Anko watched with a bloodthirsty grin as the gears in her new boys' heads turned and the horrible comprehension of what just happened dawned on them. She enjoyed the abject horror etched on their faces and the feeling of hopelessness and loss that filled their unmoving eyes focused on Hinata's corpse.
But... she didn't need a rampaging Kyuubi on her hands so, unfortunately, her fun was over. Letting go of the kunai's handle, Hinata's corpse suddenly burst into smoke, leaving only a log behind, driving the two despairing boys into an almost heart-attack-inducing shock.
The amount of relief their faces showed... Anko couldn't help herself and chuckle at how naively cute they were.
The teacher's desk suddenly burst into smoke, revealing the blushing and bound Hinata with fear-filled eyes while Anko's clone had her in her lap, leaning the girl's back on her chest while her hand was under Hinata's jacket, fondling the girl's left breast.
Hinata didn't know what to do. She felt... odd. On one hand, the things Anko did to her chest were very... amazing and felt good. She didn't want her to stop. On the other hand, she just witnessed herself dying in a very cruel manner by the hand of the woman who was currently fondling her chest. That naturally drove the fear of God into the girl's mind. She couldn't even muster the courage to give a meager protest against the way Anko's clone treated her.
"Do you know what you did wrong?" Anko asked Naruto and Sasuke, causing them to feel as if a bucket of ice-cold water was poured on them when they finally realized it was all just an illusion and Hinata was still alive.
Obviously, neither of the boys had any idea why their asses were so thoroughly kicked and their ugly expressions showed it.
Sighing, Anko decided to enlighten them, "Your eyes are fucking faulty, that's what!" She gave an intense meaningful look at the Uchiha who stopped short when his brain realized what she just said.
Sasuke... blushed beet red when he finally realized that he didn't even activate his Sharingan for this fight. He was so caught up in the moment that he totally forgot. Too worried for Hinata that it never even occurred to him.
"And you!" Anko redirected her gaze to Naruto who gave her an unsure sheepish grin and waited for his 'judgment', "No ramen for you for a month if you don't tell me what you did wrong in five seconds!"
Naruto's grin disappeared as if in a flash as the consequences of failure dawned on him and his face revealed even bigger horror than when Hinata supposedly died.
'Shit, shit, shit!' His mind worked overtime. 'Shit, shit, shit!'
"One... Two... Three..." Anko started the countdown while Naruto was outwardly panicking, sweat streaming down his forehead and his eyes wide in disbelief at his predicament, "Four... Fi-"
"SENSING!" Naruto screamed in desperation, "I FAILED TO SENSE YOU, ANKO-SENSEI!"
Anko silently stared at the gasping blonde who stared at her with intense worry, hoping he was correct. When she didn't say anything, Naruto was becoming more and more agitated, gulping hard and fidgeting.
Only after ten more seconds did Anko finally nod her head, "Correct. You idiot are one of the natural sensors in the village, yet, you didn't notice that 'Hinata' was just an illusion. How dense must you be for that to happen? No ramen for you this week and that's final!" Anko's words fell on Naruto like lightning from the sky.
Naruto was aware he messed up. He was so worried for Hinata he never even considered the possibility that what his eyes perceived was not real. In hindsight, he should have known better after training under Anko for years. But... no ramen for an entire week!? Wasn't that just Anko being unreasonably cruel for the sake of being cruel!? His religion was at stake here! He gotta do something!
"And no complaining or I will change it to a month." Anko added and Naruto suddenly decided that a week-long break sounded good. The Food of Gods could wait that long for its most ardent worshipper. It wasn't smart to tempt the devil Dango blasphemer and get his access to ramen cut for longer...
Nobody could say Naruto didn't learn when to be quiet under Anko's tutelage.
"And then we have the perverted peeker girl." The real Anko turned towards Hinata who was still being given the groping of her young life by the clone Anko. "I am sure you know what you did wrong. Tell us." She beckoned.
Hinata was half-mortified because she indeed knew what Anko wanted from her. Saying it, however... It was embarrassing! Knowing what is good for her, Hinata ducked her head and decided to obey. "I... I didn't peeeeeek!" She started and then squeaked in a high voice when the clone Anko licked her neck mid-speech, causing the girl to blush from head to toes.
