into a tree with a resounding crack, snapping his spine and making him scream bloody murder from the pain coursing through his body.
Anko observed her handiwork with a dull gaze, her cheek twitching in dissatisfaction. "Is this why Tsunade focused on healing? This was... anticlimactic." She mumbled, a bit frustrated that the fight ended so easily. One chakra-enhanced stomp? That was it? The guy was supposed to be a freaking Jonin! She expected him to dodge!
Releasing a long sigh, Anko walked close to the screaming Aoi, noticing that not only was his spine broken, he also had a few new holes in his body. The strength of her shockwave was enough to make the senbons that hit him go right through him. The man was just lucky none hit anything vital.
Crouching down, Anko leisurely gathered the Raijin no Ken that lied next to him before pushing her lightning chakra into it. The sword pulsed before a strong current of lightning was generated, making an edge far better than what Aoi was capable of. If Rei saw it, he would be reminded of a miniature chainsaw made of lightning condensed into a lean blade.
Anko's eyes met Aoi's frightened gaze, making him silent in fright as he realized what would follow. After a tense moment, Anko decided she gave the guy enough time to make a peace with his demise and swung the Raijin no Ken, causing Aoi's head to separate from his body.
Looking in apathy at the blood gushing from the neck, dirtying the ground, Anko couldn't help but lament her choice of opponent. "I hope the kiddies and Kakashi had more fun than me..."
Author Note:
For those that didn't yet notice, I posted a new story...
Well, don't expect anything extraordinary :D, and do read the synopsis as it explains some things so you won't be disappointed later on.
Its name is Overlord: Rei Shiba.
Have a nice day.
Naruto, Sasuke, and Hinata stood in the clearing, and in front of them were cautiously standing three Rain genins, eyeing them warily. Both groups knew they would fight, possibly to the death, but either was reluctant to begin the battle.
The first Rain genin was a fifteen years old boy with semi-long brown hair and a mousy look. There was nothing intimidating on this one. In fact, he looked meek and withdrawn, wearing a raincoat with long sleeves that covered his hands.
Sasuke's eyes flashed with interest... only he knew why... as he slightly walked to the left, gesturing with his head to the genin to follow him.
The genin narrowed his eyes, briefly breaking his meek and insecure expression, before glancing at his two teammates and deciding to follow the duck-butt-haired boy. Getting a bit of distance from his teammates would have been for the best anyway. His fighting style was dangerous for friendlies, after all.
The second person from the Rain genin team was a short black-haired boy who threw a glare at the last member, a purple-haired kunoichi who had her hair in an onion-style bun.
"Ajisai, I am going to take on the shorty. Don't mess up and lose against the Hyuuga kid. I am sure even you can beat her. She looks like even a small burst of wind could topple her." He scoffed before sneering at Naruto and walking to the right side of the clearing.
"Whatever... you jealous prick." Ajisai muttered, inwardly happy this team was only temporary.
"What was that!?" The short genin turned around and leveled a heated glare at her.
"She called you a prick, you short prick." Naruto barked out with a laugh, irritated for the idiot poking fun at his height's expense.
Needless to say, the two boys were ready to tear each other a new one.
The two girls that were left in the middle of the clearing looked at each other and resignedly smiled at the antics of their teammates.
"I doubt we could resolve this peacefully, right?" Hinata asked in a weak voice, fidgeting.
"Unfortunately, no. Aoi-sensei ordered us to be ruthless." Ajisai said bitterly. "I am sorry but unless you surrender your client, I will have to kill you."
Hinata blinked and tilted her head at that, "Kill me?" Her eyebrow rose. "Is that so?" A Byakugan flashed into existence and Hinata let out her bloodlust.
Ajisai knew something was wrong when the nervous wreck of a Hyuuga in front of her stilled. Then the girl did a sudden complete shift in personality and the shaking rabbit turned into a fierce cat as the veins around her eyes bulged and the air abruptly became suffocating. The Hyuuga girl dashed at Ajisai, making her eyes widen at the speed of her opponent.
Ajisai instantly realized she won't be able to fight against the girl in taijutsu. She pulled out a tag and aimed it at the quickly approaching Hinata...
Hinata narrowed her eyes, recognizing the tag contained a seal. Ajisai unsealed the contents of the storage seal and Hinata found herself staring at a wall of fast approaching deadly weapons, hurled at her at breakneck speeds.
Not panicking, Hinata instantly started Kaiten, deflecting the rain of projectiles all over the surroundings.
Ajisai cursed as her weapons just bounced from the spinning chakra shield with loud clanging noises. Whipping out a new seal she put it onto a kunai's handle before throwing it above Hinata, timing its unsealing just right.
Hinata noticed the new seal that was above her almost instantly as she stopped spinning. It was still a tad bit too late as a large boulder was unsealed and pushed downward, straight at her.
