"But..." Shikaku reluctantly started again. There were many faults with Team Seven. So many he wouldn't mind reshuffling all of the teams if it got rid of these incoming problems. "Putting the Kyuubi jinchuuriki, the heir to the Uchiha clan, and the heiress to the Hyuuga clan on one team is..." Shikaku grimaced.
Team Seven was a political team. It wouldn't be bad if there were just two of them, paired with a civilian-born but all three...
People in high positions usually liked to look a bit into the future and if Team Seven was formed like this, there was a high chance they would eventually become friends. Which, in turn, would create a strong political block later on when these kids grow up.
And that's where the problem laid.
Putting together Ino-Shika-Cho was fine. These clans didn't have much ambition other than keeping their current influence. They seldom tried to 'use the system' in order to get a leg up. It was also a known fact these three clans were already allied so putting them together in a team wouldn't create any future problem in the political sphere that wasn't already present.
The same could be said about the Aburame clan. They were simply far too passive for politicians and other clan heads to worry about them. It was a stupid way of thinking because Shikaku still thought the Aburame clan was one of the most dangerous clans in Konoha, both combat-wise and politically, but people simply didn't see it that way. They were too used that the Aburame just stoically sat in their place and wordlessly observed the happenings without much input.
In the team setup Shikaku previously made, he planned to pair Hinata, Kiba, and Shino because of that reason. Shino was the Aburame her. Kiba was an Inuzuka, and they were far too brash and not exactly clever so nobody took them all that seriously. Plus he was not the heir which meant even if he got along with his team, there would be no extremely strong political alliance later on.
The only issue with that setup was Hinata Hyuuga who would almost certainly become a big political figure in the future. Then again, two heirs, where one was from a clan that didn't have that much influence... that was the limit for Shikaku.
But Team Seven as Tsunade envisioned it?
That was a political disaster just waiting to happen.
Sasuke Uchiha, the last loyal Uchiha, the heir to the Uchiha 'clan', might have lost a lot of influence considering his own clan was non-existent anymore but the kid was now a part of the top five wealthiest people in Konoha since every account previously belonging to an Uchiha now belonged to the kid. He also had a clan library full of Jutsu for himself...
Simply put, if Sasuke played his cards right and became at least Elite Jonin... he could one day be a very influential person in Konoha despite lacking the influence of a fully functioning clan.
Shikaku didn't think the Uchiha clan could quickly rise again. It would take at least fifty years for them to be sufficiently recreated and that would only be the case if Sasuke decided to be 'proactive' in that regard. God knew there were many morons in Konoha Council that would like nothing more than Sasuke becoming a sex beast focused on impregnating their daughters. Many would like to have a shot at a portion of the wealth of the kid, after all.
But the Uchiha kid was the least of Shikaku's worries. He was like Kiba... unimportant.
The real problems were Hinata Hyuuga and Naruto Uzumaki. Hinata... in Team Seven, she would have access to two heirs who will, later on, become influential. Coupled with the Hyuuga clan's influence, Shikaku could already see some of the smarter councilmen having a problem with this setup.
As for Naruto... people knew only that he is a jinchuuriki and that he is recognized as a part of the Senju clan.
Being a jinchuuriki, that alone would make him a focus of higher-ups. Shikaku was supremely glad nobody knew the kid was the heir to the Uzumaki clan and the son of the Fourth. How nobody put two and two together, he would never know. But... this stupidity of Konoha's citizens was certainly convenient.
If people found out the real political weight Naruto will one day carry... Shikaku had no doubt they would stop at nothing in order to prevent his placement on the team with Hyuuga princess and Uchiha heir. Together, these three could create a political block that would totally suppress anybody who didn't agree with them.
Shikaku glanced at Tsunade, 'And all three of them are under the tutelage of Anko Mitarashi who is the apprentice to Tsunade.' He inwardly cringed. 'God am I glad that the Nara clan is allied to the Senju clan. If people had any idea what kind of frightening political moves this blond menace is casually throwing around, I wouldn't be surprised if the Konoha's clans tried to pull the Uchiha move on us and all rebelled.' He dryly thought.
Sure, since Tsunade became the Daimyo, the influential people in Konoha lost quite a bit of their pull but Tsunade made sure to leave a lot of influence in their hands to keep them satisfied.
Clans and councilors loved their influence. The formation of a political block that could suppress them to a degree where they wouldn't be able to take a shit without permission was something they would surely take offense at. Yet, Tsunade was seemingly doing exactly that, with no one the wiser.