"Yes... with how much you use your Byakugan to look at what's in the boys' pants, I thought you would be the first to notice me." Anko remarked in disappointment, mischievously smiling when she saw the two boys give Hinata astonished but bashful looks.
"I-... I-... I do-... I don't do THAT!" Hinata screamed in an embarrassed stutter as her delicate Hyuuga sensibilities were offended enough for her to momentarily even ignore the clone Anko's antics.
"And you can prove that... how?" Anko gleefully goaded, causing the mortified Hinata to go completely quiet as she had no proof. "Thought so, Princess!" Anko said in a sing-song voice.
Anko was satisfied with her handiwork here. Sasuke was berating himself for being stupid. With this embarrassing experience, Anko doubted the boy will ever forget to use his Sharingan. Naruto was properly cowed and shown his place, which meant he hopefully won't cause trouble and try to prank anyone in the following month. And Hinata was embarrassed just shy of fainting, which, from what Anko knew of the girl after she trained her for years, would motivate the girl to get better. This could be counted as a very productive hour for Anko-sensei!
'And they said I would be a horrible sensei!' Anko inwardly complained, not even realizing how close her methods were to Orochimaru's.
"You three... Ninja lesson number ONE! Just because you are in a friendly territory doesn't mean you can completely disregard vigilance. You drop your guard as a ninja only in case... NEVER!" Anko firmly stated, glaring at the three cowed genins.
Noticing that her cute little genins understood the hard lesson, Anko's mind trailed off to the last part of her team and her expression twitched.
Narrowing her eyes, Anko spoke, "Let's go. We have a lost jonin sensei to find." She commanded in a tone that clearly stated complaining would not be tolerated, causing the three genins to fearfully nod.
They realized that...
The pissed-off Anko was back.
Anko walked through the village like a woman on a mission, followed by her three cute little genins as if they were little ducklings. She knew exactly where to find her target at this hour of the day and boy was he in for a rude awakening!
Eventually, she and her entourage arrived at the place where the Memorial Stone was located, and voila, in front of it stood what Anko called a gloomy figure of average-sized white-haired perverted dipshit who liked to cover his face because he thought it was cool.
Just her luck to have him in her team...
The problem was... this bastard made her wait. Nobody was allowed to make her wait! ... Well, nobody except Tsunade-sama.
Anyway, Anko narrowed her eyes at the unsuspecting jonin who was paying his respect to the dead and the three genins behind her instantly knew there would be a bloodbath in the near future. They could only take a cautious step back, knowing this was inevitable.
Anko's expression suddenly shifted into a pleasant smile. It was so sudden the three genins felt creeped out, rather than calm though. With a spring in her step, Anko moved forward, walking towards the Memorial Stone.
She knew exactly how to solve this little issue of hers...
Kakashi Hatake stood in front of the Memorial Stone, lost in his thoughts as he reminisced of better, happier times. He, for the n-th time, asked himself why he even continued being a ninja. It was a dreadful job that took everything away from him, yet, he knew nothing else. He had nothing else. At least in ANBU, he found a semblance of home mixed with professionalism, something he desperately needed. Yet, even that small reprieve was taken from him.
Today was a big day for him. He was getting a genin team but unlike the teams he got previous years, Kakashi knew there was no refusing this one. The last Uchiha, the Hyuuga heiress, and... the son of his sensei. The last one hurt the most. He never approached Naruto, believing he had no right after he accepted the order from the Third Hokage to keep his distance. The most he could do was to watch over the boy in his capacity as a member of the ANBU. It was indeed him who took most of those missions, much to the bewilderment of his former colleagues.
He tried. He really did. He kept leaving groceries for the boy when he noticed him eating only ramen. He sneaked academy books into his apartment when he noticed the boy lacked them. He tried.
But even that was taken from him when the boy was taken in by the Senju clan. Kakashi could no longer provide even this meager support to the son of his sensei. On one hand, it relieved him that Naruto finally had someone who cared about him. On other hand, it made him depressed that he was totally cut off from the boy's life.
