Rei watched as Pakura clad in a sandy-yellow tight-fitting kimono that highlighted her curves well, stepped through the portal into his dimension. This was the first time he ever saw any kind of make-up on her face and he had to admit, the woman was gorgeous. Her lips glistened with pink lipstick, adding a cute vibe to her usual strictness. A bit of dark green eye-shadow went incredibly well with her hair and highlighted her eyes nicely. Her hair was completely let free compared to her usual bun held by a senbon but it was obvious that Pakura spent quite a lot of time making her hair slightly wavy and appear so silky.
Rei was firstly baffled when she requested to be dressed according to Wind Country wedding customs for this day. "I am giving myself completely to you. Naturally, I want to look my best!" She said and to that, Rei had no valid argument. He was simply happy Tsunade or Ringo revealed their feelings on the matter because Rei knew that since Pakura pointed it out, they were miffed for days that their bonding was not perfect because they didn't get to wear wedding dresses.
And then Rei saw his other girls step in and his jaw dropped as he understood why they never revealed their dissatisfaction.
Here he was, clad in a totally laid-back baggy bright green shirt he wore on Sundays and comfortable black pants, looking like a crazy village bum while all of his five girls looked gorgeous beyond belief. There was obviously something he was not told!
Konan had an expensive-looking Levander kimono that blended with her blue shoulder-length hair decorated by a blue origami rose of a lighter shade, marvelously complementing her clothing and hair color. Her mischievous smile clearly betrayed whose idea this dressing up was. Somehow, Rei couldn't find it in himself to be angry at those lascivious light-blue lips she was lightly biting in invitation. Adding Konan's almost sparkling big amber eyes full of happiness... yeah, Rei never had a chance, did he?
Tsunade opted for green haori ending a bit above her knees with an intricate leaf pattern all over it and her hair was all in two blond pigtails lying on her chest, reaching her lower abdomen. It was obvious the piece of clothing was dear to her heart since it didn't exactly look new but was still well-cared for. Rei quickly put two and two together and realized this was the attire in which, according to Tsunade's stories, her grandmother Mito appeared at her wedding. Rei softly smiled at his sentimental medic, getting a content grin in return.
Mei... Rei spotted she really grew up well. Instead of a kimono, she had the tailors of Uzushio create her a 'western' dress. Rei could only wryly smile. He described it one damn time and the girl became as if infatuated with the idea. There she stood, in azure light dress ending a bit below her knees, her plentiful red locks all flowing over her also almost reaching her knees. Oh, how Rei loved her silky crimson long hair... In Rei's old world, this would in no way count as something on par with what his other girls wore, at least from a symbolic point of view. Here though? It looked well and fit Mei's personality well. Simple but daring. Not that Rei would ever say that out loud.
And lastly, Ringo. His little swordsman had a black kimono dress with a flowery pattern that went very well with her red hair which was freely flowing down her back with two bangs covering the sides of her faces, reaching her chest. Surprisingly, her hair was decorated with small braids and two hairpins resembling a black butterfly were preventing the bangs from coming into her face. Needless to say, this was actually the very first time he saw Ringo dressed up so beautifully and Rei made sure to carefully store this memory into his mind. After all, with her personality, it very well might be the last time.
Konan was the first one to approach, mostly because of some sense of seniority the girls decided among themselves. Konan was supposedly the 'leader' while Tsunade was her substitute whereas others were on the same level in the pecking order. Rei was just glad his girls didn't fight for something as senseless as a 'better' position and were content with how things were right now as he had no intentions of treating one of them better than others.
"I see you didn't get the news." Konan stated when she saw Rei's lazy attire. If they didn't know each other, it could come across as insulting. They spent hours to make themselves look gorgeous for him and here he stood, in his most casual baggy clothes.
Fortunately for Rei, his girls were fast to the uptake and instantly turned towards Mei who was supposed to inform Rei. Konan raised her eyebrow, Pakura slightly glared, Tsunade was amused, and Ringo... well, she didn't turn to Mei, and instead her eyes trailed over Rei while she licked her lips.