They were in a clearing so there was nothing Hinata could use for a Kawarimi and she didn't want to risk using Kaiten. There was a chance she wouldn't be able to stop the boulder with it and that would mean instant KO if not death.
Gritting her teeth, Hinata created two Shadow Clones next to her. The clones grabbed Hinata by her hands and with a jerk, they threw the original Hinata away.
Hinata rolled on the ground before she pushed herself back onto her feet just in time to see her clone being squashed by the boulder, smoke being pushed away from underneath it by the pressure of the descending weight. She got back the memory feedback of being crushed to the death and winced, both praising and cursing Naruto in her head for teaching her the technique. At least, most of her chakra returned back.
"You are quite good." Ajisai uttered with a slight unease on her face.
Hinata nodded, "You have an interesting fighting style too."
The two stared at each other for a second before Hinata whipped a kunai from her pouch and threw it at Ajisai. The kunai was intercepted mid-flight by a shuriken but Hinata used this small distraction to start running in the direction of a clockwise circle around Ajisai, throwing shurikens at her.
Ajisai didn't want to use her stored weapons or any of her storage seals until Hinata was a bit closer so she only threw her own weapons in retaliation, intercepting the shurikens as the two kunoichis entered a stalemate.
'I can't let her get close.' Ajisai thought disgruntledly. 'But my weapons are not infinite. Once my supplies are depleted, I am screwed. I gotta either end this fight before that happens or stall until Aoi-sensei returns.' That only made Ajisai even more dejected.
She didn't like the Aoi guy. He was appointed as their jonin for this mission but... she was barely fifteen and he subtly hit on her almost every hour. Basically, he was a prick and Ajisai was not sure about his capabilities. Waiting for him to rescue her from the stalemate was a gamble she was unwilling to do.
'All out, it is...' Ajisai inwardly sighed and her eyes gained a determined glint as she crouched and pushed herself forward, straight at Hinata.
Seeing it, Hinata jumped back instead of rushing to confront Ajisai in her niche, the close combat. Ajisai didn't like that the taijutsu-oriented kunoichi was trying to avoid getting closer. She instantly became wary but sped up a bit. She needed to get to the mid-range so her stored projectiles would have the best chance at hitting the Hyuuga.
As Ajisai was rushing forward, she was passing by the line of deflected kunai and shurikens, when her world suddenly shifted and she found herself falling down onto the ground.
'Wha-?' Her mind confusedly asked before she registered the piercing pain from her foot. Stifling a pain-filled scream, Ajisai looked down and noticed her Achilles tendon was slashed. Her eyes widened and her body involuntarily curled into a ball as her hands grabbed her leg when the second Hinata slowly emerged from the ground nearby, holding a bloodied kunai.
"Hyuugas eyes can see through things. Hiding Like a Mole Technique is incredibly good with them." The second Hinata gave her a small regretful smile.
The original Hinata approached, "I created two clones. You should have checked if both were dispelled by the boulder." She added as if lecturing the girl.
Ajisai gritted her teeth, her arms snapping into her pouch as she tried to pull out her seals in an attempt to fight until the bitter end when something grabbed her wrists, both her hands just an inch away from her pouch. Ajisai found her world spinning and quickly found herself flipped upside down before her cheek painfully crashed into the ground, making her involuntarily whimper.
The original Hinata and the second Hinata watched as a third Hinata sprang from under Ajisai, flipped her from her back to her front, and ended up pressing her knee to the girl's back while pulling her hands back, ready to snap them at any given moment.
"Shadow Clones can create other Shadow Clones." The original Hinata pointed out.
"H-Heh... I... never stood a chance, huh?" Ajisai mumbled into the ground, relaxing her body. "Are you going to kill me?" She bitterly asked, knowing there was no way out of the firm hold with her skillset. Especially since the second Hinata approached and took away her pouch with seals and weapons, throwing it away from them before searching her body for more hidden weapons.
"No. I will not kill you." Hinata crouched down, making sure she was not at a striking distance from Ajisai, "I think Anko-sensei would be interested in your budding fuinjutsu abilities so I am capturing you. What about becoming a Konoha kunoichi?" She innocently asked.
Ajisai couldn't believe her ears. This was just ridiculous. "Fuck you. Just kill me now. I won't betray my village." She spat out.
"We shall see..." Hinata eye-smiled, causing a chill to go down Ajisai's spine before the world became back as the second Hinata knocked her out.
"Poor girl. Brainwashed to valiantly die for the cause. In this situation, you should agree and secretly plot your eventual escape, you dolt. What do they teach their recruits in Rain..." Hinata exasperatedly shook her head, "Now then, I wonder how Naruto and Sasuke are faring?"
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