'Senju, Uzumaki, Uchiha, Hyuuga, Nara, and through my clan, she also gets the Yamanaka and Akimichi... I have no doubt she could get the Aburame clan on board too if she tried.' Shikaku thought with a suppressed shudder at the political web the woman was slowly creating.
"What? Would you like it better if I put Haruno in there instead of Hyuuga?" Tsunade asked with no small measure of sarcasm in her tone, pulling Shikaku out of his thoughts.
His eyebrows instantly furrowed when he heard her question but his real reason was a short choking session as his spit got caught in his throat.
"Hell no!" Shikaku exclaimed as he finally managed to stop choking, "Right now, we are dealing with a political disaster. Swapping Hinata for Haruno is a totally new kind of catastrophe." He snorted, "Now I worry about the reactions of the clan heads and the politicians you so magnanimously allowed to keep their influence. If Haruno was a part of Team Seven, however, I would have to worry about their life expectancy. I will take political worries rather than that any day of the week, you troublesome blonde." He replied indignantly despite knowing he couldn't put Haruno in that team anyway.
Tsunade created many programs for the academy and Haruno Sakura ended in one of them. The girl had superb chakra control but other than that, she was useless. That was mostly because of her naivety and kiddy fantasies but still... She was not cut out to be a kunoichi. Not unless she grew up a bit. Putting her in Team Seven, a team that will undoubtedly be an assault-focused team would have been a seppuku-worthy mistake.
As such, the girl ended up in the medical program, and once she graduated, she would be an apprentice under one of the medic ninjas in Konoha's hospital. She would be in a safe environment, contributing to the village by doing things she had a talent for.
"Thought so." Tsunade smugly said, "In that case, what the heck are you still complaining about? Team Seven will be as I said it will be. Stop trying to change my mind, Shikaku. We," She glanced at the sheepish Yoshino, "all know that you just want to talk me out of it because you are too lazy." She rolled her eyes and gestured at him to continue with the teams before taking a sip from her tea.
"Next we have the Ino-Shika-Cho trio." Shikaku stated with open fondness as he mentioned the team his kid would be joining, making even Yoshino break her professional demeanor and smile a bit. "If it was previously, I would have protested but now..." Shikaku trailed off.
He still remembered how lazy his own son was when he was a kid. Since Shikamaru was six, Shikaku could see that putting him, Ino, and Choji together would not improve them as a unit as it happened for him, Inoichi, and Choza. The personalities of their kids were simply far too... alike.
Shikamaru was lazy, resulting in the lack of motivation to even attempt to get better at the necessary things. Choji didn't want to hurt a fly, resulting in the very same thing as Shikamaru, and Ino...
Ino might have seemed to be an exuberant and active girl that loved to tackle problems head-on and could motivate both Choji and Shikamaru into doing their best but Shikaku met the girl almost every other week during the Ino-Shika-Cho clan gatherings.
The girl had no interest in being a kunoichi whatsoever. She simply wasn't raised to want to be a kunoichi. Inoichi spoiled her far too much. The girl also didn't have a reality check that is usually delivered to clan children. Shikamaru was putting down old and sick deers since he was six and Shikaku knew that Choza also had Choji kill pigs since that age to start teaching him about the importance of life and prepare him for the harsh realities of ninja life.
Ino didn't have that. But... Shikaku couldn't really fault him much. He also spoiled Ino quite a lot, not wanting to see these innocent blue eyes to peer at the cruel side of the world. Shikaku, however, knew that he couldn't shield the girl from it forever. Then again, she was not his daughter, therefore, not his problem.
It was exactly this upbringing that destroyed any synergy between Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji. Ino, who was supposed to be the glue and motivator of the team, simply lacked motivation herself, therefore was unable to properly motivate Shikamaru and Choji. When she tried to get them to do something, she mostly irritated them with her high-pitched voice and bossy attitude rather than using her Yamanaka subtle emotional bullying to manipulate them like the previous Yamanaka's in the Ino-Shika-Cho trio did.
This resulted in the three children kinda drifting apart during their younger years. Ino became Sasuke's fangirl, befriending other girls in the academy while Shikamaru hanged out mostly with Choji, separating themselves from their classmates.
When their kids were nine, Inoichi, Shikaku, and Choza were already prepared to break the tradition and not make the Ino-Shika-Cho team out of them.