"What?" Mei crossly asked, "Don't look at me like that! Does it even matter if he knows we want to make this into a sort of a wedding night? So what if he isn't dressed up?" She pointed at Rei in a dismissive manner, "I personally love the moments when we are rolling in the sack the most... when we are completely naked. I care not what he wears and I know that neither of you wouldn't really mind if he was naked either so where is the problem?" She defensively stated and Rei had to fight his urge to take a step back from how weirded out he was at this opinion of hers.
'Wait...' His eyes slightly widened as he saw the other four girls turn to him, 'don't look at me like that... No, no, no. Stop with that understanding gleam of sudden realization in your eyes!' He took a step back at their hungry stares and hotly added, "Oi!"
"What? She is totally right." Tsunade uncaringly shrugged, causing the girls to snicker and giggle.
Rei could only wearily shake his head, not even realizing he was slightly smiling. After all, deep down, he had the same opinion. These dresses were nice and all but he wouldn't overly mind if they were naked in front of him. But he also knew the girls wanted to dress up and show themselves to him so he kept quiet and enjoyed the sights.
"Let's just... start, okay?"
No matter how tired of the situation Rei acted, the girls spent a lot of time with him so there was no deceiving them. Especially not when he really couldn't help himself and take more than a few appreciative side-glances all over them.
Happy with themselves, the six people decided to proceed with the main event. The bonding ceremony for Pakura.
Soon enough, Pakura found herself in Rei's embrace as they stood in the middle of the sealing array while the other four girls encircled them, standing in their own designated places. Bonding six people to each other with one main bond between Rei and Pakura, and multiple secondary bonds to the girls was no joke so Rei had to spend two days re-creating the process to make it safe.
The girls started to feed their chakra into the seals, causing them to slightly light up and Rei, knowing Pakura deserved this to be a happy memory, in that precise moment where they were bonded, leaned forward, placing a gentle loving kiss onto the surprised woman, causing her to melt in his embrace.
Just like that, the bonding was finished. Outwardly not very impressive but inwardly... a lot has changed.
The group decided to take the next few days off from their work and spend them together in Rei's dimension, just lazing around, making out, and having sex, completely carefree and without any work or worry. It really reminded Rei of the dream he had in his previous world. He wanted to be rich, carefree, and have a loving wife. He was always a bit lazy. And yet... here he was, putting so much effort into building his own village and getting stronger when he could just shut himself and his girls in his dimension for a few centuries, focusing on indulging in carnal desires and basking in the warm feeling of being loved. There was nothing he needed anymore.
But he couldn't really do that, could he? Tsunade, Pakura, and even Ringo had a few people or at the very least sentiments in that world and they would be sad if they were killed or destroyed. In the end, Rei didn't want his girls sad. Hence, he decided to solve the threat of the Otsutsuki clan once and for all. 'Baby steps. One thing at the time.' Rei mentally hummed.
It was at the picnic two days after the bonding that Pakure timidly raised the important question.
"So... can I consider you my husband now?" Her nervousness was almost visible as she asked that while subconsciously fidgeting.
The whole meadow suddenly grew deadly silent as five pairs of eyes intently locked onto Rei who blankly blinked as he opened his mouth but his mind refused to supply him with an appropriate answer.
The mood of the girls soured when even after a few seconds they didn't get a positive answer. Fortunately, Rei slowly nodded and finally found words.
"I... guess?" Rei unsurely agreed, causing the girls to happily beam at him but their eyes still held some concern at how lackluster the answer sounded. Rei, not seeing that, continued, "I have no idea, to be honest. Well, in Uzushio and my Other-sided Village, we can consider being as good as married. I frankly always considered those bonded to me as my wives. I simply do not know if from the legal point of view we can be considered married since there was no official wedding." He explained.
Hearing that, Tsunade quickly added her opinion, "It doesn't matter."