Alas, such was the life of Kakashi Hatake. Losing everyone who ever mattered to him.
As he was yet again drowning in his depressing thoughts, his line of sight was suddenly obstructed when, much to his surprise and horror, SOMEONE SAT ON THE MEMORIAL STONE as if it was a bar stool!
Kakashi silently lifted his disbelieving wide eye, his gaze landing on the disrespectful ingrate only to find the resident Snake Mistress grinning at him like a Cheshire cat. Honestly, as mad as he was, he was also too unnerved to voice his complaints.
"Hatake, tell me, what the heck do you think you are doing?" Anko's calm voice resounded through the clearing as she tapped the Memorial Stone with her finger.
Kakashi blinked. "Paying respect to the dead?" He smoothly replied, trying to calm the clearly incensed woman. 'Did I... possibly miss the appointed time?' He idly wondered.
Hearing him, Anko's smile did the impossible and widened even more, "Oooh~, and..." She slightly leaned forward, continuing in a sweet hushed tone, "do you think these dead fuckers care about you wasting your time in front of this stupid rock?" She asked, pushing several vases with flowers with her foot, causing them to fall over.
Kakashi visibly recoiled when he heard her question and saw her blatant disrespect to the deceased heroes of Konoha, feeling as if he was just slapped. Before he could explode in anger, however, Anko continued in a coaxing tone as if she was scolding a stupid child.
"Let me tell you a secret, then." She briefly paused, "They don't. They don't care at all. Do you know why?" Her cold narrowed eyes met the disturbed uncovered eye of Kakashi who was simply far too stunned at the audacity of this woman he couldn't even utter a word, "Because they are fucking DEAD, you dipshit!" She gleefully told him, "But do you know who cares? The living!" She started shouting, "I will not have my time wasted by you. Do you understand, Hatake!?" She firmly stated, fully releasing her killing intent.
Kakashi took a step back and gulped. He would never have thought somebody other than Kushina could be so... so... so damn frightening!
Seeing the white-haired bastard was properly cowed, yet still silent, Anko decided to stop releasing her killing intent and push his buttons some more. "Oh, I heard the stories." She tapped the Memorial Stone with her heel, "Your friends, right? Ah, former friends... sorry." She said in a mocking tone before switching into a pleasant one again, "They are dead because you didn't make it on time, no?"
Now, no matter how stunned he was, Kakashi had his limits and he was starting to get pissed.
Anko continued... "Yet, what do you do now? Did you learn your lesson? Nope, you still waste time. You are still late to every damn thing." She said with obvious exasperation.
"Are you finished?" Kakashi lazily asked, giving Anko an eye-smile despite wanting nothing more than to rip her apart. No... this reaction would make her infinitely angrier.
Contrary to his expectations, Anko didn't get mad. Tilting her head, she peered at him as if he was some kind of curious specimen, the same kind of look he received from Orochimaru when he met him during one of his missions. It made Kakashi inwardly shudder.
"No. Not by a long shot." Anko chuckled, "I can't even put into words how disappointed the Fourth Hokage would be. I mean... the guy was an idiot," Naruto barely grit his teeth, wanting to complain and Kakashi did his best not to pull out a kunai and jump at her while she just continued without a care in the world, "but one would wonder what did he actually teach you if you can't even be on time. Well, I guess his death was a happy occasion for Konoha if you are supposed to be the result of his efforts. Damn the guy must have been incompetent!"
As soon as she said that, Anko twisted her body with a smirk upon her face, evading the shurikens Kakashi threw at her, all aimed at lethal spots.
"Oh, you are on." Kakashi growled, knowing she was goading him but she went way past his limits and verbally hit where it counted most for him. There was no other way in his mind than to show her she could not say whatever she wanted.
Anko just lifted her eyebrow at him, clear amusement written in her expression, "Unable to contain his anger too... what a disappointment." She exaggeratedly sighed before turning to the three genins standing a bit away, "You guys go and stand on the edge of this clearing. This will be your first opportunity to witness a fight between high-ranked ninjas." She ordered before turning back towards Kakashi with an excited smile on her face, "Or at least... a fight between an amazing and superb kunoichi and a supposedly high-ranking slacker."
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