Fortunately, Tsunade's reforms in the academy straightened the kids out, much to the pleasure of their parents. Shikaku couldn't help but be immensely grateful for that. Raising a ninja was hard. Moreso for the parent rather than for the child. Children had a miraculous ability to adapt but no parent liked to see their child suffer the adaptation process. Or so, Shikaku would like to believe, despite knowing he was wrong.
Neither Choza, Inoichi, or him, had the necessary predisposition to push their children hard enough to make them excel. Shikaku didn't want to see Shikamaru crying tears of blood due to their special clan training for kids. Not when he knew how it felt since his own father put him through it.
At that time, Shikaku resented his father for quite a bit of time but when he grew up, he realized it was precisely that training that helped him to survive the Third Ninja War. But that was a different time. A time of unease and war. Now that peace was here, Shikaku was hesitant to make Shikamaru go through the same experience.
Choza was much the same. Shikaku could still remember how Choza was walking with his body constantly riddled with black and blue bruises, getting new ones every day. Shikaku doubted Choza wanted to make Choji go through that training. The Akimichi clan's early training was pure physical hell.
As for Inoichi... he was blessed and cursed at the same time. He had a girl. Shikaku couldn't even imagine how hard it was on Inoichi. How could he make his princess go through the necessary suffering?
All three of them were in a bind and in the end, they decided to not make their kids go through their own experiences.
But then, Tsunade reformed the academy, doing their job for them when it came to training the kids. Shikaku doubted that most of the kids even noticed that their exercises were getting more and more demanding as the learning curve was not all that steep. The fast pace of exercises made up for that and so, the graduating class was actually already at least genin-level according to the previous standards while the kids got the necessary habits for ninjas. Habits like the need for self-improvement.
Hence, Team Ino-Shika-Cho was a go.
Shikaku's lips suddenly turned into a frown, "I actually received a request from Asuma Sarutobi for the Ino-Shika-Cho team but I refused. That guy is lazy as heck and I am afraid the kids could relapse back into their old habits under his watch."
It was a shame too, in Shikaku's opinion. Asuma was one of the Elite Jonins of the village and was a very talented man. The problem was he simply didn't want to put in more effort than strictly necessary. Shikaku could already deduce what would have happened with his and his friends' kids under Asuma's tutelage. They would simply get lazy again, noticing Asuma's habit of taking things easy.
The problem with that was... Asuma already achieved the necessary strength threshold and only had to maintain his body fit. The kids, however, needed a lot of work to get to that point, and being lazy now could prevent them from reaching their potential later on.
Hearing about Asuma, Tsunade inwardly groaned. Asuma and Shizune married a year ago... not a happy occasion for Tsunade as she still didn't like the young Sarutobi. But... she relented and blessed their union as Shizune's mentor.
What else could she have done?
It was either grit her teeth and let her young apprentice do whatever foolish thing she wanted or distancing herself from Shizune even more than they already were. Tsunade simply chose to let Shizune make her own choices.
Surprisingly, Asuma was shaping up to be quite a good husband, much to Tsunade's ire.
She still didn't like him though...
At least her newest apprentice, Kurenai, was averted from the dark side and persuaded that Asuma was not as 'cool' as she always thought. But damn if that didn't take a lot of subtle manipulations.
"Who is getting this team?" Tsunade asked in an attempt to change the topic and distract herself from thinking about Asuma.
"Yugao Uzuki. I pulled her out of ANBU just for this." Shikaku answered with a tired sigh. It took him quite a lot of persuasion to make Yugao accept. That meant Ino-Shika-Cho will still get their genin test from their Jonin teacher but unknown to them, they would pass no matter what, and then... welcome to hell. "They might not focus on kenjutsu but I think a watered-down ANBU style training would do them good considering the Ino-Shika-Cho specialty."
"I see... Yugao must have been happy. Training the Hokage's son is quite an honor." Tsunade offhandedly remarked, doing it more to annoy Shikaku because she knew that the woman would vehemently protest being separated from her lover, Hayate.
Shikaku didn't deem that remark with a reply, knowing it was smarter to be quiet as he remembered the passive anger seeping out of Yugao as he gave her her new orders.
"You want me to train some spoiled lazy gits?" ... Was her cold reaction.
To be fair, Shikamaru was not... that spoiled. At least Shikaku would like to believe that but then he remembered how other clan kids were trained during their youth...
"Anyway, let's move on..."
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