Pakura nodded, "Only weddings between nobles, Daimyos, or important people in shinobi villages are recorded. A wedding between peasants is not and the only proof is a scrap of paper they receive that proves that yes, they are married. There is also no way to access a record of a wedding from Suna.. say, in Konoha. The countries do not share these things so as long as somebody says he is married, you can either believe him or not as there is no real proof." She said.
"Well," Rei smiled. He never really paid attention to these things so he had no idea. Good thing his gi-, ahem, wives did so he won't have to waste time researching. "then I guess I have no other option than to graciously give you the title of my wives and shower you with all love I am capable of, the opinion of others be damned." He sagaciously nodded.
"Damn straight." Five sweet womanly voices rang through the meadow at once.
Rei and his wives were in the middle of their vacation when Rei decided it was time to finally perform the second reason why he wanted them in his dimension. After all, he finally finished his little bijuu project.
Rei led the girls into a room containing a massive sealing matrix spreading through the roof, walls, and concentrating on the floor where six circles with the exact same distance between them were inscribed.
"Each of us will sit in one of these circles." Rei informed them after seeing the curious looks they were shooting the sealing matrix. None of them ever saw so many seals concentrated on such a little place. Even Tsunade who had the most knowledge about sealing among the women knew that this should, by all means, result in one massive explosion after the seals start to interact with each other. Suddenly, a realization flashed through their heads.
"This is why you limited our access to the Dimension! You were testing this, weren't you?" Konan asked but her admonishing tone clearly conveyed there was no need for an answer.
Rei could almost see the mouths of his wives opening as thoughts were flashing through their eyes that glared at him worriedly. He had to act fast and say something or be bombarded by angry verbal spanking from five women who felt wronged. 'Dear me...' Rei bitterly thought.
"Yes... Now, I won't doubt your intelligence by lying and saying I used clones for it. We all know there is no way of using only clones for something like this." Rei hurriedly started. His remark thankfully stopped the incoming nagging but it was obvious the storm didn't pass yet. "I had to oversee it myself and..."
"How many?" Tsunade interrupted in a quiet tone and a deathly silence descended on the group. She raised her and glared at Rei before seeing he was reluctant to answer. "How many near-death experiences did it take for you to succeed?" She repeated her question and crossed her hands under her blossom in a displeased manner.
The other four also didn't look very pleased with Rei at the moment. Even Mei understood the implication of what exactly Rei had to do to create the sealing matrix. Such a thing would be extremely explosion-happy and accident-prone. In order to oversee it, Rei would have to be close to it. And since not much of the Dimension was damaged, Rei most likely cut the parts the matrix was located in off from the rest of the dimension, creating a smaller sub-dimension. That only meant Rei was most of his time in the recent years trapped in a small sub-dimension with a very explosive sealing matrix that could most likely go off into the air like a blasted bijuu-dama any moment of a day just because two strokes in a kanji disagreed with each other.
Oh yes, Rei's wives were not having a good time imagining that kind of situation.
Rei awkwardly scratched the back of his head as he wryly smiled at his girls. He had no idea how to appease them so he went with, "Eh, don't worry about the number too much... at least it gave me practice for some defensive Jutsu. I can now say with utmost certainty that even bijuu-dama would be hard-pressed to kill me!" He exclaimed.
Alas, instead of the relieved look he was expecting, the five women in front of him only deepened their glares.
'That was a bad thing to say, wasn't it?' Rei idly thought before the screaming began.
Five hours. That's how long it took for the five women to calm down. Never in his dreams would Rei think Konan could be so loud. Honestly, he wasn't an idiot and knew this would be their reaction. Being ninja meant getting better at reading people and he frankly expected Tsunade to plummet him to the ground for this. Researching the sealing matrix was veritable suicide. Thankfully, Tsunade only screamed her frustrations at him until her throat was hoarse and then clung to him as if her life depended on it. In a way, that was way worse than punching him with her super-strength because it really conveyed how hurt she was and it certainly made Rei feel bad.
Closed-off small sub-dimension going off in one massive explosion... yeah, Rei actually had to spend half-year inventing seals capable of keeping him alive from that before he even started with the real work. Of course, that was after he was almost blown to smithereens due to the first failed attempt... not that he would mention that to his girls anytime soon.
Rei made sure to blurt it out like that because that way, he expected the least damage. He naturally knew the second his girls saw the room with the matrix, the lightbulb would go off in their heads and they would instantly understand what it meant.
If Rei actually shared the method he was using to invent the sealing matrix for creating artificial bijuu, he was sure that he would find himself prevented in any way possible from continuing. Hence, he kept the method secret. He could only thank gods none of his girls knew enough of sealing to guess the process and how explosive it was without actually seeing the matrix.
Fortunately, the five women now reluctantly sat in five of the circles while Rei took the sixth.
"Remember to follow the steps." Rei reminded them one last time, getting a few eye-rolls in return which prompted him to smile. He trusted each of them too much to believe they could ever botch it up.
Pushing a wisp of his chakra into the starting sequence, the sealing 'ritual' began.
Tsunade was pissed. Knowing her husband was trying to perform suicide for years made her almost tear up from the sheer rage. She simply didn't understand why this was even necessary. Weren't they already strong enough? Surely, even her grandfather would have problems facing them now. And yet, Rei still wanted to give them an edge. For what?
As she sat in one of the six circles, she decided to get answers to these questions. Suddenly, the runes started to glow slowly bright blue as chakra traveled through them and Tsunade could clearly feel it. The nature energy of the dimension started to be sucked into the small building where they were currently in, storing itself into the seals around the circles they sat in. The whole process was almost fascinating for Tsunade. She heard from Konan how it felt to create the Dimension but this...
Her whole being was filled with euphoria as her senses were being bathed in an ocean of soothing nature energy, engulfing her in its entirety. Winds picked up despite them being indoors, chakra started leaking from their bodies into the seals without them even having to do anything. It was all very calming but despite feeling elated, Tsunade knew better. She was the medic ninja of the group and well aware the seals completely shut off the feeling of pain in their bodies. She mentally shuddered at thinking how painful this would be without that. The seals that leaked chakra would most likely set every nerve ending on fire.
The nature energy and the chakra were furiously smashing into each other, the seals slowly taming them and molding them into something else after the energies merged.
The first five minutes were pure bliss.
The next fifteen minutes were still very enjoyable but worry started to seep into Tsunade's mind.
It was however the last forty minutes that had her frowning when the chakra didn't stop leaking. Naturally, as someone who almost died from such a leakage, Tsunade was scared witless when her chakra levels hit 20% full. Since Rei bonded to her, saving her life, she never once went under fifty percent of her full reserves. One could say she had an almost hysterical fear of being low on chakra and this situation was not helping her mental state... not at all.
Inwardly freaking out, Tsunade trembled as even more chakra left her. She shared this worry of hers with her new family but now... she regretted it. Rei would certainly not make this matrix if she did. Tsunade wanted to curl into a ball and start whimpering.
And then, she heard Rei's voice, "Now! Imbue the secondary consciousness!"
Cold calm swept her shaken mental state, and as if in reflex, Tsunade used the technique derived from shadow cloning Rei taught her, to create a secondary consciousness and imbued it into the chakra/nature energy construct in front of her.
With that... her mind grew numb and Tsunade felt as if somebody hit her head with one of her super-powered punches sans the pain. Disoriented, she felt her head spinning and her senses going haywire. For a second, Tsunade thought she was feeling things from two different perspectives and it was beyond weird but when she was about to focus on this feeling, she was dragged into her own mind, her head snapping back as if slapped.
Shaking herself from the surreal experience... Tsunade saw it. In front of her, a small fox with blond fur resembling her hair was sitting and wagging her tail while confusedly looking at her.
Anf Tsunade could feel her chakra again. Her full reserves. Of which, 90% were currently cutely yipping at her. Her own chakra... alive.
Speechless... didn't give her current state any justice.
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